Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Justice Complete ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Justice Complete
Part 3

Misato entered her apartment silently. She'd spent a few more
hours at NERV after JC had left. She was afraid of what her friend had
left her. The knowledge that a man she had once considered a dear and
close friend had become a highly famous assassin was grating on her
already weary nerves.
Misato had to wonder if the man she'd known as JC was truly gone.
Yes from the short time she'd spent with him she could tell that a few
things had changed, including the deep laceration that ran down the
side of his left cheek which seemed to run straight into his once
caring heart. Misato sighed as she entered the apartment.

The way she had spoke...Misato usually tried to be cheerful, even
if her day at work had sucked. But today she seemed almost on the
verge of collapse. It was obvious to anyone that might have been in
the room with her that she'd been working hard. But the worst part of
her seemed to be her eyes, they seemed almost lifeless.
And rightly so. For the last four hours she had mulled over what
JC had told her. How he'd changed so much, what he could have left
her, why he was here, and other such thoughts.
The Major walked toward the fridge, but as her hand reached to open
it, she stopped. No matter what happened, she always gulped down a
beer after work. As if noticing something was wrong, she looked toward
the phone and noticed the light that indicated a message.
Shinji sat in his room listening to his S-DAT player. The eerie
classical music played out and filled the room with its calming and
ominous sounds. In the back of his mind he could hear Misato enter the
apartment, but paid it no mind. Until his music clicked off and he
heard Kaji's voice emanate through the silent apartment.
Using his Ninja-like skill for silence Shinji stepped from his
room into the hallway. As he neared the front room the recorded voice
of Ryouji Kaji filled his hearing.
Had anyone been in the room with her they would have noticed that
for the first time since she came in, some expression showed on her
face. Almost clumsily, and pushed the button on the machine. Misato
leaned back against the table and listened to the message.

'Katsuragi, it's me. I'm sure you are listening to this message
after I have troubled you so much. Gomen. Please tell Rit-chan "I'm
sorry." And there's one more thing that will trouble you. I've been
taking care of some flowers. I'd appreciate if you'd water them for
me. Shinji-kun knows where they are. Katsuragi, the truth is with
you. Don't hesitate. Go ahead! If I can see you again, I will say
the word that I could not say eight years ago. Ciao.'

Misato didn't really react to the words at first. She understood
what the meaning behind them was, but she didn't seem to even want to
consider that possibility. But the tears that fell on the wooden
table, as well as the sobs that escaped her lips before her knees gave
in and she collapsed on the table said that it was impossible for her
to ignore that possibility.
She was crying in a way most would never have thought possible
from her, the carefree woman that was the object of many men's
affection. Something had happened; it was obvious that something had
happened, and most presumably it had happened to Kaji.
"Misato-san..." Shinji had fully entered the room as he heard
the end of the message. Awkwardly, he touched the Major's shoulder.
"Shinji! Why? WHY?"
Her reaction took him by surprise. She grabbed Shinji's shirt,
pulling him down on the floor, before collapsing herself. Her next
reaction had been to shrink into a fetal position much like a child
would have.
Shinji had seen many things in his young life. He'd been in the
heat of battle, he'd seen people get hurt, and he'd even seen people
die. But the sight that always hurts the most is seeing a woman cry
this way.
He hated that. And each time he'd hate himself because he felt
so helpless. As Shinji looked at this grown woman on the floor, crying
before him, he felt at a lose for he didn't know what to do. So he did
the only thing he could, he simply knelt down and took her in his arms,
hoping it would at least provide some comfort.
"It's okay Misato-san... it's okay..."
It may have seemed a stupid thing to say, and if Asuka had seen
she probably would have blown into an outrageous monologue of how
Misato's tears were unwarranted. But those were the only words that
came to Shinji's young mind. But those words must have brought some
comfort, as Misato began to calm down a bit.

If only they had not been so wrapped up in their own world the
pair of NERV personnel would have heard the second message on the
answering machine.

'Kit Kat. You know who this is. Shinji, Asuka, whichever of you
is there, please look after Misato. I know I've lied to you Misato, I
also know I've hurt you. But I also want you to know that you've been
like the drunken, sex crazed little sister I never had. Kaji-san, you,
and Rit-chan were the saishi I wish I had growing up. I'm glad I was
there for you when you needed me, and I wish I had come to you when I'd
needed you.
'When I told you I had changed it wasn't just a ploy to be left
alone. I am no longer JC, the NERV security Lieutenant. I have become
JC, the Hourglass Assassin. I am aware that you know so little of me
and my life before Germany, but I want you to know that things will
soon change for me.
'In approximately five hours I will do the one thing that in my
line of work is inexcusable. I will betray my employer. No I will not
tell you who employed me, nor who I am to terminate. All that I will
tell you, is that in the top drawer of your desk there is a disc with
all the information you'll need on it.
'My past, my name, my life. It is all there waiting for you. I
wish you well with your life. Shinji, if you're listening, please
treat Misato right. She's a good woman and will either make a great
mother or a great lover for you someday.' A small laugh could be heard
on the recording. 'Asuka, please. Go easy on everyone. You may not
be the best, but you're still doing the one thing that no one else can
do. You're saving the world. And take a break on Shinji, he's a nice
guy. You could learn a lot from him.
'Please anyone listening to this take care of yourselves. I must
leave you now. Misato, do not attempt to find me. JC no longer
exists. Just live your life to its fullest, and if our paths cross
once more then I will see you then. If not, remember. I love you, and
I apologize for what I must do. Sayonara.'

