Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Twist of Fate ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Twist of Fate
By: A-Z Mark II
Disclaimer: Do I *LOOK* like Anno?!
Misato yawned as she glanced at the clock on the wall of her office. Man, today is going by so slowly… thought the Director of Operations for NERV. Sighing, she glanced at the stack of papers on her desk. “Why can't NERV ever give me something interesting to do?” asked the woman rhetorically.
“What,” came a dryly amused voice from behind her, “aren't reviewing tests schedules and looking over the latest research results of the Angels we've defeated just your game?” teased Ritsuko. Misato made a face, turning to see her old college roommate and friend leaning casually against the door frame, smirking smugly at her.
“Ritsu,” complained Misato, crossing her legs, “you are the scientist, not me.” she argued. “I need to concentrate on deploying and directing the Evas in battle, not waste my time looking at results to tests I can't even understand.” she complained. Motioning to the clipboard on her desk, she expanded on her theme. “I can only understand about one word in three in that report, pronounce one word in three of the words that I can understand, and of what I can understand and pronounce, I learn nothing!” she carped.
“Poor baby!” commiserated the fake blonde. “Are all those big, bad words too much for poor little Misa-chan to handle?” she mocked the other woman. Misato's eyes narrowed.
“Don't forget, Ritsu,” she said ominously, “I can still kick your ass.” she reminded the older woman.
“Hmm,” the other woman hummed disinterestedly. “Tell you what, Misato,” she offered, extending her own clipboard to the Captain. “how about I trade you this for that.” she suggested, wiggling her clipboard and inclining her head toward Misato's own clipboard. Misato frowned.
“What's the point in trading one set of reports for another?” she asked her old friend. Ritsuko shook her board again.
“At least look at it before you turn up your nose.” suggested Doctor Akagi. Sighing, Misato took the clipboard and flipped up the cover sheet. Ritsuko silently counted down in her head. Five…four…three…two…one!
“They're sending us the Third?!” blurted out Misato, shooting to her feet. “And he's arriving day after tomorrow?!”
“That's right, Misato.” confirmed Ritsu. “Unit One is coming home.” she said. Much as I wish she weren't, added the head of Project E silently. Misato wasn't paying any attention to her friend. Dropping back into her chair, she spun around, snatching her phone off the desk and punching in a number without looking.
“Hyuga,” she said as soon as she heard the phone pick up, “I need you to make arrangements for me and Asuka to fly out to meet the transport fleet day after tomorrow. Yes, both of us. School? Please, Hyuga! Asuka has her college degree already; we'll just take a day off! And why can't I?! Oh, like he's going to care!” said the woman, Akagi hearing half the conversation, but easily guessing what the whole thing sounded like. “Just do it, Lieutenant!” she snapped irritably. “Well, thank you!” she purred a moment later.
“Taking a sudden side trip?” sniped Akagi. Just like I planned… she thought smugly.
“I'll take Asuka with me and shower her Unit One. She's never seen the test type, and now that the German branch has released it - with a pilot, no less! - I think it will take some stress off Asuka to meet the new pilot and see the unit that her own is derived from.” explained Misato, making notes on her laptop.
“I wouldn't bet on that.” muttered Akagi. That girl is far too competitive and vain to react like you think she will, the doctor silently cautioned her friend. Misato, of course, was not thinking about that issue any more.
“Ritsu, I need…” began the purple-haired Director of Operations.
“Already on the clipboard.” said Akagi blandly, turning and exiting the office. “I'll re-arrange the test schedule.” she said over her shoulder. Behind her, Misato waved a hand.
“Thanks, Ritsu!” said the Captain. Three minutes later, she grabbed the clipboard, slipped on her jacket and nearly jogged to her car. After all, there was so much to do and so little time to do it.
“Asuka! I'm home!” called out Misato, kicking off her shoes and moving into her apartment. From deeper in the apartment, she heard some sounds. Shrugging out of her jacket, she moved toward the sounds of her current roommate/charge/Pilot. “Asuka, you in the bath?” she asked, pulling the door open.
Asuka was, indeed, in the bath. Looking over at Misato as the older woman barged into the bathroom, she rolled her eyes. “What's up, Misato? Gotta pee that badly?” she asked petulantly. Misato blinked.
“Now that you mention it…” she muttered, setting the clipboard down and reaching for her skirt's zipper. In the tub, Asuka groaned.
“God, Misato,” she carped, “you're so crass.” Spotting the clipboard within reasonable reach, she lean forward and over, dripping water on Misato's leg as she snagged the clipboard before settling back to look over the contents.
“Careful with that, Asuka.” cautioned Misato.
“Yeah, yeah.” scoffed Asuka, scanning the page. Fortunately for her, there was enough English in the report for her to glean the gist of it - she and kanji were still a bit spotty. “New pilot and Unit, huh?” she murmured to herself. Great! Some snot-nosed kid is going to be getting in my way now! she thought resentfully.
