Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Modified Procedure ❯ Modified Procedure ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Modified Procedures
By: A-Z
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: blah, blah, don't own, blah, blah.
“Any news about Shinji?” asked Ritsuko, slanting a glance at the distracted woman beside her. Other than a tightening of her jaw, there was no response from the other woman. The two were standing side by side at the row of sinks in the ladies' room on the command level of NERV, a place where they could get what privacy there was to be had at NERV. Seeing that the other woman was going to resist answering her question, the head of Project E pressed the issue. “You know, Misato, I won't stop asking just because you're trying to ignore me,” she pointed out.
A muted snarl preceded the Operations Director's answer. “No, Ritsu, not yet,” said the Captain tightly. Beside her, Akagi ostensibly checked her make-up, but was really watching her old friend and roommate, Captain Katsuragi.
“It's been two days now, hasn't it?” asked the other woman, doing her best to sound innocent while needling Misato about her missing charge.
“Two and a half,” muttered Misato, staring blankly at her reflection in the mirror. Strange, I didn't think that he would just up and disappear like that, mused the woman. Her thoughts were interrupted by Ritsuko's voice.
“Feeling guilty about chewing him out?” pressed the doctor. Misato's eyes narrowed slightly.
“Shinji has to follow my directions, Ritsuko,” she reminded the other woman. “He came too close to losing the fight with the fourth angel as it was. I have a better view of the situation than he does, so I am in a better position to direct the battle against the angels than a pilot.”
A soft, questioning hum came from Akagi. “I don't know, Misato,” she disagreed, turning to face her friend. “There is one perspective that you do not have,” she hinted. Seeing that Misato was not following her, she elaborated. “You are not the one standing toe-to-toe with the Angels, are you?” she explained quietly. “Shinji is the one seeing that perspective. It's also Shinji who feels their attacks as well,” Akagi piled on.
Misato really, really wanted to deny that accusation. She also really, really wanted to smack the doctor one. And a beer; I really, really want a beer, she thought grumpily. Or maybe a case of beer… she amended her earlier thought. But all her attempts at evading the truth of Ritsuko's observations were ineffective. “I know,” she murmured. “I didn't think that he would leave. He just apologized and gave me that blank look the whole time I was chewing him out,” she tried to mitigate her actions and the consequences of them.
“You are supposed to be his guardian, Misato,” reminded the older woman. “You do recall all but demanding that he be assigned to your care, don't you?”
“I didn't know he would leave!” snapped Misato, exasperated at Ritsu's sniping. “It's not like I have a lot of experience in this, you know!”
Doctor Akagi gave her a thin, mocking smile. “You have experience with boys, Misato. Perhaps you aren't using that experience correctly?” suggested the other woman, turning for the door.
“Ritsu, what the hell are you saying?!” sputtered Misato. “Shinji's…!”
“Missing. Our only combat-ready pilot is missing. And his guardian not only unsure where he might have gone, but is possibly part of the reason he left. Is that about what you were going to say?” mocked Ritsuko. “I did tell you that maintaining him was part of your duties, Misato,” reminded the woman, opening the door. “Oh, and the Commander wants to see you about the situation,” she added, stepping through the door.
At the sink, Misato turned and splashed some cold water over her face, patting the water free and checking what little makeup she wore. Seeing that she was ready, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady herself. Visits to the Commander's office are a lot like getting your head slammed in a door, she thought, steeling herself. Mentally and physically prepared, Captain Misato Katsuragi exited the bathroom and marched to the Commander's office to discuss the missing pilot.
“Another day,” muttered Misato as she picked up her second beer and moved toward the couch, her uniform dropping to the floor of her apartment as she went. Seeing Pen Pen watching a wrestling match, Misato flopped into the couch beside her other long-term roommate. “Shinji still hasn't come back, Pen Pen,” she said the flightless bird.
“Wark!” was the reply of the avian, his eyes never leaving the screen of the television. Misato sighed, rubbing her pet's eyebrows briefly.
“I just don't know what to do, Pen Pen,” she explained to the penguin. “Section Two still hasn't found a trace of him, so I guess he is still somewhere in Tokyo Three. But, if he is, why can't they find him? He's not a spy, you know,” she pointed out the disinterested warm-water bird.
“Wark,” dismissed the bird, his clawed flipper touching the remote, raising the volume of the TV slightly.
“Hey, Pen Pen?” said Misato quietly, watching the penguin watch the show. “Do you…think it really is my fault he left?” she asked him. A single glance was all Pen Pen gave her. Misato sighed. “Fine,” she said tiredly, staring to rise from the couch. “I'm going to take a bath, then,” she said, exiting the living room. Behind her, Pen Pen turned to look at the naked form of the retreating Captain for a moment before turning back to the match.
In the bathroom, Misato filled the tub with hot water, absently noticing that it still glowed from the scrubbing that Shinji had given it while he was there. Stepping into the tub, Misato settled comfortably, letting her mind drift. “What should I have done differently?” she asked herself aloud. Unbidden, Ritsuko's words came back to her. That's crazy, her suggesting that I treat him like that! she scoffed. I mean, yeah, he's cute, and he keeps me fed, clothed and living in a clean apartment, but he's fourteen!
