Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Macross Fan Fiction ❯ A Job of a Pilot ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Job of a Pilot
a Neon Genesis Evangelion/Macross/Robotech crossover
by Bug-Chan
At once, the Valkyrie he was in transformed to a robot, which he could control with more ease than the fighter jet. He tried to slow down, which he did, but not slow enough that he started to run into building after building after building, before stopping some twenty feet away from a Chinese restaurant. Shinji then reoriented himself and looked around. 'Phew, that was too close,' he thought to himself. He then got up and looked at the situation.
It was not making his day at all.
Chapter 2
He started looking around and surveying the amount of damage and his current surroundings. Behind him, he saw a trail of what used to be houses and buildings. On both his left and right sides were intact buildings while right in front of him was a rather unique-looking Chinese restaurant, with red edges around its windows.
Outside, above the restaurant, a window opened and two heads popped out to see where the big noise came from: a short blue-haired pale-skinned girl with red, ruby-like eyes along with a little boy with brown hair and big brown eyes.
"Wow!!! It's a robot! It's huge!!" the boy exclaimed, trying to run towards it. He took one step and was restrained by the older girl, who just shook her head. Then both heard a mechanical sound and turned their heads towards the robot, whose head apparently came down to its chest. "It's moving!" he exclaimed again. Seconds later, a chair came up, showing a still-unconscious Asuka sitting there. 'That is strange, how can she operate that while she is unconscious?' the girl wondered to herself. Then the chair went up again, and showed a conscious Shinji, who cautiously stood up, looked around and saw the girl and the boy looking back at him. 'What in the world is going on here?' he asked to himself, confused. "Umm...excuse me! What does this look like to you?" he questioned the two people in the building.
"A huge huge robot!" the younger boy shouted back.
"Just as I thought...the plane turned into a robot," he said, mostly to himself. The two occupanets heard what he said and were shocked, the pale girl masking it very well under a face of indifference.
"Eh???? How come???" asked the boy, unknowingly vocalizing her thoughts.
"That's what I want to know," he answered, still confused and trying to put the pieces together.
"Then why, as the pilot, do you not know anything about this?" the girl asked quietly.
"Just because I'm a pilot doesn't mean I'm a soldier you know?" Shinji retorted back. He then heard a very loud honk coming from below, which was from a big truck.
"Yo! Can you get this out of the way? I got some important deliveries for the shelter!" the driver shouted.
"Yeah, will do!" Shinji shouted back and got back into the cockpit. 'OK, let's try this again,' he thought, then took hold of the controls once again. He slowly started manuvering...only to find out that he was falling backwards! 'Holy!!!' he could blurt out before his feet stepped on a pair of pedals on the ground. This caused the robot to spew out some thrust, keeping him from falling backwards, but then again sending him straight for the Chinese restaurant...and the two people inside it! 'HOLY!!!' he thought before he crashed into it and just shut his eyes, not wanting to see what he caused. If the circumstances were different, it would have seemed that the robot was peeking into a house. He slowly opened one eye, then the other, and saw the two people, apparently uninjured and probably unconscious. Then both people started to move, which made Shinji sigh with relief. He then found a switch for speech and flipped it.
"Are you two ok?" he asked. Both looked at themselves for any injuries, which they found none, looked back and nodded. 'Thank goodness,' he mumbled, only then to realize that he didn't know how to exactly back off without further destroying any more buildings.
Apparently Shinji wasn't the only one having problems. Back on the bridge on the Macross, Misato received word that the Macross was to take off and started barking out orders to prepare for takeoff, with the rest of the bridge going at it in front of their consoles like there was no tomorrow. Soon, preparations were done and everyone was waiting for Gloval's orders to take off.
"Launch the Macross!" he bellowed.
"Launching the Macross," Misa repeated. It slowly started making its way up. 'So far so good' was in everyone's minds. Then it got cut off with a sudden jolt that threw everyone down, especially Misato.
"Status report!" she demanded. Misa got back in front of her consoles and wouldn't believe what she was seeing.
"Lieutenant!" she shouted. "The bow!" Misato ran next to her, with Gloval right behind her, and both saw what she refused to believe she saw: the Gravity Control Systems, the main force behind pulling the Macross into space, were taking off on its own! "The ship's going back down to Earth!" she exclaimed.
