Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Moonlight ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By David 'Psaiyan' Hawthorne.

With many thanks to LeperMessiah for pre-reading this for me. ^_^

Rei Ayanami lay upon her unmade bed and contemplated the peeling paint and the patches of green damp which constituted the ceiling of her abode. Her eyes unblinking in their maroon intensity slowly tracked the progress of a spider as it crawled from one wall to the next and commenced its web spinning.

"Arachnid..." Rei's voice little more than a murmur.

There were always a lot of spiders in her apartment. Rei didn't care. Bearing them little mind, she reasoned that they would keep the flies that buzzed around the rotting food in her kitchen under control.

It was near midnight. The sky was clear and the stars were out in force, their companion moon hung low in the heavens, its light streaming through her open window, creating long unearthly shadows, illuminating her pale, creamy skin and imparting an odd lustre to her soft blue hair.

The moon. Rei had always felt an affinity with the moon. A niggling something at the back of her mind, always just out of her reach. A memory that did not wish to be recalled. Just as the moon reflected the light of the sun, Rei often felt in her heart as though she were merely a pale reflection of something greater.

She had lain unmoving for several hours now, still dressed in her school uniform. Her homework completed with diligent efficiency and a small evening meal of instant rice consumed. When not actively studying or engaged in her duties for NERV, Rei would lie in bed and sleep. She had nothing else to do.

It was chilly here, her open window allowing the still night air to loiter here and there, a small cloud of condensation rising above her face the only sign that she was alive. Rei did not feel, nor care about the cold.

A quiet night too. Increased police activity in the area had temporarily confined the local villains and creatures of the night to their hovels. The silence was deafening to Rei's ears, the sounds of the street, the shouts, the screams, the blaring stereos, the screech of brakes and occasionally, the gunfire conspicuous by its absence. This seemed wrong to her somehow. A quiet night... too quiet...

Her bedside clock ticked away, her life ending one second at a time. It seemed to be an eternity before the digital display flickered to 00:00 and a small bleep sounded, causing a small flicker of recognition to cross Rei's face. No need to remove her uniform - she could wear it tomorrow. Time for sleep.

She slowly closed her eyes.



Rei blinked. The clock greenly displayed 02:38.


She tilted her head slightly, wide-awake.


Someone at knocking loudly at the door.


A visitor. She never had visitors.


She never had visitors in the middle of the night


She never answered her door.


Rei closed her eyes again.


The door was unlocked... the door was always unlocked... she had nothing worth stealing...

*footsteps* - two sets.


Commander Ikari's glasses reflected the moonlight like a mirror, hiding the expression in his eyes. Rei could smell the alcohol on him from across the room, harsh and cloying, mixed with the acrid staleness of tobacco smoke and cheap aftershave. His presence seemed to expand to fill the room. She hardly even noticed Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki's lean, willowy presence immediately behind the right shoulder of his superior.

"Good evening Rei." Ikari's speech was slurred. In three words, Rei knew that he was hopelessly drunk.

"Good evening commander." Rei swung her legs over the side of the mattress and rose to her feet. "Good evening Commander Fuyutsuki."

Gendo nodded. Fuyutsuki looked away uneasily.

"So tell me Rei, how are you feeling tonight? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is well commander." Rei replied in her usual monotone. Ikari's visit was a little out of the ordinary, but he did like to take an interest in her from time to time.

"You should close the window. You'll catch a cold."

"I do not feel it."

Pulling up a chair and brushing a stack of unopened junk mail from the seat, Gendo unsteadily set himself down. Fuyutsuki leaned against the far wall and stared at the nails of his right hand.

"So tell me Rei, how are things at school. Are you being a good girl?" he struggled to spit the sentence out, a toxic sweat breaking out of his forehead. He clutched tightly at the chair arms.

"Of course. My studies are proceeding well." Rei nodded slightly.

Running his fingers through his hair, Ikari yawned.

"Rei... Rei... Rei..."

"Yes, sir?"

"I was just wondering if you would perhaps like to share a drink with me?" he folded his hands in front of his face, the movement of his head causing a glint of light upon his glasses, his voice oily.


"Yes. Have some whisky - it's very pleasant." He turned to his vice-commander. "Fuyutsuki - the bottle please." Rei noticed the prominent veins, like knotted cords at the side of his neck.

"Commander... with all due respect, I do not think that Rei is old enough to be drinking..." the older man's voice was gruff, yet strangely pleasant to her ears. He seemed to radiate competence, a reassuring air of authority.

"Let me say that again Fuyutsuki. The bottle please." A note of annoyance crept into Gendo's voice.

"Yes sir." Shaking his head, Fuyutsuki pulled a bottle of American bourbon from his jacket pocket and passed it to Gendo. He took it in shaking hands, the contents sloshing gently.

A slight grin appeared at the corners of his mouth as he cracked the seal on the bottle.

"Now Rei. As I have a head start on you, I think that you should have a few drinks on your own first. Why don't you sit down? It can be an acquired taste..." Gendo sneered. "Fuyutsuki - pass me that mug."


The liquor was strong and fiery, almost causing the blue-haired girl to gag at the first mouthful. Gendo had smirked at her. Rei had never seen him look at her like that before. He insisted that she tried again.

