Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Storm Warning-Part 2 ❯ Chapter 7
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in you house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Chapter 7
The Next Day, Early Afternoon
“Sukebe's Tits!! I'm starving!! When're we gonna stop for chow, big man?!”
Tank smiled up at the swooping form of his Space Kit overhead. “Well, Ryoko; we can stop now and you guys can have some PokeChow. Again. Or we can push on through and probably make it to Gash in a couple of hours where we can have a real meal. Which do you prefer?”
“How about both?” The blue-furred Pokegirl asked with a saucy grin even as she moved back into her lookout position above the group. Tank couldn't help but smile in response. None of them had had true, honest-to-goodness cooked food in a number of weeks and PokeChow, while it had all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutritional elements the various kinds Pokegirls needed, wasn't exactly a gourmet meal. Especially after the members of his Harem had gotten used to his excellent cooking. Oh well, Tank thought as he adjusted his backpack into a more comfortable position. We'll soon be…!!!
Tank stumbled to a stop and he heard cries of alarm from the Pokegirls all around him as figures seemed to pop up out of the ground both ahead, and according to Asuka, from behind them as well!! The young Tamer and his Pokegirls quickly assumed a roughly circular formation and waited for his commands.
**Tank!** Asuka's desperate voice sounded in his head. **It looks like you've got about five or six of them in front and even more behind you. Also,…Shit!! A couple up here too!!**
While Tank listened to his Succubus's report, one of the figures in the front group stepped forward. Tank knew that whoever it was had to be human, but from the look of him Tank figured he must be under the influence of a number of different Blood Gifts and Curses. The 7' tall man was so massively over-muscled that he would have made Tank, who was quite large for his age, look like a complete shrimp. And the man certainly wasn't shy about showing off that physique as he was only clad in a pair of heavy, clumsy looking black boots, a pair of skimpy bright red shorts and a pair of armored bands on his forearms despite the cool weather. He was almost completely bald except for a short, bristly brown Mohawk but he also had a thick beard and his body was covered pretty densely with hair as well. His large hand came out and he pointed a sausage-sized figure toward Tank and his Harem.
“YOU! Give up Pokegirl now or DIE!!” The man spoke with a thick, nearly incomprehensible accent, but his intentions were quite clear.
“Lousy Pokegirl thief!” Tank muttered as he gauged the situation. As he snuck a look over his shoulder he saw two other people step out from the group in the rear. These two, however, were nearly polar opposites of the thug up front. The two men were normal-sized and were bundled up thickly in winter clothing, but they too had something to say.
“Yeah, loser!” The one of the right declaimed. “Turn over the Pokesluts or face the wrath of…”
“TEAM SHRED!!” They both shouted in unison, simultaneously producing a pair of snowboards and twirling them overhead dramatically. Most of the Pokegirls with them did the same thing, but Tank noticed a couple of them shaking their heads in disgust.
Must be two different groups then, so…Tank thought as he quickly settled on a plan. “Lulu, with me! Washu take charge of everyone else and handle the back group.” Even as his Pokegirls acknowledged his orders he was sending commands to Ryoko and Asuka through his bonds with them; **Asuka! Ryoko! You two clear the skies, then help with the back group, but hurry up. I think Lulu and I are gonna need help pretty quick!**
Seeing that his quarry clearly intended to resist the giant in the front group grunted contemptuously and gestured the Pokegirls around him forward. Two of them were clearly some type of fighting type being clad in matching green, form-fitting, military-style unitards that exposed their fantastic bodies to view with dark brown fighting gauntlets on their hands. Under their uniform caps one had short, blonde and the other short, brown hair, but they seemed to be almost twins in how they had matching evil grins and they smoothly moved forward mirroring one another perfectly. Tank didn't wait to see any more.
“Lulu!” Tank called on his Sorceress and pointed up the trail toward their opponents. “Omega!”
When the big-busted magical Pokegirl heard her Tamer's command a smirk just as twisted as the one on the fighting Pokegirls' faces crossed her purple lips. Lulu took a few steps forward, raised her hands above her head, paused, and as the blue sigils that marked her spell-casting began to form on her arms and hands an unholy gleam burned bright in her crimson eyes. Then all Hell broke loose.
