Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Wild, Weird, and Worlds ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay, everyone, this is the end of the first fifteen chapter arc of this story and it has been quite a ride so far. With the start of this chapter, you must be thinking: Wait! You have Suguha/Sailor Celestial as a half-Lunarian and half-Earthling and now, you turned into a half-vampire?! And yes, it is part of the ‘main storyline’ as you may or may not have already read. With my Sailor Moon Online stories and timelines, they are ever ‘evolving’. I already have the basic ‘main plot’ for both storylines, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking of brand new ideas for them. I know that this is getting real old after fifteen chapters of this, but I have to say, yet again, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. I would like to give thanks and credit to Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, including this author’s Dawn of Chaos story, and LazerWulf for giving me permission to use the idea for their version of Sailor Charon, namely the fact that she is Sailor Pluto’s sister among other things. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Dragonball Z/GT, Star Wars, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, Monster Musume, Karin/Chibi Vampire, 12 Beast, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 15: Wild, Weird, and Worlds


July 19, 2025, Unknown location


Somewhere within Japan, we return to the mysterious seemly abandoned old house where we find the young girl with long silver hair and Gothic Lolita clothing clutching a creepy doll in her hands with another person.


This person looks to be a young man of about 21 years of age with short blue hair, golden eyes, elf-like ears, and dressed like a ‘playboy’.


The young man says, “Well, this is interesting Anju.”


The young girl responds, “It is and this might prove useful to us, big brother.”


The young man asks, “How so?”


The young girl responds, “She is a Sailor Scout and the Sailor Soldier of Reality. You should that means that she has incredible powers, Ren.”


The doll in the young girl’s hands shouts out, “Yeah, playboy! That means that she could help your failure of a sister at least partially become a real vampire!”


The young man says, “That’s a good point.”


The young girl says, “However, we need to wait until she is alone. We are dealing with the Sailor Scouts and one of them knows us big brother.”


The doll yells out, “Namely that time guardian gal!”


The young man says, with a smirk, “I have to admit that she is quite the MILF and being stuck with that kind of job can produce quite a bit a stress…”


The doll shouts out, “Hey, stupid! She’s a Sailor Scout and try to get in her skirt, you won’t be much of a man anymore!”


The young man tells the young girl, “Anju, tell that stupid doll of yours to calm it.”


The young girl, Anju, responds, plainly, “Boogie-kun has a point, Ren. A Sailor Scout like her isn’t easily ‘charmed’ and she will turn you to ashes.”


The young man, Ren, responds, with a snort, “Whatever.”


Anju then says, “I don’t think Celestial is also the one to be charmed. She is a fighter.”


Ren says, with a smirk, “We’ll see about that.” Ren then takes off from the room and the doll moves on its own to look at Anju.


The doll says, “Romeo is going to get himself killed by that girl.” Anju looks at the doll with a seemly impassive look and the doll says, in a panicky voice, “I’m just saying Anju.”


Anju responds, stoically, “Point taken, Boogie-kun. However, Celestial isn’t the only one that I’m interested in.”


The doll, Boogie, asks, confused, “Huh?” Anju, who has remained stoic through the conversation with Ren and Boogie until now, has her lips twist into a small smile.


July 20, 2025, Neo Domino City


Within Neo Domino City, we are in Yusei’s current residences within the Tops area where everyone that was present for the Shadow Game between Suguha and Camula, minus Camula and Tsuki, in the Kaiba Dome is gathered around Suguha as she groans as she slowly wakes up in a sitting position in a bed.


Suguha asks, holding her head and groggy in her tone, “What hit me?”


Yolei says, “Probably Camula and her Shadow Duel with you, Suguha.” Suguha gives a confused look and she then remembers her Shadow Game with Camula the female vampire up to a certain point causing her to gasp.


Suguha yells out, “Wait! The duel! What happened?”


Mimi asks, “You don’t remember what happened?”


Suguha responds, shaking her head, “No, I don’t. I remember getting bit by those Vampire Lords due to her Shadow Magic or whatever and everything goes blank…No, red.” Suguha asks, “What happened? Are Luna and Tea…?”


Luna and Tea step forward and Luna says, “We’re okay, Suguha.”


Suguha asks, curiously, “Since you’re okay, does that mean that I won?”


Serena says, nervously, “You did.”


Asuna asks, nervously, “Do you remember how?”


Suguha gives them a nervous look and Suguha says, nervously, “Okay, you are scaring me.” Suguha says, really nervous in expression, “What happened to me? What did I do?”

Naruto says, nervously, “Well…”


Amara says, as Michelle hands Suguha her Aqua Mirror, “Your new ‘shiners’ should tell the tale.” Suguha takes the Aqua Mirror and she gasps in pure horror as she sees that her canines have become elongated into fangs causing her to the drop the mirror onto the bed.


Suguha says, pure fear in her voice, “Oh, Kami…No…Please no…No…it can’t be…” Suguha then starts to breathe rapidly as pure fear and panic is in her expression.


Kazuto grabbing onto one of Suguha’s arms and he says, “Sugu, please calm down!”


Suguha yells out, in a pure panic, “Don’t touch me!” Suguha then slaps Kazuto’s arms and she gasps to realize what she just did in which she then starts to shed tears and cry.


Rika says, “Well, you just made your sister cry.”


Kazuto says, “Hey!”


Keiko asks, concerned, “What’s happening to you, Suguha?”


Suguha screams out, holding her arms in front of her face, “Don’t look at me!”


Kiba says, “Kind of too late for that. Everyone saw your fangs and your blood red eyes.”


Suguha gasps and Ino yells out, annoyed, “Way to go, Kiba!” Both Sakura and Ino bash Kiba on the head.


Kiba yells out, in protest, “I’m just saying!”


Ino tells Kiba, with a deadly glare, “Well, you didn’t have to say it like that, dog breath!”


Kiba tells Akamaru, “Buddy, I will never get women.”


Serena lowers Suguha’s arms and when Suguha looks at her, Serena tells her, “Suguha, you are my sister. I’m really concerned for you. Please tell us what you know what’s happening to you. Maybe we can find a way to help you.”


Suguha says, weakly, “You can’t…You can’t help me…I’m…I’m turning into a monster…”


Kotone asks, “A monster?”


Kazuto tells Suguha, “You can’t be turning into a monster because you aren’t a monster, Sugu! You are my sister in two lifetimes despite us not being related that way! I’m your brother and I know you, Sugu! You will never be a monster because you are one of the greatest people that I know! And despite what you think, you are a hero! You fought against Kayaba at the end of SAO and you beat him! You ended that death game and brought us home!” Suguha looks at Kazuto and he says, “Sugu, please. Tell us what’s happening to you so we can find a way to help and stop this…transformation or whatever. We need to know what you know about this. What happened to you to cause this? Maybe we can find a ‘cure’ or something!”


Trista thinks in her mind, “I’m not so sure, my prince.”


After Suguha manages to calm down enough, she says, weakly, “It happened shortly after the start of SAO…about the time that I learned the truth about our ‘family connection’…I was out a night…late getting home due to kendo…then some ‘guy’ came up to me…tried to ‘sweet talk’ me…thought that he was trying to…you know…or he owned some kind of brothel or something…so I brushed him off…but he attacked me…with incredible strength…and I found that he…he was a real vampire!”


There are gasps and Matt yells out, shocked, “A real vampire?!”


Tai asks, shocked, “You’re kidding?”


Suguha says, with a glare, “Do I look like I’m kidding? That was the start of a time that I wish to forget!” Suguha wipes her eyes, wet with tears, and she says, “He was no joke. He was the real deal. His strength was super-human. I was completely shocked and afraid. I mean, I was being attacked by a real-life vampire. A ‘thing’ that you only see in horror movies, television, and even anime and manga! I tried to throw him off-balance to escape, but he was too much for me and he…he bit me right in the neck!”


When Suguha points to her neck, there are multiple gasps and Asuna says, horrified, “Oh my…”


Suguha says, continuing with an expression of pure horror, “I could feel him sucking my blood out of me. I was so afraid. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind. Was I going to die? Even worse, I remember all those myths and legends, and wondered this: Was I going to turn into a vampire too? Was I never going to see my brother again if he got out of that horrible ‘death game’? And what about mom? Those last two thoughts then forced me to action and I gave it in which I managed to poke him in the hard enough to force him off in which I got my kendo stick. By some kind of stroke of luck, my kendo staff was made from bamboo that was dipped in a pool filled with a lot of spiritual power in which it hurt him…a lot. I ran for my life until I found a couple of police officers in which I told them that some otaku with a vampire fetish attacked me. What could I say? Would they believed me? And I also thought that if they did, would they kill me thinking that I would turn into a vampire? It may sound silly, but I was so afraid. They rushed me to the hospital where mom found me and she was so worried about me. I…I couldn’t tell her the truth. It was so unbelievable. Soon after, the bite marks on my neck faded away.”


Amara says, “However, ‘strange stuff’ started to happen to you.”


Suguha says, nodding her head, “Yes…Sunlight started to cause me to get a headache. I mean, it wasn’t burning me to death, but my head was throbbing every time that it was sunny outside. Only cloudy and rainy days that my head not beat like a drum. After that, bats start to gather around me and the weird thing is, they were listening to me. I could command bats.”


Davis says, “Okay, that’s weird.”


Rika says, with a nod, “Sorry, Suguha, but Davis is right.”


Suguha says, “No kidding, Rika.”


Ken asks Trista, “If vampires are real, is that one of their ‘special powers’?”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes, vampires have the power to command bats especially those most related them.”


Joe says, “I’m guessing the blood sucking kind like the vampire bat.”


Amara says, “Obviously, Joe.”


Trista says, “However, vampires have to ability to command all of those that fall in the biological order Chiroptera.”


Izzy says, “Basically, every single kind of bat on the planet.”


Suguha says, nervously, “Then I realized what was happening to me much to my horror. I was turning into a vampire.”


Trista says, “But that’s not possible.” When everyone looks at Trista, Trista says, “The myth that being bitten by a vampire turns you into one of their kind was created by humans to create fear for vampire kind. It is what’s known as an ‘old wives tale’. While vampires can turn humans into their kind, it isn’t as simple as that.”


Rika asks, “How do you explain Suguha’s new shiners?”


Ken asks, “And why are they only showing now?”


Cody says, looking at Suguha, “Based on what Suguha said, it is probably over two years since she was bitten.”


Mina asks, nervously, “Does that mean that you…?”


Suguha yells out, irritated, “No fucking way! I never drank anyone’s blood! Don’t be so disgusting!”


Ami asks Trista, “You mean that the myth that a victim must drink the vampire’s blood to become a vampire is true?”


