Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Mixer Party ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mixer Party
Disclaimer: The guy and studio behind these characters are the same as the ones behind Gunbuster, and that isn't me.
By: AZ Mark II
“Did you hear, man?” whispered Kensuke to Touji as the two moved out of the shower room and toward their lockers. They had finished a hot, miserable day on the track, and were getting ready for their last few classes of the day. Shinji was still in the shower, having been one of the last to leave the field. The girls had been in the pool for their class; it was getting to the point where the boys were grumbling about the frequency with which the girls got pool days in the oven-like post Second Impact weather. It was the third time that week that the girls had had pool time.
“Hear what?” asked Touji, stepping into his track pants.
“Rumor has it that there is a party this weekend at Katsuragi's place!” he whispered urgently, peeking around as if every boy in the class was eavesdropping on their conversation. “Seems someone got a medal,” he added, pulling out a fresh pair of briefs.
“Someone?” wondered Touji. “Did NERV finally notice Shin-man's ass-kicking and give him a medal?” he wondered. Kensuke motioned for his large friend to keep it down.
“I don't know, really,” he admitted. “I only heard Satan's Daughter mention it to Horaki in the girls' bathroom,” he giggled. Touji blinked.
“You found a way to bug the girls' bathroom?” he repeated. It had been one of their many long-term projects to find a way to get saleable footage, but had never worked out. Kensuke gave his bud a superior look.
“Well, of course I did,” he said arrogantly. “This is me, after all!” boasted the young man. Touji grunted.
“Which is why I'm so surprised,” he replied. “Question is, how we gonna get invited? Red's not going to do it, you know, and Horaki is probably under death threat to not invite us,” he reminded his friend. Kensuke sighed.
“I'm working on that,” he said sullenly. “Whatever we do, it has to be done now - before Demon Girl gets done locking us out,” he noted. Just then, Shinji emerged from the shower block, stopping at his locker a few past Touji's. The tall jock had a sudden burst of inspiration.
“Hey, Shin-man,” he said, grinning at his Pilot friend, “how about we hang out some this weekend?” he suggested. “Me and `Suke barely see you anymore, what with the tests and all at NERV,” he shored up the bait. Shinji blinked.
“Um, ok,” he said. “I'll see if there are any test scheduled for this weekend and let you know,” he said. Touji clapped his hand over Kensuke's mouth, before the bespectacled boy could say anything.
“Great, Shin,” approved Touji, dragging his shorter with him as he moved out of the locker room. “We better get to class,” he explained, “don't want another detention,” he chuckled. Shinji nodded, stepping into his khaki pants.
“Be right there,” he said distractedly. Once they were out of earshot, Kensuke wrenched Touji's hand off his mouth.
“Why didn't you pin down the day?!” demanded the otaku. Touji grinned.
“Cause this way, Devil will do it herself,” he said. Seeing the blank look, Touji wagged his finger in front of Kensuke's face. “Think about it, `Suke,” he explained, “does Red ever let Shinji out of her sight on the weekends? And if there is a party, she won't let him leave the house, right?” he went on. “So, he won't have a choice but to invite us over, since we got to Shin first, right?” he finished. Kensuke considered that.
“Well, um, maybe,” he admitted reluctantly. “Seems a risky plan,” he complained. Damn! How did Touji come up with something like that? he wondered. Mental exercises were not what the jock was known for, after all. Touji chuckled.
“I got moves you never seen, Kensuke,” he bragged.
“What?!” screamed Asuka, causing Shinji to flinch slightly. She, Shinji and Misato were at the supper table, discussing the weekend activities. Shinji had just been informed of the party, and he had tried to beg off, claiming that he had prior plans with Touji and Kensuke. “No way are the Stooges coming!” snarled Asuka. Misato sipped her beer.
“You invited Hikari, didn't you?” she asked Asuka. Asuka rolled her eyes.
“Of course I did!” she stated, as if that were the dumbest question she had ever heard.
“Well, I think it only fair that Shinji gets to invite his friends, as well,” said Misato. “Besides, I know that Hikari and those two have been friends since grade school,” added the Major. “I'm inviting some people from work, as well,” she mentioned. Asuka considered that.
“Kaji?” she asked eagerly. Misato's eyes narrowed.
“I might,” she said tightly, “if you agree that Shinji can have Suzahara and Aida over. That would give both you and Shinji two guests each,” she baited. Asuka huffed.
“Fine!” she said. Misato winked at Shinji as Asuka leaned back to stare at the ceiling. Shinji managed a small smile in return. “Who else is coming from NERV?” asked Asuka, still staring at the ceiling, obviously plotting.
“Well, I invited the bridge crew, Akagi and Ayanami,” said Misato. “It's not like you and Shinji are doing it without any help, you know,” she headed off a complaint from the red head. Asuka grunted.
“I have no trouble with the bridge crew, but why did you have to invite Doc Frankenstein?” she complained. Misato drained her beer.
“Because she's my friend,” said Misato, standing, “and besides, she has an Angel kill under her belt, too, you know,” she reminded Asuka. The girl snorted indelicately.
“Compared to my score, she's a rookie!” boasted Asuka, leaning forward as Misato made her way out of the kitchen and into the living room.
“And compared to Shinji, you are lagging behind,” taunted Misato in turn. Asuka turned crimson. Misato headed off an explosion. “Shinji? Would you mind taking care of the food for the party?” she asked sweetly.
“Um, sure, Misato,” he said, trying to avoid physical violence from his hot-headed roommate. Glaring at him, Asuka shoved her chair back and stomped off to the bathroom, muttering in German. Sighing quietly, Shinji got up, pushed in his chair, Misato's chair and Asuka's chair before grabbing the small notepad and pencil and beginning to jot down notes about what he needed to get for the party.
“Shinji?” came Misato's voice. He turned to see her watching him, having twisted around so she was sitting sideways on the couch. She smiled at him. “Try and enjoy this party more than the last one, ok?” she asked.
“I'll try, Misato,” he promised her. Misato hummed, smiling a little more.
“I'll stay close to you to protect you. Deal?” she proposed. Shinji found himself chuckling a little at that promise.
“I'll hold you to that, Misato,” he said. Giggling, Misato turned back around to watch TV as Shinji made a few more notes. “Oh, Misato, I'm going to need some money for the groceries,” he reminded her. Misato waved her arm toward her room.
“Top drawer of my desk, Shin,” she said. “Take what you think you need,” she said negligently. Shinji tore off the grocery list and moved to Misato's room for the money. Entering her room, he paused, recalling how it had looked the first time he had seen it.
Since that time, he had worked out a deal with Misato. He cleaned her room once a week and she promised not to even attempt to cook. In fact, she was all but banned from the kitchen. It had been insanely easy to sell this to Misato, of course. It left her with even less to do, chore-wise, and that was a good thing as far as the curvy Major was concerned.
So now, Shinji was faced with only minor chaos. Picking his way across the room, he made a note to collect Misato's lingerie before the party so she would have something clean to wear, as well as doing a load of laundry and taking her other clothes by the dry cleaners. Reaching her desk, he opened the top drawer, seeing her USP, some spare magazines, a wad of folded money, and a string of condoms. Pausing, he slowly picked up the money, counting off bills as he guessed what the total would be. Putting the remainder back, he once more looked at the condoms before closing the drawer.
Exiting Misato's room, he entered his own room, tucking the money and grocery list into his book bag so Asuka wouldn't steal it before he could get the supplies. Pulling out his homework, he glanced at the clock, judging that he could get most of the homework done before Asuka inevitably came by to take the completed homework to her room to copy the answers. He didn't really mind, as she would actually take the time to correct any errors in the math parts, as well as any mistakes or oversights in the English sections. Her and kanji seem to have an antagonistic relationship to this day, he thought, beginning the homework.
He wasn't sure how much later it was when his door was thrown open, Asuka marched in, and picked up his completed homework. “You need to do laundry, Baka,” she said as she exited his room, her eyes on the completed homework in her hands. “Oh, and be sure to clean the bathroom before the party!” she added, her door closing.
“Yes, Asuka,” he muttered softly, closing his eyes as he stretched his arms. He gasped when a pair of warm arms gently encircled his chest from behind. The scent of lavender and the warm, large mass against his back told him it was Misato. The Major had slipped into his room unnoticed and now had him firmly trapped in her arms.
“You take care of the food, Shin,” said the major softly, her cheek against the side of his head. “I'll see to it that Asuka does the bathroom,” she promised. Shinji nodded. “Well, I'm off to bed, Shin,” she purred, rubbing his back with her large assets. “Care to join me?” she husked hotly in his ear.
“I…uh…n…not right now,” he stammered, feeling his dick snap to attention. Misato giggled softly with evil pleasure.
“You know where to find me, Shinji,” she said, slowly releasing him. Padding out the door to his room, she looked back over her shoulder, seeing his beet-red face. She also noticed the tent in his shorts. Covering her mouth, she silenced the laughter that wanted to force its way out. He's so sweet, she thought, entering her room, I almost wish he would have said `yes', she thought, kicking dirty clothes aside as she made her way to her futon. Hmm, speaking of that, recalled the woman, detouring to look in the top drawer of her desk. Seeing the condoms undisturbed, she sighed. “Maybe next time,” she tried to convince herself as she tugged off her small shirt, leaving her topless. Next to go was her tiny, ragged, worn shorts, leaving her naked. Flopping down on her futon, she drifted off to sleep, her Shinji very much on her mind.
“So, that's what happened,” Shinji finished his explanation to Touji and Kensuke. “Sorry,” he added reflexively. Touji and Kensuke were grinning like a pair of idiots.
“No problem!” blurted out Kensuke, followed by a titter of laughter.
“Yeah, I think we can handle it,” agreed Touji, snickering as quietly as possible. Shinji sighed in relief.
“Well, the party starts at eight tomorrow night, so…” Shinji began. Touji cut him off.
“Not to worry, Shin-man,” he said confidently, “we'll be on time; right, Kensuke?” he said knowingly to his otaku friend. The smaller boy's head bobbed up and down excitedly.
“Ok, then,” said Shinji. “I have to get some stuff for the party, so I'll catch up to you two tomorrow evening,” he said, grabbing his book bag. Touji and Kensuke glanced at each other.
“That's cool, Shin,” said Touji. “We got some stuff to get, too,” he added, nudging Kensuke with his elbow. The two hurried out of the classroom. Shinji moved after them at a slower pace. Looking around, he didn't see Asuka. Mentally shrugging, he moved toward the school gates, already planning where to get the groceries on his list.
“Shinji!” came a voice from behind him. Turning, he saw Hikari Horaki jogging after him. “Hold on a minute!” called the girl. Shinji stopped and waited, and a moment later, the girl stopped beside him. “Asuka said you were in charge of getting the stuff for the party, so I thought I would give you hand,” she said, smiling at him. “Asuka isn't likely to help out, so I thought I would volunteer,” she answered his unasked question.
“Well, if you want to,” he said, slightly uncertain why the girl would volunteer. “Where is Asuka, anyway?” he wondered. Hikari glanced away from him.
