One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Mutual Craving ❯ Chocolate ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mutual Craving
notes: My first bit of `One Piece' fan fiction. So if you review please be kind
Warning: Possible OOC in some places and a bit citrus in content also liberal use of chocolate. Also I haven't seen all of One Piece or read all of the manga so I might be missing a few details story wise so there will not be any definite timeline as far as the story goes.
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece in any form or fashion.
Standing in the doorway of the galley the navigator was more than a little bit surprised to see someone inside, even if it was the ship's cook. So far he hadn't noticed her come in, which is why Nami stayed right where she was.
`Maybe having a midnight snack wasn't such a good idea after all,' she recanted, moving to turn around and head back to her cabin; however the smell of what was cooking was a bit too tempting.
`It kind of smells like…chocolate,' Nami realized, her stomach giving an appreciative rumble.
Now while Nami was far from a glutton, unlike her `captain' and fellow crew mates, she was also a woman who appreciated the rich and almost sinful taste of chocolate. So against her better judgment Nami not only stayed by ventured away from the doorway. Once she had moved away from the galley door, it swung back and forth, a loud creaking noise startling the chef.
Turning to face the intruder to HIS kitchen Sanji was more than a little bit surprised to find Nami standing there. Surprised maybe, but in a way, a bit pleased.
"Evening Nami," he said before turning his attention back to the melting chocolate.
"Good evening," the navigator replied, as she leaned slightly to her right, curious as to what Sanji was up to.
A wooden spoon arose from the simmering pot, thick gooey chocolate dripping from the end, before it returned to stirring.
Nami had to bite her tongue in order to keep it from licking her lips. Kami, how long had it been since she had chocolate?
`Too long,' her taste buds piped up.
"So," Sanji began, trying to take a stab at conversation since he felt uncomfortable just having Nami hovering in the kitchen, "what brings you here so late?"
Nami shrugged, "Nothing much, I was just kind of hungry so I thought about getting a quick bite before going to bed."
Glancing over his right shoulder the blond chief replied, "You really shouldn't stay up so late working on those maps, you'll ruin your beautiful eyes."
At that Nami childishly stuck out her tongue, "Oh stop teasing me! You know that flattery doesn't work on me."
An awkward bit of silence slipped in between them before a dry chuckle came from Sanji, "Yeah, that's true. You're a regular Ice Queen."
The navigator wasn't sure, but that single statement seemed to be hiding some sort of meaning.
Carelessly she slipped into a chair pulled up to the galley table, for a moment just content at watching a master at work, however it wasn't too long before the silence became oppressing.
"What are you making?" she asked.
He turned to face her grinning slightly, "It's a secret,"
"Oh come on Sanji. Can't you just give me a hint?" Nami teased.
"Nope, no can do…" Sanji's voice trailed off as he found himself face to face with Nami. Her lips in a full pout, hands clasped in front of her.
"Just one, little hint, please?" the navigator `pleaded'.
Sanji bit his lip. She looked… rather sexy pouting like that. Sure he had seen his share of pretty girls in his time…but Nami was just…well Nami. There was just something about her that…
"Sanji…" Nami's voice `woke' the chief from his musing.
"Yes?" he replied only to have a small finger run down his cheek.
`What the?! What is she doing?! Did I fall asleep in the kitchen again? Yeah that's it Sanji, this is just a dream…any moment you're going to wake up…'
Nami examined the drop of chocolate she rubbed off of Sanji's face and without a second thought licked it off the fingertip.
`…Okay forget the `waking up' part.' Sanji added as an afterthought.
Dream or not, Sanji had a feeling that image would be ingrained in his
mind for quite awhile.
Oblivious Nami contemplated the taste. It was sweet…but not too sweet.
`Milk chocolate, maybe?' the young woman mused, unaware that she had
yet to back away from Sanji, in fact she dared to get a bit closer, curiously examining the contents of the bowl.
"Hey!" Sanji pulled the bowl away from fingers that tried to edge towards the bowl, "You can't do that Nami it will contaminate the ingredients."
"I just wanted to taste some of it, what's the big deal?" Nami asked as her right hand clung to the bowl.
Sanji tried to pull it back, "No, if you lick the chocolate out of the bowl your germs will get all over it."
Nami's grip went slack for a moment, "Oh so now I have germs! I'll have you know Sanji that I am probably the cleanest person on this ship."
"I didn't mean it like that!" Sanji protested.
"Oh then how did you `mean' it?" Nami asked.
"Wait…this is a trick question isn't it?"
Trick question or not Nami managed to snatch the bowl of chocolate away from Sanji.
"Ha! Mine now!" the young woman crowed, only to gasp as Sanji reached to pull it away from her.
"Let go!"
"No, you let go!"
One final tug from Sanji and the bowl flew out of Nami's hands; the sudden loss of force caused the bowl to fly up, landing on Sanji's head, spilling its gooey contents.
Placing the bowl aside Nami tried to keep from giggling.
"What's so funny?" Sanji demanded.
"Your…your face is covered in chocolate! Nami blurted out between fits
of mirth.