Trista responds, with a nod, “Correct. And the practice has been outlawed by vampire kind since they were nearly destroyed during the late Middle Ages.”


Joe asks, confused, “Nearly destroyed?”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes, Joe. The vampire race was nearly destroyed by humankind in a great war between them and there were a few survivors in which they scattered to the ends of the Earth in which there actually a few in Japan.”


There are looks of shock and Amara asks, “And you let these vampires roam around?”


Trista says, “They haven’t upset the balance and they don’t drink blood until a person is a husk. In fact, the amount that they drink from their victims is so small that a human can replace them with their own bodies naturally in which they make sure to erase the person’s memory of the event not to start any trouble.”


Hotaru asks, “They can erase people’s minds?”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes. And I believe that it is the case of the one that attack Suguha. He believed that he was going to get a meal and erase her mind. He didn’t expect her to fight back and have a ‘weapon’ of great spiritual strength.”


Lita says, with a smirk, “Basically, he wasn’t expect to get beaten by a human girl.”


Kazuto asks, “Then explain what’s happening to my sister?”


Trista says, with a sigh, “I have a theory, but you may not like what you hear.”


Suguha asks, “What is it?”


Trista says, “It is possible that Suguha’s Earth family could have…a vampire ancestor.”


There are gasps of shock and Suguha yells out, irritated tone in her voice, “Are you kidding me?”


Trista says, “I wish that I was my princess. And this is a rare one in a thousand chance. You see, a child of a vampire and a human is known as a dhampir or also commonly known as a daywalker since unlike typical vampires, they can walk in the daylight. They have a mixture of the vampire’s strength without their weakness other than the need to ‘feed’, but not as much as a full vampire. The thing is they are also usually sterile.”


Darien asks, “You mean that they can’t have children?”


Trista says, “That’s correct, Darien.”


Cody says, “You said ‘usually sterile’.”


Trista says, with a nod, “That’s right, Cody. There have been cases where dhampirs have gain children of their own and the vampire genetics become diluted by human genetics, but it doesn’t mean that the ‘vampire gene’ doesn’t jump a few generations.”


Ami asks, curiously, “You mean atavism?”


Davis asks, confused, “At-what?”


Izzy responds, “Atavism, Davis. It means about genetic tendency to revert to ancestral type causing traits of a living being to revert to genetics of a distant ancestor.”


Trista says, with a nod, “The best theory that I have is that when Suguha was bitten, the enzymes in a vampire’s teeth, which are designed to prevent clotting of blood to allow the vampire their ‘meal’, triggered the vampire gene within Suguha’s DNA. Most likely, the effects of that caused her mainly dormant powers to react to the changes in her body. Remember, while her ‘full awakening’ happen in final battle of SAO, it was the trigger to start her powers to awaken.” Trista asks Suguha, “All of your ‘problems’ from the ‘bite’ stopped for a while, didn’t they?”


Suguha responds, with a nod, “Yeah. When I started ALO, my ‘condition’ just vanished. The sunlight didn’t hurt my head and I couldn’t control bats…”


Trista says, with a plain tone, “Your powers suppressed ‘vampire gene’ and I think that they were doing that for the whole time, but due your powers not being ‘fully awakened’ they couldn’t do it on their own. Your emotional state helped in that regard.”


Hotaru asks, “Her emotional state?”


Trista says, “Our hearts can grant us great power. Remember what happened in the Ruby Palace in SAO? Suguha’s will and heart tapped into the deeper portions of her power and she had become the first Valkyrie Sailor Soldier in millennia.”


Leo says, “I remember that! It was so incredible! She kicked butt!”


Suguha gives a slight blush of embarrassment and Luna says, with a sigh, “Oh, Leo…”


Ami says, “Basically, Suguha’s still awakening powers tried to contain the ‘vampirism’ coming out, but it only fully contained it when her heart was giving enough positive emotions that her powers were able to.”


Trista says, with a nod, “That’s my theory yes.” Trista tells Suguha, “However, the seal on it has become weaker probably because of the ever-growing darkness inside of your heart until Camula pushed you to your emotional limits causing it to break.”


Suguha says, shaking her head in disbelief, “No way! It can’t be! Are you saying that I had a ‘monster’ in me all along? It can’t be true!”


Trista tells Suguha, “Princess, it is the only theory that could come close to working based on my knowledge of vampires.”


Davis says, “Well, isn’t there any way to get rid of those ‘shiners’ in her mouth? I mean, she managed to get ‘suppress’ this ‘thing’ before right? She could do it again.”


Gatomon says, “I don’t think that it is going to be that easy, Davis.”


Kari says, with a solemn tone, “I have to agree with Gatomon.”


Suguha says, the tears starting to flow from her eyes, “Not again! I can’t go through this again! I don’t want to be that person again!”


Asuna asks, curiously, “That person?”


Suguha lowers her head and Kazuto gently makes Suguha look at him in which he tells her, “Sugu, you aren’t alone in whatever you are going through this time. We’re here for you. You must have been going through a lot while I was trapped in SAO before you got there.”


Suguha responds, with a nod, “No joke, big brother. I already said that VRMMO were nothing, but a target of anger and hate for me…What I didn’t say…What I was so ashamed to say…the hatred nearly consumed me…I nearly became a monster…I was so confused…after mom told me about the truth of our ‘family relation’…scared about never seeing you again other than a corpse…and what was happening to me…and angry and bitter inside…against VRMMO…against the world…I lost in the darkness…I’m so afraid…”


Kazuto tells Suguha, reassuringly, “I know, Sugu, but you aren’t alone. You have all of us. We’re here for you and we will help you through this. It doesn’t matter if you are human or not. You are still my sister and I’ll always be here for you.” Suguha then hugs her brother and starts to cry in which plenty of the others can’t help themselves, but to smile at this warm scene.


Kotone asks, concerned, “Is there anything that we can do to help her?”


Ken says, “Not sure, Kotone.”


However, Serena thinks in her mind, concerned, “Is what’s happening to Suguha also a representation of what’s happening to me? Is there a ‘monster’ living inside of me? A darkness ready to overwhelm and turn me into a ‘monster’ too?” Darien, through their ‘link’, can feel his beloved’s ‘distress’ and can’t help to be concerned for her.


July 20, 2025, Tokyo, Juuban District


Within the Juuban District, Tsuki, Sailor Moon’s XYZ Dimension counterpart, is looking at her Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (2500/2000) XYZ monster card with an intense look.


Tsuki thinks in her mind, “What are you Dark Rebellion? I know that you aren’t any ordinary card. Pyro…My Pyro already told me this card isn’t any ordinary card. First, you react to that weirdo Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and now, the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. I can tell that they are similar to you and now, you have given at least a part of your power to probably this world’s version of Kata’s and my sister: This world’s version of Sailor Celestial. What is going on? And what is going on with her? What is that darkness that I felt from her and why in the heck did she have fangs?!”


Just then a male voice says, “Tsuki.”


Tsuki yelps as she looks at Kata and she yells out, annoyed, “Don’t do that!”


Kata tells Tsuki, “Old habit, Tsuki.”


Tsuki says, with a pout, “I know, but it is still annoying, bro.”


Kata tells Tsuki, “Are you okay?”


Tsuki responds, with a nod, “Yeah, I am.”


Kata tells Tsuki, “I know you better than that. You are confused.”


Tsuki retorts, with a sigh, “Geez, you know me too well.”


Kata responds, “We’re family.”


Tsuki says, with a smirk, “There are plenty with the others that could disagree on that one.”


Kata retorts, “Funny, Tsuki.”


Tsuki says, with a sigh, “Let’s just say that I’ve got questions on what my dragon really is.” Kata gives a look of confusion as he and Tsuki look at her XYZ monster card and can’t help to wonder.


July 20, 2025, MIST facility


Within the MIST facility, Nagato is within an examination room with Konan in which he gets on his Akatsuki cloak as Rig and Donovan enter the room.


Donovan asks, “I take that you are liking your new body?”


Nagato says, plainly, “Yes, Donovan-san. I have felt better than I have in years.”


Rig says, with a smirk, “Well, you know that those new beauties in those sockets of yours aren’t the original eyes of Madara Uchiha, so, the statue is out of your control.”


Nagato responds, “I’ll remember that.” Nagato and Konan walk while Rig and Donovan look at the doctors that did the examination in which they nod their heads.


Some distance away from Rig and Donovan, Konan asks Nagato, “You can’t trust them?”


Nagato responds, “I don’t, Konan.”


Konan asks Nagato, “What will you do now?”


Nagato tells Konan, “I don’t accepting Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze as the heir of the Six Path Sage even if he is the reincarnation of the Sage’s younger son. He must prove that to me.”


Konan responds, shocked, “Nagato, you can’t be thinking of continuing the plan! It was a lie! Our whole lies under Obito Uchiha was a lie!”


Nagato stares at Konan intensely and he says, “I know, Konan. However, as I said, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze must prove that he is the ‘chosen one’ to me and I will test him.”


Konan asks, “What about the rest of the Akatsuki?”


Nagato says, “They mean nothing to me, Konan. We are the Akatsuki. The one true Akatsuki.” Konan nods her head as she takes off with Nagato and wondering what he plans to do.


July 20, 2025, Neo Domino City


Back to Tops area, there is a figure in the tops area watching Yusei’s residence from a nearby building in which he says, in a familiar male voice, “Now, this is a twist that even I haven’t foreseen.” When the figure looks to see several strange bats flying around, the figure says, “I am not surprised that ‘they’ would be interested in her. They may prove a bit useful.” The figure then takes out what looks like the Millennium Rod and it glow in which the figure says, “Normally, even the powers of the Millennium Rod won’t be enough, but it serves only as an amplification needed for what I want to do.” Soon after, the skies in Neo Domino City become pitch black and he says, “Let’s see if they will take my ‘gift’.”


Within Yusei’s residences, those inside, minus Suguha, look outside and Mimi says, curiously, “That’s strange.”


Tai says, with a suspicious glare, “And unnatural to me.”


Raye says, “You’re right, Tai. It is unnatural.”


Amara says, “Someone just covered the city in darkness.”


There are gasps, the Millennium Puzzle glows, and after Yugi ‘turns’ into Atem, Atem says, “I can feel it too. I sense the power of a Millennium Item.”


There are looks of shock and Tea asks, “Are you sure?”


Atem responds, “I’m sure, Tea. However, the item alone isn’t responsible. Someone is using it as an ‘amplifier’ to cover the city and more in darkness. For what reason, I don’t know.”


Kari says, “And I’m not getting a weird feeling by it.”


Gatomon asks Kari, “You’re not?”