JC laid his trenchcoat out on the table before him. Along its
innards were multiple pockets, all filled with magazines which were all
filled with bullets. Twelve magazines, thirty-two shots each, two
grenades, and a bottle of Molotov cocktail were the only contents in
the large black trenchcoat.
JC picked up his Colt revolver and spun it twice. He held it
upto his eye and took aim. The sight was pulled slightly to the left,
as JC's neck had a tendency to tilt when he fired. Spinning the
revolver twice JC placed the gun in his hi-rise holster. In the hi-
rise under his left arm was the Smith and Wesson revolver.
JC sighed as he picked up his coat and prepared to leave the
apartment. As he walked by the bathroom, in the corner of his eye, JC
caught sight of himself in the mirror. Turning, JC took a look at the
figure in the mirror.
Standing there in black denim jeans, a black button shirt, and
black storm trooper boots stood a man the JC did not recognize. The
revolvers affixed in the hi-rises, the Dessert Eagles in his mid-rise
waist holsters, and the half noticeable MP-6 on the small of his back
revealed someone that had once been a man, but was now a tool in
someone else's games.
JC glared at the figure before him and yelled. Removing his
revolvers JC blasted twelve holes in the mirror before him. All was
quiet save for the clicking of the guns' hammers as the assassin looked
at the shattered image of himself. With a loud thud the two old
fashioned revolvers fell from the hands of their owner and landed on
the floor.
JC stepped upto the mirror and placed a gloved hand on the
shattered glass. He could feel the shards of glass and silver coating
as it attempted to cut into his Kevlar lined hand. For the first time
in three years JC could feel tears as they built up at the edges of his
eyes, and for the first time he didn't attempt to stop them.
JC ran a single gloved finger down the pale scar that ran down
his cheek, as a tear followed his finger, and cried. That scar was
truly the only thing he had left, besides his memories, of Kiyone. It
had been the day the Second Branch was attacked that he'd received it.

The explosion was deafening. No one had expected it. No
one was ready for the massive group of people that stormed in through
the holes in the wall. Least of all Kiyone and JC, who had been on
patrol in the area when the explosives had gone off.
JC had been bowled over from the explosion. He had luckily
used his uniform jacket to cover himself, knowing that Kiyone would
likely do the same. That was until he felt the blood begin to seep
down his face into his mouth.
JC ran a cautious finger down the laceration feeling the
cut and the blood. Without care for his own well being JC stood and
began searching for Kiyone. All the while the blood drained from his
body from that ornate scar.

JC looked at himself once more before he looked at the gloves
that covered his hands. How long had he worn gloves, since that day,
no before. JC could not really remember a time before he'd worn
gloves. Ever since he was young and was running guns and drugs in Key
West as a child, to his NERV security job, and even now he'd worn
gloves...but he never knew why.
The obvious reason was fingerprints, or lack there of. But that
wasn't why. JC wore the gloves to hide the blood that stained his
hands. Much like Lady Macbeth, JC knew that no matter how often he
cleaned his hands he would never be clean of his past sins, that did
not mean he was unable to atone for them.
With a lecherous smile JC retrieved his trenchcoat and made his
way NERV HQ. He had one more person to visit before he could leave
Tokyo 3. He knew she would not like his showing up like he would, but
he also knew that he had little choice in the matter. Atonement may
take decades, but it always started with a single act.

Ritsuko sat in her office smoking a cigarette and reading a
report from the Magi. With a resounding sigh she sat back in her chair
and wondered if Gendo would need her "services" tonight. It wasn't
likely, but it could happen.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I always told you those things would kill you
one day." The voice echoed from no where.
Ritsuko spun her chair around to look at the door to her office.
"Who's there? Show yourself." As quietly as she could the good doctor
reached into her desk and began to draw her service issue pistol.
JC silently stepped into the light. "G'day Rit-chan."
Ritsuko removed her hand from the gun and squinted at the man
standing in her office. "How did you get in here?"
JC reached over and picked up the pack of cigarettes from the
desk. He pulled one out and lit it. Slowly he took a long drag off
the carcinogenic object before releasing the smoke through his nose.
"You know, when NERV writes someone off as dead they seem to forget one
little thing." He took another drag off the cigarette. "Security
codes. More specifically entrance codes for the buildings."
"Well I see. So what do you want here JC? It's been a long time
since anyone heard from you." Ritsuko took a quick drag from her own
cigarette in an attempt to hide her fear and apprehension towards this
man she'd once considered a friend. "We all wrote you off as dead
after the funeral NERV gave you."
JC finished his smoke and snubbed it out in the ashtray on her
desk, which he noticed, was almost overflowing. "Ritsu, I need a
favor. Actually I'm calling in a favor."
Ritsuko looked away from the assassin. "Damn, I was hoping you'd
forget about that."
"No chance Ritzy. Look all I need is a single favor, then I'm
gone. I'm back to my life, you all are back to yours, and everyone
forgets I was ever here. Sound fair?"
Ritsuko looked at the ebony clad man. "I think so. Depends on
what the favor is."
JC sighed. "I need you to kill Kaji."
Ritsuko jumped from her chair. "WHAT?! NO WAY!"
JC shushed her. "Not literally. Dammit woman, calm down." As
Ritsuko sat down again JC sighed. "Look, I need you to hack the Magi
and tell them and SEELE that Kaji's dead. Single bullet wound to the
head, and third degree burns were the causes."
Ritsuko looked dubiously at her old friend and classmate. "Why
does he need to be written off?"
JC sat down across from the woman. "SEELE contacted me the other
day. They hired me to come to Tokyo to take care of a little thorn in
their side." JC looked up at his old friend. "Is this room secure?"
Ritsuko looked confused. "What?"
"I said, is this room secure? As in does Ikari have it bugged?"
"I don't think so. Why would he bug my office?"
JC stared the blonde woman down before sighing. "I don't know.
Call me paranoid, but ever since I came back here I feel like I'm being
followed. And no matter where I am in this damn place I always feel
like I'm being watched. It doesn't help that no matter where you go
there's at least four cameras on you at all times."
JC reached out and retrieved another cigarette, which he lit. In
a single deep breath he sucked half the cigarette away, and he released
it through clenched teeth. "Its simple Rit-chan. Just hack the
system, say Kaji's dead, and watch the news tonight. It's not that
hard. By the end of the night he will be dead anyway."
Ritsuko looked at the man before her. His tan skin stretched
tight across his muscular frame. His short black hair was cut in a
very stylish manner, as it always had been. Even the streaks of
natural gray melded with his features. The obsidian clothing he wore
suited his mood, dark and ominous.
Looking at the Magi terminal before her Ritsuko knew her answer.
"I'll do it." She closed her eyes as she said it. "For you, I'll do
it. But tell me something, did they pay you in silver?"
JC caught the joke that he and Ritsuko had shared for years. She
was the only one still living that knew his real name, and he
privileged her the few jokes she made about his name. "No, not in
silver. But by the end of the night I may be hanging myself for an oak
tree if I do betray Kaji."
Ritsuko reached out and took JC's hand. "Just remember you're
not your namesake, and Kaji is not the Messiah. As much as he would
like to believe he's a gift from God, he's not."
JC nodded. "I know. Domo arigoto, Ritsuko. This means a lot to
me Okasan." JC snubbed the cigarette and stood up. "Oh one more
thing. If I don't see you again, just remember you mean a lot to me.
And I'd hate to see our little family torn apart. Please visit Misato,
befriend her once more, she's gonna need it."
With those parting words JC was gone. Out the office, down the
hall, and off to spit in the face of destiny.

