Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ From weak to strong ❯ Chapter five: Going out part one ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As flames went over to the boys fast, they heard.


'Tsunade-Sensei!" shouted Sakura.

'Hi again but would you like to stop that fire now." Said Tsuande.

"Oh okay ice breathe." She said as she blown ice from her hand to the flames putting them out.

As the boys just had shocked look on their faces. "What?" asked Sakura. " We can control two main elements but we also know the other elements."

"Sakura, Ino, Hinata and Tenten are you staying or going back?" asked Tsuande.

"We still have two years to complete." Replied Ino.

"Oh that means you are going again." Replied Shizune.

"Yes but we can stay for the night or two.' Replied Tenten looking at Neji.

'Tenten this is no time to go all gag eyes now. " Replied Sakura.

'Sakura please, captain/' asked/begged Tenten.

'Fine go on then, What about you guys/' asked Sakura.

"Hey Hinata let's get some ramen together?' asked Naruto.

'Sakura.' Replied Hinata.

"Go on." Replied Sakura.

As Tenten and Hinata walked over to the boys as Hinata and Naruto went to get some ramen as Tenten and Neji went to talk.

'Ino' replied Sakura rising her eyebrow.

"Fine." She said walking to Shikamaru and grabbing him by the arm flying them somewhere.

"Tsuande I like to talk with you." Replied Sakura.

As she walks over to Tsuande leaving Sasuke behind in the cold wind that had came.

'Hn.' He replied as he followed them back to the village.

'So Tenten let's see want you got now.' Replied Neji taking his stance against Tenten.

'Fine you'll ass not mine." She replied as she got in her stance.

'Hinata I'm very sorry I didn't think on your feels.' Said Naruto looking at her.

'Thanks Naruto.' She replied.

'Ino, where are you taking me/' asked Shikamaru.

'Shh it's a secret.' Ino said as she made three easy hand seal as she touch Shikamaru then herself.

'So Sakura what is it that you wanted me to see/' asked Tsuande.

'Tsunade here is a scroll from Queen Katsumi. I was told to give that to you.' Replied Sakura.

As Tsunade looks through it she realized it was a progress report and some information. Placing it down, she turns to Shizune and Sakura.

'Sakura you guys have gotten very strong, but I sense someone wrong with you. I mean each girl has a crush but you seem not having one why?" asked Tsunade.

"Cause men are the ones that pulled me down now I hate them." Replied Sakura as she walks away and disappears to train more.

"Uchiha you heard." said Tsunade.

"Hn." he replied as he disappeared too.

A/N- I need twelve review to get the next chapter up, but i won't be here until the twelve or thirteen from Mexico. There's more to i hate men with Sakura. It will come in the next chapter or after that one. TTFN Bye