Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 5, Episode 2 - Suspicions Lurk, Tensions Rise ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 5, Episode 2 - Suspicions Lurk, Tensions Rise
I knew that the last chapter was rushed and I didn't want to delay it anymore than I have to... however now that I've decided to extend the last three days, it means I can now work on different themes for the last day and also this is where the one with glasses and from the title of the story then it is obvious to whom I'm going to introduce into the complex story... it's not exactly hard now is it?

I'm not complaining however as I still have a promise that I must keep to you lot but for the lack of awesomeness sex last chapter I blame on Tobias and his surprise contest which forced me to write a hentai that practically drained my lemon juices ((Plus it got not the needed amount of controversy plus I had a review from CF saying that the project descended into a SOULESS piece of filth.))
I want to give apologies for that crap excuse of a lemon… it was as worse as that one time where I wrote myself into a lemon with the Inner Scouts in a five some followed by me screwing with Sailor Venus… I really had no idea with what I was doing; I thought I would give the genre of Evangelion a much needed kick t so it suffered BADLY.
So right now I'm going to think this hard and approach this in a new angle but make it full of suspense just like say CSI and look into the last few days in a way that no-one has ever covered... there might be a hint of a lemon that I COULD be doing in the future.

Let's begin the chapter!

The refuse masses of students entered the school to start off another day... Asuka had already went off ahead of Shinji after their fun earlier and this left the young man to reflect on his thoughts as he entered the school with the masses, he had no idea what would happen today and he was prepared to just accept whatever was coming at him today.

Asuka was a bit eager this morning, thank goodness I had the energy to keep up with her otherwise she would of been suspicious.

Normally he wouldn't be worried with Asuka's temper because he was used to her wrath unfortunately if she would of found out that Rei and Hikari are also doing him as well... let's just say that she might try and strip him of his manhood the very painful method which he wasn't looking forward to if things went tits up.
At least I'll be able to do some schoolwork today hopefully and then not focus on current events as much.

However there was one factor that wasn't going to let him relax... apparently Kensuke who had been suspicious of Shinji for at least a few days has got some questions for him to answer since he went to see Touji last night and the conversation from that made him keen to talk to his friend about what the crippled young man had to say.

Shinji has a lot to answer for when I find him... I can't believe what Touji said about him and if it is true...
Kensuke vowed to find out the whole truth from Shinji... no matter how shocking it could be.
Hours would fly and the classroom where Shinji's class would be in as lessons would go pass, subjects being taught and something else that I couldn't think of but equally important however the equal amount of tension could be felt as Shinji, Rei, Asuka, Hikari and Kensuke are thinking events that would mold into the conclusion that will eventually happened.
However as things stand anything can light the fuse and ignite the whole situation into public and as for Shinji who was normally focused with the history assignment that he was given, pondered on how he made relationships with Rei, Asuka and Hikari... however he knew that he would make a choice soon which would affect not only his happiness but affect his future as well.
How is it that I got to choose one woman, I can't even decide between three girls who are dedicated to me and I don't think I have the guts to at least choose one, I'm not looking forward to that time where I got to pick... I don't think I can survive the backlash.
Shinji continued to work on the assignment when suddenly he heard a silent noise coming from his computer as an e-mail came in as he then checked up the message and realized that it was from Kensuke so he then checked it out.
Apparently Kensuke wants to meet me up on the rooftop for lunch, well I haven't seen him in a couple of days and this is the break from the chaos that I'm looking for.
With that in set, Shinji went back to work although he didn't know what chaos was he about to unleash.
Then again most people don't know Armageddon until they practically experienced it for themselves.
After the bell rang signaling lunch, everyone rushed out of class in an instant which meant a lot of things but focusing our attention on Hikari who was in the girl's bathroom getting herself ready because the lesson was long and she needed to refresh herself, although there was nobody in at the moment but suddenly she heard the door open and stepping through was Rei.
"Good day to you Hikari... I'm glad to have found you here; I wanted to know if you had a pleasant evening with Shinji-kun."
"Oh yes it was magical..."
"That is excellent to hear."
"Thanks for allowing me to have him for the evening last night Rei."
That last comment surprised her but she nodded her head wanting to keep her visage of being an emotionless person intact but somehow deep down inside her soul, she felt happy at sharing her happiness with someone else and in turn made her smile... a little bit.
"You are welcome Hikari."
Rei felt that she was happy for now and was ready to leave the bathroom as she turned around to leave but then she felt a touch on her right arm as she turned round and noticed Hikari there with a small blush on her face, she was a bit puzzled by that and the expression in her red eyes was nearly unreadable.
"Is there anything wrong Representative Horaki?"
"Oh no nothing's wrong Rei... I thought that... nah I don't want to concern you, well not here... anyway I'll see you back in class."
Hikari then leaves the bathroom in a rush of sorts, Rei then thought that she was hiding something... it was immediately brushed aside for now just as she left the bathroom although what they didn't realise that there was someone there in the bathroom stall as a tall Amazon-like young woman left her stall and was amazed.
Wait till Ken-kun hears about this!
Kensuke Aida wasn't really known in school for his looks nor for his appeal... however he's only well known because of Asuka's accusation of him and Touji of being perverts, however what Touji and Shinji knew of him as he was a very talented hacker who dreamt of having the details of the MAGI in his fingertips even though he didn't know that could lead him to his death.

