Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Acantha's Despair ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
LEVEL 10 - Rank Up Shinji

"First summon, eh? Well, this one be rather simple and stupid. Just assume the position and he'll do the rest. Don't forget to warm up first though, it is quite thick."

"Thank you." Shinji replied, holding back dozens of nervous questions only by grace of the poise she had decided to adopt for this setting. She hurriedly walked down the stairs before her worry could show. Nothing she said would change the coding, so there wasn't any point in protesting. Shinji had chosen this class as the one least likely to face molestation by enemies, and only now realized that she wouldn't really be getting away from the things the other girls had already experienced. She had also been too cowardly to... experiment. Especially sharing a room with Rei. Rei had been even more withdrawn than usual the night before, though no one but Shinji noticed.

But now she was walking down the stairs to summon a demon dog, which would inevitably fuck her. Shinji quailed internally, caught between fear of sex as a woman (and with an animal, no less,) and fear of letting down her comrades. She reached the summoning room before she could decide which was worse, and the large door inexorably slid shut. Shinji started, and then realized it was probably to keep any wild summons from bursting out and wreaking havoc upon the city, which would give the Summoner's Guild a bad name. She stood indecisively, for how long she didn't know. The summoning room was outside of normal time, so she didn't feel urged to hurry. Though Asuka would probably complain of lateness regardless. She had been... weakened... by her encounter with the slime. The bastion of confidence she represented to Shinji had fallen. The effect of rape on the implacable Rei had weakened (but not yet destroyed) another tower of his stability, and Shinji was worried about what might happened when they returned to the real world. What if she, because of this problem, also changed? What if, when the next angel came, none of them had the strength to fight?

Shinji felt the bone in her hand stir as it sensed proximity to the summoning circle, and she forcibly brought herself back to the present. She had to do this, regardless, so... so... best to get on with it. Shinji carefully removed her clothing, setting it off to one side, and then sat herself in the middle of the mystic circle on the floor, spreading her legs and leaning back. Examining her naked body here for the first time, Shinji couldn't help but be aroused. She had given herself a breast size just a little large for her frame, still little more than mounds, but a slight vanity that Shinji the boy had blushed at and almost vetoed because he knew it would result in teasing. Her nipples stood out dark red in the cold stone room, though Shinji admitted that it wasn't entirely the temperature. The rest of her form was trim, slender, only slightly curvier than his natural body. Her butt had been given a slight enhancement, Shinji knowing (or so he thought, Shinji considered with a blush) that no one else would really be looking at that. Her pubic hair was shaved into a V formation, an option that Shinji the boy found highly arousing, and once again figured that no one would see. Below that was her pussy, already slightly swollen and spreading, beginning to dampen with arousal.

Tentatively, swallowing apprehension, Shinji brought one hand up to her breast. It felt... nice. A slow warmth spread from her grasping hand, a low tingle that grew as she gently squeezed. She very carefully slid her fingers around the nipple, and then closed them gently. Shinji gasped as a sudden shock struck her body, her sensitive nipple sending sensations of such strength that Shinji could hardly believe they weren't painful. It calmed after a moment, her fingers still for the moment. She twitched them around her nipple and moaned as a deeper shock of pleasure suffused her small frame, her legs spreading farther as her back arched slightly. She took her nipple between her fingers, squeezing to get more of the delicious feeling, bringing her other hand up to get at the other breast, ignoring the bone that stood between her hand and breast as she mauled it while avoiding the nipple on that side for the moment, wanting to work herself up slowly out of caution, despite the haze of pleasure. The summoning tool, however, had other ideas, as it vibrated again, eliciting a squeak of weak delight as it struck against her neglected nipple and almost sent her to heaven before it stopped.