Misato froze as that last thought crossed her mind. He's old enough to fight Angels, and he almost died both times he has fought them. If he's old enough to save the world, maybe he's old enough… Misato slapped herself to break that thought off before she finished it. “Must be drunker than I thought,” she muttered, resituating herself in her tub. He's not too bad off for being fourteen. He's already as big as Kaji, and… Misato slapped herself again - hard. “Ow!” she winced, holding her cheek. “What the hell is wrong with me tonight?!” she muttered.
After another ten minutes in the tub, Misato hauled herself out and wrapped her towel around her hair as she headed for her room. “Good night, Pen Pen!” she called. “The water's still warm, if you want a soak,” she added. From the living room, she heard the TV cut off and the sound of her roommate's claws on the wood floor.
“Wark!” Pen Pen thanked her, moving into the bathroom. Misato smiled at the penguin.
“You're welcome, Pen Pen,” she said, beginning to dry herself off.
“The Third has not yet been located,” came the voice of Gendo. “It has been five days, Captain,” he reminded her. Standing before the desk of the Commander of NERV, Misato kept her face blank and her posture stiff. “What do you have to say about that, Captain?” he asked her directly.
“Sir, Section Two is tasked with locating the pilot. Perhaps the section head could give you more detailed information on the search?” she aggressively suggested.
“Captain, I have already spoken with the head of Section Two. It is his belief that the prolonged absence of the pilot may very well have to do with the care he received while under your supervision.” Gendo paused. “Or more accurately, the lack of care that the Third received,” he clarified. Misato's jaw tightened minutely at that veiled accusation.
“It is more likely that his experiences in Unit One are to blame,” she offered tightly. How dare he suggest that I didn't care for Shinji correctly! she silently snarled. And let's not forget his own sterling example of care! she added hotly.
“The purpose of the Third is to pilot, Captain,” dismissed Gendo. “You are responsible for his continued usefulness to NERV.” Misato made no comment. “When the Third is recovered, I will re-evaluate your guardianship of him,” warned the bearded asshole. “Until then, you are on administrative leave at half pay,” he said.
“Sir,” saluted Misato. When he didn't return the salute, she smartly cut her hand away from her brow and crisply turned on her heel, marching out of his office. Once she was out of his office heading for the parking garage, she vented. “Fucking asshole!” she snapped, angrily fishing her keys up out of her purse. “Who the fuck does he think he is, to be lecturing me about my care of Shinji?! He can't even say his son's name, and he goes on about my handling of Shinji?!” she raged.
“Maintaining him was your job, Misato,” came an unexpected voice from the elevator leading to the parking garage of headquarters. Whipping her head around, she saw Ritsuko casually leaning against the wall next to the doors.
“Ritsu, I'm really not in the mood…” she began, reigning in her temper with some difficulty. The bottle blonde shrugged.
“I'm simply reminding you of the facts of the situation, Misato,” she explained neutrally. “But, that wasn't what I came here for anyway,” she dismissed the topic. “Maya told me about the leave. What do you say we go drinking tonight?” she suggested, pressing the button to summon the elevator.
“Sure. Sounds good to me; I don't have to come in to work tomorrow, but what about you?” she asked the other woman. Ritsuko shrugged.
“You are the one that drinks too much, Misato,” she replied easily. “I can get a buzz and still be fine for tomorrow, whereas you never know when to quit.” Together, the two entered the relatively small elevator. Hope this place never catches fire, thought Akagi absently.
“So, why the sudden urge to go drinking with me?” asked Misato, her tone vaguely suspicious. Akagi shrugged.
“We haven't been out drinking in a while, and I thought you could use the break,” she offered. “Maybe decide on a plan for when they find Shinji,” she added casually. Misato gave her a flat, unfriendly look. “Or not,” shrugged the older woman. Better get a few pitchers in her before broaching that subject again, she made a mental note.
“You seem awfully confident that Section Two will find Shinji,” observed Misato as the two exited the elevator and made their way toward where Misato's car was parked. Ritsuko blinked.
“Honestly, Misato, do you think that he can get out of Tokyo 3? Sooner or later, we'll recover him; it's just a matter of time,” disagreed the doctor.
“Speaking of which, what if another Angel appears?” worried Misato. She did, after all, have a score to settle with them.
“We have Rei and Unit One,” pointed out Ritsuko, her attention on making sure that her seatbelt was securely locked in place and her hand had a solid grip on the door handle for stability. One thing about Misato, thought the head of Project E, she keeps her safety gear in order. “Of course, that question ultimately leads back to Shinji, you know,” she sniped. Grimacing, Misato twisted the key and brought her steed to life.
It was hours later, and Misato was as bombed as Hiroshima, barely a few sips from passing out. Ritsuko guided her friend's car into its skid-mark wreathed slot, cutting the engine and moving to the passenger side to help Misato up to her home. Getting Misato out of her car was a minor adventure on its own, since the good doctor had consumed a couple more shots than she planned to. Staggering up the steps to the lobby elevator, the tipsy doctor decided that staying at her friend's place for the night was the best choice for everyone.
Looking around as the elevator descended, Ritsuko wondered, not for the first time, why a building as nice as this one was virtually deserted. As far as she knew, Misato was one of only a handful of tenants. She was the only one on her floor, and seemed to be the only one with an apartment facing Tokyo 3. Could be that no one else wants to deal with the shockwave caused by an Angel's death, reasoned the woman. Dismissing her musing as the elevator opened, she guided Misato into it and pressed the button for Misato's floor. Feeling Misato rest her head on her chest, Ritsuko found herself giggling.
