One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Of Seminars and Men ❯ Dinner and a Movie ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The Whitney (Restaruant in story) is a real place.  It's located down on Woodward and Canfield in Detroit, MI.  You can go see pictures of it at the website. Click on the tour button.  The interior is beautiful.  Oh and the items ordered are actual menu items.  I do not own and I do not in any way benefit from using this in my story. 
Chapter 6
Sanji caught up with Bon Kurei immediately after class and asked him to arrange the dinner reservations. They headed back to the hotel in silence. Sanji was lost in thought, never noticing the other occupant in the cab was studying him critically. The blonde smoked his cigarette and watched the clouds gathering overhead. It would rain this evening, a very bad omen. His mind wandered to the man he left in his room. Suddenly, he wondered if he was still there. How would he explain that to his friend? `Oh and here's the man I let screw me last night.' Yah that would go over really well. He needed to get rid of him. Both his friend and the guy in his room. They hurried out of the cab and into the hotel.
“Oi, would you go to the desk and check for any messages. I still have that headache, and my neck is killing me. I'm going to go lay down for a while before dinner.” Sanji rubbed his neck to ease the tension not realizing the foundation was being rubbed off as well. Bon Kurei's eyes widened at the sight of the dark blemishes.
“Of course Sanji-san. You go ahead and rest. I'll take care of anything that comes up. Would you like me to schedule a wake-up call just in case? That way you don't miss your date tonight.” And this way he could question the woman at the bar. Maybe she could answer more questions about last night. He'd already spoken with one of the bellhops earlier while Sanji taught his class.
Sanji told him to have the wake-up for 1700. This would give him plenty of time to get ready to meet the flirty redhead. They parted ways in the Lobby of the hotel. Sanji nodded to the other guests as he walked by. A maid blushed at him as he gave her a flirty wink. Things were going back to normal, slowly but surely. He pressed the button for the 4th floor once in the elevator and relaxed against the mirrored wall. A flash of his tongue licking up a very tan neck caused him almost fall. More and more pieces of last night were resurfacing. He rushed out the doors the moment they opened and practically ran to his room; hindered only slightly by the pain in his lower spine. Without thinking, he threw open the door and slammed it behind him. It was after that he thought to look at the bed for his visitor.
The bed had been made up with clean sheets and everything put away properly. The maids had been in his room. Oh shit! He remembered the deep blush from the girl downstairs. Had she been the one up here cleaning? He prayed that the bastard had left before they came in. He walked into the bathroom and looked around. His toiletries were neatly arranged on the counter. Fresh towels were hung and even an extra one was set on the edge of the bath. Two bath robes were hung behind the door. It was as if they expected him to entertain someone again tonight. Well, hopefully he would. It's just that this time it would be a woman. He walked back into the other room and looked around.
Nothing seemed out of place. His laptop still sat on the desk with his carrying case in the chair. His suitcase had been picked up and placed on the low dresser. His pants and jacket from last night were hanging from the closet in a drycleaners' bag. He quickly looked through it, and found his shirt missing. Maybe it was too far gone for them to repair. He sighed and sat down in the plush chair by the balcony doors. Sanji held his head in his hands and braced his elbows on his knees. He looked at the table across from him through his fingers. There was a delicate basket filled with complementary gifts. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion were placed in it with the hotel's logo stamped across the front. Next to the basket were two more bottles. Curious, Sanji reached out to grab them. They were both the same save that one was almost empty. He opened it and the fragrance brought back another memory. A deep voice telling him he'd appreciate it. Thick fingers slick with the cream colored substance sliding in and out of his ass. A moan escaped his lips as he remembered the pleasure spot located deep within him. The ache in his ass returned full force.
Shaky hands replaced the cap and sat the bottles down. He went to the bed and sat down, gently. His hand landed on paper. There were two notes. The top one was a note from the maids letting him know they had changed his sheets and laundered his clothing. He had a suit jacket, a pair of pants, a pair of socks and two pairs of underwear. Wait. Two pair? He couldn't remember having another pair out. He walked over to his suitcase and opened it. Inside, neatly folded was a pair of dark green boxer briefs along with his own silk boxers and socks.
