Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow's Rebirth ❯ The Search Part 1: In the Darkest Hour... ( Chapter 17 )
Shadow's Rebirth
A/N: It's the start of what every one's been waiting for. This chapter is the start of the Treasure Contest.
Chapter 17: The Search Part 1: In the Darkest Hour...
"What are these" I said as I looked at the mirror to view the markings I've received a week ago after fighting NekoTachi. Shade shrugged and took another look at my face. "According to my sensors, your aura has changed and those seem to be chi markings. They seem to be a message of your power or something." I shrug. "No time today we have to get to the stadium. Today is the big day"
I grin looking over the last of my clothes. I'm wearing a black sleeveless vest that was buttoned closed. The vest had red trimming. Also I was wearing black baggy jeans and to finish it up, my usual metal shoes and gloves. Strapped to my back was the improved version of Lara's staff and a katana made out one of Shade's fangs when he's in dragon mode. The blade was black and had red swirls. I still don't know what it can fully do because I never fully tested it out. In subspace I had a full survival kit and med kit in case shit happens.
"Remember Shade you need to hack into the broadcasting frequency the other MechaChao are so you can transmit my image" Shade nods as we walk out. Mom was there talking with the now single Ms. Tendo. Soun had somehow came back from Shade sent him yesterday to beg for her to take him back. She just launched him back into the distance with a hammer the size of a small car. Mom and her were spending time catching up, both wearing regular clothes. "Hey Ma', Ms. Tendo" The both looked up. "You're ready? That looks very fitting to fight in." Mom said. Ms. Tendo smiled. "We're ready, lets get a cab and get to the stadium. I'm really excited about seeing this."
I smirked as we walked outside. "Cab? Who says we're taking a Cab?" Ms. Tendo was about to speak when I tossed Shade my emerald. Soon she was gapping as she looked at his Dragon form. That fang grew back quickly. Shade landed an the floor as me, Mom and a nervous Ms. Tendo got on his back. I turned back "Hold on, this is going to be some ride" Shade lifted up in the air and we took off. All the others are going to meet there.
When we got there, the stadium seemed to be even more packed than last time, but unlike last time, we arranged for all the local stations to broadcast for a fee. This race is not only going to be broadcasted over Japan but the whole world. The crowd roared when Shade landed and boggled when he turned back into a Chao. Mom and Ms. Tendo took a seat at the announcers table were Kasumi was setting up. Chaos and Amy are participating this time, So Kasumi, Mom, and Ms. Tendo volunteered to announce. I have to admit she's acting quite well for someone who was recently freed from hell. Nabiki asked to help out too, but her mother said that she couldn't. After hearing what's been going on, she decided that Nabiki and Akane have to make up for what they done.
They accepted if a bit sad. So Kasumi asked me to get some front row tickets to this even for them and some of their friends. Looking back at the announcer table I saw Kasumi sitting with a man around her age, looking a bit nervous. Looking around, it seems that again I'm the first participator to arrive, so I walked over. "Hey Kasumi, looking great!"
And she did, no longer wearing the simple dress Kasumi was in jeans, white t-shirt that exposed her belly and a leather jacket. On her head was a beanie and to top it off were yellow sunglasses.
Kasumi laughed. "Thanks Ranma" I turned to the guy next to her. "Who is this?" I asked. Kasumi smiled with a lite blush on her face. "This is the guy I was talking about. The one I was studying with to get into Tokyo University, Keitaro Urashima" He seemed to fidget. "Hey pleased to met ya man" I said shaking his hand. He seemed to relax "Thanks. I was surprised to find out Kasumi knew the famous Ranma Saotome and I thought well that I felt insignificant or something" I rolled my eyes, this guy has a confidence problem. "Hey Kasumi is like a big sister to me." I don't feel that I have to threaten him. "Enjoy the contest man"
He nodded and began to keep setting up. I walked back to the starting line to get Shade to start setting up. "Shade you see that boat in the center?" Shade nodded. "Let me guess. I go dragon and pull the boat into the sky to the location." I nodded "Great nothing really to explain, escaped I'm going to using rings to boost your speed" He's eyes widened. "Whoa. I can't wait, but I'm going to rest right now." He landed on my head and started to doze off just in time for the first contestants to arrive
Rouge and Knuckles certainly looked ready for battle. Knuckles had his gauntlets fully extend so it cover his arm all the way up to the shoulder. On each knuckle were small spikes. Knuckles was wearing a sleeveless muscle shirt colored red, some blue jeans and some wicked metal boots. Around his neck seem to be a breathing apparatus and on his head were red mirror shades. Rouge herself was a site to see. Her whole upper body was wrapped in black leather straps that had buckle on her back, tight black jeans and around her legs were a cloak like things. Her hair was tied back in a French braid. For extra effect, she had black webs connected from her arms to the sides of her body. Rouge reminded me of a vampire queen.