Kari responds, shaking her head, “As the Digidestined of Light, I would be able to sense something.”


Davis says, “Well, they have gotten our attention.”


Matt says, “And that means that we need to be on guard.”


TK says, “If someone wants to make the city go pitch black for a reason, we have got to be careful.”


Asuna asks Kazuto, “How is your sister doing Kirito-kun?”


Kazuto responds, “She’s okay for the moment. She is sleeping peacefully.”


Raye tells Mina and Rika, “And don’t get into anything involving how vampires sleep in the day and ‘up and about’ at night, you two.”


Mina and Rika yell out in unison, annoyed, “Hey!”


Keiko asks, “Is there anything that we can do?”


Shion says, “If what Trista says is true, Suguha isn’t infected with any disease. This is part of her DNA.”


Kazuto says, with a sigh, “And there is also another question in my mind.”


Asuna asks, curiously, “What question?”


Amara responds, “Does this come from Suguha’s Earthling father or her Earthling mother?”


Kotone says, “Wait! If Kazuto’s mother is actually her aunt and the sister to Suguha’s mother…”


Plenty of the others look at Kazuto and he says, “I could have the same dormant gene inside of me.”


There are plenty looks of shock and Crow says, sarcastically, “That’s encouraging.”


Akiza says, annoyed, “Crow!”


Asuna tells Kazuto, putting her hand on his hand, “It doesn’t matter what’s inside of your body. You are still you as Suguha is still Suguha.”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “Thanks, Asuna.”


Keiko says, “That’s right! You are still you even if you get a pair of scary fangs.” Rika punches Keiko gently on her shoulder and she says, nervously, “Oops!” On the meanwhile, inside of guest bedroom that Suguha is in, she is asleep, but our Sailor Scout of Reality isn’t getting any good sleep. We can see tossing and turning in her sleep as she is having a nightmare where she find herself what looks like the Moon Palace.


Suguha asks, confused, “Where am I?” Just then she hears a yell and she looks to see Sachi grabbed from behind by some figure.


Sachi yells out, “Let me go!”


Suguha goes over and she yells out, strongly, “Sachi!”


Sachi asks, confused, “Suguha-san?”


Suguha tells the figure, “Let her go right now!”


The figure says, in an eerie familiar female voice, “I was wondering when you would come Sugu.”


Suguha asks, “Who are you?”


The figure responds, with a dark sly tone, “Don’t you recognize me?”


Suguha asks, strongly, “Why should I know?”


The figure replies, with a dark sly tone, “That’s because…” The figure is then revealed to be a duplicate of Suguha expect she has blood red slit-like eyes and fang-like canines and ‘vampire Suguha’ says, with an evil smile, “I am you, Sugu.”


Suguha says, shocked, “No…”


‘Dark Suguha’ responds, with a wicked smirk, “And yet, I’m here.” Sachi then bashes ‘Dark Suguha’, shocking her enough to let go of Sachi, and Sachi goes over to Suguha.


Sachi asks Suguha, “What’s…?”


‘Dark Suguha’ replies, “Simple. I am the monster that lives inside of Suguha.”


Suguha yells out, in disbelief, “No, it’s not true!”


‘Dark Suguha’ responds, “I am you! But I am also the living embodiment of the darkness of you and those other three souls that live inside of you including Sachi!”


Sachi asks, “What?”


‘Dark Suguha’ yells out, “And now, I feast!” ‘Dark Suguha’ prepares to attack Suguha and Sachi and they scream out in which Suguha wakes up in a cold sweat.


Suguha gets to a sitting position and she says, weakly, “Just a nightmare…Just a…” However, she looks to find Ren looking over her and she freezes in which she tries to scream and go for her broach which is nearby, but Ren knocks her out in he grabs Suguha and her broach as he goes to the large window in the room. Outside, the others are all assembled together and Hinata has a concerned look on her face.


Hinata asks, “Will Suguha be okay?”


Naruto says, with a smile, “I’m sure that she will be just fine. She is a tough girl.”


Sakura says, “Tough, yes. Being pushed to her limits: No damn kidding!”


Amara says, “I’ve got to agree. Our young princess is being pushed to her emotional and mental limits.”


Serena thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Not like I’m in any better shape than she is.” Just then Serena and Kazuto get a ‘bad feeling’ in which they leap and run towards the room that Suguha is supposed to be sleeping in.


Asuna asks, “Kirito-kun?” Kazuto and Serena run up to the door and find that it is locked.


Serena yells out, “The door is locked!”


The others immediately focus on them and Yusei asks, “Are you sure?”


Kazuto tries to open the door, he can’t, and he yells out, pounding on the door, “Sugu! Are you all right? Sugu?!” Unable to get a reply, Kazuto had enough in which he kicks down the door and Serena and Kazuto are shocked to find Suguha and her broach gone with large window wide open.


Serena shouts out, shocked, “She’s gone!” Immediately, the others flies in and they look to see that Suguha and her broach are missing.


Hotaru says, “Her transformation broach is missing.”


Lita asks, “Did she wake up and leave?”


Keiko says, “I hope that Suguha didn’t run off.”


Shino says, “She was in a bad metal state.”


Kiba sniffs the air and he says, “I don’t think so. Someone else other than us was in the room.”


The others look at Kiba and Sakura asks, “Are you sure?”


Kiba looks at Akamaru, the ninja canine nods his head, and Kiba says, “Akamaru smells it too. There is another scent. It wasn’t here too long ago and it isn’t one of us. She’s been kidnapped.”


The others gasp and Kotone asks, “Kidnapped? By whom?”


Raye responds, “Take your pick, Kotone.”


Rika says, “With so many enemies, it could have been anyone.”


Kiba says, “There is something else. Whoever it was, he or she wasn’t human.”


There are looks of surprise and Ino asks, “What do you mean ‘not human’?”


Kiba responds, “It is exactly as I said. It smells… kind of like what that girl started to smell like when her aura went ‘all vampire’.”


Mimi asks, a bit nervously, “Wait! Does that mean…?”


Kakashi says, “It sounds like someone or something has taken an interest in Suguha.”


Kazuto bashes his fist against the wall and he says, “Damn it!”


Rika says, “Hey, Kirito. Keiko is here.”


Asuna tells Kazuto, “I know that you and Serena-chan are worried, but we will get her back.”


Trista says, with a deadly serious expression, “And I think that I know where to look.”


Everyone looks at Trista and Hotaru asks, “You do Trista-mama?”


Trista responds, with a nod, “I do, Firefly. Everyone follow me and stay close to me. We are going to go what you would believe is the ‘supernatural’.” As Trista heads off, the others start to follow her.


Matt says, “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”


Tai says, “I don’t either, Matt, but Suguha is one of us. She risked her life to bring her brother home and fought beside us in which she risked her life again and again especially against that jerk, Kayaba. She is an SAO survivor like we are and we can’t abandon one of our own like we would never abandon each other as Digidestined.”


TK says, with a nod, “I agree, Tai.”


Patamon says, with a nod, “Yep!”


Kari says, “Same here.”


Davis says, with a grin, “You know it!”


Davis gives a ‘thumbs up’ to Kazuto and he says, with a smile, “Thank you.” Kazuto thinks in his mind, “We’re coming Sugu. And I…We’re not going to let anything happen to you!”


July 20, 2025, Unknown mansion


Within the unknown mansion, a tied up Suguha is unceremoniously dropped in front of Anju with her arms and legs bound by what looks like groups of bats.


Suguha yells out, annoyed, “Hey!”

Anju tells Suguha, “Welcome, Suguha-san…Or do you prefer Sailor Celestial instead?”


Suguha gives a gasp of shock and she asks, “Who are you?’


Anju responds, “I am Anju Maaka.” Anju says, plainly while motioning to Ren, “And this is my older brother, Ren.” Anju says, motioning to the doll, Boogie, “And this is Boogie.”


Boogie responds, “Nice to meet you, sweet stuff.”


Suguha yells out, “It talked!” Suguha then says, looking at it, “That’s not an ordinary doll.”


Anju says, “I’m not surprised that you sensed it, Suguha-san.”


Suguha asks, “What do you want with me?”


Anju says, “We want to talk to you…Vampires to half-vampire.” Suguha’s eyes widen and when she sees Ren, she notices his fangs and she yelps.


Suguha says, “You’re vampires!”


Boogie says, sarcastically, “My, aren’t you the smart one? No duh that they are vampires!” Boogie says, with a sly tone, “But then again, you are calling the kettle black.”


Suguha responds, with a snarl, “I’m a human!”


Boogie says, with a nasty sarcastic tone, “Those little shiners in your mouth say otherwise, little girl.”


Anju tells Boogie, “Be quiet, Boogie-kun.”


Boogie yelps and Suguha asks, strongly, “What do you want with me?”


Ren responds, with a sly smirk, “It is more like what we can do with you, cutie.”


Suguha thinks in her mind, nervously, “Cutie?” Suguha winches from the ‘hungry’ look in Ren’s eyes and Suguha thinks, nervously, “Ugh! Something tells me that he thinks girls are more than ‘food’.”


Anju tells Ren, “Please big brother. Not right now.”


Ren responds, with an annoyed tone, “Fine. If we do it my way, she would be eating out of the palm of our hands.”


Anju replies, stoically, “More like she would bite your hand off and kick in the area that you like to use more than your fangs, big brother.” Ren glares at Anju while Suguha looks for her broach and Anju asks, holding Suguha’s transformation broach, “Looking for this?”


Suguha gasps and she yells out, “Give me that!” She tries to get to her feet, but she just ends up on the floor on her stomach.


Ren says, with a smirk, “Don’t count on it, cutie.”


Anju says, “Her brother, sister, and friends will be coming here. She is a Sailor Scouts and Sailor Pluto is one of them.”


Ren says, “Crap! She met our family before!”


Suguha thinks in her mind, “Sailor Pluto knows vampires?!”


Anju says, “I’ll go and face them.”


Ren yells out, “No way! Even a full awakened vampire doesn’t stand a chance against a Sailor Scout, Anju!”


Boogie says, “No duh, genius! You think Anju is going to face them in combat in the regular fashion? Don’t be a dummy!”


Anju says, “Be silent, Boogie-kun.” When the talking doll is silent, Anju goes over a table, puts the broach down, and takes out a pitch black Neo Domino City Duel Disk with a dueling deck inside. Anju says, “I have developed a new barrier that not even Pluto can break and if they wish to fight, they will have to go by via my rules as well as this.” Anju then displays a strange XYZ monster card in which Ren’s eyes widen.


Ren asks, “Where did you get that card?”


Anju responds, “I found it.”


Ren asks, confused, “You found it?”