Sanji backed away slowly. The backs of his legs hit the edge of the bed and he automatically sat down. Ok. He could handle this. He just needed to know who the maid was that cleaned his room and pay her off. There was also the bellhop with the long nose. He shouldn't be hard to find. He would also have to find the guards on duty last night and pay them too.
“Head of Security. I'm the one that keeps you safe here.
Well, that threw out that plan. This guy probably had the place wired. He would have already bragged to everyone. The papers slid out of his hands and to the floor. He stared at them blankly for a moment before reaching down and picking up the unread note. It was barely legible handwriting scribbled on a piece of hotel stationary.
Thanks, call me
This insane man had left him a note to call him? Just who did the bastard think he was? Like Hell Sanji would even consider talking to him again. He definitely did not want a repeat of last night. Sanji closed his eyes. Black eyes shining in the moonlight, heavy with lust, filled his vision. Animalistic growls combined with needy whimpers sounded in his mind. Just thinking about the green haired man sent heat to his loins. His penis seemed to have a mind of it's own as it began to harden. Sanji brought his hand to his groin and shifted himself to ease the growing pressure against his slacks. Obviously his body enjoyed the memory even if his psyche didn't. He decided the best course of action at the moment was to sleep. Turning around, he crawled up on his hand knees to the pillows and lay down on his stomach, trying to ignore his state of arousal. The clock read 1400. Good he still had a few hours. He curled up in a ball clutching a pillow and closed his eyes. He soon fell into an exhausted sleep, dreaming of short green hair, firm chapped lips and strong hands.
While Sanji was having a nervous breakdown, his favorite French friend was having the time of his life.
“Oh, mon cherie. You have to understand. My boss, Sanji-san, is very important to me. I must know who it was that he spent the night with. I have to keep his reputation in tact you see, n'est pas?” He batted his heavy black eyelashes at the unyielding woman.
Robin had a strong urge to roll her eyes at this man, woman, whatever it was, in front of her. He had come in asking about the blonde from last night and was not taking no for an answer. Did everyone know about what happened between him and Zoro?
“Really, I have no idea what you are talking about. The only blonde I remember being in here last night was escorted to his room for too much to drink. He had no companion with him at the time. Are you sure your boss was not alone in his room?” The astute woman knew he was fishing for information, but what she didn't know was if she could trust him.
Bon Kurei was getting upset. He knew she was lying. He would bet his entire ballet collection on it. All good bartenders knew what happened in their place. How could he gain her confidence? Maybe…
“Mademoiselle, I know he had someone in his room. I spoke with the other man myself. Unfortunately I didn't get his name. I was hoping you could at least give me a description of who spoke with Sanji-san last night. That could point me in the right direction.”
The raven did her best, but could not control the shocked look on her face completely. A small knowing smile replaced it straight away. Too bad Ace wasn't here. He'd love this. Now she got to be the one with the information to give, again. She was about to reply when her phone sounded letting her know a new message had been received.
Dine w/Smoke
Whitney1900, tty l8r
Bon Kurei's face lit up at the mischievous expression adorning Robin's face. Hopefully, whatever had just come up on her phone would be connected to this discussion. He trusted his gut feelings and this time they said conspiracy. He returned her grin and sat down, waiting for Robin to speak.
“So, tell me about your boss. He wouldn't happen to have dinner plans yet, would he?”
Ace closed his phone after texting Robin. He had contacted Smoker earlier and filled him in on Zoro's request. Of course Smoker was on the other end laughing still about the `HER' comment, but Ace managed to get the man's promise to look into the blonde's identity. Now the two security guards were at their loft. Ace was kicked back on the couch and Zoro sat on the kitchen counter. Zoro's phone rang causing them to jump. They both ran to pick it up off the table, kicking and punching to see who would get there first.
“Moshi, moshi. Zoro's phone, Ace speaking. Oof.” Zoro tackled him to the floor and yanked the slender object from his hands.
“Zoro here.” He hit Ace in the back of the head just for good measure.
“Awww. You guys are having fun without me! That's so mean! Couldn't you wait till I get there?” A whiny, but familiar voice shouted over the line.
“Oh, Luffy. It's only you.” Zoro's shoulders slumped and he tossed the phone back to Ace. “Oi, it's your brother.”