Shinji panted and forcibly took her hands away from her breasts, slightly frightened by the near-orgasm experience. She gently lowered her free hand, remembering why she was sitting in this cold room playing with her breasts. Shinji very carefully felt her pussy, giving a low moan as she caressed the outer lips, causing the slowly burning core in her pelvis to flare at that promising touch. Her other hand slid over her sweat-covered stomach, bringing the bone down to her womanhood and carefully rubbing it up and down, coating it with her maidenly juices to mark the summoned creature as her own. It took all her willpower to resist the hunger for penetration and avoid pushing the bone inside herself. Pulling it away with a disappointed expression, she sat up on her knees, rubbing her thighs together unconsciously as she lay the bone in the center of the circle and began to incant. The short incantation took hold immediately, the bone rising from the floor before Shinji's almost wanton gaze, spinning for a moment before vanishing. The air a few feet away seemed to twist, and there was suddenly a hole in the air.

Through it stepped one of the biggest canines Shinji had ever seen. It was more wolf than dog, shaggy coat, pointed ears and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Its baleful red eyes regarded the girl before it for a moment, and then it growled. Shinji was startled into action, almost scrambling away before she remembered that such an action would result in her gruesome demise. At the last second before she would have been fleeing, she remembered and flipped over onto hands and spread knees, presenting her wet snatch and pert buttocks to the snarling beast. It was on her before she could properly brace herself, shoving her breasts into the floor, the cold stone sending shocks of pleasure/pain through her system as they were simultaneously bruised and stimulated. The strike to her breasts and chin left her dazed for a moment, giving the demon just enough time to line himself up. When Shinji recovered her wits, she was given no time to think before a slick, pointed cock thrust itself deep into her untouched pussy. It stopped, and Shinji managed to gather a breath or two before she realized it hadn't done so out of courtesy. It walked itself forward awkwardly, and she felt something even thicker than the invading shaft press into her clitoris, sending her into spasms of pleasure, once more just short of orgasm. Her knees barely held her up, and her arms, trying to push her back further out of aroused instinct had no strength.

Shinji gasped in pleasure and pain as the demon thrust again, pressing its knot up against her resisting pussy, and as a consequence, her clitoris. It took another thrust, and then another, before her violated womanhood yielded and the demon's knot slid into her, letting her lips close behind it and locking her onto the demon's shaft until it was done. This proved too much for Shinji. The demon dog waited for a moment, feeling her vaginal muscles squeeze it and release several times while her body twitched and spasmed, her legs trying to kick out and her eyes rolling back up into her head at experiencing her first female orgasm. It wasn't a patient demon, however, so it didn't wait for Shinji to finish before it began to thrust. The tip poking at her cervix, the knot, just in the perfect position to rub her grafenberg point, and the fur ticking her clitoris all sent Shinji even higher. Her body trembled, her hands scrabbled for purchase to push herself back harder, her legs barely supported her even as they began to move her hips to match the demon's thrusts. Shinji drooled on the floor as she panted, her whole body shaking and shivering with pleasure. Had the dog stood upright, it would have been able to see her asshole clenching and opening as though grasping for something to fill it too.

From multi-orgasmic heaven, Shinji sensed the creature begin to speed up, and could no longer drag its knot back far enough to press her clitoris outward. She pushed back harder, realizing it was about to cum, and wanting to feel it splash against her womb. The demon dog's rapid thrusting soon found its prize, much to Shinji's shrieked delight. Its knot expanded suddenly as the demon pressed itself as far in as possible, stimulating her grafenberg point ruthlessly as its fur covered her clit in a shifting brush. Shinji felt it, then, an explosion of heat inside of her body as the demon came, filling her insides with its potent cum. The first shot was so hard she could feel it strike her inner walls; the sensation it provided as the hot substance slid through her cervix and into her womb could only be described as delicious. Shinji felt her orgasm, almost constant since it had started fucking her, suddenly peak. Her body froze, and it was her mind that shuddered and shook, before it finally ended. Shinji slumped, a slow euphoria filling her body and soul as her womb filled with demon cum. It kept pumping, now resting its body on her back. Shinji felt good and languid and lazy as the pressure in her womb increased. She felt gently at her stomach as it started to swell, giggling a bit at the thought of so much cum inside of her. She thought of having a child, and was strangely startled... as much as she could be in her current state of pleased satisfaction... that she had tender feelings about the idea. Shinji had always feared being a father, and had thus avoided girls for the most part, but a mother...? Confused, she abandoned the thought for later consideration as she felt the demon's knot shrink and its cock pull out of her, the literal gallon of cum gushing out of her abused pussy to land on the floor.

