One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Luffy in Slumberland ❯ Welcome to Slumberland, Prince Luffy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Luffy in Slumberland
Disclaimer: I do not own the One Piece characters and the storyline is based off of the movie Little Nemo.
Note: This fic is alternate-reality, so it does not take place in the grand line and various characters won't appear in this.
It had been a long day for young 17-year-old Luffy with his straw hat, his sandals and his monkey-like grin… aw, he's so adorable, but who cares? Luffy had come home from an exhausting day at the special school for illiterate kids. He just wanted to do a bit of his favorite past time, sleeping.
And sleep he did. It was about midnight when a fancy man dressed in a suit with a goat-like face and goat horns entered the room. Following this man was a young girl with long blond hair. Luffy awoke with a startled look and asked, “Who are you?”
“I am a servant of sorts,” the man said, “You may call me Merry. This girl is my young disciple, Kaya.”
The young girl smiled and said, “We have an important message for you, and we were asked to deliver you a present as well.”
“I LOVE PRESENTS!” Luffy yelled really loud.
His parents covered their ears thinking he was dreaming about meat again.
Luffy opened the box and there were a whole bunch of cookies in there. As Luffy went in to have some of these cookies, a small reindeer that stood on two legs and wore a red hat ran into the room and shouted, “NO WAY ARE YOU HOGGING ALL THE GOODS AGAIN!”
Then he started eating, looked up and noticed a goat man in front of him and screamed.
“Charmed to meet you, Master… uh…”
“Chopper,” the reindeer replied, “Wait, you called me master!”
Then he started to do a happy dance saying, “I don't want your praise, you stupid half-breed.”
“Oh, no, that is just a gentleman's way of saying a guest's name,” Merry said, “for, you see, the magnificent King Cobra (Holy crap, I just noticed irony in Cobra's name) has invited you to his magnificent kingdom of Slumberland. You'd better thank his daughter, Princess Vivi, for the present.”
“Wow, we're gonna be in a mansion,” Chopper said excitedly as Luffy looked up from the cookies and remarked, “What?”
Then the two looked outside the window when they saw a light shine through and saw a big ship with chicken wings keeping it in the air and a ram's head with a chicken's crest atop its head.
“Wow, a caravel!” Chopper screeched as Merry said, “I built it myself. It is called the Going Merry. Now, hop aboard and we'll take you to Alabasta for more wonders and food and…”
“THERE'LL BE FOOD?” Luffy retorted as he charged out the window and stretched out his arms rocketing himself onto the ship.
“My word, am I the only one who saw his arm stretch out?” Merry asked as Kaya said, “I think I might have. Oh well, back to the mental hospital for me.”
And soon enough, the ship took off. (And in case you're wondering, I am NOT, by all means, doing the whole `This adventure was a dream' thing) The man steering the ship was a tough cyborg with Popeye arms and a metal nose who went under the name “Franky”. (And yes, disappointingly enough, this is his only role)
As the ship went through the sky and Luffy marveled at the view, the crew soon noticed a black cloud start to form in the sky.
“Oh no, that's the nightmare, Eneru's work,” Merry stuttered as Franky grimaced and replied, “Don't worry, I have been through the nightmare's clouds before!”
And so, with the flip of a switch, a big rocket came out of Merry's backside and sent out a big burst of energy boosting the ship out of danger. All was well. Everyone was in the clear now and they had all entered a magnificent world. It was bright, the skies were clear and everything was rich with life.
“Where are we?” Luffy asked as Merry said, “Why, this is Slumberland!”
While they tried to find a place to land, the group noticed a big falcon with a clown riding atop his back shouting, “Hey, anyone up for a party?”
“Who are you?” Luffy asked as Merry stepped in front of the boy and said, “That's Buggy the Clown. Do not talk to him. He is a beastly man.”
“Fine, just ignore me, you ingrates,” the clown remarked as he detached his hand and formed a hole in the side of the Going Merry. This cause it to lose the engine that kept it afloat as it soared down towards the castle and eventually crashed right into the wall next to the front door.
“Well, shall we be going in?” Merry asked weakly as Luffy got up, unharmed and said, “Come on, I wanna try some of this kingdom's food.”
