Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Macross Fan Fiction ❯ A Job of a Pilot ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Job of a Pilot
a Neon Genesis Evangelion/Macross/Robotech crossover
by Bug-Chan
Chapter 6
Shinji opened his eyes slightly, having thought that he heard some noise somewhere. He was about to get up, when he felt something, or two somethings, draped around his chest and his legs. He squinted down, to see a pale arm over his chest and an equally pale leg over his legs. Still not fully awake, he traced the pale skin to a sleeping blue-haired girl. He tried to concentrate on hearing but picked up nothing, then sighed and brought his head down.
As his head hit the floor, Rei stirred. She opened her eyes to see Shinji looking back at her. Both stared down each other's eyes for a while, Rei looking in curiosity and Shinji in fascination. Then Shinji's voice snapped both, even Shinji, out of their reverie.
"Umm...Rei," he started.
"Hai," she responded, in her usual soft manner.
"Do you mind if I get up?" he asked, somewhat unsure of himself and what her reaction would be.
"Iie," she said. As she let go of Shinji and he stood up, the pale-skinned girl couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. It was as if...she wasn't warm anymore. The warmth that Shinji provided was gone and she somehow longed for it again.
'But why? Why do I feel like that?' she thought to herself. An answer didn't strike her and she thought for a minute, without any success. Shinji then broke her train of thought.
"Rei! I found a door! Let's explore a bit," Shinji said. He was standing in front of a door, which looked like nothing but blackness to Rei, who was a bit far away from it. She nodded her ascent and approached Shinji. Soon both went through the door and started walking cautiously, for there was no light whatsoever to guide them. They walked straight for a while until...
Both teens hit a wall or an obstacle of sorts and fell down backwards. Shinji slowly got up, rubbing his sore prosterior, and helped Rei up, who was seemingly uninjured. They then stuck their hands out, tracing the obstacle so they could either walk past it or make a turn. Feeling no ends nearby, both decided to make a left turn and keep their hands on the wall and stared walking again, Shinji in the front, Rei a step behind. Shinji walked with his other hand sticking out, in case they might run into something else. They walked again for another five more minutes without changing directions when Shinji's outstretched hand made contact with another wall. Rei stopped right behind him.
"How about we take a short break?" Shinji suggested, feeling a bit weary. Rei simply agreed and Shinji leaned back as he lowered himself down. Unknown to him, near the floor was two pipes, each with hot and cold water, that ran across the walls.
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOW!!!!!!!!!" screeched Shinji as he dove forward. Rei saw this and immediately went to Shinji's aid. "Hot, hot hot..." he kept repeating to himself, trying in vain to cool a part of his back he burnt with the hot water pipe.
"Shinji, are you all right?" Rei asked, with a twinge of concern.
Shinji paused for a moment, then answered, "Now I am. Thanks."
After that was taken care of, Rei said, "We should break the pipes," Shinji just looked at her, speechless and not understanding what she meant by breaking the pipes. The gears in Shinji's brain then slowly started again.
"Break the pipes?" he started, confused. Then he paused, and realized why. "That's right! If we break the pipes, that will give us water and that will attact some attention, and when they send in people to fix it, they'll find us! Rei, you're a genius!" he beamed, glad that they could get out of here. Unknown to Shinji, Rei blushed at his compliment. "All right, let's try to look for something to break this with," he said with enthusiasm and started to feel around, hoping to find something. It took him a few moments, before he felt something and picked up what seemed to feel like a crowbar. He brought it back to the pipes. "All right Rei, stay away a bit," he warned. Rei stepped back a bit as Shinji stuck in the crowbar between the pipe and the wall and started to force it down. "Uuurgh," he groaned as he kept on pushing down without success. Rei could hear him groaning and approached him. She got on the other side of the crowbar, grabbed it and helped him push it down.
"All right, a little bit more!" Shinji said happily.
"It's gonna blow! Get ready!"
*Boom!* Both pipes broke, letting loose a gush of warm water from the mixing of the hot and cold water. Both teens were overwhelmed by the water and fell down in a splash, breathing heavily, rubbing their arms. "I hope someone finds out about these pipes," Shinji said softly. Rei could only agree. Shinji then heard some shuffling and ruffling next to him. His curiosity sparked, knowing that only Rei was with him and him doing nothing, he asked. "What are you doing, Rei?"
"I am taking my clothes off," she simply replied, like it was a normal thing to do.
Shinji fainted with a massive nosebleed, and amazingly enough, recovered quickly. "R-r-r-r-r-rei!!! Don't!!!"
