One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ The Infamous MAR Pirates of the Grand Line ❯ The mysterious pirate hunter, Alviss ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

MAR Pirates
Note: In this chapter, I actually fused a couple of arcs. I basically decided that there was no captain Morgan and that I should find a more logical reason for Alviss to join the crew.
What was done had been done. Nobody knew how it happened, it just did. Gordon had been accepted in the marines and Ginta now needed to move towards his goal.
Ah, heck, that's no reason not to stay in the town for the night! He just needs his rest, and then we'll get back to the plot.
Ginta had enjoyed a rather wild night. It just so happens that this town was Gordon's hometown, so his family happily let him spend the night at their house. Until midnight, they were up eating all kinds of tasty food and drinking Pupura Juice. Sadly, Ginta didn't have the strongest stomach, so he passed out after the second glass.
All the same, Gordon was quite thankful for Ginta helping him and now the boy was on his way along with Babbo, who had apparently developed a crush for Gordon's mother.
“That was a very eventful day yesterday, wasn't it?” Ginta stated as the two strolled along.
The Kendama laughed and said, “Certainly, anyone who considers that weak conflict eventful is also weak. Come on! It's going to get harder when we enter the grand line.”
The boy couldn't help but agree. Emoki was only the first of many opponents he would face.
Meanwhile, back at the Marine headquarters, the leader folded his arms. The leader was an old man with spiked grey hair, big eyebrows and a short mustache. He wore a blue and white suit and was the commanding officer of the marines at this very base. His name was Gaira.
“Alviss,” he said, facing a boy with spiked blue hair, a white/blue outfit and two scars under his left eye along with a tattoo on his arm, “we have received a recent report that a pirate was in town last night.”
Alviss laughed and asked, “What do you want me to do about it?”
“Nothing,” the old man replied, “I want you to do nothing about it. I cannot explain why, but I cannot allow you to capture him. The reason I had to tell you this was because you go insane when it comes to pirates. You will kill anything as long as it will get you pay!”
The boy had no choice. He had to obey his master's orders… or not.
He exited the office with a cute fairy next to him. This fairy's name was about 1-2 inches tall and had cute and short blue hair. She also wore a blue sleeveless top. Her name was Belle.
“Alviss…” she said as the boy turned to her and asked, “What is it, Belle?”
Belle cringed and asked, “Why are you doing this?”
Alviss looked back at her and blinked with curiosity. The fairy grimaced and spat, “DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME! You're going to attack that pirate, aren't you?”
Alviss nodded and explained, “Listen, Belle, that old man is right. I will kill anything if money is involved. If I am not supposed to attack this guy, that must mean that he's really powerful, so he must be worth a lot.”
Belle could accept this. What she couldn't accept was his poor judgment.
“Do you even know what he looks like?” she asked as Alviss laughed and stated, “Don't worry. I saw him unboard a big pirate ship. I think I might have a clear idea of what he may look like.”
The fairy sighed. She had been defeated.
Speaking of this pirate, he was about ready to set sail when he realized that he didn't even have a boat. They didn't want a ship that used to belong to the fattest cow in existence.
“Damn!” he cursed, “Alright, Babbo, we have to buy a boat! How much money do we have?”
Babbo counted up all the money he found in Ginta's pocket and reported, “We have 3000 coins.”
“That won't work!” Ginta retorted, “The cheapest boat here is worth 9000! We'll never get off this island!”
Sadly, things were about to get worse. A tall and mysterious man crept up behind him.
Ginta and Babbo turned slowly to see a very handsome pretty boy in front of them. “What do you want?” was the first thing Babbo said.
The boy pulled out a rod made out of 13 miniature totem poles and lunged at Ginta in an instant. The boy cringed and jumped out of the way just in time to avoid the rod.
“What the hell are you after us for?” Ginta spat as the young man smiled wickedly and said, “I've come to capture you, pirate! I am Alviss, the top soldier of the marine base!”
Ginta and his gentleman Kendama glared at the boy and readied themselves for battle. This was sure to be interesting. But, all super-special-awesome moments must wait because as they stared one-another down, a crystal ball came out of nowhere and trapped a certain fairy in it.
Aw, heck, we can still see the super-special-awesome moment, and it starts right now.
Alviss lunged at Ginta once more and Ginta simply sidestepped the attack. Alviss knew that he had the boy in his grasp because Ginta could not fight back.
The boy had to admit that the Kendama was right, so he expanded the size of Babbo's hammer and lunged at the pirate hunter in front of him. He missed as the hammer pounded into the Earth, but he was prepared. The boy lunged forward and struck Alviss on the forehead with his own forehead.
Alviss felt his aching skull and thought, `How could such a childish trick work on me?'
Then, the boy lunged at Ginta again with his rod ready and swung at the boy in blind fury. The battle was once again at a standoff. Alviss was throwing random attacks while Ginta was simply dodging them.
The fight lasted a long time, but in the end, nobody could prevail. Why? Because Alviss had noticed that something was missing.
“Belle?” he asked looking around, “Where is Belle?”
Alviss turned to Ginta and Babbo and spat, “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
As the boy knelt on the ground in frustration, Babbo shook his head and smacked Alviss upside the head.
“You retard!” he spat, “Take responsibility for this! You were the one who picked a fight with us! If anything, you should feel pretty stupid right now! A gentleman such as myself would never have let something like that happen!”
