Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ From weak to strong ❯ Chapter Sixteen: Night of Passion ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shikamaru watched as Sasuke left his room as he sighed as he look at Ino and he wondered" What happened and why were the girls here?"

His thoughts were going around and still looking at her. When he heard a moan coming from her.

"Ino." Shikamaru said as he went closer to her. Flicking under her eye lids, Shikamaru waited as he didn't wait for long as he saw blue eyes peeking through at the bottle.

"Shikamaru?" Ino asked.

"Hai," Shikamaru replied.

Ino opened her eyes all the way as she looked around and shot up, hissing in pain a bit." Where's the enemy?"

"Ino, you're safe," Shikamaru told her.

Ino sighed as she stretched as she looks at her body. "Who healed me?"


Ino nodded her head at him and made sure everything was fine with her. "Thanks Shikamaru."

"Ino, what is going on? Why are you here?" Shikamaru asked.

"Same as always, we have a mission and that is why we are here. Shikamaru did you see anyone else?" Ino answered his questions and wait for him to answer hers.

"No, we didn't. Only Sakura, Tenten, Hinata and you." Shikamaru replied.

"So they must have gone on to the second escape point.' She uttered to herself. Then she got up and looks over at Shikamaru to see his face was still with worry.

Ino went over to him and gave Shikamaru a hug as he returns the hug to her. "Ino please don't scare me again."

"Shikamaru, we ninja; we'll also be doing something that is scared.' Ino explained to him.

'I know," He admitted to her.

"Now Sasuke said, that something was wrong with Tenten chakra and nerves system. " Shikamaru said to Ino.

Ino placed on her medic face and nodded her head. "Take me to her."

Shikamaru took her out of the room and knocked on Neji's door. Neji answered it." Move aside." Ino ordered as she pushed passed Neji and went towards her friend. Ino looked over her to see burn mark that it was not made of fire but lightning. Ino placed her chakra into Tenten's chakra system and healed it from the inside then she moved onto her nerves system as she calm down her nerves that was burnt or severed by the lightning.

After she was done, she smiled as she saw Tenten waking up. "Ino!"

"Hi Tenten, and no we not in the enemy camp, we are with your boys." Ino replied to Tenten unasked question.

'Neji?" Tenten asked confused. 'Hai." Ino replied as she pointed to the male in question.

"Tenten, you okay?" Neji asked as he came over.

Ino moved towards Shikamaru while she smiled at them. "I want to check out Hinata and Sakura."

Shikamaru nodded his head at her as their left the room and went towards Naruto and Hinata's room. He knocked on it, as he heard "Come in" he shook his head and thought," What kind of ninja saying come in first?" He walked into the room as Naruto smiled at them. "Hi Ino, you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, what about Hinata?" Ino asked.

'Hello, Ino." Hinata said as she came out of the bathroom.

"Hinata!" Ino yelled as she launches herself at her friend, giving her a hug. Then she pulled away and summoned her chakra into her hands and checks her out. Nothing needed to be healed; she sighed at this and smiled.

"Is Sakura-chan okay?" Naruto asked.

"I haven't seen her yet. Tenten is okay." Ino answered him. "Well, I'm going to make sure that Sakura is okay now."

Ino walked out without Shikamaru as he was asking some questions to Hinata, Ino knocked on the next to theirs and waited for the door to open.

"Sasuke, its Ino." Ino called when the door wasn't opening up.

She heard footsteps as the door opened up to see Sasuke looking at her. "I'm going to make sure Sakura in healed. By the way, thank you for healing me." Ino told him.

Sasuke shake his head at her and let her into their room. She went towards Sakura and check over her body as she smiled and turned to Sasuke.

"You passed." Ino laughed at his expression.

Sasuke looked at Ino and smirked as they heard a moan to their right side. Both turned to see Sakura waking up.

"Sakura," Sasuke whispered.

Sakura opened her green gem eyes and looked around to see Ino and Sasuke." Sasuke….?"

Sasuke replied," I found you naked on the ground with cuts, bruises and wounds. I healed you and Ino made sure that I did okay. We also brought you girls to a hotel."

She nodded her head and smiled as she sat up without realizing that she was still naked.

'Sakura," Ino told her as her own blue sapphire eyes were looking down at Sakura's chest.

Sasuke blushed red as he looked somewhere else. Sakura followed them to see." Eep!" Sakura place the covers on top of herself.

"Sasuke where is my clothes?" Sakura asked.