Kaji sat in his apartment watching the grains of sand fall in the
hourglass. "Like the sands of an hourglass, these are the days of our
lives." Kaji counted off the seconds. "3...2...1..." the last grain
of sand fell through the hole in the glass. Kaji leaned back in his
chair and waited.
JC removed his Dessert Eagles and sighed. "Here goes, do I live
upto my name or do I leave well enough alone and hope Rit-chan comes
through for me?" JC cocked the guns and sighed. "Betrayal it is then.
Seems some things never do change."
Kaji looked at the door as it slid open. Standing there he could
make out the shape of a large man in a trenchcoat. He could just
barely see the pistols aimed as his cranium. In a calm voice Kaji said
the two words that a man who lives by time never wishes to hear.
"You're late."
JC pulled the hammer back on his left Eagle. Silence permeated
everything in the room, there was no sound, not even that of human
breathing. JC stared at Kaji until he noticed the glint of metal
behind his old friend. In a motion quicker than Mercury delivering a
message from Jupiter, JC pulled the trigger.
Kaji instinctively placed a hand to his chest as he waited for
the pain to arise in his body. After a moment he felt nothing.
Opening his eyes Kaji looked down at his chest to find he was still
alive and whole.
JC smirked. "Tokyo 3's a bitch to get through without any
landmarks left." Silently he holstered his left weapon and stepped
into the room. Without a word he passed by his old friend and walked
towards the shadows.
JC kneeled down and flipped a body over. Lying there was a man
dressed in a black infiltration suit. JC grabbed the man's mask and
ripped it off his face. Staring back at him were the glazed over eyes
of a SELEE operative. JC placed his pistol to the man's head and fired
two .50 caliber bullets into the man's head.
Kaji placed his own pistol against his would be killer's head.
"Bad move buddy. You should have killed me when you had the chance."
JC stood up and brushed his coat off. "Well Kaji-san, I
apologize for saving your life. I guess friendship just doesn't mean
what it used to." JC clapped his hands together knocking the dirt,
blood, and lint off his gloves.
Kaji stared at the man before him. "What are you talking about?
Were do you get off assuming that you and I are friends?"
"I get off at the local whore houses back home, but that's not
important." JC turned to look at his target. "I assume that you would
forget me after all these years. Nine years is a long time." JC
pulled his sunglasses off and slid them into his pocket. "College,
beer, and Misato kinda took up all your thinking back then."
Kaji looked the man over head to foot. Slowly things began
clicking within the spy. Images of the man before him, flashes of
himself and this man talking and drinking, pictures of himself, this
man, Ritsuko and Misato, and it finally made sense to him. "JC?"
JC smiled. "Hot damn. Give the man a prize."
Kaji looked confused. "What are you doing here? What's with the
whole hourglass thing? What am I not getting?"
"Well for one, you're NOT getting a bullet in the head or a blade
in the back. What you are getting is a free ride out of Tokyo 3 and an
escape from life until things calm down. SEELE was trying to kill you,
they hired me, and now I'm turning on them.
"Look. The simple part of this is that I'm getting you out of
here. I contacted some old friends of yours back in the States.
They've got a place setup for you, but knowing you you're not going to
be there for a week before you fall into whatever contingency plan
you've got fixed up."
Kaji smiled. "You know me too well."
JC smirked, "Damn right I do. Now look, I need you to dress
this guy in one of your outfits while I call my pilot to get us out of
here. He's gonna take a few hours to get here but I have a place for
us to hide until he arrives."
Kaji nodded as he walked from the room to retrieve a set of
clothes to place on the corpse.

Frank Bama sat under the palm tree at the airport. His thoughts
were plagued by what was and what wasn't going on in life.
Billy Cruiser sat in his office looking at some satellite air
maps. He was attempting to relearn the makeup of the world from a
pilot's point of view. Billy looked up from his desk and sighed. "I
need to get out of here."
At that exact moment the phone rang. Billy grabbed the phone.
"Lone Palm Airlines. Billy Cruiser here. How can I help you?"
"Billy, its JC. Is Frank busy?"
"JC. Well damn boy I was just thinking about you. Tell me, when
you need a ride back?"
"That's kinda the thing Billy. I need one ASAP. When do you
think Frank can make it here by?"
"Sorry boy, Frank's busy. He's leaving soon."
"Shit! Well fuck. I need outta here yesterday. Hey, are you
still qualified for seaplanes?"
Billy looked at the maps on his desk. "Yeah, of course. Not
that FAA rules apply to bush flyers anymore, but yeah I can still run a
Goose as well as Frank. Why?"
"Most of Tokyo 3 is NERV controlled. What I need is a plane able
to land on the water. There's a sizable lake outside the city that's
perfect for landing."
"NERV is a giant military zone I'm gonna need some high clearance
to get in."
JC spent the next few minutes reciting off codes and clearance
directives that will allow the opportunity for Billy to get in to
Tokyo 3.
Kaji flipped the body over and tied the tie around its neck.
"Alright Jace. It's done. Now you wanna tell me why I just dressed
this guy up to look like me."
JC flipped his phone closed and looked at the Japanese spy next
to him. "Not bad, kinda wish he had longer hair but no one will notice
when they find the body."
Kaji looked close to dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"
JC looked around the room. "Gas or electric?"
JC turned on his friend. "Gas or electric? What's the apartment
heat source, natural gas or electric?"
Kaji shook his head. "Gas why?"
JC smiled sadistically. "Excellent. Turn the oven and stove's
gas all the way up. I mean as high as it'll go. I want gas going
through this whole building. You do live alone right, no one else is
the whole building?"
Kaji nodded as he began to piece together what the evil man
before him was planning. "Hai."
"Perfect. Look I want you to open all the valves on this floor
and the one below it. I'll do the same for the floor under it and the
ground floor. I'll meet you outside the building, alright."
"Alright. I think I know what you're planning."
JC reached into his coat and removed the bottle of Molotov
cocktail. "Hope there's nothing important in here that you want to
keep. If so get it now."
Kaji nodded and walked into the kitchenette to open the valves on
the oven. Out of the corner of his eye he could see JC pick up the
framed Polaroid of himself and Misato.
JC looked at the photo of Kaji and Misato and smiled to himself.
He pocketed the photo and turned from the apartment to finish his job
in a way fitting his explosive personality.