Zoro blocked out the two on the phone and walked to the balcony, well the fire escape. He climbed out the window and stood looking out at the busy city. He wished he could remember more about last night. Closing his eyes he thought back. He remembered getting off work, then going to the bar. There were many more women than usual at the bar last night. Someone was in his seat. He remembered bright blue eyes behind blonde hair. Thin pouty lips that held a cigarette. Long lean fingers gripped the glass as he continued to pour them both drinks.
Strange, but he thought that it was a guy he had been drinking with. There were tons of women there, so maybe he did drink with a guy at first and go upstairs with someone else. He had no idea how he got from the bar to the room. A few scattered images of things came to mind. His mouth on a small hard nipple while pumping what he thought was his cock. His fingers inside a hot tight body, stroking and stretching. The girl must have been either a virgin or very inexperienced. He remembered whines and whimpers mixed in with his own growls and moans. He thought about the long pale neck he couldn't help but bite and suck on. The sound of his name being called as they both reached their peak. He shook his head. The voice in his mind was wrong. It was too deep. Maybe he was just so caught up in everything it sounded lower to him. Ace popped up through the window startling him.
“Good news! Luffy will be here soon. He can join us for dinner. I just got off the phone with Smoker and he said that in celebration we'll be going somewhere nice so make sure you take a shower and dress up. It isn't everyday that all of us get to dine together. This might be our only chance to get thrown out of a fancy restaurant for a while. Luffy won't be able to get in too much trouble after he gets a job.” Ace's excitement bled over into Zoro.
“Yah, it has been a while. So where are we going, and just what does `dress up' mean?”
“The Whitney. You know the place down on Woodward and Canfield. It's really hard to get in there, but that's where Constantine wanted to go. You know him. I think we might even have to wear a tie. Maybe if we embarrass him enough he won't make us get dressed up again. You think?”
“I don't know. He might make us do it more often, just to `teach us a lesson' or something. Shit, I don't know if I even own a tie other than the ones for work. I wonder if this is even worth it. Maybe I should just go down and talk to the girls at the desk. If I beg enough do you think they'll spill to Shanks? Right now that's all I'm worried about. I can't lose this job.”
“I wouldn't chance it if I were you. Just go get a shower.” Ace laughed at him as Zoro drug his feet. “Luffy is in a cab at the moment. He'll be here in just a few. Be prepared for him.”
Zoro went into his room and shut the door. He didn't need a shower. He already took one today. He decided to just lie down and take a nap. He dreamt of long lean legs that bent in impossible ways; of blond hair covering part of a still fuzzy face; of a voice filled with lust that was just too deep to come from a woman. The one feature that would stick in his mind when he woke was a single blue eye beneath a very oddly curled eyebrow.
Ace tried his best to keep Luffy under control when he arrived. Waking up Zoro would get them both in trouble. Apparently, Luffy was just too excited to be calm.
“Ace, you should see New York. It's great! There's these vendors on every corner with food so I never have to go hungry. Oh, and I got a job at this restaurant. I'm the official taster. I help the head cook out with all his new recipes. I think he's just lonely though. He's really funny too. Oh, and he's probably the best cook in the world. Everybody wants to go to his place to eat. I wish he didn't go out of town. I wanted to go there to eat before I came home. But he'll be there when I get back so he'll just have to treat me to dinner twice as much.” Luffy was waving his arms wildly and practically bouncing off every piece of furniture in the room. Suddenly he sat down on the floor with a pout firmly in place. Ace sighed in relief. This meant that his little brother was finally settling down.
“Oi, Luffy why don't you watch a movie or something. I'm gonna go take a nap before dinner. Don't forget that we're going somewhere nice tonight. Smoker is treating us so behave.” Ace yawned as he stumbled to the other bedroom in the loft. “Watch whatever you want. Just be ready at 1800. I think he's picking us up, but I can't remember. Oh, well. Good night.”
“Night.” Luffy was already on the hunt for a new movie. The first one he found was Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End. It had just enough action to hold his attention for about 30 minutes. After that, it was Fantastic Four, Rise of the Silver Surfer, then Spiderman 3. None of them lasted long. Luffy's attention was so hard to hold.