“Just like college,” she murmured. Except that Kaji isn't here, she amended the thought. Misato's arm found its way around Ritsuko's waist.
“Where're we goin'?” slurred the Captain.
“Your place.” replied her friend. Misato giggled.
“Sure. But I got a roomie, so we hav to keep quiet!” she whispered loudly. It took the doctor a moment realize what Misato was saying.
“Misato, I'm not one of your drunken pick-ups,” she denied. Misato lurched around to hug herself to her faux blonde friend.
“Thas fine,” she breathed, leaning into Ritsuko for a kiss. “Won't tell anyone,” she promised, her lips contacting Ritsuko's lips. Her eyes widened as Misato's tongue slipped into her mouth.
“Mmph!” she protested, but Misato was having none of it, holding the kiss. Eventually, Ritsuko gave up and kissed Misato back. It's not the first time that we've kissed, and there were those times in college with Kaji… considered the woman. The ping! of the elevator's chime caused Misato to break the kiss.
Giggling, she tried to lead Ritsuko to her apartment, but couldn't quite manage to find the door to the small car. Sighing, Ritsuko guided her friend to her apartment and swiped Misato's card though the reader, opening the door. Stepping inside, she paused to kick off her shoes as Misato did likewise.
With the first obstacle dealt with, Ritsuko guided Misato to her room, finding that Misato was trying to strip off her uniform as she went. “Shin? Your Mi-chan's home!” called the woman boisterously. “Wanna have some fun?” she added with drunken intensity. Akagi gave her friend a considering look.
Beside her, Misato pouted when she didn't get an answer. “Mus be sleep.” she decided, making her way toward Shinji's room. Gathering her scattered wits, Ritsu intercepted her friend.
“Um, let's let him get some rest, ok, Mi-chan?” she suggested. Misato blinked at her.
“Ritsu?” she wondered. And promptly passed out, dragging Ritsuko down under her weight. Grunting some, Ritsuko managed to get out from under her and stand. Deciding that Misato was fine where she was for the moment, the doctor indulged in a bit of snooping. Sliding the door to Shinji's room open - noting as she did the hand-made sign that proclaimed it `Shinji's Lovely Suite' - and turned on the light. The room was bare and looked more like a cheap hotel room than anything else. As she had expected, it looked like no one had ever been there. Looking to the small desk, she saw Shinji's NERV card lying there.
“Abandoned,” breathed the doctor. I guess, what goes around, comes around, eh, Gendo? she thought. Killing the light, she turned and began to drag Misato's limp form into her room. She needed some sleep before dealing with NERV, and the four or five hours she could catch before she had to be back at work would have to suffice. It took her a bit longer than she had expected to peel Misato's remaining clothes off, and a couple more minutes to remove her own before she flopped down beside Misato on her futon. She could have stayed in Shinji's room, but she felt like she didn't belong in there. Together, both women welcomed oblivion, if only for a brief time.
Misato really hated down time. During the past two days, she had nearly gone stir crazy with the waiting. It wasn't that her beer supply was insufficient; far from it. She had more than most liquor stores, after all, and even her thirst wasn't that heavy. No, her nervous breakdown was being driven by her feeling of uselessness. She had gotten so waspish that even Pen Pen had taken to avoiding her, hiding in his refrigerator with six-packs of beer to soothe his nerves.
To stave off the madness clawing at her mind, she had taken to doing all sorts of things she rarely did. She did some laundry. She (sort of) cleaned her room. She scrubbed her tub. All the things that Shinji did, she thought as she wondered what to do next. After her experiment in housekeeping, she had taken a bath, and while tending to her personal hygiene, she had gone a little overboard and turned her neatly-trimmed patch of dark purple pubic hair into a soft, bare pussy.
While working on that impromptu project, she had found herself wrestling with the issue that refused to leave her alone: Shinji. Thinking about Shinji while her hands were touching her sex turned out to be a bad idea. Or maybe, she thought, it was a good idea. It's bee a while since I came that hard. She had not realized what she was doing until she was screaming Shinji's name as she came, two fingers in her lava-like pussy, her thumb on her clit, while her other hand was assaulting her hard nipples.
Once she had recovered from her orgasm, she had slowly gotten out of the tub and moved to the living room, her towel wrapped around her to protect her couch from her damp skin. It had become apparent to her over the last two days that the idea that Ritsuko had planted in her mind was bearing fruit. The only thing that Misato was left to wrestle with was her own reaction to acting on her impulses. If I do this, will it help him? Or will it make things harder for both of us?
Misato's musing was interrupted by her phone ringing. Rising, she quickly stepped over to the phone and picked it up. “Katsuragi,” she said crisply.
“Captain, you are to report to NERV immediately,” came the voice of the officer of the watch.
“An Angel?” asked Misato tensely.
“No. The Third has been recovered.” The phone went dead in her hand, but she didn't notice. They found Shinji! she thought, relieved, but also anxious. Blinking away her mental freeze, she hung up the phone and jogged to her room, dropping the towel as she moved down the hall. In her room, she stopped as she started to pick up her uniform. Taking a deep breath, she ordered her thoughts. After a moment of stillness, she resumed motion.