A half hour passed before the pair of men stood outside the
building. Kaji stood there holding a photo album, beside him JC held
the Molotov cocktail. He patted himself down in an attempt to find
something to light the explosive with.
Kaji reached out and with a flick a match was lit. "Looking for
one of these?"
JC nodded as he lit the rag sticking out of the bottle. "I
should have never given up smoking." He looked at the flaming bottle
of gasoline and motor oil. "Here's to the past." JC threw the bottle
at the building, causing the multistory apartment building to explode
in a fireball that would make an N2 mine smile with pride.
Kaji turned his back and began walking down the street. "To the
past." He could feel the flames radiate from the place that had been
his home for the last few months.
JC watched as the man he once considered his best friend and his
brother walked down the street, and away from the life he had begun to
forge for himself. "Ototo I...gomen. This is not how things should
have happened." JC spoke as he walked alongside Kaji.
Kaji looked to the older man. "Why do you call me that. Why do
you refer to Misato, Rit-chan, and myself with saishi titles?"
JC slid his hands into his coat pockets. "Because to me you are
family. All of you. Rit-chan is Okasan, you're ototo, and Misato is
imoto." JC sighed and looked up to the sky. "Kaji, I never had a
traditional saishi.
"Most of my life has been running some kind of illegal operation.
Guns and drugs before Second Impact, the assassinations after Kiyone's
death, and selling equipment while I was in NERV. When I met you and
the others my life began changing. I had people to keep me in line, to
show me where I was going wrong, and help me when I got in a bind. I
finally had a saishi of my own."
Kaji stopped walking and examined his friend. Truth was written
all over his face, he was telling the truth for possibly the first in
his life. "So who was Otosan?"
JC chuckled slightly. "In a way I think I was, but at times I
just felt like an overbearing big brother." Slowly he began walking
down the street again. The building behind them was still crackling
with flames that would not die down for hours.
JC turned around a corner and began to lead his friend to the
apartment he was staying in. Kaji was close behind, knowing that this
man was his friend, no matter how much he'd changed.

Ritsuko sat at the Magi terminal in her office. Exhaustively she
punched in line after line of code. She'd been at this for the last
two hours, ever since JC had left.
With a gentle sigh Ritsuko leaned forward propping her elbows on
the desk. As if by natural reaction her fingers entwined themselves
before her face. Relaxing slightly she leaned forward and rested her
face behind her closed hands.
Ibuki Maya gently tapped on the door belonging to her superior.
When she heard a voice say "ENTER" she did not hesitate to open the
door. But the sight awaiting her was enough to cause the young
technician to scream.
Ritsuko sat straight up and looked at the young woman standing
before her. "Maya?! What the hell was the meaning of that?!"
Maya stood there stammering with an attempt to come up with an
answer. But how do you tell the person you respect more than anyone in
the world that they were just acting like the bastard, psychopath that
ninety-nine percent of his underlings hate. Simple Maya pointed at her
superior and babbled for a moment before gaining control of her tongue.
Ritsuko raised an eyebrow as she waited to see what the young
technician would do next to surprise her, or piss her off. "Maya
please explain yourself. I've had a long day and my head hurts, please
make this easy on both of us."
Maya nodded. "Gomen sempai. It's just...well I noticed that
while you were sitting there you looked very much like Commander Ikari,
when he sits on the bridge. You had your hands folded the same way he
does, and it surprised me that's all."
Ritsuko didn't believe that last part. No one screams like that
out of pure surprise. "Is that all, Maya?"
Maya picked up the files she'd been carrying and placed them on
the doctor's desk. "I wanted to deliver these reports to you. There's
something very important in there. It's about Mr. Kaji."
Ritsuko looked suspiciously at the younger woman, knowing full
well what she would soon see. The tragic "demise" of her long time
friend. "Maya, is the news on yet?"
Maya curiously looked at her watch. "Hai sempai. But why do you
want to watch the news? Anything Eva related is kept off the news you
know that as well as any of us."
Ritsuko pointed to the chair across from her. "Sit, join me. A
friend told me I should watch the news. Wanna find out why?" She
added a small smile for the young technician.
Maya nodded. "Hai, hai." She slowly stepped upto the chair and
sat down as the television flickered on and flashed to the local news

The pair of Magi technicians sat in Ritsuko's office watching the
news of a gas fire that had ripped through an empty building on the
outskirts of the city. All that could be heard was the news announcer
babbling about how lucky they were that no one was in the building when
it went up in flames, and that the local fire department would not
bother to extinguish it, due to lacking necessity.
A single tear ran down the side of Ritsuko's face as she watched
the newscaster. She knew that this was no accidental gas fire, JC had
done this little deed to cover his tracks, and cover them he had.

Misato and Shinji lay on Misato's futon. The elder purple haired
NERV Operations Director was soundly asleep in her young charge's arms.
She had cried herself to sleep that night listening to the soothing
voice of the child next to her.
Shinji on the other hand was still awake. He had fallen asleep
earlier, but Misato's incoherent dream babble and his own nightmares
had roused him from his slumber. He had planned on retrieving his
trusty S-DAT player until he noticed that he'd fallen asleep holding
Misato. Knowing full well that she needed him, and he too probably
needed her, Shinji could not pull himself away from his troubled guardian.
Misato nuzzled closer into Shinji's reassuring arms and mumbled
something. Her speech was so low it was almost incomprehensible, but
to Shinji's extraordinary hearing he caught what she was saying.
"'t...not home...he's there...JC...Judas..."
Very little of the speech made sense to the young pilot, of
course very little about his beautiful guardian made sense to him. He
understood the words themselves, but their order and meanings were
beyond him. Especially the words "JC" and "Judas". He knew them to be
English, or at the least foreign, but their meanings were lost on him.
He would have to question her about it in the morning.

