Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Eva Spyhunter ❯ Prepare to be hunted ( Chapter 1 )
Author's disclaimer: I do not own the eva characters or Spyhunter. Studio Gainax owns Evangelion and the Evangelion characters and Midway and Paradigm Entertainment owns Spyhunter.
Eva Spyhunter
Chapter 1: Prepare to be hunted
Unknown Location
A car could be seen driving through the highway at reckless speeds. The car was colored metallic silver though strips of gray were seen in the side skirts and roof. 4 large vehicles with the insignia of the SEELE coat-of-arms followed it. The semi truck, which was in the lead, tried to ram the vehicle but to no avail. The car simply charged faster and dodged the incoming blows. The driver, who has lost his patience to the chase, decided to end this now. Two missiles were suddenly fired from the top of the cabin.
"Hmph. No match for me. Do they really think they can take my Interceptor down?" Shinji asked rhetorically with a smirk.
The `Interceptor' unleashed a black fluid that caused the following vehicles to skid uncontrollably on the road. Because of the oil slick, the truck skidded uncontrollably and sideswiped the Road lord off the road. The two other vehicles, a Switchblade and an Attack Heli, kept following him. The missile that was following him lost control and exploded 10 meters from the back of the interceptor.
"Ha. I killed two birds with one stone. Got to take care of these pests." Shinji said as he suddenly made a 180-degree turn and kept the gear in reverse. The Side skirt weapons payload opened and revealed an EMAW laser cannon. The Switchblade uncovered its machinegun and began to fire recklessly at Shinji. Shinji simply veered from left to right, causing most of the bullets to miss its target. A few got in, but they were nullified by the AHE self-regenerating armor.
A target crosshair suddenly came onto life and quickly locked on at the approaching Switchblade.
"See you in the afterworld!"
The EMAW cannon suddenly glowed red and fired its laser payload, making contact with the target. The Roadster exploded in a shower of fireballs and debris. Shinji almost let out a sigh of relief when he saw the Hind incoming.
"Oh crap." He muttered as he stepped on the gas and made a 180 once more, leaving a trail of smoke behind. A small rear hatch slid off to reveal the ACE cluster missiles. The Hind fired off two of its missiles and flew off ahead, not wanting to get hit with the ACE. Shinji just willed Unit-01 from left to right to avoid the shots. Once he avoided the shots, he came face to face with the Attack Heli. As soon as it came into range, he fired two of the cluster missiles. The hind met an unceremonious demise.
The Interceptor suddenly stopped and the view of the world transformed to the interior of the IES training facility. He stepped on the gas lightly and drove off just outside the facility doors. A group of people was already waiting for him. He stepped off and the Vehicles consoles retreated to its compartment.
"Well done Shinji. You passed the first test. Now you have full access to the Unit-01 interceptor." Said Misato, his Superior officer and Guardian."
He was about to leave when a red motorcycle suddenly stopped to reveal a red suited figure. The person removed her helmet and shook her head to reveal her long red hair. She stepped forward to Shinji and hugged him.
"How did you do today?" Asked the person in a sultry voice.
Shinji slid a hand around her waist. "I did fine Asuka. Or may I call you Agent Sohryu?" asked Shinji in a teasing voice.
"Hey! Stop teasing me like that! You know that I am not yet a full-fledged agent. Misato wants to see me so see you later." She said as she gave him a short but passionate kiss then walked off.
SEELE headquarters: Petra, Jordan
A dark room was suddenly lit as 12 monoliths suddenly came into life. The first one, a monolith marked SEELE 01, spoke.
"It has come to my attention that the thrice-damned IES is trying to infiltrate this secret location to stop the launch of the four horsemen. Is this true?" asked SEELE 01 to no one in particular.
"Yes. Our intelligence has confirmed this. We believe that the IES has gained information about this base and is mobilizing their Unit-01 interceptor to destroy our plans. If all else fails, we have finished the construction of the "plan A" and is ready for deployment." Said SEELE 06 in his heavily accented voice.
"If this was only an ordinary spy, we wouldn't have had problems eliminating him. But because we believe he was the same man who destroyed our plans a few years back, I want you to mobilize all SEELE vehicles and agents to destroy him. Once the four horsemen are launched, under my command the strategically placed satellites will spread an electromagnetic pulse like a much needed cure to the world. The deepest ravine and the highest mountain will not be spared. It will devoid the world of all energy sources."
SEELE 01's monolith winked off. The others followed one by one. The figure known as SEELE 01 took off his glasses, placing his arms on the table and folding them in front of his face, he muttered to himself.
"When all else has fallen, a new king shall rise above the ashes. I will succeed where the old Nostra failed. The four horsemen shall be launched. If not, I will use the "Ark" to initiate Operation "Rebirth""
IES (International Espionage Section) training facility: Frankfurt, Germany
Shinji, Asuka and the rest of the IES crew were all gathered in the briefing room. Misato and Ritsuko stood by the podium. Misato cleared her throat to get the attention of the gathered crew. Everyone was silenced
"Our insiders tell us that SEELE is developing a new type of attack choppers called the "Dragonfly". We have reason to believe that it poses a threat to us because it has been kept in a fortified S-N factory. Shinji, your primary objective is to destroy the prototype Dragonfly chopper. Your secondary objectives are to destroy all enemy cargo trucks, activate all satellite communications beacons and rendezvous with the weapons van based in Frankfurt. Before you go on to the mission, let Ritsuko explain some of the enemies that you may encounter later on."
Ritsuko flicked on a switch as Shinji and the others in rapt attention.
"We'll first start from the Bulls eye.." a picture of a HMWVV (Humvee) appeared. It seems to have been modified to accommodate a 50 cal. Machine gun turret. " The Bulls eye, as you can see, is basically a Hummer with added firepower, speed and armor. These are no match against the Unit-01 Interceptor, but it can prove quite frustrating if they work in packs.
She flicked another switch. A Semi truck with large side skirts appeared on the screen.
"This is the Road Lord. It is basically a Mac truck with added armor and speed. The only weapon it uses is the battering ram-like side skirts and bumpers. It can cause major damage to the interceptor if not dealt with quickly. Bullets are obviously nullified by the armor, so don't waste your ammo."
Everyone looked at Shinji then chuckled, putting their mirth under control when he glared at them.
"The third one, a Switch blade, is an 80s style roadster which has a secret compartment for a Switch blade-like weapon which can, more or less, damage the external armor of the Interceptor. We will provide you with more information as we gather more information. Dismissed." With that, Ritsuko and the rest of the crew walked out of the briefing room.
Shinji walked inside the garage. There, he allowed his right hand to glide through the smooth exterior of the Interceptor. He smiled.
"SEELE, prepare to be hunted…"
End Chapter 1
Author's notes: Ha! There goes my first chapter. Pls. Review after you read this. I'm still new and I'm a novice writer. Anyways, you see that it is Shinji/Asuka but I don't know about Toji, Kensuke, Rei and Hikari. I'll try to add them on the next chapter.