Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A New World For Shinji and Asuka
by Al-I-Bus

Note: This is a Lemon. That means its a sex text. Its about Neon Genesis
Evangelion. Do Not Sue Me. Read it, only if 18 or older. Jerk off to it, if
ur a girl finger to it. This is part 2 of a Lemon written called "Object of
One's Desire" Its gonna be a long one ok. Its gonna be good. Not just sex
okay cuz I am a romantic at heart. Asuak and Shinji are in love in this,
not just casual sex. Yeah they are mature for 14 ok. None of ya'll is
reading this anyway so I can call u whatever I want. Losers. HAHAHAHAH.
Even better how about an evil laugh. GWA hahahahahahahahah. Like? Here goes
the story I guess. Boy it was fun writing this. Oh yeah read it and then
thank me for writing the best Lemon ever. GWA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!. U better go to to
read this, it'll be other places too, but Free-Thought is the best hentai
server on the web. As u can proabably tell I am trying to get some free
membership time for later. So how bout it fellows? Hook me up. I've been
contributing, I'll keep it up I swear. Anyway "And away we go!" Seriously
give a look.

Chapter 1

Asuka woke up covered with sweat. For a second she thought she was still in
her nightmare, then she reached over and felt Shinji laying next to her.
She looked at her clock and saw the time. 8:14 AM. She turned back to a
still sleeping Shinji and cuddled closer to him planning to go to sleep
somemore, when she realized that Misato would be awake in one minute. "Oh
Shit!!!!! Shinji get up!!!! Get up Get up Get up!!!!!!!" Asuka yelled
shaking her new found boyfriend and lover. "Asuka lemme sleep I'll give u
somemore in a while" a sleepy Shinji said wrapping his arms around her and
trying to go back to sleep. Asuka resorted to her drastic measures to get
him up. She slid down his body, took his dick in her mouth, and then she...
bit down, hard. Shinji opened his eyes, looked down at Auska who was
smiling sheepishly up at him. Then he slowly got up, walked to the door,
went into the hallway, entered the bathroom, turned opn the tub, filled it
with water, put his head into the water and then yelled as loud as he
possibly could.
what, possibly the worst I've ever done)

After that was done Shinji left the bathroom and headed for his room where
he got dressed. He went into the kitchen where Asuka and Misato, along with
Pen-Pen, where busy gobbling down breakfast. Shinji gave Asuka a dirty look
and said "I thought you ate already this morning?" Asuka turned red, as red
as her hair and muttered slowly " Well I'm hungry again... ummmmmm" she
racked her brain for a retort, she needed something that would get her back
into her normal Asuka mode. Ah Yes she had it now. "Its that time of month,
you baka hentai, I'm hungry now lemme alone before I sock you, you idiot."
Misato simply looked between the two and then announced that she had plans
for today and would be back later in the afternoon. " So hurry up and go to
school" Misatoi said, looking at the couple. Asuka and Shinji looked at
each other then at Misato. Shinji patted her hand while Asuka patted her
back and said softly,"It's Saturday Misa-Chan. No school today remember.
It'll be alright one day". Misato turned bright red, redder than Asuka's
hair, "Well... then... Shinji I have some chores for you to do! Ha! That'll
teach you two to patronize me." Asuka looked up and smiled "Actually Misato
that'll only teach Shinji since I didn't get punished at all. Ha!" Shinji
started to worry as Misato began to turn blue, she needed to do something
to Asuka... "Well Asuka while Shinji is doing chores you can go over to
NERV headquaters and finish up your tests, Ha! does that teach you a
lesson" Asuka's smile disapeared and she threw herself on the floor and
began to pound the ground and kick her feet tantrum style. "Get up you
baby" yelled Misato, "I don't wanna get tested Misato!" yelled Asuka.
Shinji and Pen-Pen looked around the kitchen , then at each other. Twin
sweatdots appeared on each and they turned and left the kitchen.

Seven hours later a dirty and exhausted Shinji walked back into the
apartment where he collapsed on the couch. It seemed that after Misato had
written him a list of chores to completee she had volunteered his services
to the apartment building's landlord. Shinji had never done so much work at
one time in his life. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes and
started to drift off to sleep when, SLAM!!!!!! Asuka and Hikari walked into
the apartment talking loudly, as usual, about the day's events. "So he was
good?" Hikari asked Asuka, Shinji hearing her question thought they were
talking about him and decided to pretend to be asleep. Asuka walked over to
him leaned down and gave hima kiss on the cheek, then turned around and
continued talking to Hikari. "Yeah he was great. I didn't think Kaji would
be that good, but he was even better than I imagined." Upon hearing this
Shinji tensed up slightly, but decided to find out where the conversation
would lead. " Thats good Asuka, personally I thought he wouldn't be good
beacsue he's so cute. Cute guys are usually horrible when it comes to stuff
like this. So are you gonna tell Shinji about the test?" At this Shinji's
ears pricked up. "He has to know Hikari, its pretty obvious I mean its not
like I tried to cover it up." Shinji finally couldn't take it anymore. He
sat up straight and released all of his thoughts in a single one word
sentence. "
WhatwasKajisogoodat?Ithoughtwewerespecialwhattest?areyoupregnantitsno tmyfau
lt" As he stopped to take a breath he finally noticed that Hikari and Asuka
were rolling on the floor in fits of laughter. "They knew I was awake"
Shinji thought to himself as he turned bright red. "Thanks Asuka I needed a
laugh like that, see you later, bye Shinji" Hikari winked at Asuka and shot
a sly smile at Shinji.