Kaji and JC sat at the table in "JC's apartment". A kettle of
warm water sat between them and a small cup before each of them. They
had been sitting in the same position drinking green tea and talking
for the last hour.
JC sipped his tea and smiled. "Whoever lived in this place had
good tastes. Expensive tea, nice furo, silk lined futons, wish I'd met
these people."
Kaji looked at his friend. "You mean you didn't kill them and
take the place?"
JC glared. "Please Kaji, give me some credit. This isn't the
movies where I just come in, kill everyone, kill you and leave. A real
assassin takes care not to leave unnecessary evidence lying around. I
wouldn't be considered one of the best if I didn't watch my ass, would
I now?"
Kaji nodded. "You know it's the same way in the spy business.
Everyone thinks this stuff is all just James Bond, Austin Powers, and
whatnot. No one ever thinks that I'd be stuck in front of a computer
terminal for days at a time looking up information, studying building
schematics," Kaji sighed and sipped his tea. "I guess we really are
too much alike."
JC nodded. "We always acted like brothers. If I hadn't been
born is Cuba but in Japan maybe it'd be damn near believable." JC
would have kept talking, but his cell phone rang. "Pardon me Kaji-
san." JC bowed and stood up as he opened the phone walking down the

JC stood in the guest bedroom. "Hai, hai. I know what next week
is. Hai. Kiri-chan, Kiri-chan, Kiri-chan SHUT UP! I'll be here.
Okay? Have I ever missed it? Of course not. Yes I am on business
right now, but I'll have it taken care of by tomorrow. Hai, hai. I'll
be here. I promise this time lunch and the flowers are on me. I
insist. Good. Sayonara."
JC closed his phone and placed it back in his coat pocket. He
slumped against the wall and slid to the floor. He hadn't lied. Every
year on the anniversary of Kiyone's death JC made a week long trip back
to Hokkaido, where she was buried in a family plot. No matter how
often her parents blamed him for her death, he still came and paid his
respects to her and her family.
Kaji stood outside the bedroom listening to the conversation his
friend had been engaged in. As heated as the debate was Kaji knew that
JC was one to hold his promises, no matter what they were. And this
promise he seemed to be in need of keeping was getting on someone's
nerves. Kaji stepped away from the room and began down the hall, he
knew that his friend would need some time alone.

Billy Cruiser turned the wheel of the large seaplane to the
starboard side. Pushing the throttle up a little Billy flew the large
plane through a series of small rain clouds. Radar over Tokyo 3 was
bound to pick up his uninvited arrival, but with the landing codes JC
had provided he was reasonably assured that he'd have no problem
landing somewhat unharmed.
Billy knew that he would not be landing for a few hours more.
But the fear of the unknown danger awaiting him was keeping the old
pilot nearly terrified.

Morning had come far sooner than expected. Somehow the young
pilot of Evangelion Unit 01 had successfully pried himself from the
strong arms of his commanding officer and guardian. At the present
moment he was attempting to make an edible breakfast for himself,
knowing that Misato would just have a beer when she woke up.
Shinji sat at the kitchen table nibbling on a piece of toast as
thoughts of last night ran through his mind. Very little of the night
had made sense. He knew that Misato had received a very disturbing
message from Kaji, he knew that Misato had cried for many hours after
receiving said message, and it is possible that had he not been there
that Misato might have done something she'd have greatly regretted.
Shinji wished that Kaji were here for him to talk to. He knew
that the older man would understand his guardian better and would also
be able to give him some insight on how to help her. Shinji looked
down at the toast with a weak sigh. As he looked up he saw a zombie
Misato stumble down the hall in his direction.
Misato ran her hand across the wall attempting to keep herself on
her feet. 'I feel like I was on a twelve-hour bender, and someone
decided to mix acid in with whatever I drank.' Misato removed her hand
from the wall as she made her way to the refrigerator. "Ohayo
gozaimasu, Shinji-kun."
"Ohayo gozaimasu, Misato-san. Would you like a beer?"
Misato seemed to perk up at the thought of her morning beer, but
her enjoyment did not last very long. "No, Shinji-kun. I think I'll
head into work a little early this morning. I have some work I need to
go over before turning it over to the commander."
Shinji nodded. "Shall I make you something to eat?" Shinji
began to stand and prepare something for Misato to eat.
"Would you please. I'm going to take a bath real quick." With
that Misato turned and walked back down the hall. Out of the corner of
her eye, Misato caught a glimpse of the answering machine. On its face
she could still see it reading there were messages still on its digital
memory. "I'll listen to them later," she mumbled as she entered the
Shinji watched his guardian as she walked down the hall. Even in
her present sleepy condition he could tell that last night was still on
her mind. He looked at the answering machine and noticed that it read
three messages, but he only remembered hearing one message. Curiosity
finally gripped the young man and he stepped over to the machine to
find out the answer to the small mystery.
With a flip of the switch Kaji's message from the night before
began playing through the quiet apartment.

JC nudged Kaji. "Wake up sleepy head. We have to go."
Kaji rubbed his eyes. He sat up on the hard futon he'd borrowed
for the night. "Why, what's going on?"
JC began walking out of the room. "SEELE found us. I figured
they'd kill me after the assignment was "complete", but I didn't think
they'd try this soon."
Kaji jumped off the futon and began following his friend. "So
what now? I mean do we run or fight?"
JC cocked one of his Eagles. "Both. We're gonna make a run for
it soon enough. Our ride's gonna be here in about an hour. We are
going to have to fight to make it to the plane. I'm just worried we're
not going to make it in time."
JC picked up the MP-6 and examined it before handing the powerful
automatic hand rifle to his friend. "Take this. There are extra mags
on the table. Take a few, there's thirty-two shots to each clip,
that's all I have so shoot carefully. The last thing I want to do is
resort to uranium depleted ammunition."
Kaji gaped at the man before him. "You got Uranium depleted
bullets into the city? How?"
JC cocked his other Eagle. "NERV doesn't know I have it. If I'm
right NERV doesn't even know I'm here, unless Ikari got smart and
reviewed yesterday's recordings. That's doubtful though. I don't even
think Ikari would recognize me if we met face-to-face."
Kaji looked at his friend with a small hint of jealousy. This
man that he'd know to be a trained killer was also the man he'd spent
hours on end with hacking computers with in college in an attempt to
keep their grades high enough for their scholarships. But he knew from
looking at his friend's lack of emotion that the young teen he'd known
was gone and replaced by this killing machine. Efficient and dedicated
to what was on his mind, Kaji wished he had that kind of mentality.
Kaji ignored the ominous man to his left. His thoughts had
turned to a purple haired woman whom he was leaving behind. He'd lost
her eight years previous and now he would lose her again.
JC looked at his friend and sighed under his breath. He knew
what was on Kaji's mind. His old friend had the same look he'd had all
those years ago when he was thinking about Misato. Almost as if by
instinct JC began to hum a song that was so true to the coming hours it
seemed cryptic. "Sinner on the mainland. He's a sinner on the sea.
He looks for absolution, not accountability." JC hummed the music
before he finished reciting the lyrics. "How many destinations? Oh
God he's seen them all. He collects his precious pittance in every
port of call."
Kaji looked at the older man slightly confused. "'Remittance
Man'? What caused that to come to mind?"
JC holstered his guns and lifted his bag onto his shoulder. "Ya
ever think that maybe I'm using this as a stepping stone to my own
absolution? I've pretty much broken the hell out of the promise I made
to Kiyone. I think I should take the time to rework my life and fix my
mistakes, starting with you all.
Kaji nodded and looked out the window of the apartment. "We've
got company."
JC opened the door to the apartment. "Please tell me it's
seventeen stories tall and purple."
Kaji shook his head as he followed his friend. "Sorry, no. Its
SEELE, and they look pissed."
JC withdrew one of his pistols. "How can you tell? I figured
they'd be wearing masks." JC slammed himself and his friend against
the wall. Carefully he peeked out from behind the corner too see if
anyone was there.
Kaji withdrew the automatic and cocked it. "I'm a spy, I notice
little things like that."
JC fired three rounds down the hall. "Fine, notice them later.
We're leaving." He pulled his seabag up high on his shoulder and took
to a sprint down the hall.