Alviss took in these words. He had to accept responsibility for this. He was too caught up in a fight to have noticed this, but he was more than happy to help out a friend.
He ran in the direction he assumed she had run off to in blind rage while Ginta and his friend just stared.
“I think we should help him,” Ginta said as Babbo nodded and stated, “Yes, he might need some aid.”
It just so happens that this thief lived in the cave where Alviss was headed. He was a gruff man with hair that resembled leaves and three moles on his nose. He also had a very bushy grey beard and wore a black robe. His name was Barona.
“Excellent work, men!” he exclaimed happily as two more human-looking thieves handed him a fairy in a crystal ball, “With this fairy, I will be the most powerful man in the world!”
Belle punched desperately against the crystal but could not break free. It was hopeless.
Suddenly, a young boy dashed into the cave, took out a rod and used it to knock out the two thieves who had capture her and brought her to Barona.
Barona stared in shock, grinned nervously and stated, “Alviss, I knew you'd come to rescue your fairy! Still, I have prepared for your coming!”
Alviss cringed as the man held his hand against his cheek and shouted, “SHLAM GROSS, IT'S SUPPER TIME!”
Alviss stared in shock as the walls broke open to reveal a huge disgusting creature made entirely out of mud. Barona laughed maniacally as the huge towering creature glared at Alviss with murderous eyes. The last step Barona needed to take was to throw Belle into its mud body.
Alviss stared in shock as Belle's power started to drain and the fairy screamed in agony.
“What is that creature doing to my sweet Belle?” he asked as the thief laughed and explained, “Do not worry. Shlam Gross is merely sucking her power so he can become an invincible warrior!”
Alviss grimaced and said, “I'll take down that disgusting piece of crap!”
Then, he lunged at the beast and hit it with his rod. Sadly, the rod did not hurt the monster, but it did manage to free Belle from its grasp. Sadly, the monster's mud body grabbed onto the fairy and forced her back into its flesh.
Alviss angrily hit the monster repeatedly but did nothing to harm it. Belle continued to lose energy until the monster's body became solid stone. Now it was going to be harder to get Belle out.
Alviss just laughed and said, “You were better off before. Now I can hurt that thing.”
Barona grimaced at the sound of this. Alviss was right. With a hard body, the monster was no longer invincible.
Alviss forced his rod against the monster's stone body, but sadly, the attack had no affect. He gasped in horror as the monster pounded him flat into the ground. Then, Shlam picked him up and threw him against the wall.
Barona laughed maniacally and stated, “You can't defeat my monster in this state! Be prepared for his final form! If you can't beat this one, you won't defeat the next one!”
Alviss continued his efforts but kept getting smacked around as the monster's body eventually transformed into pure crystal. Now the monster sparkled and was sky blue. How was Alviss to defeat such a foe?
Suddenly, a giant hammer came out of nowhere and smacked Shlam on the top of the head causing the crystal body to crack. Barona stared in confusion as Ginta landed in front of the creature and said, “Alviss, you can take care of that bastard thief! I'll take care of this crystal creature, alright?”
Alviss was in no mood to argue. This was his moment to shine.
The boy turned to the gruff thief and pulled out his rod. Barona yelped and fled in the other direction.
Meanwhile, Ginta grinned at the large monstrosity and said, “Babbo, let's show him that technique.”
Then, something strange happened. Babbo transformed into a ball hammer and attached himself to Ginta's arm.
“Did I forget to mention that Babbo has 7 other forms aside from his regular one?” he asked as the crystal monster stared in anger and disgust.
Babbo nodded his ball and said, “This is known as my Ball Hammer Point. Let's see you survive this!”
Shlam threw his fist at the duo only to have it shattered by one swift punch of the ball hammer. It was only mere seconds until Ginta had destroyed the whole monstrosity with next to no effort.
Alviss had caught up with Barona and had the thief trapped.
“I'm sorry!” the thief protested, “I won't steal ever again! Spare me!”
Alviss grimaced and said, “It's too late for that.”
Then, a huge totem pole sprung up out of the ground as the boy shouted, “GIANT TOTEM POLE!”
Barona crashed through the roof of the cave causing him to bleed all over his face, and then the pole retracted and caused the man to fall into the ground. This was it. Barona was dead.
In conclusion, this story is taking a bit too long, so let's clear it up fast, shall we? Belle was saved and the two monsters were destroyed. The other two thieves who worked for Barona had been captured and were to spend 8 months in prison. Alviss also learned that not all pirates are bad, so he decided to give up hunting.
“Are you sure about this?” Ginta asked as the boy nodded and said, “You're pretty powerful for an annoying kid. I think I would happy as your crew member.”
Babbo gasped and retorted, “Excuse me, but I am the captain! He's my servant!”
Ginta cracked the Kendama a good one over the head as Belle flailed her arms about shouting, “ALVISS, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE A PIRATE? PIRATES ARE BAD PEOPLE! YOU SAW THE MAN WHO CAPTURED ME, RIGHT?”
Alviss just grinned and snickered as Belle retorted, “DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK! CAN'T YOU TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUSLY?”
Alviss sighed and stated, “Truth be told, pirate hunting is a boring life. I want to see other places. Besides, that wasn't a pirate. He was a bandit. There's a big difference.”
That was that. Ginta's new first mate bought the crew a boat, a cheap one at that, and the crew had set sail for adventure.
“Damn,” Alviss sighed, “This cheap boat cost me everything I had.”