Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 2, Episode 1 - Calm after the Storm ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 2, Episode 1 - Calm after the Storm
The first day is over as I said before and now we move onto day 2 as things get more interesting and the introduction of another player to the situation and you'll get something interesting, don't worry I ain't revealing anything at all.
I have to take this time and thanks all the reviewers both positive and negative and thanks to them, this story has now become as popular as I thought it would be, sides on the whole Lemontastica affair... basically I don't give a fuck on what they think anyway and I'll be continuing this story until it is completed.
Most of the format from the last day will become a feature part of the story now and will probably be considered changing it once I get going.
Alright then enough crap, let us begin Day 2!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
Shinji looked up from his room and away from the tempting faces of his girls, immediately feeling the urge to head for the bathroom to relieve himself reared it's ugly head as he got out of the bed much to the dismay of his lovers who let him go after he promised them that he would re-join them.
I have experienced what most men dream of... a week full of sex from multiple partners which included a couple of surprises that I won't forget... maybe I'm worried that I won't be able to please the three of them... ok Shinji you already went through this so don't do it again!
He sighed as he relived himself but then he checked the mirror and realised how much he aged... although he was still 14 now he felt like he aged some considerable years.
"I should have realised that the first day was just an introduction, the next day proved to be just as eventful."
And so we take another trip down memory lane.
Tuesday - Six Days Ago
The sun rose on Tokyo 3 as a new day began in the city whilst for others it's the beginning of an endless cycle of despair, destruction and endless fighting... basically it's not a fun place to be in, but this is no place for that hell no we're not even focusing on the struggles of man against angel.
Instead we find ourselves focused on Shinji Ikari waking up from the events of 24 hours ago and as he was slowly waking up, hopeful that the events wasn't some wet dream that his tortured mind didn't make up to smooth his troubled existence nor toy with him but he definitely felt that he was no longer a virgin and that yesterday was no dream either.
I really did lose my virginity yesterday... it was no dream. He thought as he felt no different from having his virginity taken by Rei who was concerned about his well-being then later on in the evening he ended up taking Asuka's virginity after she knocked him out and tied him up before he grew a spine, broke free and basically fucked the shit out of the redhead.
"I better watch myself today..." He said to himself quietly as he got himself up ready for the day ahead as he got up and put on his usual shirt and black slacks attire and got outside of his room when he found out about his first big shock of the day... Asuka and Misato who was in her uniform were up before him and they had breakfast already prepared.
"Slept late yesterday Shinji?" Misato said in a teasing matter just as he sat down to eat his share of breakfast which consisted of Pancakes, Asuka who was knew the real reason why of course but it's not like she's going to reveal anything... so she hoped that her new love slave would cover it up.
"I had to finish homework... sorry about that Misato."
"It's ok Shinji, education is always important anyway I'm heading off into work so I'll see you two later on tonight." Misato then got up and left her flat, leaving Shinji and Asuka alone in the house.
Ok it's just me and Asuka... I wonder what'll happen now ever since yesterday... actually I haven't heard a word from her so far and that can't be good. He thought as he didn't notice on how Asuka had been eyeing him ever since he woke up and that it had taken all of her willpower and judgment not to jump on him.
Calm down Asuka... no need to jump him yet. Wait till later on after school. She thought as the two of them headed off for another day at Tokyo 3 High School.

Once again another day was in full swing, will it be the usual boring shit? Like hell!
Hikari arrived at the classroom just as a few of her fellow students were there already, unfortunately for her on the outside she was her cheerful self... in actual truth she was stressing about what she overheard Asuka's plan to seduce Shinji and she was worried that she had a hard time sleeping.
I can't believe Asuka would have to resort to seducing in order to get to Shinji... I hope he rejected her especially if I'm to stand a chance. She thought as the rest of the class arrived which she noticed Shinji and Asuka entering but to her immediate relief that they were still pretty much arguing which meant in her mind nothing happen and she had a chance.
Yes he rejected her now I can stand a chance, now how will I get his attention... The class rep was in the middle of planning how to break the ice whilst the lecturer entered the room and she had to put her thoughts on hold as she performed her class rep duties before listening to the lecture with intentions on her mind.
Now how to get his attention... Hikari went off into her world planning whilst this is going on, she didn't notice how Rei was watching Shinji like a piece of meat but she was calm as ever despite having new feelings to experience for herself... like lust for the male pilot.
I believe the term for this is I want Shinji so badly... yesterday was so good for me and thus I desire him more... I must get a chance to speak to him privately on another session sometime today. She thought whilst assuming her usual bored look and staring out of the window.
Meanwhile Asuka was thinking on the same level as Rei looking at her room-mate and pilot with all the passion she could muster in her eyes whilst making sure that her bitch persona was still used so that her classmates don't get suspicious but after she got fucked last night... it was like a wake up to her for all the times that she acted a bitch to Shinji and yet his anger was unleashed and she liked it... hell the whole love slave plan was so she can get close to him.