Ritsuko sat at her terminal reading the reports Maya had
delivered the night before. She wished that the young technician
hadn't left her so soon. It was only recently that she'd begun to
notice it, and after JC's little appearance that she allowed herself
the time to think about it.
Ritsuko was lonely. Sure she had her cats at home, and Commander
Ikari when he needed her, but beyond that Ritsuko was alone. And she
beginning to feel old. Ritsuko looked at the phone on her desk and had
the sudden urge to call Misato.
As Ritsuko began dialing, she noticed that the clock on her
monitor showed seven in the morning. Ritsuko knew that her old friend
would NEVER be up this early. So she returned the phone to its cradle
and submerged herself in her paperwork.

Misato pulled her shirt on in a torpid manner. She'd heard
Kaji's message while she'd been in the bath. The tears had begun to
fall down her cheeks again, but she soon regained control of herself
when she heard JC's digitized voice speaking to her. It had been
enough to drag her from the bath and force her to get dressed.
Her curiosity was killing her. She had to know what it was that
JC had left her. Misato was half way out of her bedroom when Kaji's
voice was heard once more.
'The way to the truth, which you wished, was sent by the other 36
methods, to you. But those will not reach you. The guaranteed is only
this capsule. This is all that I have. It's absolutely up to you how
to use this. The pass code is our first memory. Ciao, take care.'

Shinji listened to the messages somewhat confused. He recognized
Kaji's voice, but the other man on the answering machine was a mystery
to him. Even though it was the man had some kind of previous
attachment to Misato.
Shinji resigned himself to ask his guardian when she exited her
room. But the chance would have to wait as Misato ran from the
apartment pulling her bomber jacket on.

Kaji looked at the man covering his flank. "Jace. How many
shots you got left?"
JC fired off another round and ejected the magazine. He and Kaji
were standing in an alleyway a few kilometers from their pickup zone.
"Three mags left. You?"
"Two magazines. How many of those uranium rounds do you have?"
JC chambered a round in his Eagle. "Twenty, why? Don't think
that we're using them. Those are last resort weapons."
Kaji fired twice down the alley. "Well then big guy, you better
have another ace up that trenchcoat of yours. Because we're running
out of ammunition and time."
JC took a second to glance at the watch on his left wrist.
"Dammit. Another hour, and we're still too far away." JC leaned
against the wall and looked down to the bag he'd been carrying, almost
instantly an evil smile appeared on his face. "Kaji cover me for a
moment, I just had an idea."
Kaji glanced at his friend and watched as the strange Latin man
began rummaging through his bag. Turning away the double agent stepped
to the edge of the alley and covered his friend while he did whatever
he was doing.
JC reached into the bottom of his bag. "I know you're in here."
Out of bad habit JC fell back into speaking Spanish. "Where the hell
did I put those explosives." Pulling his arm out JC held a single
green grenade in his hand. Carefully he set the explosive down and
continued his rummage.
It only took three rounds flying past the alley before JC got fed
up and gave up his search. The C-4 packs he'd brought were in the bag
somewhere, but it was obvious he didn't have time to find them.
Quickly retrieving his arm from the depths of the large green nylon
bag, JC's hand brushed against something cold and rubbery. With a
lecherous grin JC removed a half pound block of C-4, with its detonator
attached and primed.
"Kaji!" JC caught himself and switched back to speaking
Japanese. "Kaji-san. Grab that grenade and let's go. I found what
I'm looking for, and I just had another idea."
Kaji looked at the grenade next to his left foot. Why hadn't he
noticed it before? Kaji didn't bother to ask. He retrieved the
explosive device and followed the shadow of a man before him as he ran
to a nearby parking garage. Instantly he knew what JC was planning.

"WOO HOO!!!" JC slammed the gas down. The large black Hummer
sped down the empty street in a mad rush for the opposing outskirts of
Tokyo 3.
JC looked to his passenger. "Gotta love these vehicles, American
military ingenuity at its best. Makes me glad my guns are Israeli."
Kaji turned to the crazy man driving the obscenely large vehicle.
"Jay. Tell me something. How did you know there was a Humvee in that
parking garage?"
JC threw the wheel to the left in an attempt to avoid a road
block that had been erected months ago. "I didn't. I figured that the
American's buy all of your exports, someone around here must have
wanted to show off the amount of money that they made annually and
would have a big SUV. I didn't expect one of these babies. Nice ride
too, I think I might invest in one when I get back home."
Kaji grabbed onto the side of the large vehicle as it drove
around a corner.

Billy Cruiser landed the large seaplane in the middle of Lake
Ashinoko. Slowly he taxied his way to the edge of the lake. He knew
that he didn't have much time before NERV security or someone else
showed up to question why this plane had landed at the lake rather than
at the airport.
He opened the window to let the gentle breeze float in. He could
smell the gas and oil from the big engines, but under all that he could
smell something familiar. Fish and rice. He could smell someone
cooking fish and rice.
Subconsciously he began drooling. It had been almost a day since
he'd last eaten something. Quickly he stood and began searching the
aft cargo hold for some kind of food.
The search didn't last long. Rumbling could be heard in the
distance. Curiously Billy opened the aft door to see what the noise
was. In the distance he could make out the familiar figure of a
Humvee, something he hadn't seen since the Post-Second Impact wars.
Cursing loudly Billy threw down the stairs and waited for the
crazy assassin he knew was on his way.