Asuka walked over to the couch and sat down as close as she could to
Shinji. She kissed him softly and then asked him how his day was. Shinji
then recounted his day from hell, explaining how Misato had tricked him.
She laughed and laid her head on his shoulder. "Hey Asuka really what
happened with Kaji and what test?" Shinji asked her, wrapping his arms
around her and pulling her into his body. "Well Shinji, today they gave me
a few more tests for EVA piloting and the last test they gave to me was a
priority test. First they put me to sleep and forced upon me a dream about
the person I am most attracted to sexually." Shinji began to get proud as
he expected Asuka to relate to him a dream about the two of them going at
it with reckless abandon. "Shinji I dreamnt about Kaji, but wait" Asuka
pulled him back down to the couch as he tried to get up to go to his room.
"Listen, after I woke up I cried. Shinji I cried because I knew I was
hurting you by having that dream. In fact I was thinking about you so much
that I didn't even notice the alarm signaling an Angel's approach to the
lab. See that was the test, to find out what would grab one's attention
first upon waking up." Asuka reached up and kissed Shinji before
continuing. "See all I could think about was you, even though there was an
Angel approaching." Shinji blushed softly and then lowered his head in
shame. "Sorry Asuka I didn't mean to try and run like that I just thought
that maybe you didn't want me anymore and it hurt me. So what was Kaji so
good at?" a still blushing Shinji asked Asuka. "He was good at taking the
news that I was in a relationship with you. I asked him to please not flirt
with me anymore. He took it very well." Asuka explained. "Tomorrow you have
to go in for the same tests, and I have a lot I want to say to you, but I
can't tell it to you yet, because it'll change the tests for you. So we'll
talk tomorrow night., Ok." Shinji nodded his head, he understood.