This had to be the worst...the desert he had been slaving over was now clinging to his face and Nami was laughing as if it was the funniest thing she had ever seen. The cook sighed while reaching for a dishtowel to get rid of the chocolate catastrophe; however a small hand grasping his arm, caused Sanji to pause.
That same mischievous smile had graced her lips, only this time it looked a tad bit…sinister.
"Hang on a minute. You worked hard on this, so I for one don't want to see it go to waste." Nami said.
`What the hell is she going on about?' Sanji wondered only to have his unspoken question answered in the most unlikely fashion.
Nami leaned in close and before Sanji could blink, moved in to capture his lips in a light kiss.
Stunned Sanji wondered if maybe all of this had been a dream. But her lips felt too soft…too real to be mere fantasy. His arms loosely wound around her waist, his lips reveling in the kiss.
Even though Nami's original goal in the `kiss' was to lick up the chocolate the young woman was surprised when Sanji kissed her in return. Surprise slowly weakened as Nami had her first taste of intoxicating kisses mixed in with the slightest taste of chocolate. Nami wasn't sure just whose lips parted first, but after the first tentative lick she really no longer cared who started it.
Arching up on tip-toe slender arms wound around Sanji's neck as Nami drew him closer, their lips gracefully caressed and tongues danced, fueled by both taste and the art of imitating an act of different nature.
Slowly and reluctantly they parted, Nami for one feeling a little bit short of breath, as her heart pounding against its rib cage.
"Nami…you alright?" Sanji asked.
The red-head smiled slightly, "Yeah I am fine…" her voice trailing off, for once she was at a complete lost as to what to say.
This was a bit awkward predicament. Sure everyone, their oblivious captain included, knew that Sanji had a crush on her, but aside from his flirting the cook had never acted on his affections.
`Actually that `kiss' was my fault,' Nami realized, which the situation seem even more stifling.
`I should just go back to my cabin and forget this happened.'
That train of thought abruptly derailed when Nami found that her lips were captured. Nami found it scary as to how easily she fell back into kissing. Her fingers entwined through blond hair, as she felt two arms snake around her waist and pull her in close.
Feeling a bit daring Nami gave a small nip to the intruding lips, earning her a small moan from the chef. Pleased with herself the young woman allowed her fingers to move away from the blond locks to loosening the tie around Sanji's neck. The piece of cloth was clasped in her right hand when the two broke the kiss again.
For a moment they just stared at each other. Both of them had sinking feeling that the kisses, though sweet in their own right, were not enough.
Feeling long fingers brush against her cheek Nami noticed just how cooling his touch was…or maybe the contrast was because her face was burning.
`What's wrong with me? I DON'T blush about anything!' the navigator inwardly scolded herself even as the fingers wandered down her neck.
Though the delicate touches felt wonderful Nami was a woman who greatly preferred to be in charge. With that in mind a rather wicked idea came to her.
Pulling away from Sanji's hand, edging close to the table where the neglected mixing bowl filled with chocolate rested.
Sanji blinked when Nami suddenly moved away. In the back of his mind the chef wondered if maybe he had done something wrong, that is until he saw Nami dip her fingers into the bowl and proceeded to lightly smear chocolate against her skin, starting with the column of her neck, allowing the fingers to trace downward, dipping towards the dip in her blouse.
With an impish smile Nami playfully taunted, "You know, its is a shame that you couldn't finish this. This chocolate does taste really good."
Nami lightly ran her index finger around the rim of the bowl, collecting chocolate on the tip, "Would you like some?" she asked.
Feeling a lump form in his throat Sanji gulped, despite his nervousness the chef nodded. Taking her hand he first kissed the upturned palm before reaching the finger, his tongue lightly darting over the digit before lips parted.
Nami stifled a small moan as her plan was rapidly backfiring as Sanji started to suckle on her finger. That simple action seemed so enticing to the young woman; but she couldn't afford to lose control over the situation so Nami pulled away, her finger being released from his lips.
Looking up Sanji saw that the same young woman he couldn't win over with flattery was trying in vain to hide the fact that her face was flushed a deep red. A grin curled on Sanji's lips before he tilted his head slightly, his lips coming in contact with Nami's neck.
A small gasp came from the navigator when she felt the whisper of warm breathe against her skin, followed by soft lips lightly grazing against her neck. As he had done with her finger Sanji began by tasting the chocolate then lightly laced Nami's supple skin with small love bites. Nami bit back another gasp as she felt Sanji lovingly kiss down the column of her neck; taking brief pauses at each exposed inch, as if he was savoring it in the same way she had with the chocolate.
Soon the cook had traveled from Nami's neck reaching over to kiss her collarbone and trailing down toward the dip formed by her blouse.
Not to be out done Nami reached towards Sanji's shirt, making quick work of the buttons, steadily revealing a slender yet well-toned chest.
At the same moment that Sanji's fingers play with the straps of Nami's top the young woman dipped her finger back into the bowl. With fresh chocolate applied to the tips Nami traced nonsense patterns against Sanji's chest, secretly the navigator relished the feel of his skin against her fingers.
