Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ On A Summer's Afternoon ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evangelion is not mine. It belongs to Anno, Gainax, and
other not me people. I'm making no money off this, and
probably will end up losing a few dollars. Don't sue me.

Oh, and if you aren't at least eighteen, don't read
this. It's naughty.

*On A Summer's Afternoon*

*Stage Three: Trapped*

"I bet she's dripping wet thinking of me," boasted Aida.

Shinji blinked. "Dripping wet?"

"Of course!" Aida puffed out his nearly-nonexistent
chest. "After all, I'm such a stud!"

This warranted a snort from Touji. "Yeah, right.
You're the biggest geek in class."

"Oh, come on!" Aida scowled. "What can be more manly
than the military? Unless it's electronics. And I'm all
over both. What woman can resist me?"

"Any woman with eyes," retorted Touji.

"What do you mean, dripping wet?" asked Shinji.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Touji stared at

"I don't have a lot of experience with girls," said the
Third Child.

"Yeah, but don't you at least pay attention in Health
class?" Touji sighed, then continued in a pompous tone.
"Well, listen and learn, my young Padawan. When a girl
wants sex, her pussy gets wet. It's the same sort of thing
as when we get boners; it's their body's way of getting
ready for it."

"Secretion of vaginal lubricants to ease the passage of
the penis," added Aida, mimicking their Health teacher.
"But they can get so wet they soak right through their
panties. Moroboshi had his hand up Shinobu's skirt, and he
said that his fingers got so wet that he could *taste* her.
And he didn't touch anything but silk."

Touji snorted. "Like Shinobu wears silk panties.
Hell, I'm surprised that she wears panties at all!"

"Hey," yelled the gym teacher. "Keep the talk G-rated
over there."

"Sorry, coach!" yelled Touji. Then, in a quieter
voice, he added, "I can believe that Moroboshi got his hand
up Shinobu's skirt, though. She'd even let *you* feel her

Shinji didn't really register that, however, as his
eyes were following Rei. She'd been crossing the sports
yard, headed for the shower room, when she staggered. He
jumped to his feet, and ran over.

"Ayanami. Are you all right?"

She stood up straight. "I am well, Pilot Ikari.

"Oh." Shinji smiled a bit unsteadily. "Well, soccer
will do that to you."

"Perhaps after school, I shall take a nap."

She walked towards the shower room door, leaving a
rather confused Pilot Ikari in her wake.

Shinji blinked. *If I didn't know better, I'd think
she was practically inviting me over to...well...* He shook
his head. *She was asleep the last two times. She couldn't
know I was there.*

"Yo, Ikari!"

Shinji jumped.

"Man, you need to wake up," said Touji. "And why can't
you jump like that in gym class?"

"You scared the hell out of me," he snapped.

Touji raised his hands. The sight of an irate Ikari
put an unexpected chill on him. "Okay, relax, kid."

Shinji sighed. "Sorry, Touji. I was a bit dis-

"By Rei?" Touji grinned. "Never mind Shinobu. You
want to get your hand up Rei's skirt?"

Shinji considered, then turned to face Touji directly.
"Wouldn't you?"

Aida laughed. "I bet she's a screamer. The quiet ones
always are."

Two large, meaty hands fell, one landing on Touji's
shoulder, the other on Aida's. "Gentlemen. If I have to
tell you one more time..."

"Sorry, coach."

- - - - -

The door opened, and Shinji peeked into the apartment.

From the front door, he could see straight down to the
head of Rei's bed, and he didn't see her in it.


No answer.

He opened the door more fully, and stepped through,
closing it behind him. He walked into the main room.

Rei was in fact in bed, but turned sideways. Her lower
hung off the edge of the bed, her back and head supported by
pillows, as though it were an armchair. She was fast
asleep, her head tilted to the left, her mouth slightly
open. The sheet was puddled at her feet, as though she'd
had it pulled up, and it had slipped down. Her right hand
was draped across her belly, just below the lower button.

As before, she wore the shirt, though it was only but-
toned at the throat and at the midsection. The other four
buttons--two at the breast, two at the bottom--were undone.
And he could see the top of her panties through the gap at
the bottom.

*Oh, this is too perfect.*

He stole forward, and waved a hand in front of her
face. No response.