“New pilot, maybe, but Unit One is the test type, which means that it is the foundation upon which your Unit Two was built.” Misato disagreed. “It was built here, and until a couple of years ago, it was believed that it would never have a pilot. But then, the Commander sent it to Germany; right about the time that you came here to train with Unit two.” she noted. “I guess that they found a pilot for it, and the Commander ordered them to return it for deployment ASAP.” she concluded.
Asuka grunted and flipped a few pages. “The pilot is named Ikari? Is he related to the Commander?” wondered Asuka, looking at the picture of the unassuming young man, who seemed to be smiling at some inner joke. Misato frowned.
“No one said anything about him, really.” said the Captain. “Anyway, day after tomorrow, you'll get to meet him.” she dismissed, finishing up.
“Day after tomorrow? Are they early?” wondered the young girl. Misato shook her head.
“No. We're flying out to meet them.” clarified the Captain. “Tomorrow, I'll send a note with you for the school administration.” recalled Misato. Asuka tossed the clipboard to Misato and stood, stepping out of the tub.
“Whatever.” she said, reaching for her towel. “I'll leave you the warm water.” said the girl, deciding to get out of the bath before Misato could strip and join her in the tub again. Neither woman noticed the final sheet of paper on the clipboard.
“You must be Misato.” said the young man, smiling at the older woman as he extended his hand toward her. Behind her, Asuka frowned at the young man. Caught off guard, Misato extended her own hand, expecting him to shake it. Instead, the new pilot pressed a brief kiss to the back of it. “I look forward to working with you, Misato.” he said confidently. “Would I be correct in assuming that the girl behind you is my fellow Pilot, Asuka Sohryu?” he asked, smiling at Asuka.
“I'm your senior co-worker, boy.” said Asuka icily. Giving him a swift visual appraisal, she sniffed disdainfully. “Not much to look at. Can you even move your unit?” she challenged him. Shinji hummed.
“I haven't had any complaints yet.” he parried the accusation. “If you would like, I could give you a private demonstration, Misato.” he replied, a bit of mischief in his eyes. Unknown to her, Misato's cheeks warmed a little at his words.
“L…let's save that for later, ok, Shinji?” she managed. God, this kid is smooth! she thought absently. Beside her, Asuka wasn't thinking the same thing at all.
“Humph! Let's just hope he doesn't piss himself when he faces his first angel!” she snapped irritably. Misato's lips twitched at that jibe by Asuka.
“Like you did?” she asked sweetly. Asuka's face went crimson.
“Misato!” she screeched, rounding on her commanding officer and guardian. A burst of German shot from the girl, causing Shinji to raise an eyebrow in surprise.
“My, that is certainly an interesting mental image.” he murmured in surprise. “Though I have never heard such language from a girl before.” he subtly chided the fiery redhead. Her blue, blue eyes glowing with fire, Asuka turned to scream at the new pilot. Misato realized that if she didn't step in, there would be a very public incident on the deck of the carrier.
“Shinji, I don't see your guardian. Where is she?” asked the Operations Director as she settled an arm around Asuka's neck - and squeezed. Shinji turned his attention to Misato as Asuka's face, already red, began to turn blue.
“He, actually, Misato.” he corrected absently. Looking around, he shrugged. “He was here a little while ago, but I guess something came up.” said the young man. “Well, since he isn't here, can I show you below? Maybe get you some coffee?” he asked graciously, sweeping his arm toward the hatch that led below.
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea.” agreed Misato, dragging Asuka with her. Entering the hatch, he stepped aside so the girls could enter the elevator first. Since the supertanker had been refitted to transport Unit One back home, the main shaft had been converted to elevators to better transport the staff that oversaw the unit. Reaching the mess deck, Shinji once more gallantly opened the door for the ladies, smiling politely as they moved off the elevator, Asuka glowering at him and warning him not to even think about touching her ass. Shinji assured her that he wouldn't, since more mature women were more to his liking.
Ten minutes later, Misato silently sighed as she sat at a small table in the nearly-deserted mess hall, coffee in hand, listening to the loud, intrusive silence between Shinji and Asuka. Why does she have to be such a bitch? wondered Misato. Oh, well, let's get this started. The sooner that they come to some sort of working arrangement, the quicker I can field two Evas, reasoned the woman. “So, Shinji, do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.
“Not at the moment.” he replied easily. Misato felt an odd tingle in her chest when she heard how he said it. Crushing the feeling, she moved on, feeding the conversation.
“You know, Asuka is currently available.” she hinted broadly. Beside Misato, Asuka choked on her coffee, spraying it out as she tried to swallow and gape at the same time.
“Misato, what the hell are you thinking?!” she roared. “Like I'd ever date this boring little boy!” she denied. “He probably doesn't even know what a girlfriend is!” she declared, wiping her mouth with a paper napkin.
“I know what a girlfriend is, I just can't picture you as one.” countered Shinji, an amused glint in his eyes. “Immature girls aren't really my thing, after all.” he sniped. Asuka's face drained of color at that ambush. Before she could explode, however, the room vibrated with a distant explosion, followed a few seconds later by the wail of sirens and alarm klaxons. An angel had come calling.
