Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfic by deckman1063

This is a work of fiction, and I do NOT own the rights to the
characters depicted within. This fan work is purely for
entertainment purposes.

/* begin */

Rei watched the moon as she stared out the window. It was one of
the few things she felt comfortable with, especially given all
the changes that had occurred in the past few months. The
arrival of the other pilots, the start of the Angel War that she
had been training for as long as she could remember, her latest
rebirth, all had been more chaotic and more painful than she knew
how to handle. Thankfully the moon was predictable - ever
changing, but in a regular, periodic cycle. The tumult she found
herself in the middle of was hardly predictable, regardless of
what the Commander thought. The current situation was proof of
that - in a single moment of rebellion, she had decided that she
wanted to live, not be the Commander's tool any longer, not give
up her existence for a goal she would not benefit from. The
Commander's face as she forced his hand and the embedded,
embryonic form of Adam back out of her body was proof enough that
she had done the right thing. As she stared out at the bright
full moon, she allowed herself to smile.

A small sound in the apartment behind her captured her attention.
The sleepy, shuffling footsteps of the Third Child interrupted
her reverie as he made his way from his room to the bathroom. In
his fog, and with the darkness of the room, she assumed that he
did not realize that she was awake as she lay on the futon by the
doors to the balcony, but she stayed quiet. Tomorrow would be a
very busy day, and he didn't need her to wake him fully this
early in the morning, regardless of how much she wanted his

The girl was therefore somewhat surprised as he came over and sat
down next to her after he was finished with his nocturnal
business. Turning to him expectantly, she watched his eyes as he
stared out the balcony doors at the moon. "It's so bright,
tonight," the boy quietly breathed, keeping his eyes on the large
white and silver orb in the sky.

"It is only the second full moon since the last battle," offered
the First Child, still not sure what was on the boy's mind.

"With Asuka coming home tomorrow, I think I'll miss the quiet the

"We will manage. She is not the same as she was." Rei reached
out and took hold of her companion's hand, reassuring them both.

"I guess we will, but it won't be easy. She hasn't changed that
much," sighed the boy, turning to face her, his gaze flicking
down to their linked fingers before settling on her eyes.

She smiled at him, and watched in mixed wonder and amusement as
he smiled back, before she responded, "She has changed enough, I
hope." The girl paused, and looked back out the window. "You
should go back to sleep."

"Yeah, I probably should," he said, yawning, as his gaze was
drawn with hers back out to the night sky. He made no move to
get up, though, unwilling to let go of Rei's hand.

In the morning Misato found them both asleep on the futon, hands

/* end */

Author's note: this little piece of fluff came out of nowhere in
particular. I tried to leave enough clues as to the
circumstances surrounding the story, but readers familiar with
EVA should have no problems in that regard. Please feel free to
leave comments and reviews on either fanfiction[dot]net or
mediaminer[dot]org, or email me directly at deckman1063[at
thingy]att[dot-like bit]net