“She's on her cell phone with that Kaji guy,” said the class rep. “I think she is trying to talk him into taking her out shopping this evening. Something about her needing stuff for the party,” shrugged the brown-haired girl. “Touji and Kensuke?” she asked, shifting the focus of the conversation.
“They said that they had to get some stuff for the party, too,” shrugged Shinji. Probably some lingerie for Misato, he thought cynically. Hikari hummed.
“Well, looks like we're all doing more or less the same thing,” she offered cheerfully. Shinji considered than, smiling a little.
“Guess so,” he agreed, glancing at the girl beside him. Hikari wore a different expression than she did at school, he realized. She's…pretty, he thought, surprised at that discovery. I wonder why I didn't notice before? he ask himself. He was shaken from his thoughts by her voice.
“So, what is on the list, Shinji?” asked the girl. Fumbling slightly, Shinji pulled out the hand-written list, as well as the wad of money. Hikari - much like Asuka, he noticed - plucked the list from his hand along with the money. Swiftly counting the money, Hikari began to review the shopping list. After nearly a minute, she nodded to herself. “Doable,” she said firmly. “Let's take the Inner Loop Express line, Shinji,” she directed, the two moving through the rail station.
“Sure,” Shinji agreed, falling into his `Asuka Mode' by habit. If Hikari wanted to lead, he would follow - just like with Asuka. And also like when he was with Asuka, he found himself smiling as he followed Hikari's lead. It's kind of nice, actually, he thought to himself, standing beside the dark-haired girl as they rode toward their first stop.
“So, any of you coming to the party?” asked Misato of the three prime bridge crew members. She was about to go off shift, the party would be that evening, so it would be good to have a general idea of how many would be there.
As usual, Hyuga was the first to speak up. “Um, I am planning on being there, Major,” he said, nervously pushing his glasses up. “And didn't you say you were coming, Maya?” he asked the slim young woman to his right. The somewhat shy woman nodded slightly.
“Yes,” she said, not looking at Misato or Hyuga, “I am planning on being there,” said the bridge operator. “Aoba?” she asked the long-haired musician on Hyuga's left.
“Sorry,” he shrugged, “got a gig tonight,” he said, grinning to himself. “Rain check,” he shrugged, glancing at Misato. She nodded.
“It isn't an order, Aoba,” she assured him. “Anyone hear if Ritsu is attending?” she thought to ask. “Or Ayanami?” she recalled.
“Sempai said that she had a prior engagement,” offered up Maya. “I haven't seen Ayanami since the last synch test,” said the short-haired woman. Misato nodded.
“I see,” she said. Not like I expected anything different from those two, she thought sourly.
“I'll be there, Misa-chan,” came a smooth, confident voice from behind her; along with a hand on her ass. Misato grimaced.
“Get your hand off my ass, Kaji,” she spat, “before I shoot you!” she warned. Kaji wisely withdrew his hand, though he kept the smile and smarmy attitude.
“I'm hurt,” he said mournfully. “You did invite me, after all, Misa-chan,” he reminded her. Misato glared at him.
“I didn't have a lot of choice,” she said sourly. “I'm sure that Asuka will be thrilled,” she added spitefully.
“Misa-chan,” began Kaji in his best ingratiating voice, “you know that I am planning on attending to see you,” he assured her.
“Aren't I the lucky one?” she asked herself sarcastically.
“I think we should attend as a couple,” suggested Kaji, easing closer to the fuming Major, “to watch each other's backs,” he explained, his arm easing around her waist. Misato slapped his arm away, stepping past him as she did so.
“I have a date, Kaji,” she said hatefully. “And unlike some, I also have work to do,” she grumbled, moving off the bridge to tend to a few last-minute details. Kaji sighed as the angry woman exited the bridge. As his eyes fell to Maya, he smiled a dazzling smile.
“Well, Maya-chan, how about it?” he pressed his attack on the younger woman. Maya's expression was one of a mouse trapped by a snake.
“I…well, that is…” she stammered. Kaji stepped over to her station, laying a hand on her shoulder.
“So, I'll pick you up at your place at about six?” he asked smoothly. Just then, the bridge line at Maya's station rang. She snatched it up, listened, then handed the phone to Kaji.
“For you,” she said, sounding relieved. Kaji barely got the phone to his ear before heard Misato's dark voice.
“You're pathetic, Kaji,” she said venomously. “Keep your slimy hands off Maya, you bastard,” she warned him.
“Misa-chan…” he began, only to hear the familiar sound of the slide cycling on a handgun.
“Hands off the Lieutenant, lover boy,” came Misato's hard voice. “And it is `Major'!” The line went dead. Kaji sighed, handing the phone back to Maya, whose relief could be clearly felt.
“My apologies, Lieutenant Ibuki,” he said regretfully, “but I am afraid a matter has come up that requires my attention,” he said, moving toward the door to the bridge. As it closed, Maya let out a relieved breath, slumping a little. Glancing at Hyuga, she found him giving her a sympathetic look. Maya knew about his crush on Misato, so she offered him a small smile in return.
“Your shift is over, Maya-chan,” said Hyuga. “I'll wrap up the shift details for you; go on and get out of here before Romeo makes another run at you,” he said wryly. Maya bowed her head for an instant.
“Thanks, Hyuga,” she said softly, gathering her things before standing and making her retreat. On Hyuga's other side, Aoba leaned back in his chair.
“You are just asking for trouble, man,” he noted. “Romeo is going to be after her all during the party, you know,” he reminded his fellow bridge operator. Hyuga sighed.
“Probably,” he agreed, “but I am hoping that Sohryu will be after him like he is after the Major,” he admitted. Aoba considered the suggested scenario, nodding.
“Shit, it might work,” he said lightly after a moment of consideration. “Good luck, man,” he offered. Hyuga grunted.
“I'll take all I can get,” he muttered.
Kensuke was giggling like a little bitch as he checked his main camera and his back up camera one more time. Battery is fully charged, spare is fully charged, memory is loaded and formatted, spare memory is formatted, shooting mode is set, backup is loaded, spare battery for the back up is charged, spare media card is ready, he ticked off the checklist items. “I think I'm ready,” he said, carefully storing his cameras and gear in the pockets of his photographer's vest. “Only one more thing to grab,” he tittered, fishing around in his desk before pulling out a small, dark-finished flask. Tucking it into his back pants pocket, he glanced at his clock, seeing it was time to meet up with Touji.
“This should be a great party,” he giggled, running down the stairs. When he reached the street, he slowed to a walk, panting. Maybe I should exercise more, he thought absently as he made his way to the station to meet up with Touji.
Touji ran the comb through his hair one more time before tossing it negligently back onto his dresser. He was in jeans and a tee shirt for a change, and after a final check to make sure that he wasn't walking around with his dick hanging out, or his shirt partially un-tucked, he moved toward the front door of his house. “Oh!” he recalled, detouring into the kitchen. “Gotta remember to take that,” he mumbled, withdrawing a thin, short bottle from the back of the top-most cupboard.
With the small bottle in his pocket, he moved out of his house, dialing the hospital on his cell phone as he walked toward the station to meet up with Kensuke. After checking with the nurse on duty about his sister's condition, he ended the call. I need to ask Shin-man to come with me some time, he recalled. His sister hadn't let the topic die, constantly asking him to bring Shinji to meet her. Shaking those thoughts aside, he boarded the train, his mind turning to the upcoming party.
“Have fun, sis!” Kodama's voice came to Hikari as she descended the stairs in her house, “and don't do anything I wouldn't do!” added her older sister. Hikari felt her cheeks color.
“Kodama!” she protested. Her older sister just laughed.
“If you are going to spend the night, call and I will take care of Nozumi,” Kodama continued her merciless teasing. Hikari blushed deeper.
“It's not like that!” she protested.
“Sure, sure!” mocked Kodama. “Whatever you say,” she dismissed the protest. “Aren't you going to be late?” she asked innocently.
“Eep!” gasped Hikari, glancing at her watch. “I'm out of here!” she called to her sister.
“Ok,” called back Kodama, “see you tomorrow,” she added casually. “Oh, and I put a little something in your purse; just in case,” said the oldest of the sisters. Stopping at the front door, Hikari frowned as she looked in her purse. Seeing what was on top, her eyes bulged. “I put in a few extra; so you don't run out,” said Kodama.
“Run out?!” screamed Hikari, pulling up the strip of condoms. “I wouldn't survive if I used even half of these!” she protested, throwing the meter-long string at her cackling sister. “I'm leaving now!” huffed Hikari, slamming the front door behind her. It didn't do much good; she could still hear Kodama laughing her ass off in the living room.
Ritsuko Akagi stubbed out her cigarette as she picked up her glass, sipping the last of her bourbon. Glancing at the clock, she frowned. He's late, she thought. The head of Project E was in her apartment, waiting for her lover to come over. She had taken some care in preparing herself and her apartment for the visit of Gendo, but so far, he was a half-hour late. He's never late, worried Ritsuko, pouring herself another dose of liquor.
The fake blonde was wearing a filmy blue and red negligee which didn't so much conceal as accent her otherwise naked body. She had carefully styled her hair, and on a whim, shaved herself bare down below before taking the time to work skin cream into her legs and freshly-shaven pussy. Smooth and soft and perfect as a baby's behind, she thought, taking a drink from her fresh glass of booze. I wonder how… her thoughts were interrupted by her cell phone chirping.
Swiftly getting up off the couch, she dashed to her bedroom, grabbing her phone. “Akagi,” she said crisply.
“I am dining with Rei,” came the cold voice of Gendo Ikari. “I will re-schedule my visit,” he added before the line went dead. Akagi blinked in disbelief. Just like that…?!
“What am I supposed to do with my evening now?” she asked herself out loud. He just up and cancels so he can eat with his precious doll?! seethed the woman, her rage spreading through her like fire in a rocket fuel factory. How dare he! Ritsu was panting in anger, shame and humiliation, her fist clenching on her cell phone until it began to creak and crack.
Her face darkened with anger, Ritsu tore the flimsy garment from her body, grabbing the first clothes at hand, which was a mini skirt and a silk blouse, and quickly stepping into them. If he is going to play with his toy, then I guess I will play with toys, too! she thought darkly, stomping out of the bedroom. Pausing at the dining room table, she downed the half-glass of bourbon in a single gulp before tossing the heavy glass aside. Moving into her kitchen, she grabbed a fresh bottle of her favorite stout booze. Putting it in a strong paper bag, she paused, a hard smile curving her lips.
Grabbing her half-empty bottle of bourbon, she opened her refrigerator, finding what she was looking for. Let's see, she thought coldly, if the cellular saturation point is point five ppm, then the mean dosage per kilo of mass would be…
Maya had never been much of one for parties, but she had been invited, and her efforts had contributed, so she thought she should at least put in an appearance. Sighing, she held up the dress once more, studying her reflection. It looks like a high school prom dress, she thought once more, setting the dress back down. Frowning, she realized that it had been almost that long since she bought a new dress. Give the time she spent at work, it stood to reason that she had had little occasion or cause to buy clothes since she signed on with NERV.
