Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Princess Nine Fan Fiction ❯ A New Season's Reality ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 3 )
Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc., are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine.
A New Season's Reality
Chapter #3: Teammates, Training and True Feelings
Author's note: Sorry to you all for taking sooooo long. But other stories and a 6 month writers block have caused havoc. Hopefully I will be updating this every month for now. Thanks for hanging with me on this as I hope to make it interesting! dennisud
As Ryo and Izumi and the team find out about the Ikari and Soryu children, they find a chance to go back and improve their team, while the Ex-Eva pilots find a way to attend Kisaragi and adjust to this new life.
Their First Day
A pillow solidly hit a head of long red hair. This was followed by a slew of German and Japanese curses as one Asuka Langley Souryu was jumped out of her bed chasing her laughing brother Kowaru who had been the one to throw said the pillow.
"Come back here you long legged Schwinehund!" Asuka yelled as she met a just slammed bathroom door.
She started to pound on it when another voice chimed in next to her "Now, Asuka dear what did your brother do to you that excuses your pounding on this innocent door?"
"Mama, that …that… Dummkopk is on the other side of this door. All I wanna do is to ring his scrawny neck!" Steam seemed to be coming out of the girl's ears.
"Well, lets think about this a little dear," Kyoko says calmly.
"Yes, please listen to our mother; sister dear!" Kowaru snickered from the other side of the now embattled door.
"Hey you shut your trap!" Asuka turned back from the door to her mother. "Ok, how can I get even mama?" Mrs. Souryu then put her ear to the door, then stood back as Asuka finally understood. She knew her brother would be trying to hear at the door by then!
Asuka then leaned back and with her fist hit the door with a loud; "BAM!" Followed by then what sounded like a body hitting the cold tile, with an accompanying moan.
"Just like that dear!" Asuka's mother smiled as Asuka give her a two fingered V-sign. She then made her way back to her room to get ready for their first day of school.
Mrs. Souryu then turned to the still closed door. "K-chan, … dear," She listen intently for her son, "the Aspirin is on the top shelf of the medicine cabinet dear, take three will you." Kyoko waited till Koaru verbally acknowledged her.
" Yes, Mama, thanks, … I think?" Kowaru said rather groggily while getting up off the cold bathroom floor rubbing his now slightly bruised forehead.
"Don't dawdle now, you have to shower, brush your teeth and have breakfast, all before you go to school so Move it!" Mrs. Souryu smiled at her ingenuity at teaching her son a valuable lesson. Never underestimate a Souryu woman.
Kyoko Souryu was a little more tired as she had to adjust to her pregnancy, adding to that, having two teenage children thrust into her life, and home didn't help matters much.
But, she smile either way as over these past few weeks she had grown to love them both.
She sighed, as she made her way towards the kitchen. There posted on the refrigerator were the acceptance letters. Both her children had been accepted into the Kisaragi high school for Girls and Boys high school, her alma mater. Plus they picked a sport she had wished to play when she and Yui Ikari attended, baseball.
Yui's children were also accepted. But, all could be for not if they failed their tryouts. Asuka had told her that she would be trying out for left field when a girl named Yuko had broken her leg in the off season. Kowaru would be trying out for the relief & back up pitcher as last years pitchers had graduated to college.
She had talked to Yui the night before and knew that Shinji and Rei would also be trying out as well. It seemed that Asuka's chase of the scrawny teen went along way to in convincing the Boy's baseball coach who to ask him to try out. Plus Rei's dramatic throw from the left field area to home plate made her tryout a must for Coach Kido of the Girls Team.
He She was looking for a relief pitcher since they knew part of the reason they lost the previous year was Ryo's exhaustion at the Semifinals at Koshien. A second pitcher rotating with Ryo would help greatly. Also, Rei being a righty would be a great counter to Ryo's left handed throws, and it would make the opposing team's preparation that much more difficult.
After a few minutes she called her children to breakfast, both seemingly complaining about the uniforms they had to wear.
"I sure liked the uniform I wore in Tokyo-3 rather than this…frilly short …thing!"Asuka said in disdain.
"I agree sister, these collars are …very uncomfortable." Kowaru was tugging at the gray colored suit's collar he was wearing. Kowaru was much more comfortable with the simple black pants and while shirt he had back in Tokyo-3. He still had the white shirt, but the pants were a lighter blue with a collared blue button-up collared jacket.
"I mean what are we, doormen and hostesses, cause that's what we look like in these Mama." Asuka said in an exasperated tone. Her school uniform consisted of a Green Vest type jacket with a white blouse and a short green pleated skirt a good three inches shorter than she had worn in Tokyo-3. A ribbon tie, long white socks and patent leather shoes finished the overall package.
