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Shadow's Rebirth
A/N Thanks for reading. Many of you voted for him and Amy to get together so that'll how it stay. This is a different kind of chapter, It starts out in Ranma's P.O.I but shifts to third person. I'm going to get to the start of the Treasure Contest soon. This reveals a bit of the future plots.
Also give suggestions for who Mousse, Sonic and Tails should end up with
Chapter 14: Guard Duty
My Pain, My Sorrow...
My Pleasure, My Joy....
Take it all, I summon thee...
It has been two weeks since, I seen Amy, I haven't really seen anyone for the last two weeks except Shade. I made Amy promise to keep everyone away. It sucks. I rather be making out with her, but this needs to be done. Amy after smacking me in the head a couple times, she promised after I explained to her what I needed the time for. She did make me promise to make it up to her, no I must not get distracted. I've been spending both weeks in and out of Chaos Control plus using the Light Speed Dash. It's very draining, despite the ki recovery. A mental kind of drain. Shade says its because I'm literally thinking too fast.
Finally finishing, I glance at my finished project. "Shade tell Amy that I'm done" I said weakly as I let go of Chaos Control and reabsorbed the remaining rings I haven't used in the Light Speed Dash. So sleepy. Shade was about to leave the room, when I said one last thing. " the...eggs." Shade nodded and I made my last action. The Guardian Emerald appeared in my hand, and I tossed it to Shade.
I watched as many red eyes that weren't there open all over his face as his jaws extended to about five times his body size to shallow the Guardian Emerald. His mighty jaws chomped down on it and shallowed it whole. Before my vision starts to blur from the sudden lack of even more energy, I saw the ghost dragon version of Shade. Lacking the will to stay awake, I fell out my chair and succumb to the sleep I need.
A/N: That's it for Ranma. Time for the third person
The ghost dragon, faded away to reveal Shade. The Chao still looked almost the same only on it's forehead was a crystal shaped exactly like the Guardian Emerald and it's skin looked shiny. Also, the spikes on Shade's head were longer. Shade looked at his partner on the floor, sleeping. "You keep on surprising me Shadow, you must have known on some deeper level that the Guardian Emerald unlocks the seals on my other forms." Shade pointed at Ranma's body, causing it to lift into the air, float across the room and hover over the bed. The blankets lifted themselves off the bed and Ranma softly landed on it, before the blanket landed on him.
Shade looked at the finished product. Ranma had been working none stop on them and passed out due to mental fatigue. "Time to make sure you all are protected." Concentrating his energies, one by one each of the eggs faded away. "There stored in my subspace pocket." Shade looked at Ranma, who was already snoring. "You'll be out a week, because of all the work you put yourself through. Happy dreams, Shadow the Hedgehog" Ranma only snorted in his sleep, rolled over and scratched himself.
Shade rolled his eyes. "Real mature." Shade opened the door and floated out of it to see Amy, leaning against the door, with a giant hammer in her hands. She appeared to be sleeping. "Wakey, Wakey" Shade said, ducking under the hammer swing, that came instinctive." Amy glared at him with blood shot eyes. "Shut up you don't know how hard I've had it." Shade chuckled, he had, thanks to Ranma giving up the information on the advance Umisenken. It made peeping so much easier.
It started small, Kuno had wondered were his pig-tailed Goddess was. He began sending his ninja to spy on the Saotome Home. Amy found him five seconds after he entered the residence, beat the crap out of him and sent him for the distance. Kuno was enraged; he thought that Amy was keeping his 'pig-tailed goddess' from him and started a morning riot after her like with Akane. Only Amy wasn't that happy. No one still knows how she shove her Hammer that far up there, much less after she twisted and pulled it out.
Kuno walked bowlegged after that, he didn't have the information he wanted, so he paid a fortune to have Nabiki bailed out of jail in order to get him information. Nabiki who had spent a couple weeks in prison, was not a nice person. She came back ten times worse than before, but she couldn't touch Sonic and gang, because they would either beat the crap out of any person following them, ditch them, and Sonic would just turn them against Nabiki, somehow. Nabiki not getting any information, let it slipped around the Tendo Dojo, how much money the Mobian Corp. is estimated to have.
That set off a chain of reactions. Genma immediately marched to the Saotome home to demand his share of Mobian Corp. (All of it) Since he raised Ranma, he felt he should get an award. What he got was Shade splashing him with cold water and Nodoka not that carefully shaving him with her katana. It wasn't long till there was a restraining order on Genma. The news of this enraged Soun, who motivated Akane to start trouble, with the promise that if she succeeds, Ranma would come back to her.