“Hmm. Ace always is buying new movies. I wonder what else he has.” Luffy started digging through his brother's bag from work. He found two discs in there with handwritten titles. Thinking they were just bootlegged versions he inserted the first one into the DVD player. The image was a bit dark, but he could clearly make out two people kissing and groping each other. Excited, Luffy flopped down on the floor in front of the television. “Cool! Porn. I haven't watched any of this stuff in a while. I wonder if it's any good. Hey… That looks like Zoro… He has the same scar and everything. I wonder who the blonde is. Woah! It's a guy. Figures that Ace would have gay porn.”
Luffy sighed and got up to remove the `movie.' He paused when the two men switched positions and he could look at the blonde's face. He stood in shock for several minutes. There on the screen was his friend from New York, Sanji, and his brother's best friend, Zoro. The two men were the last that Luffy would have ever figured to be engaged in that type of activity. Well he figured the both had sex, it's just that he was sure both of them were straight. When Sanji came in Zoro's hand, Luffy fell back to the floor on his ass. Luffy was totally straight. He had walked in on his brother once and had no desire to ever be with a man after that. But, watching these two was something different. It was wrong, but hot. Zoro was almost godlike in the moonlight. His defined muscles showed just how much power he possessed. Luffy's friend, while undoubtedly male, was beautiful and lithe. His body bent in ways no human should be possible in achieving.
When the video ended, Luffy blinked and started giggling. Soon it turned into full blown laughter. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. He could tell that the video was from the hotel security feed, so there was a good chance that Zoro didn't even know about it. Maybe it would be best if he replaced it before anyone found out he'd seen it. Luffy erupted in another fit of laughter as he re-read the title. `Cinderella and the Frog Prince.' Knowing both of the actors in the film, he thought it fit perfectly. Curiosity got the best of him and he pulled out the other disc. `Sleeping Beauties.' Oh, if that wasn't a title begging to be watched. Luffy giggled evilly as he skipped back to the TV. Sure enough there on the screen were the two men again. This time they were just cuddling up together in bed. Zoro cradled his new lover against his chest, and for the first time in many years looked at peace. A true smile graced Luffy's lips. He'd have to find out the exact circumstances, but it looked like he might be playing cupid between two people that meant a lot to him. He couldn't wait for everyone to wake up. As fate would have it, Ace walked out of his room just as Luffy was putting the second movie back into the bag.
“Luffy!! Stay out of my stuff!” Ace shouted and ran to snatch up his bag. The last thing he needed was for Luffy to see what was on those discs. He loved his little brother, but he also knew the boy had a hard time keeping his mouth shut. “I don't think you'd be interested in seeing those. They're not your type.”
“Yah I know. Hey how did those two meet? What's the story? I thought Zoro was straight like me. When did he change his mind?”
Ace stood in shock. `Oh, shit,' he though. Quickly he pulled Luffy back into his bedroom and shut the door.
“Look, Luffy. How much of those did you watch?” First, assess the damage. Then he could begin cleanup.
“Hmm. Well I didn't watch much of the one were they were cuddling, because that was boring. But I watched the whole thing on the other one.” Luffy beamed a huge smile at him. He was proud that he could say he watched a whole movie. That was a feat for him.
Ace sank down to the chair by his bed. “Oh, shit. I'm dead now.” He ran his fingers through his hair, making the messy locks look almost wild. “He's gonna kill me. You watched it all?! Wait, you mean you actually sat down and watched something? Man, I'm impressed. That's great! ... Wait, no! It's not great! Holy Shit, Luffy! Do you have any idea what you did?”
“Huh? What do you mean you're dead? Why? Oh, because you used the video from the hotel to record that. Yah, Zoro's gonna kill you. Sanji probably will too when he finds out. Especially if you tell anyone. He's got this really big rep for being a lady's man. It would kill him for anyone to know he was someone else's lady. He has this big thing about image…”
“WHAT!” Ace cut him off sharply. He launched himself at the young man, grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “You mean you know the blonde?”
“Well, yah. He's my new boss I was telling you about. You know, the chef? He's a really cool guy. I didn't know he was coming here. If I had, I would have told him to stay here with us instead of that hotel. But I guess it was a good thing, huh. Otherwise maybe he wouldn't have done that with Zoro.” Luffy's face was completely serious. He watched Ace go through several emotions before settling on dumbfound.