Shinji turned over, very carefully keeping her legs spread as her stomach continued to deflate. The dog gave her a canine smile and then licked her face before vanishing, leaving the bone behind. She had her summon, and confusion for it. Shinji trembled with an aftershock as she picked up the summoning tool and began to clean herself up.

"What the hell took you so long, Baka?"

"With dogs, you have to wait for the knot to shrink before they can pull out." Shinji answered, deadpan. Asuka looked up in shock at not hearing an apology. Shinji's eyes were filled with many things: Asuka saw the annoyance that spurred the comment, and the confusion that weakened Shinji's usual barrier of politeness. Shinji's gaze quickly turned away, blushing cutely, "Sorry, Asuka."

"What for?" Asuka asked before she could stop herself, "Oh, being late. Right." She covered quickly, damning the distraction of her cute transgendered fellow pilot. Shinji looked at her suspiciously, then let it drop as they moved on toward Asuka's quest. Asuka made a few false starts before she finally spoke.

"Shinji, I... I'm sorry too." Shinji looked up, started out of her own circular thoughts about feminine leanings, "For not listening when you tried to warn me and getting us all stuck in this perverted game."

"It's... okay, Asuka." Shinji replied, still distracted by both wondering if she wanted these confusing thoughts and restraining the urge to reply sarcastically about Red Devils and apologies, "I should've tried harder to warn you, or told Rei and had her get through to you."

"Wondergirl probably wouldn't have cared." Asuka said with a dismissive huff, that part of her old self unaffected so far.

"No, she was a bit more withdrawn than usual last night." Shinji said, "She's working through her feelings about it too."

"How can you tell?" Asuka asked after a few minutes of incredulous silence that Shinji didn't notice.

"Reading Rei is an acquired skill." Shinji answered somewhat sheepishly, "I can't really explain it."

"Hmmm..." Asuka looked at her suspiciously for a moment before pressing harder, "You said 'too' what do you mean 'too'?"

"I could ask why you let Hikari take charge in return." Shinji said levelly. Asuka blanched. How the hell could she be so good at 'the Look' after only being female for two days? And when the hell did Shinji grow something resembling a spine, anyway?

"Anyway, we're here!" Asuka announced unnecessarily, to take the attention off of their conversation.

Rei was distracted. She had... not enjoyed what had happened last night. It was disgusting. But the sensations were... incredible. She had found herself, in idle moments, wondering what it would be like with someone living. Rei's world was comprised of three people, besides herself. Everyone else was just so much background noise. Thus, when she tried not to think of purple hippopotami, it was those three people that she fantasized about.

First, there was the Commander. But she'd seen him naked before, and cut off that fantasy as soon as possible. She cared for him, she really did, she knew he cared in his own unique way, but she still shuddered in revulsion at the thought.

Second, there was Ikari the younger. Rei could see that easily. Grabbing his hair and pulling him into a kiss, rolling over on top of him and ripping his shirt off so that he'd get the idea instead of being so damn embarrassed. Or simply laying her hand over his, gripping it so he couldn't get away, holding him there until he started moving, until he got the idea and ravished her right there on the floor. She knew, objectively, that no such thing would have happened, and, Shinji being Shinji, such an event would have been awkward in the extreme if she did coax him into it, but her fantasies didn't really care.

Third, there was the great annoyance, the fly in her ear, the 'Red Menace' as many had styled her. Rei wasn't sure whether she should love or hate the fantasies that her mind produced about the red-headed terror. On the one side, there were the ones where Asuka tied her up, called her names, and gave her exquisitely pleasurable torture. On the other side, there were the ones where Rei gagged Asuka, turned her over her knee, and turned her buns crimson before moving on to other amusements. Both gave her delicious shivers.