And so, the group walked into the throne room and up to the fancy chair that kings sat in.
“Your majesty, I present to you a special guest,” Merry announced, “Monkey D. Luffy!”
But there was no response. There was only dead silence as the group stared at one-another and blinked in confusion.
One of the guards stepped up to the chair, which was facing away from them, and turned it around to reveal that no one sat in it.
“Oh no, not again,” Merry moaned, slapping his forehead, “Alright, everybody split up and search for the king. He shouldn't be too far… oh, who am I kidding? This castle is easy to get lost in!”
And so Merry took off in one direction, Kaya took off in the other and Luffy had no choice but to pick the only door left. This very door led to the royal baths.
Luffy ran down a long hallway until he accidentally crashed through the door to the baths. Luckily, this was the door to the MALE baths, so he hadn't done anything against the rules just yet.
He saw only one other person in there, a slim man, looked to be in his 50's and had a small beard. He was looking over the side of the wall that was in this room.
Luffy walked up to him and asked, “Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing?”
“Oh, kid, I am experiencing something magical,” the man said as he pointed over the side.
Luffy joined him and saw that he was watching beautiful thin girls bathe. As soon as the girls noticed the man spying on them, they realized there was only one way to get rid of him. They opened up their towels and Luffy and the old man both had simultaneous nose bleeds and fell backwards onto the hard tile floor. (And yes, this is based off of a scene that actually happens at the end of the Alabasta arc)
“You certainly have an eye for women,” the old man said as Luffy grinned and said, “Hey, I may not be the most intelligent person out there, but I do know that naked women are hot.”
Luffy looked to the right and saw that Chopper had been standing there watching the whole time but paid him no mind.
Soon enough, Merry and Kaya entered as Merry smacked his forehead and said, “I should have known… staring at the girls again.”
Regaining his gentleman composure, he pointed to Luffy and said, “Your majesty, I present to you Master Luffy.”
“So you're Luffy,” the old man said as Luffy stared and spat, “DID HE JUST CALL YOU YOUR MAJESTY?”
“Why, yes,” the old man replied, “I am King Cobra of Slumberland! I have called you here for a very special reason.”
“What's that?” Luffy asked as the king stated, “You see, you are to be my ere in this kingdom. That means that everyone will look up to you. The lives of the people depend on your power. When I am gone, you will be King of the Slumberlanders.”
Luffy's eyes glowed at the sound of that as Chopper freaked out and shouted, “MY OWNER'S GONNA BE A KING! THAT'S SO COOL!”
With that said, Cobra pulled out a key and put it around Luffy's neck saying, “Protect this with your life. This is the key to Slumberland. You can unlock any door with it.”
The key was shaped like cobra with the tail rounded to look like the end of keys in video games. Cobra placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, “Now, this is important. There is one door you must never unlock, and that is the door with a symbol that's shaped like this very key. Do you understand? It's very important.”
Luffy was picking his nose but nodded in understanding as Merry said, “Luffy, it's rude to pick your nose in a kingdom. Anyway, before we begin making you a prince, you have to meet the princess.”
So Luffy and Chopper followed him to a room that was decorated with gold rims and diamond thingies… yeah… they try too hard to impress their guests.
Luffy slowly entered as he gazed upon a beautiful young girl. She had shiny blue hair in the shape of a ponytail. She also seemed to wear average clothes, which was odd for a princess. Apparently, she never let the guards dress her up in goody-two-shoes clothing.
Vivi looked up and asked, “Who is that?”
“This is master Luffy, the new ere to the throne,” Merry explained as he calmly closed the door behind him.
Luffy walked up to the girl and said, “Wow, I can't believe I'm in a room with a real princess. Hey, you got anymore of those cookies? They were good!”
“Sorry, that was the only batch I made today,” Vivi said, “Did you honestly eat all of them? They were supposed to last you a week.”
“Luffy could finish off a year's supply of food in one day if he could,” Chopper explained as Vivi asked, “Who's your pet raccoon?”
“Dog,” Luffy replied, “He's a raccoon dog and his name is Chopper.”
“Oh, that's… so cool,” Vivi said as Luffy laughed and said, “He's the best friend a little illiterate boy could ever have.”