But, Kyoko was not about to hear any complaints now.
"Now listen here you two," Wrapping and tapping her index finger on the kitchen table, "You visited the school's campus yesterday and all the students were dressed like this. Why didn't you complain about it then?" Kyoko asked, raising an eyebrow.
Both children looked at each other. "Well, I think I can answer for both of us Mama, in that we were not focusing on uniforms but on what sports we could play so we could to attend the school." Kowaru said with his now normal happy tone.
"Yeah, what the Dumbkoph said." Kowaru glared at his sister as she had a rye smile on her face. For all her perceived faults of her new brother she found over these few weeks just why Shinji had so quickly become his friend. Even with her constant verbal abuse he kept a positive attitude and a smile on his face. That had also kept her in relatively good spirits even through the adjustment to this new life of they had. Of course she would never tell him in person, but she had appreciated his presence and his kindness.
Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by her mother's voice. "All right you two, better get a move on, since you are meeting Shinji and Rei on the way.
" Mama, Why do we have to walk with those two?" Asuka whines.
"Now, now sister, they are our friends. Is it not right to go with them for our first day of school?" Kowaru asked.
"I had enough time walking with the Wonder Duo already. I'm going on my own. If you want to go with them, I'm not stopping you." Asuka answered.
But another voice finalized their plans for them.
"You will both go with Shinji and Rei, or I will have a volunteer or volunteers for house cleaning duty for the rest of this week!" Mrs. Souryu clearly stated.
Kyoko then hurried them through breakfast and within five minutes they were walking down the street to where Shinji and Rei were waiting for them, in front of Gendo and Yui's apartment building.
After some greetings all four headed for the nearest commuter train station. The school was located a 30 minute train ride away from where they lived now as their old apartments had suddenly became too small. The new apartments their parents had gotten found were nearer to the hospital but farther away from the Kisaragi School's campus. But, that's where the only place they found the three bedroom apartments that they could afford.
As they rode the train all four sat in seats facing each other. They were very talkative since this was their first day in a new school. Even Rei was not reading a book as she usually did, but listened attentively at the conversations of her brother and the Souryu siblings.
"So What did you think of those girls fawning all over you brother dear?" Asuka asked.
"I am going to this school as our mother wanted to get an proper education. Having more interaction with these young women is only another opportunity for me to learn more about human interaction." Kowaru answered his sister Asuka.
"I am also looking forward to do as well Kowaru-kun." Rei added, surprising Asuka and Shinji.
Rei then stared at them till Shinji added, "Well all I want to do is be good enough to make the team so I can stay in school with you." Shinji was then grabbed by his collar by Asuka.
"I will not be left in a school with your sister and my so called brother alone.
You WILL make that baseball team mister, or I will find a new use for that bat! Clear?" Shinji Shook in Asuka's grasp.
He nodded his head vigorously wide eyes and shaking.
"Good, now my Baka you'll carry my books until we get to school. Think of it as weight training." Asuka smiled and patted his cheek as she then added her satchel to his as while he sat a little lower in his seat with a defeated look on his face.
After a few minutes of silence, Asuka asked a simple question,
"So, what did you think of that Izumi girl Shinji?"
Shinji froze unable to answer as he remembered what had happened the day before. It started just after Rei had thrown that baseball clear across the field. He remembered the Shorter girl Ryou as the teams pitcher, while the taller more, …developed girl was called Izumi and was the teams third baseman, and top power hitter.
Izumi was the one who spoke first: "So, who threw that ball?"
A Day to Remember (The day before)
To say that Izumi wasn't taken back by the two boys in front of her was an understatement. But to all there except her closest friends she was indifferent.
Ryou though, did notice.
"All right who threw this?" Izumi said a bit impatiently while holding the ball in question.
"I did." Rei spoke softly, while Shinji put a hand on her shoulder for support.
Kowaru and Asuka seem to move on either side of the Ikari's.
"Yes, and you are…?" Asuka asked in a stern voice, already not really liking this girl at all.
"I'm Izumi Himuro, this is Ryou Hyakawa, we're the co-captains of the Kisaragi Girls Baseball team and we simply wanted to extend a tryout for either of you. She waved at Rei and Asuka.
"Why do you want me?" Asuka asked.
Izumi looked Asuka up and down in a stern but stoic manner.
"I can see by the way you carry yourself and your physique you are in good shape." Izumi stated. Asuka nodded. "Can you catch and throw a ball?"
"Well I played Lacrosse back in Germany, but I haven't tried that with a baseball."