Rei was certain she shouldn't be thinking about such things, as they had nothing to do with her purpose. The vagaries of her mind, however, were not hers to control once they had been fed the fuel of the experience. She could do little to stop them.

Rei was so distracted by these thoughts that she completely missed Hikari being yanked into the ceiling with a comical suddenness. She did not, however, miss the tentacle that wound itself around her own midsection. She drew her belt knife and sliced it before she rose five feet. Three more caught her before she began to descend, and were sliced away at ten feet. Then they were five, and five too many to cut before more were upon her. Uncharacteristically, Rei cursed herself for her distraction.

Hikari had been even easier prey than Rei, not even having time to cut the one before the others were upon her. Quickly disarmed, she writhed and struggled, managing to launch a pair of spells upward, towards where she assumed the body of the creature was, before the tentacles bound her hands. Still going up, but slower now, it quickly stripped her. She gave up struggling when her undergarments fluttered down and vanished. It had her for certain now.

Calm as she would appear to an observer, Hikari's stomach was doing flip-flops. Zombie-Touji had tackled her, stripped her, and shoved it in. She hadn't had time to worry about it, and it had been over before she could really do anything. It was a non-event. But now she was being pulled up toward something that would rape her, and probably take its time about it. The pragmatist Iincho part of her personality said she should take it as it came (Oh ha ha) and deal with it, that it wasn't real, that she shouldn't think it anything worse than a guy looking at porn. The shy, virginal maiden part of her personality wasn't having any of it. Asuka had sounded like she was enjoying herself. But she hadn't said anything of the sort. What if she just acted like that because that's the way female sprites were programmed to act? Hikari had assumed it was Asuka's own fears and complexes making her reject the pleasurable (if disturbing) interaction. But what if it wasn't? What if it hurt? What if she was scarred for life, developed a phobia of sex, and ended life a spinster?

Her irrational worries evaporated when she finally reached the chamber where the body waited. They were replaced by one very rational worry. It was a huge, grotesque thing, with a multitude of slimy green tentacles, and a lumpy, featureless body that hugged all sides of the cave. But Hikari had expected something like that, so it wasn't any more worrying than before. No, what had her worried was the large, regularly lumpy sack that hung from its midsection on one side, just transparent enough to see the almost neon green eggs resting inside. Hikari spared a moment to hope that Rei would somehow get help, and rescue her before it could shove those things into her.

It pulled her to one side of the sack, and lifted Rei out of the hole behind her, moving her to the other side of the room. Where she could watch. So much for that idea. Rei was still struggling, her eyes showing more emotion than Hikari had ever seen. They were incredibly expressive eyes, she noticed, now that Rei wasn't keeping them blank. Hikari wondered, idly through the panic, what they would look like expressing passion instead of fear. Then she shook herself, wondering how this game was infecting her with perverted thoughts. The tentacles finally pulled Rei tight against the wall, restraining her completely. The albino struggled for a moment more before finally admitting defeat. The emotion in her eyes flickered out like a snuffed candle, and she turned her gaze to Hikari.

"It appears we have been caught, Horaki-san."

"Thank you, master of-Mmmph!" Hikari's What Would Asuka Do statement was cut off by a tentacle pushing itself into her mouth. Her eyes crossed as she looked down at it. Why the hell does it taste like pastry frosting? she thought. Hikari tried to push it out with her tongue, but it didn't even budge, and seemed to like it, rolling itself over in her mouth to rub its sweet-tasting slime around. She growled at it ineffectually. Suddenly, without warning, her legs were free. She kicked out, once, and struck nothing but the flab of its flesh behind her, to no effect. Before she could think about actually aiming for something vital, she felt her feet sucked into some kind of opening. Her head still free to move, (it hadn't bound her as tightly as Rei, probably because she wasn't being difficult) she looked down, and found a pair of wide tentacles with openings on the ends had latched onto her up to the ankles.

