Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New World for Shinji and Asuka ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Object of One's Desire (Unofficial Sequel)
by: Al-I-Bus

Disclaimer: This is a Neon Genesis Evangelion lemon fanfic. It is part 3 of
a lemon written by drakken feyre. This is the unofficial sequel, keep a
look out for the official sequel written by the original author. This is
not intended to be viewed by anyone under the age of 18. There may be other
age limitations at other sites. I do not own the characters and do not
intend to sell this text to anyone. Don't sue me please. Read it and gimmie
a shout out at Please I need comments, I thrive on them.
Anyway on with the lemon.

Part1: Shinji makes love with Rei, but the two of them feel something
lacking from the relationship. Rei knows who can fill the gap for Shinji,
and she aids Asuka in getting her together with our hero. Shinji and Asuka
sleep together and he realizes that Asuka fills that gap that Rei left

Part2: Some obligitory testing for our EVA pilots lead them to understand
that the bond between them is one of love. Of course once this is found out
it explodes into a sexual frenzy. There is a plot here so don't worry.
Misato begins to suspect something, but Asuka and Shinji decide to keep
their relationship a secret because of unknown consequences. But secrecy is
something difficult to maintain...

Chapter 3
The Secrets Out!

"What the fuck is going on here?" Misato said to herself, as she left her
apartment and closed the door behind her. She rested against the door for a
moment trying to wiegh what she just saw against what she had seen
previously. First, there was this massive change in the relationship
between Asuka and Shinji, both becoming closer, and second there was his
cum incident in his pants, Misato walked in to find out that Shinji had
supposedly just jerked off to the site of a sleeping Asuka. Each event
individually did not seem like such a big deal, it could have been that the
danger to both of them caused them to form a strong friendhsip, and 14 year
old boys were kindo of driven by an organ other than the brain. But what
she just noticed changed everything. Misato had walked, tired, into her
apartment with the dinner that she promised to bring. She either expected
to see the two of them doing something childish, like practicing kissing
again, fighting, or simply ignoring each other. Instead, Misato walked in
to be greeted by the site of Shinji laying asleep on the couch with his
arms wrapped around a sleeping Asuka, who had her head resting against
Shinji's chest. To Misato, who once had been very in love with one Ryouji
Kaji, it looked like the scene one would experience with someone he or she
was in complete love with. However, these were two little kids, there was
no way that they could comprehend the bond that love formed. Did not being
able to understan love mean that they couldn't experience it then? She
didn't know, but she did know that she wasn't supposed to have seen what
she just did so Misato decided to play it off like she hadn't noticed.
Misato moved somethings around in her arms, put her keys away, and knocked
on the door. She heard rustling in the room and then Asuka came to the door
looking like she had been sleeping. "Oh hey Misato, do you need help with
that?" she asked pointing at the multiple bags in Misato's grasp. Misato
nodded and Asuka reached out and grabbed two of the bags. As they walked
through the living room Misato looked down at Shinji, who was still asleep,
and asked "What did you do to him, huh? I've never seen him sleep so
peacefully like that." Asuka blushed slightly and laughed it off, "Oh we
were.... arm wrestling and I completely destroyed him, so he must just be
sleeping off his humiliation." Misato smiled at the comment, but filed it
away in the back of her mind to ask Shinji about later, she needed to get
to the bottom of this. "Hey Asuka," Misato said "could you set up so we can
eat, Ineed to pee and then I'll wake Shinji up." Asuka nodded and turned to
the cabinets to get the paper plates. Misato walked into the bathroom and
then into the living room. She gently shook Shinji's arm to wake him up.
"mmmm... what do you want Asuka?" Shinji murmered trying to turn over and
get more sleep. Misato smiled and whispered to Shinji, "Sorry lover boy
it's the ugly roomate, your angel is waiting for you in the kitchen."