Askuka sniffed her nose, once twice. "ILL! Shinji you stink. What were you
playing in SHIT all day?! Go quick take a shower before I throw up on you"
Shinji blushed deep red as he got up and went to the bathroom. He turned on
the hot water and jumped into the shower. He was being relaxed by the
feeling of hot water brushing across his skin, when a shadow appeared
across the shower door (I always wanted a shower with a door, but all of my
shower's have curtains The dors look like fun, anyway on with the story,
prepare for some ecchi stuff). Asuka climbed into the shower and took the
soap from Shinji's hand. She began to rub it around his chest and stomach,
while licking his back with her tounge, running it all the way down to the
top of his ass, then all the way back up to his ears. She finally let the
soap fall to the shower floor as she slid her hand down to Shinji's dick.
She slowly stroked his length getting Shinji to moan softly. He tried to
reach around to touch her, but she wouldn't let him free his arms from her
grasp. Asuka sped up her stroking action and suddenly Shinji shot a stream
of white stickyness across the tub. Asuka then spun her lover around and
got on her knees in front of his quickly softening dick. She licked his
head, sending sparks of electricity shooting up Shinji's body. Then she
took his limp dick into her mouth and started to suck on him. Shinji looked
down and watched his redheaded goddes suck him back to life. the sight of
shower water falling down and matting Asuka's red hair to her head while
she moved her head back and forth as quickly as she could, got Shinji hard
again in no time. He asked Asuka to stop sucking on him so he could give
her some fun, but she simply looked up at him without stopping her sucking
and gave him a wink. When Shinji saw how cute she looked with water
streaming down her face, hair stuck to her head, and green eyes staring up
at him, he almost lost it again in her mouth. But Asuka didn't give him the
chance. She pulled off of him right before he was about to blow and pulled
his dick out of the shower so that it was exposed to the cold air.
Immediately Shinji felt the fire creeping up his length be extinguished.
"You not getting off that easy buddy" Asuka said, standing up and kissing
Shinji lightly on the lips. He grabbed her closer to him and parted her
lips with his tounge, probing the inside of his parttner's mouth. He felt
Asuka doing the same in his mouth, so he pulled his tounge back and began
to duel with Asuka's. They stood that way for some time, kissing tightly,
until Asuka couldn't stand it anymore. Along with the water, juices slipped
out of her, streaming down the inside of her thighs, some of her sweet
juice slipped between her ass cheeks and Asuka began to rub her clit
viciously to gain some relief. Shinji dropped top his knees and began to
eat Asuka happily. He loved the way she tasted, a lot better than cold ass
Rei he noted. Asuka felt Shinji's tounge licking around the outside of her
lower lips, but she begged for some penetration somewhere. Shinji acting on
a whim, reached behind her and slid a finger into her pussy. Driving it in
up to the second knucly, getting Asuka to moan loudly and throw her head
back in satisfaction. After getting his finger coated with girl cum, Shinji
slid his finger around to her ass and slid it into her tight little butt.
While Shinji finger fucked Asuka's ass he began to tounge fuck her pussy.
Using his tounge like a dart he thrusted it in and out of her quickly.
Asuka came again and again, experiencing a multiple orgasm for the first
time in her life. Shinji found himself swallowing as much as he could and
simply letting the rest drip down his face. Asuka felt herself grow
lightheaded from the sexual release, and she would have collapsed if not
for Shinji standing up and taking a firm hold of her when he felt her knees
grow rubbery. Her vision cleared and she saw Shinji, his face covered with
her cum. She laughed at him and then proceeded to lick her special sauce
off of his chin and neck. The whole time she wrapped a hand around his cock
and was stroking his prick. God, how much she loved him She couldn't tell
thought until he underwent the test, like she had today. That test let her
know that Shinji meant more to him than even protecting the planet or her
life. She was shaken back into reality as she felt Shinji's prick slide
against her thigh. She bent over, putting her hands against the wall of the
shower, and prepared herself to be ravashed from behind. She slid a hand
back and guided Shinji's member (how many ways can one say dick?) into her
soaked opening. Shinji slid in slowly, and once he was in began to stroke
her from behind. He pounded into Asuka, her ass slapping against his waist,
and held on tightly to her sides. He began to squeeze her ass cheeks
together, and that gave him an idea. He filed it into the back of his mind
and continued to pound at the wildly thrashing and moaning Asuka from
behind. She was in heaven, every pore in her skin radiated with the
pleasure she felt, and she began to rub her own breasts, increasing the
pleasure more. Shinji bent forward and continued to fuck Asuka form behind.
He licked her back and ran his hands along the tips of her tits as Asuka
milked at his dick trying desperately to get his cum inside of her. Shinji
kept going until he felt Asuka tremble for the fourth time. He pulled out
of her pussy and then spread her ass cheeks. "MMMMMM... YEAH, Shin, OH YES
Oh YES, Shinji what are, oh baby cum on me please, what are you doing?"
Shinji smiled and slipped a finger into Asuka's mouth, and she happily
began to suck on it. Shinji slid his dick slowly into Asuka's ass. He
didn't want to hurt her so he slid it in a little at a time, fearing at
anytime that Asuka would cry out in pain. When he was getting it in, Asuka
felt some pains in her ass, but once he had slid his dick into her fully,
Asuka felt pleasure radiating from her ass. She couldn't place the feeling,
but she felt so, so full! It wasn't as good as her other opening though,
she noted. Shinji slowly began to slide in and out of her ass, Asuka
slipped a hand down to her twat and began to diddle her clit around while
he ass fucked her. Shinji found Asuka's ass extremelly tight. With every
stroke he feared that he would shoot an entire load into her anus, but
somhow he managed to hold himself. Niether noticed that the front door to
the apartment opened, and Misato walked int with Kaji. Suddenly Asuka heard
keys hit the kitchen table, and she started in surprise. She reached for
the knob, still bent over with a dick in her ass, and signaled for Shinji
to be quiet. They hid in the shower, Shinji with his dick in Asuka's ass,
until finally they heard Misato scream that she was going to cum. They
wondered what was going on outside in the living room, but when they heard
Kaji moan that Misato gave great head, they figured it out. In the living
room Misato was on her knees repaying Kaji for the orgasm he had just
rocked her body with. She was glad that the kids didn't seem to be home,
but had only agreed to having oral sex with Kaji knowing that at any moment
one or both could come home. As she sucked on Kaji, Misato's mind suddenly
and unexpectedly filled with images of her sucking on Shinji while Asuka
sat on his face. Then she had another image of Shinji banging her from the
rear while her head was buried between Asuka's legs. She was wondering what
the hell was going on when Kaji busted in her mouth without warning. She
choked on his fluid, but managed to swallow it all. "Quick lets get out of
here and do the real thing" Misato said wiping her mouth and standing up.
She grabbed Kaji by the arm and dragged him out of the apartment. The
noises from the living room had gotten Shinji even more excited then he
already was. Once they heard the door close he pumped Asuka's ass two more
times before pulling out and cumming all over her cute little ass cheeks
and back. Asuka rubbed herself into and orgasm, as she felt Shinji's hot
sticky cum splatter on her ass and onto her back. She loved him so much,
why couldn't she just tell him. But instead she stood up and kissed him.
Then she jumped out of the shower and turned on the cold water, running
into her room laughing while Shinji stood in the shower teeth chattering.

End of Part 1