He slipped a hand into the gap between the two fastened
buttons, caressing the side of her breast. Nothing.

He pulled the hand free, and grasped the two bottom
corners of the shirt, drawing them open. Her panties were
now exposed from waistband to crotch, but when he released
the shirt, it fell back down, covering her.

Gently, he slipped his hands between her legs, drawing
her knees apart. She sighed, and shifted slightly in her
sleep, and he jerked his hands back and waited until she
settled again. Then tried again, and this time, drew her
knees wide apart, exposing her panty-clad mound again.

She was wearing similar panties to the first time he'd
done this, though these ones were slightly older and more
threadbare. This had the effect of making them more
translucent, and he could see her cleft faintly through the
material. He placed his thumb on the cleft, and drew it
upwards, across the nub he'd felt before.

Rei gasped, her face picking up that faint flush he'd
seen before, and mumbled in her sleep. Emboldened, he ran a
finger under the gusset, and rubbed the nub directly. Then
paused, his eyes catching sight of the damp spot at the base
of the cleft.

She was wet. Like Touji had said, she had soaked
through her panties.

*It's the same sort of thing as when we get boners;
it's their body's way of getting ready for it.*

He glanced up at her face, but she was still fast
asleep, her breathing deep and even. Only the rosy flush
across her cheeks told of anything unusual in her thoughts.

*But she doesn't look she did the
first time. I wonder if she's dreaming of me again?*

Well, if she was, perhaps he could make her dream more
pleasant. He glanced down at her, and realized that her
panties were rather low-riding in the back.

*If I can get her hips to shift just a bit...*

He gently pushed her knees shut again, and then started
pulling at the side of her panties. They slid down, until
only a bit of pressure from her buttocks held them in place.
He brushed the side of her leg, and she shifted, and he
pulled the underwear completely free.

He tossed them aside, and gently, carefully, began
opening her legs again. This time, it seemed almost that
she *wanted* them open; she made no movement, no noise, as
he exposed her pussy completely.

The nub that he'd felt was now visible, a small hard
bit of flesh, almost like the head of a penis. Beneath
that, the lips of her pussy were swollen and flushed, like
her cheeks, and he could see the darkness of her opening
between. Gently, he stroked the length of her cleft, from
top to bottom, and her breath caught.


*Too goddamn much!*

He leaned in again, and inhaled, catching her musky
scent. Then succumbed to temptation, and ran his tongue
from the bottom of her cleft to the top. Rei twitched, and
gasped, and he pulled away from her, alarmed, but she set-
tled back down to sleep.

He pulled her pussy lips open, exposing her hidden
charms, and noted the now-copious amounts of juice running
from her. He leaned forwards again, and stuck his tongue
into her channel, and she sighed deeply. Then licked up,
over the nub, and she twitched.

*That bit must be really sensitive.*

He licked it again, and again, she twiched. He
grinned, and lashed it with his tongue. She made a soft
sound, mewing again.


*Holy fuck. I don't care if she *does* know I'm here.*

He placed a thumb against her opening, and pressed in
gently. It sank in, but before it went past the first
knuckle, he encountered a barrier of flesh.

*If that's there, how can a guy get his cock in...?*

Then he remembered Health class. This was the hymen;
what Touji had referred to as the cherry. If he tried to go
further in, it would hurt her.

He withdrew his thumb, and instead rubbed the nub
again. Rei started to shudder, her legs twitching.


His cock was starting to hurt, it was so hard, and he
fumbled it out again and stroked it twice. Then paused.

*She's enjoying this...a lot. What if I...*

He shuffled a bit closer to her, and placed the tip of
his cock against her slit. He didn't want to penetrate her;
it would hurt, and she'd wake up, and then he'd be dead.
Instead, he started rubbing the tip along her cleft, pushing
down a bit near the top to hit the nub.
She moaned every time he reached the top, her legs
still twitching, and he began to pick up speed, feeling the
tightening in his balls that heralded release.

Her hand slipped down, and her thumb grazed the head of
his cock on the up-stroke. The sudden burst of sensation
ruined his control, and he fired a jet of spunk across her
hand, splashing across her shirt. The second jet splashed
across her pussy, running down into the cleft; he paused,
and the third went straight into her, directly between her
pussy lips.

Her eyes opened, and she looked down at her hand, then
up at him.

"I thought it was you."