Stepping over to her small dresser, she slid open her panty drawer and rummaged in it for a bit before pulling a pair of panties from the very back. The small undergarment was still neatly folded into the package that it had been in when she bought it. Opening the fancy package, Misato smiled as she spread out the panties and examined them. “About time I wore them,” she murmured, stepping into the tiny panties and settling them in place. After a few adjustments to the bows at her hips, she closed her panty drawer and opened her bra drawer.
Rummaging through it as well, she discarded several bras before finally selecting one. Shrugging into it, she leaned forward, using her hand to tuck her breasts into the cups, adjusting them for maximum comfort and visual appeal. Turning to look at herself in the tall, narrow mirror on her wall, she smiled. “Miles of cleavage,” she approved, turning to her wardrobe. “Now, what's next?” she asked herself, her smile growing wider.
A short black skirt and a deep, rich crimson silk blouse completed her clothes. The Captain paused by her dresser long enough to dab some perfume on the base of her throat and her wrists, add a little lipstick and some minor eyeliner, and then she was out the door. Her drive to NERV was unusually fast that day.
When she arrived, she immediately made her way to the bridge to find out who knew where Shinji was. Hyuga blinked and blushed when he saw what she was wearing, but Misato didn't notice, her attention on other matters. He did manage to get her attention when he gave her his report.
“What?!” gaped Misato.
“Shinji was found this morning, Captain,” he repeated. “Section Two brought him in and the Commander spoke with him briefly, then a couple of the goons escorted him out again,” he reported. Misato frowned.
“When was that?” asked Misato. Hyuga glanced at the clock.
“About an hour ago,” he said. Misato spun on her heel and strode away. I must have passed him on the way here, she thought. I can probably beat Section Two back to my place if I hurry! she decided.
“Captain Katsuragi, report to the commander's office immediately,” came the announcement from the PA system. Muttering curses, Misato double-timed it back toward the bridge and the elevator that went up to Gendo Ikari's office. Impatiently, she swiped her card and punched the button for the office of the Commander.
Stepping past the doors before they had fully opened, Misato hurriedly marched to the door to Gendo's office, hitting the intercom button on the panel next to the door. “Captain Katsuragi, as ordered,” she snapped tensely. Hearing the door click, she pushed it open and moved into the lair of the devil. Reaching the small circle of light before the man's desk, she stopped, coming to attention.
“Captain Katsuragi, I understand that you have been informed of the Third's recovery,” he said, his tone emotionless.
“Yes, sir,” she replied. “I was just on my way to…” she began, but Gendo interrupted her.
“The Third has been released from NERV service. Rei has been instructed to take over piloting Unit One. You are to begin planning for the next angel around this new roster,” ordered Gendo. Misato schooled her face to calmness.
“New roster, sir?” she questioned tightly. “One pilot and one Eva leaves nothing to plan for, sir,” she noted. “We need Shinji, sir,” she pointed out.
“The Third is no longer of any use to us,” came the cold reply from Gendo. Misato softly bit her lip, then took the plunge.
“Sir, I volunteer to re-recruit Shinji,” she said crisply. Gendo was silent. Minutes passed before Misato spoke again. “I am confident that I can convince him to pilot again, sir,” she said earnestly. “Since his departure from NERV is partially my responsibility, I will correct the situation.” Gendo was silent. Minutes passed.
“Very well, Captain,” he said at last. “If you can get the Third to pilot, I will reconsider your continued care and maintenance of him.” Misato almost wilted in relief. “However,” continued Gendo, “if you fail, I will reconsider your continued employment with NERV.” Misato saluted him.
“Sir,” was all she said before spinning on her heel and marching out of the office. As soon as she was gone, Gendo picked up the phone and dialed a number.
Misato twisted the steering wheel, her car sliding around another corner, nearly colliding with a car headed the opposite direction, but she didn't even notice it. Glancing at her watch, she pressed down harder on the accelerator, willing herself to make it on time. “Come on, damn it!” she begged softly, dodging a car preparing to park by jumping onto the sidewalk for a moment before grinding back onto the road.
Seeing the train station ahead, she swiftly began to scan the platform numbers as they flickered by. “Where is it?!” she snarled as she looked for the line that Ritsu had said Shinji would be departing on. She could practically feel the seconds slipping by as she desperately searched for the right platform. “Shit!!” she screamed, hammering the brakes and sending the car into a hard, long slide.
Looking over, she saw that she was on the wrong side of the tracks from the platform. She would have to go back down to the main entrance, cross to the center platform, then move back up to the departure platform for the train. Looking down the tracks, she saw the train approaching. Fine time for the trains to be on time, she thought bitterly, knowing that she could never make it to where Shinji was in time. Her eyes came back to the only person on the platform: her Shinji. By his side was the same small bag that he had had when she first met him, and in his hand was his SDAT player, earphone on.
Damn it, there isn't time! she thought frantically. I have to get him to stay! Desperation gave her an idea. Standing on the scuff plate of her car door, she waved at him and yelled as loud as she could. “Shinji! Shinji, don't go!” She thought he looked up just as the train blocked her view of him. Breathlessly, Misato slumped back. Did he hear me? More importantly, did he stay? she wondered, dreading the departure of the train. Exactly two minutes after the train stopped and announced boarding, it began to accelerate away from the station. As the last car approached, Misato closed her eyes and held her breath.