Ace stood there with his hands still gripping Luffy's shoulders. He couldn't believe it. Here they were trying to use all their connections to find out his identity and all they had to do was ask his little brother. The big problem was that Zoro still thought that the blonde was a woman. How could he convince Luffy to keep it a secret?
“Yah… Umm… About that. You see… They were kinda drunk last night. Zoro remembers sleeping with someone, but he doesn't know it was a guy. He hasn't remembered everything yet. I'm not sure that he could handle it if he does.” Ace gave his best kicked-puppy look to Luffy. “I don't think we should tell him just yet. He thinks that the blonde is a woman and he's trying to find out her name and such. If you go and tell him it's a he and not a she, I don't know what he'll do. Let's keep this between us for now.”
“But he looked so happy. Why would you want to keep that from him? Zoro deserves to be happy. He's had it rough for so long, just like us. You found Smoker and became really happy. I want that for Zoro. And Sanji is a really good guy. He yells sometime, and he kicks really hard, but he never turns anyone away if they're hungry. He's been alone for a long time too. His mentor just died last year and he's been really sad since. They both really seemed to enjoy what they were doing too.” Though Ace's puppy look was good, really good, no one could hold a candle to Luffy's.
Ace shook his head and walked across the room. They did enjoy it. He could tell. And they both really looked so peaceful sleeping together. Maybe he should give in and tell him. His phone began beeping. He received a new text message.
Dine w/ girl@Whitney 1845
Ace replied:
Sanji=Luffy friend
Now what?
Luffy read the message over Ace's shoulder. “Oh, I guess he wasn't that serious about Zoro, huh?” You could hear the deep disappointment in his voice.
“I guess not. Hey, let's get ready. It's time to wake up Zoro. Remember, not a word. I don't think he could handle the shame now.” Ace was upset about the whole thing. He had hoped that maybe his best friend would finally find someone to live life with. Another message came.
Redhead? Wait, not the one from last night? Oh, this was perfect. Robin said that he didn't want anything to do with her. Maybe Sanji was just trying to keep up his image by having dinner with the first thing that he came across. If so, there was hope yet. A plan started to formulate in his head.
“Oi, Luffy. You go wake up Zoro. I'm going to get the clothes together. I think we may still have a chance with those two. But remember; keep your mouth shut for now. I don't want to jinx this.”
“Yosh!! Of course. Zoooorrrooooo!!!!” Luffy went screaming out of the room. Moments later equal screams came from the formerly sleeping man as he threw the laughing, bouncing, happy ball of energy out the door.
“And stay the hell out!” Zoro growled as he slammed his door. They waited about twenty seconds for the door to open back up. “Luffy? Oh, shit man. I'm sorry. It's great to see you again.” He stumbled over and helped his friend up. Luffy wrapped him up in a big hug.
“It's ok. You're such a hard person to wake up. I knew I'd have to do something drastic.”
“Kissing me is definitely filed under the do not do list from now on, right under blind dates.” Zoro wiped his mouth again for good measure and glared at Ace. “This is your fault somehow. I just know it.”
Ace grinned sheepishly. “Hey, he can move faster than me. Last time I tried to wake you up, I got a bloody nose. Besides, at least now you're awake and can get dressed. I've picked you out something. Hang on.”
Ace disappeared into his room and returned with a pair of slacks and a shirt. Zoro glanced at the choice and raised an eyebrow in question. “You sure this is ok?”
“Yup. Now go. He'll be here in about 30 minutes. Oh and make sure you shave.”
“Yes, mother.” Zoro rolled his eyes and took the outfit to his room before heading to the bathroom to do as requested.
Smoker walked through the door thirty minutes later. He had stayed dressed in his usual attire, gun and all, since he knew it would aggravate his lover. Ace often mentioned that the idea of him having handcuffs in his possession always turned him on. But tonight it was Smoker's turn to control his desire. His mouth dropped open and he almost lost his cigar at the sight of the three younger men standing there.
Luffy had on a pair of black slacks that complimented his growing body nicely. A dark red button up shirt showed off his agile build. The top button was undone and a loose black tie was wrapped around his neck. To top it off, a black leather vest drew the looker's attention to all the right places. His messy hair added almost a childish look. The only thing that gave away his age was the mischievous glint in his eyes. It was surprising how much he had grown while away.