Akane immediately attack Amy the next day at school. She didn't get two words in before Amy simply backhanded her and went on her way. Akane tried attacking the others of the group and that resulted in another transformation from Chaos and another harsh beating. Only this time, she wrote insults all over Akane's bald head as punishment. Since than, Amy had skipped school and sat outside Ranma's door like a guard, not letting anyone in. Sonic got covered in glue and feathers than gave up after that.
Shade floated in front of her. "Shadow is done" She immediately got up, but stopped when Shade got in front of her. "He's going to be asleep for a whole week, so don't try to wake him up." She pouted. "Why is he like that" Shade sighed. "The project was so important that Shadow felt that he had to increase the amount of time to work on it. So for the last two weeks he's been actively using Chaos Control and the Light Speed Dash." She ran into the room after that with Shade following her.
Amy sat on the bed and wrapped her arms around Ranma, who in his sleep, wrapped his around her. "It's just mental fatigue, he'll be fine." She glanced at the table were the projects were and said, "What happened to the project?" Shade grinned, "I'm guarding them until Shadow needs them" Amy nodded and ran her fingers through Ranma's hair. "Could you leave us? I'll stay in here to watch over him" Shade responds by floating out the room, leaving Amy and Ranma together. Amy kissed him and fell asleep next to him.
Shade floated to the garden where Nodoka was tending to her flowers. Gone was the kimono, she was wearing overalls and a giant hat that gave shade to her face. "Oh, hi Shade" She wiped some dirt from her forehead. Shade sat down next to her. "Hello Mrs. Saotome" She grins and shakes her fingers. "That is Ms. Saotome, I'm single, but you don't want to hear about that, what news you bring about my son?" Shade mock bows. "Your son has finished his project, but will be asleep due to fatigue. Amy is in his room, watching over him. "
Nodoka smiled. "She'll make a fine daughter-in-law one day. How long will it be till Ranma is awake." Shade shrugged. "About a week, give or take a hour" Nodoka sighed. "That long? Geeze" She stopped her planting and turned to Shade. "Shade I want you to do me a favor and protect this family and Amy while Ranma is unable to do so" Shade looked at her. "What makes you think that a being my size could protect all of you?"
Shade was generally curious. There was something about the Saotome Matriarch that was different. "I know because when I see my son, over his aura is a seal and every day, that seal weakens and his aura grows. When I look at you through the corners of my eyes, I can see the shadows of five big shapes and one small shape, right now, one of the shadows are clear.
Shade stepped back stunned as Nodoka continued, her eyes somewhat glazed over. "I see an imperial dragon, mimicking your motions." She grinned as Shade recovered. "You are a mysterious one, Ms. Saotome, but rest assured, I plan on doing those things anyway" She nodded. "I figured you would, come spend the rest of the day with me" Shade smiled, "Yes Ms. Saotome."
The Next Day:
"Wake up!" Amy jumped out of Ranma's bed to glared at Shade. Ranma just rolled over and continued sleeping. "What do you want" An alarm clock floated by Amy's face. "Time for school. Shadow's mother had a uniform sent from your home." Shade laughed as Amy turned beat red. "Oh my god! What did they say?" Shade paused as if in thought. "That they thought it was cute that you're showing so much concern for your boyfriend and are asking when are you going to give them grandchildren?" Amy's blush increased as she kicked out Shade to get dressed
"What are you doing?" Amy said to Shade, he was sitting on her head, like he does on Ranma's head. "Orders from Ranma's mother, I'm too watch out for you" Amy looked up at the Chao and laughed. "YOU? What can you do to protect me" Shade grinned. "Lots" As they got into the school they saw Akane on a podium, she was wearing a cheap wig, but the facial hair was still there. Amy blinked, "What is she up to?" Shade groaned. "I afraid to know"
Akane marched up to the microphone. "Here me, fellow classmates. Those of you that want Ranma, or Amy must defeat Amy in battle, I will not accept their relationship, so says I, Akane Tendo, Best Martial Artist in the Whole UNIVERSE!" Ryouga whispered to Chaos. "Is it me, or does she sound like Kuno" Chaos nodded. "One was enough"
Amy could only blink as a mob rose in front of the school. Not only guys were in there, but many girls, all of them wanting to date Amy or Ranma. There where a few guys that wanted Ranma, and a few girls that wanted Amy. "I can't believe this. All of you are acting like hormonally challenged retards. You are listening to an idiot!!!" Some in the crowd paused, but they all still were approaching her.