Hikari tried to pull her feet out, flexing them up and down to no avail. The tentacles seemed content to hold her until she stopped, and Hikari quickly gave into the inevitable. The pastry-tasting tentacle pulled itself out of her mouth suddenly, and Hikari found herself leaning after it for a moment before she realized what she was doing. It was delicious, in all truth, she rationalized. Hikari felt the flesh surrounding her feet begin to move, and looked down, watching the orifices slowly slide up her legs, pulsing, gently massaging as they rose. This, I could get used to. Hikari thought, squirming a little in enjoyment of the foot and calf massage quickly moving on to include thighs. She felt herself start to get honestly wet as it gently touched her inner thighs, and wondered if she was going to wake up with wet panties in real life. Hikari's relaxed, ponderous thoughts were interrupted when the twin tentacles seated themselves firmly against her pelvis. She couldn't see, but felt them extend a few small tendrils inwards, somehow sticking themselves to her flesh and then pulling, spreading her pussy open to the breeze. She noticed that they'd climbed rather far up her ass when they did the same thing with her nether cheeks. Hikari, shuddering a bit from the sensations sent her way, suddenly noticed Rei watching intently, a lusty hunger lighting her eyes.

"Um, Ayanami-san?" Hikari said, drawing Rei's eyes back to her face, "Would you mind not watching? It's embarassing."

"I tried to close my eyes already, Horaki-san. The creature insisted I keep them open." Rei lied smoothly to Hikari even as she lied to herself about the reason she wanted to watch. Hikari whimpered as the embarrassment sent a fresh wave of nectar, finally sending it flowing down her legs and into the twin 'mouths' attached to them. The creature seemed to like the taste, accelerating its massage for a moment, sending Hikari a bit higher and bringing more of her juice into their mouths. They slowed, and Hikari sagged a little. She tensed quickly when she felt warm flesh cover her hands and latch onto her wrists. She tried to pull free to fire off a spell, but they were tightly attached, and quickly pulled her arms up and aside, putting her into a spread-eagled position. She tried to grab something inside, but there wasn't anything to catch hold of, and they slowly engulfed her arms as well. The arm-massage wasn't as good as the leg-massage, but it stoked Hikari's fire a little anyhow.

"Just get on with it already!" Hikari shouted, frustrated with the slow, almost love-making manner of the creature. It seemed to pause, and then two small tentacles dropped from above. Hikari cringed a bit, afraid she was about to get her wish, but they simply wrapped around her breasts, still slow and gentle. She wasn't looking directly at the tips, and ended up starting harshly when she felt the tiny stingers stab her nipples. Without further action, the two tentacles drew back up and away. "Ow! Hey! What the hell was that?" Hikari asked, still annoyed with the creature and not a little worried about what it had just done to her. The slow massage of her limbs continued, but it didn't do anything else. Hikari was confused until she saw two more thick orifice-ended tentacles sliding up under Rei. Hikari cursed like a drunken sailor for precisely one minute until a tentacle wrapped itself around her head, sealing her mouth so she could only release muffled sounds of displeasure.

Rei pondered, for a moment, as she watched the tentacles approach, whether the tentacled creature had teased Hikari and then left her out of annoyance at her impatience or if it had done something that took time to work, or both. Whatever those tiny stingers had for venom was probably more erotic than deadly, Rei surmised, and decided to wait and see... or rather, to take her turn and then see. Rei gasped a little as it took hold of her feet and began to work at them. Part of Rei's mind dispassionately noted that her legs were surprisingly sensitive. The other part was absorbed in enjoying the slow, slimy caress that was working its way up to her hips. When it spread her lips and pulled her cheeks apart, Rei heard a soft moan. She looked over at Hikari, but the brunette was still gagged, her eyes fixed on Rei. She also appeared to be lubricating despite the monster's inaction. Rei realized, somewhat disjointedly, that it had been her own voice. There was something wrong with that, but she couldn't quite grasp it. It had taken her arms already, and the stinger-tipped tentacles were already wrapping about her breasts.

