Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 2, Episode 3 - In Control / Drunken Mistakes ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 2, Episode 3 - In Control / Drunken Mistakes
The bandwagon rolls on as the events of what happened recently in the last two to three months begin to unwind for me as I saw Motley Crue down Cardiff and it was one hell of an experience.
But this isn't the place for me to talk about that... no I know what you all want and it's more of Sex Days... the not much but gets down to the point plot filled lemon with numerous ladies and one lucky Shinji Ikari.
As I hinted on last chapter this will be the first inclusion I will have of an outside pairing which will be a one off as in this story it will not happen again and to answer the question of NuttyAl... no I won't end the story with the fucking of angels however you will be happy by the end of the chapter I can *fucking* guarantee it.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or all the characters as they are the property of Gainax so you can't bash or flame me otherwise fuckers!
What followed on was your typical evening in the apartment of the two pilots and captain of NERV as Misato was at it with some work that she brought home that had to be done... she was doing this as she had her 5th can of Tebisu of the evening and was on the way to another night of passing out on the kitchen table.
The two pilots were watching the television actually it was more like Asuka was watching one of her favourite Soap Operas and forcing Shinji to watch it with her because he had no choice in the matter.
He was thinking about the events of the last few hours when Hikari surprised him with her loyal smitten attitude and treated him and his cock like he was a king... he had to stop thinking or otherwise little Shin as Hikari happily named would of stirred and gave him trouble... especially from the red head who is always up for kick the hentai.
I better not think about what happened earlier today unless Asuka takes it the wrong way... as usual. He thought as he watched the soap opera in silence, his trouser covered shaft was half hard thanks to earlier today and somehow it wasn't going to go down at all and this gave Asuka some eye candy.
I've got plenty of time later to understand what's going on... sides I like the view that bulge is giving me and what's underneath has plenty of action for me to enjoy. She thought as she watched him and the bugle with the corner of one eye whilst her focus was on the show... she knew that she had to put on her usual pervert hating act in order to make sure that the plan forming in her head would not be wasted.
I really don't want to do this but I got to get him when he's not expecting me to get him... sides this'll be fun. She then put her act into effect and began to go red as she eyed his erection... making her face the angry sort.
"You Fucking Pervert!!!" Shinji wide eyed at the sound of Asuka's anger which meant that she was going to beat him senseless so he quickly fled the room like Speedy Gonzalez after a large piece of cheese and then hearing him open the door to his room quickly before it was shut with a loud thud.
"Was that really needed Asuka?" She looked up to see Misato looking at her with a frown on her face, but Asuka ignored her looks and just watched the TV.
Sometimes it's good being me...
And so the evening began to play as before in the Ikari/Sohryu/Katsuragi apartment... nothing ever happens right?
Well not on this night it will not.
Shinji was in his room as he was glad to get away from an angry Asuka, he knew that he wouldn't like to get pounded into the mat especially with all the weird things that have been happening in the past day and a half... he decided to do some homework that he knew was needed to be finished by tomorrow.
At least it'll distract my mind for a few hours as I need to get this done... He opened his school bag and started to look for the books needed for his assignment when he immediately felt something soft in his hands and as he removed them from his bag, he immediately felt his cheeks blush as in his hand was a pair of panties with hearts of them.
Whose panties are these?!?! He thought in a panic... but he spotted a note inside them as he pulled it out and then carefully opening it to reveal that it was a small note.
""(Taro) I present this next segment in (//) so you don't have to get confused.""
//To Shin-Chan, here is a little something to remind you of today and also something for little Shin to enjoy since I don't want you to damage him since he's precious to me. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Hikari xxx.\\
""(Taro) End of that and now back to your fan-fiction""
"Man I got to put these away otherwise Asuka or worse Misato is going to have my ass." Shinji quickly put the panties and the note in a secret compartment in his closet that only he knows about as he then went to get the homework from his bag and cracked down on the assignment for the next 2-3 hours.
Meanwhile in Asuka's room... she was planning on a nightly visit to the Third Pilot just because she didn't have her fill of hard cock and sides she was planning on getting some revenge for the way that he took her virginity and it was also part of her plan to make him into the perfect love slave.
I ought to teach that baka some discipline tonight... at least I'll show him that no-one takes advantage of the great Asuka Langley Sohryu and in the process see if I can teach him to lick my pussy... that would be rewarding in a way... as long as I'm the one in control.
