Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Headhunter ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
An. Knightone:Here we are. This is the new prologue, what I changed to adapt better my plot line. Enjoy my AvP crossover. Only of its kind.(I think.)
This is sort of alt universe; I wanted to meld good things in movies and games, so I transferred this all to happen in year 2232, AVP2's time line. This hasn't anything to do with AVP movie, as it was happening the world of today, and this is happening over two centurys later. Suck it up.
Weyland-Yutani scientefic journals - Appendix I
The Aliens, their physiology, and their life cycle.
“You have been so long in my life, that I can't remember anything else.”
lieutenant Ellen Ripley
There isn't any proper name to this species; they are only referred as `The Aliens.' Marines call them Xenomorphs or Bugs. The Aliens are animal species, species what is fierce and strong, and willing to survive. Where ever they go they arouse fear around them, and if there is any opposition it will be used as food, or platform to new Aliens. Every battle between alien and humans species has end to Alien triumph, or destruction of the both sides.
Some referrer the aliens as Dragons. They have melon like head, which doesn't seem to contain any eyes or visual organs. This is of course speculating because any full-grown alien hasn't ever been captured intact. Few pieces have been found, but not in any situation containing of the adult alien specimen hasn't been successful. Aliens don't seem to have tongue, but an inner jaws helping to tear their prey to pieces so they can swallow it easily.
There is speculation that their head doesn't work as air intake, instead they have tubes in their back, which is rumored to serve as a direct route to lungs, all though some of the Aliens doesn't seem to have these tubes, so there isn't any concrete proof about this.
Aliens don't breath Oxygen but hydrogen instead. This allows them to survive in many worlds where humans don't have a breathable atmosphere, because hydrogen is one of the most common gases in planets and universe. This also makes them cabable to survive in complete vacuum, as more than seventy percent of our whole universe consist hydrogen. Aliens are posses a chitinious armor much like insects, but more powerful than an ordinary beetle. It can take some damage and provides cover from their own defense mechanism.
In their bloodstream flows several enzymes what makes it a corrosive acid. This makes them deadly as fighting in close combat as their blood can corrode trough Marine armors…as well most of the metal materials. If alien receives a cut wound, its blood will soon oxidize, and closes the wound. Their blood itself isn't acid, but when it comes contact with oxygen, it rapidly turns in to a strong form of molecular acid. This also helps them when breaking trough barriers. Aliens can also spit their blood out from mouth.
Their hands end to four fingered sharp claws. Nails are grown one on top of the other, they are ideal to climbing on ceilings and walls. Claws help them to grab support when running on high speed. They also have long, muscular tail, which works both as a weapon and a way to immobilize their prey when they are dragging unfortunate victims in to their hives to make them hosts to future aliens. It conatisn venom what makes moving almost impossible.
They also drool lot of saliva, which itself is insignificant fact…or so it seems.
In the experiments with samples of alien saliva, led by doctor Ritsuko Akagi(only confessed doctor in areas of xenomorphealogy), has been discovered that, with right methods, Aliens saliva can be change into a strong drug, almost over ten times powerful than heroine.
In this case it should be good to remaind that our corporation is the only legal retailer of Terium refreshment. Every other selling methods is illegal, and these criminal activity will be terminated when ever opportunity presents itself. What comes to doctor Akagi's experiments, she has expressed her wish to continue her exams, and is most interested to continue them with full-grown specimens.
Aliens don't breed by mating. They will need hosts. Each one of them starts as a Facehugger, which is born from eggs. Alien eggs are containing a Facehugger, which will notice if living thing what comes near it. Next it will hatch and jumps to its target, was it a either Animal or Human. When it has firm grip over its target, it will `impregnate' its victim by inserting a embryo down to host's troth. It doesn't seem to have any other task; after embryo has been implanted successfully, it dies. Marines colorfully describes face huggers as 'pussy what has legs'.
Embryo continues to live in its hosts. Eventually it develops enough and will leave the host, by bursting out of its chest. Small aliens are referred as `chestbursters'. Embryo's growing time depends the state of its host. If the host is well fed and doesn't suffer any illnesses, it's ready to leave its host in the next 38 hours. If it doesn't have enough nutrient or some illnesses are hampering its evolution, hatching process takes longer- maybe a week- or more. Facehuggers blood is also acid. They don't have any means to feed themselves: they only have one purpose. Some of the Facehuggers can form a new embryo, and find a new host if they have enough time.