Omega was the code for a complete, all-out magical assault. It was a command Tank had never used before and didn't particularly like giving now, but he needed to delay this front group and hopefully whittle it down some while the rest of the Harem took care of the guys behind them. Even as a wave of fire swept out away from Lulu toward their enemies, Tank could hear the sounds of combat erupting behind them along with Kodachi's hooting laughter, but he couldn't allow himself to break his focus. Washu could handle the back, he needed to take care of the front and Lulu's first attack had just been thwarted.
Just as the fire spell was about to hit them another Pokegirl stepped in front of the fighting Pokegirls a glittering wall of force appearing in front of her outstretched hands. When the flames hit the magical shield they burst with a thunderous roar, but they harmed nobody. Seeing her failure, Lulu snarled and even more magical symbols began to appear on her body. Lightning, waves of darkness, pounding winds and other magical attacks surged forth, pounding into the shield and keeping the enemy pinned down. Through short breaks in the thunderous assault Tank could see the opponent magical Pokegirl paling as she grimly held onto her shield, but finally the strain grew too great for her and as the wall of force collapsed she was crushed under a flaming stream of meteors that sprayed out from Lulu's hands.
The Sorceress laughed triumphantly on seeing her victory and immediately redoubled her magical strikes despite the fact that Tank could see from her trembling body that she was feeling the effects of the complete use of her powers. The gigantic Pokegirl thief and the other Pokegirls who had been sheltering behind the magical shield desperately began dodging around trying to avoid the deadly assault, but Tank was sure they were taking some hits from it. “Keep it up, Lulu!” He encouraged her. “Keep it going as long as you can!” The Sorceress made no reply to this, merely gritting her teeth as even more magic poured from her body.
**Got the bitch!!** Tank's head involuntarily snapped up at this crowing cry from Asuka. Tumbling from the sky was the battered body of a Pokegirl that he assumed must be who Asuka was talking about. Even as that Pokegirl smashed into the explosions caused by Lulu's attack, Tank hear Asuka continue; **Now, for that other…Fucking Sukebe's Slutty Mother!!!** Things seemed to be a bit desperate above and, from the sound of things, to the rear as well.
Suddenly Tank realized that the deafening booms from Lulu's attacks had ceased. Returning his attention to where it belonged he saw that the Sorceress had fallen to her knees, worn out from her magical assault. As Tank moved to her side he saw a figure looming through the clouds of dust raised by Lulu's spells. Before he could do anything, Lulu raised a shaking arm and sent a deep crimson ray blasting into the individual, pounding them back into the enveloping fog of debris. This last effort was too much for the voluptuous magical Pokegirl, however, and she collapsed with an exhausted sigh as soon as the beam left her hand. Tank immediately moved in front of her unconscious body, ready to protect her from anyone that still might be moving after her impressive offensive.
For several minutes there was no sign of movement in front of him and the only sound was that of falling rocks and gravel to the fore and the continuing battle to the rear. Then, as the dust slowly settled, Tank began to make out things. First the devastating results of Lulu's spells on the landscape, then a few sprawled out forms, then…Ah, crap! Tank cursed. There's still some of them left!!
Staggering out of the dust the young Tamer saw the two fighting Pokegirls he had noticed earlier. Their limbs were bruised and battered; their clothing was singed and torn, but from the cruel expression on their faces it was clear that they were still in the fight. They looked over Tank, then glanced at one another, and after a short nod of silent agreement they surged forward! Sprinting forward effortlessly through the littered boulders and stones they dodged and weaved with one another in order to keep Tank off balance and make it difficult for him to track them. Tank simply crouched slightly and clenched his hands into tight fists as he did his best to keep the deadly fighters in view.