The aforementioned assassin was at that moment standing in the
back of the large vehicle, leaning against the roll bar. With his feet
spread and his hands wrapped around the handle of his Desert Eagle JC
fired off three simultaneous rounds at the Jeep following them.
"Kaji. Can you see the plane?" JC yelled at his friend.
"Hai!" Kaji replied in an equally loud yell.
"Good. Head to it and don't stop for anything."
In response Kaji jammed his foot down on the gas and plowed
through the Jeep that had been blocking their path. JC placed a bullet
in the driver of the Jeep as they passed.

JC ejected the magazine and replaced it quickly. "Two left. Not
good." He turned his head slightly. "Two hundred meters, sixty-four
rounds, twenty seconds drive," JC fired twice at incoming SEELE
personnel. "Sixty-two rounds, fifteen seconds drive, and a minute for
take off. Damn I love close calls." JC smiled wickedly to himself as
he fired at an incoming vehicle, blowing its tires out.
JC slid over the roll bar and sat down next to Kaji. "Bro. You
sure you still want to drive?"
Kaji slammed the wheel hard to the left throwing JC into the
passenger door. "I'm fine. Are we going to make it?"
JC pulled himself off the door and looked ahead. "Hai, but
barely." JC reached into his coat and pulled out his cell phone.
Using a built in microchip he switched it to a VHF radio and began
signaling Billy. In simple Morse code he left the message, "Start 'er
up. SOS."

Billy watched as the large SUV rumbled nearer. Suddenly his
attention was dragged to the cockpit as a simple message in Morse code
began playing through the speakers. It took Billy a moment before he
caught it; it had been a LONG time since anyone used Morse code.
"SOS? Shit JC!" With speed rivaling a crazed jackrabbit Billy
was back in the pilot's seat warming up the engines.

JC could see the engines of the plane as they began whirling.
Silently he said a prayer to every deity he knew of. "Push it Kaji.
We don't have much time."
In response Kaji slammed the gas petal to the floor, causing the
large vehicle to surge forward.

Inside the plane Billy had the engines running and was in the
pilot's seat waiting on his charges. He was on the radio with Tokyo 3
Tower for clearance to leave.

The pair of renegades jumped from the large tank-like vehicle and
ran the last few meters to the plane. Kaji ran full force towards the
only available escape route. Behind him he could hear JC's signature
pistols as they covered the escape.
Just outside the plan JC holstered his pistols and looked at
Kaji. "Get on there man."
Kaji looked at his friend. "You coming or what?"
JC shook his head. "I'm staying here."
Kaji looked confused. "I don't understand. Why?"
"I'm staying here until the plane gets away safely. I've got
clean up to do. We left WAY too many dead bodies behind us. I don't
like leaving evidence if I can help it."
Kaji looked at his friend.
"Kaji-san. If you don't leave now you'll regret it. Maybe not
now, maybe not soon, but soon enough. And you'll regret it for the
rest of your short life."
"What about you? What about our friendship?"
"I'll be fine. We'll always have Germany."
Kaji glared at his friend. "I always said I'd never leave you to
die alone."
JC returned the glare. "And you never will. I've got a job to
do, and right now its saving your life. What I do you and the others
can't be a part of. Kaji, I'm no good at being noble anymore, but it
doesn't take much to see that the problems of two little people don't
amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Maybe someday you'll
understand that."
JC reaches out and takes Kaji's face in his hand, forcing his old
friend to look at him. Slurring his voice slightly he spoke, "Here's
lookin' at you kid."
Kaji smiled. "You and your damn Pre-Impact movies. Take care
Judas." With that Kaji slammed the door to the plane closed. A moment
later the plane was making its way across the lake.

JC watched awestruck that his friend had said his real name. The
emotion didn't last long as JC felt a bullet find purchase within his
shoulder blade.
JC whirled around and fired into the oncoming trooper. "Hope ya
make it home Kaji-ototo."


Kaji stood in Charleston, Carolina, formerly Charleston, South
Carolina, looking at the ocean. It had been two weeks since JC had
evacuated him from the fortress city of Tokyo 3, and he had heard
nothing of his friend.
Kaji's inside contacts with the JSSDF hadn't even heard about
SEELE's little attack on himself and JC, so he had to assume that JC
had survived and cleaned up the mess they had made in their escape.
Turning and returning to the house Kaji wished his friend the
best in his life.

Hokkaido Cemetery. The sun was out but not shining as to make
the day seem happy, rather it was there as a reminder that even the sun
shines when someone's looking.

A large shadowy man walked through the path. The few people
present either ignored the man or looked away as he strode past them.
As silent as a jungle cat stalking its dinner the man made his way to
his intended destination. Throwing a large green nylon bag over his
shoulder the man turned down a side isle and continued his trek.

Silently the man kneeled before an ordinary gray headstone.
Bowing his head the man said a simple prayer before he looked at the
Kanji engraved into the headstone. Sketched into the stone was the
name Kirishima Kiyone.
The man reached into the bag and removed a bouquet of white
flowers. Roses, lilies, baby's breath and carnations made up the
simple bouquet. Giving the flowers a last look the man placed them
beside the headstone.

In the distance the sound of three sets of footsteps could be
heard closing the distance between them and the man. With no need to
look at the incoming group the man kissed his gloved right first and
second fingers and placed them against the stone.
A man in a brown business suit, power tie, and glossy black shoes
was walking up the path towards the grave. A step behind him was a
woman in a tight formfitting flower-print Mandarin Chinese dress. To
the side of the woman was a young brunette girl in a school uniform.
The man led the way towards the grave, he walked with a purpose
and seemed to be a man of power. He indignantly ignored the large
obsidian-clad man standing near the grave.

