Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Insight and Understanding ❯ Chapter the Eighth ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Evangelion Fanfiction

By Otaku D-Man

Standard Disclaimer.

Refer Chapter the First

Insight and Understanding

Chapter the Eighth - Right This Moment

NERV Medical Centre Carpark

"Shinji, are you going to tell me why you have a hand imprint stamped on your cheek?" Misato had woken up this morning to find herself back in her apartment and in her own room. Slowly piecing together her rather blurry memories of the night before, she had come to the conclusion that Ritsuko and Maya had dragged her home after she had become to inebriated to take care of herself.

"It's nothing Misato-san." Shinji began rubbing the back of his neck, a sure sign that he was nervous or embarrassed about something. "Just a simple misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding my foot you pervert." Asuka pointed an accusing finger at Shinji. "Wondergirl told me all about your little adventure at her apartment." Misato wasn't able to comprehend the rest of Asuka's declaration as she continued muttering in a mish mash of German and Japanese. She was certain she heard the words, 'naked' and 'on top'.

"Katsuragi-san, the issue of contention was when Shinji delivered my …." Rei suddenly found herself unable to continue as Shinji, in his desperation, clamped his hands over her mouth.

With sweat beginning to pour from his face, Shinji smiled as best he could under the circumstances.

"Nothing happened Misato-san, nothing at all."

Misato stared hard at the boy, his face showing more and more signs of apprehension as the seconds slowly ticked by. Raising an eyebrow, Misato grinned, "That's okay Shin-chan."

Shinji released Rei and breathed a sigh of relief.

"We'll talk about it after we finish shopping." Misato grabbed his hand and gleefully dragged him towards the car.

<I wonder if I can get the Doctor to keep me here for a while longer?> Shinji didn't have much of an opportunity to resist as he was unceremoniously bundled into the back seat of Misato's Blue Alpine with Rei and Asuka.


Office of The Supreme Commander of NERV

"The Third Children has just been collected by Major Katsuragi." Doctor Subaru placed the compiled analysis of the most recent physical tests on the Commanders desk.

Gendou briefly paged through the document, pausing to dissect key information. "What is the projected time frame for the Third's complete genesis?"

Doctor Subaru grinned despite herself. "If I was a religious person, or even mildly superstitious, I would think it quite apt." Handing a disk to the Commander, she waited patiently as he loaded the files encrypted on it.

"Continue to monitor the Third's progress. Notify me immediately of any changes, no matter how inconsequential." Gendou purged the file ensuring absolutely no retrieval was possible.

Doctor Subaru chuckled softly, "That is even easier than I originally considered it would be. It appears your once favourite doll has provided us with the most ideal situation. She has 'collared' the Subject with a modified NERV issue tracking band. I have already taken the liberty of securing the data link, supplying us with the real information while providing her with suitable replacement data."

Gendou Ikari smiled. Not the sly smirk he often hid behind his steepled hands. No. This was the smile of a man who now saw the light at the end of the tunnel he had laboured within for the last decade.


Tokyo-3 MunicipalHigh School- Classroom

Hikari Horaki ordered the class through the 'Stand/Bow/Sit' routine as the Sensei left the classroom to join the other faculty members in the staff room for lunch. With the elderly man now absent for the next hour, the class quickly broke into isolated pockets of students as they prepared to dash to the cafeteria, attempt to sneak off school grounds, find a secluded place or simply sit in the classroom to eat.

"Touji, have you heard anything from Shinji-kun? Asuka said that they all had tests at NERV yesterday, but I haven't heard anything since." The young brunette sat down next to the boy and casually nudged his feet off his desk.

"Nah. Called Shin-man last night but just got the Devil's voice on the answering machine." Touji noted his girlfriend's reaction to his continued use of Asuka's derogatory label. <Jeez, here we go, 'Suzuhara-kun, do not refer to any young woman as a Devil. Asuka has a name. And perhaps if you treated her with a little more courtesy, she would return the favour.'> Touji had been on the receiving end of the sermon for quite a while now, but had vowed not to give in. At least not before the red headed bitch did.