Rei let out another soft moan as they stung her slowly. She could feel something spray into her, and wondered at what it might do. The tentacles on her breasts withdrew their stingers, but kept in place, slowly, slimily squeezing and caressing. Rei held her voice, vaguely remembering that it would stop if she complained for haste, though the slow pace was torturous. Finally, something from below rubbed across her pussy and clit. The unexpected attack nearly brought her off, but not quite, and she whimpered at the torture, letting herself relax after tensing for the finale. Something, possibly the same tentacle, suddenly poked her anus. She squeaked, and tried to pull away, remembering the pain that had brought last time, but the tentacle followed her hips forward, caressing her puckered rear hole gently. Rei continued to try and pull away, 'knowing' the pleasurable sensations would prove false prelude momentarily. She continued to resist until her strength failed, sagging in her bonds, panting from both desire and effort, her skin glistening with sweat. The tentacle gave one final lengthwise rub, and then slowly pushed itself into her now relaxed nether hole.

A soft grunt issued from the bluenette, and her brows pulled together in confusion. It... was pleasurable. Her sphincter stung a little, but the form pressing deep into her ass felt good. It enhanced the intensity of the other pleasurable sensations floating through her body, as well. The small, underdeveloped normal part of her mind told her this was dirty. Rei did not know this part of herself, did not let it out, but she nevertheless felt its opinions, and blushed a little in shame at her enjoyment of her violation as it began slowly thrusting itself in and out. Rei grit her teeth when she tightened, forcing herself to relax almost by instinct so that the pain would ease.

Hikari could fool herself that Rei wasn't enjoying what was happening. That her expression was one of pain rather than pleasure. That her blue-haired classmate wasn't having her mind slowly eroded by this thing's caresses. But she didn't want to. Rei's expression, so close to her normal blank stare, was a picture of passion, the closeness to lack of expression making her now lustful face somehow incredibly sexy. The blush as her ass was penetrated only made it worse. Her little moans and tiny gasps were the icing on the cake. Hikari could have fooled herself into believing Rei wasn't enjoying herself, but if she did, Rei's raw sexuality wouldn't be making Hikari leak like a broken faucet. About the time Hikari noted this, panting through her nose and tonguing the pastry-tasting tentacle restraining her voice, the tentacles pulled Rei's face up so that she was looking at Hikari. It was her turn again.

Hikari gulped at the new tentacle that appeared, realizing what it had done to their breasts now. The two transparent cups latched onto her breasts, sucking and tonguing her nipples, pulling a spray of milk down the tube-like tentacle. Hikari watch it go, bringing her eyes to Rei's face. 'No, Ayanami, don't!' and 'Please, Ayanami, suck them!' fought for control of her tongue. Rei wouldn't have listened either way, and Hikari felt the tongues on her nipples shift as Rei took the nipple on the other end of the tube into her mouth. She had time to presume it was mimicking Rei's movements before the albino began sucking. Hikari heard a gulp and a happy little 'Mmmm' sound as the tubes on her legs and arms started moving seriously again. She bucked a little, trying to push herself further into Rei's mouth. Without purchase, she had to relax backward afterwards, sagging and moaning as her actions proved successful, her partner's face happily suckling on 'her' breast all the more erotic for it. Using the opportunity presented, a well-lubed tentacle thrust unceremoniously into her ass.

Hikari could only let out a rasping moan, unable to draw breath for a scream as she finally came, the shock of pain and the deep-seated pleasure of her violation only enhancing her little death, the almost ragged thrusting in and out of her anus only prolonging the intense anal orgasm. Rei choked a little before she allowed the sudden spray of milk from Hikari's breasts to overflow from her lips, streams of the delicious white liquid painting her body and flowing into the orifices holding her legs. The nipple pulled away as Hikari's body relaxed and sagged, the tentacle violating her slowing almost to a stop. Rei tried to follow the nipple, but it left her pursed lips seeking it. The tentacle in her ass suddenly changed tempo, its gentle, almost teasing strokes shifting to deep, hard thrusts. Rei gasped and moaned, her fully relaxed sphincter causing her no pain and a delicious discomfort. She looked up to see Hikari staring at her passionately. It occurred to Rei through the pleasure-haze that Hikari must be aroused by the break in her characteristic blank expression. Then something twined around her clit and thought disappeared from her mind. Rei had no problems drawing a breath, and the volume of her scream seemed to surprise even the monster. The wavering, moaning quality of it threatened to make Hikari cum again. Rei felt something hot and delicious and nasty filling her rectum, and it only fueled her orgasm farther as the whatever-it-was continued to toy with her clit. When Rei let out another long moan with her second orgasm, Hikari felt a small one ignite within herself, just enough to shiver her limbs and extend her afterglow. The warm, creamy substance slowly filling her ass was also enjoyable, almost complementing the slowness of afterglow.