“Maybe I can wear my uniform…” she muttered out loud. Almost before she said it, she knew that she wouldn't. It would give the wrong impression, if nothing else, she knew. I don't want the pilots to think I am there because it was an order, she thought, picturing Shinji in her mind's eye. No, it has to be casual, she decided firmly, looking at the other two options on her bed. “So, how causal?” she asked herself.
On her bed was a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, but next to those was a skirt/blouse combo that she had forgotten she had. The skirt was of rough-finish silk, and was crafted so it had three hems, the light, cool raw silk stitched so the skirt looked like it had modest ruffles, though it lay nearly as flat as a single-layer cotton skirt. The grey skirt was complimented by a silk blouse in royal blue. The blouse was sleeveless, and the buttons gave the suggestion of a fitted garment, though the actual blouse was not tailored. Maya considered the choice.
Blue jeans and tee shirt are comfortable, but maybe they would be too casual, she considered. Another thing occurred to her. Picking up the blue jeans, she stepped into them, pulling them up her legs. As she got to her hips, she began to wiggle to get the jeans on. When they were finally in place, she sucked in her stomach as hard as she could, and was just barely able to fasten the jeans. Releasing her breath, she sat on her bed. Sighing, she stood after about a minute, and began to peel the jeans off.
Maya hadn't gotten fat, and her stomach was still trim and lean, thanks to long hours of work with little food, and a dedicated - if light - workout schedule in the NERV gym in the Geofront. Looking at the jeans, Maya tried to recall when she had bought the jeans. Was it high school? she wondered. I had to save for two months for them, and I had to wait for another week for the store to get my size…oh, god! I have had these since junior high! “Is it good or bad that I can still squeeze into them?” she asked herself out loud, folding the jeans and tossing then back on her bed. “Narrows the choice, I guess,” she said.
She had picked up the skirt before she caught a glimpse of herself in her mirror. Frowning, she put the skirt back down and turned to her panty drawer. Conservative white cotton is well and good, but doesn't go with the outfit, she thought, rummaging through her underwear. I really need to get a better selection of panties, she made an absent observation. Most of what she had were modest, unassuming `work panties'. Bet Misato and Sempai don't have more than a few pairs like mine, she thought, finally finding a pair she felt matched the skirt and blouse.
“Never tried these on,” she said to herself, tugging her plain white cotton panties off and tossing them into her hamper before unfolding the new pair. Lace and satin comprised the main body of the panties, with a small stretch of elastic at each hip. The cut of the panties created a dip at the front, while the waistband followed the curve of her hips, the back being less than half as wide as her normal panties, though not a thong by any stretch of the imagination. Stepping into the panties, she pulled them up and settled them finding that while they were comfortable, they felt strange on her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she found traces of a blush creeping across her cheeks.
The V in the front of the panties was deep enough that she could just see the top of her trimmed patch of pubic hair, while the narrow front and back left the crease where her thighs joined her hips completely uncovered. Twisting a little, she realized that the satin and lace was thinner than she had thought, allowing for brief views of the contours of her sex though the black material. I look…pretty sexy, she thought, surprised. After all, she had never really considered herself in that light before. Looking at her bra, she frowned.
“Can't be mismatched,” she muttered, unclipping the simple white bra and tossing it into the hamper. Back into her underwear drawer she went, frowning when she didn't find a suitable match for the panties. “Guess it can't be helped,” she sighed, taking the only dark bra she owned and shrugging into it. Once she had fastened the clip between her breasts, she picked up the skirt and stepped into it, settling it before zipping it up. Looking at herself in the mirror, she discovered that it was shorter than she recalled, but looked good.
Not like it is even close to how short Misato wears hers, she told herself. She recalled it as being a hand-span above her knee, but now, it clung to mid-thigh, only a little longer than a mini-skirt. Twisting her hips back and forth, she nodded in satisfaction. This will do, she approved the choice. Pulling on her blouse, she discovered a problem with her choice of bras. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, she scowled at the clearly-visible outline of the bra straps and chest band. “I should wear a strapless bra,” she nodded, swiftly ditching the only dark-color one for her only strapless tit-hammock. Once it was on, she re-donned the shirt, only to find another problem.
The material is fine, so the white shines through, she scowled. After a minute, she thoughtfully turned so she was profile in the reflection. I could…couldn't I? she dared to think. “It isn't like mine sag or anything, and I'm dark enough that I don't shine through, so…” Slowly, she took off the blouse once more, removed her bra, and put the blouse back on. Five minutes later, she was smiling at her reflection. Sometimes, I guess it is good to have less than Misato does, she thought happily. Her watch chirped. Blinking, she hurriedly rummaged for some comfortable flats before dashing out the door, purse in hand. “Damn, I'm behind!” she muttered, locking her apartment door and hurrying to her car. Unnoticed behind her, several of the men she passed gaped at her, not recognizing the sexy young woman for the shy young officer in the apartment complex.
Shinji was a busy man. He had been going non-stop since mid morning, preparing for the party. There was laundry to do, cleaning to be done, furniture to be moved, Asuka to be obeyed, dishes to be prepared before hand, and a hundred other things to do. Now, he was in the home stretch. Asuka was scrubbing the bathroom, complaining non-stop in German as she worked, thanks to Misato's stern orders and the threat of being banned from piloting her Eva. Shinji had the food staged and organized so he could have it done and ready on time, and he was right now folding clean clothes in the living room. One set was for Misato, the other for Asuka.
“Done!” snapped Asuka, huffing as she exited the bathroom. “I'm taking a bath, Baka, so no peeking!” she warned him, stepping into her room, and emerging moments later wrapped in her towel, basket in hand. “And stop fondling my panties, hentai!” she added, slamming the bathroom door shut.
“Fine,” he sighed, never breaking his rhythm. As he finished the last of the clothes, he quickly staked Misato's clothes so he could carry them in one trip, and made his way to Misato's room. “Misato?” he asked, “I have your clothes,” he said.
“Door's unlocked,” came her care-free voice. Shinji used his toe to slide her door open. He found his guardian sitting at her desk in her house clothes, typing on her laptop. “Thanks, Shinji,” she purred. “Just drop them over there,” she said, tossing her head toward her unmade futon. Shinji sighed.
“That's not where they go, Misato,” he said quietly. Misato shrugged. Shinji shook his head. “How about if I put them up for you?” he asked, knowing that was where this was headed. Misato turned to beam a smile at him.
“Oh, would you, Shin?” she bubbled. Shinji found himself smiling a little as he began to neatly put her clean clothes in her drawers. It was an improvement, he realized, from when he had first gotten here. He still felt a tingle of terror in his spine as he recalled her asking him if he saw any clean panties in the apartment. “Where's Asuka?” wondered Misato, her fingers still tapping keys.
“Bath,” he said without pausing.
“Seems a little unfair,” suggested Misato. Shinji shrugged, nearly the finish line.
“It's not worth arguing over,” he dismissed the topic. “I can grab one before the party,” he added.
“I see,” said Misato, saving her work and closing the laptop. “You can go next, then,” she said as Shinji tucked the last few items away in her dresser drawers. “I'll go after you.”
“I don't want you to be rushed, Misato,” declined Shinji. “And since you like a long soak, you should go after Asuka,” he proposed. Misato slipped off her chair and silently moved behind him.
“That's so sweet, Shinji,” she said, waiting for him to turn around before hugging him to her thinly-covered breasts. “You know,” she added in a hot whisper, “we could take one together,” she suggested. Against her breasts, she could feel his face warm up. “I think it would be…nice,” she purred, subtly rubbing her breasts against his face. She knew that her nipples were hard and her pussy was tingling. But that's ok, because I'm not going to jump his bones or anything, she told herself primly. She had long since admitted that she was attracted to Shinji, though she couldn't pin down exactly why that was.
Shinji was making strange sounds, which brought Misato back to the here and now, and she leaned back, seeing Shinji's red face look up at her from between her significant assets. Misato fought the urge to lean down and kiss him. “I…Asuka…it'd cause problems,” he sputtered. Misato smiled at him.
“It isn't Asuka's business,” she pointed out playfully. “Unless you want to invite her to join us,” she added, licking her lips. Seeing Shinji's eyes go wider, Misato had to fight hard to maintain her composure. It isn't wrong to tease him, right? she asked herself. It's only wrong to be a tease, she agreed with herself. “It's ok with me if it's ok with her,” she husked. I better stop before he has a heart attack, she regretfully decided. Her decision was interrupted by something poking her upper thighs.
Gasping softly, she realized what it was. He's…because I'm…! her mind was in turmoil, with several different things running through it. This confusion on her part allowed her captive to desperately escape her loosened hug and flee the room, babbling something about having chores to do. It wasn't until she heard him in the kitchen an indeterminate time later that she realized that he had escaped her. Looking down at her house shirt, she saw that her nipples were aching because they were still hard as rocks. Sighing, she stripped off her shirt, her bra long since removed, and jerked the zipper of her tiny shorts down before pulling them off her hips. She knew that the crotch of the shorts was wet. Grabbing her towel, she was about to head for the bathroom, when she heard Asuka gasp.
“Misato! Close your door if you are going to be standing around naked! There's a hentai pervert baka in the house, you know!” she screamed before marching to her room. Misato realized that her door had been wide open. Shrugging, she tossed her towel over her shoulder and moved into the bathroom, pausing to look down the shallow hall to the living room, hoping that Shinji was there. He wasn't.
Choices, choices, she thought to herself. Turning, she moved to the end of the hall next to the living room. “Shinji,” she said quietly, “I'm taking a bath now,” she added, hearing the young man stop moving in the kitchen. “That offer stands, you know. Just remember that,” she said before moving back to the bathroom. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed that he didn't join her for the bath.
Hyuga checked his reflection one more time before grabbing his shoes and making his way out of the bachelor pad he rented. He had decided on jeans and a polo shirt for the night, suspecting that Kaji would be in his `normal' outfit of black slacks and playboy shirt. Hyuga had also taken the extra time to shave and make sure his hair was neatly combed. He had also bought new cologne, hoping that Misato would like it. Well, let's go find out, he told himself resolutely, locking his pad behind him as he headed for the train station to ride toward Misato's apartment.
Kaji eased out from under the arm of his latest conquest. Quickly showering, he slipped out of her apartment, leaving her still sleeping. As he drove toward Misato's apartment, he fumbled with the glove box, finding his back-up kit in place. Slapping some fresh cologne on his face, he did a cursory check to make sure that none of the woman's lipstick was in an obvious place. Grabbing a stick of peppermint gum, he chewed it as he used his free hand to text a coded message to one of his employers, relaying the information that he had pumped from the woman.
He was grinning as he approached the road that led to the apartment complex Misato lived in. Misa, my dear, your stud has arrived! he thought expectantly. After parking his car, he took a moment to rummage in the glove box once more, pulling a few fresh condoms from the bulk pack he had wedged into the car's small interior compartment. Pushing the thin plastic-packed covers into his front pocket, he strode into the lobby and entered the elevator, pushing the button for Misato's floor.