Instead of harassing him for his speech, Hikari simply sighed. "I was hoping that Asuka would be here today. The Student Council is tallying suggestions for the Christmas Eve Break Up Party. Asuka never attends the meetings, but ….. "Hikari trailed off, not really wanting to finish the thought out loud.

"The Devil complains if the idea decided upon doesn't meet her own standards. That's what you were going to say Class Rep, wasn't it?" Hikari broke from her reverie to stare straight into the lens of a digital video recorder.

"Aida-kun, please point that thing somewhere else. Why the Sensei's allow you to have that infernal device at school confounds me." To reinforce her point, Hikari placed her finger tip on the lens, smearing the glass slightly.

Unfazed by this, Kensuke Aida pulled out a small blue cloth and quickly wiped the glass before replacing the lens cap. "You're avoiding the issue and trying to change the subject."

Hikari looked at the two youths. Touji was well into the lunch she had provided for him while Kensuke started on the pork buns he had just purchased from the cafeteria.

"Maybe you're right. But I know Asuka would want to do something special. None of the Pilots were really allowed to attend any of the school events last year." Hikari sighed, wondering what sort of function she should suggest.


The Streets of Tokyo-3

The knot in Shinji's stomach continued to tighten and develop entirely new constrictions. Had anyone asked, he would have responded that this was a very normal reaction to Misato's driving. Unfortunately, Misato's driving was the furtherest thing presently rolling around in his mind. Even the events of the past month paled in comparison to his current concern.


That one single word continued to reverberate in his head. The resounding echo growing in volume and frequency.

Where most boys grow up and experience the 'joys' of shopping with their Mother, and later in life transition to girlfriends and ultimately wives. Shinji had never truly understood the enormity of the experience until he had come to live with Misato Katsuragi. Admittedly, he did the majority of the grocery shopping for his 'family', and had bought clothes for himself before, so he considered himself savvy enough to accompany Misato on a clothes shopping spree once.

Once was more than enough. That one isolated incident had single handedly ensured that he was now well versed in the associative pains that all men experience in clothes shopping with their female counterparts.

"What are you all worried about Baka? It can't be Misato's driving. She hasn't topped 120 km/hr the whole trip." Asuka was pleasantly surprised by this. In her experiences, Misato appeared to glorify in her reckless driving skills. The more you feared for your life, the faster she drove.

Misato's expression darkened, "The cheap bastards at the insurance company installed a regulating system on the transmission. They said if I broke any more road rules, they'll have me blacklisted." Misato continued to grumble at her perceived victimisation.

"There's nothing wrong. I just…." Shinji paused, every time he tried to dismiss their concerns it only hardened their resolve to force him to talk. "I guess I'm not the sort who enjoys shopping. Noise, crowds, it just sets me on edge."

Misato smiled at him in the rear vision mirror, "It'll be fun Shin-chan. Just think. What other guy has three young, "Asuka began chuckling softly. Misato's eyes narrowed slightly, "beautiful, "Asuka began laughing, staring directly at Misato in the rear vision mirror. "women to guide him in his clothing purchases? Do you want to add anything Asuka?" Misato's eyebrow was twitching in barely suppressed anger.

Asuka gradually brought her laughing fit under control. "No Misato. Not at all. The Baka needs all the help he can get. He reminds me of how Wondergirl used to be before she discovered the joy of actually living."

"Katsuragi-san and Pilot Sohryu are correct Shinji. While clothing is essentially functional, it is pleasurable to have clothes that accentuate and enhance your appearance. It can be most agreeable." Rei considered just 'why' she purchased clothing. <It allows a sense of self. Of individuality.>

Shinji wanted to cry. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. He did not want to go clothes shopping. <So much in life that I do want and I get the exact opposite.>


NERV Command Centre

Maya entered the bridge, her mind still recycling the ramifications of last night. Her declaration of love to Ritsuko Akagi consuming her thoughts.