Ace had on black slacks that hung a little low on his hips. He chose a burnt orange Egyptian cotton shirt that he left the top three buttons undone on. It showed off the beaded choker he always wore. Never one for conforming to dress standards he also left it untucked. He attempted to fix his hair and it feathered slightly to the left. He stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other playing with the undone buttons. Smoker wished he had shown up earlier. Now he would be fighting to control his lust the entire dinner.
Then there was Zoro. If he hadn't been family, Smoker thought he would be drooling. Zoro was dressed all in black. His slacks tailored to accent his slim hips and ass perfectly. A silk shirt clung to his body as he moved. It showed off his broad shoulders and large biceps. It was also left partly unbuttoned, showing off a glimpse of his chiseled chest. If he turned his head to the side, the dark purple bite could also be seen behind the collar. His hair was left to its own means. It looked wild, but seemed fitting for him.
Tonight would surely be a test of Smoker's patience. The gleam in Ace's eye said that there was a reason for their attire. He couldn't wait to find out just what it was.
Sanji jumped out of bed when the phone rang for his wake-up call. He rubbed his eyes and proceeded to the bathroom to start getting ready. After searching he finally found the painkillers he kept on hand. He knew it would be needed for him to function properly. He was glad that his suit had been laundered, because he had just slept in the one he was wearing and it was wrinkled beyond repair.
After a shower, shave and ten minutes of fighting to put on cosmetics, he began to dress. He sighed at the loss of his favorite blue shirt and settled on a pale yellow one. His only thoughts were of a redheaded woman who brought forth the promise of a night of hot sex. He wondered about the restaurant where the reservations were made for. It was supposedly a well to do place called The Whitney. He hoped it was a romantic atmosphere. That would definitely help. He checked his reflection one more time. He looked just like he did yesterday, except with a yellow shirt instead of a blue one. Maybe he should look at changing his wardrobe to include something other than suits. No time today. He hurried to the elevator. He was due to meet Nami in ten minutes.
Nami approached the hotel with a large smile. She knew that she looked good and she was taking advantage of it in every way possible. She winked at the doorman as he tripped over himself to rush to her side. Once inside she went to the desk. She was early so she thought she would call up to Sanji's room to let him know. She wanted to give him every opportunity to see her as possible. As the older woman was trying to ring his room, Nami heard a polite cough behind her. She turned and gave her best pout to the drooling man.
“Sanji-san. Here I was hoping to surprise you, but you seem to have gotten the jump on me. Shame on you.” As she finished turning she let her shawl fall from her shoulders to reveal smooth bare skin.
Her dress was revealing to say the least. Pale pink strips crossed from the opposite hip up and over her well endowed breast to hook behind her neck. The mid section between the strips was composed of see-through glittery mesh, and showed off her gold belly piercing. The pink silk continued to mold from her hips down to the floor. A long slit up to her hip on the right side allowed movement. When she turned to thank the woman for trying to call, Sanji almost passed out with a nosebleed. He swore he could see the small dimple at the beginning of the crack in her ass. Sanji quickly composed himself and offered his arm. He gave the cabby the address and prayed it would be a short ride. With the locations of the exposed areas of her dress, it was easy to tell she wasn't wearing any panties. Sanji glared the perverted driver as he tried to adjust his mirror for a better view.
At 1840 they walked into the Great Hall of The Whitney. Both were in awe of the grandeur of the establishment. A still older man took their names and asked them to wait. Nami made small talk as they both enjoyed the breathtaking room. The Great Hall was illuminated by crystal chandeliers, and a spectacular grand stairway offered a stunning look at the rich woods and gold- and silver-washed plaster work featured throughout the restaurant. The maître d' returned and escorted them to the Reception Room. Almost every room in the mansion had been converted to a dining room of sorts. Sanji couldn't wait to come back again and see the other areas. The history that his place held was unbelievable. The smile he received from his date made it even better.
A cheery young girl came to take their order. Sanji looked over the menu quickly.
“Do you have any preferences, my flower?” Sanji took Nami's hand and kissed it softly. She blushed and shook her head.