Rising smoothly, Shinji paused to look at Misato, who had grabbed Asuka, protecting her charge. “Misato, I'm going to sortie in Unit One. Please have an emergency power feed prepared on the carrier.” he said calmly, yet quickly before dashing off toward the lift to his unit, which currently rested in a pool of protective gel, face down, ready to be boarded.
“Uh, right.” breathed Misato, blinking in surprise. Man, he's decisive! He's also right; we need to get that power hookup going right now! Dragging Asuka with her, she dashed to the lift, already getting in touch with her technical crew on the super carrier Over The Rainbow. Reaching the deck of the transport, she nearly threw Asuka into the small inter-fleet transport VTOL, which zipped them back to the carrier.
“What about that newbie?!” demanded Asuka. I wish I had my Unit Two here! thought the girl angrily. Misato didn't bother to look at her when she answered.
“Guess we get to see how he handles his unit, after all.” she said crisply. Together, they ran up the passages to the bridge of the carrier, arriving just in time to see the deck cover knocked off the transport tanker by an armored fist. Rising, Asuka got her first look at Unit One.
“Forty seconds from the time he hooked up his power cord till the destruction of the Angel.” breathed Ritsuko, reading Misato's report. “Man, Shinji is more than good - he's incredible!” Beside her, Misato didn't seem to be listening. Her eyes were on the plugsuit-clad form of Shinji, who was supervising the recovery techs as they carefully removed the resting form of his Unit from the deck of the carrier.
Beside the doctor, Asuka was sulking and fuming. “What's so incredible about him? The baka dove into the ocean without B-type equipment!” she complained.
“If he hadn't gone after the Angel, it would have been able to regroup and re-engage the convoy.” disagreed Ritsuko. “Yes, it was a gamble, but a calculated one. With the position of the fleet over the flooded remains of Old Tokyo, he could be reasonably sure that if his cord got severed, we could still retrieve the unit and himself before his power drained down, provided that he went into life-support only mode.” said the doctor. “Neither the depth nor the pressure were anywhere close enough to danger zone for an Eva, you know.” she reminded the woman. After all, the only thing that B-type equipment did was give the units enough buoyancy so that they could swim. Turning the page, she smirked. “The captain in charge of the fleet seems to be upset about your actions.” she noted.
Not getting a response from Misato, she looked over at her friend, finding her to be watching Shinji; or, more accurately, watching his ass. God, Misato! she thought to her friend, You really have a weakness for certain types of men, don't you? Still, reading the report, she could see the justification for the interest. Turning a page, she glanced at the data from the Eva unit itself, showing his synch data. Blinking, she looked again, but the number remained unchanged. Good god! thought the doctor.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” came the soft, sure voice of the newest pilot. “I just wanted to make sure that they got my unit unloaded safely.” he said, vaulting into the seat next to Misato, resulting in him being pressed firmly against the shapely woman.
“It's no problem!” assured Misato, nodding to the driver. “Uh, sorry that your clothes and luggage were sunk with the transport.” she offered him. Shinji shrugged.
“Better than my Unit or us being sunk, wouldn't you say?” he smiled at her. Misato smiled back warmly.
“True, Shinji.” said the older woman, a touch of color on her cheeks. “Once we report in to NERV, we can get you some new clothes.” she assured him. Asuka was staring at her guardian, her expression suspicious.
“Misato, you're not hitting on him are you?” accused the girl. Misato jerked her eyes off Shinji's lap.
“Of course not!” she denied. “But he's going to need clothes, isn't he?” she argued.
“Not if you have your way.” murmured Ritsuko, too softly for anyone but Misato to hear her. Misato flinched, wanting to smack her friend for that, but unable to because she would then have to explain why she hit Ritsu to Asuka and Shinji.
“Mind your own business.” she breathed back. A quiet hum was her reply.
The ride to NERV had been quiet, with only smatterings of conversation. Shinji had seemed at ease during the ride, wedged against Misato's side. Still, he hadn't tried to grope her or cop a feel, which only served to further attract Misato and anger Asuka. Reaching NERV was both a relief and a disappointment to Misato. Moving through the interior of NERV, Misato found herself standing nearer to the edges of the power walkways, causing her skirt to blow up more than usual.
Meeting the Commander had been a shock for Asuka and Misato both when Shinji had greeted him as `father'. From the stiffness of his posture, Misato knew that Commander Ikari was not pleased with that greeting. But other than a curt dismissal, there wasn't much he could do about it. With the formalities dealt with, Asuka angrily announced that she was going out with Hikari and that Misato could `handle the newbie'. Flouncing off, Asuka could have sworn she heard a chuckle from Shinji.
Turning to the Captain, he smiled at her, noticing the color on her cheeks. “I leave myself in your hands, Misato.” he said warmly, grinning at her. The red on Misato's cheeks grew.
“S…sure.” she managed. I need to get laid more if I keep thinking of everything in a sexual context, she told herself. “I'll be gentle.” she said before she realized that she was flirting with him. “Well! Let's find you some temporary clothes so you won't have to wear your plugsuit while we're shopping, shall we?” she said forcefully.