Then he gave thumbs up to the readers as Chopper and Vivi stared strangely at him. Suddenly, Vivi started to laugh.
“Wow, I have never met a boy like you, before,” Vivi said, “Most of the princes I meet are boring and formal.”
Then she held onto him and said, “You're also kinda cute…”
Luffy was confused about what was going on as Merry came into the room suddenly, without knocking, might I add, and said, “Luffy, your presence is required.”
And so, Luffy exited the room followed by Chopper and Vivi felt like she had been cheated by the heavens right now.
(Yeah, I know you people aren't gonna like this pairing! Well, shut up and let me do my thing! I'm not giving you EVERYTHING that you want, okay? I have to do some of my own stuff too, so get off my back)
Luffy was led to a the front door to the castle once again as he asked, “Why am I here?”
Merry cleared his throat and explained, “Why, it is time for your schooling, young master.”
“Aw, I hate school,” Luffy said, “It always makes me fall asleep and the teachers make fun of me for being illiterate.”
“I know kids aren't supposed to like school,” Merry said, “but you have to learn how to be a prince.”
And so, the door opened up as a bunch of guards stood there and Merry explained, “These are your teachers. Now, teachers, begin the lesson!”
(Yes, this song isn't mine. It's actually from the movie)
And so, the teachers cleared their throats and sang, “Oh, you've got to get some etiquette if you want to be a prince, so we're here to meet you and to teach you lots of handy hints. How to sit and stand, how to look real grand with a proper attitude, you've got to get some etiquette cause a prince must never be rude!”
“You've got to get some etiquette in the way you eat your food,” the guards sang as they showed Luffy to a table and said, “Shoulders back, use your spoon! You'll have lunch at half-past-noon.”
Luffy simply saw the soup in front of him and picked up the bowl, gulping down the contents and shouted, “MORE PLEASE!”
But before they could try to teach him proper etiquette with another helping, a fat lady grabbed onto him and said, “Time to dance.”
As the lady forces Luffy against her and started to dance, she sang, “You've got to get some etiquette when you're on the ballroom floor. If you lose your grip, you slide and slip, you'll become a dreadful bore. But turn and twirl with a graceful swirl and you'll get your royal chart. You've got to get some etiquette cause a prince must learn to dance!”
Luffy tried his hardest to punch the lady off of him, but she was too fat and absorbed the blows. He was finally free when she threw him towards a guard wielding a sword. The guard placed a mask over Luffy's face, handed him a thin blade and said, “On guard.”
Then he instructed Luffy on how to handle the blade and sang, “You've got the get the etiquette of fencing to royally keep on the royal toes!”
Luffy accidentally pokes the man's butt and tore off the back of his pants to reveal Hello Kitty underwear. He laughed hysterically when a woman grabbed a hold of his shoulder and pulled him towards her desk.
She smiled, handing him various books and sang, “You've got to get your hooks in a lot of proper books, cause a proper education always shows.”
Luffy opened the first book and wined, “But I can't read!”
Then a guard picked him up and forced him onto the back of a horse singing, “You've got to get some etiquette in the way you ride a steed, so of course, a coarse in horsemanship is exactly what you need.”
The horse soon kicked Luffy off of its back due to Luffy trying to eat its head off and was forced to dance with the fat lady again moaning, “Not again.”
Then all the guards came together and sang, “Oh, you've got to get some etiquette if you want to be a prince, so we're here to meet you and to teach you lots of handy hints! How to sit and stand, how to look real grand with a proper attitude, you've got to get some etiquette in the way you eat your food.”
Luffy was forced onto the table again as he forced down the soup in front of him, then the fat lady grabbed a hold of him again and sang, “A prince must learn to dance…”
The swordsman took over and sang, “You've got to learn to fence!”
The librarian piled Luffy in books singing, “You should read the proper books.”
The horseman forced him onto the horse again singing, “You must ride upon a horse!”
Then just as Luffy felt he could take no more, the guards all came together and sang, “IF YOU WANT TO BE A PRINCE!”
Soon enough, Luffy had managed to escape from the group and ran into a familiar clown who, upon seeing the boy, had a fiendish look in his eyes.