Shinji literally jumped off the couch and turned crayola red. "No, Misato I
thought, well I was having, no well I..." Shinji stammered trying to
explain. Misato justed laughed and walked into the kitchen. Shinji walked
in a moment later dragging his tail between his legs, with sleep lines
etched onto his face. Asuka and Shinji locked gazes for a split second
before sitting down at the table, but Misato noticed. They seldom ate like
this, the three of them at a table together, and whenever they did the
conversation usually centered on Asuka and Misato with Shinji chipping in
seldomly and usually only when being made fun of. This time hoewever, there
was absolute silence at the table. Asuka seemed to be concentrating only on
her food, while Shinji was busy trying to avoid Misato's gaze. Misato
laughed inwardly and decided to be mischevious. "Hey Shinji, who was that
girl I saw you walking with the other day?" Asuka nearly choked on her
food, but covered it up by drinking some of her soda. Shinji looked up in a
panic and asked "What girl and when?". Misato couldn't help it, she cracked
a smile, "Oh come on Shinji we're all friends here, you can tell us the
truth.". Shinji shook his head, desperately trying to avoid what he knew
would happen any moment now. "I really don't know what you are talking
about Misato. There isn't a girl in the world who I would walk with, except
Rei or you or Asuka here. I really wasn't with anybody else, haven't had
the time in the past few days, which reminds me." Shinji regained a
confident look on his face as he turned an accusing stare onto Misato, "
Why in the world did you volunteer my services to Mr. Busbey?" Misato
turned red as she remembered her treachery against Shinji the other day "
See what had happened was.." she began before she was cut off by he ringing
phone. "Phew" she thought, pushing her chair back to get the phone, but to
her dismay Asuka was already at the phone. "Hello? Oh hi Touji, yeah
Shinji's right here, whaddya mean?, no of course not! Ewwww! Never, with
him? You crazy. Here talk to your friend" Asuka handed the phone and sat
down, her face as red as her hair. Why were they so embarrassed by
questions about themselves, Misato wondered looking from each to the other.
Obviously Touji had been asking if they had been doing things together that
14 year olds shouldn't be, and from what she had encountered it seemed that
they had. Misato decided that she needed to know, if only to not feel left
out, but if there was something between them it could affect their
performance on the battlefield. She needed to at least let them know that.
" Hey guys we never spend anytime together, why don't we watch some TV
together or something after we eat? I've been busy so gimmie a chance to
catch up." She watched as both of them began to formulate excuses in their
heads. She waited until they were about to speak and then, "Guys please
don't say no I really wanna find out whats up." Asuka and Shinji looked at
each other and then lowered their heads in defeat. Fifteen minutes later
Shinji, Asuka, and Misato sat in the living room watching TV. It began
normally enough, Shinji silently watching the screen while Misato and Asuka
casually commented at how cute the guys on eahc channel were. Abruptly, on
channel 69, a documentry about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders came on.
Shinji's eyes almost bugged out of his head when he saw how little these
girls were wearing. Misato glanced over at Asuka and noticed how red she
was getting, it looked like she would explode with jealousy. Just before
she did Misato decided to play her hand. " So, why have the two of you been
acting so differently all of the sudden." The color drained from Asuka's
face and Shinji's eyes darted back into his head. They looked at each other
first and then Asuka began "What are you talking about? Just because a
beautiful goddess like myself, lives with a hentai brute like him," Asuka
motioned at Shinji "who happens to act sweetly sometimes, I'm supposed to
fall for him, I mean come on Misato" Asuka rolled her eyes " Thats crazy".
"Then do something for me" Misato looked at the two of them, ready to
execute her plan, "Asuka kiss Shinji on the cheek, just like a friend
would." Asuka hesitated and began to protest when she shrugged her
shoulders and complied with Misato's wishes. "Okay, now Shinji you do the
same to Asuka." Shinji leaned forward and gave Asuka a peck on the cheek.
"Now, if there is really nothing between you two, you wouldn't mind
kissing, like I caught you practicing before would you?" Shinji and Asuka
stumbled over each other with protests, but eventually Misato got them to
do as she said. Asuka looked into Shinji's eyes and put a hand to his chek.
