One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Tribal Roots ❯ Chapter One : Guardian ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nami open her eyes and sat up, staring out of her bedroom door. She could hear voices up on deck, but only her and Zoro were on the Going Merry since the others had gone into the huge forest to explore the island more, she glanced at the lock post on her wrist but it still hadn’t recorded the island magnetic field and locked onto the next island.
Maybe the others are back, ill go check to make sure.

Nami climbed out of her bed and walked out into the corridor; the voices were now accompanied by loud dragging noises. She walked up towards the deck, open the door enough to see out but the voices stopped and there was nobody on the deck, Nami could also see Zoro’s silhouette against the moon in the crow’s nest, his swords gleaming in the moonlight.
I must have been imagining things…
Nami turned round to walk back into her bed when an arm wrapped round her waist, pinning her left arm to her body, a hand clamped itself over her mouth as she gasp. Nami beat at the arm with her free arm, while she shouted as loud as she could, but the hand over her mouth made them only small mmphs. She was lifted off the ground and taken out on to the deck and up to the cabin. Nami was kicking as hard as she could but she couldn’t break free from the man’s grip,but if she did there were men around them with spears, they all had similar tattoos over their faces.

She was dragged up to the cabin and pushed inside. The men around her were talking in a strange language, they kept pointing at her then Zolo. She was forced to sit down in a chair while her wrists were bound to the chair's arms, one of the warriors tied rope round her waist to the back of the chair while another tied her feet to the legs. The warrior with his hand clamped over her mouth made a fatal mistake by taking it away.

Nami regretted shouting out as soon as she felt the spear being thrust into her waist, missing any organs but bad enough. A warrior with a mask over his face walked up to Nami, forced her mouth open then shoved some cloth in, then placed duct tape over her mouth. She struggled as best as she could but the ropes just bite into her painful, adding to the already unbearable pain in her waist. Nami hung her head, waiting for Zoro to help, she could hear him running towards the cabin, sometimes the clink of metal hitting metal and shouting from the men on the deck, A hand push her chin, forcing Nami to look up, The man with the mask was saying something to the others. He was holding the lock post, then dropped it into a sack. Nami cried out but the cloth and tape only made it a small mmph. Something then hit her on the back of the head, knocking her out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Zoro looked down from the crow's nest when he heard Nami calling for help. He stared at the men with spears looking up at him, then something caught his eye. Nami was tied to a chair in the cabin with a spear in her waist. He cursed loudly and jumped down, drawing his swords and landing in a group of the men, knocking one down. As soon as he landed spear's were pointed at him, but he cut the heads off and ran towards the stairs. Some of the more stronger men had ran after him throwing there spears. Zoro ducked and dodged while turning to fight them off, occansialy launching a attack himself.

He got to the stairs but one of the warriors caugh up and grab him, Zoro kicked him over the edge and didnt think twice about it, but glanced back to make sure the guy hadnt grabbed the side. He looked over the side, almost ran head long into the wall. Tons of vines had sprouted out of the ground and stopped the man from hitting the ground, they put him down then just withered away. Ive got to stop drinking all that booze... Zoro shook his head then focused on saving Nami, ducking as a spear flew past him and stuck into the wall.

Zoro fought his way up the stairs, pushing some of them over the edge only to have the vines grow, catch then wither away. Eventually he got to the cabin door but 13 warriors had tried stopping him, one he had badly wounded, the others he had just knocked out with the blunt of his sword. He kicked open the door, blocking a attack from behind. Slamming the door behind himm he looked round, Nami was wearing a cream long sleeved top and a dark green skirt, there was a huge blood patch on her top near her waist. Zoro found some bandages and wrapped them tightly round Nami's waist, then walked out onto the deck, ready. Straight away 3 huge men with strange masks attacked him from all sides, but he blocked there attacks and slashed at them with all his might, but one of their spears hit him across the cheek.

He swore loudly and kicked the guy in the stomach, then brought his sword down, slashing the man down the chest. DAMMIT!!! I bet this has got something to do with Luffy!!! Zoro jumped over the edge of the Going Merry and ran towards the forest, intending to lead them away from Nami, but there were more men at the edge of the forest. They surronded him, a elderly man stood forward, and made a rising motion with his hand while mutter something but Zoro only Caught the words "Mosi". He felt something grip his feet, looked down and stared at the vines wrapping themselves round his feet.
"What the hell?!?!?!"
"Im am the the guardian of this forest, and you have trespassed."
Zoro stared at the old man, he muttered again and more vines grew out of the ground, grabbing Zoro's hands, knees and elbows then pulled him onto the floor.
"Once we have got the others in your group, you shall all take the punishment."
"Whats the punishment"