Queen is head of the whole alien community.
Most of the aliens protect the hive, while others are eliminating possible threats to hive, or hunting food and finding new hosts. Juvenile queens, called `The praetorian aliens' are constantly watching around the queen as guards. Should the queen die, one of the Praetorian aliens will take its place. There is only one dominant queen: rests of them are praetorians, which are making sure that the community survives.
Only Praetorians rival among each other. If queen dies they will start powerstruggle among each other, where strongest one will survive and remain to rule.
Their hive is made of wastes, literally. They took what they can find: Corpses of them own, corpses of other life forms, metal, everything what they can get their claws on. They can form strong substances from them and create the environment just ideal for them. Ritsuko Akagi doesn't describe this as cannibalism but just form of ultimate practical. If death has some meaning to them then their greatest power is taken away from them.
Chestburster is also rapid in growing up. When it finds enough food, it can reach maturity in less than a day. Nature of the future aliens is strongly affected by hosts body; different hosts produce different kinds of aliens.
Aliens home world is unknown. Research teams have found their Hives on different planets, but they are usually inside of a crash-landed ships; some of them isn't even a human ships; at least four different races remains have been founded on ships which are serving or have served as their hive.
Best guess suggest that they are spreading from planet to another, either by accidently or then somebody is seeding them around.
Existing of the Aliens is now public, because in the light of events United System Government has officially classified and changed the truth so the audience doesn't think aliens as a serious threat for avoiding panick.
The truth is, that this Alien species could be undoing of all other life forms.
We don't have any effective method to clear them up, except bombarding them on the orbit, but most of their hives are too deep inside the planet, so that it could be neutralized. Biolocigal and Chemical seem to uneffective at this time. Nuclear weapons, though old could be best option because of fallout kill rate, but it could also refresh them. Direct assault against Alien hive isn't recommend in any circumnstanses. If members of military or other scientific teams are taken hosts inside the hive, they are to be left behind.
To summary this all, aliens are strong, fast and intelligent species, with impressive adaptive nature, and fast spreading. They aren't intelligent the way humans usually use this word, but they are cunning, and always when encountering any other life form they try to seek out what it's weak points are, and utilize this to their advantage. They won't step on the same trap twice.
Communicating is maybe a group mind, what relays expiriences and memories, as well what is happening immidatly. Range of this group mind isn't known as no humans or animals posess it. Except some incects in earth.
Weyland-Yutani scientefic journals- Appendix G
The Predators.
“They're sadistic. Like childrens hunting incects.”
General Vasili Rykov
From beginning of the time, humans had warfared. In time to time, soldiers tell horror stories about invisible enemies what hunts them. These rumours are been long kept as sings of seething insanity, and mental instability.
Now we have to consider it again.
Sings about Predators have always been present. We have only not looked for them. For long weyland Yutani's board has kept third species only as excuse. But CEO Gendo Ikari believed this possibility form beginning.
Was he long seeing or not, he was right.
Unlike the Aliens, predators are intelligent like humans traditionally use that word. We don't know much about their technology, but plasma weapons are one of them.
We only kept predators as rumours, but later was discovered that General Vasili Rykov managed to capture some of them. First Predator he killed by implanting an Alien embryo on it. Second Predator was kept captured about four weeks. General Rykov was also the one who first called them Predators.
Markins on their weapons and equipment refer some sort of tribe culture.
Usually predators hunt in small groups or alone. This maybe a sort of Teacher and Aprentice ritual.
Predators have ships, which are agile and faster than human cruisers. Anything so large as costanoga cruiser they don't have, but variety of ships does change. They are meant for hunting not for warfaring. Still they seem to be capable to intrude inside every other ship they want.
We think that they have somekind of inner system what controls their actions.
They seem to even have ranks, not based on military kind like humans but more like honor based. We don't know how this works in practice.