Feeling Nami's fingers caressing his chest Sanji looked up only to be greeted by the most charming sight.
Nami gave him a honest smile; her lips still look full and kiss-bruised, and her eyes looked a tad shade darker while holding a wealth of mischievous intent.
"Why are you stopping?" Nami asked then realized that her top was still in place. Pulling her hands away from his upper torso the young woman started to remove the offending garment. Pulling the blouse over her head no sooner had the garment been placed aside did Nami feel vulnerable.
Instinct screamed at her to retrieve the blouse and cover herself up again; but second thoughts occurred when she saw how Sanji looked at her.
He hadn't really expected her to go this far…in fact having Nami kiss him was a shock in itself. Now as Sanji watch her carelessly remove the blouse the chef couldn't help but wonder if this was a dream…or even an elaborate hoax.
Not waiting for him to react Nami gave a once over to a tempting chest before giving a tentative lick to bare skin. The first objective was to free it from the patterns drawn in sweet chocolate; but Nami suspected that even if the chocolate hadn't been present she would still run her lips his chest if only to hear that delightful moan again.
`Well even if this is a dream, at least I can count on Nami's confidence,' Sanji reasoned, as he too partook of tempting flesh. With his right hand the chef tenderly cradled Nami's left breast. Brushing knuckles over the pink nipple Sanji noted how the bud reddened and began to turn as hard as a pebble.
In response to his attentions Nami could feel her entire body start to hum, each stroke against the sensitive skin causing small `jolts' to pleasantly shock her. Despite how `good' it felt Nami wanted to win, she wanted to be the one in command rather than letting Sanji take the lead.
Just as Sanji was about to move his lips towards Nami's chest the chef suddenly found himself lying flat on the floor. Above him was Nami, who was straddling him, her legs parted on either side of his hips, which were still clothed by black pants. Nami gazed down at him appraisingly, feeling rather proud of herself even though her body was greatly mourning the loss of his fingers and mouth.
The way that Nami was looking at him, made Sanji feel that maybe his pants should join her blouse. And if she kept nibbling and suckling on his skin it wouldn't take very long for that to occur.
Confident once more Nami leisurely allowed her finger to trace over Sanji's chest, where the fingers impressed against lips were quick to follow. Creeping lower Nami kept her ears tuned to the slightest sound that came from his lips as hands rested on the waistband of his pants. Nami's lips hovered above his navel before stopping.
Noticing her pause Sanji looked down wondering just what she was
doing…or rather wasn't doing.
Grinning Sanji grasped Nami's hands, pulling her up so that their lips meet in another heated kiss. Still straddled over him the navigator felt her body come alive with sensations as his hands wandered over her neck then back, before sliding over her skirt.
Leaning in closer Nami took slow steady nips out of Sanji's lip as their bodies met. sharp intake of breath was heard from Sanji as he felt Nami's soft breast press against his chest. Smiling to herself Nami leaned over to kiss the shell of his Sanji's ear. She was winning at this little game of their's and there was nothing that Nami loved more than winning.
However, things suddenly changed. Sanji grasped her around the waist and before Nami could even protest she was the one laying on her back. Blinking at the sudden change in position the navigator glanced up at Sanji who merely smirked.
A newly discovered part of Nami found that smirk of his incredibly sexy…but the old Nami found it alarming.
`No, no, no! I can't let him just take over! I've got to be the one in
`But everything has been going so well! Why screw it up now?'
Not noticing the internal war waged against the `two' Nami's; Sanji was finally able to allow his mouth to wander across her soft breasts.
"Sanji…" Nami said, abruptly interrupting the chef from his appraisal
of her body.
"Yes Nami?" Sanji replied, a lazy smile on his lips.
Looking at his expression Nami felt pained to say what was next, " I…I think it's time I went to bed."
For a moment Sanji looked confused, but then the smile slowly returned, " I agree, your cabin or mine…"
"Uh as tempting as that sound…I think I should go to bed…without you,"
"Yeah that makes sense…wait what did you say?!" Sanji exclaimed, causing the girl beneath him to wince.
"I am sorry but I am just," she faked a yawn, "so tired. And besides I don't think we should start something…"
Her sentence was cut off when Sanji kissed her.
Nami was sorely tempted to stay with the kiss, the feelings Sanji could invoke in her seemed too powerful to be forced away at a mere whim; but self-preservation kicked in again.
Abruptly Nami jerked away then while Sanji was distracted she wiggled out of reach then briskly walked out of the galley, pausing only to scoop up her blouse. In seconds she was gone, the door swinging back and forth in the wake of her flight.
Sitting up Sanji wondered just what had gone wrong.
Nami entered her cabin, clutching the blouse against her chest the navigator breathed a sigh of relief before laying on her bed.
"Thank kami I got out of there. I mean who knows what could have happened."
Blowing out the candle Nami found herself fighting off not only her aroused body; but the growing feeling of loneliness.
"Yeah…who knows." Nami whispered.
Notes: So….? What did you think? Should I write a sequel chapter? I know that Nami and Sanji were a bit…okay maybe a lot OOC but I did try to write a fic with some citrus content.