Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Maya's physical ❯ Chapter vier; Night cap ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Maya's physical
A Neon genesis fan fic by Greengo
Disclaimer; I don't own shit
Chapter Vier; Nightcap
“Whoopsy” Said a very drunken Maya as she tripped over the threshold, Ritsuko caught her & took the young lady to her couch before plopping Maya down.
“Make yourself at home, I'll go get you a glass of water” Ritsuko chuckled as she made her way to the kitchen.
Maya watched her Sempai's ass wiggle away & her attention was now focused on the apartment. . . She tried to focus between the blurs
“You've got a nice place here Ritsuko” She laid back on the couch totally relaxed as the alcohol from the restaurant made her body beem a warm glow. . . in particularly one part.
Maya propped herself against the arm of the couch & glided her legs apart slowly, hitching up her skirt slightly, she began gingerly tracing her fingers along her panties.
“Here's your wa-“ Ritsuko paused at the scene of her young lover currently rubbing herself off in her living room, she placed the glass down before she dropped it with what she was about to do.
The short haired girl was lost in her own little world as she rhythmically stroked away at her clitoris, it was soon accompanied by a warm wet feeling lashing at it, Maya opened her eyes to see Ritsuko on her knee's licking away, the bridge bunny let out a gasp.
Ritsuko ran circles around the little love bud making Maya hold onto her lovers head, slowly she put two fingers into Maya's pussy & gently teased it open ever so slightly as the bridge bunnies breathing was getting ragged by this time the good doctor decided to bite slightly at Maya's clit sending jolts of pleasure throughout her body & making her clasp onto the couch for her dear life, as her body shuddered Ritsuko lapped away like a kitty at Maya's pussy.
“Greet all your guests into the house like this?” Maya asked with a wink in between pants
“I dunno. . . Not every guest takes the term `make yourself at home' so literal” Ritsuko retorted as she lifted her head licking her lips
With that Ritsuko took Maya's hand & led her into the bedroom.
“Oof!” Exclaimed Maya as she fell onto the bed, Ritsuko turned away from watching her flumped out lover.
“Well you made things easier for tonight without knowing it Maya dear” Said the blonde as she rummaged in her closet.
“How'd you figure?” Maya enquired as her face was still smothered in bed
“I was thinking on how to get you. . . Lubricated”
“Lubricated. . . Dare I ask what for?”
“Oh you'll find out in due time” Ritsuko spun about to still see her lover face down on the bed, she `Hmph'd'
Maya was still trying to decipher what Ritsuko meant as she was glomped upon.
“KYAAA!!!” Squealed the bridge bunny as her legs were pinned
“Naughty girl, you better not be falling asleep on me” Ritsuko said in a mock harsh tone followed by a smack to the younger girl's backside
“Ouchie, I promise I'm not” Maya said in between squirming trying to get away
“Good” Purred the doctor as she sneaked her hands under Maya's dress snaking it up to revel the bridge bunnies sexy curved ass, thighs & back
Maya shivered as Ritsuko began massaging, not being too shy either as her hands sneaked into certain places a normal masseuse would be sued for, accompanied by a slight grinding against her firm cheeks.
“Mmmm. . . heaven” Maya sighed as Ritsuko worked away with her skilled hands
“Oh just you wait. . . I have something planned, now strip off please”
Maya peeked a look behind before lifting herself up & sliding the dress off, her body quivered in anticipation for when she looked back again she saw her beloved Sempai strip off also, those heaving breasts dance about in there full glory was a sight to cherish indeed.
“Are you ready?” Ritsuko asked with eagerness as she began to open a box she had got from the cupboard.
“As I'll ever be sweetheart” Maya said with a big inhale.
Ritsuko budged Maya up onto the pillows a little & propped her legs up so she was on her knee's whilst she was face first into the pillows, she then brought her weight off Maya's body for a moment.
“What are you planning?” Maya nervously asked with an undertone of excitement.
“Shhhhhh. . . “ Came from Behind Maya as she could feel Ritsuko moving abit on the bed.
“You can look behind if you want to know. . . This is an important decision of sorts” The doctor spoke up as the shuffling had stopped.
Maya took a moment before she picked herself up & looked behind her, what she saw took her by surprise
“A strap on?”
“Yes, seeing as you're a virgin & I love you very much. . . & although I'm not a male I would like to. . . “ Ritsuko tried to say but she never thought in her life that she would be saying such a thing & words weren't easy to come by.
Maya's emotions were all over the place, she didn't know what to do, she felt herself choke up but also saw the comical value of Ritsuko's predicament, she faced the pillows once more & wiggled her cute ass.
“Fuck me softly Sempai” Maya purred as she slipped her arms under the pillows
Ritsuko smiled before positioning herself behind the bridge bunny, gently placing her hands on Maya's hips, she flinched slightly at the touch
“Are you ready?” Ritsuko hesitantly asked, stroking Maya's sides, her only reply was as she reached back between her legs, one hand spread open her pussy whilst the other clasped onto the strap on, Ritsuko paused for a minute before gently prodding the tip of the strap on against Maya's welcoming womanhood.