"Want to try?" Royu added.
Asuka seemed to be mulling it over the offer when Izumi asked Rei,
"Well do you want to try out we need a relief pitcher for Ryou and with that arm of yours, we sure could use you."
Rei then looked at her brother who took in the request, and asked her.
"Rei, do you think you can throw that far, that hard, consistently?" Rei simply nods and then Shinji says,
"Rei, Go ahead and tryout and since I can run fast, I'll go ahead and try out for the boys team to see if that's what I want to do." Asuka was stunned. She had though Shinji would go for a sport where Shinji would be more of a loner like Track and Field, … but Baseball.
"Why, Shinji? Why go for a team sport?" Asuka asked in a confused tone.
"I love Baseball, as much as music. I've kept track of team stats as much as playing pieces of music I like, and since I have to join a sport to keep my scholarship, why not do something I really like." Rei then put her hand on his on her shoulder and squeezed. She quietly nodded. Shinji then looked at Kowaru, who was nodding as well.
"Well, that is good for you but my concern is for the girls' team, will you two tryout?"
Izumi asked again.
"Yes." Rei said.
"Ok. If Wondergirl can do it I sure can!" Asuka added.
"I think I will try out as well, … for the boys team." Kowaru added. He smiled, and waited for Asuka to…
"To do what, be the manager?" Asuka said sarcastically not believing her brother could play.
"No, …No … Pitch." Was all Kowaru said as he made his way trotting toward the school entrance a 100 feet away leaving his sister as to wonder why he was doing that.
"Now … wait a minute Bro, you can't pitch." Asuka yelled to her brother who now was about 90 feet away. Kowaru then turned and threw a straight arrow pitch right at her, like a bullet. Without batting an eye Asuka grabbed Izumi's glove right off her hand and caught the pitch, which made a resounding slap on the rawhide center.
"Wow, now that was good. Both of you." An adult voice said. And all turned to Coach Kido of the Girls baseball team, beside him was Coach Kendo of the Boy's team.
"You," he said (pointing to Koaru,) "tryout for the boys team, and you," Kido added (looking at Asuka.) "I see great potential in you, so I would advise you tryout for my team." Kido then turned and started walking back to the team clubhouse. While Coach Kendo went to talk to Kowaru who had rejoined the group.
After some more talk they all made their way to their respective areas, the four teens now decided on what they were going to play.
As the two boys left they weren't aware of several pairs of eyes on them, all female.
Izumi and, Koharu were admiring Shinji, while Seira and Yuki on the field kept an eye on Kowaru's assets.
After school the four new students made their way to the athletic fields. They then went to their respective clubhouses to get uniforms, equipment, and dressed to get ready for their tryouts. As with most baseball teams they were given several rigorous workouts to determine their skill and abilities.
On the girls side Asuka was quickly picking up on catching and throwing well. But batting was a bit more difficult for her, though she had excelled in Lacrosse when she lived in Germany.
The swinging of the bat was different from what she used in Lacrosse, but with some practice she knew she would improve, especially when she saw Izumi practice her swings. She Asuka made it her mission to challenge the girl and one way was to become a power hitter. She had her goal now.
Rei had an easier time as her focus was as a pitcher, but she could throw adequately and long enough to throw to the bases from the mound. She also was having problems batting but she at least did hit the ball after the first three tries.
It took around twelve more pitches until Auska hit one, but it went almost 400 feet.
"Well if she can learn how to hit, then we might have a third power hitter." Coach Kido said to Nene, who was writing down all pertinent data on those trying out
" Coach Kido, why don't you have Koharu or Izumi to help her with that?" Nene asked.
Kido thought about the suggestion. "Izumi has a problem with her already, but Koharu might work out. I'll ask her to help her out."
He turned to Nene. "Nice thinking Miss Manager."
She smiled and blushed from the compliment.
"Ooh it was nothing Coach, just trying to help the team." Was all Nene could say as she tittered and giggles with embarrassment.
Kido sighed shaking his head at her display. 'I haveta keep my mouth shut around that girl or she'll never get anything done!' But he had made his decisions, of the fifteen girls who tried out Rei and Asuka would be the newest players on the team.
Mean while Shinji, without doing much had already joined the team courtesy of Asuka who has had chased him today all around the campus earlier today. Seems he had promised her a bento lunch, and … he forgot, and. well … she didn't!
"Shinji you miserable excuse for a male come back here and get your punishment for forgetting my lunch!" Asuka bellowed as she chased him.
