Nightwalker Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight ❯ Midnight ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After Midnight
Disclaimer: don't own the characters they belong to their creator and companies that mass-produce them for profit…. I however get no such profit only enjoyment.
Rating: R
“Aren't you coming?”
“Gomen Yukari but I have to get up for work tomorrow.”
“Aww…come on Keiko it's Halloween, there's a party on every corner.”
“Jun's right, you have to party it's practically a rule, like on New Year's Eve.”
“I can't I already stayed out later than I should have.”
“You're joking right? Tell me she's joking, its only- Yukari?”
“It's 11:45.”
“Sorry guys maybe next time.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever you say that all the time.”
“Ok but I'm holding you to it.”
“Hey guys shouldn't we walk her home?”
Three sets of eyes turned towards the forth member of their group.
“Mae she's twenty-two I think she's a little old for a babysitter.”
“Well it's just that they haven't caught that man yet.”
“What man?”
“Oh you mean the one that's been abducting people from the area?”
“I thought they were only street people, the junkies you know? Anyway Keiko can handle herself, she does have a mean right hook.”
Yukari turned her gaze towards her friend asking her silently if she wanted an escort while at the same time begging her to say no. Keiko only grinned before shaking her head.
“Thanks but I'll be alright guys, Jun's right I can take care of myself. Yusuke and the others made sure of that.”
“One of these days you're going to have to introduce us to these friends of yours they sound yummy.”
“Jun everyone sounds yummy to you.”
“Come on you guys let's hurry, bye Keiko see you tomorrow!”
She stood there for a moment watching until they were out of sight before turning around and starting back towards her apartment. It was going to be a long walk, especially wearing heels. Stupid shoes, why did she let Yukari talk her into dressing up and of all the things she could have chosen.
“Why did it have to be a vampire, like I don't have enough demons in my life.”
Sighing she made her way across the street eyes straying to the different costumes people were wearing. A few she wasn't sure what they were but she had to give them credit for originality. Tugging on the short cape she tried to figure out the quickest way home, already the `cute shoes that she just had to wear' were staring to kill her feet, they were not meant to be walked in for long periods of time if that.
As she waited for the light to change she ran over the short cuts Jun had showed her a while back. If she remembered right there was a series of ally ways that cut through to the subway. Making her way quickly across the street and skipping over the small puddles she moved towards the corner grocery store. Peering into the darkened ally she could just make out the broken fire escape with the dying flowers on it. Grinning she slipped into the shadows never once considering it would be the last time she would see her friends again.
He could feel it moving through him, calling out for him to hunt, to rut. He wouldn't give in though he had to work, if there was one night when he was need the most it was tonight. Halloween was the worst day of the year; it was when the nightbreeds were most active. Turning another corner he finally spotted his target, it was feeding off a local gang member, the boy was still conscious his tears smearing the blood smattered across his face. Silently he stalked the creature hand slowly going to his mouth, a set of razor sharp incisors piercing his flesh, the liquid oozing out before being manipulated into his weapon of choice.
The nightbreed turned just as the blade came crashing down, the sharp edge slicing through its neck and spilling the stolen blood, its mouth opening up to show rows of teeth as it howled in pain. Tossing the boy aside it focused its attention on him, its twisted body flailing around before snapping straight and coming at him fast. He dodged the blows swinging his weapon out and slicing of chunks of its flesh.
When it realized it was loosing the creature began to retreat only to find the path blocked and the world begin to tilt and fade before nothing. Cold amber orbs watched as its head slid from the body dropping to the ground in a pooling black heap before burning up and disappearing.
One down.
Movement had him facing the young boy, just barely alive. He was trying to crawl away however his broken limbs were hindering his escape. He would have to be dealt with; the breed had been feeding off him way too long. He hated this part, shaking his head he moved silently towards the youth and with in moments he watched once blue eyes dull to a washed out gray, the kid didn't deserve this.
Clenching his jaw he tried to calm the rising cry but the smell of blood was everywhere and he had been denying himself for too long, but he wasn't going to turn. He had held out for so long, he only had a few more hours till dawn and then this day would be over. Walking away he slipped into another ally he had to get away from the smell, stuffing his fists in his pockets he slipped in and out of the shadows.
This was going to be a long night.
Halfway into the second ally she stopped and started to back peddle, a man was standing over the body of a young girl, her lifeless eyes staring right at her. However when the man hunched over the girl and turned towards her face she recognized it for what it was, a demon. Even this far away and she still couldn't be rid of them, how was she going to get out of this? A human she could handle but a demon? She didn't have chance all she could do was pray he didn't sense her.
