Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Storm Warning-Part 2 ❯ Chapter 11
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in you house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Chapter 11
The Next Day, Early Afternoon
“Mmm?” Tank kept his eyes closed as he enjoyed the feeling of his Alpha's womanly body draped over him, his left arm holding her close. They had finished a Taming session a bit earlier and were now lazing in bed, relaxing in the afterglow of the event. Tank smiled slightly as he felt Washu's gentle hand slowly rubbing across his chest, occasionally picking at his chest hairs that were starting to appear somewhat more thickly as he got older.
“Can I have some money?”
That question made the young Tamer's eyes pop open. Looking down at his red-haired, green-eyed Brainiac suspiciously he asked, “How much do you want and what do you need it for?”
Washu let her hand roam across Tank's muscular chest for a few moments before responding, “Not really all that much. Just a little bit.”
“How much do you need? And what do you need it for? Exactly.” Tank asked again, his curiosity and nervousness both being increased by his Alpha's seeming casualness as well as her refusal to directly answer him.
“Well…I was just thinking that since we're in Gash it's a good opportunity for us to pick up some stuff.”
“What kind of `stuff' are you talking about?”
“To be honest…”
“It's the best policy, or so I've heard.” Tank winced as the Brainiac yanked out a few of his chest hairs in response to his flippant response.
“As I was saying, to be honest…I was hoping we could pick up some Fire Stones. You know, for Ryoko. And Ruri, too.”
“I don't know, Washu,” Tank said slowly. “That's going to be pretty expensive. You said you needed, what, 7 or 8 Lightning Stones to make the Gem for Ryoko? I don't think we have enough money for that. In fact, I know we don't.”
“Maybe not now, but if we sold a-”
“No!” Tank interrupted much more sharply than was his wont. “If we do that now we're screwing ourselves later. We need to keep them a secret for a few more weeks. Our whole plan for winter is riding on them so we can't just…No, definitely not!” Tank twitched irritably as Washu redoubled her hand movements in an attempt to soothe the agitated teen. “Anyway, what's this about Ruri? Why do you want a Fire Stone for her?”
“The thing is, I was thinking her coldness might be a problem in the future, you know with Tamings and weather and everything…”
Tank looked down curiously at the Brainiac. It wasn't like her to be so indirect, unless she'd already…“What have you been doing? Have you…?”
“NO! No! Well, not really, anyway…”
“It's just a small invention really…But it's soooooooo cool! People will be praising my name in the streets! My name, oh yeah, and yours too, will go down in the history books. YES! Washu's Stupendous Integral Thermal Moderating Register it's called! Yet another supreme scientific achievement by the most superb scientific genius in the cosmos! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!”
Tank sighed and waited for his Alpha to finish cackling in triumph. When her laughter finally began to still he asked, “I'm sure it's beyond amazing, but what exactly is it?”
“It's a device to control Ruri's temperature. It can be placed in something like a necklace or bracelet and will allow both you and Ruri herself to control her temperature. Feel like Taming her? No problem, just turn up the heat! Going to the rainforest? Who cares, just crank the AC! It'll be fantastic!!”
“But…” There was always a `but' with Washu's contraption in Tank's, admittedly limited, experience.
“Well, I could use some of the leftovers from Ryoko's Ice Gem for a cold source, but I need something for a heat source. Of course, the obvious choice is a Fire Stone.”
“How many would you need for your device?”
“Just one! Uh…Maybe two.”
Tank sighed, then gave a start of surprise as Washu's hand crept down to his groin to brush up lightly against his dick, which was somewhat sticky after their earlier Taming. He frowned at her obvious attempts to influence his decision through sexual favors, but as usual it made no impression on the self-confident Pokegirl. “One is possible, two would be difficult, I think.”
This response caused Washu to frown, “Why? We have, what, like 4,500 credits, don't we? That should be enough for two Fire Stones.”
“We did have that much, but not any more,” Before his Alpha could ask, Tank answered her question. “I found out that the local PokeCenter is equipped with one of those new Language Trainer machines to give Ferals the basics of a language. Yesterday I was able to get Miluska and Eila put onto the waiting list for the technique. They should go through the program and be finished by the end of the week, but it was a bit pricey; we're down to around 1,000 credits.”
“1,000 credits?! But that means…”
“Yes,” Tank agreed with Washu's unfinished comment. “We're going to have to be pretty tight with our money just to finish getting reequipped and moving on to the next city. I'm thinking about challenging the local Gym Master,” Tank mused. “It would be a way to pick up some money on the side bets, but, of course, that's only if we win.”