Anju says, “Big brother, please watch her as I prepare to face down her family and friends. Be careful of her. She is half-vampire and we don’t which our powers that she has.”


Ren responds, “Whatever.” Anju then walks out as Suguha looks up to see her broach on the table in which her arms and legs are bound by the bats while she looks nervously Ren, who looks at her with a smirk on his face.


(Later on; Outside of the unknown mansion)


Just outside of the unknown mansion, our heroes and heroines are going down a dark abandoned road with Trista leading the way.


Raye says, “I sense a dark aura around here.”


Amara says, “It isn’t negative, but it is a dark aura.”


Trista says, “Dark mysticism, Amara. Illusion magic to make sure that they aren’t found.”


Darien says, “We are dealing with vampires.”


Trista says, “Vampires aren’t as supernatural as humans make them out to be, Darien-dono.”


Kazuto says, “Well, it doesn’t matter what they are. They have my sister.”


Serena tells Kazuto, “Hold on, Kazuto. She is my sister too and I want her back, but we can’t rush in there. If there is some kind of ‘illusion barrier’, we are going to go around in a circle unless we dispel it.”


Trista says, bringing out her Garnet Rod, “Already done, princess.” Soon after, the illusion magic barrier is dispelled and the way to old mansion is revealed.


Mimi says, nervously, “Creepy.”


Yolei says, nervously, “We’re dealing with vampires, Mimi. They are creepy.”


Palmon says, “You said it, Mimi.”


Gatomon says, “Reminds me of Myotismon and I really don’t like that guy.”


TK says, with a nod, “No kidding.”


Patamon says, “Yeah, we know the feeling.” The group ventures forward until they are in front of the house where Anju, with Boogie in her arms and the black Neo Domino City duel disk with dueling deck inside, is waiting for them.


Cody asks, “Who is that?”


Joe asks, “What’s a little girl doing here?”


Trista says, “She isn’t an ordinary girl, Joe. She is a vampire and her name is Anju Maaka.”


Keiko asks, surprised, “She’s a vampire?”


Kotone says, amazed, “She looks human.”


Trista responds, “She isn’t an adult vampire. Vampire young, until they are teenagers, can actually go out into the sun and look and do things like any human child or teenager. However, as they grow, they gain their vampire attributes in which when they drink blood for the first time, they are complete adult vampires and can’t go out into the sun anymore.”


Davis says, his eyes widening, “That’s new to my ears.”


Anju says, “Greeting, Sailor Pluto.”


Kazuto yells out, strongly, “Where is my sister?”


Anju responds, “She is safe for now, but I can’t permit you inside.” Just then a legion of bats appears and a light blood red barrier appears around the house in which Anju says, “A special barrier designed against even you, Sailor Pluto.”


Trista yells out, demandingly, “What is the meaning of my princess’ kidnapping, Maaka-san?”


Anju replies, stoically, “I need her for something. If you wish to get her back, you will have to do it this way.” Anju displays her duel disk and she says, “And if you were thinking of using force, my brother is with Sailor Celestial and she is without her powers. If anything happens to me…”


Raye says, sternly, “Oh, yeah…”


Trista says, “Don’t! Ren Maaka will do what it takes to protect his family especially his younger sisters.”


Rika asks, curiously, “Sisters?”


Davis says, strongly, “Fine, you little vamp! We’ll duel you!”


Anju says, pointing to Kazuto, “No, he will duel me.”


Asuna asks, shocked, “Kirito-kun?”


Anju says, “It is his sister. Let us see if he truly cares about her.”


That got to Kazuto and Kazuto says, “I need a duel disk.”


Rika says, “Hey, whoa!”

Tai tells Rika, holding out his hands, “Don’t, Rika. This is a matter of family.”


Matt tells Tai, “You should know with Kari.”


Tai clears his throat and Serena says, taking out her duel disk from her sub-space, “Use mine, Kazuto.”


Kazuto takes Serena’s duel disk and he says, “Thank you, Serena.” Kazuto attaches Serena’s duel disk to his left wrist, inserts his dueling deck, and the ‘blade’ of the duel disk, containing the Monster and Pendulum Zones, appears.


Anju says, “Interesting.” Anju activates her own duel disk, both Kazuto’s and Anju’s decks are shuffled, and after their duel disks display 4000 life-points, they draw five cards from their decks.


“Duel!” Kazuto and Anju say in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Kazuto: 4000

Anju: 4000


Kazuto uses his left hand to take out Suguha’s crystal pendulum and he thinks, “I’m here, Sugu. Give me strength.” Kazuto ties it around his wrist while Anju prepares to start off the duel.


Anju says, “I’ll start off this duel.” Anju tells Boogie, “Boogie, draw.”


Boogie yells out, “You got it, Anju!”


Plenty of the others are surprised and Keiko says, shocked, “The doll talked!”


Raye says, “That’s not any ordinary doll. A wicked spirit is inside of that thing!”


Lita asks, a bit nervously, “A wicked spirit?”


Amara says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Yolei says, nervously, “Oh, great.”


Anju says, “Boogie-kun, play Call of the Mummy.” Boogie puts one card into the spell/trap slot and the projection of Call of the Mummy continuous spell card appears on Anju’s field and Anju says, “This card allows me to play one zombie monster from my hand as long as I have no monsters on my field.” Anju says, “I use it to play Skull Flame from my hand.” Boogie puts one card on Anju’s duel disk and Skull Flame (2600/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.


Matt says, “That’s not good.”


Cody says, “No, it isn’t. She has a high level monster out on the field.”


Anju says, as Boogie puts another card on Anju’s duel disk, “I also play my Zombie Werewolf in attack mode as well.” Just then Zombie Werewolf (1200/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Anju says, as Boogie puts two cards into the spell/trap slots, “Two cards face-down and turn is ended.”


Boogie says, “Now, little man, let’s see if you are good enough to save your cutie pie sister. I’m willing to bet that he has his way with her.”


Kazuto asks, angrily, “What?”


Anju tells Boogie, “Be silent, Boogie.” Boogie yelps and Anju says, “Ren isn’t that kind of a vampire, but he is a ‘Casanova’ in which he drinks only the blood of lovely female humans and as Boogie-kun says, your sister is cute.”


Kari says, with a sweat drop, “Okay, TMI.”


Anju says, with a rare sly smile, “However, do you really care about your sister? She is a monster like me after all.”


Kazuto says, drawing a card, “Sugu is nothing like you or your family!”


Raye says, “Calm down, Kazuto!”


Amara says, “This little girl, vampire or not, is smart. She is using psychological tactics against him.”


Davis says, “Basically, messing with Kazuto’s head.”


Rika says, with a sigh, “And doing a good job. If anything, Serena, Kazuto, and Suguha are quite the emotional type.”


Asuna thinks in her mind, “Be careful, Kirito-kun…”


Kazuto says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Since my opponent has two monsters out on the field, I can play my Power Invader without using another monster!” Soon after, Power Invader (2200/0) appears on the field in attack mode.


Boogie says, “That overgrown muscle head can’t compete with Skull Flame!”


Kazuto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “I activate my Double Summon and I can add another monster to my field this turn.” Kazuto says, putting one card on his duel disk, “And I choose my Sword Master!” Just then Sword Master (1200/0) appears on the field in attack mode and Kazuto says, “I tune my Sword Master with my Power Invader!” Sword Master turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Sword Master making him become transparent and then a column of light appears on the field. Kazuto then shouts out, “Rend the obsidian darkness, scorch heaven and earth! Isolated absolute king! Synchro Summon!” Kazuto puts a Synchro Monster from his Extra Deck on his duel disk and he yells out, “Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, let’s get Sugu back!” Out of the light, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000) appears on the field in attack mode. Kazuto says, “Now, I can destroy all attacking monsters on the field! Crimson Flare!” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend then destroys Skull Flame and Zombie Werewolf in a burst of flames.


Boogie yells out, stunned, “Hey, no fair!”


Kazuto responds, “This is so fair! Normally, I wouldn’t attack an innocent girl…but you are not an innocent girl despite you looking like one! Red Dragon, Absolute Power Judgment!”


Hot Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes a power fireball at Anju, but she says, stoically, “Trap activate: Waboku.” Boogie pushes a button on Anju’s disk and one of her face-down cards is revealed to be the Waboku trap card and Anju says, “All battle damage to me this turn is negated.” A trio of muses appears and create a barrier to protect Anju from Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’s attack.


Kazuto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “I end my turn with one card face-down.”


Boogie draws a card and Anju says, “My turn.” Boogie puts the card into the spell/trap slots and she says, “Pot of Greed. I draw two cards.” Boogie draws two cards and Anju says, plainly, “You have fallen into my trap as planned.”


Kazuto asks, “What?”


Boogie puts a card on Anju’s disk and she says, “Due to ability of my Call of the Mummy, I play Erebus the Underworld Monarch.” Erebus the Underworld Monarch (2800/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and Boogie says, pushing a button on Anju’s disk, “Then I activate my Call of the Haunted next.” Anju’s other face-down card is revealed to be Call of the Haunted continuous trap card and Anju says, “With it, I revive my Skull Flame.” Skull Flame (2600/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.


Lita says, “Her monsters aren’t as powerful as Kazuto’s monster!”


Anju says, with a rare sly smile, “But they are both level eight monsters.”


Just then Kazuto gasps and he says, “You were going from an XYZ summoning!”


Boogie says, with an evil sly tone, “That’s right, pretty boy! And you just gave Anju what she needed!”


Anju says, as Boogie puts one card into the spell/trap slots, “But first, I activate my Color Replication spell card! Now, my Skull Flame is treated as a Dark monster just like my Erebus.” Anju then says, stoically, “I overlay my Skull Flame and my Erebus to build the Overlay Network.” Both monsters turn into lights that goes into a vortex as an XYZ monster card comes out of Anju’s Extra Deck and Boogie puts it on her duel disk over both monster cards of Skull Flame and Erebus in which Anju says, “Now, come forth: Number Twenty-Two: Zombiestein.” Out of the vortex, Number 22: Zombiestein (4500/1000), a giant Frankenstein monster with a hood covering its head with two Dark Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Yolei yells out, stunned, “What the heck is that?”


Hawkmon says, “Big trouble, Yolei.”


Anju says, “Zombiestein, attack Hot Red Dragon Archfiend.”


With one punch, the Frankenstein monster bashes Hot Red Dragon Archfiend and it shatters in which Kazuto says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I activate my Defense Draw!” Kazuto’s face-down card is revealed to be Defense Draw trap card in which Kazuto says, drawing a card, “I take no damage and I draw a card.”