Just as she was about to turn its head snapped up and she about died. The face was contoured, its mouth resting where the eyes should have been, rows of razor sharp teeth glinting in the dim light while its tongue dangled to its chin, licking the blood smeared there. Glowing pale green eyes watched her from the side of its head, its mouth twisting into a morbid smile upon seeing her fear. A faint swishing noise caught her attention and she moved her eyes towards the girl smothering a scream as she watched its tail hack away at her body while another pair of arms picked them up to feed to a second mouth located on its back.
She was going to be sick.
Fighting the nausea she slowly made her way back towards the entrance before giving up on being cautious and just focusing on trying to get away. The sound of her heels hitting the pavement echoed off the walls showing just how alone she was. As she raced towards the exit she had seen earlier she could hear the demon closing in from behind, a quick jerk on her cape was all it took to send her tumbling backwards and onto the ground.
Groaning she watched in a daze as the monster came closer to her before snapping out of it. Her hands began to search frantically for a weapon, anything to keep the creature away from her. They found something metal and heavy; grasping it she swung out striking the side of its head just as its tongue ran along her neck. The creature let out a wail before staggering back a little, its massive paws covering its eyes.
Scuttling backwards she stumbled to her feet raising the metal pipe and lashing out once more, this time hitting the creature in its stomach ripping another howl from the beast. Not wanting to try her luck a third time she threw the pipe at it before dashing down the ally only this time her own wardrobe was against her.
Her heel snapped causing her to fall forwards and skid across the cement, scraping her forearms and ripping her dress as she went. Tonight was not turning out so good, there was probably a good chance if she got out of this she was never going out on Halloween again, well maybe not forever but definitely not for a long time anyway.
He had heard the nightbreed's cry and chased after it all the time struggling to hold the beast inside at bay. When he rounded the corner and spotted the creature his gaze shifted to the human lying under it and all the air went out of him.
The girl's head snapped towards him, her dark sienna eyes looking to him for help. It wasn't Ryhou though; she didn't have the naïve innocence surrounding her like his Ryhou did. Her cry of pain brought him out of the past, she was struggling against the nightbreed, lashing out trying to injure it. Without blinking he rushed towards the monster his weapon forming in his hand just in time to bring it down on the creatures' head. Slicing through its flesh, removing its left arm.
She fell to the ground with a thud before quickly moving away from the beast, its attention now focused on him. The breed attacked its massive paws extending to reveal knife like claws, the hands slashing through the air just inches from his body. They moved around the small ally dodging and attacking each other with surprising speed and accuracy, more on his part than the breeds.
With each hit though the beast with in him roared louder, clawing its way to the surface so that instead of one demon he was now fighting two. Pushing the breed back against the wall he thrust his weapon into its chest, twisting the blade upwards before pulling down and withdrawing it before repeating the process. He watched as the creature gave one last agonizing howl before dissipating into a pool of black goo then dissolving into the air.
Breathing heavy he slid his gaze to the young woman plastered to the wall, she was watching him intently. He moved towards her only to stop once he spotted the broken bottle she was holding. Staying still he let his gaze wander over her and was once again struck by how much she looked like Ryhou.
She was dressed in a tight black dress, the bodice dipping low to reveal her `charms' while the hem once decent was now torn to above mid thigh. She was missing a heel on one shoe and the black and red silk cap was slipping over her shoulder the bottom edges ripped to shreds. Her mahogany locks which once had been pinned up were now tumbling around her slightly pale face.
Amber eyes darkened in hue as they locked onto the cuts along her forearms and the gash across her collarbone. Clenching his fists he tried to rein the beast in but as the sound of her pulse became more erratic he felt his hold slipping and the beast raising its head for the hunt.
She had watched the fight and quickly understood that her savior wasn't near human as he looked. He was quick, agile, and deadly more so than her friends she'd guess because the feeling she was getting from him was nothing like she got from Yusuke, Kurama or Hiei. Shivering a little from the intensity of his gaze she tried to appear calm but the chill running up her spine was not helping.
She got a flash of amber before he disappeared from sight, a quiet gasp escaping her mouth when he appeared mere inches from her face, his body pressing her further into the brick wall behind them. Transfixed by his gaze she didn't notice his teeth lengthening until she felt them scrape across her neck. Trembling she tried to break free even knowing it was pointless, she wasn't going to go with out a fight.
Another gasp passed through her lips when she felt a warm tongue sweep over her flesh. Glancing down she watched as he cleaned away the blood along her collarbone his gaze meeting hers briefly as he shifted towards her left forearm. She could feel his mouth brush over the small cuts as he cleaned the wound giving it the briefest of kisses before shifting to her other arm and repeating the process. Breathing slightly off she felt her face flush red when she realized she was getting aroused. Just as the thought came she felt teeth puncture her wrist tearing a moan from her throat and causing her eyes to dilate as he drank from her.