"I didn't see them only saw thirty ninja's in the same area that you were in." Sasuke uttered to her as his voice was full of wanting to know what happened.

'Maybe someone should get her some clothes and us?' a voice was heard from the door, they all looked over to see Tenten, Hinata, Neji and Naruto watching in.



"Sakura," they yelled the girls. The boys said softly. The boys all thought "Good, now we can get some answers."

"Ladies, could you please let us what happened in detail?" Shikamaru asked.

Ino started the story

First after they got back from Konoha four months ago and then Tenten took over after that, until Sakura told her side of her fight and Hinata, Ino and Tenten did theirs.

Each boy was shocked that their got stronger but in their minds it was just a fluke and glance at each other.

'Ino, I forbidden you to go." Shikamaru ordered.

Neji looked at Shikamaru and then told" Tenten, I order you to go back home."

"Hinata, you too," Naruto stated too.

Sakura looked at them all and then to Sasuke" Oh no, you don't… I'm going."

Sasuke shook his head and give her a look that said" you're not going to win this".

'WHAT!" they screamed as they glared at the boys.

"Shikamaru, you can't be serious.' Ino called.

"I'm serious, Ino I don't want you hurt and you won't change my mind." Shikamaru told her.

Ino glared at him as she wanted to hit him. That was when she heard the rest.

"Tenten, you are not going and that is final." Neji told her.



'Hinata, you are staying with us until tomorrow and then you're being going home.' Naruto instructed to her face as she had tears coming down.

Hinata couldn't stay longer, as she fled from the room and back into the next room. Naruto looked at them and took off into their room.

"Don't say it Uchiha." Sakura growled at him.

'Hai, Sakura I'm going to say it too, you're going home." Sasuke replied. "So who will be going shopping?"

Ino stormed out with Tenten following her as the two males followed them to make sure that they would be okay and back.

Once outside, Ino looked at Tenten.

"You are to get weapons for us." Ino ordered. "I'll get us some clothes."

Tenten nodded her head and sneered at Neji as she turned away from them. Neji followed her as he kept his distance away from Tenten.

Ino grunted as she went right and into the shopping area with clothes, with Shikamaru following her, she didn't make away move to talk to him but he did.

"Ino, please listen to me, I love you and I don't want you hurt." Shikamaru told her as he gently grabbed her arm.

'Don't say you love me when you order me around like that, hai I know you are a jounin but I'm warrior hime. Shikamaru I have a duty to protect this world." Ino whispered at him while she ripped her arm out of his hand.

Shikamaru sighed at this while he knew Ino would be mad at him for a long time but it kept her safe. He followed her into a shop and watched her getting different types of clothes of her friends and herself.

"Ino, how are you going to pay?" Shikamaru asked.

Ino stopped and looked at him, evidentially she hadn't thought about that. He sighed and gives her his money. Ino smiled at him but then glared and stated" This doesn't change anything."

Ino paid for the item she brought and stomped away from Shikamaru who as still following her back to the hotel room. When she stopped away from the crowds into a small alley, Ino placed the bags down and as she did a jutsu, the bags disappeared and she looked at Shikamaru.


Shikamaru never heard Ino call him by his last name not when she was mad at him.

'Nara, I challenge you to a duel," Ino growled at him as she mind was smirking.

"Why?" Shikamaru asked.

"To prove that I'm stronger then I last time." Ino replied. "If I win, you have nothing to say when I go and do my duty, if you win then I'll go home.'

"Ino, you are strong." Shikamaru sighed.

"Then why won't you let me do my duty at all? I'm not weak; we were training and tired when those guys attack us." Ino exclaimed as raced away from him.

"Ino!" Shikamaru yelled as he followed her. He saw her going into the woods and as he followed her until he couldn't felt her chakra anymore.

Shikamaru stopped and closed his eyes to sense Ino. When he opened his eyes, it was tosee Ino rushing him. He barely managed to dodge, making her fist slam into the trees, breaking it; it fell to the gorund with a loud 'thud'. Shikamaru looked at it and almost whistled, but couldn't as he was thrown
by some unseen force seconds later.

"Ino, please stop." Shikamaru quietly pleaded as he dodged and jumped away from her attacks.

"No. Now are you going to fight back or not?" Ino said in a cold and daunting tone.

Ino continued to punch and kick as fast as she could at Shikamaru, who was now sporting some wounds. Her movements looked more like a dance than fighting. She did a back bend right as Shikamaru punched at her and wrapped her long legs around his arm.