Perched on the edge of her bed and sipping slowly from the blue ceramic mug, Rei had managed a few sips. The taste was hateful and she disliked the idea of alcohol intently. However Commander Ikari had wanted to share a drink with her - she could not disobey him. As she drank, his mood seemed to lighten. He began to talk.

Rei did not often experience the emotion known as "surprise". However, she could not help but change her facial expression as. This was so unlike him, to discuss personal matters, between large slugs of whisky from the bottle.

He spoke of the pressures of his work, the weight of responsibility, the expectations placed upon him by those weaker than himself, pausing briefly every now and then to refill Rei's mug. It was imperceivable to her, but Gendo had been edging his chair ever closer to her as he talked, Fuyutsuki watching on from the corner, silent and impassive.

The spirit burned deep inside her, causing a warm glow to radiate outwards from her centre. This was a new, but not unpleasant feeling. The drink even began to taste better. The commander had been right about it being an acquired taste - the commander was always right about everything.

"I hold all the cards, Rei. The world could be mine if I so wished it... I could reshape everything that is into my own image if I only desired... But what good is the world and all the people in it if one is... always... alone?"

"Commander... I'm not sure I understand what you are saying." Rei had never heard him speak this way.

"Of course not. How could you? Being by yourself is second nature to you. You have never known it any other way, have you." he shook his head sadly.

"I am merely I." She knew no other response.

"My life used to be different. I have known kindness, I have known warmth..." He leaned closer, his face only inches from Rei's. "...the warmth of the heart... and the warmth of the flesh..."

Ikari's hot distillery breath rasped across Rei's face, stinging her eyes and forcing her to turn her head.

"This is the thing that I miss most of all..." a wicked grin spread across his granite features as he placed his hand, his skin rough and callused upon Rei's thigh. "Yui..."

Fuyutsuki shook his head sadly.


Whiskey. The thick, sickly stench of alcohol. Toxic. The destroyer of life. The bitter smell of his sweat and his greasy unkempt hair. The weight of his body, pressing her into the mattress, crushing the life from her.

There was no tenderness, no affection in his touch. He had ripped away her blouse and bra with his bare hands, the fabric cutting deeply into her shoulder blades. She had whimpered in pain as his large hands had engulfed her breasts, his fingernails digging deeply into her flesh. His face had been expressionless, the reflected moonlight on his spectacle lenses hiding any secrets that his eyes could betray.

He had slapped her face and ordered her to be silent and had forced his thick, snakelike tongue deeply into her mouth, choking her. She was breathing only alcohol fumes and wanted to vomit.

The vice-commander was no longer in the room. She stared upwards at the moon. He had slapped her again and ordered her to look at his face. She complied. She existed only to make her Commander happy.

Her skirt and panties were hurled away into the night. Thick digits, the nails chipped and dirty, roughly probed the petals of her most sacred spot. When she winced in pain, he drove his fist hard into her stomach. Rei stayed silent. She must always do what her Commander told her.

The pain was indescribable as he penetrated her for the first time. It felt as though he were tearing her insides apart. She stayed perfectly still and made not a sound.

It hurt more as he thrust against her, grunting like an animal, his face contorted with rage. Deep within her, she felt something tear. A new floor of agony engulfed her, knocking the breath out of her body. She was thankful for the alcohol now, numbing her senses, deadening some of the sensations. She would endure... endure for her Commander.

His hands roamed all over her slender young body, groping savagely and wildly at her soft white skin. Drool slid from his mouth and dotted her forehead.

His spectacles had fallen beside Rei's head, revealing his bulging feral eyes as he pounded away at her. This was what he wanted; this is what made him happy. The commander needed this. The commander needed her. She was a good girl.

As he spilled himself deep inside her, he gouged deep furrows into the flesh of her back, his head thrown back, an unearthly bellow expanding from within him. Rei noticed that the spider had almost finished spinning its web.

"Yui... I love you..." tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he kissed her tenderly on the lips.


She could hear Commander Ikari sobbing somewhere in the adjacent bathroom.

"Yui... my Yui... I'm sorry, so sorry..." his voice choked with grief.

"You made me do it! You made me do it!" he screamed, his fists pounding against the sink.

Fuyutsuki flung the door wide and rushed into the room in time to hear Gendo vomiting noisily into the bath. His eyes were wide with concern as he stood over Rei's battered and bruised form. He blinked once, as though his eyes were camera shutters, recording the image before him for posterity. A look of revulsion crossed his face, disappearing as quickly as it had arrived. He turned towards the bathroom.


"Let's go, Commander."

Fuyutsuki had supported Ikari's arm as NERV's supreme commander staggered towards the front door. Not another word passed their lips and neither man glanced back towards Rei, still lying prostrate amid the tousled sheets and the remains of her clothing.

The front door clicked shut and the sound of a car engine filled the air. It was silent once again, not even the crickets daring to chirp.


The clock read 4:49.

Rei's fingers came away from her ravaged womanhood sticky with blood. Red... the colour she hated... brought forth from a woman who would not bleed by the man who was her life. She did not understand how or why, only that it had and that it was and that it must be so.

The moon was low in the sky as she lay as still as a corpse, waiting for morning. She stared at it and it stared back, seeing all, knowing all, revealing nothing, uncaring. A hot tear formed in the corner of an unblinking crimson eye and slowly rolled down her cheek, to be absorbed by her damp, matted hair.

Rei could not explain why she cried.