"I'm going to enjoy this tonight." She says this to herself quietly as she knew of the paper thin walls that any of her flat-mates could hear and that would put a dampening end to her scheming.
Then again it would be the first time she doesn't get her way.
Later on as Misato gets herself very drunk from the countless amount of Yesibu cans lying about whilst trying to get some work done, she then drags herself into her room and shuts the door before passing out on the bed, this was what Asuka was waiting for and it was time to make her move.
Finally I never thought I would be glad for Misato to get drunk for once... now I can get some of Baka-Shinji. She thought as she got out of her room, her outfit consisted of her typical yellow dress but it was missing her bra and panties as the dress clung to her curves like silk.
I'm going to have my way on him if he likes it or not... this'll teach him that Asuka doesn't settle for second... and she'll always strive for first even in his heart.
Even outside her job as a pilot, she always competes to be number 1 doesn't she?
Always a familiar ceiling... Shinji thought as he looked up to the ceiling that he's always looked at and thought of during his times when he was in his usual self-pity mood but now he looks at them with a sense of renewed faith in him... and he finally realised how boring his ceiling really was.
"What do I do for the moment... do I take it like I usually do or do I get a grasp on my life and try and get control." He didn't notice in his musing how Asuka snuck into his room and also how she got into his bed but he finally noticed when he noticed how feminine curves were pressing onto his back and one of her hands was rubbing his boxers trying to coax his cock to stiffen.
"I don't know about you baka but I know what to get a grasp on." Her hand then went inside his boxers as his cock stiffened under her touch as she then licked his ear from behind in which he gasped and tried to get up."
"Please Shinji you don't want to make too much noise; you wouldn't want to get caught by Misato now would you?"
My week so far is already weird and I don't want Misato to act overprotecting mother... He shook his head which made Asuka smile before her face went back to her usually devious smirk.
"That's good to hear my little baka..." Licking his ear again briefly before her hand rubbed his now hard cock.
"Why you ask Shinji I'm just paying you back for yesterday's fuck... didn't you like having your way with me after I had my way with you."
"Yes... but I don't understand..."
"Please Shin don't think, just do and sides you belong to me." She squeezed the base of his cock hard enough to him to notice her slightly possessive tone.
"What do you mean?"
"It's simple Shinji Ikari... you belong to me now and I'm not going to let anyone else have you." She then grasped her chin and lowered her lips to his as she kissed him hard just as Shinji was in shock.
MY WEEK HAS NOW BECOME FREAKY! He thought as he kissed back, her tongue viscously rubbing against his lips and teeth as he was unsure on what to do.
It's not like he has a choice in the matter as Fate played a part in this.
A few minutes later after Shinji decided to kiss back, Asuka got the covers off as they were in the way as she was on top looking down on a confused but lustful Third pilot who couldn't believe this was happening... and surprised that Misato didn't interrupt them.
"If your wondering why we haven't been interrupted... let's say that Misato is passed out from her usual drinking... stupid drunk." Asuka muttered the last part in disgust as he agreed with her in thought but he was still nervous... he didn't like this version of Asuka and he started to fear for his life and his manhood.
But she decided to take off his shirt in a matter that meant that she wasn't in the mood for him resisting as she lowered her head down and started to lick his neck in swift strokes as her hands were now on his chest caressing it and as she did that she noticed how his chest was broad for a teenager.
She then decided to move down from his neck as she licked all the way down past his chest pausing to tease his nipples with her tongue and enjoy his slight discomfort when she nibbled on the right one.
"Enjoyed that baka...?" Seeing him not answering, she decided to take the nipple she bit and twist it with her fingers, he then moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Wow Shinji, you must have some pain tolerance... especially of all the times I hit you and such... you really are a man and you have no idea how much that turns me on." He looked up to her in shock but also in interest as well.
"Really Asuka…?"
"Of course Shin... I don't really like it when you act like a wimp... but when you act like a man then I'll pay attention to you but most importantly when you screwed me sensless last night then I finally realised that you weren't the coward that I first thought and you do have a spine in there." To put her point through her hand then went under his back and massaged there.
"But of course there is this cherry-popper here..." She then removed his boxers and her attention was focused on the hard cock that she was rubbing with her hand before she looked up to his face.