Predator's high technology comes with a covenant with their lifestyle. Predators are literally hunters, which seek difficult preys. This is what separetes from Aliens. What is commong to their targets, is that they are all armed. From knife to rocket launcher, they have kept weapon on their hand when they had died. Most of kills had been done with some sort of blade weapons or plasma armament. Some of kills had been done by litterally beating prey to death.
Predator's tribal like society is seen in their appearance. They wear their hair in braids, and have necklaces;possibly memories from the world were they have been hunting. They wear a helmet, which besides being a tool also shows how old they are and what is their position among their 'tribe'. Predators look like a big man, they usually are about 2 m high, and needles to say more muscular than humans. There are different kinds of predators, and they fight differently being balanced what are their strong areas. To our embarresment we haven't been able to separate is different genders from each other if there are different genders on this hunting society of theirs.
From Genral Rykov's scientist logs, comes out several facts about their physiology They don't seem to breath same gases as humans, so their mask is also converting atmosphere to a breathable to them. They equipment's seem to have little differences between each other, and they maybe do their own weapons, as a sacrament, or a ritual. Predators vocal chords differs about humans, they aren't inside the troth but they can be seen between their jaws.
They have four strong finger like appendixes surrounding their jaws. Predators communicate with words: both their own language and ours. Their talking is series of clicking sounds, which humans can't produce. They have translating program integrated inside their wrist computers which will translate their speaking in to sensible form.
Their technology includes several weapons as well utility. Advanced healing liquids can close a wound in matter of seconds. They have they own cocktail of combat drugs, which increases their power so that even a brick wall can't stand in their way.
Advanced weapons includes a shoulder mounted cannon, which shoots out hot plasma, with automatic aiming. Their helmets are integrated with an camera, which can cycle vision modes to expose radiation to their eyes. It also work as zooming device. Another high-tech weapon is their pistol which works more quickly than plasma caster, and in secondary effect works as a electric gun, which creates a sphere of electricity making their target to lose their conciusness. There is also series of blade weapons what can even cut steel.
Predators also have the ability to shoot a grappling hook, and then hang from it. These are useful in many environments.
Most dangerous of these devices is their ability to self-desruct, creating a non nuclear-charge with power what can easily decimate area of 300 blocks. We can only guess what kind of power their bombs may have. They also had some sort of tamper proof mechanism on their gauntlets. If somebody tries to remove them, they'll stop their carries lungs, immidiatly killing them. We don't understand what kind of society wants their warriors rather die than being disarmed.
Hunting seems to be their important mission in their life. We suspect that they aren't representing the whole species but are only somekind ourter group, which is acting on its own.
We have only little data about other attributes of the Predator species.
Home world is unknown. They seem to be watching the situation developing and then striking when they feel like it. Predators blood is bright green, which tells that they don't entirely breathe Oxygen. Heat seems to be their only weak point; they seem to be more violent in hotter environments which usually means that their prey loses something else beside of their lives: Horror stories about bodies skinned is rapidly spreading amongst the people. In these odds they still maintain their act over their honor and rarely kill unarmed subjects. To this date we haven't seen any child been killed by predator.
Predators also hunt the Aliens. Aliens are a challenge to them and they wish to accept it. By the way, if Predators are impregnated with the Facehugger, it will produce a being called `pred-alien.'
Only few Predators have been captured, and those few have either escaped or rescued by their fellow predator.
There are few predators who disregard this honor system. We call them psychos. Psychos are just it, psychos. They will hunt down anything that moves, even their own. It's unclear how an ordinary Predator becomes a Psycho, and they are branded as outlaws. If Hunter and Psycho come face to face they will try to kill each other.
We don't know if predators worship anything. Their ships interior is marked with hieroglyphs, and maybe taking throphies is their way to honor something.
Maybe they even gather in some places to meet. We can't be sure.
Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
“Creating better worlds.”
We, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, are a strong influenced enterprise, and closely attached with the government.
Government provides us their cruisers and some men power. Weyland-Yutani official duty is to find new worlds and make them ready for humans to move in. Since Earth has suffered its share from pollution, moving from out to the quiet colony would soon be sounding tempting.