"Hey Ibuki-chan, watch where you're going." Shigeru Aoba's voice broke the young woman from her self imposed confusion.

"Sorry Aoba-kun." Maya smiled and gently hit herself on the head. "I'm just not with it today."

"No surprise there. You partied with the Major and Doctor Akagi last night. I didn't really expect to even see you here today." Shigeru smiled suggestively.

Maya was uncertain exactly what his words, coupled with his smile implied. Blushing at the inferences she herself concocted, Maya confronted the long haired, part time musician. "And how do you know I was out with Katsuragi-san and Sempai?"

Shigeru pointed a thumb in the direction of Makoto Hyouga. "Makoto took a call from Major Katsuragi earlier. She called in citing personal reasons. Although everyone knows she went straight to the Medical Centre to pick up the Children."

"So Misa-chan's skipping work. Again. It's like college all over again." Everyone turned to find Doctor Ritsuko Akagi walking onto the bridge, coffee cup in hand.

"Sempai. How are you today?" Maya managed to stutter the greeting without turning completely crimson.

"Morning Maya-kun. Can you begin the diagnostic sequence checks on Unit's 00, 01 and 02? I'll begin compiling the residual feedback data." Ritsuko was as calm and composed as normal. In a way it filled Maya with a sense of dread.

<Maybe it means nothing to her. Why did I go and do that last night? She probably hates me.> Maya began the sequence runs, her fingers tapping away across the data terminal almost automatically. Pushing the uncomfortable thoughts aside, Maya Ibuki focussed on the job at hand. <Even if she doesn't return my feelings, I can still do my job to the best of my ability. Make her proud of me for that at least.>


Tokyo-3 Shopping Mall District

"Now Shin-chan, you just wait right here." Shinji found himself standing outside the Men's change rooms of one of the many clothing outlets in the Tokyo-3 Mall.

Shinji breathed a quiet sigh of relief. <At least this time I'm waiting outside the Men's area.> He shuddered as he recalled how Misato had him wait outside the Ladies change rooms last time while she tried various outfits. The stares and whispers directed at him that day had not been sympathetic.

Misato turned to her other companions with an almost 'too' happy smile. "Ladies, let your imaginations run wild. Shinji needs a makeover." With that said, Misato Katsuragi vanished amidst the ocean of clothes, mannequins and displays.

"Come on Wondergirl. We can't let Misato have all the fun." Asuka turned to Shinji with her trademark predatory grin. "Don't worry, Baka. I'll make sure to not embarrass you too much."

Rei began running her eyes up and down Shinji's body. With an almost pensive expression, she grabbed him and spun him around.

"What's the matter Rei? Is something wrong?"

Rei grabbed the tag from his collar and inspected the size number. "Nothing is wrong Shinji. I am simply ensuring that I have your correct measurements."

Shinji felt slightly relieved until he was spun again to once more find himself facing the young woman. When her hands suddenly shifted to his belt he began to panic. "Rei!? What are you doing?"

"I require the size of your pants." Shinji hadn't realised until this moment just how strong Rei was as he attempted to stop her.

Shinji quickly assured her of his correct measurements before she had him completely naked in the middle of the store.

Somewhat satisfied with the information, Rei departed to select what she felt was appropriate for the young man to wear.

Shinji decided to sit on one of the chairs nearby and await his doom. <Even if I ran now, I probably couldn't get far enough away. They'd probably just hogtie me and drag me back kicking and screaming.>

Doom didn't take to long to arrive. And it brought friends with it.

Appearing just as suddenly as they disappeared, Misato, Rei and Asuka returned, arms overflowing with pants and shirts of all descriptions, colours and styles. Not satisfied with their own opinions, they had graciously invited some of the department store staff to help and comment on their selections.