“Lead on, Misato.” he replied. Together, the two moved off in search of clothes for Shinji. Misato correctly surmised that there would be extra work clothes in the supply room, and before too long, Shinji was pulling off his plugsuit in preparation to shower off the LCL residue. Standing by the door, Misato watched him pull off the skin-tight outfit, unconsciously licking her lips. Her visual preoccupation with him was interrupted by his stepping into the shower block.
He's certainly confident, stripping right in front of me, mused the woman, crossing her arms under her considerable assets, trying not to think about the hard nubs of her nipples tenting her dress top or the warm tingle in her groin that was doubtlessly dampening her panties. How long has it been since I got laid last? Four years? she wondered. No, six, she corrected. That time at graduation. What was his name…? she tried to remember. Shrugging off the attempt, she chalked it up to too many beers and too many years to recall the man's name.
“Ready, Misato?” asked Shinji, breaking her reverie. Misato blinked, seeing Shinji finishing up the final adjustments to his borrowed clothes. While hardly fashionable, he looked surprisingly good in the togs. Misato pushed herself off the wall she had somehow come to be leaning against and smiled at him.
“Sure, Shinji.” said the woman, leading him toward her car.
He's really handsome in those clothes, thought Misato, watching Shinji browse though the shirts in the men's section in one of the clothing shops. To her pleasant surprise, he had moved directly to the slacks and button-down shirts, swiftly selecting several pairs in his size. Misato had blushed when he asked her if she saw where the boxers were. Instead of pointing them out to her, she had volunteered to get him some.
So, she had selected some that she thought would look good on him, and he had taken them into the changing room, emerging several minutes later in a pair of dark slacks and a light shirt, the long sleeves rolled up and the collar button undone. Misato's mouth was suddenly flooded with drool as she realized that he looked a lot older and far more mature in that outfit than she had thought he would.
Before she knew it, they were ringing up the purchases, telling the sales lady that Shinji would wear the outfit he had on, the rest being bagged and taken to her car. After two or three more stops, and some more of his wardrobe located, Shinji asked Misato if she was hungry. At his question, she felt her stomach rumble. “Well, how about I take you to dinner, then, Misato? After all, you have graciously driven me all over town to find some clothes.” he enticed her.
“I wouldn't want to be a bother, Shinji.” said the woman. “I mean, you must be tired after the trip and the fight with the angel.” she corrected herself. God, I sound like a schoolgirl with her first crush! she thought crossly.
“How could I pass up a chance to dine with a beautiful woman?” he replied smoothly. “Unless Asuka is holding dinner for you?” he suggested. Misato's lips twitched into a half-smile.
“Doubtful.” she replied. “Neither of us really cook, so…” she shrugged. Shinji hummed softly.
“Tell you what, Misato,” he suggested, “I'm a pretty good cook, so after tonight, how about we get together when we can and I will fix you a good dinner? After all, you need to be healthy if you're to direct us in our fights with the Angels.” he coaxed. Misato sucked in a breath. He cooks, too?! was all she could think.
“I'd love to come over to your place.” her mouth said before her brain could come up with a decision. Shinji smiled over at her.
“Then, it's decided.” he said happily. “But first, let's find a nice place to eat tonight.” he directed her. Misato could only nod, steering toward a modest restaurant she knew of.
To her surprise, Shinji proved to be very picky about the eatery, deciding from no more than a look at the place that it was not suitable for a woman of Misato's charms. Before the stunned Captain realized what was happening, she and Shinji were sitting down at a secluded booth in the back of one of the better eateries in Tokyo 3, two candles on the table, and a bottle of champagne in front of them.
“Shinji, how did…?” wondered Misato as the waiter silently filled her glass with drink.
“Just one of the things I picked up.” shrugged the young man, subtly waving off the waiter when his own glass was only half full. “To defeating another angel.” he proposed, raising his glass. Misato touched glasses with him and took a large swallow from her glass, seeing Shinji take a small swallow. “Would it be all right with you if I ordered for us, Misato?” asked the young man, smiling at her. Silently, Misato nodded.
Time flew past unnoticed as she and Shinji talked about a number of topics, the food steadily disappearing, and a fresh bottle of wine arriving when the champagne was empty, Shinji nursing his own along, while Misato put away the drink with surprising speed. While not a wine girl by nature, she had no problems with drinking it. When the last scraps of food had been consumed, Misato excused herself to go to the ladies' room.
When she came back, she found that Shinji was waiting for her, the bill already settled.
“Shall we, Misato?” he asked, sweeping his arm toward the exit. Nodding, Misato fell into place at his side as they exited. Getting into her car, she just had to know how Shinji had settled the bill, as he hadn't had the kind of money that that place must have cost. To her vague unease, Shinji had given her a sharp smile and said that sometimes, having the last name Ikari could be useful. It was obvious to her that he preferred not to elaborate, and she reasoned that it was best not to ask, since she could always claim ignorance later.