Shinji hadn't been out of his short bath for more than ten minutes when someone knocked on the door. Seeing that it was perhaps ten till eight, he guessed it was the first of the party guests arriving. “Coming,” he called out, moving out of the kitchen, where he had been fussing over the staged food, and to the door. Glancing at the small camera next to the door, he blinked, quickly unlocking and opening the door.
“Um, sorry I'm early, Shinji,” said the young woman a little uncertainly. Shinji blinked.
“Beautiful,” breathed the young man, before shaking his head sharply to help get his brain back in gear. “I mean, please come in, Maya,” he corrected himself. He looked up to see color on her cheeks.
“Did…you really mean that?” asked the older woman, absently plucking at the skirt she wore. “About my outfit?” she clarified. Shinji nodded.
“It's more than just the outfit,” he said softly, blushing a little, “you're beautiful, Maya,” he whispered. Maya felt herself blush deeper. Their special moment was interrupted by a yell from farther in the apartment.
“Who is it, Shinji?” demanded Asuka. “If it's the Stooges, they're going to have to wait until the other guests arrive before they can come in!” she ordered. Shinji and Maya exchanged a look before shaking their heads. Asuka was Asuka, after all. Shinji stepped aside.
“It's Maya, Asuka,” he called back, motioning the bridge tech into the apartment.
“Oh,” came back Asuka's voice. “Well, show her in, Baka!” snapped the girl. She was still in her room, doubtlessly choosing just the right outfit. Closing the door, Shinji saw Maya standing by the couch, looking around.
“Please, have a seat and get comfortable,” said Shinji. “Would you like some fruit punch?” he asked. Maya smiled at him as she sank down onto the comfortable couch.
“Yes, thank you, Shinji,” she accepted his offer. Shinji moved into the kitchen and poured her a cup from the large punch bowl. Moving back to the couch, he handed it to her, getting a smile in return.
“Wow, Maya-chan,” came Misato's voice from the shallow hallway that led to the bathroom and bedrooms, “you really went all-out tonight, didn't you?” she teased. Maya blushed, self-consciously shifting her legs. I should have worn hose, she realized, too late.
“It's not…like that,” she said. “I just didn't think I should wear my uniform,” she explained. Misato was dressed in a sleeveless, strapless top and a skirt that was maybe a couple of centimeters longer than a miniskirt. Her dark, rich purple hair was loose against her back, and Maya found herself wondering just how her immediate superior had gotten such an eye-popping figure. A blind man could see her coming! thought the younger woman, feeling a little self-conscious.
“Oh, it's fine, Maya-chan!” assured Misato, moving over to sit beside Maya on the couch. “Your outfit is really sexy,” she assured the other woman, grinning at her. Maya glanced at Shinji, expecting him to be drooling over the more exposed, more developed Major, but the young Pilot was already back in the kitchen, fussing with food again.
“Don't treat a guest like that, Misato,” he said, looking at Maya. When she caught him looking at her, he blushed and glanced away. Maya blinked in surprise. He was…staring at me! Even with Misato right next to me, he was staring at me! Her self-esteem and self-confidence shot back up.
“It's ok, Shinji,” said Maya, “I know she likes to tease people,” said the Lieutenant. Beside her, Misato pouted slightly.
“It isn't fun when they know you're teasing them,” she muttered to herself. “Hey, Shin! Bring me a drink, will you?” she called out, her entire attention shifting to the young man.
“Yeah, sure, Misato,” he said, grabbing a can from the refrigerator and moving into the living room to hand it to her.
“Thank you,” purred the woman, her tone oozing come-on sex appeal. As she took the can, her fingers stroked over his.
“You're welcome, Misato,” said Shinji. “Just remember what you promised, ok, Misato?” he begged. Misato smiled at him innocently.
“I know, I know,” she said airily. “Don't worry, I will be a good girl,” she said playfully. Maya saw Shinji briefly bite his lip as he turned back to the kitchen. Was he going to play that back at her? wondered the tech.
Shinji's trip to the kitchen was interrupted by a knock on the door. The pilot changed direction and answered the door.
The party was just reaching critical mass at half past eight. It had surprised all of them when Akagi had shown up unexpectedly. Misato thought that the look in her friend's eyes was odd, but pushed that thought aside as Ritsu waved the paper bag in her hand and moved toward the kitchen. Always count on Ritsu to bring the best booze! thought Misato happily.
Kaji was playing a very irritating game of dodging Asuka's advances while making advances to Misato, who always seemed to end up in very close proximity to Shinji; not easy to do, as Shinji seemed to have been pressed into the roles of butler, waiter, and general house boy. Still, the spy couldn't help but feel that Shinji wasn't all that upset about the situation. How could he be, with Misato nearly hanging off him, Maya helping him and Asuka being distracted by her pursuit of me? he thought to himself.
Hyuga was wondering if it was good or bad that he had been correct about the projected actions of Kaji and Asuka. Good, in that Asuka was - as expected - after Kaji with a single-mindedness that was a little disturbing, but bad, in that Misato was clearly sticking to Shinji's side like she was riveted there. He glanced at his watch. Maybe once everyone has had some time and a few drinks, he decided.
Hikari was watching her best friend all but chase the older guy - Kaji - around the apartment with a kind of humorous horror. She had heard entire course dissertations on how mature, cool and manly the man was, but now, with her second meeting, she was wondering if Asuka was blind, or just stupid. He clearly isn't interested in her, and from what everyone says, he would only cheat on her anyway, thought the class rep. Besides, he is old; and needs to learn how to shave. She looked a little closer at him. Is that…lipstick on neck? she wondered. No one would come to a party and chase an old girlfriend after he...was with another woman, would he? she wondered, shocked at the notion.
Touji and Kensuke had been in a state of near-constant hormone shock since they arrived. The first woman they had seen was Misato. She was standing in the living room, talking with Asuka. The clothes she wore caused instant hard-ons in both the young men, and as they looked at the other girls, it became apparent that they were in hormone heaven; or hell, depending on one's perspective. Asuka was looking like a wet dream, their hatred of the girl not having anything to do with her sexual appeal. When they saw Maya, they had come to the immediate conclusion that Shinji was the luckiest man on Earth, since all the girls they had seen who worked for NERV were drop-dead gorgeous. As they sat on the couch - the better to conceal their persistent erections - they had realized that the bleach blonde wasn't wearing panties; and she wasn't being careful about who might notice, either.
Asuka was finding herself frustrated by the situation. Why does Misato have to constantly flirt with him?! she wondered angrily as her guardian and commanding officer once more slipped away from Kaji's attempt to corner her, returning to Baka's side. Kaji, undeterred, pursued her, ignoring Asuka's attempts to divert him. It's not like I'm Wondergirl, she thought sourly. She was dressed in a red skirt that was nearly mini-skirt length, with a cream-colored top that clung to her enticingly. Still, she was finding it hard to get Kaji's attention. Well, I'm not going to give up! I'll win, Misato! Be sure of that! she resolved, once more moving off after Kaji.
Ritsu sipped her glass of bourbon, her sharp, cold eyes surveying the room around her. Early on, she had caught the stares of the Aida and Suzahara boys, taking a sneering delight in toying with them by occasionally opening her legs wider than necessary, or shifting to reveal her bare sex. She doubted that they had noticed that she wasn't wearing anything up top either, but they would. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Time to get this going, she decided. Rising, she moved into the kitchen as Shinji and Maya moved out, each holding some cups and snacks on small plates for the guests. She paused by the punch bowl, apparently deciding on what snack to get, before moving back to her seat.
“Unit citation for exemplary service, is it?” said Hikari, nibbling on her food. Misato was making the official statement about the exact decorations they were receiving. Asuka nodded.
“Yeah, but they should have decorated me for my brilliant piloting,” she added by habit.
“Oh, they gave out some individual awards, too, Asuka,” Misato assured her, smiling at the red-head's immediate superior smile.
“Well, it's about time!” she huffed. “What did they give me?” she asked Misato.
“You have been awarded the bronze combat medal, with chevron,” said Misato. Asuka scowled.
“Bronze?” came her disdainful reply. “I should have gotten at least the silver combat medal,” she complained.
“Shinji was awarded the silver combat medal, with cluster and chevron,” said Misato casually. “Congratulations, you two,” she added honestly. Asuka shot to her feet, her face red.
“WHAT?!” she screamed. “Why does Baka get the silver - with cluster and chevron, no less! - while I only get the bronze with chevron! I'm the better pilot!” she shrieked.
“Oh?” came Akagi's voice from the other side of the room. “If that is the case, you need to demonstrate that, not just talk about it,” said the head of Project E. “Shinji has more kills than you, two saves, and a lot less training,” reminded the doctor, her eyes hooded. “The awards seem correct to me,” she added unnecessarily. “Good job, Shinji,” she said, before knocking back another swallow of her drink.
Asuka was muttering in German under her breath, and giving Shinji a death-glare. Shinji wished that Akagi hadn't done that; it would just make his life harder. Misato seemed to agree with her, as she moved briskly forward. “That is not all that was awarded,” said the Major. “Ayanami has received the Service Medal,” she said blandly. Asuka snorted, but refused comment. “And our bridge crew have each been awarded the Combat Merit decoration,” she added, smiling at Hyuga and Maya. The two blinked.
“Granted,” said Misato, “as awards go, it isn't much, but,” she paused, smiling, “it comes with two handy perks. First, you get a pay increase. Secondly, you are eligible for promotion much sooner than you were before receiving the decoration,” she explained. “It is possible that you could be Captains, or maybe even Majors, by the time the war is over,” she pointed out. Both Maya and Hyuga understood what that could mean.
“Were you awarded anything, Major Katsuragi?” asked Kensuke, his eyes still on Ritsu.
“No decoration, but I did get a bonus,” smiled the Major. Shinji knew that to Misato, a bonus was better than a medal. He himself was unable to get excited over the medal he had won. It was just a piece of ribbon and some pewter, after all. Kensuke, however, was excited enough for both of them.
“Silver combat medal with clusters and chevron!” he gushed.
“Don't cream your pants, man,” scoffed Touji. He glanced at Shinji, giving his friend a grin. “You are the man, Shin!” he congratulated the pilot before turning his gaze back to Ritsu and her slightly-spread legs.
“Not much of one,” sniffed Asuka disdainfully. “Boring housebroken male,” she added spitefully. Shinji sighed, shaking his head silently. Beside him, Maya frowned, her hand gently squeezing his shoulder.
“You're being a little bitch, Asuka,”
The statement hung in the room for several heartbeats before anyone could react. Gasping, Maya covered her mouth with her hand. Oh, God!! I didn't mean to say that out loud! she thought, panicked.
“Isn't she always?” came Touji's voice. Watching this, Ritsu smiled. Well, looks like it is taking effect, she thought, sneering. “She needs a good fucking,” added the jock. Asuka's face flushed.
“Not with your little inchworm!” she shot back. “I like my men bigger,” she taunted him.
“Don't we all?” asked Misato, smiling. Hikari was blushing, but that didn't stop her from joining in.
“Is it really that big of a deal?” she asked Asuka and Misato. “I mean, does how big it is make a difference?” she wondered.