“I trust you. What ever you decide. I'm as excited to eat here as you are. I've heard such wonderful things about this place. It's even more beautiful than they said.” Nami forced herself to be flirty. Inside all she wanted to do was throw up. She hoped this façade would be over without incident.
Sanji placed an order for Crab Spring Rolls with Ginger and Fresh Coriander Sauce and Baby Spinach Salad with Crispy Pancetta and Maytag Bleu Cheese to start, along with a bottle of their best wine. For Nami he ordered Great Lakes Whitefish with Wild Rice Griddle Cakes and a Chardonnay Cream Sauce and Roasted Swordfish with Wild Rice Oxtail Risotto, Oyster Mushrooms and Red Wine Emulsion for himself.
Nami could see his excitement and took advantage. She began to ask questions about his own restaurant. Sanji relaxed as he talked about his favorite spices and herbs; the dishes he liked to prepare and the ones that gave him the most trouble. He told her about some of his first attempts and they both laughed. It surprised Nami how much she was enjoying the conversation. Men and women alike sent jealous looks to their table as the two continued oblivious to the world outside. Had Sanji known what being oblivious would cost him, he would have kept his attention on the adjoining room.
Four very handsome men entered the Great Hall at 1900. Every woman turned to stare at them in lust. They were exactly why God had created sex. From Luffy's boyish charm, to Smoker's proud display of authority, and from Ace's suave laid back look, to Zoro's sultry blast of supremacy; every woman wanted them and every man wanted to be them. The maître d' seated them in the Drawing Room quickly, least a riot break out amongst the other patrons. Smoker wrapped a possessive arm around Ace's waist, earning him a kiss on the cheek. The gesture served its purpose and most of the admirers turned their attention to the two remaining males. Luffy grinned and winked at a couple of the young girls seated with their parents. He only laughed at the glares he earned from the fathers. Zoro scowled at everyone. The only person he wanted was the one he had lain with last night. Whatever his uncle had to say better be good. If it wasn't, he would definitely be kicked out and banned, his reputation as a law official be damned. Unfortunately, his actions only made the women want him more.
“Tell me again why we're here.” Zoro glared at his uncle seated across from him.
“For one, my dear little brother-in-law is back from college for the week. I thought since he doesn't get home often, we would treat him out to a nice dinner.” Luffy beamed at the official title he had been given. Smoker leaned forward and lowered his voice. “That and I'm told that you need some help in identifying an individual from your hotel.”
Smoker had Zoro's complete attention. It just so happened that he had Luffy's as well.
“Oh, are you after a crook, Zoro? Is he a drug dealer? Or maybe he's a thief. Did he steal something?” Luffy's outburst caught the attention of a few people around him. Ace could see them straining to listen in to the now very interesting conversation.
“No, it's not a bad guy, Luffy. Just someone of interest.” Ace shot Luffy a warning look, praying he would get the hint. Unfortunately, Ace was dealing with Luffy, so he didn't.
“Oh so does this have to do with that huge hickey on your neck? Oops, I wasn't supposed to mention that was I.” Luffy backed away from the glares of both Zoro and Ace. “Hehe, I guess it does. I'll shut up now.”
Smoker sighed and signaled the waitress over. “We'll have the Filet of Beef with Wild Mushroom Gratin, Truffled Twice Baked Potato and a Red Wine Reduction for me, and the
Roasted Quail with a Savory Cornbread Stuffing and Fried Green Tomatoes for my love, and then give me two of the "Old Detroiter", 24oz Porterhouse Steak with Whipped Potatoes, Crispy Leeks and Stone-Ground Mustard Sauce for those two.” He nodded at Luffy and Zoro.
“Sir the steak is quite large, do you think your son will be able eat it?” The waitress ran off almost in tears at the tongue lashing she received from the police officer. His grumbling was drowned out by the laughter of Zoro and Luffy while Ace tried his best to console his lover, telling him he was not that old (even thought they all knew he actually was).
Zoro's laughter drifted over to the Reception Room. Sanji stiffened and started to turn in his seat. Nami quickly took his hand and leaned forward. Her breasts were barely being held in. The shifting of the thin fabric had caused her nipples to harden slightly and the sight mesmerized the blond to no end. Just like that, the familiar voice was forgotten.