'Bloody hell, so much for recycled parts,' Misato thought to herself grimly. They then felt another jolt as the Macross unceremoniously landed on Earth again.
"I guess this is what we get for using recycled parts," Misa mumbled. Gloval only nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, back at the Chinese restaurant, two trucks sent hooks around the arms of the robot and pulled it back to an upright position, relieving Shinji inside, then pulling him back down, back first.
"Don't give up, Mr. Pilot!" he shouted and waved. Rei just looked at him. Shinji weakly nodded and waved back. Then, another Valkyrie like his came down near him, but this one had a different paint job. On its tails, there was a picture of a skull and crossbones, like that from pirates in stories he read and the Valkyrie seemed much bigger than his. It as well transformed into a robot like his. A familiar face then appeared next to his controls. "Pilot of VT-102! Are you there? Respond!" he said.
"Would that be me?" he asked, somewhat timidly.
"Ah! You're a stubborn kind! How does it feel like to get shot down?" Roy asked.
"Not good obviously," Shinji answered, somewhat annoyed. "Can you help me get out of this mess?"
"Yeah, give me a few minutes and it'll be fine," he said, then approached the fallen robot. A few arms popped out of his hand and started tweaking with the interiors of the robot.
"What's the deal with this transforming into a robot?" Shinji then asked as the repairs took place.
"I can't explain that to you right now. Secret," Roy replied. He then saw a red bunch and a girl's face, unconscious, behind Shinji's seat. "Who's that behind you? Your girlfriend?" he asked.
"No! No! It's not like that!!" Shinji immediately replied, flushing. Roy got a laugh out of his reaction. The repairing was soon done and the miniature arms withdrew into the hands.
"OK, now step on those pedals firmly," Roy instructed. Shinji did as told so and slowly got back onto two feet.
"See, you shouldn't give up!" Tohru shouted again, smiling widely. Rei then gave a slight hint of a smile. Now on two feet, Shinji spotted a couple running towards Rei and Tohru.
"Rei! Tohru! Let's go to the shelter now!" a woman called out. Both kids started to go after the couple as Shinji watched Rei with intent. 'Why doesn't she say and do much?' he wondered. His reverie was cut when Roy spoke.
"You know, you shouldn't be unfaithful to your girlfriend like that," Roy teased.
"It's not what you think Fokker-san!!" Shinji retorted, once again blushing.
"Anyways, what's your name? We can't just have one person know a name," Roy asked.
"Shinji. Ikari Shinji," he answered.
"Shinji eh?" Roy said before a massive barrage of lasers from space struck the island.
"What was that???" Shinji asked, panic obvious in his voice.
"Most likely an enemy attack," Roy mumbled.
"I'm...worried...about Rei," Shinji softly said. Fortunately (or unfortunately) Roy picked that up.
"Now, now, young Ikari, what did I say about being unfaithful?" Roy humorously asked. Shinji's blush, which was slowly going away during the time, struck back at full force.
"It's not like that!!!" he shouted.
"Just kidding. Let's go look for her then," Roy said and was about to take off.
"Wait! I don't know how to pilot a robot!!" Shinji shouted. Roy then stopped and thought for a second.
"Hit the lever that says "G" near you," Roy ordered. Shinji did as told and gave a quick yelp as he transformed, yet again. Seconds later, he was in what was called "Gerwalk" mode. The Valkyrie now looked more like a plane, with the difference being that there were arms and legs sticking out. "The controls are almost identical with that of a jet's so you should have no trouble at all with controlling it. Speaking of control, where did someone young like you learn to fly a jet?"
"Umm...flight sim games?" Shinji said timidly.
"Oh..." Roy trailed. "Let's go, we can't afford to see your other girlfriend get killed now can we?"
Shinji blushed...again, but remained silent. The two Valkyries took off, zooming down the mostly destroyed city, looking for any signs of Rei. The duo saw a figure running down the road, apparently with blue hair. Roy sped up, covered her and shot down the enemy, which looked like a gigantic egg with legs.
"Ikari! Take her and get away from here! I'll cover you!" Roy ordered as he transformed back into a robot and shot down more of the enemy.
"But how--" Shinji asked.