“Depends on the situation,” shrugged Ritsu. “A skilled man can do the job with anything while an idiot with a big dick is just a pain in the ass,” she said.
“I heard that,” agreed Misato calmly. “If you're a virgin, it's better if the man isn't hung like a bull, since it is easier if you aren't being stretched to the max as your cherry is popped,” she shared candidly. “I'm glad Kaji was on the small size,” she recalled.
“Hey!” protested Kaji.
“Well, it's true,” said Misato calmly.
“I am not!” protested the spy. The other men in the room were in a slight case of shock, as well as being focused on the conversation.
“Yes, you are,” snorted Akagi. “You're probably the smallest in the room,” she laughed crudely. Kaji gaped at her.
“Are you?” asked Asuka, a frown on her face. She had seen Shinji naked of course, and had been certain that Kaji was much better equipped than Baka Shinji; it only stood to reason, after all, didn't it? “I want to see,” she decided.
“N…no way,” Kaji stated faintly. Akagi chortled.
“And there's the Kaji pencil-dick we all know and despise,” she cackled. “Afraid of the competition, little man?” she taunted him. “Aren't you always bragging about your shrimp? Here's your chance to show it off!”
“I…don't think Miss Horaki would appreciate that,” Kaji went for the save.
“I won't mind,” said Hikari. “I'm kind of…curious,” she admitted, absently licking her lips. Kaji couldn't believe the straight-laced class rep would say something like that!
“I'm game,” came an unexpected voice. Kaji turned to see Hyuga meeting his gaze. The bridge operator had sensed an opening, and taken an all-or-nothing gamble. I may never get a chance to knock Kaji out of the running again, he told himself. Besides, if nothing else, he was pretty certain that Misato would give him marks for daring to challenge the playboy.
“M…me, too!” came Touji's voice. He glared at Asuka.
“Someone is still fuming over the sunning on the carrier,” giggled Misato. “Come on, Shinji, show us what a man looks like!” she urged Shinji. The Third child winced slightly.
“Misato,” he protested. Maya was feeling very curious about this issue, so she leaned down and whispered in the pilot's ear.
“Please, Shinji?” she begged. Akagi shot him a crazed smile.
“Believe me, Shinji,” she called out, “you've got nothing to be ashamed of; especially in this group!” she laughed evilly. Kaji was fuming.
“Ok! Fine!” he bellowed, standing and tugging at his belt. “I'll show you all!” he promised. Hyuga stood as well, working on his own pants while Touji jumped up and worked on his track suit pants. Slowly, Shinji stood, wondering just how he ended up mixed up in these kind of situations. Well, I guess it is no worse than the naked synch tests, he decided. Besides, the showers at school are open, anyway, he recalled.
“What's the matter, freak boy?” came Asuka's taunting voice. Shinji glanced over to see Kensuke trying to melt into the couch. “You can't measure up? Is that it?” she mocked him. Touji glanced at his pale, scrawny friend.
“Come on, Kensuke,” he said, “cowboy up! It isn't like anyone expects you to exert yourself,” he chuckled. Kensuke scowled. Everyone at school made jokes about his lack of ability on the field. If I wimp out here, it'll get worse, he realized before standing. In short order, the girls were gazing at the displayed man-meat. Unobtrusively, Akagi grabbed Kensuke's camcorder and set it on the kitchen table, so it had a good view of the entire living room.
“Come on, line up! Stop trying to hide behind each other!” barked the doctor, pressing Misato and Asuka into service as she began to line them up. In short order, the five men were lined up, and the girls were studying their dicks. Gradually, the guys began to peek at the other guy's dicks; after all, it messed with their confidence to have five women looking back and forth, comparing them like they would shoes or dresses.
“Wow,” said Hikari, sounding surprised. “There's a lot of difference in size, thickness and shape, isn't there?”
“Yeah,” agreed Misato casually. “We got a pretty good cross-section, though,” she observed with a practiced eye. Her eye, however, rested mostly on Shinji's semi-hard length.
“Why is his crooked?” asked Maya, pointing to Kaji's dick. Misato giggled.
“I kind of…bent it,” she related. “We were in college, and during that week we spent fucking, I got a little over-active, and it has been crooked since then,” she said, a fond smile on her face at the memory.
“You can break a dick?” wondered Asuka, eyeing Shinji's long, thick member. Misato shrugged.
“Well, not like breaking a bone, no, but there is a similar condition,” she shrugged.
“I was wrong,” pronounced Akagi a few minutes later. “Kaji isn't the smallest in the room.” Kaji had started to smile, but Akagi cut him off. “He's the second smallest; and the only bent one,” she said sardonically.
“Wow, Hyuga,” cooed Misato, “I never would have thought you were packing that much in your pants.”
“Thanks,” he said, his dick twitching as he said it.
“Shinji isn't that much behind him; and he still might grow,” observed Hikari. Akagi grabbed the guys' arms, swiftly re-sorting them.
“So, we have - biggest to smallest - Hyuga, Shinji, Suzahara, Kaji, and Aida,” she nodded to herself.
“Um, what is wrong with Shinji's tip?” wondered Maya, absently touching his member with her hand. Shinji frowned. What does she mean, `what's wrong with it?'? he wondered. He hissed in pleased surprise as he felt Maya's warm, soft hand on his shaft and tip.
Misato giggled. “Nothing is wrong with it, Maya-chan,” the Major assured the tech. “Our Shinji is just circumcised, that's all,” she explained. Grabbing Touji's dick, she demonstrated the difference. “See? They're the same, it's just that the extra skin covers the tip of the other guys' dicks.”
“Oh.” replied Maya, her hand still on Shinji's dick. “Why do something like that?” she wondered. Misato shrugged.
“Hygiene, for one; also, it can be religious in some circles,” she broke into a giggle at her unintentional pun. The other girls began to giggle as well, as they figured out what was so amusing to Misato.
Their merriment was cut short by Touji grunting, his hips jerking as he fired off his load, all over Misato's chest. Misato only smiled, pumping his shaft a few more times before straightening. “You ruined my clothes,” she said reproachfully.
“S…sorry,” apologized Touji, “it just felt so good…” he began. Misato smiled, wiping her cum-covered hand on her top before beginning to unbutton it.
“That's ok,” she said, removing it. “I don't mind,” she assured him, standing topless in front of the guys. Touji's dick, which had deflated, began to harden again at the sight of Misato topless. Akagi scowled.
“What are you two pervs looking at?” she barked at him. “You and Aida have been staring up my skirt all night, and now you chasing after Misato? Like hell,” she growled, ripping her top off, sending buttons flying, before shoving her skirt off her hips. All the guys were surprised to find that Akagi had been naked the whole night. Akagi stepped past Misato and grabbed Touji's and Kensuke's dicks. “These are mine,” she snarled jerking on the two almost painfully. “Understood?” she said harshly.
The feeling of Akagi's hand on his dick was too much for Kensuke, and the shorter boy fired off his load, coating Akagi's hand with his cream. Smiling coldly, Akagi lifted her hand, her tongue touching the white goo. “Mm, not bad,” she said indifferently. Suddenly, she thrust her hand forward and smeared the rest over Kensuke's face. “Try it!” she barked at him. Shaking, Kensuke did as ordered, feeling Akagi shove a couple of fingers into his mouth as he cringingly extended his tongue toward the thick mess on his face.
Misato, meanwhile, had moved over to caress Hyuga's hard member. Seeing this, Kaji managed to move past Akagi and approach Misato. “Misato,” he said “you know I'm better in bed than him,” he began. Misato sent him an annoyed look.
“As a matter of fact, Kaji,” she said distantly, “I don't know that, since I haven't slept with Hyuga before,” she pointed out. Hyuga, sensing his advantage, pressed forward in his bid for his crush's affection.
“I can't be any worse, Misato,” he said firmly. Kaji scowled. Between them, Misato smiled widely.
“How about we test that out?” she suggested, reaching out to grab Kaji's dick as well. “Well, boys?” she said, straightening and leading them toward her room by their dicks, “what say we take this to the mat?” she giggled.
Maya, Hikari and Asuka were staring after Misato, Kaji and Hyuga as they moved toward Misato's bedroom. Turning back to Akagi, Touji and Kensuke, the three saw Akagi giving the two a hand-job. “If you cum before I tell you you can, I'll rip your balls off!” snarled the fake blonde, pumping their shafts, one in each hand. “Understood, bitches?” she demanded.
“Y…yeah!” said Touji.
“O…okay,” managed Kensuke. Akagi smirked.
“Good!” she purred. Shinji felt a hand on his dick, and found that Maya had once more reached out to lightly stroke his shaft.
“M…Maya-chan,” he groaned.
“Hmm?” she hummed, glancing up at him. Discarding words, Shinji grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him, kissing her clumsily. After a few moments, he eased back, leaving Maya breathless, color on her cheeks.
“Stop hogging him, Maya,” came Asuka's voice, her hand joining the older woman's hand on his dick. Slowly stroking it, Asuka wetted her lips. “Come on, Baka!” she husked urgently, pulling him by his dick toward her room. Asuka's other hand grabbed Hikari's wrist as she pulled her best friend toward her room as well. Maya, who refused to let go of Shinji's hard length, went with the young man. Akagi smirked as she watched the four of them depart.
Turning her attention back the two she had possession of, she swallowed a mouthful of drool, seeing the expressions on their faces. Her bare sex was already shiny with her slick juices. I can see why Gendo likes it this way; control is a turn on! she thought. And she had undisputed control of the two young men. Removing her hands from their dicks, she sat back on the couch, spreading her shaved sex open for them. “It's your turn to do the work,” she ordered them. “Get over here and get to work!”
Kensuke and Touji exchanged a brief glance. Neither of them had ever tried eating a girl out in real life, but they had seen enough hentai to have a basic idea of how to do it. The main issue was that most of what they had seen was two girls on a guy, and here they were, two guys on a girl. Hearing a growl from the woman, they moved over to Akagi, kneeling as they studied her offering. The soft, bare folds and oozing pink insides seemed to draw them in. Almost against his will, Touji leaned in and hesitantly sampled her with the tip of his tongue. “Get to it!” ordered an impatient Ritsuko, grabbing his dark hair and pulling his face into her soaked pussy, using her hips to grind her sex against his face. “Lick!” she reminded him. Blindly following his orders, Touji pushed his tongue out, feeling it slide into a slick, loose passage.
Kensuke was staring at Touji, who was buried in the woman's pussy from his nose to his chin, her hand holding him in place as she ground her hips against his face. “Mm, yeah, bitch, move your tongue around,” she snarled softly to the athlete. Seeing Kensuke standing there, she scowled. “What's your problem, baby dick? Never seen a pair of tits before?!” she demanded. Kensuke blinked.
“Huh?” wondered the shell-shocked young man. Akagi glared at him.