As she heard the train fade into the distance, she slowly opened her eyes to learn her fate. To her relief, she saw Shinji standing where he had been standing before, his eyes on her across the tracks and the chain-link fence. He looked uncertain and confused, but he had stayed. Shinji stayed! she giddily thought. He stayed! “Shinji, I'll be right there!” she called, waving one hand. “Wait for me, ok?”
Slipping back into her car, she tossed it in reverse and peeled tires back to the nearest entrance, jumping out of the car and running up the steps to the overhead pedestrian paths that linked the islands of platforms to the tracking system. Flying up the steps, she spared a fleeting moment to appreciate her choice to wear comfortable flats. Running down the elevated foot-traffic path, she kept glancing at where Shinji stood motionless, waiting for her. Descending the steps to his platform, Misato ran to Shinji and wrapped him up in a tight, close hug.
“Misato,” came his muffled voice. The woman eased back slightly, feeling her eyes tear up.
“Shinji, I…I'm glad you stayed,” she said. “I want you to know that we can start over,” she continued in a rush. “Please, give me a chance to work on it, Shinji,” she nearly begged him. “Rei asked about you, you know. She wanted to know when you would be back. So did Maya and the bridge crew,” she added, calmer now that she had her arms around him. “Shinji…” she trailed off, shaking her head before simply pulling him back to her chest. Minutes passed before she spoke again. “Let's go home, Shinji,” she suggested warmly. Slowly, Shinji nodded.
As the two made their way back to her car - at a far more leisurely pace than before - Misato had to ask him something. “Shinji? Why did you choose to stay?” she wondered. Was it for me, or for some other reason? wondered the woman. Shinji didn't meet her gaze when he answered her.
“It's just that I had no place to go back to that felt like home,” he explained. “Your apartment feels the most like home.” Misato gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“I told you, Shinji, when you moved in, that it was now our apartment,” she reminded him. And this time, I'll get it right! she promised herself.
Shinji watched Misato set his small bag in his room before returning to where he sat on the couch. Sitting beside him, she turned herself so she was facing him, one leg on the cushions, the other foot resting on the floor. The young pilot was sitting a little stiffly at the end of the couch, Misato next to him in the middle of the couch. “The place looks better than I had expected it to after a week,” he offered her weakly.
Misato, unsure of how to break the awkward feeling between them, was glad to take the offered opening. “Um, yeah, I had some free time, so I did some cleaning,” she explained. Shinji glanced at her curiously.
“Free time?” he wondered. Misato nodded.
“When you ran away, the Commander felt that I had been lax in my duties caring for you, so he suspended me,” she admitted. But then, you stayed when I called out to you, so maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I was, she left unsaid.
“I…I'm sorry,” offered Shinji, looking away from his guardian. Misato pursed her lips.
“I'm not,” she said quietly. “Shinji, I wasn't doing my job as well as I should have been doing it,” she went on, slowly reaching out and catching his hand in her own. “I'm supposed to be there for you when you need me. I'm supposed to take care of you. Instead, I…treated you like a servant, and only chewed you out for what you didn't do right in combat, rather than recognized what you did do right.”
“Misato, it's ok,” assured Shinji earnestly. “You are supposed to be fighting the Angels, and I…” Misato's finger on his lips silenced him.
“No, Shinji,” said the woman quietly. “You are the ones fighting the Angels, Shinji; I am just there to coordinate the action.” Seeing his look, she offered him a crooked smile. “I…had some time to think things over, Shinji,” she explained. “In the end, defeating the Angels is all that matters, as far as who is making the calls. How about we play it by ear from here on out? Deal?” she offered him, smiling at him warmly.
“Deal, Misato,” he replied, smiling in return.
“That won't be the only change, either,” promised the woman. “For one thing, we're going to be splitting the chores a lot more evenly,” she assured him.
“I don't mind the chores, Misato. Really, it's kind of nice to have some tasks to look forward to around here,” he jumped in. Misato had to kick one part of her mind in the head to get it to stop urging her to take him up on that offer.
“Well, I think we can compromise some there,” assured Misato. “Another thing that is going to be different is that I'm going to cut back on the beer,” she said quietly. Seeing Shinji's wide-eyed look, she couldn't help but giggle at him. “No, I'm not stopping, but I'm going to try and keep the binges under control,” she elaborated.
“I'd…like that,” said Shinji quietly. Misato took a breath. Ok, Misato, take the plunge, she ordered herself.
“Also, I'm going to take steps to keep your nightmares away,” she said, subtly leaning closer to him. Since your piloting is causing most of them, the least I can do is help you get a good night's sleep, she silently apologized.
“What do you mean, Misato?” asked Shinji. Misato leaned her head forward so she was face-to-face with her charge.
“It means, we're going to be sharing a bed,” she said softly, watching his eyes intently. Seeing them turn into dinner-plates, she moved to head off a panic attack. “We don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but we will be sleeping together. That way, if you ever need me, I'm right there,” she said, slowly wrapping her arms around him and drawing him to her chest.
For the first few moments, Shinji was stiff against her, but then, he slowly began to relax. Gradually, his face lowered to rest against her shoulder as his arms tentatively circled around her chest. Time vanished for them both as they simply held each other close. Eventually, Misato heard some sounds from Shinji and eased back from the young man. “What did you say, Shinji?” she asked him.
“I said, `no more unfamiliar ceilings,'” he repeated, a small smile on his lips. Misato nodded at him.