"Just do it somehow!" Roy shouted back. Shinji then bent the Valkyrie and Rei jumped in on top of his lap. Shinji couldn't help but blush a bit. He then got over it and took off. He just zoomed down road after road, not really knowing where to go. During this time, Asuka finally regained consciousness. "" she started, before noticing blue hair and a feminine face in front of her, next to Shinji. "HENTAI! What are you doing with this girl??! And what position!!!" Asuka screamed. Shinji cringed for a moment, which was cut off by an attack from another egg-shaped enemy. This blew off one of the arms, which jolted the cockpit severely. Shinji fortunately didn't move too much and still had control, but the two girls didn't fare as well. Asuka slammed her head onto one of the controls, breaking it in the process but Rei's situation shocked him the most. She got a cut that went from behind her ear down to almost her jaw. Seeing this, Shinji freaked out and got a deer-in-the-headlights look. The enemy then fired another shot which missed but not by much. This jolted the cockpit again, this time knocking Asuka into the front seat with a loud "thud" and knocking her unconscious again. Shinji looked back at her and saw an Asuka with a head in a weird position, which he mistook for a broken neck.
Soon, the fear inside transformed into something called anger, which then transformed into something called rage. Shinji was now in rage, seeing two people near him in such condition.
"EEEEEEEARRRRRGH!!!!!!!!" he screamed, almost like an animal. This made Rei flinch in terror, grabbing onto Shinji even tighter. Shinji didn't notice and started charging after the egg-like thing in front of him, shooting his gun away. All the bullets made a hit but it didn't explode. Shinji then discarded the now-empty gun, ran up and pounded away with his one fist. It too a few rage-induced pounds before it exploded.
Roy took care of some more of those pods and went out to look for Shinji. He transformed back into fighter jet mode and took to the skies to look for the pilot. What he saw rendered him speechless for a minute: a Valkyrie in Gerwalk mode, without an arm, and a pile of smoke next to it. "Ikari! Ikari! Oi, Ikari! Answer me!" he shouted, almost frantic. All he heard was a ragged breathing pattern on the other side and some whimpering.
A/N - Keep those reviews coming!!! Especially you, SRW@ Fan!
a Neon Genesis Evangelion/Macross/Robotech crossover
by Bug-Chan
At once, the Valkyrie he was in transformed to a robot, which he could control with more ease than the fighter jet. He tried to slow down, which he did, but not slow enough that he started to run into building after building after building, before stopping some twenty feet away from a Chinese restaurant. Shinji then reoriented himself and looked around. 'Phew, that was too close,' he thought to himself. He then got up and looked at the situation.
It was not making his day at all.
Chapter 2
He started looking around and surveying the amount of damage and his current surroundings. Behind him, he saw a trail of what used to be houses and buildings. On both his left and right sides were intact buildings while right in front of him was a rather unique-looking Chinese restaurant, with red edges around its windows.
Outside, above the restaurant, a window opened and two heads popped out to see where the big noise came from: a short blue-haired pale-skinned girl with red, ruby-like eyes along with a little boy with brown hair and big brown eyes.
"Wow!!! It's a robot! It's huge!!" the boy exclaimed, trying to run towards it. He took one step and was restrained by the older girl, who just shook her head. Then both heard a mechanical sound and turned their heads towards the robot, whose head apparently came down to its chest. "It's moving!" he exclaimed again. Seconds later, a chair came up, showing a still-unconscious Asuka sitting there. 'That is strange, how can she operate that while she is unconscious?' the girl wondered to herself. Then the chair went up again, and showed a conscious Shinji, who cautiously stood up, looked around and saw the girl and the boy looking back at him. 'What in the world is going on here?' he asked to himself, confused. "Umm...excuse me! What does this look like to you?" he questioned the two people in the building.
"A huge huge robot!" the younger boy shouted back.
"Just as I thought...the plane turned into a robot," he said, mostly to himself. The two occupanets heard what he said and were shocked, the pale girl masking it very well under a face of indifference.
"Eh???? How come???" asked the boy, unknowingly vocalizing her thoughts.
"That's what I want to know," he answered, still confused and trying to put the pieces together.
"Then why, as the pilot, do you not know anything about this?" the girl asked quietly.