I noticed in both of their hands were the Chao eggs I gave them. Rouge's now had a web design while Knuckles looked even more metallic. I then notice their weapons. Rouge's finger tips were covered with a metal covering that had sharpened edges while Knuckles had a giant hammer. It didn't look like the Tendo hammers. It looked very old, but still powerful. The handle was about six feet long and the edges of the head were spiked like a meat tenderizer. "Sup Ranma" They both greeted. "Hey guys, just wait around a bit for everyone to get here" I pointed to the podium in front of the boat. They nodded and walked off
Next one was Sonic and Tails. Sonic was similar to me only his clothes were solid blue and he didn't have a staff, but he did have a katana that had a blue blade. Interesting. Tails was wearing a lab coat and simple coveralls, but had a metal looking back pack on his back. On the side hanging on his side was that mean-ass gun Tails pointed at me during that whole Tag game. "Hey Ranma, prepare to lose. I am Sonic, I always win" I rolled my eyes. I heard Tails chuckle. "Stop acting like a dumbass" I said. "After all you sounded like how Kuno was. We don't want Tail's role models to influence him to become like that"
We both shuddered. With Tails intelligence, the evils that he could unleash. Tails blinked and chuckled some more. I saw them pull out their eggs. Sonic's had a gold ring while Tails had a two tailed fox on it. "It seems that everyone is customizing those eggs" They chuckled while Tails grinned. "I just couldn't get the programming out my mind, it blew my mind." I smirked. "It's all in da head." Sonic and Tails went off in opposite directions; Sonic too join the others, Tails to power up the monitors the MechaChao are hooking into.
Next up came Ryouga and Chaos. Ryouga wasn't wearing his traditional clothes. His were forest green and black. The bandana was solid green. Chaos was wearing a miko uniform with giant sleeves that hid her hands. On her back was a bow. Ryouga had his usual umbrella, but messing his pack as he doesn't get lost now and days. Also strapped to his back was the metal board that he used for the Grind Race. "Hey Ranma, this is going to be some fun." Chaos grinned too "This will be most interesting" Their eggs both had a flame pattern, only Ryouga's had a bandana tied around it and Chaos' looked semi-transparent like glass.
Right behind them was Mousse. He was wearing his usual clothes except his robe looked to be made of metal. On his face were the same goggles he wore last time. "Hey Tsu'! What's up?" Mousse smiled. "Shampoo was upset that she couldn't participate because how she acted
after the last race. So she and Cologne are sitting in the front row." He pointed to a section where Cologne and Shampoo sat, surrounded by what appeared to be many other Amazons, many giving me, Mousse and Ryouga that look. "Where did the other Amazons come over?" Mousse rolled his eyes. "When word got out that I gave up on Shampoo, all of a sudden many females wanted to see what Japan was like, so they are going to be attending Furinkan with us when the break is over." His egg had Chinese inscribed on it.
To my surprise Amy and Lara came next. They were not talking, but Amy was beat red. Lara was wearing the clothes I saw her wear in her files. Very short brown shorts and a green shirt that displayed her attributes. On her waist was a harness for her guns. But their were differences I noticed. The staff of Son Goku was strapped to her back, she had a gold circlet on her head and a bracelet that looked like clouds. Surprisingly, Amy was wearing the same thing, only with a pink shirt. A hammer was strapped to her back, smaller than Knuckles, but not as less dangerous. The harness around her waist held knives rather than guns. "Wow" I said. Lara grinned and licked her lips. "Amy and I had a bet, she lost, so she had to wear what I wanted her to wear."