“No more unfamiliar ceilings, Shinji,” she echoed him. Looking at the clock, she realized that it was getting late. “Well, ready to call it a night?” she asked. It had been a long, long day for them both. Swallowing with a bit of difficulty, Shinji nodded, feeling Misato pull him off the couch with her. Holding his hand, she led him to her room.
Looking around the Captain's room, Shinji realized that it had received a cleaning since he had last seen it. While it was nowhere nearly as clean as his room was, it was order-of-magnitude better than it had been before. Sliding the door shut, Misato turned to Shinji and gave him an encouraging smile. “Let's get ready for bed, Shinji,” she said, her hand moving to her blouse. Swiftly, she had the flimsy covering off, revealing her racy bra to the young man. Without pause, she reached to her hip and unbuttoned the skirt, lowering the zipped as she did so, the short skirt landing on the floor next to the blouse.
Standing in front of him in her flimsy bra and matching panties that made an eye-patch look like an elephant by comparison, she couldn't help but sneak a peek at his pants, where she detected a growing tent. “It's ok, Shinji,” she whispered to him in reassurance, “go ahead and get ready for bed.” To emphasize her point, she reached back and dexterously unclipped her bra, holding the cups in place for a moment as the straps fell limply from her shoulders. Seeing a twitch in his pants, she casually set the bra aside, arching her back as she straightened.
Smiling a sultry smile at him, she tugged the small bows at each hip, the panties fluttering to the floor, leaving her naked before him. Misato noticed that her groin was feeling hot and slick. If this is how I feel, then so be it, the woman made her peace with her feelings. Stepping to Shinji, she silently began to remove his clothes, starting with his shirt. Shinji was staring, mesmerized, at her naked form. As Misato dropped his dress shirt to the floor and started on his dark undershirt, she felt a quick, unsteady touch on her bare chest. The unexpected contact caused her to flinch.
“Sorry!” gasped Shinji. Misato just shook her head.
“It's all right, Shinji,” she whispered to him. Pulling his shirt over his head, she dropped it to the floor before gently guiding one of his hands back to her full, proud breasts. A moment after she placed it on her breast, she withdrew her hand, holding her breath as she waited to see what he would do. As she had hoped, his hand stayed on her breast, gently exploring it. Smiling encouragement to him, she reached down and set to work on his pants.
Shinji had never imagined that he would get to explore Misato's bare bosom like this. Even before he had met her that day in Tokyo 3's streets, he had known that she was a gorgeous woman. While not the kind to express it like his friends Tough and Kensuke did, he noticed when a pretty girl was in eyesight, and he liked what he saw living with Misato. One of the reasons that he had never said anything about it or made any advances on her was his complete belief that she had no feelings for him and no interest in him other than his piloting Eva.
Of course, she did write that note on the picture she sent me… he thought hazily, his hands full of soft, full Misato breast. Thumbs and forefingers were busy with her erect, hard nipples and puffy areola, instinctively rolling, tugging and rubbing them while the rest of his fingers slid over her soft, warm mounds. Staring at the rich, deep-pink tips in his hands, Shinji barely noticed what Misato was doing at his waist. Indeed, he didn't even know that she had managed to get his pants off him and his boxers down until he felt warm, soft hands caress his hard member and nuts.
Not bad, Shinji, thought Misato happily, exploring her prize. While not big by any means, he was nearly the same size as Kaji was. Hmm. He might actually be bigger than Kaji, mused Misato, gently stroking his hard member. Or, I could just be having a hard time recalling Kanji's equipment. Oh, well! Shinji's got some more growth coming to him - I hope! she thought. Even if he didn't grow some, he was certainly packing enough to do the job if what Kaji had had done the job. Maybe, I can help Shinji grow into a real gentleman -something that Kaji never was, a bit of venom leaked into her thoughts. Shaking her head slightly, she pushed all thoughts of her sordid past with the womanizing sleaze from her mind, concentrating on Shinji.
Experienced fingers delicately fondled his sack, exploring his development there. Misato was pleased with his development there as well. Manipulating the pair of testes, she felt his dick tremble. Smiling wickedly, she slowly knelt in front of Shinji, unfortunately moving her breasts out of his reach. Hearing him groan, she looked up and smiled at him. Circling his hard shaft with her fingers, she gave it a few firm pumps, causing hot, slippery pre-cum to leak all over her fingers. Catching Shinji's eyes, she winked at him before leaning her head forward and licking his tip hungrily.
“Ah!” gasped Shinji, his hand flashing out to grab Misato's head. Misato knew that she was leering. Hearing his reaction to her lick, she felt her own arousal explode. Leaning closer, she swirled her tongue around his tip, catching more of his pre-cum on her tongue as she felt his hand comb through her hair to settle on either side of her head. Why is it that men always do that? she wondered in a tiny, irrelevant part of her mind. Parting her lips, she titled her head back to lock gazes with her partner as she slowly engulfed his head with her mouth.
“Misato!” squealed Shinji, watching his hard length disappear between her lips. Misato had kept her lips partially closed, so as his wide tip moved between them, Shinji could see them stretching to let him in. Taking him deeper, she swallowed him to the root, maintaining eye contact as she did so. Humming to herself, she began to pump him in and out of her mouth, licking all over his shaft and tip as she did so. From the base of his cock to the tip, she pumped his pulsing meat with great skill - and great enthusiasm.