“Well, where did they decided to put me?” he asked his commanding officer. Misato blinked, realizing that she had not read that far in the packet that she had been handed after the short meeting with the Commander. Fumbling for it, she scanned the residency sheet.
“It looks like they have you in over in Charlie district. Alone.” she mused. “Shinji, are you sure that you're ok with living alone?” she asked him, concerned. Shinji gave her a reassuring smile, briefly caressing her hand.
“I've gotten used to it, Misato.” he assured her. “Besides, I'm going to be spending most of my days at NERV with you, won't I?” he said, winking. Misato's heart rate doubled instantly, her groin tingling. Don't say things like that in that tone, Shinji, or I might… she tried to squash the thought, but it wiggled out from under her attempt to crush it.
“Let's see what this place looks like, shall we, Misato?” he asked her.
“Wow.” said Misato softly, pulling up in front of the address that was on the residency sheet. “Not too bad.” she decided. It wasn't quite as nice as her own building, but it was far, far better than the dilapidated building that Rei was assigned to. “Wonder what it is like inside?” she mused aloud.
“Only one way to find out.” smiled Shinji, exiting the car. Misato scrambled out and followed him into the entrance, the two seeing an envelope on the desk with his name on it. Retrieving it, Shinji found his NERV card and some instructions in the envelope.
Tucking them into his pocket, the two moved up to the residence he had been assigned. Opening the door with a swipe of his card, Shinji led Misato into the small, comfortable apartment.
“Furnished.” noted Misato, seeing a love seat, TV, coffee table and small desk in the living room. Shinji moved into the kitchen, inspecting the small area with apparent satisfaction.
“I can work with this.” he nodded. Misato moved down the short hall, finding the single bedroom to be on the same side as the living room, the bathroom opposite it. Peeking into the bathroom, she saw the tub with shower nozzle, toilet and sink. Crammed into the edge of the room was a small over/under washer/dryer.
“Anything interesting in there?” came Shinji's voice. Ducking back out, she saw his shadow coming from inside the bedroom. Misato stepped into the bedroom and froze, blinking.
“I wonder who decorated this place.” she breathed. Shinji chuckled.
“From the looks of it, I'd say a man-whore.” Misato giggled at that.
“I'm surprised that you know that term, Shinji.” she said, shaking her head. “It's from well before your time.” she added. Shinji just shrugged.
“I had a very eclectic upbringing, Misato.” he demurred. Moving over to the bed, he inspected the large western-style bed. “Never slept on one of these before.” he shared. Misato raised an eyebrow.
“Really?” she wondered, moving over to stand beside him. “What happened to that `eclectic upbringing'?” she teased him.
“Apparently it wasn't eclectic enough.” he parried. “Though I did hear it said that these are good for having sex on.” he noted innocently, leering at Misato. “Ever heard that?” he asked her. Misato nodded.
“Matter of fact, I have.” she said, turning to smile at Shinji.
“Want to find out if they were right?” he asked her, stepping into her, his arms circling her waist as he leaned up to kiss her, his lips meeting her own in a soft, sure kiss.
Later, Misato would try to rationalize what happened next as having had too much to drink; though, in reality, she wasn't drunk. She would try to say it was her abstinence for so long a period; but the back of her underwear drawer held several well-used items that disproved that claim. It had to be his mature, confident manner, she would think; after all, confident, calm men were her kryptonite. All of those may have had some bearing on what happened, but in the end, Misato knew that it was none of them that caused her to respond to his kiss. No, in the end, it was something that not even she was sure what was that caused her to lean into Shinji's kiss, her tongue caressing his as her hands eagerly explored his body.
It was very apparent to her that he was not a virgin, as his kiss and touch were far too steady, confident and skillful. Not that that is bad or anything… a small part of her reminded the rest of her. Feeling his fingertips brush down her cheek, to her neck, and then to her dress's zipper, she decided that it was a very good thing that he seemed to be experienced. After all, it's easier to enjoy it when you aren't playing teacher! she thought lasciviously. Her zipper was slowly drawn down.
Shinji gradually eased the zipper of the short, tight, one-piece dress the shapely Captain wore down, exposing more and more of her to his sneaked peeks, his lips and tongue still entangled with her own. Misato was obviously experienced, exactly as he had expected of a woman who looked like she did. A man would have to be blind, dumb and deaf not to notice her, he thought absently, easing the zipper past her hip and reaching the end of the track. Breaking the kiss, he leaned back from her slightly to see what he had.
There was a lot to be seen. Under her black dress, Misato was wearing purple and navy matching bra and panties, the bra low and tight, accenting her already-impressive breasts, and the panties - revealed by her dress falling from her form as she shrugged her shoulders - hugging the curves of her sex and hips, the material thin and the cut a deep vee front with a nearly-thong back. Stepping out of her dress, Misato unconsciously posed for him, feeling her hard nipples strain against the thin cups of her bra as her panties grew damp.