Shinji is the perfect lover... of course I want him as my love slave, hell I don't mind prodding him now and again just for the results... but what if I'm falling for the baka? Of course not he's just a toy that needs to be controlled and trained correctly so I don't have to rely on my fingers ever again!
All three girls silently declared themselves ready for the war ahead for Shinji.
Lunchtime came about and Shinji was on his own again for the second time and this left him to his thoughts... after he had lunch that was made for him by Asuka which was strange even for him, eventually he went to the toilet hopefully before he went back to class and back to the boredom.
However it was not as the case may be just as he finished, the stall opened up... turning round so he can tell that it was occupied was surprised as hell when the person turned out to be Rei.
"R...Rei, what are you doing... this is the boys toilets, get out before someone sees you." But she ignored that, she closed the door and then locked it before turning her attention on Shinji. He could tell that her eyes were on fire but underneath she was still the cool, calm person that everyone knew.
"I am sorry that we had to meet in such a public place Shinji... but I knew I had to speak to you today at some point and I just can't wait anymore." Slowly she took off her clothes almost in a teasing way and smiled when she heard him gasp plus the covered erection was in plain sight for her to see.
"I can see you need some relief Shinji... allow me to assist you." Before he can respond she was on her knees and her hands were on his trousers nursing the erection before she forced his slacks down with a few simple tugs which were then followed by his boxers which freed his cock to her eyes.
He was surprised on how easy she did that and tried to move back but he fell back and sat on the toilet seat as she closed in on her target as Rei looking up as she opened her mouth and her tongue touched the base of his cock, pressing into it slightly and licked there for a bit before placing an kiss onto the area which then turned into a light suck.
Rei then trailed kisses and licks upwards on his shaft before reaching his cock-head and taking it between her lips briefly so she could suck on it and then she let it go before licking the head to which she admired the smooth silk feel of it on her tongue before she engulfed the head before she started to suck on it.
This can't be right... someone's bound to hear us. He thought as Rei began to move her head down his cock taking more of his shaft into her mouth whilst rubbing the remaining part with her fist as she moved her head down even further adjusting the slight discomfort that she got as she carried on, lashing her tongue out onto his shaft at any time.
I love how Shinji's cock feels good in my mouth... it's so soft and warm. She pulled back so his cock was free of her mouth's grip as she licked the cockhead like a ice cream cone whilst looking up at the process she also liked up the yummy Pre-cum that was seeping out.
Then she used her hands to handle his slick manhood as she focused her attention to his nuts as she licked and sucked both testicles before she took his cock back into her mouth which was returned by his loud moans and gripping of her head as she continued to orally pleasure him.
"Rei..." She noticed how his nuts contract and she knew that it wasn't much left so she took as much as she could of his cock and sucked as hard as she can... this process rewarded her well.
"Oh my god Rei… so good!" Shinji cummed in the albino's mouth as she swallowed as much as she could which was a lot but a few swallows later she removed his cock from her orifice as she took some toilet paper and proceeded to clean him up before commanding him to stand so that she put it in the bowl so it can be flushed.
"Rei..." She smiled her small smile as she licked her lips lightly which made him blush lightly.
"Shinji... I enjoy doing that, and it pleases you so perhaps can I request for us to another session sometime in the future... as I have tests to do later on today." He was disappointed to hear that he won't be able to fuck Rei later on in the evening but perhaps tomorrow they could repeat yesterday evening.
"So how about tomorrow then Rei?"
"I'll check my schedule... I'll find you tomorrow if that's ok."
"I don't mind at all."
She smiled as she tried to leave the toilet-stall as silent as she can and closing the door on him despite the fact that no-one else was in the male toilets at all and although he still had his trousers down, he had a bad feeling that today was going to be a little too interesting.
Why me...
Asuka was waiting for her chance to surprise Shinji... but she had to find a different place as they need the privacy for the kind of stuff that she had in mind.
Let's hope baka Shinji is ready for my advances today.
Hikari was thinking the same thoughts... now that in her mind Asuka was out of the picture; this would be the chance that she needed if she was going to seduce Shinji.
I hope I know what I'm doing here... but it's got to be done... Oh Shinji... I love you.
(Taro) Here's some more smut for you all, sorry for the long delay but it's hard to think of a good storyline set up but now I got it sorted and the next episode of this series will see the debut of Hikari and see how Shinji reacts to her advances.
Compared to most authors on here, most are driven on plots whilst others say fuck it and just write up the lemon... I offer a mix of both and whilst it has so far in my view highly approved by most readers and for a few, there are key critical critism that helps me identify flaws and such.
I'll leave it up to you on how I've done so enjoy!