Shinji moaned as he felt his nuts tighten. Too soon! he mourned, unknowingly gripping Misato's head a little tighter and holding her still, her nose in his pubic hear. “C…cumming!” he breathed, though he wasn't sure if Misato heard him or not. It didn't matter, really, because even as he tried to warn her, his first shot painted the back of her throat.
Misato had plenty of warnings that he was about to blow, and was ready for it. Easily swallowing his cum, she was surprised to find that she was enjoying it. With her previous lovers, it had been a simple necessity, but with Shinji, she liked it. The lovely Captain was also surprised by the volume of his cum. He must have been saving up for a while, she thought, swallowing his fifth spurt. Relaxing, she waited for him to finish. As his cum finally stopped filling her mouth, she pulled her lips from his dick, catching all the stray cum she could.
Shinji was panting and flushed, but seemed happier than he had ever been. Not surprising, really, since it was nearly impossible to be unhappy after having gotten his first blowjob from a sexy and skilled woman like Misato. Even as he was recovering, he worried that he had come too soon. Feeling Misato guide him back onto her futon, he focused on her, to find her smiling at him happily. “Um, sorry about…so soon,” he managed, blushing.
Misato's soft giggle preceded her reply. “It's fine, Shinji!” she assured him fondly. “In fact, because you came in my mouth first, you will last longer in my pussy,” she whispered in his ear. Shinji felt his currently mostly-flaccid dick stir at her words.
“You mean…?” he dared to hope. If Misato had stopped at just a blowjob, he would have counted himself the luckiest man in the world. But, it appeared, she had no plans to stop short of going all out. Nodding silently, Misato situated herself on her back before taking his hand in her own and guiding it to her belly. Once he was touching her smooth, flat stomach, she teasingly led his hand lower, past her bellybutton, toward her exposed mons.
Shinji paused to tactilely explore her belly button. He had seen it a lot since he had met her, and he had to admit that he really like the cute little dimple-like adornment to her sexy belly. Running a fingertip around it and over it, he decided that it felt every bit as nice as it looked. His attention was diverted from her belly button by her fingers leading him lower, over her soft belly just above her nest. Shinji licked his lips, finding them to be suddenly dry as he realized what he was about to feel.
Misato led his hand away from her belly button with mixed feelings. She had never had a man tease her belly button before, and while the sensations were oddly arousing, she wasn't sure that it was something she would have him doing instead of learning about a woman's sex. So, she guided his hand lower, eventually pushing his hand over the top of her slit. Not incidentally, his fingers encountered her clit as well, since it had stiffened to peek out from under it's protective sheath. “Oh!” she hissed in excitement when she felt his fingers slip over her button.
“Misato?” asked Shinji, worried about her sudden outburst. Misato gave him a dreamy smile.
“It's fine, Shinji,” she said. “Did you feel that little bump just now?” she asked. Seeing him nod, she went on. “That little bump is my clit, Shinji. It is a woman's most sensitive spot, and is a lot like the tip of your dick,” she continued. “Go ahead and explore it, but be gentle,” she instructed him, spreading her legs wider. Beside her, Shinji propped himself up on his elbow so he could see her exposed groin better. Looking between her legs, he saw the small, pink button peeking out of her folds. He also noticed her lack of any pubic hair.
“Didn't you have hair down there?” he asked, not realizing that it might reveal that he had been looking at her all the times that she unknowingly - and sometimes knowingly - flashed him. Misato hummed.
“I shaved it all off this morning,” she replied, distracted by his light, careful touch. She knew that her entire groin and upper thighs were soaked with her arousal, and even as he touched her, she knew that she would cum before he could even enter her. When his fingertips brushed her clit again, she did come, her body trembling as her fingers seized her nipples and lightly pinched them. “Shinji” she breathed, feeling the orgasm wash through her.
Shinji had been focused on exploring her exposed pussy when her voice broke his concentration. Seeing her holding her nipples and trembling, he was worried that he had injured her some way. Snatching his hands off her soaked pussy, he shuffled up so he could look at her face. “Are you ok, Misato?” he asked, concerned. As her body stopped trembling, Misato opened her eyes and saw Shinji leaning over her, his expression worried. “Mmm,” she smiled, her arms snaking around his neck, pulling him to her, her lips sealing to his own.
Caught off guard, Shinji tried to catch his balance as Misato surprised him by pulling him to her for a searingly-intense kiss. His hands ended up on either side of her chest, his body half-on top of her own, his chest pressing against her full breasts. “Mmph!” he managed before Misato silenced him by parting her lips so her tongue could invade his mouth. Though shocked at his first kiss turning into a deep French kiss, Shinji's hormones swiftly overcame his surprise and he heartily, if inexpertly, returned her kiss. As the minutes slipped by, he tried to get into a more comfortable position, ending up between her legs, which circled around his own, trapping him. Not that any part of him minded.
Misato gently broke the kiss when she felt his hard length against her lower belly, right above her shaved entrance. While she was loving the make-out session, her body was demanding more; far more. And as nice as teaching him to kiss was, she was eager to move on to more enjoyable lessons. And since he is ready again… she thought happily. With careful pressure on his shoulders, she eased him back from her face. “Ready to move on?” she husked at him, smugly noticing the lust in his eyes. It was all he could do to nod.
