Nightmare Before Christmas Fan Fiction ❯ Before The Storm ❯ Before The Storm ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: The Nightmare Before Christmas is completely owned by Tim Burton and Walt Disney Pictures. I’m merely borrowing the wonderful characters.


I live on Summer Island. The skies are a perpetual deep blue with wisps of clouds, and the ground is covered with fresh, grass. It has that perfect temperature that comes before a blistering heat wave , and it’ll always be that way. It is, in all possible meanings of the word, idyllic; however, it is my own personal Hell.

There was nothing I could have done to prevent my imprisonment, not without ripping my battered heart out, and I could never betray him with such an act. I love him.

I had been spending too much time with, the others had said; I was stealing their King from them, and their very livelihood was at stake. He was neglecting his royal duties and his people in favor of my company for days on end, and I could not fault them for their bitter jealousy. It was just, but I would never, in a million Halloweens, have guessed what they would do to me because of their spite.

They would steal the happiest night of my life from me and turn it into the beginning of my desolate end.

He had asked if I would sneak out with him one night, and I said yes; I could never deny him anything. I waited until my Maker had retired to bed with his latest creation before taking a suicide leap out my window. Parts of my body split apart upon impact with the hard ground, but I remained silent as a mouse; everything would be taken from me if I were discovered now. My hands reacted on their own; they automatically drew out the thread and needle that had always been my friend. I swiftly stitched myself together.

As I finished, I felt his approach and turned. He stopped and stood silently, his gaze piercing deep within my heart for a moment before he grinned crookedly. I felt his cool hands take mine, and he gently helped me to stand before leading me to the Bottomless lake.

The moon was full and beautiful, knew it; her rays shone down upon us as we reached the lake. Its dark abyss looked cold and quite unforgiving as we sat down along the edge. No words were exchanged as he placed the ring in my hand, and there was no need; he already knew my answer. He placed the small, silver ring on my finger and kissed me as tenderly as if it were our first. I was the first to pull back, and I looked deep into his black, unfathomable eyes, wondering if I should speak or if it would spoil the moment.

I needn’t have worried.

A thick, fleshy appendage wrapped around my ankle, and I was pulled into the icy lake. The last vision I remember is his hand plunging into the water and grabbing frantically, reaching for me; I reached for him as I plummeted further into the lake as the water filled my lungs.

I woke up on this island with my hands and feet missing, ripped messily from their seams, and I broke down weeping, mourning for my perfect moment to come back again. I would later find a scathing note saying I wasn’t good enough for him and that I’d be better off stranded somewhere; I couldn’t swim back to him, not without risking drowning or washing away.

Trapped forever.

I can scarcely move around without losing my precious leaves, my physical being; I’ve been forced to sit in one spot, day after agonizing day. I’ve long since lost track of how long I’ve been here, but it doesn’t matter; thick, gray storm clouds are rapidly approaching this island. I moved to the highest hill, leaving behind a trail of crumbled colors, but I fear it won’t be tall enough. If it floods, I’ll be carried away by the current.

I’ve held on to the hope that he would somehow find me and take me back home, safely protected from anything happening like this again, but I’m fooling myself. I’m not naïve enough to believe that the very monsters who put me here would help him; they would probably form search parties and lead him off the trail, and he can only look so far on his own.

I can’t escape this fate, I know, as the rain begins to fall, and I close my eyes, waiting.

Goodbye, my Pumpkin King.


He cries her name out, again and again, as his boat speeds onward, chasing the storm.

He’s been searching for her since the night he lost her; he spent the rest of that night searching the Bottomless lake before running back to his kingdom. He frantically woke the townspeople up, and he begged for their help. He countless search parties out to find her, leading most of them, but she hadn’t been found. He had spent many sleepless nights brainstorming on his chalkboard, thinking of every possible rival who might have stolen her away; he came up with nothing but an empty heart. He loves her, and he could never be complete without her bright smile in his life again.

There was nothing on her for days, weeks, months on end, and he continued searching. It had been suggested to him by several people that her retrieval be left to the townsfolk while his Highness attend to his frightful duties; he had simply glared at them, and they left with their tail between their legs.

After searching through every holiday door and coming up with nothing, he felt the first hints of despair start to creep at his soul. He had gone to the local tavern for a strong drink when the Terrible Threesome had approached him. They talked all at once, stammering and yelling and crying the same story in three different versions, and he could understand none of it. He roared horrifically, and they went dead silent; he asked for one to tell the story. The girl, almost inaudibly, told of how they couldn’t mend their own clothes, and how they need her. He listened intently, and, at the revelation of the town’s betrayal and her location, left, vowing to never return.

The boat he took was breaking apart as it ran; the motor was clunking awkwardly, the body was groaning under the stress of the journey, and a metal pole was positioned at the front of the boat, and a pumpkin flag was stationed atop it. He still sped on, not caring if he could get back. The wind whipped the boat around,and he saw the flag slip halfway down the pole.

His heart stopped in that moment.

He would never be whole again.