What kind of bet? I suddenly got a whole bunch of images, from wrestling to a water fight. Amy spoke interrupting my question. "You aren't going to find out, so don't ask" I grumbled, but nodded. Lara's egg had a crest on it, must be her families coat of arms. Amy's like Sonic's had a ring on it. "Ranma I want you to promise me that if we fight you don't hold back" Damn, Damn, Damn! She pouted and give the puppy-dog look. "Fine, fine" She smiled and kissed me before hopping off, making very interesting bouncing. Lara smiled. "You can't get it out of me Ranma, even if you 'forced' me to come out with it" She winked as my face turned beat red in response to her innuendo. Must not get naughty thoughts.
Mom came up to me holding a turned off microphone. "Son, it seems that everyone is here" I shook my head as I took the mic. The crowd settled down as I began speaking. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! I'M PROUD TO PRESENT A MOBIAN CORP. TREASURE CONTEST!!! THIS TIME WE ARE BROADCASTING ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! NOW YOU MAY HAVE KNOW SOME OF THE CONTESTANTS FROM THE GRIND RACE, BUT WE HAVE NEW CONTESTANTS, MANY ARE THE VERY CO-OWNERS OF MOBIAN CORP!" The crowd roared and I proceeded to introduce everyone present. All of them got cheers. "BUT I HAVE A SPECIAL SURPRISE!! WE HAVE THE MEMBERS OF THE FAMED SAILOR SENSHI COMPETING!!" The crowd grew silent and the cheers intensified.
"ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS WAIT FOR THEM TO SHOW UP" The moment I said that a star shaped pattern appeared on the floor. Out the pattern rose the Senshi. Each holding a egg that was matching the colors of their fuku and having a symbol of the planet. Next to them was that Tux-dork, he was smirking for some reason. I walked closer and my senses starting telling me something was wrong. Their energy patterns of different. It felt...tainted. I walked up to Usagi. Her eyes were glazed over, but her face was showing raw anger, that looked so wrong on her. If fact all of them looked angry.
The crowd was still roaring, so I turned off the microphone and
continued walking. "Hey Moon, you ready for a challenge?" She glared even harder. She began to talk, "You will die for the sake of Crystal Tokyo. Once we get the Chaos Emerald, we can establish Crystal Tokyo right now" Something is very, very wrong here. "I remember that your goal causes the death of billions, you can't really mean that?" She growled. "It is for the good of the future" This can't be Usagi! What happened to the slightly ditzy girl with a heart of gold. I felt a movement on my head, Shade was awake. Tux-dork just smirked, "If you don't mind were are we suppose to go" I looked at him. "We? Who said you can compete? This is invitation only?" I'm not handing any MechaChao eggs to this bastard.
"So be it, the scouts will take care of you" The scouts nodded in unison as he walked away. He did something. "Moon just wait over there" I pointed. The Senshi started walking over there. Once they were out of ear range. "Shade please tell me you were in analysis mood." He nodded. "It's weird. Over their auras seemed be a bunch of veins of gray energy, it was mainly focused on the brain. From my files, it seems to be a form of compulsion energy. They seemed to have a program directing their actions. It's more known as a Geas." I frowned. "And most likely, that Geas is to ensure their goal, but who activated....Tux-dork"
I was pissed. He turned those girls into his slaves. I looked in his direction and saw him smirk again. "That bastard is going to pay. Shade is their anyway to remove those Geas?" Shade frowned. "Yeah, the target has to be weakened and emerged in Chaos Energy, We all use it, but in the temple only the Chaos Emerald will work, because it'll be draining the Chaos Energy in the Guardian Emeralds." Crap. The stakes just risen. Before it was a challenge to see who is better, but now I need to win to save their lives. Everyone is hear, so I tossed the Mic back to my mom and went towards the podium.
Third Person
Nodoka caught the Mic and began speaking using the information her Son gave her, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! THE CONTEST IS ABOUT TO START. BUT BEFORE WE DO, WE ARE GOING TO HATCH THE MECHACHAO EGGS. THE MECHACHAOS WILL PROVIDE US WITH VIDEO FOTAGE FROM THE RUIN!" The floating monitor, Tails set up flashed and the screen divided into nineteen lanes, one for each contestant. On each lane showed the contestant. Besides Ranma, everyone else held a egg up.