Almost the whole school had witnessed the chase and with it lasting almost fifteen minutes until the other male on Asuka's hit list, her brother Kowaru, had locked her out of the gym which held the German fireball long enough to allow Shinji to get away.
"Just you wait brother dear till we get home." Asuka snarled until Kowaru reminded her that they were invited for Dinner at the Ikari's. She literally roared through the glass at her smiling brother before stocking stalkingoff to get some sort of quick meal before going back to class.
But getting back to the chase two of those, Coach Kido and Kendo, had witnessed the chase and both knew that if they could teach the pair enough skills like catching, throwing, and batting they'd make fine additions to their respective teams.
The last to make it was Kowaru but he seems to be well on his way as he fanned all three of the top hitters from the boy's team including Takasugi with a fastball. Interestingly enough, Kowaru had learned how to pitch from his observations of Ryou's pitches during practice. Even though he wasn't an angel anymore the sharp mind and intellect remained.
This and Shinji's running clued in to the boy that these two can help his team to the title.
He then made it his business to befriend the two boys.
Takasugi had become the third of what became known later as the three Musketeers.
Within a week all four were busy with school, practice, and notes flooding their lockers and e-mail.
Asuka looked at them in an annoyance, especially those, which told her to stay away from Shinji. She seemed to be the only one getting some negative messages, while Shinji, Rei and Kowaru were getting offers from going out for ice cream, to wanting to marry them when they graduate. They all had fun reading some of the messages after practice while they made their way home.
This was looked at as lighthearted till one day…
As Asuka was dressing after practice Izumi walked up behind her and addressed her.
"Souryu, I want to ask you some questions?"
"Ok speak you mind Himuro." Asuka said to the tall girl.
"Are you … involved with Ikari?" Izumi asked.
"What? Why would I want to be involved with a spineless wimp like him." Asuka said sarcastically.
"So, he does not have a girlfriend? Am I right in saying that?" Izumi said now in a more confident tone. Asuka eyed her as she answered her.
"He's as single as sperm whale in a desert!" She chuckled at her quip, until…
"Good." Izumi then turned with a whirl of her purple locks, and a smile on her face, she headed for the clubhouse door.
"Now hold it right there, Ms. Amazon!" Asuka was up and quickly caught up and stood in front of the taller girl. "I did not give you permission to see my Baka!" She said loudly causing the rest of the team to quiet down and focus on their … discussion.
"Oh, So he's you Baka?!?!" She sighed loudly inflaming the German girl. Yet she continued," I for one wouldn't be calling someone I'd care about … a Baka, and furthermore I wouldn't be chasing him all around the school making a fool of myself just because he forgot my lunch!" She laughed further infuriating the fiery redhead.
Asuka sputtered as she tried to say something to defend against Izumi's accusations.
"Oh and by your actions it seems to me that you, have the insane idea that Shinji Ikari is your property." Izumi's features then grew rather dark. "Well let me say now that it is up to Shinji who he likes, and I for one will give him a choice in the matter. I think a warm and caring girl would win out over a bully like you!" Izumi had her index finger pointing directly at Asuka.
Asuka yelled and launched herself at Izumi. If not for their teammates grabbing her away from Izumi, Asuka would have been pounding the upper class girl to the ground.
Most knew though that Izumi could give as well as she could take. They simply didn't want a fight in their clubhouse. That would give their detractors another thing to try and hold over their heads. With all they went through the previous year infighting would not be allowed.
But luck was with the team as Coach Kido showed up just then. He took both Asuka and Izumi by the shoulders marched them out and made both girls run six laps on around the track to cool off or they'd be suspended from the team. They ran quietly next to each other, but seething none the less.
After the incident, Rei walked home by herself as Coach Kido called in Asuka's mother as well as Chairwoman Himero. Shinji and Kowaru stayed to help calm the situation and mainly Asuka. All knew they would meet up later for dinner at the Ikari's.
As Rei made her way to the nearby train station, she spotted Yuki and Ryou walking the same way. She hesitantly followed them. Rei was curious of the left -handed pitcher.
So Rei followed them, which led her passed the train station.
A few blocks down she saw them enter a small Oden shop, which seemed busy at the moment. Rei stood across the way from the small restaurant and observed that both girls seem to be working there. After a few more minutes of observation, she made her way into the restaurant. Most of the clientele were middle-aged men from various careers as their clothing seemed to suggest.
Rei prided herself on being unobserved even with her fair skin and hair color. But her quiet observation was silenced when Rei's name was said out loud by Ryou who had spotted her in the corner. After her introduction to Shino, Ryou's mom, and the regulars Rei got a taste of Oden she found it to her liking.