It probably wouldn't have been all that bad. Misato actually had taste when it came to style and cut of the clothes she selected. Even Asuka lived up to her claim of not trying to overly cover him with shame. And Rei chose clothes that appeared to complement his slim build.

Things gradually degenerated from that point as not one of the three could agree on what looked good. Even the staff weighed in with their opinion, stating that at his age, fashion was a priority over functionality. The fact that they referred to him as cute more often than not did not appease his male ego all that much.

Shinji felt whoever invented the phrase 'It's not whether you win or lose. It's how good you look while doing it.' Should suffer for crimes against humanity.

"Misato-san, I absolutely refuse to wear these." Shinji held out the offending item for the lavender haired beauty.

"Shinji, they're the cutting edge. Brand new. Just think, you'll be the envy of guys everywhere." Misato pushed the article of clothing back at him.

"Misato-san. Not only do they look ridiculous, they're transparent!" Shinji held up the shirt and slacks combination to emphasise his point. "If I wear these, I'll be arrested for indecent exposure."

"It's not that bad. I think they'll look absolutely darling on you Shin-chan." Shinji had begun to suspect that he was essentially being toyed with. For the past hour he had paraded himself in a variety of clothes awaiting the simple nod of agreement from all three women. As the time had dragged on, the styles they insisted he wear had become increasingly risqué, bordering on the ridiculous.

"Come on Misato. If we don't ease up on him, Baka Shinji'll probably have heart failure." Misato pouted with about as much sincerity as Gendou Ikari acting compassionate.

Rei held up the last garment with a slight frown. "We did not get to see Shinji in this." Shinji stared at the object of interest. He wasn't sure what it was meant to be, but whatever it was, there wasn't much of it.


With his purchases in hand, Shinji felt the weight of the past few hours slowly release it's stranglehold on his mind. Asuka had suggested they all eat out for a late lunch and they had all readily agreed.

Passing one of the many Christmas display's Shinji's eyes were drawn to the twinkling lights on the trees. Stopping in his tracks, Shinji watched the flickering colours dance across the ornament ladened branches. It was a sight he had often seen and equated with happiness. Of families gathered together to celebrate and bask in the love of those around them. He watched with a slight twinge of jealousy as couples with their young children roamed the aisles, searching for the right tree. He noted the expressions on the faces of the little boys and girls as they raced through the trees, laughing and playing. The parents smiling benignly at the youthful abandon.

Breaking him from his trance was Misato, as she latched onto the young man's arm. "What's up ?"

A ghost of a smile drifted across his face as he continued to watch. "They all seem so happy." Turning to Misato, Shinji masked the pain in his heart. "Is that what Christmas is like Misato-san?"

Misato laughed. "Let's find out." Still holding onto Shinji, Misato glanced at both Rei and Asuka. "Asuka, Rei. Shinji has decided our family should have a Christmas tree. I agree with him. Thoughts?"

Asuka looked thoughtfully at the people milling around the trees and then at Shinji's somewhat distant expression. "Sounds good to me. I haven't celebrated Christmas since I was in Germany."

"I have never celebrated Christmas. The Commander considered such things unnecessary." Rei watched in awe as she tried to fathom how an artificial tree could somehow improve people's spirits.

"Family." Shinji whispered.

Catching the word, Misato grinned. "Yep. Family." Placing a finger thoughtfully against her cheek, Misato considered her next ploy. "If we're family. Shinji and I are Husband and Wife." Misato hugged the now startled young man while smiling at the other two young women. "Asuka and Rei can be the evil step-sisters who are always interfering." <They're so easy to tease. It's almost no fun.>

Before either Asuka or Rei could voice their protest, Misato dragged Shinji into the crowds.

"Pilot Sohryu?" Asuka gradually reigned in her rage enough to face the Pilot of Unit 00.

"What is it First?"

Rei stared at the young German woman. "I am not your relative, Pilot Sohryu. Evil or otherwise."

"Very droll Wondergirl. Come on, let's catch up with them before the Tramp finds some mistletoe."