Each one with a egg, either powered up their aura or used a drop of blood on the egg. When that happened each egg pulsed and hatched. The egg instantly disappeared and was replaced with MechaChao. They were slightly smaller that Shade, and each one was different...
Sonic's looked like Shade only with blue spikes and red gloves and boots.
Tails' looked more like a fox than Chao, it had two tails cute fox ears and paws replacing it's feet and it's body was colored orange.
Amy's had spikes tied back in a ponytail. Not-surprisingly it had a mini-hammer.
Rouge's was purple but had a black web design on it. It wings like a bat instead of paws. It's head was covered with a skull like mask.
Knuckles's had it's spikes twisted into dreads like his and it had matching guantlets that covered it's whole arms.
Chaos's was semi-transparent like when she transformed. It's eyes were gems like in that state too, also it had a very cool blue flame pattern.
Ryouga's had purple dragon wings, tail and a horn. It's also had a flame pattern like Chaos's Chao
Mousse's had an egg shell mask on, and it's bottom resembled a ghost's tail. It's paws wasn't attached to the body but floated in the air.
Lara's was red, had her family crest on the stomach, but the funny part is that it had a monkey's ears, hands, feet and tail that swished in the air. The Chao itself was sitting on a floating yellow cloud.
Sailor Pluto's had the symbol for Pluto on it's stomach and was green with red eyes. Plus there is a heart shaped gem on the head, it had the wings of an owl
Sailor Neptune's was ocean blue. Like Pluto and all the other scouts there was a symbol of her planet on the stomach. On it's forehead was gem shaped like a harp.
Sailor Uranus's had cheetah ears, paws and tail. On it's head was a gem shaped like a sword.
Sailor Saturn's looked like Shade only inside of black and red it was dark, dark purple and black highlights.
Sailor Jupiter's head bear ears and paws. It resembled a Teddy Bear
Sailor Mars's has wings like a phoenix and was fiery red. It too had a flame pattern. It's head had a crown of feathers growing out of it.
Sailor Venus'
s had white cat ears, paws and tail
Sailor Mercury's had polar bear ears, paws and tail.
Sailor Moon's was very different. It was a pure white, semi-transparent, like Chaos's. It had great big white wings like an angel. floating on the top wasn't the regular ball of energy floating like the other Chao but rather a halo of yellow energy. Very different from Shade who has a red spike ball shaped energy. It's paws had hints of blue and red coloring.
The crowd, mostly the girls ohhhed and awwed at the Chao. Besides the Senshi and Ranma the other contestant's were looking at their corresponding Chao. Ryouga grinned. "Thank god it doesn't resemble a pig" Nodoka smirked. "WILL ALL CONTESTANTS SAY ACTIVATE AUDIO AND CAMERA" All did so and the screen changed to were it was looking at the players from the Chao's point of view. "NOW THAT THE MECHACHAO IS ACTIVATED, THE CONTESTANTS WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO THE SITE OF THE RUIN, ON LAND THAT'S BEEN PURCHASED BY THE MOBIAN CORP." Shade flew off Ranma's head and again turned into his dragon form. The contestants got on the boat as Ranma attached several harnesses to Shade.
Those in the audience watched as Shade lifted up in the air, with the boat being dragged behind him. Those on aren't in danger of falling out, as they were strapped into seats. Then the most amazing thing happened. A line of giant gold rings from in the air and the moment Shade passed through the first one, he and the boat blurred and was gone. On the cameras, the audience can see the scenry fly by as it focused on those holding on to the seats.
"THE CONTESTANTS ARE AT THE SITE OF THE RUIN" On the monitor, everyone could see the boat landing at a clearing in the middle of a forest. Shade turned back to normal and landed on Ranma's head. Ranma walked in a giant circle and whistled loudly. A rumbling was heard as a giant circular building rose out the ground. It was only a story high and had about sixty different doors. "EACH CONTESTANT MUST CHOOSE ONE DOOR DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS. AFTER ONE DOOR IS CHOSEN IT WILL SEAL CLOSED. AFTER EACH CONTESTANT IS INSIDE THE TEMPLE, THE TEMPLE WILL BE SEALED UNTIL THE CHAOS EMERALD IS FOUND!!!"