Anju says, as Boogie puts one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Spell Sanctuary card. As long as this card remains on the field, all face-down spell cards are treated as Quick-Play spell cards and we get one spell card from our decks.” A card comes out of Kazuto’s and Anju’s decks each and they put them into their hands in which Boogie puts the card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I activate my card: Card of Demise. I draw until I have five cards, but I lose my hand in five turns, however, this duel will end before then.”


As Anju draws five cards, Kazuto says, with a glare, “We’ll see.”


Anju responds, “Turn over.”


Kazuto says, drawing a card, “My turn!” Kazuto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “I activate Monster Reborn and revived my Duel Dragon!” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000) returns to the field in attack mode and Kazuto yells out, “And now, I activate his ability and destroy your monster! Crimson Fire!”


As Hot Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes its flames, Anju says, “I activate Zombiestein’s ability. By removing an Overlay Unit and discarding one card from my hand, I can switch him into defense mode and your monster’s special abilities are negated.” Zombiestein absorbs one of its Overlay Units as Anju discards a card while Boogie sends one of her cards in her hand into the graveyard slot causing Zombiestein to switch from attack to defense mode as the wave of flames is negated.


Kazuto yells out, “True, but your monster has less defense points than my dragon and you have no spell or trap cards, so, I attack!”


Serena says, concerned, “Wait, Kazuto!” However, it is too late as Hot Red Dragon Archfiend attacks Zombiestein, but the attack doesn’t do a thing.


Kazuto asks, “What?”


Anju responds, “Number monsters can only be destroyed in battle by other Number monsters which your Synchro monster is not.”


Serena says, “It’s true, Kazuto! I checked the Number cards that I found and gotten! It’s on the card text.”


Kazuto says, with a snarl, “Just great.”


Rika says, “He is losing his focus.”


Kazuto says, “I…end my turn.”


Boogie draws a card from Anju’s deck and she says, in her classic stoic tone, “My move. I switch my Number from defense back to attack mode.” Zombiestein switches from defense mode back to attack mode and Boogie puts a card into the spell/trap slots causing Anju to say, “I also activate an equip spell: XYZ Unit. This spell gives an XYZ monster two hundred attack points times its rank.” Zombiestein goes from 4500/1000 to 6100/1000 and Anju says, stoically, “Attack with Zombie Fist.” Zombiestein slams his fist into Hot Red Dragon Archfiend and it roars as it is destroyed in a strong explosion throwing Kazuto the ground and costing him 3100 life-points.


Asuna says, concerned, “Kirito-kun!”


Boogie puts one card into the spell/trap slots and Anju says, plainly, “One card face-down and end turn.”


Current Score:

Kazuto: 900

Anju: 4000


Boogie says, in a taunting tone, “Is that really all you have, kid? You want your precious sister back so badly and yet, you are doing so poor! Some big brother you are!”


Keiko says, “Don’t listen to that…doll, Kirito…Kazuto! You can do it!”


Tai says, “You can’t give up, bro! Your sister is counting on you!”


Boogie responds, “Oh, really? Does she really need you? I mean, look at her! She is a big bad and kick ass Sailor Scout! We only got her because we got the drop on her! She is out there fighting the big bad of the bad super-villains and such and what are you doing?! Cheering her on from the sidelines! Ha! Some brother! We know all about you and Sword Art Online! Just because you survived that death game, you think that you are ‘tough stuff’, huh? Well, it makes me wonder: Who was the one that won that ‘death game’?” Those words strike Kazuto at the core and he thinks about what happened during the final battle of SAO at the Ruby Palace with the battle between Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff.


Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Could that possessed doll be right? Sugu is the Sailor Scout fighting all of the dangers and I can only watch from the sidelines. And I wasn’t the one that defeated Sword Art Online and beat the true final boss of Aincrad. It was Sugu. Sugu was the one that fought Kayaba. She was the one that nearly died in that horrible fight while I watched from the sidelines as she flew higher and gave it her all to beat Kayaba to set us free as well as put SAO to bed at least at that time. They call me a hero of SAO, but I’m not a hero. Sugu is the hero. She is the one that beat Kayaba at the Ruby Palace for everyone’s sake.”


Amara says, “Oh, boy. He is losing confidence in himself.”


Raye says, “He’s majorly doubting himself.”


Serena yells out, upon hearing Raye’s words, “Kazuto, believe in yourself! Suguha does! We all do!” However, it doesn’t look like Kazuto can hear Serena as doubt starts to fill and cloud Kazuto’s mind.


(Inside of the mansion)


Within the mansion, a tied up Suguha is struggling to get herself lose when she gets a vision of Kazuto and his duel with Anju coming into her mind.


Suguha thinks in her mind, “What was that?”


Sachi’s voice responds, “It’s Kirito! He needs help!”


Suguha thinks in her mind, surprised, “Sachi?”


Sachi responds, “Kirito is losing hope. He needs our help.”


Suguha responds, “What can I do Sachi?”


Sachi replies, “You are the Sailor Scout of Reality, Suguha. You are only limited to your heart and will, Suguha. Please, your brother needs you.” Suguha isn’t sure, but she decides to believe in herself in which she closes his eyes and then her sigil appears on her forehead causing it to glow.


Ren, who is in the room, sees this and he yells out, “Hey, what’s going on?” Just then light causes Ren some discomfort in which he runs out of the room.


(Back outside)


Return ing outside of the mansion, Kazuto, his confidence failing him, is looking at the cards in his hand while others are on the sideline with Anju staring down at him.


Anju asks, plainly, “So, you are surrendering?”


Just then a female voice shouts out, “Anju!” Everyone then looks to see two figures appear nearby them.


The first one looks to be a middle aged male with deep brown hair, brown eyes, brown mustache, pointed beard, elf-like ears, and wearing a business suit.


The second one looks to be a lovely woman with silver hair, golden/golden-brown eyes, blood red colored lips, large yellow ball earrings, and wearing a blood red formal dress that hugs her shapely body.


Our heroes and heroines then notice that they have fangs and Joe says, nervously, “Oh, boy. I think that we have met the family.”


The female vampire asks Anju, “What is going on here Anju?”


Trista says, stepping forwarding and bring out her Garnet Rod, “Maybe I should be asking the same question Calera Marker.”


The two vampires gasps and the male one asks, nervously, “Sailor Pluto? What…What are you doing here?”


Trista responds, “Wondering why your young daughter kidnapped one of my two princesses.”


The female vampire asks, “What?”


Anju responds, plainly, “I had brother kidnap Sailor Celestial for me.”


The two adult vampires shout out in unison, “What?”


TK says, “I’m getting that mommy and daddy weren’t in on this.”


Matt says, with a nod, “Yeah, I’m getting that same feeling.”


The female vampire shouts out, “Have you gone completely insane Anju?”


Anju responds, plainly, “This is for my sister, mother.” A lot of the others are surprised, but then Suguha’s crystal pendulum starts to glow.


Kotone asks, “What’s going on?”


Asuna says, amazed, “Suguha’s crystal pendulum!”


Kazuto looks at it and Suguha’s voice booms, “Big brother, don’t you dare give up!”


Kazuto gasps and he thinks in his mind, “Sugu?!”


Kazuto looks around and Suguha’s voice responds, “Kazuto, you can’t just surrender. You never gave up in SAO and you can’t give up now! You can’t let a game beat you!”


Kazuto yells out, “Sugu! Where are you?”


Naruto says, “I think that the pressure got to him.”


Raye says, “No! Suguha is telepathically communicating with Kazuto!”


There are multiple gasps and Serena asks, “She is?”


Kari asks, “But how?”


Amara says, “We are talking about the Sailor Scout of Reality here.”


Suguha’s voice booms out in Kazuto’s mind, “Kazuto, you can’t let yourself be beaten by a game. You beat that rotten death game…”


Kazuto responds, solemnly, “I didn’t beat SAO, Sugu. You beat it. Despite it being part of Kayaba’s design, you beat SAO. You were the one that freed us all. I’m not…”


Suguha retorts, “Don’t you dare say that, Kazuto. You are a hero! Where would Asuna, Keiko, Lisbeth, Strea, and Kotone would be without Serena AND you?! You are their hero! You can’t let them down! You can’t me down! If you give up now, you soil the memory of all those that died in SAO! Never forget, big brother!” Kazuto then remembers everything that happened in Sword Art Online from start to finish and while there are lots of horrible memories, there are also plenty of ones that give him strength in which a tear comes down his eye and a determined look comes on his face. Just then the cards in his deck glow and Suguha says, “No matter what, you have all of us with you. Now, get out there and win!”


Kazuto thinks in his mind, with a smile, “Thank you, Sugu. Thank you for reminding me what I fought…What I’m still fighting for!” Kazuto glances at his friends/comrades/family and he says, looking at Anju, “I’m not surrendering Sugu to you or anyone.”


Anju says, “Then draw your card and face your fate.”


Kazuto says, drawing a card, “I draw!” Kazuto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “I activate my Pot of Greed and draw two cards!” Kazuto draws two cards from his deck, puts one card into the main slot, and he says, “And then I activate my Heavy Storm and all spell and traps are now destroyed!” Just then a huge storm comes onto the field and destroys Call of the Mummy and Spell Sanctuary continuous spell cards as well as Anju’s face-down card.


Anju says, “My face-down card was Zombie Bed and its effect activates in which I revive Zombie Werewolf.” Soon after, Zombie Werewolf (1200/1200) returns to the field in attack mode.


Kazuto says, putting one more card into his disk’s main slot, “It won’t matter with my Overlay Penalty spell card! By cutting my life-points in half, all XYZ monsters with Overlay Units are automatically destroyed, but it can be stopped by using one Overlay Unit on each XYZ monster, however, both of us get a new card if that XYZ monster is saved in this fashion!”


Anju says, “I use Zombiestein’s final Overlay Unit to save it.” Zombiestein’s final Overlay Unit vanishes in which Anju and Kazuto draw a card.


Kazuto says, putting another card into main slot of his disk, “I activate my Card of Burial Magic! I remove my Pot of Greed, Heavy Storm, and Overlay Penalty spell cards from play and draw two more cards.” Said spell cards are removed from Kazuto’s graveyard slot, he puts them in his pocket, and he draws two more cards from his deck. Kazuto says, putting yet another card into the main slot, “Then I play Magic of a Different Dimension! I can play one spell card removed from play, but my opponent gains two new cards!” Anju draws two cards and Kazuto says, drawing two cards, “And I choose Pot of Greed!” Kazuto says, displaying Stargazer Magician (1200/2400) and Timegazer Magician (1200/600) Pendulum Monster cards, “And now, I set scale one Stargazer Magician and scale eight Timegazer Magician on the Pendulum Scale!” Kazuto puts the said cards on Pendulum Zones causing the word ‘Pendulum’ to appear in rainbow colors in the monster card zones while both monsters appear in two columns of light with the number 1 below Stargazer and the number 8 below Timegazer.