"*&*&^+& Morons" Amy muttered. "Amy! Why I'm appalled using language like that!" Shade said mockingly. "Shut up Shade....SHADE" Amy had a cruel smile as she took Shade off her head. "What are you doing?" Shade asked, not liking her smile. "This is your chance to prove that you can protect me" She whispered. She held him out to the crowd. "LISTEN UP ALL OF YOU!!! WHOEVER WANTS TO DATE ME OR RANMA HAS TO DEFEAT HIS PET IN BATTLE"
With that Amy placed Shade on the ground and use the Light Speed Dash to go to class. Leaving Shade looking at an army. He didn't think that they would hurt someone as cute as him until, "This is easy, someone get me a bat" He sweat dropped as he heard a girl say that. "No I'm going to be the one to hurt him" A vien popped on his head. "NO Me" More appeared as the mob was arguing who was going to hit him. "I guess I feel no qualms about this now" The crowd stopped when they heard him speak.
Ryouga, suddenly felt someone was so screwed and was slowly heading to the trench Knuckles made the first time Chaos transformed. He got there to see Mousse and the rest of the Sonic gang minus Amy were there, wearing helmets. Amy herself was watching out the window. Shade smiled, to reveal his teeth have turned pointy and blood red.
He melted into a puddle of black and red goo, that began to glow. The winds began to increase, blowing dust all around. The puddle that was Shade, floated off the ground and into the air, shaping itself into an floating egg shape that was black with red japanese written all over. The egg grew twenty times it's orginal size. Many students were feeling that they made a mistake. A crack ran through the center of the egg, as Shade hatched.
Out came the dragon that appeared to Ranma, only this one was solid. Shade twisted in midair growling. Amy's and the Sonic gang's jaw dropped. They never knew a Chao could turn into that. "Whoa" Ryouga and Mousse said in sync. Many of the mob had pissed themselves. Kuno looked at the dragon, turned to his bokken and looked back up at the dragon, Shade smiled, showing rows upon rows of jagged red teeth. "Oh ^&%&( this, screw you guys, I'm going to therapy"
The school watched dumbfounded, not at Shade, but Kuno who broke his bokken over his knee, gave the finger to Akane and walked away, many times muttering. "Oh Hell Nah" in English. As he turned the corner. "Oh and (&*&^*&^&* you, Nabiki!" Nabiki epped, when Shade looked directly at her and licked it's jaws. On his body words began to glow [Now who wants some] a giant glowing ball of energy formed in front of its mouth.
Akane smirked "THIS DRAGON IS NOTHING BUT A CHEAP TRICK!! COME, CLASSMATES!! HE CAN NOT DEFEAT US ALL!!" She pulled out a mallet and charged in Shade's direction, she was alone. Shade grinned and released his attack. He did not fire the orb of energy at her, but swooped down and burped in her face. The wig was burned off, Akane turned a dark green color and passed out in a puddle of her own vomit. Sonic was thrown out the trench to see if it was okay to leave. He didn't look at first, he was too busy trying to go back into the trench.
When it did become Obvious to Sonic, that they weren't going to let him in to the safety zone, he called out to Shade. "Hey Shade, you still in there?" Shade twisted in the air to land in front of Sonic, curling his body underneath him like a snake, so that he could fit in the school. Sonic watched as words glowed on Shade's scales [Yes Sonic, it's me, if you don't mind I'm going to sleep]
With that Shade put his head down and his breathing slowed. Sonic turned back to the trench, "It's safe guys" He didn't see Shade move his tail until it was to late. Sonic was buried underneath his tail. Shade snickered, in a way only dragons can, and went back to sleep. When it was clear he wasn't moving, the others climbed out the trench. Ryouga clapped his hands together and did a quick prayer for Sonic. "Thank you, because of your sacrifice, we can all go to class. You will be missed." And he left. Knuckles grinned. "Bye-bye Sonic" Underneath the tail, Sonic growled, "I hate you guys so much"
In class, several periods later:
"I know you told me that Mr. Saotome is going to be out another week, but what about Mr. Hana?" Knuckles looked out the window. Sonic just got out from Shade's tail, but in response to the sudden movement Shade opened his mouth and a giant energy blast hit Sonic. When he landed, charred in many places, Shade rolled over onto him. Sorry Teach' Recca is a bit distracted right now." The teacher shrugged, but than looked at Akane. "Ms. Tendo, why don't you go to the bathroom and wash off that green paint?"
