Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ From weak to strong ❯ Chapter Eleven: Truth Revealed Part 4 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tenten's Pov

Tenten look at her door with Yuranna, and then she took a glance over at Sakura and the rest. To see Sakura placing her hands on her door, then she almost jumped up as her door glowed red, then looking at Ino to see her door glowing purple and then Hinata's door was blue, she placed her hands on it and it glowed green. She guesses it had to do something with her ability to control earth.

Tenten walked into the room, as the door closed behind her.

Each girl was in a different room, with no lights on until a soft glow from each room, glowed.

Tenten Pov in the room

Tenten looked around the room. She couldn't take in her surroundings due to the darkness and wondered where the lights were. Then as she looked something caught her eye, a soft green glow began to light up on the far side of the room. Then the light started to grow bigger until a young beautiful woman dressed in a silk green pants and a brown shirt, with green flowing hair. The woman smiled at Tenten, showing her pearl white teeth.

"Who are you?" Tenten asked as her hand went to her side where her scrolls were.

"Welcome to my sanctuary I'm Trista," Trista replied.

"Well, Trista, please tell me where I am? And where are my friends?" Tenten questioned.

"You are in my room and as for your friends there with my friends," Trista stated.

"Okay, so why am I in your room?" Tenten asked.

"Because you are my descend," Trista called out to her.

"What? Descend for you?" Tenten asked as her head shook at it all.

"Hai, young one, you are my descend, the door won't let you in if you aren't my descend," Trista recalled at her.

Tenten looked at the women named Trista and thought about it for a few moments, then questioned out "Okay if I'm your descend, then why are you still here and why do you need me now?"

"I'm not alive but I'm not dead either, it is hard to example to you. Then world needs you now, the evil that my friends and I fought is going to come back," Trista said.

"What evil?" Tenten asked.

"Oh so full of questions, young one," Trista replied then she pick up a Green jewel and thrusted it at Tenten's forehead. "Listen, and learn"

"The world hasn't always calmed, peaceful and joyous, it was full of different clans that fought to control all humans' life in all nations. Most clans were soon annihilating by each other but one clan named Kariar survived because of they powers"

"This clan destroyed most life on the lands, until four elder warrior princesses of the elements saw this above in the heavens and connected four females of different origins and gave them their title of warrior princesses thus giving them the power to destroy the clan.

Trista took the green jewel off of Tenten's forehead and waited for a few moments to past. Tenten opened her eyes and looked at Tenten then she nodded her head and understood a bit.

"So I'm here to fight against the evil," Tenten stated

"Hai, you are," Trista said.

"What happened when you and your friends fought the evil?" Tenten asked.

Trista looked at the wall, and then took out a different green jewel and placed it back on Tenten's forehead," Once again, look, listen, and hear."

"Fire storm," Sakara yelled as she saved her friends. "You okay,"

"Hai, thanks to you," They said all were wearing different outfits and colors.

"Let's do this, now," Sakara replied to them. But was stopped by some warriors with kunai's in their hands.

"Where are you going?" one asked.

"To finish off you guys," Sakara yelled at the, as she jumped into the air and flicked her hands into the air around her, "fire bubble" A red colored bubble appeared into her hands, Sakara flicked it at the warriors down below and trapped them.

Sakara landed on the ground and looked around to see her friends fighting off the others until no one was standing. "Sakara what now?" One asked.

"To the rest of them," Sakara replied as she felted tired from constance fighting.

They moved into the large courtyard and looked around to see nothing not even a single person, but soon heard drumming to the right.

"Welcome warrior Princesses of fire, water, air and earth, or should I say Sakara, Mina, Aira and Trista," a deep voice ranged out. "Oh what happened to the other three princesses of metal, Healing and spirit. Oh I remember I killed them.

"Lord Seiya, this is your end with this despicable clan," Sakara yelled as she nodded her head at her friends.

"My dear, Sakara this is where you end," Seiya replied.