There are gasps and Davis yells out, “How did he get those cards?”


Amara says, with a serious tone, “It’s Suguha! She somehow lent Kazuto her power!”


As Suguha’s crystal pendulum appears between the two monsters and swings between them, Kazuto yells out, “Okay, crystal pendulum time to swing into action! Pendulum Summon!” Kazuto puts three cards on his duel disk and he says, “Let’s go, Twin-Sword Marauder! Timesword Magician! And tuner monster, Attack Gainer!” A circle appears and out of that circle, three lights come from it that turn into Twin-Sword Marauder (1600/1000), Timesword Magician (1400/0), a small warrior-like spellcaster monster, and Attack Gainer (0/0) appear on the field in attack mode. Kazuto shouts out, “I tune my Attack Gainer with Twin-Sword Marauder and Timesword Magician!” Attack Gainer turns into star that surrounds Twin-Sword Marauder and Timesword Magician making them become transparent and causing a column of light to appear on the field. As Kazuto’s Extra Deck causing a Synchro Monster card to come out, he says, “Hero’s blade that sets forth unyielding light, awaken with a flash! Synchro Summon!” Kazuto puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk and he yells out, “Time to get my sister back, Enlightenment Paladin!” Out of the light, Enlightenment Paladin (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.


Boogie asks, “What kind of trick is this?”


Kazuto yells out, “Enlightenment Paladin’s ability activates and I regain one spell card from my graveyard!” A card comes out of Kazuto’s graveyard slot and he says, “I also activate Attack Gainer’s ability and one monster on your field lose one thousand attack points due to him being used in a Synchro!” Zombiestein goes from 4500/1000 to 3500/1000 and Kazuto says, putting one card into the main slot, “And now, I activate the card that I just brought back: Monster Reborn! And I revive Hot Red Dragon Archfiend!” Soon after, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2500) returns to the field in attack mode.


Mina says, excitedly, “And since that overgrown zombie has no Overlay Units, Hot Red is about to turn up the heat!”


Lita says, “But he’ll destroy Kazuto’s monsters too since Paladin is in attack mode!”


Kazuto says, putting the last card in his hand into the main slot of his duel disk, “And I activate my Gift of the Martyr spell card! I release Enlightenment Paladin and infuse his power into Red Dragon!” Enlightenment Paladin glows as he turns into particles that get absorbed into Hot Red Dragon Archfiend causes it to go from 3000/2500 to 5500/2500 and Kazuto says, “And now, I use his power to destroy all of your monsters! Crimson Flare!” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend then unleashes its powerful flames and destroys Zombiestein and Zombie Werewolf.


Boogie yells out, shocked, “No way!”


Anju says, with a rare shocked look, “I lose.”


Kazuto yells out, “End this! Use the power of Enlightenment Paladin and get Sugu back! Absolute Power Judgment!” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes its powerful flames that slam into Anju causing her to yelp as she sent flying causing her to lose 5500 life-points.


Final Score:

Kazuto: 450

Anju: 0


Anju’s parent shout out in unison, “Anju!” Anju falls to the ground and drops her doll while the final Solid Vision projections vanish while Anju’s parents go over in which the male vampire takes her into his arms.


The male vampire asks, “Anju, are you okay?” However, both adult vampires then see Trista’s/Sailor Pluto’s Garnet Rod aimed at them in which they look up with a stern look on her features.


Trista says, “Kazuto has won the duel. Your daughter must surrender our princess to us.”


Anju says, plainly, “I will call brother to get her.”


Just Ren’s voice crocks out, “Actually that won’t be necessary.” Everyone then look to see Ren being thrown violently to the ground by Valkyrie Sailor Celestial.


Kazuto says, amazed, “Sugu!”


Kotone asks, “Are you okay?”


TK says, with a smirk, “She looks fine to me.”


Davis says, with a grin, “And it looks like she just kicked butt.”


The female vampire asks, “Ren, what is this?”


Ren says, plainly, “Long story.” Ren tells Anju, “Interesting bit of news. She can control bats.”


Anju responds, “Interesting.”


The female vampire yells out, with a stern tone, “Interesting? What have you done? What is all this?”


Sailor Celestial says, “That’s what I would like to know, but right now, I am really temped to turn anyone humanoid with fangs into ashes.”


Sailor Celestial aims her blasters at the family of vampires and Trista tells Sailor Celestial, “Easy, my princess. It seems like Anju’s and Ren’s parents weren’t in on this ‘affair’.”


Sailor Celestial says, “Right now, they had better talk because I am really ticked off right now.”


Rika says, “Don’t blame you girlfriend.” Ren’s and Anju’s parents glare at them and Ren gives a groan knowing that it was going to be a long night.


July 21, 2025, Akihabara


Inside of Akihabara, Kazuto, Suguha, Rika, Keiko, Asuna, Kotone, Shion, Darien, our Juuban Sailor Scouts including Molly, and our Digidestined and their Digimon partners are going to a maid café.


Kotone asks Suguha, “Are you okay, Suguha?”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “It feels like I’ve been through a ringer.”


Lita tells Suguha, “I don’t blame you for feeling that way, Suguha.”


Mina says, with a nod, “No kidding girlfriend.”


Tai says, “Well, great ready for another headache.”


Raye asks, “What does that guy want this time?”


Ken says, “Well, we have to be careful since he knows about your ‘secret lives and identities’.”


Amara says, plainly, “Don’t remind us, Ken.”

Trista looks in deep thought and Hotaru asks, “Something wrong, Trista-mama?”


Trista responds, “There may be more to him than meets the eye, but I have no evidence to confirm my theories.”


Michelle asks, “Penny for your thoughts?”


Trista replies, “Something that Kayaba said to us after he was beaten by Sailor Celestial at the end of SAO.” This statement causes quite a few eyebrows to quirk until they go inside of the maid café where they find Seijirou waiting for them.


Seijirou says, “Hey, Kirito! Everyone! Nice to see you again.”


Kazuto, Suguha, and the others sigh in which they assemble around him and Kazuto asks, “Okay, why did you call us here?”


Seijirou responds, “On to business already Kirito? Man, you guys are strict.”


Matt says, “Cut the ‘small talk’.”


Seijirou retorts, “Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed.”


Suguha gives him a nasty glare that causes Seijirou to winch and Davis says, “And that would be her especially pal. Let’s just say that we had a ‘day and a half’ yesterday and we aren’t in a good mood.”


Seijirou says, a bit nervously, “Okay…”


Serena asks, “So, what do you want this time?”


Seijirou says, “Actually, believe it or not, this doesn’t have to do with SAO. It is another unsolved case that we are working on in the VR department through it doesn’t seem to have any connection to us.”


Kazuto asks, “What do you mean?”


Seijirou says, “Not to bring up bad memories, Kirito. But all of you that were trapped in SAO at the time and it was an incident that actually aided in the production of the Amusphere.”


Ami asks, curiously, “You mean the ‘Elder Tales’ incident?”


All of the members of the group that were trapped in SAO for two years look at Ami and Serena asks, “Elder Tales incident?’


Asuna asks, “Elder Tales?”


Kazuto responds, “It was the most popular console MMO of all type, Asuna. In fact, it remained popular for about thirty years now since it got started in the late nineteen-nineties and last time that I checked, it has twenty million players all over the world.”


Keiko says, amazed, “Oh, wow.”


Rika says, with a whistle, “That’s impressive.”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “I’m not surprised that you would know about it, Kirito. You must have played it yourself.”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “That’s an obvious fact, Seijirou-san.” Kazuto then asks, “But what happened involving that game?”


Suguha says, “It was around a year that you and the others were trapped in SAO, big brother. It looked like the start of another panic and it wasn’t surprising on that day, thirty thousand people in Japan just mysteriously disappeared.”


There are gasps and Asuna asks, stunned, “Thirty thousand?!”


Izzy says, “And that was in Japan alone. The estimates of the total people that vanished world-wide is around several hundred thousand.”


Kotone asks, shocked and stunned, “So many people in the world disappeared in one single day?”


Amara says, “And there was one thing tying them together.”


Kazuto asks, “Elder Tale, right?”


Trista says, “That’s right. In fact, that day was the day of the latest update of Elder Tale, the Novasphere Pioneers, in which it was found that they were logged into Elder Tales when they disappeared.”


Seijirou says, “And it was that fact that caused such a mass panic. With SAO already on the people’s mind, you can only imagine the panic when this fact came out.”


Kazuto says, “I can only imagine.”


Suguha says, “It was bad, big brother. People were going crazy and plenty of them were throwing their computers away out of pure fear of even regular MMO being used to ‘spirit people away’. There were a lot of theories out there including quite a few about you-know-who.”


Kazuto says, “I doubt that Kayaba is involved.”


Ami says, “That’s what we figured early on in the investigation.”


Trista says, “However, we couldn’t find a thing to figure out what happened to the people. Also, after that day, other Elder Tale players all over the world logged into the game without any incident.”


Asuna asks, “So, all of the vanishing happened on the day of the update of that game?”


Izzy says, with a nod, “That’s right, Asuna.”


Seijirou says, “And the case is still open over a year after it started and we have no clues at all.”


Tai yells out, stunned, “No clues?!”


Izzy responds, “Not a single one, Tai.”


Shion asks, “You think we have a clue?”


Seijirou says, “Actually, I don’t. We haven’t found a single clue over the year since that day and personally, I’m starting to doubt that we might ever will.”


Raye asks, “Then why call us here?”


Seijirou responds, “I was hoping that you would know somebody that would have a clue. Given your ‘professions’…” Amara glares at him with immense KI and Seijirou says, nervously, “Easy! I wasn’t implying anything! And plus, I think that you would be busy with ALO and ‘other things’.”


Yolei says, sarcastically, “You got that right.”


Trista says, “However, Seijirou, I don’t think that we know anyone that would be able to give you any additional clues to this case and let’s just say that I’ve been through many ‘corners’ with it.”


Seijirou asks, “Just in case you know who was involved?” Trista gives Seijirou a ‘look’ and he says, hastily changing the subject, “Anyway, thanks anyhow. I was wondering also how your time in ALO is going.”


Serena says, “It is going okay.”


Seijirou says, with a grin, “Not surprising since you managed to beat the first major boss of Svart Alfheim and advance to the next island.”


The others are shocked and Mina asks, “How do you know that?”


Kazuto asks, with a smirk, “Argo?”


Seijirou says, with a grin, “The advantages of having the first information broker in ALO are quite numerous.”