“Absolutely beautiful.” breathed the young man reverently, reaching out and ever-so-carefully cupping her thinly-covered breasts in his hands, his delicate touch making her nipples ache with need. Tracing the bra with his fingertips, he undid the catch in the back so slickly that Misato didn't notice that he had done so until the bra went slack and slipped from her body to land on the floor. With the pads of his fingers, he traced her breasts from base to tips, wringing a moan of pleasure from the woman as he did so.
Stepping into her, he delicately took one hard, pink nipple in his mouth, sucking, licking and teasing it with his tongue as the fingers of one hand did likewise on her other breast. Wrapping her arms around his head and shoulders, Misato aggressively held him to her chest, tingling sparks dancing all through her body from the super-sensitive tips of her tits. Shinji's free hand moved from her side, to her back, then meandered lower, ending up on her firm ass.
“Ah!” gasped Misato as she felt his hand begin to knead her rear, gradually working lower until his fingertips touched her sex from behind. A strangled groan came from her as his feather-like touch traced the lips of her sex through the soaked lace of her panties. Instinctively, she shoved her hips forward to grind against the front of his pants, seeking to sate the itch in her pussy, and knowing that only his hard length could do the job of scratching that itch.
Against her bare belly, she could feel a hard length pressing back against her, a nasty leer crossing her face. Shinji continued to explore her sex with his fingertips, gradually working deeper and deeper into her, deftly moving her wet panties aside as he finally eased a fingertip into her, the digit instantly being soaked with her hot juice. Reluctantly, Misato released his head from her grip, weakly pushing him back. “What do I get?” she breathed, grinning at him.
“Let's see.” he suggest in turn, swiftly undressing. Misato took the opportunity to jerk her panties off while Shinji was stripping, licking her lips when she felt how soaked they were with her arousal. Looking back to Shinji, she was just in time to see him carefully work his boxers off, revealing the most beautiful dicks she had ever seen. Swallowing a mouthful of drool, she slipped to her knees and captured her prize with her hands, stroking it once to get a feel for its length. Very nice! thought the lustful woman happily. Far more than I had thought, actually. This should feel so good in me! Unable to wait any longer, she leaned forward, engulfing the crown in her mouth, tasting the small sample of pre-cum that had accumulated there.
Misato had learned early in her sexual exploration that she loved to suck dick. In fact, she would as often choose to give a man a blowjob as to have sex with him, finding them to be nearly identical as far as her enjoyment went. Through high school and college, she had perfected a very technical and effective oral talent. As Misato eagerly swallowed him to the root, she discovered another thing about Shinji. He's perfect! Long enough to reach my throat, but not so long that he chokes off my air, thick enough that he fills my entire mouth, but not so thick that he makes my jaw cramp. Happily, Misato went to work on him, impatient to taste his cum.
Shinji ran his fingers through the deep, rich purple tresses of the woman, not holding her head - just finger-combing her hair and touching her face tenderly. God, she's incredible! he thought, feeling himself flying toward release as Misato worked her oral magic on him. Never had a woman been as skillful and enthusiastic as the stacked Captain of NERV. Wet slurping and soft moans filled the bedroom. “Cumming, Mi-chan!” he grunted suddenly, feeling his balls tighten. Misato sealed her lips around the tip of his dick as his first spurt splashed against her throat and tonsils. With practiced ease, Misato swallowed it all, finding that his taste was very much to her liking.
Gradually, his orgasm passed, and after she was sure that no more cream was coming, Misato skillfully milked every last drop from him before pulling her lips free of his semi-hard shaft, a wet pop! sound coming from her mouth as the seal between her lips and his dick was broken. Licking her lips to collect all traces of his semen, she swallowed one more time before looking up at him with a devilishly happy smile. “Good, Shinji?” she asked unnecessarily. Shinji sucked in a deep breath.
“Very good, Misa-chan.” he replied, reaching down to carefully help her stand before guiding her to the bed. “But now, it is my turn!” he pronounced, firmly pushing her back so she was laying on the bed on her back, her legs over the edge. Kneeling, Shinji took her legs behind the knees and lifted them, spreading them as he did so, exposing her glistening sex to his hungry gaze. Inhaling her rich, musky scent, he felt his dick snap back to attention. A little snack before the main event sounds good to me… he thought, lowering his face to the waiting dessert before him.
A wordless shriek of pleasure tore from Misato's throat as she felt his tongue delicately circle her exposed clit before tracing down her wet valley to her entrance, slipping in and wiggling around, setting off spasms in her sheath. Where did he learn that trick?! wondered the Captain, grabbing her knees and spreading her legs wider as she tucked them farther up, both opening herself to him as much as she could, and freeing his hands. Shinji immediately put his now-free hands to good use, using the fingers of one to spread her sex open, and the other to assist his tongue in mercilessly tormenting her lustful sex.
Shinji congratulated himself on choosing well in this matter, as he found the taste of the woman to be strong, but pleasant. Alternating between her clit and entrance, he scooped up as much of her copious fluid as he could, feeling his dick throb with the need to explore her innermost self. Let's get her an orgasm before the main event, Shinji decided, suddenly shifting his tongue to her clit as he swiftly pushed two fingers into her passage.