“Get your ass over here and suck my nipples, you twit!” she hissed out hatefully. Kensuke hastily climbed onto the couch and bent over to lick her nipple. Grabbing him by his hair like she had Touji, Ritsu pushed his face into her large, soft mound. “I said suck, asshole!” she reminded him, feeling his lips close around her hard nipple. Between her legs, Touji was beginning to get some sort of idea of what he should be doing, though the absolute control she had over the two was doing most of the work of getting her off. Building nicely toward an orgasm, she tugged on Kensuke's hair, moving him to her other nipple.
“Bite it,” she said. He did. “Ow!” she screamed, jerking him away from her nipple. “Not that hard, you fucker!” she screamed at him. Looking down, she saw a tiny spot of blood beading up on her hard nipples. Baring her teeth, she jerked Kensuke forward so he was face to face with her. “You do that again, and I'll make a eunuch out of you, ass boy!” she promised him. “Now kiss it and make it better,” she ordered him, wrenching his face back to her stinging tit, where he obediently did as ordered. The pain wasn't new to her; Gendo occasionally got rough with her, and she had developed a good deal of tolerance for pain. In fact, it can even get me hotter sometimes, she recalled, realizing that Kensuke's bite had inadvertently put her close to coming.
“Enough of that, jock,” she purred, pulling Touji away from her dripping pussy. “Time to fuck me,” she directed him. Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, he paused, seeing her pussy open and inviting. Ritsu was in no mood for hesitation. “What? You'd rather fuck your little boyfriend?” she jeered him. Kensuke's eyes widened, but he couldn't move with Akagi's hand gripping his hair. Touji knelt, lining up his hard shaft with her opening. “Fuck me, damn it!” hissed Akagi, feeling him prodding her opening with his tip. Touji slammed forward, finding that there was almost no resistance to his entry. Akagi, he decided, was a little on the loose side. Even so, it felt incredible to his virgin dick, and he began to hammer away frantically.
“Yeah, like that, little boy,” growled Akagi, using her grip on Kensuke's hair to move him to her other breast. Reaching up, she grabbed Touji by the ear - much like Hikari did - and pulled him down to her, raping his mouth with her tongue. Touji didn't stop thrusting hard into her pussy as he was pulled forward, pinning Kensuke's body in place. Releasing the smaller boy's hair, Ritsu reached down and grabbed his nut-sack from behind, massaging it briefly before seizing his small shaft and squeezing.
Touji thrust his tongue into the scientist's mouth, encountering the nasty taste of her nicotine habit. He had tried a cigarette once, and recalled the taste. Being a heavy smoker, Ritsu retained the taste in her mouth. Touji was just glad that it wasn't as strong as when he had tried that cigarette. He felt himself nearing his release, and grunted into her mouth. She let him pull back a little, and Kensuke jerked his head out from between Touji's chest and Akagi's rack, his face red and his eyes squeezed shut.
“C…cumming!” the smaller boy said, trembling. Akagi pinched the base of his cock with her fingernails, causing him to squeal.
“Not without my permission, cunt,” she reminded him cruelly. Touji groaned as he fired off his load into pussy. Feeling the hot, sticky fluid coat her passage, Ritsu scowled, shoving Touji back, causing him to fall backward on the floor of the apartment, his dick dripping the last of his load as his dick wilted. “Bastard,” spat Akagi. Pulling on Kensuke, she roughly guided him between her legs. “You better finish me off, prick,” warned the woman, pulling his tip into her passage. Kensuke was trembling, and when Akagi released her pinch on the base of his dick, he fired his load immediately.
“S…sorry!” he sobbed, shielding himself with his arms as the woman's face darkened with rage. “I…we'll do better next time!” he begged, falling backward onto Touji, who was also cringing. Akagi felt an orgasm flow through her as she watched the two grovel. Ah! Power! The ultimate aphrodisiac, thought the fake blonde.
“You better,” she grunted, standing and moving over to her purse. Pulling out her cigarettes and lighter, she moved back to the couch, reclining as she lit up. From one of the bedrooms, she heard a feminine shriek of surprise and arousal. Sounds like someone it enjoying themselves, she thought absently, exhaling smoke. She surveyed the two before her. I could get used to this, thought the woman. “That was pathetic, you two,” she said casually, taking another drag. “I've cum harder from solving math problems,” she taunted them. “You better impress me next round, or I'm throwing you off Misato's balcony,” she grunted. She exhaled.
“Maybe you can do better as a team,” she thought out loud. “It'll probably take both of you at once to make it worth my time,” she insulted them. The two gulped, their spent dicks twitching. “You like that idea?” she taunted them, reaching down to spread open her pussy and expose her asshole. “You want to do me in both holes?” she husked at them, feeling a little tendril of arousal zip through her as she watched them react to her suggestions. “You think you two pre-ejaculators could make it good for me? Do you?” she demanded. Both nodded.
“Well, then get those tiny little things hard,” she ordered, finishing her cigarette. Both boys reached for their dicks, which were showing signs of life. “Not like that!” snapped Akagi. “You have to get each other hard, or you get a kick in the nuts,” she smiled devilishly at them. The two turned to stare at each other in horror.
“You…you mean…?” asked Touji, swallowing hard.
“Do it or I'll grind your balls into the floor!” snarled Akagi, throwing her cigarette butt at them angrily. Flinching, the two cringingly reached for the other's dick. Watching them, Akagi slipped her fingers into her sloppy sex, rubbing her clit as she savored the intoxicating taste of her power over them. “Come on; don't be shy!” she encouraged them. “Get it up before I get bored,” she warned them. Both boys focused on what she was doing herself as wet squishing noises began to come from her pussy. Focused on her, they forgot what their hands were doing. Ritsu watched their dicks inflate rapidly. “Much better,” she purred, pulling her hand away from her pussy, glancing at the thick coating of mixed cum on it before languidly licking some of it off. “Let me just get ready here,” she said absently, moving her slick fingers down to her anal entrance and covering it with the mixed cum before pushing a lubricated finger into her back door.
The two boys stared at her as she pumped the finger into her ass a few times, then added a second. Moments later, she pulled her fingers out of her back door, leaving her anal opening gleaming with lubricating cum. Smirking at the two, she stood. “Better get busy before you go off early,” she sneered. “You,” she said, pointing to Touji, “on your back!” Touji did as ordered, Ritsu squatting above him for a moment before engulfing him in her loose passage. Getting settled, she wiggled her hips at Kensuke. “You need an invitation or something? Stick your dick in my ass, boy!” ordered the impatient bottle blonde. Kensuke licked his lips as he positioned his tip at her entrance and shoved forward, surprised that he slipped into her back door so easily. “Ah!” gasped Ritsu happily. “Now, let's see if you to can fuck me like men,” she challenged them.
Both of them began to thrust, but it took them a while to get into a rhythm. As they were getting this issue worked out, Ritsu managed a few small orgasms, the sweet feeling of power combining with the feeling of being filled in both holes without being in pain pushing her faster than she thought toward orgasm. When Gendo did her in the ass, it was usually without much preparation, and with little concern for her enjoyment. Also, the first few times, he had torn her anus. This time, with a smaller, thinner dick, it felt incredibly good. The dick in her pussy didn't fill her the way that her normal lover's dick did, but it created more sensations in her, since it moved a lot more. Maybe I should keep these two as a stand-in when Gendo wants to play with his doll, she mused, feeling them get into step with each other.
“Harder,” she demanded of the two, feeling a large orgasm building in her as the two furiously thrust into her holes. Both began to pant as they desperately slammed into her as hard as they could. “More!” she commanded, tilting her head back. Seeking better leverage, Kensuke grabbed her hair, using it to slam into her ass harder, while Touji grabbed her tits, squeezing them as he neared his release. The pain of her hair being pulled and the feel of Touji's rough hands squeezing her tits did it, Ritsuko Akagi soaring into a huge orgasm, her two partners only a short instant behind her, flooding her with their cum in both cavities. Touji felt the woman drop on top of him, while a dull thud to the side of the two told him Kensuke was down. With the last of his strength, he rolled the woman off him so he could breath, falling asleep even before the fake blonde's sleeping form could settled, leaking cum from both holes, beside him.
Misato led Kaji and Hyuga into her room, a tiny fragment of her awareness thanking Shinji for keeping her room neat and clean. It's been a while since I had two at once, she thought, smiling at the two men. Feeling hands on her skirt, she giggled as the garment was worked off her hips, followed swiftly by her panties. While she was being stripped, she caressed the two penises lovingly. When the two men began to strip as well, she took the chance to lean over to her desk and grab some condoms before laying back on her futon.
Hyuga finished getting undressed before Kaji, and lay down beside Misato, kissing her as he explored her chest and pussy. Misato hummed happily, drawing the younger man to her for a deep kiss. With her lips busy, she stroked his dick with a hand, liking what she felt. Hyuga was certainly eager to be with her, but he was taking the more cautions approach of giving her whole body attention before going after the prize. Misato felt him kiss down her jaw, to her neck, across her collarbone and up her sizeable breasts to capture the hard nipple. “Ah!” she squeaked in pleasure, her hands wrapping around his head as he worked her hard nipple like a pro.
Kaji, meanwhile, had finished ridding himself of his clothes, and seeing Hyuga engaged in oral worship of Misato's breasts, smirked. Let the newbie waste his time there, thought the spy. Tugging on Misato's legs and hips, he got into position to go first. Before he could get his tip lined up, he felt Misato's hand smack his arm. Blinking, he saw her holding out the strip of condoms. Hurriedly, he tore open one of the foil packs and wrestled with the latex opponent. He finally got it on and settled back into position, feeling his ex-girlfriend's wet, warm pussy again after years. Pushing forward, he entered her.
Hyuga felt Misato rocking under him, and released his captive nipple long enough to see what was going on. Scowling, he saw Kaji pumping away in his crush's flower. His irritation was short lived. Misato tugged on his hips, guiding him up to her head, the woman happily engulfing his length in her mouth. Humming happily, Misato began to work Hyuga's hard length like a pro. It was one of her turn-ons to have a dick in her pussy and a dick in her mouth. Misato swiftly worked her way up to deep-throating Hyuga's large member, taking him all the way into her throat. When she withdrew to breathe, she mercilessly worked his tip with her lips, tongue and teeth.
“Oh, god,” groaned Hyuga, feeling Misato's mouth on his dick, hearing the wet, aroused slurping, sighing and moaning of the woman as she happily worked on him, as well as seeing her lovingly watching him as she gave him her best blowjob, drool dripping from her lips and chin. Reaching down, he combed his fingers through her purple tresses, caressing her cheeks, ears, neck and jaw as he raced toward release. “Gonna cum,” he panted to her. She didn't remove her mouth to answer him; she just winked at him and redoubled her efforts. “Misato!” he grunted, firing his load into her hot, wet mouth. Misato swallowed the entire load not only with ease, but also with relish.
Between her legs, Kaji was almost there. Using his thumb, he began to rub her clit, causing her to writhe and moan. Yeah, we'll see which of us does you better! he thought smugly, knowing the signs of her climax building. Stroking in her sheath faster, he pushed harder on her clit. Here we go, he thought, feeling her tremble. “Yes!” screamed Misato, suddenly snapping her hips up before rotating it hard against his dick. The added pressure against the walls of her pussy completed her release. Kaji was caught off guard by the sudden move, and his dick got bent once more by the lovely Major's strong muscles. The pain didn't stop him from blowing his load into the condom, but it did sort of ruin his climax. Wincing, he pulled out of her, gingerly taking off the condom and examining the damage.