She pulled his face towards her and their lips met perfectly. Their tounges
twirled around each other, exploring the inside of the other's mouth for
sometime, before they finally broke it off. A bulge started to grow in
Shinji's pants as he looked at Asuka after they parted and she began to
grow short of breath. Misato fell out with laughter observing the reactions
of the couple to the "innocent" kiss. "Okay guys, why don't you tell me the
truth, I'm your friend you can trust me." Asuka looked at SHinji and then
at misato. " Me and SHinji like each other a lot, okay. We're more than
friends, but thats it." Asuka licked her kips before continuing, nervous to
only tell Misato a half truth. " I like kissing him, buts that pretty much
all that we do." Misato looked towards Shinji for confirmation, who nodded.
"So you mean to tell me that with all the time you have had alone together,
you haven't done anything other than kiss?" She cocked an eye at Asuka, who
turned bright red. "I'm gonna let you guys off the hook for now, but I want
the whole truth soon, I mean come on we're friends right?" At that Misato
jumped up off the couch and went into her room, to call Ritsuko and laugh
about the two juveniles. Asuka and Shinji sat in the living room for a
little while after that talking about what had happened. They decided that
they would have to tell Misato thw whole truth. Asuka promised to do it
tomorrow. "Bye the way, sexy, I want you to come to my room a little later
okay?" Shinji nodded surprised, and he hoped that the superfreak in Asuka
wasn't coming out again. " I have a new can of whipped cream that I want
you to help me with" She winked at him, then climbed up his chest and gave
him a quick kiss before disappearing into her room. Shinji didn't know what
was going to happen, but he knew one thing. It looked like he was going to
get laid tonight. It was about 2:10 AM when Shinji crept quietly into
Asuka's room. The light from the moon shown through the window and struck
Asuka in just the right manner, making her really look like a redhaired
goddess. Shinji felt his breath stop in his throat, and he nearly fainted
dead away with a bloody nose at the sight. He continued on into the room
and lay next to Asuka, kissing her lightly on her forehead, and softly
shaking her to wake her up. "mmm. oh yesss Shinji, mm.., huh? Oh Shinji".
Asuka blushed slightly, as she saw the look he made when he realized the
type of dream she had been having about him. She laughed and reached into
his boxer shorts to grab hold of his orgasm maker. "MMMMM... Shinji lets
pretend I was still dreaming okay? We'll talk later" At that Asuka grabbed
Shinji and rolled him over onto his back, she kissed him hard on the mouth,
and began to suck on his ear. Meanwhile her hand slid up and down the
length of Shinji's hard shaft. "MMMM... Asuka, I love you baby." Asuka just
smiled and kissed him again. Then she began to lick down his body. Pausing
to suck on his neck, and then lick down to his chest. When she got to his
nipples she had a naughty idea. Like he had done to her on so many
different occassions, Asuka began to suck hard on first one nipple then the
other. She nibbld on them and yanked them with her teeth, all while jerking
his dick slowly off. After she was satisifed that she had aroused him
enough she continued down his body. She began to jerk him more ernestly as
she licked her way down to his genitals. She ignored his penis, and began
to suck on his balls. Shinji let out an involuntary moan and a shudder
worked all the way up his body from his toes. Asuka sucked on his balls and
jerked him off, happy to hear him moaning with pleasure, hoping that he
wouldn't come yet. She wanted to taste him for the first time. She licked
back up his body and kissed him again. With her green eyes dancing, she
looked Shinji directly in his face and then kissed him again. "I love you
so much Shinji" Asuka said, and before he could reply she locked her lips
onto his and began to inspect the inside of his mouth with her tounge. She
couldn't believe how much she really did love Shinji. He was the world to
her and she would do anything for him. She pulled away from him, and
whispered into his ear that she wanted to taste his cum. Shinji had been
holding back for a while, Asuka's stroking, which had never stopped, had
brought him close to the edge. She slid his head into her mouth and began
to lick his penis head. "Asuka" he warned, " I'm gonna cum in a second, so
be ready" At that comment Asuka began to suck his dick as hard as she
could. She felt his dickhead swell in her mouth and she felt his ass cheeks
clench. He shot his first load deep into her throat, almost choking her,
she quickly recovered and swallowed his cum and continued to suck expecting
more. Shinji didn't disapoint. He shot three more loads of semen into
Asuka's mouth. Each one tasted like him, Asuka couldn't explain exactly
whats that meant, but she knew that this was his essence that he was
releasing in her mouth. Stars flashed before Shinji's eyes as he finished
cumming. Shinji looked down at the girl that he loved more than anything.