Wiggling her hips, she got him settled into position, one hand easing his tip into proper alignment before two fingers spread her vaginal lips open, instantly coating the wide tip of his dick with slick, hot Misato juice. Biting her lip in pleasure, she withdrew her hand, looping her arms around his chest casually. “Whenever you're ready,” she invited him.
Shinji didn't need to be told what to do; his instincts had long since taken control of his body, and no sooner were the words out of her mouth than he pushed forward, driving the tip into her slick passage. Grunting softly as the sudden sensation of being encased in Misato, Shinji vigorously thrust again, driving half his length into her. Misato's eyes were closed in pleasure as she felt him penetrate her. Such youthful vigor and passion! she reveled. “Yes!” purred the woman as she felt his hips meet her, his length completely inside her.
Without pause, Shinji began to hammer into her, madly building toward his second release. With his dick busy, he had to find something to do with his lips, and Misato's lips looked very, very inviting. It took a moment or two, but Shinji found a balance that allowed him to furiously pump into her and kiss her at the same time. Now, with as much of him enjoying the unexpectedly-available favors of Misato, his rational mind shut down, leaving only his lust and the need to reach orgasm.
I'm glad he came in my mouth first, thought a euphoric Misato. If not, he would have cum by now, and I wouldn't be getting this orgasm I feel building… The woman could feel a huge orgasm building with each stroke of his hard length, each bit of his bare flesh touching her naked flesh, and every caress of his tongue on her tongue. Was it ever like this with any of the men I have been with? she wondered, unable to recall ever having felt this way before. Shinji increased his pace to an unbelievable degree, teetering on the edge. “Now!!” screamed Misato, hugging him to herself hard enough to make his ribs creak.
“Misato!” growled Shinji, feeling his sack tighten as he held himself as deeply in her passage as he could, his cum exploding into her. Three big spurts flooded her passage before he began to soften. Collapsing onto her chest, he panted like he had just run a marathon. Other than settling him more comfortably on top of her, Misato made no move, still riding the powerful, deep orgasm that she had felt when Shinji had filled her with his cum.
“Shinji, that was incredible,” she whispered, contentment and not a little smugness in her voice. An inarticulate sound was her answer. Opening her eyes, she looked Shinji's face, which was currently resting against her throat. His eyes were nearly shut and she knew that he was going to be asleep before she could speak again. “Guess we can talk about this in the morning,” she yawned. Fumbling around under and beside them, she managed to find her sheets, and to pull them over their entwined bodies, being careful not to dislodge Shinji from his position on top of her and in her passage.
Both the lover were asleep in minutes, Misato unaware that the lights were still on in her room. She wouldn't have cared even if she knew. Shinji's dreams that night were not just pleasant, but downright enjoyable. For her own part, Misato's sleep was better than she had ever had - even when she had slept in the arms of Kaji.
“Captain Katsuragi. I see that you have made good on your promise,” came the voice of Gendo. Misato saluted him, fighting not to smirk at him.
“Sir,” she said simply. Gendo went on.
“The Third's attitude and synch scores are better than before, so I see no reason to change his guardianship.” Misato's lips did twitch into a smile at that. “That is all,” said Gendo. Saluting, Misato spun on her heel and departed the office of the Commander. As she emerged from the elevator, she found Ritsu awaiting her.
“So, Misato, I see that you managed to get Shinji back,” she opened the conversation. Misato nodded. “And his synch score is even better than before,” added the doctor. “What did you do to accomplish that? Nothing perverted, I assume,” she joked/warned. Misato turned to look at her friend.
“No. Nothing perverted,” she said evenly. Being with him isn't perverted.
“Hmm. So, what did you do?” asked Ritsu again. Misato looked away, smiling.
“That's not your business, Ritsu,” she said. “All you need to worry about is maintaining the Eva; Shinji will pilot,” she promised the other woman.
“I suppose you are correct,” mused Akagi. “Did you hear that they are releasing Unit 2 and the Second Child from training and development next week? They are being assigned here, of course,” Ritsu moved on.
“Asuka Langley Sohryu, right?” nodded Misato. “I can honestly say that I will be glad to have more pilots and Evas to work with; that last one was difficult,” she mused.
“Yes, I am still finishing up repairs on Unit 1 and Unit 0 will be down for a while, thanks to that particle beam,” muttered Ritsuko.
“Well, if there's nothing else, I'm off to lunch!” chirped Misato, starting to turn away. Ritsu's voice stopped her.
“Oh! Yes, there is one more thing, Misato,” she paused her friend's get-away. “The Commander has decided that since you did such an incredible job with getting Shinji in line, you should have no problems getting Asuka in line. To that ends, he as assigned her to live with you and Shinji, and you are to assume guardianship of them both,” said the blonde, starting on her own way.
“What?!” shrieked Misato. I know that we've met before, in Germany, but why would they want to move her into my place?! wondered the woman. “What makes him think that I can work a miracle with Asuka?!” she demanded. Ritsuko quirked an eyebrow at Misato's antics.
“You got through to Shinji, Misato. How difficult could it be to get through to Asuka?” reasoned the doctor.
“But…!” wailed Misato.
“You could always just do whatever you did with Shinji with her,” suggested Akagi, moving away from the other woman. Misato started to protest again, but then frowned, thinking it over.
Could I? Would it work? And what would Shinji think? Maybe he has a thing for redheads…