“Just like last time,” he muttered sourly. He had forgotten that Misato could get very physical when she came. That memory made him smile. Misato had obviously cum hard, so he was fairly certain that he was a shoe-in for winner. The woman, meanwhile, was savoring a good first orgasm. Seeing Kaji sitting to the side, she frowned.
“What's wrong, Kaji?” she asked, sitting up. Seeing his dick, she began to giggle.
“It's not funny,” muttered Kaji. “It took weeks to heal last time,” he reminded her. Misato sighed.
“Too bad for you,” she said indifferently, turning away from him and focusing on Hyuga. “At least my evening isn't ruined,” purred the woman. Hyuga's dick was already reviving. “What do you say, Hyuga,” she purred, rubbing her soft body against his, “help a girl out?” she asked. Hyuga swallowed, nodding eagerly. “Good boy,” purred Misato, kissing him passionately. The bridge tech was caught off guard by the passion Misato showed, and ended up being knocked over backward, Misato following him down as he ended up under her. Not that he minded.
Against her belly, she could feel his dick reach full hardness. Leering at him, she shifted until she was squatting over his dick, her hand guiding him into position. “Just relax, Hyuga, and let me take care of this for you,” breathed the woman, sinking down on his dick. “Mm, that's nice,” she sighed happily, feeling him fill her pussy with his throbbing member. “Very nice,” she added as his tip ground against her cervix. Kaji had only occasionally managed to touch it, and never had he ground his crown into the entrance to her womb like Hyuga was doing.
A tapping on her upper arm caused her to glance at Kaji, an annoyed look on her face. He was holding a condom. Grabbing it, she threw it back in his face, scowling at him before focusing back on Hyuga. Using her leg muscles, she began to ride him, gently at first, then faster as she became used to the feeling of his shaft in her. Putting her hands flat on his chest, she began to bounce in earnest, her breasts swaying and bobbing as she bounced on her lover. Hyuga reached up and firmly held each breast, leaning his head forward to catch her nipples in his mouth, alternating back and forth as she rode harder and harder.
Suddenly, Misato growled softly in her throat, pressing her hips down on his as she grabbed her nipple not in his mouth, pinching it firmly as she tugged on it. Her pussy clenched hard on Hyuga's thick man meat as she achieved a deep, powerful orgasm. The clenching of her tight, hot passage gave Hyuga the added stimulation he needed, and he flooded her with his load, grunting harshly as he did. After the last of his seed had passed to her receptive womb, he gradually lay back, catching his breath as Misato, smiling languidly, eased down to rest on his chest, his softening member still gripped in her passage.
Hugging the hot, naked woman he so desperately longed for to him, Hyuga wondered if anything could be this perfect. Against his chest, he felt Misato shift her head. A moment later, her lips caught his in a loving kiss. More than a minute later, she broke the kiss, easing back slightly. “Hyuga,” she whispered in his ear, “how long until this,” she used her vaginal muscles to squeeze his soft member, “is ready to go again?” she wondered, giving him a wicked smile. He blinked.
“You…again?” he asked, barely daring to hope. Misato nodded.
“I want to know what else you can do,” she husked in his ear before licking it playfully.
“Anything you want, Misato,” he assured her hastily. She hummed. “Does this mean…?” he dared to hope. Her finger touched his lips.
“No, don't bring that up right now,” she said softly. “We'll deal with that later,” she soothed him. “Right now, I am only interested in what's in my pussy,” she said in an aroused voice. In her passage, she could feel his dick recovering.
“What would you like what is in your pussy to do?” asked Hyuga boldly. Misato considered that.
“I know it fits my mouth,” she thought out loud, “and it fits my pussy,” she added, grinning at him. “If it fits my ass, it would be almost perfect,” she added. In her pussy, she felt his dick instantly double in size. “How about we find out if it fits in my ass?” purred the woman. Hyuga was already panting.
“Are…are you sure, Misato?” he asked her. She nodded.
“I wouldn't have suggested it if I weren't,” she pointed out to him. She swirled her hips to help him gain full hardness. Gingerly pulling herself off him, she leaned over to her desk, opening the top drawer again and fumbling around for a moment before finding what she was looking for. Holding the item, she maneuvered around on her futon, pausing to push the pouting Kaji aside. Once she was in the center of her futon, she got on her hands and knees. “Use this, and go easy at first,” she said to Hyuga, handing him a small tube.
“Whatever you say, Misato,” he promised, opening the tube and squirting out a large dollop of super-slick gel onto his hand. Swiftly coating his hard length, he paused. “Um, should I…?” he began to ask her.
“Both of us,” she answered, guessing where he was going with the question. Hyuga used what was on his hand to generously coat Misato's bud. Moving up behind her, he tentatively searched for the right spot. Reaching back between her legs, Misato took his member in her hand, guiding it to where she wanted it. “Remember, go easy at first,” she reminded him, giving his dick one more loving squeeze before withdrawing her hand and bracing herself.
Grabbing her hips, he pushed forward slowly, gradually pushing harder against her clenched ring of muscle. Misato made some indistinct sounds, but didn't make any attempt to dissuade him. Easing off, he pushed forward again, a little harder this time. “Mm,” he hummed, feeling her ring give just a little. A little more pressure, and suddenly, his tip popped into her back door, causing both of them to gasp. For a moment, Hyuga was still, waiting for some sign from Misato that she was ok.
“Whenever you are ready, Hyuga,” she said a few moments later. Feeling a little foolish, he slowly began to work his way deeper into her forbidden hole. Before he knew it, his hips were slamming into her shapely ass cheeks and Misato was moaning and groaning in delight, her hips twitching against him. “Mm, just like that,” sighed the woman, reaching back to rub her clit and slit.
“S…sure,” Hyuga manages, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to last long in this situation. Let's make sure that she likes it, he decided, shifting his grip forward to catch her tits once more. With his hands full of soft Misato mammary, his fingers sought out her turgid peaks, rolling, pinching and tugging on them. Below her stretched ass, he could feel her pussy coating his balls with her honey as he slammed into her. Almost there, he knew, gritting his teeth.
Suddenly, he felt slick fingers grab his balls, massaging them. Misato's fondling my balls while I'm doing her in the ass! he thought, sure that he had died and gone to heaven. That was the final straw for him, and his sack tightened as he bottomed out in her, filling her bowels with his third load of the evening. “Ugh!” he grunted, unconsciously squeezing her tits a littler harder than he meant to.
“Ah!” gasped the Major, achieving another powerful orgasm as she felt his load flood into her almost-virgin back passage, her thumb on her clit and two fingers in her pussy. So good, she thought, drooling into her pillow. There is only one thing that could be better, she considered hazily. Hyuga managed to stay conscious long enough to move beside Misato and cuddle the barely-conscious woman to him. Together, the two drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, followed almost an hour later by a sulking Kaji.
Asuka lead the way into her room, kicking the door closed behind the group. The red-head was not certain why she was suddenly intent on having her Baka take her virginity, but it didn't really matter - she had decided that it was a project worthy of the great Asuka Langley Sohryu, and that was good enough for her. It was very important that she get him first, before one of those other sluts at school or work could take him from her. As for why she had grabbed Hikari and pulled her along, it was a bit more complex.
Hikari would have probably tried to give herself to that baboon Suzahara, so I have to save her from herself, decided Asuka. After all, I wouldn't want my best friend to have regrets about her first time, she reasoned. Besides, my Baka Shinji's better hung than the other two stooges, and her giving her virginity to some older guy is creepy, she reasoned. Recalling the odd bend in Kaji's dick, she shivered slightly.
Looking at Maya, Asuka tried to figure out what she would be doing there. I thought she would have stayed with Doc Frankenstein, the Second Child thought. I mean, everyone thinks she's a les, so why is she holding my Baka Shinji's dick like that? Asuka decided that it really didn't matter, since she was sublimely sure that Shinji could save the cute bridge tech if anyone could. She has always been nice to us, too, so there isn't anything wrong with sharing a little, determined the German girl.
Locking her door, she began to impatiently strip off her clothes. Her reasoning made sense to her, though she couldn't figure out why she hadn't put it together before tonight. Pushing those thoughts aside was easy, since her hormones were clamoring for a certain piece of her fellow pilot's anatomy. Seeing Hikari still staring at Shinji's dick, unmoving, Asuka moved over to her best friend and began to strip her also. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Maya stroking Shinji's dick with one hand while using her other to pull off her clothes.
“Hey!” protested the girl, hurriedly ripping Hikari's panties off. “I get him first!” she stated. Blinking, she saw that Maya wasn't wearing a bra. Oh well; she's kind of hot like that, thought a small part of her brain. Looking back at Hikari, she saw that her best friend was blushing and breathing hard, though she was still staring at the Third's erect member. On an impulse, Asuka leaned over and kissed Hikari. She had always been sort of curious about what it would be like, and what better time than now?
Hikari's lips were soft and delicate, Asuka discovered. Her best friend also tasted great. Pulling the smaller girl to her, Asuka wrapped her arms around her and wormed her tongue into Hikari's mouth, feeling the girl shiver in her arms as she wrapped her own arms around Asuka's chest. Humming, Asuka felt her hard nipples rub against Hikari's breasts. Between her legs, she could feel herself begin to grow wet. Curious, she moved a hand down between their bodies and gently cupped Hikari's sex, finding that Hikari was wetter than her. As he fingers made contact with Hikari's sex, the other girl gasped.
Hikari was not slow, and before Asuka knew it, she felt Hikari's hand cupping her own pussy, a finger swiftly wiggling into her passage until it brushed her hymen. Asuka returned the favor, but couldn't find Hikari's maidenhood. Breaking the kiss, she gave her friend a wide-eyed look. “You're not a virgin?!” she breathed, shocked. Hikari shook her head.
“I wasn't born with one,” she explained, blushing. “None of us sisters were,” she added. “I haven't done it before, I swear!” she assured her friend. Asuka shrugged, grinning.
“No problem; we can fix that!” she assured her friend. Sharing a leer, the two turned toward Shinji, only to find him sitting on Asuka's queen-sized bed, with Maya kneeling between his legs, her head bobbing on his dick. The two younger girls watched in silence - and with great interest - as the tech gave Shinji his first blow job. Asuka noticed that Maya couldn't take his whole member into her mouth, only getting about half of it in her mouth. He must be bigger than he looks, she decided, her hand unknowingly straying back to Hikari's sex, tracing the lips, teasing the entrance and rubbing Hikari's clit. Her best friend's hand was doing similar things to her own shiny sex.
Shinji was holding Maya's head firmly, but not trying to control her movements, his eyes closed as he smiled. “That feels good, Maya-chan,” he said in a husky voice that sent shivers of arousal through all three girls. Maya slurped and sucked in reply, one hand on the base of his shaft, the other gently holding his testes. Asuka and Hikari watched, their fingers busy, as Maya bobbed her head. Both of the younger girls found themselves drooling with the anticipation of doing what Maya was doing.