"Now don't move... I want to enjoy this." She said this before she leaned down to the head of the cock as she took a lick at it, instantly loving the pre-cum that was on her tongue, swirling it round the purple head before she started to kiss and lick up and down the shaft.
Sucking on the shaft's base, she licked the area as well making for a pleasant experience before she decided enough was enough and went up to the head and engulf it into her mouth where she sucked on it and lightly using her teeth on him making for a painful but enjoyable sensation.
She moved up and down on him, hollowing her cheeks to make sure she can get the most out of him... listening to his moans and gasps as his cock went up and down in her mouth but before he could experience any more, she pulled away and licked her lips before pulling back to remove her dress off.
"Well I've done something to you and now I want you to return the favor..." Her perky figure was then shown to his eyes for the second time in his life but was puzzled on what Asuka said until she was hovering above his head... her pussy was wet with desire which meant that she was horny.
"Now put that mouth to use and get me off baka..."
Before Shinji could even answer a reply, he got a mouthful of pussy... definitely one way to end a conversation.
A few minutes after that... Shinji was licking his way into her pussy whilst above him Asuka was rubbing her breasts together and moaning loud enough to wake anyone in the apartment ((Good thing Misato was a very deep sleeper and also the complex was all but abandoned.))
"Oh...oh... just a bit to your right... OH...yes there... god!" She was actually squirming to his tongue which was licking at her G-Spot and she knew that if he kept on licking there, she would cum.
"Keep going baka I'm close..." He knew that she might of been close but of the spasms her inner muscles were clenching his tongue and how wet he was... but he pressed on knowing that she would end up cumming in his mouth.
She ended up cumming as soon as he licked her clit roughly.
"OHHHHH SHINJI!!!" The massive flood of cum went into his mouth as he tried to swallow most of it down, otherwise most of the time he would choke and was thankful when Asuka lifted her pussy away and settled on his chest, panting with a well satisfied look on her face but staring at her was the meanest that she had ever seen his cock... it looked like a monster.
"Shinji... It's not nice to keep these things from me... What can I do to calm this bad boy down me wonders..." She recovered and thought for a second before she grinned like the cat that cornered the canary before she got up and to position herself on top of his raging cock.
"Now don't you dare move until I say so got it?" She plunged herself down onto his cock moaning loud and I mean loud as she moved herself up and down on his cock, going slow at first but as soon as she felt comfortable then she went faster... the room was soon filled with moans, groans and shrieks of pleasure from Asuka.
As this went on... Asuka became harder with her riding as she was loving control and how she was using him to get her orgasm going but that was before the rational part of her brain went away and was replaced with her lust side who wanted to cum badly.
I want more... more damn it, I want to cum to this hard cock! She thought as the bouncing continued... now with his hands groping her ass and the other rubbing her breast, teasing the nipple like torture as they kept on at it, time didn't matter at least to them but this would last for at least 20 minutes more... and they were close.
Thank goodness I'm still on the pill... I wouldn't do this otherwise... I am so close I can feel my pussy is about to explode! She thought as her resolve began to crumble as finally... she was about to cum.
"OH SHINJI!!!!" She screamed as she cummed, her pussy was gripping him like a tight vice as she stopped but the throbbing of Shinji's cock was so easily clear that his cock couldn't handle it and he too cummed as well.
"ASUKA..." He groaned as he filled her pussy up with his cum, splashing her insides so hard that they both can feel it happen.... after a few minutes of cumming... Asuka got up, cleaned off the mixed juices off his cock and stood up... seeing his semen seep out of her pussy and down her thigh made him blush.... profusely.
"You made a mess didn't you baka..." She then smirked followed by a wink as he continued to look on as she picked up her dress... whilst at the same time gave him a view of her cum splattered cunt.
"If you stick with me, I'll show you a good time.... night Shinji." She then left the room... heading back to her own room leaving him alone in the space.
"Well that was something..." He then sniffed the room and noticed the strong scent of sex that was in the air... he knew that he would get himself into trouble if he didn't do anything... the one thing he didn't notice was his hair was tussled and his cock was still hard but that wouldn't be a problem right?
Shall I state the obvious here folks?
((Normally I would add some stuff and end it here... BUT not this time, coming up next is the first one-off pairing for this story... and if you guessed already then go ahead and read on.))