First one, then the other darted forward; hoping to force Tank into a move they could take advantage of, but the teen refused to take their bait. Acknowledging the failure of their first strategy the two quickly moved to either side of their opponent, paused, and then blitzed forward once again. Tank caught the first attack, a flashing kick, with a forearm block, wincing at the force of the blow. Nearly simultaneously he dodged a streaking fist from the opposite direction, caught the arm and flung the Pokegirl over his shoulder. She simply flipped to a graceful landing, however, and moved to the side of her companion, both grinning with enjoyment. Tank frowned, wondering at their smiles until he heard the sound of a grinding footstep to one side!
Eyes wide in shock he spun, only to catch a smashing blow in the midsection that sent him flying into a series of boulders, crashing off each one with an explosion of pain and lost breath. Left tumbled on the ground Tank tried to regain his senses as quickly as he could. Fuck!! Feels like I've got some broken ribs, but I gotta…Tank struggled to his feet. Blinking the tears of pain from his eyes his vision cleared just in time for him to see the gigantic man who had begun the challenge kick the laid out body of Lulu to the side and turn toward him, a nasty grin on the Pokegirl thief's brutal face. It was a sneering expression quickly echoed by the two fighting Pokegirls who moved to either side of the towering human.
Tank could feel his blood boiling at their cruel treatment of his Pokegirl as well as their disdainful demeanor. As had happened many times when he was younger and also when he had first fought Ryoko, Tank could feel his control slipping away, a bloody haze veiling his eyes, his muscles hunching and bulging until with a roar Tank ran directly at his enemies, his wounds completely forgotten and only revenge burning in his mind. This time, however, he wasn't dealing with a young, distracted Pokegirl, but experienced, prepared fighters.
As Tank came toward them the bear-like man suddenly began spinning like a top so that as the young Tamer got into range he was hammered by what seemed like an unending hurricane of blows. Every part of Tank's body seemed like it was being tenderized under the force of the assault until he was once again sent spiraling away to land in a disordered heap on the unyielding surface of the path, blood spurting from a broken nose as well as a number of other injuries.
Tank was so beat up that he couldn't even get his whirling senses to figure out which way was up, but deep down he knew his opponents were going to be coming in for the kill. Desperately he tried to regain his feet, but all he was able to do was groan in pain and scratch futilely in the dirt. Tank could hear the dismissive laughter of the thief and his Pokegirls, but was completely unable to do anything about it. Through his spinning head, and pounding pain he heard them getting closer…closer…closer…
“Thorns of the Black Rose!!! Feel the love!!!! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!!!!!”
Suddenly Tank heard the ringing voice of his newly Evolved Killer Queen as well as her chilling, cackling laughter. Picking his head up he was just able to make out a rather bruised and battered looking Kodachi spinning her gymnastics ribbon, but instead of a cloud of black rose petals, from its swirling surface came a stinging storm of thorns that ripped into the fighting Pokegirls and their leader. The attack didn't seem to do much serious damage, but in its wake the two Pokegirls suddenly collapsed to the ground, clutching and clawing at their abruptly overflowing pussies, groaning with desire and need. Their thuggish boss looked down at them in surprise then turned to Kodachi and belched out a burning blue ball of flame from his mouth! Not expecting such an attack the Killer Queen was caught totally by surprise and was hit full on. The force of the explosion as it impacted her curvaceous body left her lying on the ground, her body only moving with semi-conscious twitches.
Even as the massive human stepped forward to take advantage of his attack, however, he was brought up short when there was a flashing explosion directly in front of him. Out of the crater created by their falling bodies, one could make out two inter-twined figures. Only one of them was moving, though, and that one was Asuka. Throwing off her defeated opponent the Succubus staggered to her feet, a maniacal grin on her face despite her evident injuries. “You want some of this, freak-boy?” She asked in her husky voice even as she weaved uncertainly on her feet.
Pausing to reconsider this new development the ogre was once again brought up short by yet another appearance. “Yeah, do you think you can face the Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe, hairy?” Washu punctuated her question with a series of energy bolts that peppered the ground and caused the man to stumble backwards. The Braniac had shed her child-like form and the two energy swords in her hands as well as her lacerated appearance made it clear that, unusually for her, she had been mixing it up in hand-to-hand fighting.