Ino used her arms and punched up dislocating his shoulder. As he hissed in pain, he was thrown back into a tree.

"I win." Ino said emotionlessly as she looked at Shikamaru. She noticed he was knocked out and blood was coming out from his mouth.

"Shikamaru!" Ino blanched as she saw Asuma in him as hurt he was. She cursed at herself for attacking so relentlessly. She raced over to him, quickly looking over him and used a teleportation jutsu back into their room. She laid him down and started to heal the sarcastic brunette while tears were streaming down her cheeks and dripping onto the pale white sheets. She wored tirelessly until she'd finally finished healing Shikamaru.

Ino turned away from him as she cried at his pain; the pain that she gave him. She was an awful love to him. While she heard groans of him waking up, she couldn't look at him at all.

'Ino." Ino didn't look at him or speak, as her tears kept coming.

Shikamaru took her gently by her arms and hugged her as his hand slowly went up to her face as he turned it towards him; he captured her lips with his. Ino kissed him back with much passion, as she pushed him down on the bed. Ino kisses his lips between muttering out apologies and sort. Ino smiled at him as she kiss his cheek and slowly went down towards his shirted chest still, and slowly started to undo the shirt. She smirked at him as she threw his shirt to the ground and bent forward kissing his lips and leisurely kissed his neck, leaving nicks. Ino continued to kiss down his neck and onto his chest she moved her hands over his chest lightly as she heard him growl in pleasure.

Ino smirked at him, as she placed her fingers onto his male nipples as she played with them, gently as she smoothed them over with her tongue. By then Shikamaru was moaning with pleasure and all.

"Ino." Shikamaru said breathlessly at her.

Ino went down and as she touch him though his pants, as she unhurriedly paced, she pushed his pants down as she used her hand and moved his hard member around, she pumped up and down, while she heard her Shikamaru pant and groan. Ino fully stop the torture on him as she rip off his last clothing piece and bent down kissing his hard member that had now pre-cum on it.

Ino used her hand and pumped up and down as she swirled it gently, while her another hand went and played gently with his sack, when Ino opened her mouth and licked at him. She heard him groan as she continued to torture on him. She begin to take him into her mouth, as her heard moved up and down as she suckle at his tip earning her a pleasurable moan in gratitude.

She didn't have to look up to see that he had tossed his head back and was clenching his teeth with pleasure on his face. Ino soon left one of his hands on her head. Her only concentration was on what she was doing. She felt him grow harder inside her mouth but she just kept on sucking on him and bobbing her head up and down, letting him go deeper. Concentrating on deep throating him, she tasted a sweet but salty taste her mouth and she smiled as she slowly pulled her head back, releasing him. While she heard him calling out her name" Ino!"

She was pulled up as his kissed her lips gently tasting himself on hers. He grinned and rolled them over as she was on the bottle this time.

Shikamaru smirked against her lips, as his hands moved over clothed chest as his mouth started to go down onto her neck, leaving her a nick. His hands went under her shirt and slowly moved it up and off of her. Leaving her with her bra and skirt on. Shikamaru made quickly work on her bra as her took a nipple into his warm mouth; he gently sucked on it and nibbles.

Ino moaned in pleasure as Shikamaru continued suckling and licking then he moved his hand trailed down her inner thigh until he reached her folds. He began rubbing the small nub, causing Ino's breath to hitch as she kissed him before she began moan as she pulled her head away from his and leaned it back, giving him full access to her neck where he began nipping her skin, sending white hot electricity through her entire body.

"Shikamaru." Ino breathing heavy called out.

Shikamaru placed his hands onto her waist and hooked his fingers under the strings of her thong. With a very swift move, he slid them down, letting them fall before wrapping his arms around her waist and lift her up, setting her down right onto the desk's edge. He moved very close to her, pressing himself against her inner thigh.

Shikamaru went into his pants that were on the ground and quickly went into a pouch and pulled out a condom. He rips it as he had it within his hands when Ino took it and slowly places it on his hard member as she kisses his public hair while she pushed down on the condom.

Ino laid down again as she felt Shikamaru rubbing his member against her glazed opening as he enters. Shikamaru thrusted in and out as Ino moaned at him. They kissed each other, tongues dancing with each other before he slowly drew out a little before giving a sharp thrust.