“Ah!” breathed Misato, feeling his fingers invade her sex, which immediately clamped down on them, Pistoning them back and forth in her tight grasp, Shinji quickly located her G-spot, and that was the end for Misato, an orgasm crashing out from her G-spot to ravage her body with bliss. Shinji felt a small amount of her juice spurt onto his hand, surprising him. She's a squirter, too! he realized.
As the woman recovered from her sudden, hard orgasm, Shinji tenderly shifted her onto the bed and joined her there, rubbing her entire body with his palms as she gradually recovered. His attention on her silk-soft skin, he was surprised by her hand suddenly gripping his throbbing dick. Looking at her face, he met her warm, hungry gaze. “Shin, I want this,” she whispered to him, squeezing his dick firmly. “I need this, Shin.”
“With pleasure, Misa-chan.” he replied, slipping easily between her legs, the woman looping her legs around his hips as he settled into position. Feeling his tip meet her drooling entrance, Misato realized that he didn't need her to help him find the right spot.
Grinning, she wrapped her arms around his neck. I knew he'd be a natural! she boasted to herself. “Ready when you are, stud!” she whispered hotly in his ear before lightly biting his earlobe. Shinji thrust forward, his wide, spongy tip splitting her slick nether lips and bulling its way into her passage, stretching it to fit him. “God, YES!!” screamed Misato at the top of her lungs. That's it, Shin! Take me! Make me fit your hard dick! she thought hazily. The feeling of being stuffed with a real dick after so long was really doing a number on her. Make me yours, Shin!
Shinji thrust harder into the woman, driving his dick deeper into her volcanic pussy. Damn, she's tight!! I wasn't expecting her to be this tight! he realized, knowing that her unexpected tightness would undermine his staying power. Misato was tighter than a virgin, and Shinji found that when he finally ran into her cervical cap, she was nearly the perfect fit for his dick, allowing him to make long, deep, hard thrusts into her. Feeling the woman pull his head to her own and slip her tongue into his mouth, Shinji began to thrust into her, slowly at first, but building speed as he got into a steady rhythm. Beneath him, Misato began to buck her hips up to meet his downward stabs, driving him deep into her passage and stimulating both her clit and her G-spot with each thrust.
Far too soon, Shinji could feel his sack tightening. He was hammering into her wildly, Misato nearly throwing him off as she bucked upward, their pubic bones hitting each other as they met in mid air, bouncing off the bed's surface. “Almost…there!” puffed Shinji, fighting for control. “Out?” he thought to ask.
“IN!” snarled Misato. “…pill!” she wheezed, teetering on the edge. With a final shove, Shinji grabbed her hips in his hands and locked his hips to her own as he came, a harsh grunt escaping his lips as he flooded her passage with his hot cum.
“Shin!” shrilled Misato, her vision suddenly obscured by spots of color that turned brilliant white before fading to black. Resting his head on her chest, Shinji felt and heard her heart gradually slow from near jackhammer speed to a far more reasonable rate. Lifting his head, panting like he had just run a marathon, he saw that Misato wasn't conscious. Dropping his head back to her chest, he chuckled silently.
“Guess you are staying here, Misa-chan.” he whispered to her, easing off her, his dick slipping free of her flooded sex easily. Getting comfortable next to her, he settled in, holding her close. As he drifted toward sleep, several questions occurred to him. Why was it so much more intense than normal with Misato? he wondered. I wonder what this will mean for us at work? was another concern for him. But far more important was the question that flittered across his mind just as he was succumbing to sleep:
How soon and how often can we do this again?
“Asuka, I'm back!” called out Misato, entering her apartment the next evening. She had awoken to find herself naked, hugging Shinji, who was also naked, in his bed. After a brief moment of panic, she had decided that since she couldn't change anything, she should just enjoy it. So, she had. All day, in fact. Eventually, though she had reluctantly left his place to check up on Asuka.
Kicking off her shoes, she frowned as she saw another pair of shoes next to Asuka's own. Does she have a guest? wondered the Captain. “Asuka?” she called again, moving into the apartment. From Asuka's bedroom, she heard some thuds and some scrambling around. Frowning, she quickened her steps and slid the door to Asuka's room open.
“Asuka, what's going on in…!” she stopped, seeing Asuka frozen in mid-step, trying to put on some panties, and behind her, an unshaven man with long hair. From the smell of the room, the two had been going at it hot and heavy for a while. “Asuka! Who the hell is this perv?!” she roared, snatching her gun from her holster and leveling it at the man.
“He's my boyfriend, not a perv!” yelled back Asuka. “His name is Ryoga Kaji and…” Asuka went silent as she saw Misato's lips peel back from her teeth in a very scary manner.
“Kaji?” she purred, thumbing back the hammer on her pistol. “You couldn't resist, could you?” she snarled, taking a steadier stance and beginning to squeeze the trigger. “Just so you know, this is self-defense.” she noted, her eyes bright with maniacal anticipation.
“Ah…you're looking surprisingly good, Misato.” managed the man, turning to face her. “You're her guardian, then?” he asked, swallowing with some difficulty.