Growling with anger their last standing opponent reached down to gather up his erotically squirming fighting Pokegirls and then beat a hasty retreat. Asuka took a step forwards as if to pursue him, but simply collapsed on her face, her massive breasts somewhat cushioning her fall. Kodachi tried to struggle to her feet, but ended up on her back once again. Washu, meanwhile, let her swords disappear with a sigh and crouched down beside Tank, helping him to his feet as he insisted on getting up. “How are you doing, Tank?”
“Not too good,” Tank admitted. He looked around the desolate landscape and seeing all of the scattered bodies he had to chuckle despite the pain it caused him. “But I don't seem to be the only one.”
“No,” Washu admitted. “I think everyone's out of it except you, me and Kodachi.” After a careful examination she added, “And I think I'm stretching things by including you two.”
“Nice. Were you able to get the two Tamers in the rear group?”
“Yeah. To be honest, they weren't much of a challenge except for a couple of the Pokegirls. It seems clear that there were two different groups cooperating here, Tank.” The scientific Pokegirl looked at her Tamer seriously even as he held his throbbing head. “We need to report this as soon as possible.”
Tank nodded his head then winced at the pain it caused him as blood continued to drip off his face. “Yeah, you're right, Washu. But Gash is the closest source of help and there's no communication with them from here. We'll have to hoof it in from here.”
Washu looked doubtfully at their wiped out group with Kodachi just barely managing to struggle to her feet. “I don't know, Tank…Do you really think we can make it?”
“I don't see as how we have much of a choice. We don't have any healing potions left after the Hoarfrost Glacier so let's ball all of the Pokegirls, Kodachi too. I'll drag in those two Pokegirl thieves so we can get some kind of reward for them, all right?”
“Yeah, OK. If you say so,” Washu looked uncertainly at her Tamer but moved to carry out his orders, putting all of the unconscious and semi-conscious Pokegirls into Pokeballs while Tank did his best to staunch the flow of blood from his broken nose and his various other injuries. As she was binding the two human Pokegirl thieves' arms and legs together she suddenly found something that caught her attention. “Hey, Tank! Check this out!!”
Tank looked over at the Braniac then staggered toward her. In her hands was a silvery looking length of fabric. “What's that Washu?”
“It appears to be some kind of advanced camouflage cloth. It must have been how they were able to hide their presence from my sensors. Look!” Washu draped the cloth over a rock and then rubbed it in a particular manner. With a shimmering glow the fabric suddenly took on the appearance of the surrounding terrain, completely concealing what was beneath it from view.
“Yes, pretty impressive,” Washu admitted.
“We'd better bring it in with these losers,” Tank commented with a kick at the unconscious bodies of the thieving Tamers. “I'm sure the cops and the League are going to want to check it out.”
“True,” Washu said thoughtfully. She fingered the slippery fabric for a while before she spoke again. “There should be more than one of these lying around. After all, there were quite a few of them so…”
Tank blinked uncertainly at his Alpha, “Yeah, sure. If you want to find the rest, go ahead.” He looked at the already descending Sun and added, “But you'd better hurry, I gotta drag these fools into town before sunset. We're in no shape to take on any Ferals we might run into.”
“OK, no problem.”
By the time all of the Pokegirls had been put in Pokeballs, a sledge had been built to carry their human prisoners, and Tank's injuries had been tended to as best they could in their worn out situation, Washu was completely exhausted and Tank looked like he was on his last gasp. “Washu, I think it's best that you go in your Pokeball. You look wasted.”
“Are you sure? You don't look too good yourself, Tank.”
“Yeah,” Tank admitted. “But I can't go into a Pokeball to get some rest and at least some kind of healing like you can. Besides you can't help me with pulling these losers into town, so you might as well take it easy for now.”
“Well, if you're sure…”
Washu still sounded doubtful, but Tank quickly overrode her. “I am sure,” He said as he produced her Pokeball. “So just rest for now. They'll be more than enough for all of us to do soon enough.” Without waiting for her agreement Tank captured the Braniac in a flash of crimson light before placing her Pokeball with his others. Then with a shuddering sigh he looped the rope connected to the sledge carrying his captured opponents around his shoulder and began to slowly, with limping steps, move toward the town of Gash.