She began to pant as she felt him slowly thrusting into her but all she did was tighten her legs' grip around him, causing him press closer to her. She felt his hot kisses trail from her mouth, down her jaw to her neck was he began to suck on a sensitive spot near her ear, and while she only bit her lip with her eyes closed, keeping her from getting too loud.

'Ino, bite me." Shikamaru told her as he thrusted into her, Ino looked at him and panted hard as she lifted her mouth onto his chest and gave a bite as he thrusted harder and longer onto her.

Ino gasped out," Oh, oh!"

"Ino!" Shikamaru almost yelled.

Both were beginning to climax, as Ino moved her hands over her mouth to keep the scream within her as she looked up at Shikamaru loving eyes as he too was going to climax.

"Shikamaru!" "Ino!" Both yelled out as they climax both hit them. Shikamaru looked at his love; his girlfriend and pulled out as his once hard member was limped against his leg. He pulled her closer to him and went to sleep.

…Tenten and Neji…..

Tenten was threatening Neji with stabbing him with different kinds of weapons, as she smiled at it. Neji looked at her with narrowing eyes at this as he knew she was very mad at him but her safety comes first.

Tenten found the shop and went into it as she got four sets of ten kunai's, couple of fans, swords and senbon needles and some others weapons, and she went to the male at the counter and paid the weapons and smiled a "thank you" and a glared at Neji.

….Sasuke and Sakura….

"Please Sakura understand that I can't lose you too, like my family." Sasuke whispered to her after their friends left she locked herself into the bathroom.

'I'm going, Uchiha you're not the boss of me, as I still have two more years to train." Sakura told.

'Sakura that was nullified when Queen Katsumi was killed." Sasuke growled as he disappeared into the bathroom as he held Sakura onto the wall as he gave her a kiss.

….Hinata and Naruto…..

"Hinata-chan," Naruto called out as he went into the room.

"Leave me alone." Hinata whispered as tears where falling down her face.

"Hinata, I love you u and I won't let you get hurt.' Naruto told her as he sat on the bed as he rubbed her back.

'Naruto, I love you too, but you also need to know that I worry about you like you worry about me. Each mission has its danger parts." Hinata told him as she looked at him.

"I know, Hinata but …"

'Naruto, do you believe that I can protect myself or not?" Hinata asked him.

'I do, but ..."

'Oh, Naruto stop moping on this and make love to me now." Hinata ordered him.

Kissing her lips, as his hands wonder around her body, lighting up fiery passion settles in them, as hands threw into her hair and her hands into at the back of Naruto's neck as tiny moans from both mouths erupts, as they pulls away to catch of breathe, smiling at each other, Hinata was get pick up by Naruto and lays on his bed. Hinata dress was slowly taken off as he kisses her lips.

As he once again kisses her lips, slowly moving down to her neck as he sucks on it making her moan with pleasure and making her body react to this nice and pleasurable treatment. Still sucking on her neck, he moves away to see a nice hickey forming right at the neck and the shoulder area. Kissing her lips, he smiles at her, as he brought his mouth to her rosy nipples, moving his mouth onto it, Hinata moans loudly at the pleasure; she feels his tongue working its way around all of it and then some.

Soon he chances nipples giving the same treatment to it as the last one, before kissing her navel and moved more down to the thighs, kissing and love biting them to the heaven place between her legs at the top. Smelling the sweet smell coming from within, Naruto brings his finger to it, rubbing against the top of her clitoris as her moans went louder. Naruto places his finger at the vaginal opening, pushing one in as he slowly pulls in and out, soon he add another finger, then another one until she cum's with all her might.

"Hinata you sure?" He asks as he takes off his clothing then he was placing on a condom.

"Yes Naruto, please be gentle," Hinata says.

Naruto slowly placed his eject penis at her vaginal opening, as he slowly push his way in, stopping when he heard some soft moan of pain, he looks at Hinata who still nods at him to go the whole way, he pushes more in as louder moans of pain filled his ears but continues to push into her opening. Soon he was full in and kissing her tears that fell from her eyes.

"Sorry my love," He says as he kisses her lips passionately.

As he moves slowly in and out, until moans were hears without the room and grunt were coming out from his mouth. He knew that they were close to an orgasm but he wanted her to go first speeding up, Hinata screams in pleasure and soon Naruto followed as his orgasms after her filling her with his seeds. Hinata eyes drops as she falls asleep within her boyfriend's arms.

A/N- Finally this chapter is now done. There you have it, only two more sex scenes and only one person will be …pregnant. Bye