Serena says, with a solemn sarcastic tone, “I should have known…”


Just then a female voice says, “Oh, Master, I didn’t know that you were inviting friends.” Everyone looks to see a young teenage girl with light grey-brown hair, brown eyes, and she is wearing a white and dark red maid outfit with pink bows.


Seijirou responds, “Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I had invited some company, but anything that they buy, you can put on my tab.”


The young maid responds, “As you wish, Master.”


Davis asks, with a sly smirk, “You really want to do that pal?”


TK says, with a sly smile, “Your salary might not be able to pay for that.” Seijirou gives a nervous look in which the young maid’s eyes widen a little when she looks at Kazuto, Asuna, and Serena in which Raye, Amara, and quite a few others take notice of this.


July 21, 2025, Moon Kingdom


Within the recently rebuilt Moon Kingdom, everything seems quiet and then there is a bright glow in which Kazuto, Rika, Keiko, Asuna, Kotone, Sailor Celestial, in her Eternal Sailor Scout form, Sailor Orion, Tuxedo Mask, our Juuban Sailor Scouts including Sailor Nebula and Sailor Neo Moon, all of whom in Sailor Scout forms, our Digidestined and their Digimon partners, and finally, Minato, Kushina, Naruto, and everyone from the Leaf that came to Earth appear from that ‘glow’ in which they land on the ground…with some better than others.


Ino says, “Ouch!”


Choji asks, “What the heck just happened?”


Naruto asks, “Where the heck are we?”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “And what are we doing in our Scout forms?”


Sailor Orion says, pointing to the Moon Palace, “I believe that this will give us the answer.”


Everyone looks at the Moon Palace and Tuxedo Mask says, “We are in the Moon Kingdom.”


Hinata asks, “Moon Kingdom?”


Sakura asks, “You mean that place where you originally came from?”


Sailor Celestial says, pointing to Earth, “Yep. If you don’t believe me, take a look at that.”


The members of the Leaf look where Sailor Celestial is pointing and Kiba yells out, shocked, “What’s that?”


Davis says, “That would be Earth, dude. We’re on Earth’s moon.”


Ino yells out, flabbergasted, “Your moon?!”


Choji says, “But isn’t the moon supposed to be barren and without air? But wait! We’re breathing just fine.”


Shikamaru says, “Most likely, the terraforming that allowed life to live here must have been restored.”


Sailor Pluto says, “In a way, yes. However, the atmosphere was kept in a way to allow people to breathe, but not to allow the ruins to decay too much. But now, the Moon Kingdom has been restored to its former prominence, however, almost no one lives here.”


Minato asks, “Almost no one?”


Just then the spirit of Queen Serenity appears and she says, “I am the only one that remains in the shell of our beautiful home, Minato-san.”


Naruto gives a yelp of surprise and Sailor Celestial says, “Hey, Serenity-mama.”


Hinata asks, amazed, “That’s your ‘other mother’, Celestial?”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “That’s right. Our ‘royal mother’: Queen Serenity.”


Kushina says, “Whoa. She is lovely, you know.”


Queen Serenity says, “Thank you, Kushina-san.”


Sailor Pluto says, “It isn’t surprising. Other than the royals of Venus, the Lunarian female princesses and queens are the loveliest female humanoids in the universe.”


Kiba says, with a whistle, “I’ll say.”


Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon glare at Kiba and Sailor Celestial asks, with a dangerous tone, “Did you just whistle at our mom?”


Kiba responds, with a yelp, “No! No way!”


Ino asks, slapping herself on the head, “Really, Kiba?”


Kiba replies, with a snort, “Look, I’m sorry, but I can’t help it! She may be just a spirit, but she is just plain gorgeous! How can any guy resist her charms?”


Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon, “I believe that young Kiba has a point, my princesses. Believe me, the two of you had tons of ‘male admirers’ back in the day and plenty of them shoot off ‘dirty looks’ to Prince Endymon.”


Ino asks, with a sly smirk, “Really?”


Sakura tells Ino, with a groan, “Give it a rest, Ino-pig.”


Sailor Moon asks, “Mother, were you the one that brought us all here?” Just then another bright light appears by Queen Serenity and out of that ‘light’, a tall and severe-looking old man with long, grey hair, bushy eyebrows, a long, grey beard that parts down the middle, a blue conical sorcerer’s hat is on his head, and he is wearing deep blue sorcerer’s robes. While he is obviously looks like an elder, plenty in the group can see the sheer strength of power and will in his stance and in his look makes him able to break even the fittest young men.


Sailor Pluto says, “Yen Sid-dono, it is an honor.”


The powerful elderly male sorcerer responds, in a calm and gentle yet strong voice, “Nice to see you once again, Sailor Pluto.”


Sailor Uranus asks, “You know him?”


Sailor Pluto says, “This is Master Yen Sid, a powerful and wise sorcerer and former great Keyblade Master.”


There are looks of surprise and powerful elderly sorcerer responds, “Great Keyblade Master? My dear, you give me too much praise.”


Just then a familiar high male voice responds, “Well, I think that it is appropriate for you, Master Yen Sid. You were the one that helped me become a Keyblade Master that I am today.” Everyone then looks to see Sora, the male Keyblade warrior, Kairi, Riku, and King Mickey come out from seemly nowhere.


Davis says, “Hey, guys!”


Sora (M) says, “Hey, Dai! Nice to see you again!”


Kari says, “It’s actually Davis now, Sora.”


Sora (F), our female Digidestined, asks, “He has the same name as me?”


TK tells Sora (F), “Yeah, it was kind of surprise to hear it.”


Sora (M) asks, surprised, “She has the same name as me?”


Yolei says, slapping herself on the forehead, “It had to go there.”


TK says, with a smile, “You know it, Yolei.”


Kairi tells Kari, “Davis, huh?”


Riku says, “Remember what they told us. Those names were only their ‘handles’ on that virtual game world that you and Sora got transported into Kairi.”


Sora (M) says, “Yeah, what an adventure.”


Davis says, “No joke, bro.”


Yen Sid says, “And unfortunately, it is what I wish to discuss with all of you and its ‘role’ in the current conflict as well as young Naruto’s role in the greater multiverse.”


Naruto asks, surprised, “Me?”


Yen Sid says, “You also play an important role young Naruto Uzumaki. You being granted the power of the Dimensional Dragons and the Crimson Dragon’s powers show that you are greatly involved the events to come.” After Naruto looks at his new Dragon’s Wings Mark of the Dragon, Yen Sid says, with a wave of his hand, “However, I believe that it is best to go back to the beginning. If any of the images that you see disturb you, I will not blame you for overt your eyes away from it. I know that even today such trauma has yet to heal and may never full heal. So, I apologize for any ‘reopened wounds’ that I have made.” Soon after, everyone looks to see images of the Silver Millennium and Queen Serenity with Princess Serenity and Princess Selene in which Yen Sid and Queen Serenity give a retelling of the story of the Silver Millennium.


Sora (M) says, amazed, “Awesome!”


Kairi says, “It is so beautiful.”


Sailor Celestial says, solemnly, “It was.” Soon after, everyone witnesses the destruction of the Silver Millennium by Metallia, Beryl, and the Negaverse in which they look to see what looks like the inside of the Ruby Palace with Heathcliff and Sailor Celestial battling, but Sailor Celestial’s fuku looks a lot like Sailor Moon’s first fuku. However, the two of them are fighting as they did as the last battle of SAO, but the final result was both of them giving each other lethal injuries in which Asuna covers the eyes of Keiko while plenty of them close their eyes to this sight.


Matt asks, “So, that’s what happened?”


Sailor Celestial says, with a solemn nod, “Yeah.” They witness the past Sailor Celestial leaving the mortally wounded Heathcliff and returning to the Moon Kingdom only to find it in ruins in which she collapses to the ground on her back after seeing Queen Serenity’s recently dead form on a chunk of the ruined kingdom while the past Outer Sailor Scouts find her with the past Sailor Pluto taking the dying past Sailor Celestial in her arms and hearing her last words of regret and pain before the last bit of life leaves her in which she is encased in an orb and being sent into the future to be reincarnated.


Mimi says, solemnly, “That’s so horrible.”


Sailor Celestial says, weakly, “That’s how I died. I felt that it was my fault. I knew something was wrong with what he was doing, but like the ‘dutiful daughter’, I followed him until it was too late.”


Sailor Moon and Kazuto gently ‘hug’ her arms and hands to give Sailor Celestial comfort and Yen Sid says, “A tragedy, yes, but a tragedy doomed to be repeated once more.” Soon after, the images show the story of Sailor Moon and Yen Sid says, “The daughters of the Moon Queen and the heiress to the throne along with her guardians and beloved were reborn among many others, but the ‘seeds’ of what’s to come were laid during their adventures.”


The scene then switches to Juuban during the Negamoon and Sailor Mars says, ‘That was Juuban during the final fight with the Negamoon and the Doom Phantom.”


Yen Sid says, “Watch closely, warrior princess of Mars.” Soon after, they are witnessing a scene where they see an 11-12 year old Suguha Kirigaya wandering through the streets with tears in her eyes.


Sailor Celestial says, amazed, “That’s me.”


The younger Suguha shouts out, “Mommy! Big brother! Where are you?!” The younger Suguha cries out in pain as she holds her head and she says, “My head! It hurts! It hurts so badly! Mommy…big brother…Where are you?!” The younger Suguha collapses in pain, but she is caught by the arms of none other than Akihiko Kayaba himself.


There are gasps and Kazuto says, “That’s Kayaba!”


The younger Suguha asks, weakly, “Who…Who are you?”


Kayaba says, with a weak smile, “No one important, my dear.” Kayaba then puts his hand on the younger Suguha’s forehead, his hand glows, and she falls into a deep slumber in which he says, looking at the giant black crystal, “These pretender’s ‘dark crystals’ caused an adverse reaction in you. It might have caused your powers to awaken, but it is too early and it could have destroyed you. I can’t allow that.” Kayaba says, looking at the sleeping young Suguha, “It has been far too long…Selene. So, it begins again.”


As the scene fades away, Queen Serenity says, “As you know, Kayaba had remembered his past life as Heathcliff on the day that Serenity regained the Silver Crystal, but his final plans for Sword Art Online couldn’t begin until he found Selene’s reincarnation.”


Sailor Uranus says, “And when he found her in that moment, the ‘final phase’ of his plans could begin.”


Yen Sid says, “You are correct, Sailor Uranus.” Just then the events of Sword Art Online from its start up to the battle of Floor 75 are shown in which plenty of pained looks are on the faces of Serena, Kazuto, Asuna, and even the rest of the SAO survivors. Yen Sid says, “Forgive me for this, my friends. However, as you already know, Kayaba’s overwhelming desire to fulfill his dream in this twisted way was one of the main reasoning behind Sword Art Online, but there is more.”