“Oh, indeed I am! And I'm about to guard her from your pedophile self, Kaji!” she yelled.
“Misato! He works for NERV!” protested Asuka.
“Asuka, don't make me self-defense you, too!” warned Misato. “As it is, I'm going to have to have you disinfected now that he's raped you.” she muttered darkly. Asuka pouted.
“He didn't rape me, Misato.” she muttered.
“Listen to the girl, Misato.” urged Kaji. “Besides, I'm a guardian of a Child as well!” he begged her. Misato's trigger finger paused.
“Oh, really?” she sneered icily. “Which one?” she challenged him.
“The Third. Shinji Ikari.” he replied.
“It's true, Misato!” added Asuka immediately. “I met him at NERV yesterday morning. He really is that jerk Shinji's guardian!”
“God damn it!” whispered Misato, forcing her shaking fingers to engage the de-cocking lever on the side of her gun and slowly lowering it. Fixing the man with a baleful gaze, she forcefully exhaled. “Listen up, man-whore!” she whispered in suppressed rage, “If you ever come into my apartment again, I will kill you. Understood?” Kaji nodded. Misato turned to Asuka. “Asuka, you are going to NERV for a full gynecological exam and for a birth control implant. You are also going to be issued a box of double-thickness condoms, and you better use them!” she snarled.
“But Misato, that'll…!” began Asuka. The look she got from the older woman silenced her.
“Believe me, the double-thickness will be a big help to him.” she said spitefully. “Grab your sundress and let's get going.” she ordered her charge. Fixing her gaze on her ex-boyfriend, she bared her teeth. “What are you still doing here?” she purred dangerously. Kaji grabbed his pants and ran out the door, past a visibly shaking Misato, her hand on her gun.
“Misato!” huffed Asuka, “What is it with you?!” she complained. Misato didn't answer.
“How could he have created such a gentleman as Shinji when he's such a sick bastard?” she mumbled to herself as she cracked open a much-needed beer.
Omake 2
“What's got you in such a good mood, Misato?” asked Ritsuko Akagi as she and Maya ran another test on the Evas and pilots. Asuka's score was down, Rei's was where it always was, and Shinji was in the lead by a comfortable margin. Behind the two scientist, Misato was smirking to herself and looking downright smug.
“Oh, not much.” she said modestly. “I just haven't been getting as much sleep as I used to.” she hinted. Ritsuko made a small sound of disinterest.
“New boyfriend, is it?” she sniped. Misato considered that, forcing herself not to stare at Shinji's video feed.
“More like new, hot, hunky lover, actually.” she said absently. Ritsuko turned to look at Misato's dreamy expression.
“And who is this stud, exactly?” she asked the Captain. Misato just leered at her.
“He's mine, is who he is, Ritsu,” purred Misato, “and I don't want to share!” she added.
“You don't want to share?” came the surprised reply from the fake blonde. He must really be something for her to be this possessive of him, reflected the head of Project E. An idea occurred to her. “You know, Misato,” she said casually, “the report on the integration of the new unit into the TO&E isn't complete yet, and Commander Ikari did ask about it yesterday.” she said. Misato's face fell.
“Damn!” she hissed. “I knew there was something I was forgetting!” she hissed. Ritsuko smiled.
“I could take care of that for you.” she said. “Of course, there'd be a price for that…help.” she added. Misato chewed her lip. Silently, calmly, Akagi waited.
“Ok, fine!” sighed Misato. “I tell you, and you take care of the report.” she confirmed. Ritsu nodded. Misato moved over to Ritsu and whispered in her ear.
The clatter of Ritsu's clipboard hitting the floor drew Maya's attention to the two. A rare sight greeted her: Ritsuko Akagi's jaw was hanging open, and she was staring in shock at Misato's smug look. What did she tell sempai? wondered the younger tech.
“You're fucking kidding me!” denied Ritsuko. Misato shook her head.
“Dead serious, Ritsu.” she confirmed. “He's a tiger in the sack. I've never been with a man who's as good as he is.” she bragged. Ritsuko's eyes flickered to the video feeds.
“There's no way.” she denied stubbornly. Misato hummed.
“Believe it or not, that's the truth.” said the Captain, moving toward the door. Just before she opened it, she looked back over her shoulder at her college roomie. “He even made me cum so hard I passed out; on the first night, too!” she bragged.
Ritsuko didn't hear Misato leave the room. She was too busy staring at the video feed from Unit 1. Gendo has never gotten me off! she thought resentfully. Maybe I need a newer version of the Ikari male… the thought came to her. “Maya, we need to schedule a physical for Shinji ASAP.” she said decisively. Maya blinked.
“Ma'am?” she wondered. Ritsu wasn't listening to her.
“Yes, a very…detailed physical.” she mumbled. “You'll be assisting me, Maya.” she added, moving toward the door. “Now, my place or his…?” she wondered as the door shut. Maya looked at the video feed of Shinji. It can't be Shinji that Misato was talking about, can it? she wondered. Looking back at his feed, she could have sworn that she saw him wink at her.