"Just because I'm a pilot doesn't mean I'm a soldier you know?" Shinji retorted back. He then heard a very loud honk coming from below, which was from a big truck.
"Yo! Can you get this out of the way? I got some important deliveries for the shelter!" the driver shouted.
"Yeah, will do!" Shinji shouted back and got back into the cockpit. 'OK, let's try this again,' he thought, then took hold of the controls once again. He slowly started manuvering...only to find out that he was falling backwards! 'Holy!!!' he could blurt out before his feet stepped on a pair of pedals on the ground. This caused the robot to spew out some thrust, keeping him from falling backwards, but then again sending him straight for the Chinese restaurant...and the two people inside it! 'HOLY!!!' he thought before he crashed into it and just shut his eyes, not wanting to see what he caused. If the circumstances were different, it would have seemed that the robot was peeking into a house. He slowly opened one eye, then the other, and saw the two people, apparently uninjured and probably unconscious. Then both people started to move, which made Shinji sigh with relief. He then found a switch for speech and flipped it.
"Are you two ok?" he asked. Both looked at themselves for any injuries, which they found none, looked back and nodded. 'Thank goodness,' he mumbled, only then to realize that he didn't know how to exactly back off without further destroying any more buildings.
Apparently Shinji wasn't the only one having problems. Back on the bridge on the Macross, Misato received word that the Macross was to take off and started barking out orders to prepare for takeoff, with the rest of the bridge going at it in front of their consoles like there was no tomorrow. Soon, preparations were done and everyone was waiting for Gloval's orders to take off.
"Launch the Macross!" he bellowed.
"Launching the Macross," Misa repeated. It slowly started making its way up. 'So far so good' was in everyone's minds. Then it got cut off with a sudden jolt that threw everyone down, especially Misato.
"Status report!" she demanded. Misa got back in front of her consoles and wouldn't believe what she was seeing.
"Lieutenant!" she shouted. "The bow!" Misato ran next to her, with Gloval right behind her, and both saw what she refused to believe she saw: the Gravity Control Systems, the main force behind pulling the Macross into space, were taking off on its own! "The ship's going back down to Earth!" she exclaimed.
'Bloody hell, so much for recycled parts,' Misato thought to herself grimly. They then felt another jolt as the Macross unceremoniously landed on Earth again.
"I guess this is what we get for using recycled parts," Misa mumbled. Gloval only nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, back at the Chinese restaurant, two trucks sent hooks around the arms of the robot and pulled it back to an upright position, relieving Shinji inside, then pulling him back down, back first.
"Don't give up, Mr. Pilot!" he shouted and waved. Rei just looked at him. Shinji weakly nodded and waved back. Then, another Valkyrie like his came down near him, but this one had a different paint job. On its tails, there was a picture of a skull and crossbones, like that from pirates in stories he read and the Valkyrie seemed much bigger than his. It as well transformed into a robot like his. A familiar face then appeared next to his controls. "Pilot of VT-102! Are you there? Respond!" he said.
"Would that be me?" he asked, somewhat timidly.
"Ah! You're a stubborn kind! How does it feel like to get shot down?" Roy asked.
"Not good obviously," Shinji answered, somewhat annoyed. "Can you help me get out of this mess?"
"Yeah, give me a few minutes and it'll be fine," he said, then approached the fallen robot. A few arms popped out of his hand and started tweaking with the interiors of the robot.
"What's the deal with this transforming into a robot?" Shinji then asked as the repairs took place.
"I can't explain that to you right now. Secret," Roy replied. He then saw a red bunch and a girl's face, unconscious, behind Shinji's seat. "Who's that behind you? Your girlfriend?" he asked.
"No! No! It's not like that!!" Shinji immediately replied, flushing. Roy got a laugh out of his reaction. The repairing was soon done and the miniature arms withdrew into the hands.
"OK, now step on those pedals firmly," Roy instructed. Shinji did as told so and slowly got back onto two feet.
"See, you shouldn't give up!" Tohru shouted again, smiling widely. Rei then gave a slight hint of a smile. Now on two feet, Shinji spotted a couple running towards Rei and Tohru.
"Rei! Tohru! Let's go to the shelter now!" a woman called out. Both kids started to go after the couple as Shinji watched Rei with intent. 'Why doesn't she say and do much?' he wondered. His reverie was cut when Roy spoke.