The cavern was silent but for their panting and the occasional soft groan. Hikari summoned the will to look down as a tentacle slithered over her stomach and down towards her neglected womanhood. She barely moaned as the wide-mouthed end brushed her clit, sending aftershocks through her body. It slid in slowly, without difficulty. She felt it mate to her cervix, and tensed a little, knowing what it was about to do. Squeezing the tentacle only drove her to another small orgasm, and she relaxed again. A look over at Rei confirmed that it had started on her as well, the blue-haired girl staring with an almost obscene fascination at the tentacle pressed into her. Hikari turned her head slightly to the left, watching as the first egg started to slide its way down the tube towards her, bulging the tentacle just slightly. Just enough to brush her clit and other sensitive places on the way by, she noted, shivering in sympathetic pleasure. Hikari spread her legs slightly as it approached, feeling the bulge passing over her side and down her stomach. Her body shuddered with another small climax as it brushed past her clit and spread her passage. She could feel every contour of the lump as it dove deeper, and gasped in slight pleasurable pain as it spread her cervix and popped into her womb.

Rei distracted Hikari from that curiously orgasmic sensation with a loud moan. Rei's face had become even more passionate, lubricating Hikari's passage further. The bookish girl noted Rei's focus on the next egg and wondered if she had a pregnancy fetish before being distracted back to her own body by the next egg. She noticed that they were getting closer together before her wits were scatted by the egg pressing its way into her womb. Rei moaned again, and Hikari decided with what little thought she could have to watch her partner in this strange experience. The blue-head was hot when she was passionate like this. The eggs kept filling her womb with delicious sensations that spread to her entire body while she watched Rei writhe in her bonds, thrusting her hips forward for more of the monster's spawn. Rei's stomach slowly expanded, Hikari noted through the slow burning pleasure haze, taking a glance down at her own tummy's noticeable bulge. Rei's eyes grew less focused with each egg, and juices were running down her legs almost continuously. Rei whimpered when the eggs slowed, and then stopped. The tentacle withdrew, and Hikari sighed in relief. The one in her ass pulled out, followed by a small flood of thick white cream before her backside closed up. Hikari vaguely remembered gently descending the tunnel, being left lying on the cavern floor with belly bulged slightly and bottom slowly leaking cream, but she was quickly unconscious. Rei, lying next to her, was no better.

Less than an hour later, Hikari swatted at a hand that tried to rouse her before realizing her back hurt. She sat up with a groan, her eyes interpreting the red hair in front of her before she could see entirely.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Asuka's crass but slightly worried tone jump-started Hikari's mind.

"We were... uh, caught off guard." She mumbled, trying to shake the wobbles out of her brain, "By an egg-layer."

"Egg... layer?" Asuka said, looking down at Hikari's small but noticable bulge, then over at the still-unconscious Rei's identical condition.

"Yes. We'll be out of commission by tomorrow. Not sure how long they'll take." Hikari explained, trying to stand on nerveless legs. A sudden helping hand had her standing, and she looked over to be surprised by Shinji's concerned face, "Thanks." She said simply, stretching her legs a little to try and make them work properly, "Go ahead and get Rei up, before something else finds us or it decides you look vulnerable. Let's get somewhere other than under its lair." Hikari and Shinji drunkenly stumbled toward the cave exit while Asuka prodded Rei awake. Her obvious conflicted expression surprised everyone present, but even the usually-acerbic Asuka politely ignored it in favor of getting to the relative safety of town.