Eventually, Maya released his tool and sat back on her heels, blushing. “My jaw is getting tired,” she confessed to him. Shinji smiled at her.
“That's fine, Maya-chan,” he said, drawing her onto Asuka's bed. Settling the short-haired tech on her back in the middle of the bed, he moved between her legs, his hand touching her wet sex, feeling the hot, slick fluid seeping from her passage. “Ready?” he asked her. Silently, she nodded.
“Hey! I wanted to be first!” complained Asuka, a little petulantly. Shinji glanced at the red-head.
“But Maya made the first move, Asuka-chan,” he pointed out. Pouting, Asuka said nothing. Shinji moved back over Maya, who had spread her legs while he spoke with Asuka, her sex now open and ready.
“Um,” came Hikari's soft voice, causing all three to look at her. She flushed. “Aren't you going to use a condom?” she asked them. Shinji blinked, frowning. Maya touched his arm.
“You don't have to, if you don't want to,” she said softly. “It's ok,” she assured him. Shinji smiled.
“That's good,” he said, “because I don't have any,” he grinned. Maya gave a short giggle. Hikari guiltily recalled her throwing the condoms her sister had given her back at her. Mentally shrugging, she decided that it wasn't that big of a deal. After all, if Maya didn't have a problem with it, and Asuka didn't seem to care either, it should be fine, right?
While she had been thinking, Shinji had positioned his tip at Maya's entrance and pushed forward. The tech shrieked in aroused surprise and pleasure, her legs wrapping around Shinji's hips as her arms did the same. Shinji had froze when she shrieked, but swiftly began to move again, working himself deeper and deeper into Maya, expecting to meet resistance at any moment, but the only thing he eventually found was her cervix. Hearing him gasp, Maya blushed.
“I…um…I'm not a virgin,” she admitted, embarrassed. “But, I only had sex once,” she added hastily. Shinji shrugged.
“It's fine,” he assured her. Maya closed her eyes, sighing as Shinji began to move in her tight, tight passage. Shinji leaned closer to her, kissing the tech carefully. Asuka guided Hikari over to her bed, settling her friend on one side of the couple, while she took the other.
Feeling the two girls settled on either side of her, Maya reached over and grabbed their hands, squeezing them. The other two girls squeezed back. When Shinji moved his head down to assault Maya's modest breasts, Asuka leaned over Maya, kissing the tech. It seemed perfectly reasonable to the pilot, since Shinji had gotten to kiss her. No sooner had Asuka broken her kiss, than Hikari claimed the woman's lips. Maya's hands began to rove over the bodies of the two girls, swiftly settling at the wet pussies of the two, her fingers sliding into the virgin passages with surprising delicacy and skill.
Meanwhile, Shinji straightened up, wrapping his arms around Maya's legs at the knees, giving him a better angle into her pussy as he neared release. Grunting, he feverishly hammered into her pulsing flesh, almost at the edge. Looking down, he saw that Hikari and Asuka had each taken a breast, and were eagerly sucking on Maya's nipples, the tech's eyes squeezed close in pleasure, her hands between the thighs of the two younger girls. Seeing that brought Shinji to orgasm, his entire load firing hard against Maya's cervix, flooding into the Lieutenant's womb.
“Shinji!” gasped Maya, her voice choked with pleasure and lust. “Yes! Fire your cum into my pussy! Like that! Pump me full!” she panted, her own orgasms wracking her lithe body. “God, yes!” she hissed, falling silent as she harshly panted. Asuka and Hikari were both blushing, though they didn't seem so much embarrassed as eager. Easing out of Maya, Shinji frowned as he saw that his dick hadn't softened when he came in the young tech.
Looking at the two younger girls, who were staring hungrily at his hard length, he found himself smiling widely. Gently moving out from between Maya's legs, he grabbed Asuka's hips, rolling the girl over onto her face before raising her hips up. He used his knees to spread her legs, Asuka panting already as she felt the mixed cum covering her Shinji's tool smear across her upper thighs, pussy, ass cheeks and anus. Sucking in a breath, she gripped the sheets as she felt his tip meet her virgin passage.
“Ready, Asuka-chan?” asked Shinji, grabbing her hips. She nodded. “Here we go,” he said in a low, commanding tone as he pushed forward, the generous coating of Maya's cum and his own facilitating his penetration of the nearly-painfully tight red-head. Pushing firmly and steadily, he steadily claimed the Second Child's virginity, brushing aside her hymen when he came to it, causing a short, sharp cry to escape the red-head. He didn't pause, though, until he met her cervix. “You ok, Asuka-chan?” he asked her. Silently, she nodded.
As Shinji savored the feeling of her newly-made womanhood, Hikari and Maya had been shifting. Hikari had leaned over Maya to hug her friend from the side, her lips raining kisses on Asuka's shoulders, neck and cheek. Maya, once she had managed to regain her sense of self, had gently guided Asuka up so that she was on her forearms. With her head now higher, Asuka was able to kiss Hikari properly. Maya, meanwhile, twisted so that she was looking up at Asuka's hanging breasts. As Hikari and the pilot had done earlier, Maya began to lick, suck, pinch, roll, tug and massage the girl's pink-tipped mounds. This attention caused Asuka to have a few small orgasms as Shinji began to slowly thrust into her. Before long, Shinji was riding her hard and fast, already nearing his second shot, while Asuka had been enjoying intermitted waves of small multiple orgasms while building to a truly monster release.
Watching the girls while fucking Asuka was deeply satisfying to Shinji, and hastened his release. He had always dreamed of having Asuka this way, and now, he had her. He wasn't about to squander this opportunity. He wanted to make sure that she would be eager for a repeat performance. So he was dead set on making her enjoy herself. “Almost there, Asuka-chan,” he grunted to her. “In?” he husked. She nodded. “Sure?” he gritted out, fighting to hold out until he was sure. Asuka nodded again. “Thank you, Asuka-chan,” he said, thrusting as deep as he could before blowing his second load. He could feel the almost-painful tight embrace of her cervix against his glans as spurt after spurt blew into her uterus. “All for Asuka-chan,” he huffed, feeling his release beginning to ease off. “Fill up my Asuka-chan with my cum so she's mine,” he growled possessively. Asuka shivered, though it had nothing to do with fear or discomfort.
“All yours, my Baka Shinji,” slurred the girl after she weakly pushed Hikari back so she could talk. Her entire body felt like it was made of liquid ecstasy, spots of light dancing though her vision and everything getting brighter and brighter. As the last of her orgasm crushed her conscious mind, Asuka slumped down, out cold.
Shinji sat back, his semi-soft dick slipping free of his fellow Pilot, along with a small glob of thick, potent cum and a trickle of girl-cum. Maya wiggled out from under Asuka, briefly checking the girl before beginning to giggle. “You fucked her unconscious, Shinji,” the tech laughed, amazed. “Maybe you can do that for me sometime?” she asked archly. Hearing a moan of distress, Maya and Shinji focused on Hikari, who was giving the young man a pleading look, one hand on her small breast, the other between her legs. “Looks like someone needs you more, Shinji,” said Maya fondly, caressing Hikari's cheek.
“Please?” begged Hikari. Shinji glanced down at his dick, seeing it was recovering nicely from the tone of Hikari's voice.
“I think I can take care of you, Hikari,” he said, smiling at her. I never really noticed, but she's damn cute! he thought, seeing Maya settled Asuka before laying down on her back, pulling Hikari on top of her, face to face with herself. Maya moved her legs between and over Hikari's, locking the girl's legs open and exposing her slick opening to him. Shinji absently stroked his dick one, feeling that it was recovered, before moving into position to take Hikari. Touji is an idiot for not making a play for her, he thought fleetingly as he positioned himself at her pink entrance. Maya was already kissing Hikari and holding her reassuringly.
“Do her like you did Asuka, Shinji,” whispered the bridge operator, smiling at him before kissing Hikari again. Shinji nodded.
“Yes, ma'am,” he grinned, pushing forward. Hikari, being smaller of build than Asuka, was almost impossibly tight, he discovered. Still, he persisted, the yelps, gasps and hisses of the Horaki girl driving him on. With his tool doubly-coated with girl-cum from Asuka and Maya, he managed to finally claim her completely. In the vise-like grip of her virgin passage, he could feel her heart beat, as well as his own. Breathing hard, he began to move in her, Maya holding the aimlessly-thrashing girl firmly. Shinji knew that her movements were not an attempt to stop him from doing her, but a reflection of how profound an impact his dick had on her.
“God, you're tight, Hi-chan,” he grunted, finding each stroke only the tiniest bit easier than the one before it. “You feel so good, Hi-chan,” panted Shinji, gripping her hips so tightly that he was sure she would have some bruises. “I can't wait to blow my load in your tight pussy,” he whispered to her harshly. Hikari was sweating now, her hips jutting up to meet his thrusts. “You want that, Hi-chan? You want me to do you like I did Asuka and Maya-chan? You want me to fill you up with my cum?” he demanded of her.
“Yes, Shinji! Flood me with your cum! Pack me full!” screeched the girl hungrily. “I want what you gave Asuka! Make me like Maya!” she demanded mindlessly. “I want you to take me and make me yours, Shinji!” she begged. Shinji nodded.
“Ok, Hi-chan, here it comes!” he snarled, making three more fast thrusts before squeezing her back against his tool as hard as he could, his third load exploding into her womb, just like he had the other two girls. Hikari felt a strange sensation in her lower belly. It felt like some hot, wet, thick electrical current were eating its way through her from her sex outward. He's filled me up, she thought, barely coherent. I'm his now. I begged him to cum in me, and he did! He isn't wearing a condom; I could get pregnant, a small part of her mind thought. For some reason, she only felt a sense of excited anticipation at that thought. Maybe he got Asuka and Maya pregnant, too! she thought, everything going white. If not this time, then maybe next time… was her last conscious thought before she was unconscious.
Wheezing, Shinji pulled his now-limp dick out of the girl. Maya carefully wiggled out from under Hikari, settling her next to Asuka. Shinji found himself grinning at Maya as the older woman stretched. Maya leaned over to pull the sheet over them. Seeing Shinji start to move, she frowned. “Where do you think you're going?” she asked him suspiciously.
“I thought I would go to my room,” he said, confused. Maya frowned.
“Like hell,” she muttered. “You are staying here with us,” she informed him inflexibly. “You don't just take a girl's virginity, then leave, you know - that's rude and insulting and might result in the girl not giving you a repeat performance,” she leered at him, licking her lips.
“There isn't a lot of room, you know, Maya-chan,” he pointed out, though he was no longer going to leave the girls. Maya winked at him, laying back and spreading her arms.
“There's plenty of room,” she hinted. Smiling, Shinji carefully settled on top of the woman.
“Hey, Maya-chan?” he began. She hummed, one hand covering her mouth as she yawned. “What about…?” he began, only to have her press her fingertips to his lips.
“In the morning, Shinji, in the morning,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. Moments later, the four were asleep, happy and secure in each other's arms.