“What do you think our chances are?”
“Well Gash has a three tier system. The lower two Gym Masters I think we can take. The Head Gym Master, on the other hand, would probably be another story. He's no push over, that's for sure.”
“Ah, yes,” Washu nodded in comprehension. “Kiichi Goto is the Head Gym Master here, isn't he? Yeah, I've heard a lot of comments about him, even being on the run, like I was.”
“Mmm, Harem Master Goto is definitely unorthodox, but he's also considered among the best the White League has to offer.”
“You want to challenge him, don't you?” Washu stopped her hands actions to look directly into her Tamer's face, extremely interested in his response.
“Yeah,” Tank finally admitted after a short pause. “I do. He's someone I've always admired, so I'd like to see how we match up against him. But like I said before; if we're going to do it for the credits, we'd better go after one of his assistant Gym Masters. I don't think we've reached the level where we can take Gym Master Goto yet. Maybe some day, but not yet.”
Washu stared deep into his eyes for a few minutes before replying; “If that's the way you feel then…I think you should go for it. We don't fight for you for money or for anything like that. We understand it's necessary sometimes, but what we fight for is for you. And if this is important for you, then I guarantee we'll all give our all.”
Tank smiled and hugged the Brainiac tightly, her large breasts in her womanly form squishing into his chest as he did so. “Thanks, Washu. I appreciate it.”
“No problem, Tank,” She quickly shook off the mushy mood, however, and resumed her more normal casual attitude. “Anyway, maybe there's another option for us.”
“Well, remember how I mentioned I was getting those strange readings in the place where Kodachi Evolved?”
“Yeah, did you find something?”
“I think there might be a deposit of Dark Stones running through that area. If I'm right, that's something we can offer to any of the local Stone mining companies for some extra cash, maybe even some Fire Stones. I'd like to have Ruri help me check the data before we offer the info to anyone, though.”
“OK, that's no problem. I took her out of storage already, so you can work with her any time that's convenient for you.”
“All right. By the way, exactly how long were you thinking of staying here in Gash, Tank?”
“About a week or so,” Tank frowned and began rubbing his forehead as he started running through what was ahead for him and his group of Pokegirls. “We need to stay at least until Miluska and Eila finish their education training. Also, the cops want me to talk with some agents from the League office, so we gotta wait for that. I think we'll do some training with that Gourry guy and his Harem, too. He seems like a bit of a dip, but his Pokegirls seem to be on the ball. Kinda crazed, but talented. And if we do decide to take part in a Gym Battle, some extra training will definitely come in handy. I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible, though.”
“Why? Are you worried about another attack by those guys who jumped us before?”
“Not really. Being in a city I think we should be pretty safe. I just think Rei's going to be having enough trouble adjusting to her new life as a Pokegirl without being around such familiar surroundings. I haven't talked about it with her, but I figure it's gotta be painful her.”
“True. True,” Washu paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and said something she knew had to be brought up. “All that sounds fine, Tank. But might I also suggest doing something about Asuka and Kodachi? Their rivalry was kind of funny at first, but lately it's-”
“I know, I know,” the young Tamer agreed with a deep sigh, redoubling his rubbing of his scalp in frustration. “You're right. It's something I should've taken care of before. I'd hoped it would fade with time, but…”
“It's all right, Tank. It's all right,” Washu resumed her massaging of Tank's muscular chest in the hopes of soothing her tense Tamer. “It's not too late, after all. Now that we have some downtime would be a good opportunity to…reeducate them on what it means to be a Pokegirl in your Harem.” Tank merely grunted and continued his nervous behavior, running his right hand repeatedly through his hair and scratching at the top of his skull. “What's wrong, Tank? It's more than just Asuka and Kodachi that's bothering you, isn't it? Tell me.” The redheaded Pokegirl reached up with her left hand to grab his right one and still it. Her green eyes locked on his as she demanded an answer.
Tank sighed again before he finally responded, “It's just…Just that I can't believe how easily I got beaten by that big, stupid thug! I didn't even lay a finger on him! I've been fighting for as long as I can remember and I always thought I could handle myself all right, but that, that, that fucking…!”
“Tank, Tank,” Washu gripped her Tamer's head tightly with both of her hands, forcing his attention on her. “You're still only a teenager. That Pokegirl thief was a very well-trained, grown man in his prime. Not to mention it looked like he had a bunch of Blood Gifts to increase his strength and toughness. With all that, it isn't surprising he beat you! You shouldn't let it get to you.”