"You know, you shouldn't be unfaithful to your girlfriend like that," Roy teased.
"It's not what you think Fokker-san!!" Shinji retorted, once again blushing.
"Anyways, what's your name? We can't just have one person know a name," Roy asked.
"Shinji. Ikari Shinji," he answered.
"Shinji eh?" Roy said before a massive barrage of lasers from space struck the island.
"What was that???" Shinji asked, panic obvious in his voice.
"Most likely an enemy attack," Roy mumbled.
"I'm...worried...about Rei," Shinji softly said. Fortunately (or unfortunately) Roy picked that up.
"Now, now, young Ikari, what did I say about being unfaithful?" Roy humorously asked. Shinji's blush, which was slowly going away during the time, struck back at full force.
"It's not like that!!!" he shouted.
"Just kidding. Let's go look for her then," Roy said and was about to take off.
"Wait! I don't know how to pilot a robot!!" Shinji shouted. Roy then stopped and thought for a second.
"Hit the lever that says "G" near you," Roy ordered. Shinji did as told and gave a quick yelp as he transformed, yet again. Seconds later, he was in what was called "Gerwalk" mode. The Valkyrie now looked more like a plane, with the difference being that there were arms and legs sticking out. "The controls are almost identical with that of a jet's so you should have no trouble at all with controlling it. Speaking of control, where did someone young like you learn to fly a jet?"
"Umm...flight sim games?" Shinji said timidly.
"Oh..." Roy trailed. "Let's go, we can't afford to see your other girlfriend get killed now can we?"
Shinji blushed...again, but remained silent. The two Valkyries took off, zooming down the mostly destroyed city, looking for any signs of Rei. The duo saw a figure running down the road, apparently with blue hair. Roy sped up, covered her and shot down the enemy, which looked like a gigantic egg with legs.
"Ikari! Take her and get away from here! I'll cover you!" Roy ordered as he transformed back into a robot and shot down more of the enemy.
"But how--" Shinji asked.
"Just do it somehow!" Roy shouted back. Shinji then bent the Valkyrie and Rei jumped in on top of his lap. Shinji couldn't help but blush a bit. He then got over it and took off. He just zoomed down road after road, not really knowing where to go. During this time, Asuka finally regained consciousness. "" she started, before noticing blue hair and a feminine face in front of her, next to Shinji. "HENTAI! What are you doing with this girl??! And what position!!!" Asuka screamed. Shinji cringed for a moment, which was cut off by an attack from another egg-shaped enemy. This blew off one of the arms, which jolted the cockpit severely. Shinji fortunately didn't move too much and still had control, but the two girls didn't fare as well. Asuka slammed her head onto one of the controls, breaking it in the process but Rei's situation shocked him the most. She got a cut that went from behind her ear down to almost her jaw. Seeing this, Shinji freaked out and got a deer-in-the-headlights look. The enemy then fired another shot which missed but not by much. This jolted the cockpit again, this time knocking Asuka into the front seat with a loud "thud" and knocking her unconscious again. Shinji looked back at her and saw an Asuka with a head in a weird position, which he mistook for a broken neck.
Soon, the fear inside transformed into something called anger, which then transformed into something called rage. Shinji was now in rage, seeing two people near him in such condition.
"EEEEEEEARRRRRGH!!!!!!!!" he screamed, almost like an animal. This made Rei flinch in terror, grabbing onto Shinji even tighter. Shinji didn't notice and started charging after the egg-like thing in front of him, shooting his gun away. All the bullets made a hit but it didn't explode. Shinji then discarded the now-empty gun, ran up and pounded away with his one fist. It too a few rage-induced pounds before it exploded.
Roy took care of some more of those pods and went out to look for Shinji. He transformed back into fighter jet mode and took to the skies to look for the pilot. What he saw rendered him speechless for a minute: a Valkyrie in Gerwalk mode, without an arm, and a pile of smoke next to it. "Ikari! Ikari! Oi, Ikari! Answer me!" he shouted, almost frantic. All he heard was a ragged breathing pattern on the other side and some whimpering.
A/N - Keep those reviews coming!!! Especially you, SRW@ Fan!