He couldn't believe that he had just disrespected her by cumming in her
mouth like that. He bgean to apologize to her when she covered his lips
with hers again. Shinji tasted himself on her tounge, and immediately began
to get hard again. "Shh. Shinji there is nothing to apologize for, not only
do you taste good, but this is probably the greatest phsical present you
could give me. I love you and now I have tasted your soul." Shinji blushed
at the compliment, and quickly got to his knees and flipped her over. "I'm
gonna pay you back for that, okay? Asuka shook her head. "No I want you
inside of me right now." Outside Asuka's room in the hallway Misato's body
rippled again as another orgasm racked her body. She had been listening to
them, trying to know what was going on. She had heard Shinji sneak into her
room, and she was aroused when she heard them start to fool around. As the
noises from the room got hotter, Misato had found her fingers buried into
her wet cunt. She wanted to be in on the action too. For some strange
reason, she felt that she was family to them and that it was unfair for
them to not include her. She promised herself that she would get with them
eventually. Meanwhile she heard Asuka yelp with pleasure and assumed that
she had finished giving Shinji his oral pleasure. Her fingers returned to
their work... Inside the room Shinji was bent over Asuka driving his dick
in and out of her wet tight pussy. Asuka had wrapped her arms around his
neck and kissed him, and she had never let go. Shinnji removed her flannel
pants and slid his dick into her, and they began to fuck. As Shinji drove
into Asuka, she bucked her hips back up at him. After a few strokes Asuka
felt an orgasm start to grip her body. "Dammit Shinji your soo good at
making me cum, I'll get you one day... OOOHHH SHIT UNHH" Asuka's body was
shaken as pleasure rippled throughout her body. Her legs tensed and her
inner wals began to clutch at Shinji's manhood. He kissed her as she came
and felt her butt clenching and unclenching. She came again and again and
again. She had discovered multiple orgasms some time ago, and it seemed
that everytime she fucked Shinji she had one. Her back began to arch and
her breasts turned a rosy color. Shinji couldn't hold on anymore. With
Asuka's pussy milking his dick he couldn't help it anymore. He shot his
essence deep inside of Asuka, and she came again. She loved feeling his
release flood her insides. He came and came, and she tried hard to keep it
all inside of her. Finally, exhausted, Shinji collapsed ontop of Asuka and
began to suck on her breasts. Her nipples grew hard, and she felt her
arousal level grow again. Shinji, who knew he wasn't getting hard again
that night, reached between her legs and searched for her clit. Once
finding it he began to rub it, softly and slowly at first, then harder and
faster. Asuka felt herself slip into that plane between pain and pleasure
again. She moaned his name into his ear and gripped him tightly as another
orgasm rocked her being. Finally, satisfied, she lay back next to him, and
began to play with his hair. "MMMMM.. baby do you think Misato would break
us up? I need you so bad, I can't let you go. If she tries we have to run
away." Shinji nodded his head in agreement. Asuka looked down at his
softening manhood, "You make me cum with that little thing, ewww.., its
sooo small, I have bigger dildos" Shinji grinned mischeviously and
retorted, "yeah I've heard about your Germany habits. Its not good for
someone to finger herself in class you know." "Well i never got caught,
except by one of my classmates, and I sent him away when he tried to fuck
me. I mean I was a lot younger than they were so..." Asuka's facial
expression, turned serious for a minute. "Hey Shin-chan, I love you and I
need to tel you everything. I promised you that I would tell you about my
past and I will okay?" Shinji nodded and hugged her closer to him, hoping
to help her feel secure. Asuka brushed a tear from her eye and began...

OOOOHHHHH I am so good at that cliffhanger shit. You all hate me don't you,
hey don't hide it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am the best. Anyway what did ya
think? that is where to find me. Comment me. Hate me or
love me, I don't care. I want replies. Please. Thanks fellows. Check for some great Hentai Stuff. Its the bomb. Anyway look out
for part 4.