As she ate she also found out since the previous year, that Yuki was now living with Ryou and her mother, as Yuki's parents had divorced and simply couldn't deal with her, and with what had happened before. After an incident at the training camp, Ryou took it upon herself with Izumi's mother's help, had Yuki live with her.
After a time Rei realized she needed to get home for dinner with the Souryu's, so Rei called her parents. They sent Shinji back on the train to meet her and wait for her there. Ryou and Yuki walked her to the train station shortly after then so she would not have to wait there alone.
When Rei got to the station Shinji was there waiting for her.
There at the station Rei said her goodbyes to her new friends, as Shinji stood by. Shinji thanked Ryou, and Yuki who was quiet and blushed under his gaze, which he did notice.
He nodded at the quiet girl which only made her blush deeper.
Shinji took his sister's hand leading her away from the train, Rei turned once and gave a small wave of her hand, and Ryou waved back with a smile, while Yuki nodded.
Afterwards Yuki had some questions to for Ryou about Rei, … and her brother.
Feelings for you
After the Parent Conference, Kowaru was headed with a now quiet Asuka to his mother's car when Seira suddenly appeared.
"Hey Mr. Souryu, think you can spare a few minutes for a talk?" The redheaded Japanese girl asked.
Asuka was in no mood to wait so she simply ignored the two and got into the car. While Kyoko was curious, a girl wanting to talk to her son. But she knew she had to get Asuka to the Ikari's, so she told Kowaru to take the next train and she would see him there. (Plus she would be grilling him about this girl, as she already saw that her son seemed to be getting more than normal attention from the girls around the school!)
"Kowaru-Chan, Please be on time, or you will have to do more chores." Were Kyoko's parting words, as she and Asuka pulled away.
Kowaru starts to walk and waves Seira to follow. She walks beside the boy as they make their way towards the train station. After a few silent moments Seira finally asks;
"So, what do you think of the school and, … the girls here?" She smiled as she awaited his response.
"Now, that was a loaded question, especially the way you were asking it." Kowaru smiled back.
"Well can't blame a girl for trying now can you?" She smiled back with a little more glimmer from her eyes..
"Well I can say that the attention is rather new to me since I have not been involved with anyone here. But it seems I will have to simply get use to it." Kowaru answers her with his trademark smile, which seems to affect the girl a bit as a slight blush seems to be on her cheeks.
"Well if you have any questions about the fairer sex you can always ask me." Seira added with a sultry smile.
"Yes, I assumed as much by your questions, I will keep that in mind." As they neared the station, she did ask one more question. "Can I ask, why are you so different than your sister? Because I see you here quiet and smiling, while she was ready to take off Izumi's head if we hadn't stopped her." They both nodded as both knew of the earlier incident.
"Well we were brought up separate and we didn't know each other or our mother until just recently, so our differing personalities might have to do with how we were raised."
He stopped as if to collect his thoughts then continued.
"She grew up in Germany, then here in Japan, while I grew up in Switzerland. We only met back up with our mother a few months ago.
"So that woman in the car was your mom? Boy she must have had you young." Seira observed.
Kowaru didn't like to lie, but telling a half truth wasn't as bad as the real thing.
"That is why we were separated she had us when she was young and couldn't keep us."
'Oh I hope Mama won't be too mad.' Koaru thought, as he had to remember to tell her this later.
"Wow now I can see why, my parents seemed not to care where I was. It got me into trouble till Coach Kido found me and literally pulled me out of a tight spot. Been here ever since." She smiled at just what had happened but remembered who she was talking to. "Maybe we'll get together later and I'll talk to you about it."
"But, why not now?" Kowaru's curiosity was peeked.
Seira just smiled and said, "Oh we're here." That cut off further conversation on that subject.
They looked at each other waiting for one of them to do something, and then Seira acted. She pecked him in on the cheek and waved as she left him dazed at the station's entrance. After some of his higher brain functions kicked back in Kowaru made a note to talk to his new friend Takasugi as well as Shinji on about this kissing, and about Seira.
All through the train ride Kowaru kept his hand on that spot on his cheek all the way home,where she had kissed him!
"I have got to find out more about her." Kowaru said to himself.
Later at the Ikari'sAsuka did pay her brother back for his earlier incident at the Gym. Kowaru seemed to have lost his pants when he went to the bathroom. Rei was first to find him and she found out something new about Kowaru, … briefs not boxers!
Chapter #4: Playing Games
As the team rosters are fixed, and the school routines are adjusted, will the addition of these four help, or hurt both teams chances to Reach Koshien this year?
Will the relationships be come more … serious? Stay tuned to see!