Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Days: Shinji Ikari ❯ Day 6, Episode 2 - More Required Back-story and Something To Keep You Occupied ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sex Days: Shinji Ikari
Taro MD
Day 6, Episode 2 - More Required Back-story and Something To Keep You Occupied
It's been a hell of a long time since I wrote this again, In fact it's nearly 2 years since I did this but what with life expectations, I thought now with nothing to do that I would return to fan fiction and allow me to re-catch the skills I had writing this series and finish it off, giving a sense of closure.

For people who still read this and judging from the views, people still actually read this so who am I to disappoint them, I've officially put this back into continuity as it'll be a short while before I add the lemon content once again or rather this is a small taste of what I'll be adding later on... so here is more required back-story but well what do you expect, it adds to the plot.

Meanwhile let's get this on!

Deep in the bowels of Tokyo-3 as everyone knows by now, is the headquarters of the organization known as NERV, they were the last line of defense against the Angels who would stop at nothing in order to execute Third Impact which would in essence... DESTROY THE WORLD... "OF COURSE!!!" right sorry I got carried away, anyway NERV hadn't of detected the angels in at least the last several days or so and usually the peacefulness would be more suited to upgrade their equipment so they'll be more effective.

Suddenly the peacefulness was ruined when the alarm blared out and like clockwork, the personnel were up and about and the organization spewed into life knowing that an angel was close on the horizon, the call was made... the pilots were forced to come in to do what they were trained to do, hop inside the EVAs, power up, go to the surface and kick Angel ass... not in the pleasurable way because EW that's nasty.

But realising that this is a LEMON series and not all about Action, I thought I live it to your imagination and because most of you watch Evangelion you get the basic idea of what a battle scene is like.
Shinji however was mentally exhausted after he was the one that delivered the killing blow to the now deceased ANGEL, somehow what he didn't realise was that his natural instincts were starting to give him an edge on the field... something that was shared between Rei and Asuka especially when Asuka did that REALLY nasty attack that made every male including the Commander cringle... as Asuka tore off the dangling appendage of the Angel in a manner that suggested man-eater.
'That was really scary; I hope Asuka doesn't pull off my manhood like that.'
The manhood in question that fucked Rei, Asuka, Hikari, her two sisters... actually just a blowjob from the little sister, Misato when she was drunk and one sided but oh boy he's going to give it to her later and of course Maya who surprised him in a dark alleyway.
'What can I say, I am such a man. My Work isn't going to get done ANY time soon.'
Shinji shook his head free from the emerging lust of his sub-conscious erotica, he managed to change out of the tight plug suit and he was naked for the moment all ready for the shower that he desperately needed to get rid of the LCL that was in his system, to rinse his hair off from LCL and to get rid of the god-awful smell he always associated with LCL.

However he was to discover that he wasn't alone for somehow... someone else was in there with him and through clear focused eyes she was very determined to have her Shinji inside of her right now although the risk would be high, she felt that the sex would be enjoyable and very satisfying... even though she is loyal to the Commander, her heart is with his son.
Her name was Rei Ayanami... and god-damn was she going to get something up her butt.
'I never knew that Shinji was so through when it comes to washing himself.'

Rei thought as she watched the young man that was washing himself fiercely as the soap dripped from his body but it rather had an effect on her... as of recently she's been feeling a bit weird even for her, that the Angel cells inside of her (yeah no shock there) were beginning to in effect making her act different than she normally would.
'I don't know what is wrong with me... last night I've been sleeping with the feeling that I must have sex with Shinji-kun... always though in many ways I'd thought of having sex with Shinji-kun... now I have to wonder how would I fit Shinji's dick into my butt... I'll find a way.' Rei thought this as she made her way over to the distracted Shinji Ikari but as she was heading there, she didn't notice how slowly her eyes were going more red than usual and that she didn't notice how her hair was starting to turn into a more neutral shade of blue if it was possible to describe it.
'I want Shinji...'
Shinji who didn't notice forgot to realise the sort of danger that he was in and in his haste to clean himself up, dropped the soap and as he bent over slightly to pick it up, he saw from the corner of his eye that Rei was slowly approaching him but her body was going through changes as well, from the corner of his mind... Rei's transformation wasn't exactly mentally but it was more on the physical level, suddenly he thought she'd picked up curves and her breast size was a bigger size as well as her ass was a bigger size but her eyes had a very bright red glint to them as she eyed him like a piece of meat waiting to be claimed by a hungry lion.