Each of the contestants hurriedly chose a door and ran inside. After Lara, who was last one choose a door the Temple sunk back into the ground and a giant energy bubble surrounded the area that pulsed every so often. The audience roared as the race began.
A/N: I plan to go by this by switching back and forth between all but the senshi.
Ranma ran through the doors with Shade on his head. The door sealed closed, but the room was illuminated by light. Ranma saw a pole that lead to an open hole in the ground. "So the first section is grinding" Ranma jumped onto the pole and started grinding through the hole. It lead to a massive area full of poles that went into many different directions. Everyone he was racing against were on the poles grinding down. He stuck his tongue out as he past over Ryouga and Sonic and waved to Amy. The Senshi all had a cold expression as they grinded down the poles with no style. Ranma wondered while like this, did they care that they were flashing their panties.
The railing suddenly twirled and Ranma went straight done. That was when the traps started. The railing behind him started to fall apart and razor blades began firing at Ranma. Ranma jumped and started using his max speed as he went down the rail."SHIT-SHIT-SHIT!" Ranma ducked under a buzz saw that nearly took off his pigtail. He looked back to see that the rail he's on is about to collapse. "Damn it, ROCKET GRIND!" Ranma blurred as he sped up skillfully dodging the blades while descending. That was when the flamethrowers activated. Ranma glared at them "You think some puny fire is going to bother me? Lets see you handle the Soul of Ice"
Ranma's breath became visible as the temperature around him quickly lowered to near absolute zero. When the flames got within ten feet of him, they slowed and than sputtered out. Ranma smirked and continued to the end of the rails, leading to a hallway. Ranma didn't even stop as the rails ended but continued running. He stopped though when he got to the next room. Standing in front of him were dozens of robots. Many having guns and blunt weapons and they were all looking at him. "Um Hi?" They, being robots, didn't appreciate the humor and charged at Ranma who in response took out his staff.
When it was in his hands it glowed black and red. "Energy Extend" A bar of energy rose out of one end, then grew at high speeds, often blasting through robots all the way down the huge hall. Ranma waited until it was far enough. "Energy Retract" The energy bar shrunk just as fast as it grew before it was gone. The only evidence of it coming out was the pure devastation in front of Ranma. A bunch of parts where on the floor, and there were burn marks on the wall. "Too easy" That was when the floor fell away to reveal lava monsters rising out the ground. "I should have kept my mouth shut" Ranma muttered.
Putting his staff back on his back, Ranma took out his katana. "I don't want to touch you buggers, so I get to test my blade. Be happy you were sacrificed for a good cause." The monsters just growled in response. Ranma held his sword over his head and quickly slashed down. "Ice Dragon" What came out was a blue vacuum blade that reshaped itself into a ice version of Shade's dragon form. As the dragon past, the room froze. Soon Ranma was looking at a frozen hallway complete with frozen rocks resembling the lava monsters. Ranma grinned and used the breaking point on each monster before running through the hallway.
When Ranma stepped into the next room his foot hit a trigger on the floor. Immediately the parts of the walls, floors and ceiling started smashing into each other, guaranteed of smashing whoever is caught in between them into pancakes. Ranma put away his sword and took a breath. "Here we go. Shade stick close" Ranma began flipping through the room, each flip barely missing each smashing. At one point he began flipping on the wall to bounce from wall to wall. It was very well timed. Each flip would avoid the walls crashing together. Ranma got half way when spears started firing out the walls, the pointed ends gleaming with a shiny surface. "Poison" He muttered and altered his course by not only bouncing from wall to wall but even using the spears as a foot hold in mid air.
Ranma was about to get to the exit for the room when spears shot out in every direction. "CRAP! CRAP CHAOS CONTROL!" The room froze and Ranma rushed out of the end. No later that thirty-seconds later, the room unfroze and Ranma in the other room breathing heavily. "Shit Chaos Control is that draining now?" Shade nodded. "Told you so" Ranma glared at his partner. "Whatever" After recovering his breath he saw his next challenge. It was a fork in the road that had three paths. One was leaden with lasers. One had a warning for mines on the floors walls and ceilings and one had mines, lasers and buzz saws. "It looks so easy" Shade muttered
"Shut up Shade. Which path to take" Ranma said before noticing that on the hardest one, there was a trail of rings. "Light Speed Dash?" Shade said when he noticed this. "Light Speed Dash" Ranma replied. Shade landed on his head as Ranma jumped, tucked into a ball and hit the first ring. His body blurred and began spinning like a ball. His aura came out and surrounded Ranma, making him look like a black and red pinball. It zoomed through the room bouncing wall to wall, but fast enough to miss the explosion from the mines. When the lasers hit the spinning ball, they just refracted against the walls triggering more explosions.