Maya felt it slowly pushing into herself, spreading her delicate area apart. . . It felt good, but at the same time she couldn't help but notice a twinge of slight discomfort, she could feel it getting thicker the further it went in, she gasped into the pillow before it went back down. . . so far it was just the bell end of the strap on inside her.
Ritsuko moved her knee's up a bit closer till her thighs were pressed against her lovers & with that she proceeded to go in a little further. . . She remembered from her first time that this should be done slowly in order to enjoy it with the least amount of discomfort of a new experience.
Maya was getting used to the twinge as she felt nothing but warmth building up in her pussy, suddenly she felt an obstruction blocking the strap on in it's journey.
“You will now feel a popping sensation followed by some more discomfort. . . it will pass quickly” Ritsuko spoke up followed by her pushing it forward once more.
As told, Maya felt a pop inside her as it penetrated her virginity it continued easing it's way in she could feel a warm pain as newly touched parts of her were being spread apart by the thick piece of plastic, she moaned through her teeth, feeling Ritsuko stop to let the discomfort subside.
Ritsuko stroked Maya's hair as she could tell she was ready for more, moving her hips back she slowly began to remove the strap on, the feeling of relief was somewhat pleasant but she knew that it wasn't over.
The dildo made it's way back into her welcoming cunt, Maya gasped as she felt herself fill once more but this time far more pleasurable as the burning was now filled with a different kind of burning deep inside her loins.
Ritsuko's penetrations into her assistant became more & more frequent as she could tell she was getting used to the feeling of her inner sanctum being violated by her good self, the doctor never felt so happy that she was fucking the one she loved.
“F-Faster Sempai!” Maya requested in between frantic pants as she could feel herself approaching her climax.
Akagi told a firm hold of Maya's hips & rocked in & out, slightly spanking Maya's cute behind as she fully penetrated her lover who seemed to love it a little more than last time judging by the quiet yelps.
Ritsuko suddenly found herself unable to pull the strap on out for it became apparent the lil minx was climaxing & griping the dildo like a clamp, Ritsuko slide a finger in between to feel Maya's tight pussy convulsing around it, the short haired girl arched her back at this point.
With a large sigh Maya flopped down onto the bed having just cum her brains out with her cherry freshly popped, Ritsuko gently slide out before taking off the strap on & lying beside her.
Running her fingers through her lovers hair, hearing her gentle breath & glistening skin against skin, Ritsuko realized how much she was sweating from all the thrusting, she gave Maya a small kiss to the neck before going into the shower.
She let out a sigh of relief as the warm water made contact with her shapely frame before lathering herself up with soap, she was still very sensitive to touch as she found out when she brushed gently against her erect nipples, maybe after she was done & Maya woke up she could get the assistant to go down on her again.
Her thoughts were suddenly haulted as she felt an imbrace from behind.
“I thought you were sound asleep?” Ritsuko asked as she could see the young smiling girl in the corner of her eye
“I was until I heard the shower being turned on” she chuckled followed by a tighter hug before drooping her arms down onto her Sempai's breasts.
“You decided you need a shower too?”
“Nope, I have other… naughty plans”
“Such as?” Ritsuko asked with a raised eyebrow & hint of uncertainty in her voice.
“Well I just had all the fun there didn't i? it wouldn't be very fair if I didn't give something back. . . something big” As she said that, it was apparent that she was now wearing the strap on as it poked between Ritsuko's thighs.
Ritsuko blushed as she was nudged against the shower wall & legs slide apart until she was completely at the mercy of her lovers whims.
“Now too see if I cant break one of your virginities. . . “ Maya whispered biting Ritsuko's ear & aiming the dildo to the road less traveled.
Ritsuko took a deep breath as she could do nothing, or really want to, but allow the foreign object probe away at her ring.
“Are you ready? & don't worry. . . It's lubed up with my cum remember” Maya purred
Ritsuko slid her hands down & slowly parted her cheeks giving better access to parts unknown, Maya began to press forward.
The doctor clenched her hands on her ass as she felt the strap on gradually slid open her anus, letting out a gasp as the tip was getting bigger in her ass.
Maya caressed her Sempai's sides sending a shiver temporarily distracting the sensation of her ass cheeks being spread until she clasped unto Ritsuko's hips & penetrated her further.
Moaning loudly & bucking her hips, Ritsuko tried to relax her body as her sphincter proceeded to spread to accommodate for the dildo's assault, she let out a groan as she felt Maya's hips finally press against her posterior
“How does it feel to have your ass filled sempai?” Maya quietly asked whilst kissing Ritsuko's neck, for once Ritsuko was lost for words as she tried to relax herself to make this odd experience pleasurable rather than a mix.
As the doctor took deep cut breathes, Maya ran her hand through the short dyed blonde hair chuckling before pulling the strap on out of depths unknown.
The vacuum sensation that this created in Ritsuko's anal passage was something else, she could feel new sensations she thought a woman her age would ever feel again, she groaned from way back in her throat as just the head was left spreading her ring once more. . . It was safe to say judging by the wetness between her legs she was very much into it.