The man watched as the family passed him. Silently he watched
each move by him, wishing he could join them but knowing they would
never allow it. The father blatantly ignored him as he walked by,
paying more attention to the headstone and his walk than with the man
beside it.
The mother spared the young man a glance, filled with pure
hatred. Her look may have caused Gendo to shudder with the amount of
venom and hatred that permeated from her eyes. The man looked away in
time to share a passing glance with the young girl as she passed by
The young girl's deep green eyes looked deeply into the man's
somber black eyes. Unlike the eyes of her parents the girl's gaze was
not harsh nor hateful, rather she gave the remorseful man a gentle and
almost caring smile. Quickly he returned the smile before turning to
the girl's parents.
The mature couple kneeled before the grave. The young girl
followed suit with her parents. With his hands crossed behind his back
the man bowed his head in respect.

Time slowed to an almost nonexistent crawl. No one moved, no one
spoke, the cemetery itself seemed to understand that these four souls
needed this silence. All it did though was widen the invisible expanse
between the three adults gathered.
Time regained its normal pace as the father stepped towards the
man bowing his head. Looking up he bowed to the approaching man.
The man glared. "Gaijin." His voice was filled with disgust and
hate that was rarely seen between two sober men.
The tanned man flinched at the man's disrespect. "Senor
Kirishima. I apologize for monopolizing you daughter's time before
your arrival." The man's speech was a strong mix; he spoke in fluent
Japanese but used the Spanish prefixes of respect.
Mr. Kirishima's glare seemed to deepen. "Gaijin. How often must
I tell you? Avoid this place, avoid my daughter, and avoid my family.
I know who you are Gaijin. Your work is known to me."
"Senor Kirishima, please. I loved your daughter more than life
itself. I feel responsible that she died that day. If she hadn't been
my partner I know that she would still be alive today."
You are correct about one thing, Gaijin. You are responsible for
her death." Mr. Kirishima turned away from the man. "If you ever
return to my daughter's side I will have you removed."
The man was thankful for the sunglasses he wore. It prevented
his would be in-laws from seeing the tears gathering in his eyes.
"Understood Senor."

Without another word Mr. Kirishima and his wife began leaving the
way that had arrived. As the pair were nearly out of sight the man
turned back to his lover's grave.
Standing next to the headstone was the young girl. No smile, no
tears, the girl's emotions were nonexistent. Her deep green eyes
stared deeply into the man's obsidian ones.
"I didn't think you'd come this year."
"Mana. I love your sister. I have since I met her."
Mana smiled gently at the assassin. "You know mother and father
blame you for Kiyone's death." JC nodded solemnly. "But I don't."
JC looked up at Mana. The young girl had wrapped her hand around
JC's large gloved hand. A tiny smile began forming at the corners of
his mouth. "I know Mana-san, I know. It's just good to hear you say
it though."
Mana smiled broadly. "Jace. Will you do something for me?"
JC looked confused. "If I can."
Mana's smile grew. "Call me sister?"
JC returned the smile just as wide. "Not a problem, Mana-imoto."
JC released Mana's hand. "Will you give me a few moments alone?"
Mana looked at JC and then to Kiyone's grave. "Of course
oniisan. Do you still want to go to lunch after this?"
JC nodded as he knelt before the grave. "Of course. And this
time I'm paying."
"Alright." Mana turned and began walking towards her parents and
the guards waiting to return her back to the base where the Trident's
had been housed and she'd been trained to pilot them.

JC knelt before the headstone. "Aikoka. Quite a bit has
happened in the past few months since I last came to see you. I
finally went back to Tokyo like I told everyone I'd do. Hai, hai, I
did run into the others.
"Ne. They know my name now; I only had to tell Misato. Ritsuko
has known for years, and Kaji-san found out for himself. I know you
told me I should have told them years ago, but I never needed to. Why
now? Well because I almost lived upto the Judas in my name."
JC paused and took a deep breath. "Things are going to change.
This last job I took has shown me that I nearly broke my promise to
you. I'm putting down the guns and re-evaluating my life. I've made
enough money over the last few years that I can easily go straight."
JC hummed, "I always did want to open a restaurant."
JC smiled as he someone had told him a joke. "I know you loved
my cooking. What do you think? A restaurant that sells French,
Italian, and Japanese cuisine, right in downtown Hokkaido? I think it
could work.
"Plus it would let me brush up on my Japanese, I am a bit rusty."
JC smiled again. "Hai, I am going to lunch with Mana. She really
wants to know more about you and me too a bit. So I figured I'd take
her to that restaurant you liked down on 3rd street."
JC sighed again. "Well Mana-imoto is waiting. I promise I'll be
back tomorrow." JC kissed his gloved fingers and touched the
headstone. After a long moment the assassin stood and turned to the
group of heavily armed thugs and pair of pissed off parents standing
with the young girl he was going to lunch with.

As silent as a mouse in a church JC walked to his new little
sister. Stopping for a second he threw a glance back to the grave he'd
left and smiled gently. Turning around he continued his trek towards
Mana and lunch.


*Chibi Dude Slayer does official author's jig*

TDS: Thanks little dude. Well everyone I know I said this would
be out 2 weeks ago, but I got a bit tied up. Finals were going of for
the past few days, and Thanksgiving, and family, and stuff...well I
just kinda got tied up. But here it is Justice Complete 3. I should
he Justice Complete: Final Justice up soon, I hope.
CDS: Don't count on it people.
TDS: *sighs* Unfortunately the little cretin's right. Don't
count on it being done anytime soon. With Christmas and New Year's
coming up I don't know how long it'll be but I'll have it up soon.
CDS: Until then I guess you can go enjoy the screw-ups poetry on
the site. It's actually pretty good.
TDS: *awestruck* That's it, I'm gonna die. I know it. He's
complementing me. It's the end of the world, I know it is."
CDS: *smashed 4x6 across The Dude Slayer's head* Sorry people
the stress of finals had fried his brain. He should be fine soon,
*looks down at the body* I hope. Well e-mail is appreciated
and stop by the site

CDS: Quick notes. We don't own any of the characters here, Ginax
does. Except for Frank and Billy, those belong to Jimmy Buffett.
Along with the lyrics for "Remittance Man". Well I guess The Dude
Slayer has control over JC and Kiyone.
Yes, JC's real name is Judas. Like the betrayer in the Bible. For a
guy that doesn't like religion TDS sure has a fascination with it.
*shrugs* Oh well. Uh...translations. Yeah.
Imoto: Little sister
Aikoka: Lover(devoted)
Saishi: Family
Oniisan: Older brother
Otosan: Father
Ototo: Younger brother
Okasan: Mother
Tadamia: I'm home!
Ohayo gozaimasu: Good morning.

I believe that's all of them. So until next tim.

Later losers!!