Rei looked towards Shinji...or at least where she thought his voice was coming from and asked, somewhat confused. "Why not?"
"I-i-i-it's not r-r-r-right!" Shinji stammered back, he too confused as to why she questioned the legitimacy of undressing in front of a member of the opposite gender.
Rei only looked back in silence, wondering why Shinji got worked up over something that seemed most trivial. Then she continued taking her clothes off again. Shinji heard the rustling again, and not being able to stand being close to a girl about to get naked, got up and tried to run. Unfortunately...
Shinji slipped and fell forward. He braced himself for the hard floor again but instead landed on something rather soft and smooth. His left hand was on something that happened to be round and full, like a rice bowl and his other hand was on the floor. Dazed, Shinji just looked down at whatever broke his fall. He saw an outline of a girl and his hand felt something quite smooth, along with something poking on his palm. His brain kicked in, and he drew that hand back quickly in shock. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Shinji apologized profusely, getting up and running off, giving some distance between him and her.
Rei, on the other hand, felt shock initially when she was forced down with the force of Shinji falling on her. Then shock gave way to the same feeling of relaxation she had when their hands met, which soon lapsed into the warmth she had earlier the day, only now the feelings were amplified because of the lack of cloth. The warmth disappeared again when he got up and ran off. She shook off the feeling and decided to try to take a bath of sorts with the flowing water.
While Rei took her "bath", Shinji sat a distance away, still embarassed with the abrupt, and inappropriate, contact he had with Rei. Then again, he couldn't help but think how smooth and nice the skin felt, as well as the size of her...
'BAD Shinji!' he mentally scolded himself, stopping the flow of iamges of a naked Rei. He got up and saw something approach him, and figured that Rei was done with her bath. He was about to get up when Rei's sillouhette started swaying uncertainly from one side to the other. "Rei!" he shouted, getting up and trying to stabilize her. Just as he got up, Rei fell forward, against him, toppling him over backwards along with her latched to him in front.
"Ow," he groaned, his prosterior sore again. He lifted his arm to tap her shoulder and did so when...
'Her shoulder's bare,' he noted out of random. "Rei, Rei, are you all right?" he asked, somewhat worried. All he got was nothing but a slow, rhythmic breathing on his neck. 'Looks like she's asleep,' he figured, then yawned. 'Speaking of sleep, I could make use of that now,' he thought and was about to lift Rei and put her to her side when he noticed something as he placed his hands on her waist.
'They're...bare...I thought Rei's blouse covered her entire midriff,' Shinji noted. Then, he added his findings from the bare shoulder and the bare midriff and did not like what he came up with.
'Rei's.....NAKED!!!!!' he mentally screamed as he had another nosebleed and fainted, this time for a much longer period.
"That's funny," said a construction worker. "No water whatsoever,"
"Eh?" asked another construction worker. "What do you mean?"
"See for yourself," the first guy said as he turned the tap on and off. "No water."
"Interesting, guess we should report this, but to who? Is anyone else having water trouble?"
"Not that I know of."
"Oh well, let's go look for water somewhere else," and a small group of workers took off for a nearby restaurant, which happened to be a Chinese one, which also happened to be the exact one back on South Ataria Island.
"I'm sorry, we're also having water problems here as well," the woman in charge of the restaurant told the workers. They left, somewhat disappointed and somewhat curious as to why there was a water stoppage all of a sudden. She sighed, then Tohru approached her.
"Mom, any news of cousin Rei?" he asked, curious as to why Rei hadn't shown up in the ship.
"No, but she'll be back. Trust me, she'll be back," the woman said with false confidence. 'Rei, wherever you are, come now! Stop worrying your auntie so much and come back!'
"You know, Maya, you are stressing way too much over our niece. Give it a rest or you'll get a nervous breakdown," her husband approached her with a bowl of vegetables.
"Well, I try, but it's just so hard!" the short-haired woman replied. "Besides, Shigeru, you're way too calm for someone who's worried."
"Panic does no good, it will only make the situation worse. A calm head will be able to think out of a situation and hence not make it any worse than needed," the long-haired and somewhat taller man replied.
"Well, that is true," Maya trailed as she started cutting the vegetables. "And Shigeru, hun, please tie that hair back when you're in the kitchen! I don't want the food to have random strands of hair in it!"
"That's better," he smiled. 'Now to report this water problem and somehow think of a way to find Rei,' he thought to himself. Word was that various places were not getting any water while others were still and he started a quick letter describing the problem and handed it to some soldiers who were on guard. 'Let's hope the letter goes through,' he hoped.