"Y...yes Rei?"
He said that as she came up to him, the height difference was that the more bodied Rei was 2-3 inches taller than him... he was a bit nervous especially when her eyes staring at him but he suppressed a groan as he felt Rei's cool hand rub his cock up and down then he opened his eyes and saw that Rei had a very broad smile that suggested she was totally comfortable with him regardless of the situation and he wasn't going to go anywhere... not that he wanted to.
"Remember yesterday when I said I want to have this in my butt?"
Shinji gulped and then nodded remembering yesterday's meeting where she proposed the idea... right before he watched her walk to the far side of the shower room and then she bend over, pressing her hands onto the tile wall, offering Shinji the view of her full pale ass as it shook slightly before she looked back at him, with her eyes glowing red and telling him that she needed to be fucked hard and wasn't going to accept no as an answer.
"I want you to take me from behind, make me yours Shinji-sama..... Pleasedon't refuse what I am offering to you... Master"
She said Master with a deep moan as she looked at him and licked her lips broadly which was out of character but this didn't stop him from developing an erection that felt it was literally wanted him to bugger up her ass, he made his way over to where she was where and wasn't sure how to do it without hurting her but Rei was feeling impatient and didn't want to wait for him to enter so she took his erection with her hand and proceeded to line it up with her smaller hole.
"Now I want you to thrust into me... ok?"
Shinji nodded and grasped his hands onto her ass for leverage and then fearing that he may have resistance decided to thrust in hard anyway not realising that his dick went in so easily that he didn't need to lube up.
"Oh my lord."

Yes Shinji not God can help you from the good time you're going to have.
Meanwhile in another part of NERV, Asuka was already on her way out of the building and was heading towards Hikari's so she can have a direct word with her so called best friend regarding Shinji... and potentially get a deal out of her so she and herself would share Shinji on a regular basis... she dismissed the notion of actually negotiating a deal with Rei mainly due to her being her biggest rival but as she thought of it... something rose out of her sub-conscious, something she never heard before.
'Why don't you agree with Hikari AND Rei... that way all three of you can share that wonderful baka of a man.'
Asuka froze with the thought that ran through her head... Hikari she can think of sharing Shinji with but Hikari and Rei at the same time, Heck she didn't think Shinji had the endurance to keep up with 3 beautiful women but then she realised that the hunk that he can become wouldn't have the same problem as normal Shinji... hell she thought he can have 6-7 women at the same time and still not get tired.
'I never knew that I can be so passionate about one baka man... but what a man Shinji he is, when he is not a fucking wimp.'
Trust me that is the understatement of the story so far.
Back in the shower room, the lovemaking was now starting to become brutal as Shinji thrusted into Rei's ass with a force that was described as violent and animalistic, he basically had to put everything he had into his methods because Rei was brutally thrusting back with not a care in the world like she was possessed, this was combined with Rei's inner muscles working over and over on his dick was just pure torture.
'I don't know how long I can take this... I'd never knew Anal Sex was this good, I would have tried it a while ago but still... oh this is torture.'

Shinji thought as he kept going to keep up the pace, Rei was becoming faster and harder with each time she moved back onto him, her ass was cushioning the impact thus she really didn't feel much pain but the passion was already increasing by the second and he wasn't sure if he can keep up with the routine.

