Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 5, Episode 4 - Confrontation with the Otaku ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 5, Episode 4 - Confrontation with the Otaku

So yeah we once again we delve into the world of Sex Days with the first extension beyond it's normal system, so yeah I brought back an old title that I was going to call Episode 5-2 but I had a last minute change so it became what it is currently so I thought I bring it back but in a different title as it seems so now thinking about it, it was the best idea of all.

Well I'm out of university now but I got a whole summer to relax and prepare for the next university year which of course is going to be in the city of Cardiff... yes I'm moving down there but hopefully I should have some more time to myself when it comes to say the Internet and more work to do but hey it's an experience by itself.

"I knew you were perverted Kensuke but this takes the cake..."

Asuka who was fuming at catching the otaku with the supposed lesbian of the school who was in fact a bigger slut then she was were changed since their fun was interrupted and now looked like they were caught by an angry German who had a reputation for being a loudmouth and even worse a complete bitch when she gets really angry.

"It's not like it's YOUR business red devil..."

"Shut up you shits don't get me angry or I'll tell the school HOW perverted you really are and degrade this slut even more than she is!"


This got Noiko angry enough but she remained calm as Kensuke put a hand on her... Asuka then got a vicious idea in her head and especially if she was to get information from Kensuke then this would work.

"So in order for me to stay silent you baka must tell me what Shinji-baka has been up to... has he been cheating on ME?!"

Asuka pointed her finger as her eyes turned fiery red and put on her most pissed facial expression that she can put on... this did the trick as both Kensuke and Noiko were suddenly shit scared and looking at each other for their very lives but suddenly they were determined and they knew that they wouldn't have to walk out of this without having to ruin someone's reputation or fun so they nodded.

"Alright Asuka I guess I'll explain everything... it all started when I spoke to Touji..."

In a space of ten minutes which excluded extra time for Asuka to scream in anger and yell about... venting her rage as well until finally she heard everything that they had to say and was calm enough to be normal.

"Thank you... now I know why my former best friend is a slut and cheated on Touji-baka with Shinji although he deserved it... I won't tell the school about you two although personally you're both strange but anyway I shall go off and think on this."

Asuka turned away and before she left... she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Asuka-san before you go..."



she turned round only to get a vicious slap around the cheek as she recoiled and stepped back from the hard blow.

"Next time you threaten Ken-kun again and I'll make sure that you won't win any beauty contests bitch!"

Asuka glared angrily before she stomped off out of the area... leaving the lovers alone.

"Ken-kun I think it's fair that you should warn Shinji-san about what that bitch might do to him."

"Yes Noi-chan I'll remind to do that."

They got dressed and left the area before the lunch bell would ring and classes would start again.


Shinji was feeling refreshed even though he felt like he went through a marathon trying to please both Rei and Hikari and together all three of them agreed to keep things silent between each other so they arranged to carry on their meetings at Rei's place although Hikari's house was another option but he didn't want things to end so far... it was more exciting than anything else right now and this included piloting.

So he wasn't glad to return to class and to more lessons but as he was in the class listening through the current lecture... he decided to check his PC for any messages that appeared and he had 1 new message so silently he opened it with his mouth with a message on the screen coming from Kensuke.

Shin meet me on the roof next break... we need to talk concerning your after school hobbies if you know what I mean.

Shinji slightly paled at the thought of Kensuke discovering that he was shagging Touji's ex girlfriend but that would mean he would have to explain his week so far to him and that would give him a problem.

I hope Kensuke's not one of those people that faints from a nosebleed.

That would be the last thing that he would need.


Asuka on the other hand had an agenda that needed to be followed so in order to do this... she would wait till tonight where the baka would enter her own aggression in an interesting way but right now she needed to have that talk with Hikari followed by Rei and she would be the interesting factor mainly because she had always wanted to beat on the doll ever since she met her.

Baka Shinji will get his own revenge tonight but I'll talk with Hikari soon especially with what I have to say to her... back-stabbing horny cheating bitch... I thought she was pure!

Asuka waited until the break happened before she made an approach on Hikari... so when it happened she made her move.

"Oh Hikari-san can I have a word with you?"

"Sure Asuka... I'll follow you."


Now to teach this slut that Shinji BELONGS TO ME!

We won't know what happens till the next part :D.

< br>
Back on the roof Shinji was up there and he was with Kensuke as they glazed their attention across Tokyo 3 as the tension was a bit high... luckily

"So Shinji... I know that you been fucking with Hikari."


Is he got to be kidding?!

Kensuke was surprised with how blunt Shinji admitted that he was sleeping with the class rep... So he carried on.

"You been hurting Touji and all you have to say is yeah?"

"Of course... it didn't mean like I made the first moves it was more like she did the moves on me and... I couldn't resist."

"Right... you know something I think Touji was being an idiot."

"How so?"

"He said when I visited him that she dumped him... but now I realize that he was being bitter over that he lost limbs and it was his fault that Hikari dumped him... I guess she couldn't take him in his attitude no more."

"I believe so..."

"So was Hikari was your only one then?"

"Uh... no Ken she wasn't the one that took my virginity."


Ok next time don't give me a headache!

Shinji bitterly thought as he rubbed his ears from the shockwave.

"So did you have sex with first?"

I got to be honest here... time to tell him the truth.

"Uh... I had sex with Rei...on Monday."

"You lost it to Ayanami.... DAMN I always thought it would be the quiet ones but shit..."

Shinji blushed as he remembered back to Monday and that time with Rei... shaking his head he then turned to Kensuke to check that he wasn't bleeding from the nose but he was surprised that he wasn't.

"I'm a bit surprised that you haven't had a nosebleed yet?"

"Uh yeah about that..."

"Don't tell me you lost yours as well?"

"Uh huh and I got a girlfriend as well..."

"Well I'm surprised Kensuke so who's the lucky girl?"


Shinji was a bit shocked and fell over slightly as he sweat dropped... he thought that she was too tall to be a regular woman and thought that she would be a lesbian or something... but she was attached to Kensuke.

"How did you get her... no wait I dun want to know.”?

"Oh come on man you been shagging two women one of them was used to be our good buddy's girl."

"Actually I had been fucking three."

"Ok man I hate surprises who you been with as well?"




"Wow... I thought you wouldn't have the balls to do her."

"Uh she seduced me as well."

"Fucking HELL!"

"I agree."

So with Shinji and Kensuke keeping their friendship intact and such... Shinji went on downstairs and Kensuke was about to go on down as well but he immediately forgot what he was going to say to Shinji about Asuka.


That was to be the understatement of this chapter.


Asuka then left school later on that day with a good smile and a stride that part one of her vengeance was complete... she may have lost her friend in the process but she had to be learned in her place.

That and she was tasty too... I'm surprised I acted out my rage as lust... Mein Gott I am such a slut but a good one!

She then headed off back to her apartment to get the next stage of her plan into effect.



(Taro) Well guys it's been a while hasn't it... this is purely non-sex but I got a reason for this, it's called building up the sexual tense towards the epic climax of Day 5 and it will involve Asuka as you can see... the thing is though that there will be MORE than one sex scene with Asuka maybe make it epic as well but you never know with me.

I am expecting good reviews and of course I'm writing Harem King as well as an alternative to those that are sick of traditional pairings but want a bit of humor in it as well... the emo bashing part in particular was amusing to say the least.

I'll catch you later!