A/N - heh, some chapter...please folks, review review, onegai.
a Neon Genesis Evangelion/Macross/Robotech crossover
by Bug-Chan
Chapter 6
Shinji opened his eyes slightly, having thought that he heard some noise somewhere. He was about to get up, when he felt something, or two somethings, draped around his chest and his legs. He squinted down, to see a pale arm over his chest and an equally pale leg over his legs. Still not fully awake, he traced the pale skin to a sleeping blue-haired girl. He tried to concentrate on hearing but picked up nothing, then sighed and brought his head down.
As his head hit the floor, Rei stirred. She opened her eyes to see Shinji looking back at her. Both stared down each other's eyes for a while, Rei looking in curiosity and Shinji in fascination. Then Shinji's voice snapped both, even Shinji, out of their reverie.
"Umm...Rei," he started.
"Hai," she responded, in her usual soft manner.
"Do you mind if I get up?" he asked, somewhat unsure of himself and what her reaction would be.
"Iie," she said. As she let go of Shinji and he stood up, the pale-skinned girl couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. It was as if...she wasn't warm anymore. The warmth that Shinji provided was gone and she somehow longed for it again.
'But why? Why do I feel like that?' she thought to herself. An answer didn't strike her and she thought for a minute, without any success. Shinji then broke her train of thought.
"Rei! I found a door! Let's explore a bit," Shinji said. He was standing in front of a door, which looked like nothing but blackness to Rei, who was a bit far away from it. She nodded her ascent and approached Shinji. Soon both went through the door and started walking cautiously, for there was no light whatsoever to guide them. They walked straight for a while until...
Both teens hit a wall or an obstacle of sorts and fell down backwards. Shinji slowly got up, rubbing his sore prosterior, and helped Rei up, who was seemingly uninjured. They then stuck their hands out, tracing the obstacle so they could either walk past it or make a turn. Feeling no ends nearby, both decided to make a left turn and keep their hands on the wall and stared walking again, Shinji in the front, Rei a step behind. Shinji walked with his other hand sticking out, in case they might run into something else. They walked again for another five more minutes without changing directions when Shinji's outstretched hand made contact with another wall. Rei stopped right behind him.
"How about we take a short break?" Shinji suggested, feeling a bit weary. Rei simply agreed and Shinji leaned back as he lowered himself down. Unknown to him, near the floor was two pipes, each with hot and cold water, that ran across the walls.
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOW!!!!!!!!!" screeched Shinji as he dove forward. Rei saw this and immediately went to Shinji's aid. "Hot, hot hot..." he kept repeating to himself, trying in vain to cool a part of his back he burnt with the hot water pipe.
"Shinji, are you all right?" Rei asked, with a twinge of concern.
Shinji paused for a moment, then answered, "Now I am. Thanks."
After that was taken care of, Rei said, "We should break the pipes," Shinji just looked at her, speechless and not understanding what she meant by breaking the pipes. The gears in Shinji's brain then slowly started again.
"Break the pipes?" he started, confused. Then he paused, and realized why. "That's right! If we break the pipes, that will give us water and that will attact some attention, and when they send in people to fix it, they'll find us! Rei, you're a genius!" he beamed, glad that they could get out of here. Unknown to Shinji, Rei blushed at his compliment. "All right, let's try to look for something to break this with," he said with enthusiasm and started to feel around, hoping to find something. It took him a few moments, before he felt something and picked up what seemed to feel like a crowbar. He brought it back to the pipes. "All right Rei, stay away a bit," he warned. Rei stepped back a bit as Shinji stuck in the crowbar between the pipe and the wall and started to force it down. "Uuurgh," he groaned as he kept on pushing down without success. Rei could hear him groaning and approached him. She got on the other side of the crowbar, grabbed it and helped him push it down.
"All right, a little bit more!" Shinji said happily.
"It's gonna blow! Get ready!"
*Boom!* Both pipes broke, letting loose a gush of warm water from the mixing of the hot and cold water. Both teens were overwhelmed by the water and fell down in a splash, breathing heavily, rubbing their arms. "I hope someone finds out about these pipes," Shinji said softly. Rei could only agree. Shinji then heard some shuffling and ruffling next to him. His curiosity sparked, knowing that only Rei was with him and him doing nothing, he asked. "What are you doing, Rei?"
"I am taking my clothes off," she simply replied, like it was a normal thing to do.
Shinji fainted with a massive nosebleed, and amazingly enough, recovered quickly. "R-r-r-r-r-rei!!! Don't!!!"
Rei looked towards Shinji...or at least where she thought his voice was coming from and asked, somewhat confused. "Why not?"