Shinji then opened the door as the Third Pilot was still naked as he got out to get himself a drink... well what do you expect from having sex with a near red-head... exhaustion I tell you but anyway... he was in the kitchen in the apartment as he made himself some water to drink out of a glass and whilst he was just about to head to the bathroom.... he heard a door open.
Who could that be... Asuka nah she's already had her share... so the only one here... He paled at the thought of Misato getting to see him in the nude and he would be embarrased so he turned only to find the purple haired woman standing there just as she woke up and she was looking at his cock.
" big..." Shinji went into panic induced shock... as he looked down at his water only to find that with the tussled hair he did look like a short haired version of Kaji... and Misato was getting closer to him.
Oh shit this can't be good... He thought as she finally closed in on him, kissed him very hard and then dragging him into her bedroom and the door shutting tight.
He was thrown onto the bed which was recently slept in so he did feel warmth from the area but that was before he felt Misato lay on top of him and starting to kiss him more, with added tongue as well before she pulled back and looked down at his cock.
"Kaji... let me suck this for you." Having a good look on her eyes he noticed that her eyes were glazed over and were glowing brightly as she then reached down and took his cock inside her mouth, he groaned as his shaft and the head were treated to Misato's experienced tongue.
She bobbed up and down; sometimes his cock would enter her throat for a few moments before she pulled back and focus her attention on a sensitive spot with her tongue.
A few minutes she repeated this before she pulled away and rolled over forcing Shinji to be on top of her... which meant that he was now on top of things in a way, it didn't help his hard cock which wanted to be inside her pussy which he felt was actually wet... never underestimate a horny woman.
"Please Kaji... stick it inside me, I don't care how you do it but fuck me!" Shinji was battling his conscience on if he should fuck his guardian or not... but instinct won over and since the fact that he was still horny as fuck meant that he had no choice really so he went hard into Misato as the two of them began to fuck like animals.
Minutes flew past as the two fucked like rabbits whilst Asuka was sleeping in her own room... exhausted from her turn of riding Shinji and I wouldn't blame her, anyway back on track the two finally let up on their passion ever since Shinji first moved into Misato's apartment and it hasn't been the same since... except she think he's someone else.
"Keep going Kaji, fuck me senseless you gorgeous hunk!"
Misato's a real wild animal in private... no wonder Kaji and she enjoyed each other before they broke up. He thought as her legs wrapped around her waist to give him more power with his thrusts and he took full advantage of this as they continued on even more.
A few minutes had passed and the both of them were getting close to cumming as the bed began to creak more and more.... Misato finally got to the breaking point.
"KAJI!" She screamed as she cummed powerfully with her muscles tightening round Shinji's cock that he gasped in surprised and groaned loud as he too cummed as well.
"MISATO!" He cummed inside her as her pussy was covered in a good layer of cum as this lasted for a few minutes before he stopped and he had some energy left in him before he pulled out, Misato was content with herself as she fell asleep and with cum seeping out of her pussy.
Two big loads in one night... I don't think that's possible but great my life gets more weird than usual... I better head to the bathroom and head into bed otherwise I'll be in deep shit. He thought as he carefully got up and exited from Misato's bedroom... looking back and smile at her comatose reaction before he shut the door.
Meanwhile in the shadows of Tokyo 3 mainly an apartment that wasn't near any of the NERV centres, there was a young woman on a bed who was looking down at a photo and it was looking at the picture of one person with a longing that she couldn't explain... and then instantly her life was taken away from her.
"I swear to you Shinji I will get you back... that bitch Asuka will pay for driving us apart and I won't stop until we are together again." The woman rose from the bed and it revealed to be.... The Girlfriend of Steel, Mana Kirishima.
(Taro) Well that's the end of Day 2 of Sex Days: Shinji Ikari and with it you should be glad I was able to finish this off before summer came to an end.
I apologise in advance if the Shinji/Misato scene was not good... I was running out of ideas and it was a challenge by itself to get this finish and you'll probably wonder what role will Mana play in this story... well I know and so does a mate of mine but I won't reveal a thing and hopefully neither will me otherwise I'll introduce him to British ethics "cracks knuckles".
When the ideas for Day 3 pitch itself then I'll write them down and post it on Mediaminer.Org for my fans out there.
Ok then I'll leave it up to you on how I've done so enjoy!