Kazuto says, “Forcing Sugu to awaken as Sailor Celestial and bring out her power of Etherion.”


Yen Sid says, “Correct, young Kazuto.”


King Mickey asks, stunned, “Etherion?!”


Riku asks, “What is that?”


Yen Sid responds, “One of the most powerful forces in the universe, Master Riku. It is the very power of creation itself and born at the birth of existence. It is a powerful than normal mortals, not even the most elite Keyblade Masters, could ever wield, Master Riku. It’s power could destroy the very fabric of reality itself.”


Sora (M) says, stunned, “Whoa! That’s incredible.”


Yen Sid says, pointing to Sailor Celestial, “However, this young lady, Sailor Celestial, who you met in her ‘avatar form’ of Leafa, in Sword Art Online, is gifted with an incredible gift: The ability to harness and control Etherion itself.”


Kairi says, “Oh, wow.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a solemn tone, “Gift…or it could be a curse.”


Yen Sid says, “Great power can only be a gift or a cursed based on who wields such power and how they see that power, young princess.”


Sailor Celestial says, “I knew that you were going to say that.”


Yen Sid says, continuing his ‘speech’ while the scenes move forward, “Kayaba original plan had the game being completed and him continuing on to virtualize his own mind into cyber-space to prepare with his future plans. However, ‘outside forces’ convinced Sugou to ‘interfere’ with the game causing a ‘malfunction’ that forced Kayaba to digitize his mind to activate his ‘alternate plan’ in which he used the lure of the NervGear that he had put in the hands of Sailor Celestial’s friend to lure her to Sword Art Online.” Soon after, the events of Shion AKA Sinon’s and Suguha’s AKA Leafa’s arrives in SAO are shown and Yen Sid says, “However, there are events that even he couldn’t predict including Mimete, who had sealed in SAO when she invaded the servers to take it over, managed to break herself out of the ‘chains’ that he put her partially and she used a bit of the power that he had sealed in SAO to connect with other ‘digital realms’ in other universes including our universe.”


Kairi says, “Causing Sora, Donald, Goofy, and I, who was inside of ‘cyber world’ of Radiant Garden, Tron’s world, to get sucked into that place.”


Yen Sid says, “Correct. And your influence had major consequences, Kairi. The power of you and Sora, as powerful Keyblade wielders, allowed young Kazuto, Sailor Moon, the Sun Princess, and Solaris Prince to awaken their powers of the Keyblade as well.” Soon after, Kazuto, Sailor Moon, Davis, and Sailor Sun showed their Keyblades and Yen Sid says, “However, it helped bring out the powers of the Keyblade in one other through she took more time than they.”


King Mickey asks, “Who is that?”


Sailor Celestial says, summoning her two Keyblades, “That’s me.”


Riku says, stunned, “You have two Keyblades!”


Yen Sid says, “Indeed, Master Riku.” Soon after, the scenes of what happened after Sora (M), Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy left SAO are shown and Yen Sid says, “Kayaba found this out and this caused his plans to change even more in which he knew that both of his daughters had the power to gain the Keyblade especially Sailor Celestial. His plans came to fruition in the final battle of Sword Art Online with the final awakening of Sailor Celestial.” Just then everyone sees the events of what happened in the Ruby Palace especially the fight between Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff in which plenty of the others winch when Heathcliff impaled Sailor Celestial’s virtual avatar to the wall of the Ruby Palace.


Tenten says, with a winch, “Oh, ouch.”


Yen Sid says, “Kayaba needed to push Sailor Celestial to her mental and emotional limits in order to push her to awaken the greatest depths of her incredible and limitless potential in which she did in…spectacular fashion.” The events of Sailor Celestial’s transformation into a Valkyrie Sailor Soldier are shown including Kayaba revealing his Keyblade.


Sora (M) says, “Hey! He has a Keyblade!”


Yen Sid says, with a sigh, “Yes, Heathcliff is a Keyblade Master.”


There are gasps of shock and Riku asks, “He is a Keyblade Master?”


Yen Sid says, with a nod, “Yes, he is. He needed the clash of two powerful Keyblade warriors in order to ensure his or should I say, the duplicate of his mind’s passage into other worlds. And Sailor Celestial proved more powerful than even he believed.” Everyone is witnessing the final clash in which Sailor Celestial forms the Kye-Blade much to King Mickey’s shock.


King Mickey yells out, flabbergasted, “That’s the Kye-Blade!”


Naruto asks, “Kye-Blade?”


Yen Sid responds, “The ‘ultimate Keyblade’, young Naruto. It is the ‘counterpart’ to the true Kingdom Hearts and when the true Kingdom Hearts vanished, the original Kye-Blade turns into seven pieces of light and thirteen pieces of darkness.”


Riku says, “Only when seven Keyblade warriors of light and thirteen Keyblade warriors of darkness clash with their power, it is said that the Kye-Blade will be reborn.”


There are plenty of amazed looks and Keiko says, amazed, “Wow.”


Rika asks, “How did our girl form it?”


Yen Sid says, “She tapped into the powerful hearts trapped within SAO along with the power of the four hearts inside of her in order to awaken the power of the Kye-Blade.”


Riku asks, looking at Sailor Celestial, “Four hearts inside of her?”


Yen Sid says, plainly, “The young Moon princess’ form is a vessel for not only her heart, but the hearts of three of those that lost their lives to the selfish obsessions of Kayaba.” Sora (M), Kairi, and Riku look at Sailor Celestial, who becomes a bit nervous, and Yen Sid says, “You have many great burdens, but you aren’t the only one.” Yen Sid looks at everyone else and he says, “There are many among you that will play an important role in what’s to come and you will have your own great burdens that rival as well as even exceeds the burdens that Sailor Celestial must carry.”


Tuxedo Mask asks, “Burdens as great as or even greater than Sailor Celestial’s?”


Yen Sid tells Tuxedo Mask, while glancing at Sailor Moon, “Your beloved princess is one of them, young Earth Prince. Right now, she is on a dangerous path and I dare say that she may fall into ‘the abyss’ if she is not care of her heart and spirit for she has suffered much and a great darkness lies within not just her heart, but her very being that may consume her completely.”


There are gasps from Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts in which Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, concerned, “A great darkness within me?”


Sailor Mars thinks in her mind, “Yeah and I know where it most likely came from.”


Minato asks, “What is my son’s role in this?”


Yen Sid says, “Of that I am not completely certain, Minato Namikaze. However, the instant that your son was removed from your world, his destiny…I can’t say that it has changed. A proper term would be more like ‘expanded’.”


Jiraiya asks, “Expanded?”


Yen Sid responds, “Yes. He has become more than the ‘chosen savior and protector’ of your world in order to bring it to the new ‘golden age’. He has been chosen to be something much more.”


Riku asks, “Does that mean that he could have the power of the Keyblade too?”


There are looks of shock and Yen Sid says, “I believe so, Master Riku. Young Uzumaki’s heart is exceptionally strong and a heart unyielding to darkness, but his ‘inner turmoil’ right now may be preventing him from accessing his ‘inner strength’.” But then Yen Sid, Davis, Sailor Sun, Kazuto, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Celestial ‘sense’ something or in this case, someone.


Just then a familiar male voice says, “Then maybe I can bring out his power, Master Yen Sid-dono.” Everyone then looks to see none other than Heathcliff AKA Akihiko Kayaba walk out into the open.


There are looks of surprise and Sailor Celestial says, angrily, “You!”


Heathcliff looks at Yen Sid, takes a bow, and he says, “It is an honor to be in your presence, Master Yen Sid-dono.”


Yen Sid responds, “You do realize that I don’t feel the same, Master Heathcliff.”


Heathcliff replies, with a smile, “No, I expect you to be.” Heathcliff then brings out his Keyblade and he asks, looking at Naruto, “Now, may we begin?”


July 21, 2025, Kingdom Hearts universe, Radiant Garden


Within the universe that Sora (M), Kairi, Riku, Yen Sid, and King Mickey came from, we are in the world of Radiant Garden, the world of Kairi’s birth before she went to Destiny Islands, in which we find a gruff blond haired male that looks like engineer talking with Squall Leonhart, nickname Leon, are inside of a computer of the castle that dominates this world which once belonged to the former leader of this land, Ansem the Wise, before he was betrayed by his students.


Leon asks blond haired male, “Are you sure, Cid?”


The blond haired male responds, in a gruff somewhat Southern United States accent, “Yep! I’m sure. After what happened when that ‘virtual world’ was connected with the ‘world’ inside of Ansem the Wise’s computers, I had got the defenses enhanced with a little help from Merlin and Yen Sid.”


Leon asks, stunned, “Yen Sid?”


The blond haired male replies, “Yep. The former Keyblade Master and the one who trained our ‘mouse king’ to be the Keyblade Master that he is today.”


Leon says, “That doesn’t explain what happened, Cid.”


The blond haired male, Cid, responds, “Remember, the computers were linked to that so-called ‘game’ for a good amount of time. We aren’t sure what came through that gateway before it was closed, but if there was something, we would have detected it. And that’s not the only problem.”


Leon says, with a nod, “Xehanort and his new Organization Thirteen. I heard the rumors.”


Cid asks, “What do you think that nut is up to this time?”


Leon says, “I don’t know, Cid, but you can be sure that it is nothing good. Keep me posted.” Cid nods his head as the two of them leave the room not noticing the computer become static-like for several moments in which the symbol for the Knights of the Blood Oath and Heathcliff’s face are seen before the screen returns to normal in which Leon turns around and looks to see nothing.


Cid looks where Leon is looking and he asks, “What are you looking at?”


Leon replies, plainly, “Nothing, I guess.”


Cid retorts, “You need to take a nap, Leon. You are on edge.”


Leon responds, “For good reason, Cid.” Leon and Cid take off and when they are out of the room, the computer screen become static-like as Heathcliff’s face reemerges on the scene before the screen become normal once more.


And that’s the end of the chapter and the end of first arc, everyone! I know that you must have been wondering about when Kingdom Hearts will be joining in since in my Hollow Fragment fanfiction, they were a ‘significant factor’ in the story. However, you are going to have to read and see how much of a ‘factor’ they will prove in this story, folks. Right now, I’m going to focus on the next arc of SAO Shippuden, but don’t worry, everyone, I already have the next arc and the third arc of this story already formalized and they will be posted when I’m ready to post them. So, don’t worry, they will be ready. Please read and review and tell me what you think, but no flames please! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!