Weyland-Yutani's success story is beyond comparisong. Fusion with American Weyland corporation and Japanese Yutani enterprises made our corparation as dominant and it has succesfully improved every citizens life in this universe, and will continue to do so, for years to come.
Weyland-Yutani absolute power figure to this date,(If we don't take notion Charles Bishop Weyland, the one who started this grand endouvor) is one man named Gendo Ikari, ruthless and clever. This man has in a short period of time; grow his company influence over the limits. By CEO of our corporation he sees all and knows all. He received this position as he tragigally ter lost her wife, who was WY's board member.
Weyland-Yutani works closely with Colonial Marines. They defend our installations, in case of outlaw invasion, or other rioting state from United Systems should come to claim our territory. They are our last mean, should our own troops and our security consultant forces fail. Quite recently Marines and Our own foces had co-operated as saving personal and equipment. Results have been...fair.
Our own Troops are consicting mainly peoples who have no military training. They have been re-trained so they are adding valuable member of our team.
Second part of our 'military' forces are consisting peoples who have wisely decided to invest themselves and are former marines, or other military personel.
In year 2221, LV-1210 was found a location of large Xenomoprh hive.
Afterwards every worker, Corporation mercenary group named Iron Bears, and corporation own soldiers died. Casualties are over 4000 thousand. Iron Bears has been now officially ceased exist as its leader General Vasili Rykov died in the incident. We suspect loss of this to be act of sabotage, as fusion reactor had been tampered with.
Knowledge about the Aliens reached general public. Weyland Yutanis as the government calls you for aid us. We are doing everything to halt this dreadfull invader, and your help is needed. If you have skills at fields of science, technology, or problem solving join us and make a career in our ranks, aiding the mankind in the process.
Rest assured that independt freeholds like the Promised land are cancer what is source of prostitution, crime and anti-corporate propaganda. They will be striked down as soon we can get the government agree our vision of modern galaxy for all mankind.
Weyland-Yutani and USG tries their best to hold alien invasions. You may carry on with your life knowing that we will always look after tomorrow.
Promised land freehold brodcast.
Made by Knight One And Knight Two as counter for fascist corporate crap.
“Shit happens.”
Weyland-Yuatni isn't trying to hold aliens neither does the government.
Their most secret project is involved with the Alien species. They are currently investigating how to use the Aliens as a bio-weapon. They have used astronomical sums of money trying to capture adult Alien. It is said that Gendo Ikari would sell his soul for alive specimen. But you all, whos family has been taken in to secret projects to repay the 'damages' they done by thinking themselves, know that all ready...
Every attempt to contain or grow adult aliens has end a total disaster. the Alien species first encountered, when a cargo ferry Nostromo encountered a distress call from a uncharted planet. Quickly when they landed they found a ship which had been there for some time. Inside of it was hundreds of eggs, and remains of the creature what might have been piloting it. Suspicion that it was killed by a chestburster are strong: something had exploded out of it's chest.
One member of the search crew stumbled on a nest full of eggs. Queen what was laid them was gone. One of the facehuggers attacked and soon he was carried out of the ship, with face hugger ensnared top of his skull. One of the crew members was secretly an android and disregarded order to keep them on quarantine. It let them inside.
After 24 hours the facehugger died. It still took another 12 hours to crew member to wake up. Soon after that alien embryo hatched and broke free from it's host. In another 24 hours it had grown to adult. Then it began to kill the crew of the ship.
Less than six hours it had eliminated almost entire crew, even equipped with flame throwers they couldn't even scratch it. Co pilot Lieutenant Ellen Ripley second in command decided that they have best changes if they just blow up the ship.
Unfortunately company didn't felt the same. They gave their android a special orders. This is the captured transmission:
Special Order: to science leader eyes only(Company Android)
Objective one: Observe movement of the alien, make sure that it survives to home dock.
Objective two: Collect field samples.
Else: Crew is can be sacrificed. Containing of the aliens is your top priority.
Android tried to kill rest of them to ensure that company's wishes were carried out to the letter. However it failed.
After Alien had destroyed last member of the crew except one, Nostromo self desructed. Some how alien managed to avoid this and got inside of Ellen Ripley's escape capsule. It was then destroyed when she managed to wash it out of to the space by the airlock.