What most people don't realise is that even he had secrets of his own... some that he wouldn't dare reveal to the world nor to his own friends either because he had an image to uphold which wasn't easy but he had a girlfriend to call his own and although he fought hard to keep it quiet... right now he was on his own as he usually was.
The area he was in was basically an unused part of the school that no-one bothered to check up on... he heard rumours that this place existed for lovers or for those who wanted to mooch off the lesson that they didn't want to go in and because of it, this place got a reputation especially when the rumours suddenly became intimate.
For this reason alone he was waiting for his missus to show up, mainly because he's been suspicious of Shinji lately and he wanted to make sure that the rumour that he and the class rep had an intimate encounter in the classroom wasn't true, he was the sort that was loyal to Touji and especially when he went to visit him in the hospital a couple of days ago... he needed to confirm something.
I wonder when Noiko will turn up.
Kensuke realized that he needed to go for a whiz and cursing himself for having that can of pop that he bought before he came to the hiding place and headed off towards a bush, so he unzipped his fly and basically let go... he felt relieved as the pressure escaped him although he didn't realise that someone was approaching him from behind.
Just as he felt that he was done, he felt a familiar pair of breasts brushing his shoulders and then a couple of hands going around his hips to caress his manhood lightly ... he knew what exactly who those hands belong to, he turned to the side only to find himself in a searing kiss that lasted for a few minutes.
"Couldn't of you go to the toilet before coming out here Ken-kun?"
"Sorry Noi I had some pop before coming here..."
"Not like I mind lover but remember next time."

"Yes, yes I know..."
He was then turned around and we discover that Noiko was in fact the tall Amazon woman... she was about 5'10 in height although she was tall, she had VERY good curves... her breasts were in the size of D cups and she had a big ass which was firm, her long brown hair was brushed back as usual plus her green eyes was shining in a color of love and lust... and as Kensuke discovered she had not only got a healthy sex appetite but was kinky as well.
How they met as well was unusual... Kensuke was low in the social pecking order and although he was associated with Shinji and Touji, no girl would ever consider the young otaku to be boyfriend material let alone someone worthy of the sack... Noiko however was the rich daughter of a wealthy business tycoon that was supplying equipment that was having trouble settling into school and getting good grades for her work.
When the teacher appointed Kensuke to help Noiko with her grades, a connection of some sorts was then established and quickly after a secret relationship was established which he was grateful... he wasn't exactly huge but at least 6 inches, Noiko didn't mind at all and this made his world.
All of a sudden he felt her hands working on him as he quickly rose up to hardness as Noiko then went down on her knees and was just about to deliver a good blowjob... when she stopped and looked up
"Oh yeah I forgot Ken-kun... I think the class rep is sleeping with Shinji-san."
"WHAT?! How did you find out?"
"Cause I was in the toilets and somehow I overheard her talking to Ayanami about Shinji-san so I listened in... what I heard was not only scandalous but shocking as well."
Hikari's been sleeping with Shinji behind Touji's back... that little fucker, wait till I get him in a corner!
"I can't believe that Shin would do something like this..."
"Forget about him lover, I should be your focus... I'm hungry and I'm not in the mood for the school lunch."
Noiko then started to blow Kensuke and for the moment his troubles went away.
Asuka was also thinking about things as well... somehow she realised that the amount of cum from her flatmate was lower than usual, she thought that something might have happened or at worse that Shinji is actually seeing someone that wasn't her.
That baka I don't believe he's sleeping with another girl... either if he did it's not like he'll sleep with Wonder girl, she'll probably be so cold that his dick might snap off from frostbite and Hikari which is unlikely is sleeping with that pervert Touji, so I wonder what's going on... I'm going to find out what's happening from that geek friend of Baka Shinji.
She then went off to find Kensuke.


(Taro) Well that is this chapter complete and you may wonder, why the hell did I put a lime based ending on a regular chapter... well this is precluding to the next chapter where the amount of sex will be doubled as this pairing of Kensuke/OC plus another Shinji sex chapter as well but it won't be with Asuka as she is currently finding things out so it's either Rei or Hikari and if you are lucky then I might be tempted to do a Shinji/Rei/Hikari threesome.

Hey I know with what I'm doing and sides It's been a tough 6 months to actually get the nerve to type out a chapter plus the fact that I had to survive not only the scandal of the last lemon contest plus moving away from home and settling into University life so I must ask you ALL and that includes the ones who have been with me for the last.

For all the fact fans then this will be a treat for you... it's been nearly 2 years coming up to March since I've started this, anyway you can all welcome me back by reviewing as usual, I don't mind the praise after all.

It's good to be back and I missed you guys.