Since when did stuff like this turn her on or better yet why the hell was it now, here with this man instead of back then with the one she had wanted. Silently cursing the fates she tried to squirm out of his hold only to have him bite down harder. Biting her lip to stop the cry she stopped struggling, he was too strong but maybe she could trick him into letting her go.
“Arigato domo, for saving me.” Came her breathy thank you, his reply was a low purr
Thrown off by the sound and what it had done to her libido she had to strain to get her focus back.
“My name is Keiko-“
His lips closing over her own swallowed the rest of her sentence and the little bit of air she had managed to breath in. He was too good at this, his mouth moving over hers with just enough pressure while his tongue swept the inside, his hands no longer holding her down but sweeping over her body. Her own traitorous hands had somehow found their way into his hair pulling him closer, molding him to her body.
The small fire that had been lit when he had kissed her was now raging, the things he was doing to her were not enough. It wasn't enough to just touch him she wanted to feel him, skin to skin. Her hands slipped down his shoulders to the inside of his jacket to grip his shirt and give it a quick tug.
She felt his breath hitch when her fingers began their exploration of his flesh, his mouth moving over her exposed skin while his hands worked their way down her hips bringing her center in direct contact with his arousal. It was enough to sidetrack her, the grinding of their hips only teasing her, making her crave the real thing. Whimpering she pushed into him, her lips brushing against his chest, flat teeth scraping his flesh earning her a quiet hiss.
Cool fingers danced along her inner thigh, the flesh quivering in their wake before the digits found their target and with out warning slipped inside her heated core. Head lolling back she watched through hooded eyes as he suckled on her exposed breast, his fingers massaging the sensitive flesh causing her to loose all sense of herself. She was becoming lost and if this kept up she wouldn't be able to find her way back.
Through the fog she heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down and the rustle of clothes. Using the last of her strength she lifted her drooping eyelids only to find a pair of deep amber ones staring right back at her. In that one moment she understood before her eyes closed shut and he thrust into her. Her body gripping him as he pushed into her, his arms lifting her legs around his waist as he shifted his stance. As she felt the knot winding tighter she wound her arms around his neck pulling his head closer at the same time tipping her head sideways.
When his teeth sank into her flesh once again the tension exploded flashing an array of colors across her vision and pulling a cry from her swollen lips. With one last thrust he spilled into her, tearing his mouth from her neck he tossed his head back and cried into the night. As the world around her slowly began to come back into focus she felt the most wonderful sensation run through her body. Curious she shifted her hips only to earn a low growl.
Dark sienna clashed with molten amber, understanding dawned along with a deeper flush creeping along her face and neck. When he pushed further into her she mewled her eyes dilating from the pleasure.
Staring blankly at him she waited for either her brain to start up which wasn't likely to happen or for him to explain. He chose to elaborate.
“My name is Shido.”
She repeated that name many times that night before finally passing out; a pair of amber eyes the last thing in her line of vision. He watched her fall asleep a satisfied smile touching kiss- swollen lips. She looked thoroughly loved with her tousled hair and flushed skin. A small frown marred his otherwise handsome features, he had not planned on this, however he was sated and the beast he once though unable to be satisfied after so long was now calmly lying with in.
There had been only one person who had been able to deal with him like this and she had been put to rest long ago. Studying the woman lying against him he wondered if it was possible, he had heard of it, rumors that those who had bound their souls would find the each other should they get lost. Ryhou hadn't been lost though not in any normal sense, she had been killed.
He felt her stir, small fingers clutching at his shirt, her body burrowing against his own for heat. Shifting he pulled his coat over her naked form, her dress having been torn away sometime in the last couple hours. Remembering the time he glanced towards the sky, the first rays of light pouring into the darkness. He had to leave but what to do with the girl?
“Another two more victims were found last night in the red light district. Their bodies nearly unidentifiable, the police still have no leads as to who the killer is at this time. The third victim of NightStalker is believed to be a young university student; Keiko Yukimora has been missing since late yesterday evening. She was last seen near Shibuya station wearing a vampire Halloween costume. If anyone has seen her or has any information about the murders please contact the station or your local police.- in other new the government announced its plan to ~”
A/N: Happy Halloween! I know Rose said she wanted a Shido/Keiko fic and I think she had one going….pretty sure, anyway this clawed its way into my brain and wouldn't leave so I thought perfect for October and hopeful now I can continue with chapter 10 for my Hiei/Keiko fic.