Corporation didn't take news about Ripley's act lightly. They had lost because of her over 50 million dollars of cargo and the Alien. Ripley managed to drift in space for over a year, and when the company's search party managed to find her, she was called to hearing. Corporation of course rejected all her accusation about the aliens, but because they couldn't prove that Ripley had done with out a good reason they had to drop all charges. But they strip out her pilot qualification.
Corporation had secretly populated the planet where The Nostromo had made it stop. It was called now hadley's hope. They put the civilian population to search the aliens, this was their way to minimise risk's. Soon they found the ship and again tried to explore them.
Their safety measures failed. Less than a couple of days, one hundred families was either killed or taken to used as hosts. Soon a full scale alien community was nested in the community.
USG wanted to know what happened. Weyland-Yutani told them about the Aliens and soon USG was also joined their endeavour to capture of the specimen: they are trying to know what they are, and can they be killed.
Weyland-Yutani is interested because of its own interests which aren't clear.
They persuaded Ripley again with a mission to kill them. Corporation or the goverment never mentioned about that to the Marines, and she was only a test. Test to determine how strong Aliens actually are. Colonial Marines primary purpose is to protect civilians from pirates or outside take over attempts. They weren't designed to stand against the Aliens, and in matter of seconds they were completely crushed.
The colony was destroyed when Atmosphere processor overloaded and exploded. Ellen Ripley died in uncertain condition in remote planet named Fiorina “fury” 161. She never get a change to see her only friend left alive, Misato Katsuragi again.
For those who wants to hinder this new facist regime, you have place at promised land freehold! Remember when you are selling for your soul, there isn't any warning or price tag! It just happens! Be free of fear, and make your life better among us. Truth is that they are trying to control us all, and there isn't no price too high for it. Who knows what Gendo Ikari is planning, on his secured platform, the Geo front. Save your soul today!
Personel report, limited bio and event report.
Shinji Ikari has always been alone boy. His father seemed to have time to spare to everything else except to him. As son of the most influenced man in the world, He had everything, but still when he was alone, and he felt that he had nothing. This encouraged him to move out from his fathers `care' in order to search some sensible thing to do he moved away when he was 14.
During his searching he came across with Asuka. Her parents were recently divorced, and she was undergoing a difficult time. Her mother tried her best to look to care her, but her mother had also spending her time trying to do her job. So that was common with these two, all though they both were different.
Together they decided to study to commadeer cargo ferries, and maybe in time trying to establish their own private enterprise, though in shadow of the W&Y this was most unlikely. They found their way in to one of the training stations in space, where Company was training pilots. They wanted to be pilots because
They wanted to see the universe, after being isolated for so long. They had their fights most of the time, but they also shared a common goal, being independent.
Shinji was living with his teacher, what gave Asuka plenty of reason to tease him. She herself was living with her mother and her being away much, Asuka was spending her time with Shinji. All though she called him for names that average person would consider not so polite, they were close. Mainly this was because both of them lacked something what they have wanted, and that was company of each other.
They also met Misato Katsuragi former pilot and Captain of the Marine squad, and made friends with her. She was teaching them how to defend their selves, as well some basic training and navigation. She had formerly been in cruisers with his father in on of the Weyland-Yutani's cruiser. Her father was strict and tried to make Misato his follower. Most of the time she disliked him because they didn't understand each other.
Then came the Predator.
It had marked their ship as a military ship and a hunting ground. They decided to search some prey among the cruisers personal. Misato's father tried to protect her and attacked when predator was seeking a prey. At first predator left them alone but when it saw misato's father trying to kill it with a shotgun it decided that it had found a suitable trophy, Captain of the Cruiser.
Misato never fully recovered when she saw what predator did to her father.
Strong sense of hate raised in her, and she wanted to avenge her farther death. She joined the USCM n trying to seek revenge to the Predator species.
They all learned lot from each other. Shinji learned better to express himself.
Asuka learn how to accept others around her. And Misato learned that there were more in her life than just her job. They every day seemed to be better than yesterday.
One day something was found on a lower decks. It was passed to Asuka's mother to further study. She noticed soon that it was a cocoon of somekind.