"I-i-i-it's not r-r-r-right!" Shinji stammered back, he too confused as to why she questioned the legitimacy of undressing in front of a member of the opposite gender.
Rei only looked back in silence, wondering why Shinji got worked up over something that seemed most trivial. Then she continued taking her clothes off again. Shinji heard the rustling again, and not being able to stand being close to a girl about to get naked, got up and tried to run. Unfortunately...
Shinji slipped and fell forward. He braced himself for the hard floor again but instead landed on something rather soft and smooth. His left hand was on something that happened to be round and full, like a rice bowl and his other hand was on the floor. Dazed, Shinji just looked down at whatever broke his fall. He saw an outline of a girl and his hand felt something quite smooth, along with something poking on his palm. His brain kicked in, and he drew that hand back quickly in shock. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Shinji apologized profusely, getting up and running off, giving some distance between him and her.
Rei, on the other hand, felt shock initially when she was forced down with the force of Shinji falling on her. Then shock gave way to the same feeling of relaxation she had when their hands met, which soon lapsed into the warmth she had earlier the day, only now the feelings were amplified because of the lack of cloth. The warmth disappeared again when he got up and ran off. She shook off the feeling and decided to try to take a bath of sorts with the flowing water.
While Rei took her "bath", Shinji sat a distance away, still embarassed with the abrupt, and inappropriate, contact he had with Rei. Then again, he couldn't help but think how smooth and nice the skin felt, as well as the size of her...
'BAD Shinji!' he mentally scolded himself, stopping the flow of iamges of a naked Rei. He got up and saw something approach him, and figured that Rei was done with her bath. He was about to get up when Rei's sillouhette started swaying uncertainly from one side to the other. "Rei!" he shouted, getting up and trying to stabilize her. Just as he got up, Rei fell forward, against him, toppling him over backwards along with her latched to him in front.
"Ow," he groaned, his prosterior sore again. He lifted his arm to tap her shoulder and did so when...
'Her shoulder's bare,' he noted out of random. "Rei, Rei, are you all right?" he asked, somewhat worried. All he got was nothing but a slow, rhythmic breathing on his neck. 'Looks like she's asleep,' he figured, then yawned. 'Speaking of sleep, I could make use of that now,' he thought and was about to lift Rei and put her to her side when he noticed something as he placed his hands on her waist.
'They're...bare...I thought Rei's blouse covered her entire midriff,' Shinji noted. Then, he added his findings from the bare shoulder and the bare midriff and did not like what he came up with.
'Rei's.....NAKED!!!!!' he mentally screamed as he had another nosebleed and fainted, this time for a much longer period.
"That's funny," said a construction worker. "No water whatsoever,"
"Eh?" asked another construction worker. "What do you mean?"
"See for yourself," the first guy said as he turned the tap on and off. "No water."
"Interesting, guess we should report this, but to who? Is anyone else having water trouble?"
"Not that I know of."
"Oh well, let's go look for water somewhere else," and a small group of workers took off for a nearby restaurant, which happened to be a Chinese one, which also happened to be the exact one back on South Ataria Island.
"I'm sorry, we're also having water problems here as well," the woman in charge of the restaurant told the workers. They left, somewhat disappointed and somewhat curious as to why there was a water stoppage all of a sudden. She sighed, then Tohru approached her.
"Mom, any news of cousin Rei?" he asked, curious as to why Rei hadn't shown up in the ship.
"No, but she'll be back. Trust me, she'll be back," the woman said with false confidence. 'Rei, wherever you are, come now! Stop worrying your auntie so much and come back!'
"You know, Maya, you are stressing way too much over our niece. Give it a rest or you'll get a nervous breakdown," her husband approached her with a bowl of vegetables.
"Well, I try, but it's just so hard!" the short-haired woman replied. "Besides, Shigeru, you're way too calm for someone who's worried."
"Panic does no good, it will only make the situation worse. A calm head will be able to think out of a situation and hence not make it any worse than needed," the long-haired and somewhat taller man replied.
"Well, that is true," Maya trailed as she started cutting the vegetables. "And Shigeru, hun, please tie that hair back when you're in the kitchen! I don't want the food to have random strands of hair in it!"
"That's better," he smiled. 'Now to report this water problem and somehow think of a way to find Rei,' he thought to himself. Word was that various places were not getting any water while others were still and he started a quick letter describing the problem and handed it to some soldiers who were on guard. 'Let's hope the letter goes through,' he hoped.
A/N - heh, some chapter...please folks, review review, onegai.