The ball shot out the hallway and descended further down. Bouncing wall to wall, following the path of the rings. Robots came out the from hidden areas but were easily destroyed as the ball blasted through anything in it's path. Soon the path of the rings ended. The ball bounced in place, once, twice, three times before reforming into Ranma and Shade who were shaking their heads to get the dizziness out. "Whoa" Ranma said, "That was intense" Shade nodded "We need to do that again. That was fun." Ranma agreed. "That needs a cool name, how about Chaotic Acceleration Mode.?" Shade nodded and added. "C.A.M for short. Come on lets get going, we do want to win this"
They began walking again, the hallway there in was empty. "You know what Shade?" The Chao looked down "What?" Ranma frowned. "I was thinking, why would NekoTachi fight me so easily?" Shade cut the volume connection with the monitor back in Nerima, "What do you mean? He was just being cocky" Ranma shook his head. "I don't think so. He was a old powerful demon. Being old at least teaches you something. He fought me so willingly. No tiring me out, no killing me on site, or taking over my body, but rather an all out fight." Shade paused. "You're right it does sound fishy" Ranma sighed. "Remember he said he would teach me the true Neko-Ken but the only thing I noticed is that I'm not scared of cats anymore. How is that the true Neko-Ken?"
Shade couldn't answer it did all sound fishy and Ranma continued. "And right before I left, that energy cat flies into my body and I get these markings." Both continue walking in silence. Shade reconnected the audio back to the stadium as they were done. Nothing was coming out. Ranma looked up and noticed that the wall does connect to the ceiling. "Shade fly up and show me what's over the wall." Shade looked up turned in a circle and came back down. "It looks like we are in a maze" Soon enough they both came to a fork. "Where too Ranma" Ranma began humming as he thought about were to go. The sounds of his humming echoed and something happened.
"Ranma look!" Ranma stopped humming to see the light on the ground fade away. "Keep humming that melody" Ranma started humming again and a white light appeared on the ground it went to the fork and turned left. "I think should follow the light." Ranma said but continued humming as the light started to fade. The two walked left and found the light had set a path so they took it.
At the end of the maze Shade turned to Ranma. "I recorded the hmm, but what were you humming?" Ranma shrugged. "It was a melody I remembered and it felt right to hum it, so I did. Funny huh?" Shade shook his head. "You continue to amaze me" They got to the end of the hallway and it was a drop into darkness. "Talk about leap of fate"
Ranma backup, took Shade into his arms and did a swan dive into the darkness.
The two didn't fall fast, and Shade noticed this. "Ranma aren't we suppose to be falling a lot faster than this?" Ranma smirked. "It's what I've been reading about my school. A big part of Anything Goes is perception. I see, think and know that gravity right now is like that of the moon, so therefore it is. Pretty cool huh?" Shade nodded. "Very cool" The two continued gliding down into the darkness. Until they hit the ground. "Ranma where-" Ranma cut him off and whispered. "There is something in here with us"
The two fell silent as the sounds of foot steps was heard, "Stop were you are" Two voices said at the same time. Ranma swore under his breath. "Senshi" A robotic voice started to speak. "ThErE aRe tHrEe PaThS. YoU wIlL fIgHt To DeCiDe wHiCh oNe TaKeS wHiCh WhEn ThE LiGhTs CoMe On!" Ranma swore again as the lights came on revealing Sailor Mercury and Mars and their Chao floating in the air behind them. Shade smirked as he rose into the air to watch "They control Ice and Fire. This should be easy"
Ranma was about to agree when he saw Mercury form dozens of ice shards in the air and Mars formed a bow and began to rapid fire giant rays of fire. Ranma ducked and dodged both. "I guess I have to use the Soul of Elements technique at last" Ranma stopped moving and sat down in the lotus position. Mars and Mercury smirked evilly and fired their attacks, but it was to late. The ice melted before they even got close and the fire extinguished itself. Ranma rose and he was glowing all sorts of colors before his Aura turned back to normal. "Lets rock" He's eyes seemed to glow as the light started to dim. Cracks appeared from under Ranma and spread all the way to the Senshi causing them to stumble a bit.