"Mistletoe?" Rei was bemused. <What significance does a noxious plant have?>

"I'll tell you about it some other time." Asuka plunged into the crowd to track down Misato and Shinji.


Katsuragi/Ikari/Sohryu/Ayanami Residence

Misato Katsuragi surveyed the crowning glory of the living room. Deciding a well earned break was necessary, she sat beside Pen-Pen on the couch. "Thanks Pen-Pen." Misato took the offered beer and took a deep drink. "Looks pretty good. What do you think?"

Pen-Pen observed the remaining members of the household put the finishing touches to the plastic Christmas tree. He had seen the likes of this before. He equated the object to a connected series of images.

Tree = Party = Food = Beer = Satisfied Warm Water Penguin.

Nodding his beak in agreement, the fowl hopped off the couch and after grabbing his towel from his fridge, and a beer from Misato's, headed for his bath.

"Are we throwing a Christmas Party Misato?" Asuka sat down next to the woman and assessed the continued work of Shinji and Rei.

"Let me think about it?" Misato fell silent for approximately three seconds. "I guess we have to. It wouldn't be right to keep this all to ourselves."

"Then I can invite Hikari." Asuka was satisfied with this.

"I'll invite Rits-chan, Maya, Makoto and Shigeru." Misato added. "And Shin-chan can invite his two friends." The mumbled reply from Asuka provided Misato with more than enough information on just what she thought about the other two stooges being present.

Shinji stepped back and gave Rei the OK to switch on the power as he turned off the lights in the living room.

Patterned rainbows of light began flickering and dancing across the shadowed walls of the apartment. Soft music could be heard playing popular Christmas melodies as those present watched in silent fascination.

On some unspoken command, all four humans present, gathered around the base of the tree and let the soft coloured lights and gentle music envelop them.

It was Misato who spoke first. "You know something. I never really enjoyed Christmas when I was younger. It reminded me too much of how Dad was always away with work. Mom would almost act as if it meant nothing to her. Once they split up, I pretty much avoided Christmas altogether. Usually just partied and drank until I passed out." Misato stared at the twinkling patterns as they shifted around the tree. "But maybe it can be different. Maybe we can enjoy the things we have."

"After Mama fell sick and …., "Asuka felt her throat constrict slightly as she spoke, "Papa tried to turn Christmas into an extravaganza. I know that he was only trying to help, but at the time I could only think how horrible everyone was. Mama was gone, and here they all were having fun, acting like everything was okay. I'd spend all my time improving my Synchronisation score, or studying. Maybe, I can catch up on everything I've denied myself." Asuka leaned back, looking at Shinji out the sides of her eyes. "Sort things out."

"It is confusing." Rei watched the colour dance across the pale skin of her forearm. "In the store, the trees appeared superficial. Almost superfluous. But here, in the apartment, I can understand what others have often mentioned. It creates a sense of warmth," Glancing at the young man beside her, "of being together with those who are most important in our lives."

Shinji continued to stare at the tree, almost oblivious to those around him. "It's funny. I used to hate the holidays. Christmas especially. Watching other people experience something I thought I was always going to be denied." Blushing slightly, he turned and smiled at his three companions, "But right this moment. I can't see myself being anywhere else or any happier than I am."

Misato marvelled at her ward's smile. It wasn't often anyone caught Shinji Ikari smiling. Not really smiling. Suddenly Misato had an epiphany of sorts. "Shin-chan?"

"Yes Misato-san?"

"About you're little adventure at Rei's apartment." Shinji felt his jaw unhinge and hit the floor. "Why was Rei naked and what were you doing on top of her?" Misato laughed as it set off a chain reaction of responses from the three young adults. Shinji face faulted, sprawling onto the floor and Rei and Asuka turned red for completely different reasons. Misato continued to laugh as Rei explained the circumstances and Asuka pinned a hapless Shinji to the floor as she tried to force the 'Truth' out of him.

End Chapter the Eighth


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