“I know, I know, but still…”
Washu shook her head in annoyance with the general stupidity of the human race, especially among the males. But soon enough a smile crossed her lips and she began inching her curvy body down her young Tamer's muscular one. “What you need is something to make you forget all of these…distractions. And I think I know something that will do just the trick.”
As Tank watched in surprise, the Brainiac scooted back until her head was directly above his groin. Without even a pause she took his cock into her mouth and quickly began working on it with her lips and tongue. Her talented mouth had him fully erect in no time and the teenager could only groan in pleasure as she continued to bob up and down his length, fellating him with a relish. Tank let his hand run through Washu's luxurious, if spiky, red hair enjoying its feel just as he was reveling in her blowjob.
Her hard sucking went on for several minutes before her Tamer finally choked out, “Enough, Washu! Enough!” He pulled her back up his body, saying as he did so, “Now come on up here.”
“Am I too much for you?” Washu asked impishly, dragging her heavy breasts along his skin teasingly. Her amusement turned to surprise, then pleasure, however, as Tank refused to let her stop once her pussy was in position over his erection. Instead he continued to draw her up until she was sitting astride his face. Once her cunt was within reach, Tank didn't wait a moment but immediately began licking at her already moist slit. The Brainiac quickly began groaning in response to his actions, especially when Tank began rubbing the smooth skin of her ass with one hand while with the other he spread her vaginal lips open.
Doing this allowed the young Tamer greater access to his Pokegirl's sex, a fact that he took immediate advantage of. First he attacked the inner depths of her cunt, but time after time he returned to her swollen clit, drawing forth little yips of surprise and pleasure each time he licked, nibbled, or sucked on it. To accompany the actions of his mouth he slowly inserted his index finger into Washu, while his thumb and the rest of his fingers continued their work, keeping her lips spread wide open. That penetration, accompanied by her Tamer's mouth on her clitoris was enough to set off Washu's orgasm and the steady trickle of juice already flowing from her increased into a torrent. Tank didn't let up, however, continuing his work on her sex until she experienced yet another climax. He was working her up to a third when she shoved herself back, her breasts heaving and perspiration dotting her forehead.
“Am I too much for you, Washu?” Tank asked with a smile as he wiped away some of his Alpha's cum that was smeared all over his face.
Washu simply grinned, shook her head and positioned her crotch over his dick, using one of her hand to keep it steady as she slowly sank down on it. “Let me, Aaaah, see if I can't, Uuhhnn, get you to t, t, take that back!” Once she was stuffed full of cock, the Pokegirl didn't raise herself back up, instead she began a slow grinding motion with her hips, simultaneously using her vaginal muscles to conduct an extremely arousing massaging action along the length of her Tamer's penis. Tank's eyes popped open at the incredible feeling his Alpha was creating, his hands latching onto her vigorously moving hips. “You like that?” Washu grinned smugly at the teenager's frantically nodding head. “Good!”
Placing her hands on the bed behind her Washu continued her hip movements, occasionally adding a few in and out thrusts to vary the experience for both of them. She laughed at Tank's desperate groan of pleasure, but then let her head drop backward, her hair dragging along Tank's muscular legs as she too moaned at the sensations running through her body. Tank simply enjoyed the feelings his Alpha was giving him for several minutes before finally releasing his tight grip on her furiously working hips to caress the smooth skin of her thighs and then up to her stomach. Her large bouncing breasts were just out of reach, though, so he decided to take steps of his own.
Using his stomach muscles like it was a crunch exercise he raised his upper body so that he could reach Washu's luscious orbs, kissing and licking her left tit as soon as he could reach it. Tank's hands swept around to her back and held her torso close to his as he began adding some hip movements of his own to the Pokegirl's. The two stayed in that somewhat awkward position for over five minutes, Tank occasionally switching between Washu's tits, before the Tamer felt the need for greater control and penetration. Taking his attention off Washu's sweat and saliva covered breasts he lifted her head up so he could kiss her deeply and then muttered, “Grab hold, I'm gonna move us.” Washu simply nodded, her mind whirling too much from the sensations of the Taming to respond very coherently. She wrapped her slender arms around Tank's neck just in time for him to scoop up her legs, one over either of his arms before he lurched to his feet.