She had never seen anything like it. Her joy of finding a new species were quickly destroyed when the Facehugger inside of the egg woke up and impregnated her.
Nobody didn't know what to do. Scans show that a unknown embryo was developing inside her, so they decided to contain her inside the cryo coffins so that the embryo would evolve any further. Asuka never left from her mothers side, she spend much time praying that somebody would save her mother.
Kyoky could have been saved. In a certain facilities they could have removed the embryo, and she could have survived, but fate wasn't on her side.
Her cryo coffin malfunctioned, and embryo continued its evolving. Before Asuka's eyes she saw how new life consumed her mother. Shinji found her wandering around the next day almost in coma.
Things even get worse. Alien which had born from Kyoky was a queen.
After few days other people started to go missing. And soon there were sightings of dragon like creatures.
Misato now understood that These were the same creatures what her friend Ellen Ripley had seen. She tried to organise a defence, but they hadn't a change. Eventually they had to abandon the station and exit it with a capsule.
In the chaos of alien attack, Misato and Shinji was separated from the main group, and Asuka was left behind. Last capsules left with out her.
This gave both Shinji and Misato a hard burden to carry on. They both felt guilt about what had happened. They share immense sense of loss, and Misato came thus Shinjis new guardian. Shinji decided now to himself to train himself as a future colonial marine, to ensure that no one else could get hurt when he could something to it. Misato trained Shinji as best of the way she could.
She is still trying to get over Asukas death.
But she isn't dead.
After she was left behind, she swear that she would not need no one else.
Normally one human against aliens has less than a second of time to life.
Asuka managed to fight her life for over a week and this was against full grown community.
Then predators appeared again.
The whole clan came around and hunted down their queen. And then they hunted the xenomorphs. Asuka saw this and without fear she showed herself to them. She had nothing to lose.
She wanted to come with them. Everything else was lost. Only thing what mattered was revenge against the creatures what have taken all from her.
Predators were stunned. Normally humans would try to beg for their life, not to join them. One of the predators, named Thaarn negotiated with his clan elder and he accepted Thaarn's request. Thaarn wanted personally guide her in to their world. He thought that Asukas survival was a message how strong she was and how strong she could be if she would be trained as future hunter.
Under next five years, Thaarn has used his time mostly to teach Asuka about their ways and the hunting. She quickly absorbed knowledge about their weapons and equipment. She has even used Predator-drug for once, and it has changed her physic as a side effect.
Physically she resembles herself, but she wears her hair in braids like other predators. Also she has grown taller, and stronger because of his training.
She has all ready hunted Aliens, even though in predator's standards she is too young to hunt. Other predators call her a nickname `pacifist' because she doesn't want to hunt humans, but is more skilled hunting Aliens. She also has her own equipment and tribe mask. Normally Predators hunt alone, but Asuka is usually paired with Thaarn. She and him have formed a close bond, or closest what Human and a Predator could possible gain.
Thaarn is most interested about human society, he and Asuka usually have arguments about human ways of life. Today, she is completing a test do determine is she strong enough to hunt on her own. This is beginning of the sixth year of her life as a hunter.
What came to Misato and Shinji-they both take a quick steps on their own fields. Misato is commanding her own costanoga class cruiser, the Solaris.
Shinji is serving under her command though they rarely use titles because their close friendship. As commanding officer of his unit, Shinji is making his best to watch that new comers don't get killed. The Solarus acts as purification ship what takes in calls for emergency situations.
Rei Ayanami is Corporations representative on the Solaris. She doesn't seem to have loyalties to anyone except the company, or more like to its CEO. She is called `snowhite' because her skin is almost pale. Shinji doesn't really care about what is will of the company, and tries not to have confrontations with Ayanami. Near Rei is besides her aura of questions, group of Company's own soldiers. It seems to be some kind of guard or something.
Misato never forgot what happened to her farther and Asuka. Thus, The Solaris is usually goes in to situations where Aliens are present. That's the reason why the Company has paid special attention what SolarIs is doing.
At this rate, is only matter of time before Asuka and her clan brethrens will come face to face with crew of the Solaris…Weyland-Yutani equally interested about the predators and the aliens so this whole commandment could be another way to capture a specimen…