Akane tried to hide her flash. Whatever Shade down, Akane's flesh was now a forest green. Yuka leaned over to another student and whispered. "If you give Akane some antenna and shave the facial hair, she'll look like a Namek" Amy grinned and started chanting under her breath so only the students nearby could hear, "Piccolo-Piccolo-Piccolo" She trailed off, but many more students started chanting it with her. Akane blushed, the skin on her cheeks turned to a pale green, only causing the class to laugh. The teacher sighed and wondered why he bother asking. After all this is Nerima.
Gym: Class
"AMY I CHALLENGE YOU!!!!" Akane yelled at Amy, who just caught the softball. Amy rolled her eyes. "What are you challenging me for?" Akane smirked. "I win and Ranma is mine!" Many of the class sighed. Akane was really losing it. Amy rolled her eyes "And if I win?" Akane blinked, "You'll have my title as best martial artist." Everyone again sighed. "There are so many reasons why I refuse your challenge." Holding up fingers, Amy continued. "One, Ranma is his own person, not a possession I can or would give away. Being my boyfriend was a mutual decision. Two, your so called title as best Martial Artist is nothing but a illusion you came up with. Anyone with a brain can see Ranma has that title. Three, you are a retard and I feel bad hitting disabled people"
Akane was shaking with rage, "You coward!" She pulled out her mallet, but froze when Amy held up a forth finger. "Four, are you stupid? Shade is right behind you watching us." The huge dragon was indeed watching the whole event, he laying partly in the school's swimming pool. Akane glared at Shade, "That big iguana is nothing to worry about" Another classmate whispered. "Is it me or is Akane lacking a survival instinct?" Many nods were the response.
` Forgetting about Amy, Akane marched up to Shade. "You hear me lizard! I'm not scared of you!" Shade looked down at Akane. [Is that so?] glowed on his body. Akane glared at him "That is so!" In an instance, Shade moved and took Akane in his mouth, shook his head a bit and spat her back out onto the ground. Akane was basically a dragon loogie, complete with extra mucus. She was covered from head to toe with it. She was also trembling. Shade lowered his head until it was level with the ground and went back to sleep.
"BOOOO!!!" Akane ran off screaming like a banshee. Ryouga walked up to the now laughing Mousse. "That wasn't that nice. I think she's traumatized" Mousse laughed harder. "She did deserve it" He said between breaths. Sonic, who had escaped from under Shade's tail hours ago, was glad he didn't experience that, all that slime is going to take forever to clean off. "I don't know guys, I feel sorry for her. I mean, she has been being tortured a lot. She lost all the hair on her head, she grew a large moustache and beard. Also her skin was turned green, and recently just covered with dragon spit. I know she's nuts, but are we going to far?" The three guys paused at this and at the same time. "Naaaahhh"
Shade snorted, this guarding Amy business was easy and no one even asked about what Ranma spent the last week doing besides Amy, they just assumed he went on a training trip. Shade paused in his reflections as he saw something out the corner of his eye. As the students headed back in, Shade kept an eye on this figure.
"So, you did sense my presence. Shade ol' boy how's it going?" The new arrival said, generally happy. "I haven't got a chance to talk to you privately sense Shadow released you from his aura" The dragon snorted. [Shadow's friends are amusing. I was surprised that they possessed the Guardian Emeralds] The person nodded. "They were chosen" Shade's eyes widened [THEM! I always known Shadow was one, but never did I imagine...] The person smiled. "Enough with the future, how about the eggs. You did make sure Shadow wrote the Ascension Protocols, did you?" Shade nodded and the figure continued. "What about the other program?" Shade again nodded [I just told him that it was part of the Ascension Protocols.] The person sighed in relief. "That's good, they are going to need the Alpha and Omega programs in the future"
Shade chuckled. [So when is Shadow going to figure you out?] The person smirked. "He'll just have to remember. Hopefully this contest should remove a lot of mental blocks" He sighed. [Professor, you are underestimating Shadow. He did find out the perfect form of the Chaotic Destroyer] The professor nodded. "I'm not underestimating Shadow, that's how all his enemies lost. I'm just saying that I feel he won't remember his name before than. I'm about to go, anything else you'd like to report"
It was disturbing to find a dragon to smile so widely [He found Maria] The professor stepped back stunned, "He-he-he found her? After all this time I've been searching, Shadow found my daughter?" Shade's smile only got wider. [He doesn't remember her, yet, but he will] The professor smiled. "I got to go" Shade nodded [So what should I call you Professor Gerald?] Gerald smiled "I'm fond of my middle name, goodbye Shade" and he was gone. Shade chuckled to himself. [Goodbye, Happosai]
Read and Review
A/N: Just because Ranma doesn't remember his true name won't stop the others from calling him it when he isn't around.