Sakara shook her head and jumped to the left side, as the rest jumped into their side and started a chanted that was from the elder four. "Strength of fire, power of passion, hear my prayer and trap this clan with your heated power; Mina said: Calmness of water, power of spirit, hear my prayer, and come to my aid; While Aira said: Strength of air, power of illusion gather around this clan and take away air; and lastly Trista said: Strength of earth, power of strength, thee call on your to delivery them to hell." The chant glowed and started to reach out for any clan members and placed them into a barrier killing them all but one, soon the rest were imprisoned and all. Seiya was standing with a look of rage on his face.

"Lion style: claw fist," Seiya yelled at the girls. A massive claw shot at them with speeds, hitting them with a claw each.

Sakara heard her friends scream in pain, but she bit her lip at the pain, then tried to move from the claw. Moving slowly, she looked up to see Seiya walking down at them all.

"Fire blast," Sakara replied as a large blast of fire flied at Seiya. "Mina, Aira, Trista, get up, we can finish him."

Sakara looked at the girls as they stood up with blood coming out from places were the claw hit them. "SAKARA!"

Sakara looked back, but felted a weapon slash and thrusted into her body, most her stomach, now more blood flowed out of the wounds and her mouth. Sakura grabbed onto him and chanted one spell that the warrior princess of fire gave her. "Lost in greed, power not earned, seal him within…." Her eyes blurred and words were coming to a stop, "a barrier," The chanted glowed and Seiya screamed as his body disappeared from sight and behind the barrier and locked into nothingness.

"SAKARA!" Her friends yelled as they got up and raced over to her, as her eyes finally gave out.

Trista took the jewel off from Tenten's forehead again, and waited.

"I see that's what happened; your friends and you didn't have enough training or power to make sure he was dead." Tenten stated in a evenly tone of voice.

"You die," Sakura replied as she looked at her.

"Now, I know, but I still never thought that my descend would have to finish him off for me." Trista recalled to her.

"Well, you need to let go of the past and help the future, you can't chance the past, what's done is done," Tenten replied.

Soon a smash was heard within the large emerald green gem to the left of the room, Trista and Tenten looked at it and walked over to it.

"What was that?"Tenten asked as she looked over the broken gem of emerald green gem.

"That was the emerald green gem, that gem told me that you would be coming here with the other descents. Now that it is broken, you girls have about a year to gather your powers and the last three Himes Warriors." Trista replied.

Tenten nodded her head at her as she remembers that they were three more to look for.

"And they would be? And where would they be?" Tenten asked.

"The Warrior of Healing, her name was Kako, the warrior of Spirit, her name was Hanako, and lastly was the warrior of metal, her name was Masae. Each of them dead before the final battle with Lord Seiya," Trista replied.

"Okay, and now," Sakura asked.

"Well, this is just a guess, try earth, lighting and sand," Trista recalled.

"Why sand? That's wind?" Tenten said.

"Hai but it can also be metal," Trista replied then took something from around her neck. "This is for you,"

Tenten took what was within Trista's hand and looked at it. It was a small circle of gem that was green. "What's this?"

"That is the green gem, you place that in the crystal silver circle with fire, water and wind before you can find the another three," Trista exampled to her. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready," Tenten said.

"Good, now hold out your hands," Trista ordered lightly at Tenten.

Tenten did as she was told, while Trista placed her hands on hers, Tenten heard a chanted coming from her" Power of earth, power of my descent, found within a heart, giver of peace, I give her my powers to protect and preserve peace,"

Tenten closed her eyes while she felt ripples of rock going through her body, until it stopped and forces at her upper chest area, opening her eyes, Tenten looked down to see a green leave surround by a few rocks.

Tenten looked back up to see Trista fading away from her sight, she gave a wave to her then hard the door opening up. She turned around and went towards the door.


Sakura heard the door opened and placed the scrolls that she was reading within her hands walking out of the room and out to the main room at the beginning.


Ino looked up to see the door was opening up, standing up she walked towards the she turned and nodded her head to the room.


She smiled at the water in the bowl, and then she heard the door opening up. She turned to it and started to walk towards the door.


Once they got outside of the rooms that they were in, they turned to their respectful doors and stated out loud" I promise that we defeat the evil Lord Seiya, even if it means, our lives,"

A/N- Oh no. That means bad news. Now the whole Pov on each girl is done, found out next time on FWtS what happens next? Bye