Maya plunged the rubber cock quickly into her lovers ass once more causing a yelp from the older woman. . . the tables had indeed turned as far as experiences & tollerence went
Getting into a rhythmically anal pounding, Ritsuko felt the wetness building as when she was being bunted against the shower wall her erect nipples were rubbing between the tile grooves, she feel that she could melt into the wall with pleasure as everything else seemed to blur out.
Before both of them knew it, especially Ritsuko herself, her body began to violently tremble as a newly found method of orgasm shook through her body, she wasn't sure if she was shouting out Maya's name or not as she began sliding down to her knee's.
“Sempai!” Maya gasped as she quickly grabbed onto her lover who was sounding like she just went for a mile jog.
“I'm fine Maya dear. . . You just fucked me silly that's all” She spoke with an exhausted smile.
After Maya dried both of them off from the shower she lay Ritsuko down on her bed before spooning with her throwing the covers over both of them, the doctor sleepily reached back & stroked Maya's soft skin.
“Maya, your quite something else”
“Why thank you” Maya said with a giggle.
“Not soon after I take your virginity you show an old girl like me there are still new ways of fucking people senseless”
“Oh c'mon Ritsu. . . You're hardly old”
“Yeah? Then why do I feel so damn tired after a few rounds of sex?”
“Oh I'm sure you can get a second wind if you tried” The short haired girl said licking Ritsuko's neck.
Ritsuko paused & took a deep breath before turning about facing the younger girl with a naughty smile, Maya beamed back in joy.
There lips slowly connected softly at first until Ritsuko slipped her tongue into the younger girls mouth, there hands gently caressed each others naked bodies under the soft sheets as there tongue wrestled exchanging saliva back & forth, eventually Ritsuko broke off the kiss before pushing over her pupil & gently straddling Maya, they looked longing into each other eyes before Ritsuko spun about & faced the other way towards her goal.
Unlike last time Maya was gently being presented with her Sempai's glorious succulent cunt whilst also feeling the good doctor gently parting her womanhood ready for action, Maya blushed before getting to work, tentatively licking up & down Ritsuko's feminine lips.
Ritsuko began feverously lapping away leaving no place in Maya's sweet pussy un-violated, the moaning, in turn made the sensation of Maya licking away more pleasurable for Ritsuko.
Maya poked her tongue in deeply before resuming running circles around her Sempai's cunt causing her to groan from the little tease, she got her own back by running her teeth along Maya's clitoris ever so slightly, Maya gave in as she wrapped her lips around Ritsuko's clit & sucked hard, the doctor moaned a deep growl into Ibuki's cunt.
Ritsuko danced two of her fingers up & down Maya's lips lubricating them thoroughly before sliding them into Maya, this put the younger girl off as she exhaled onto Ritsuko's clit causing an odd feeling, she soon followed suite by delving her fingers into her lovers dripping pussy.
The two girls were lost in the own little world as there fingering became in synch, all that was there was the pleasure & the pleasuring of each other, there could be an angel attack & not one of them would notice. . . Just a building up.
As Ritsuko licked & fingered Maya as good as she was getting, she could feel the short haired girl getting ready for yet another orgasm, she decided to delay this slightly for she was still on the verge of getting there by plunging her middle finger into the bridge bunnies tiny asshole, as Maya yelped Ritsuko could feel her build up derail slightly so she could catch up.
Both lapped away feverishly like it was there first meal in months, the succulent taste of each others moist cunt sent them wild until both knew what was approaching, as both tongues found it harder to explore each other they slowed down as the inevitable orgasm shook through both there shapely frames, both held onto each other moaning deeply only enhance the already sexplodular feeling.
A few moments passed as they both caught there breath & Ritsuko climbed back up to greet her dear Maya, they embraced each other in a hug, that was weak in physical but strong in emotional as they gazed into each others eyes.
“I love you Sempai”
“I love you too. . . “
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~The end~
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Getting into a rhythmically anal pounding, Ritsuko felt the wetness building as when she was being bunted against the shower wall her erect nipples were rubbing between the tile grooves, she feel that she could melt into the wall with pleasure as everything else seemed to blur out.
Before both of them knew it, especially Ritsuko herself, her body began to violently tremble as a newly found method of orgasm shook through her body, she wasn't sure if she was shouting out Maya's name or not as she began sliding down to her knee's.
Unfortunately the younger girl could not bare the sudden weight of her sempai coming down & Ritsuko came plummeting to the shower floor.
“AHHHH, my ass!” Ritsuko came shuddering back to earth as she thumped down
“Oh shit sempai I'm so sorry!” Maya kneeled down to help Ritsuko up.
“It's ok Maya dear. . . You just fucked me silly that's all”
“Well theres another problem. . . “
“The strap-on broke”
“No problem I'll buy a new one”
“Again not the problem”
“. . . You don't mean it's still. . . ?”
“. . . Yes”
Ritsuko looked down at her abdomen before looking back up.
“& I thought that only happened to experimental guys”
Well tis finally the end to that… well kinda, soon I may be doing an addition to this… but I felt that if I did proceed I best write it separate for it would severally compromise what I have managed to scrape together thus far… until then… c'ya perverts ^^