'This is too much... I don't know how am I going to carry on... ugh'
That surge he felt was no muscular or anything related to passion... but he remembered this feeling before for when he was one sided by Asuka and how she taunted and called him names until he felt the surge just now turning him into... he wasn't sure what he called it but now he's realising that he might become that form again... and true enough Shinji's shape began to change, his size was altering, his physique was changing and hell his cock was returning to it's larger and bulkier size which true enough Rei felt as she wide-eyed from the new size which stretched her asshole out and it reached further inside... so as Rei looked back, she saw a Shinji that she wasn't sure about or knew but the face was still the same.
'Ok Rei now it's time I stepped it up a notch.'
Thus the sex session took a whole new level.
Meanwhile in another part of Tokyo-3 at the Horaki residence, Hikari was up in her room doing homework since it was normally Saturday and she spent the afternoon catching up on her notes and doing extra homework but she realised that her life changed in the last 5 days... especially since she practically jumped onto Shinji, she had all manor of twists from Rei and then confronted by Asuka which scared her quite a bit.
Unfortunately as much fun as she's had, she is still the Class Rep and thus she still had her duties to perform and she still had a high score to maintain especially if she wanted to go far... in this world though she probably have many places to go to.
'I'll look back at all this and probably sigh at the memories; Shinji is so good to me... I wish I deserved him more but that bastard Touji was the one that I gave my heart to and when he lost his soul... he treated my affections like it was ridicule... oh well who cares about him anyway, he would of held me back anyway, where I am at the moment is best for my needs.'

At the moment as she was writing down homework related stuff on her notebook, she pondered about Rei's offer to share Shinji... a stud like him is very hard to refuse or ignore for her own sake especially since she has a plan to one day get a great job... she'll need to live the full life that she wanted to and that is have a loving husband or boyfriend with a kid shared between them.
'I seem to have the good life at the moment... but eventually someone is going to ruin it and I should plan for that.'
Hikari was content with her plans but before she could complete her homework, a knock on the door interrupted her planning.
"Hikari? Asuka's here to see you..."

Hikari kind of blanched for a second before regaining her composure and opened the door just so that she can speak through the open gap.

"Thanks Nozomi, tell Asuka that I'm in my room."
Asuka thanked Nozomi and then approached Hikari's room before she knocked on the door to which Hikari opened the door.

"What do you want Asuka, I was doing homework."

"I thought I come by and apologise for what I did the other day... I wasn't thinking clearly and I'm sorry for that."

Hikari was stunned, whilst her jaw was still on the floor.

"Actually I was hoping that me and you would come to an agreement regarding Shinji."

Thus with her jaw back to her place, Hikari began to listen.
An hour later back at the NERV shower... Shinji and Rei were REALLY testing the limits of their altered bodies to new limits... the shower may of no longer be in session or turned on but it didn't stop them one bit, after the anal event that lasted for a good 20 minutes with both feeling good, Shinji was now pounding her from the back and Rei was meeting his thrusts with her own, creating an intense back and forth motion that they knew wouldn't be able to last long, they were currently located near a wall with Shinji back first with Rei bent over in front of him.


Shinji shouted as he drew to his limit... he'd already cummed in her ass already but soon as he tried to get some rest, Rei was back on him in an instant and downed his cock in her throat without gagging and sucked on it hard and fast bobbing her head up and down with it going back into her throat as this made him hard again, this is why he's about nearly ready to explode into her tight needy cunt.

Shinji thrusted a few more times as he then exploded inside her to which she did the same a few seconds later, the pressure between them lasted for about 5 minutes before they together began to return back to their normal selves, Rei then disconnected and as she laid on the floor, A LOT of cum dripped out of them... which is a combination of male and female, Shinji had to use the wall to keep himself from falling to the ground and banging his head on the tile floor.

Rei quickly came round after 10 minutes and as she saw Shinji still prone against the wall getting his breath back, she weakly crawled towards him and looked up... right before she noticed a very large drip of cum to which she opened her mouth and allowed the drop to go in as she swallowed it, she locked her lips on his head before lightly sucking, cleaning him up.

Afterwards they'd wondered what the hell was going on with their physiology and where did these forms come from?



(Taro) It's been roughly 2 years since I did this and I was struggling to come up with an inspiration to write this... considering the absence I mistook because of life, university and the fact I'm looking for a job now means I'll focus on this story when I get the chance, because of the 2 year delay this suffered from... I'm extending the chapters I'm doing for Day 6 and then in Day 7 even MORE days... also expect a lot of oral, anal, threesomes, group sessions and of course the most important thing about this story... conclusion.
Sorry for making you all wait; I hope you're not too mad at me?