The recovered and fired their attacks. This time Ranma didn't bother dodging nor did they stop before touching him. They hit full blast causing steam to drift through the room. A wind blew away the fog to reveal Ranma, perfectly unharmed. Mars glared and did a different attack, this time a fiery phoenix shaped fire flew and Ranma at high speeds. It even screeched at him. Ranma held his arm up, which was covered in a fog and spun it in a spiral in the direction of the phoenix. A horizontal hurricane fired from his fist and swallowed the fiery bird. It screeched in pain before dissipating in the air.
While doing this, both Senshi rushed in and attempted to tackle him, only Ranma saw this move at the last minute and clotheslined them. They got hit so hard, it cause them to flip forward into the air. Ranma took advantage of this. "CHAOS CONTROL" Time froze as the Sensi were stuck in midair" Ranma pulled his staff out held it between the Senshi. "EXTEND" As Chaos Control ended that staff itself elongated. Both ends slammed into the guts of both Senshi and launched them to opposite sides of the room before pinning them to the wall. "SHOCK!" An electric charge ran through both Senshi, but they didn't scream. "Return" The staff returned to normal and the Senshi slid to the ground with smoke drifting off their bodies. They're just unconscious, but Ranma won. Ranma saw as the walls behind the Senshi opened up and metal tentacles dragged him in. Before the doors sealed again their Chao followed them.
Shade landed on Ranma's head. "I find it strangely funny that of all things to drag them in, it was tentacles" Ranma grinned too and started to chuckled, oddly wishing he took pictures. The ground opened up to reveal a pole, again it was running down into a hole. Ranma got on it and started to grind down it with Shade hovering over his head. The rail Ranma was on lined up with another one. And too his surprise. Sonic was grinding down that pole. "You'll never beat me" He yelled. They were both at the same spot. "Is that a challenge Sonic?" Ranma said.
Sonic grinned. "DAMN STRAIGHT!" Ranma grinned right back. "You'll never beat me, Sonic The Hedgehog!" and the two increased their speed while going down the rails. "Give it up slowpoke!" Sonic yelled. Ranma yelled right back "You can't stop the Ultimate Creation!" The rails started to twist and turn, but both stayed on the rails due to the speed they were going Soon both Rails ramped up and both were launched into the air. There were two parallel bars that both grabbed and began spinning like a gymnast.
Both angled up and released themselves causing them to be tossed through the air, spinning constantly in front flips. Both landed on the next set of rails and continued grinding. "Give it up Sonic" Ranma said. The rail jerked down and both were sent circling down. When both went upright again. Both were grinning as in front of them were rings that went off the rail into another section. "I think this place was designed with us in mind. Are you ready to up the challenge?" Sonic said
Ranma nodded and both jumped off the rail yelling "LIGHT SPEED DASH!!" Both started running on the rings like there was solid ground beneath them. They past a dumbfounded Mousse and Lara who were racing. The rings took them to a hole that was beneath were the rails ended. Ranma, Sonic and their Chao found them selves in a narrow hallway that had lights on the floors the lined the edges and middle making it look like a street.
Both began walking. "So you think you can keep up with me" Sonic said. Ranma smirked "Foolish Hedgehog, I'm going to have to show you why I'm the best" Both increased their speed to jogging speeds. "Whatever, I beat you before I can do it again, slowpoke. Compared to me, your just an imitation." Both increased their speed again until both were running lightly in the hallway. "Slowpoke? I'll run circles around you. To me you're as slow as a dead snail" Their speed increased again now both of their features were blurring. "You're all talk but no speed." Now both were going so fast that the individual lights on the floor fused into long bars of light. "You think you can beat the Ultimate Creation! Well bring it on" Sonic grinned widely as both sped up so fast both disappeared with a sonic boom that rocked the hallway.
Read and Review
Nice guess about the next crossover series, keep guessing.