Standing a bit unsteadily on the bed he started really pounding into the Brainiac, using his hold on her ass cheeks to lever her up and down on his hard erection. This position allowed for an extremely thorough plundering of Washu and she squealed with pleasure every time their hips slapped together. In no time Tank felt her pussy convulse and a flood of her juices began squelching with his continuing Taming of the super intelligent Pokegirl. The teenager didn't pause, however, instead he did his best to actually increase the pace of his strokes, pushing his hips up to meet Washu as she dropped down onto him.
“Uhhnnn!! More! MMmmooooorrreeee!!” Washu moaned into his ear, her fingers clawing at her Tamer's sweaty back. “Sssssssooooooo Ggggooood!!!” Those comments caused Tank's hold on her bouncing ass to tighten and as she climaxed yet again he could feel his own cum starting to rise. Dropping both their bodies to the tangled sheets of the bed he slammed himself deep into the Pokegirl a few final times before he groaned and blasted a load within her, forcing a final shriek from his Alpha.
As Tank shuddered after releasing his cum into her, Washu kept a tight hold of his neck, keeping him close to her. When she managed to regain her breath she kissed his ear tenderly and sighed as he slumped tiredly onto her. He felt a little heavy lying on her, but right now she didn't mind. Not one single bit.
Meanwhile, In the Gash Central Police Office
“Hey, Becky? You got that transcript finished-Gah!” Rally paused in shock, seeing her fellow Officer Jenny furiously fingering her pussy, her police uniform skirt pulled up over her hips and her shirt wide open so the glasses-wearing Pokegirl could simultaneously maul her breasts. “Sukebe's Ghost! What the fuck're you doing?” Rally quickly locked the door behind her as she approached the other Officer Jenny, her body subconsciously registering the thick scent of aroused Pokegirl in the room.
“Oh, Rally! Oooohh, I, I just couldn't…Uuuhhmmmmm!!” Now that she was close enough Rally could see what had set off her teammate. Just as Investigator Collins had ordered Rally and Becky had set up some bugs in Tank's hotel room, also adding in some micro-cameras that Becky wanted to test out. And from what Rally could see in the monitor they were working perfectly, giving a crystal-clear of a rather…vigorous Taming session between the teenager and one of his Pokegirls.
“Hey! Watch it!” Rally tried to jump back as she felt one of Becky's hands moving along her leg and up her skirt. Unfortunately the other Officer Jenny was pretty far beyond reasoning right now and kept a tight grip on the article of clothing in question. Thus, when Rally moved backward she only managed to rip off her own skirt and cause herself to fall rather painfully on her butt. “Geez, Beck-Mmmpphhh!!” Any complaint Rally was going to make was silenced when the other Pokegirl launched herself off of her chair and onto her partner, planting her lips on the other Officer Jenny's.
Rally could feel her own lust rising as Becky continued the kiss while simultaneously dropping a hand into her co-worker's panties. That expert touch was enough to still the Officer Jenny's qualms and her arms curled around her fellow Pokegirl's, simultaneously plunging her tongue into Becky's mouth. Thus, the two Officer Jennys were far too involved to notice when someone unlocked and opened the door and stepped into the room. That is until…
“WOW!! That looks ssooooo good!! Can I join in!?!” Without waiting for an answer Minnie-May, the small, blonde-haired Bombshell raced across the room, flinging off her police uniform as she went until, naked, she squirmed into the erotic embrace of the two Officer Jennys.
Man! These three are impossible sometimes! Investigator Collins sighed to himself as he swiftly shut and locked the door behind him, making sure no one could see what was going on in the room. It's bad enough that I'm running all those illegal taps; I don't need the chief chewing my ass out for fucking around on duty. Of course, he thought with a smirk, jamming a nearby chair under the door handle to further secure the room. I guess this is kinda part of my job too…
“Oh, Investigator Collins…” The male police officer looked up, Rally's seductive tone of voice so different from her usual way of addressing him. Bill Collins felt his heart give a little leap, along with another body part, upon viewing the entwined bodies of his three Pokegirls. Minnie-May was devouring Becky's pussy like it was an all you can eat buffet, her little butt bouncing around in time with her efforts. Rally, meanwhile, was hugging the more intellectual Officer Jenny close as she screamed in pleasure, but her blue eyes were locked on his. No matter how many times he saw his teammates do this he didn't think he'd ever be able to take it dispassionately…Or at least he hoped not.
“Investigator Collins,” Rally called to him again, a sensual purr still clear in it. “I think your…expertise is called for over here.”
“A police officer's duty is never done,” Bill said mock regretfully as he began unbuttoning his shirt.