One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ We Can Get You Out Debt Free! ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We Can Get You Out, Debt Free!
Anime: One Piece
Coupling: ZoroxNami
Rateing: NC-17 for graphic descriptions of sex.
Notes: (Well, in the two year hiatus that I've stopped writing fanfiction, I've totally forgotten how to write an author note. There for, I have brought in a 14 year old Inu Yasha Fan Girl to write one for me.)

OMG!! This iz my 1st one peice stry ppl!!! plz r&r or ill nvr rite anything ev0r agin!!!lol!!! i wub zoroxsanji 4 evor!!11

* * *
"Well.. you still DO owe me that money you know…"

Zoro had heard those words many times. Usually it was simply Nami's way to get to him to do something he wasn't really up for. Mostly things like chasing after a hallucinating Luffy in the Alabaster Desert , or carrying around the heavier purchases that Nami had made. Today it was different. Oh sure, it had started off the way it usually did.

Nami had called him over and had started to pester him about it. Zoro figured it was gonna end up with him doing some extra work around the ship. Nothing he couldn't handle. After all, until he actually managed to come up with the money, it wasn't like there was really another way out of it.

Somewhere in his mind, Zoro hoped if he could prolong it enough, someone else might be foolish enough to ask Nami for money, and then she could move on to harassing them.

However, apparently the rest of the crew had taken Zoro as an example, because he still seamed to be the only one stuck with watering Nami's orange grove among other random tasks. Zoro was also getting the impression that Nami enjoyed having him at her advantage. He knew damned well that Sanji was enough of a love-struck moron around Nami that she could have gotten him to do half the stuff that she made Zoro do. Cook, clean, hell Sanji would probably rebuild the entire ship if Nami even mentioned it.

Who knew.
Sanji already willingly catered to Nami's every whim; maybe she was giving that idiot cook a break.
Naw, probably she just liked to torment a certain green-haired swords man even more.

Nami was all about tactics, but Zoro could be just as negotiational as that woman was.
"Aw gimme a break! I told you I just need more time!."
Okay, not the most strategic way to go about it.
A coy smile started to appear on Nami's face. Zoro could just see her trying to figure out all the extra things she needed to get done and what task would Zoro be able to perform most efficiently.

"Tonight. Cargo Bay," she said finally. Her thin smile had turned into a grin that would have made the Cheshire cat suspicious. "Meet me there."

Zoro had gave her a look and asked her why the hell she wanted him to go down there.

She just continued to smile and assured him that if he did a good job at it, she might just forget about how much he owed her for a few more weeks.

Later on that evening, after everyone had gone to sleep, he'd crept down to the cargo bay. The seas were calm that night. There was the occasional sound of the creaking of wood as the boat slowly rocked back and forth, but it felt as if the entire ocean was calm.
Zoro rapped on the door to the cargo bay once, and after no response, he shrugged and walked in. In the darkness he could make out a slender red-haired figure sitting on one of the barrels.

"Hey Nami, what the hell is this? For chrisake, if you wanted me to move shit or whatever, then why wait until night? It's too damned dark in here, I can hardly see a-"

It was about by "what the hell" that Nami had hopped off the barrel and walked towards him, and even before he'd started to point out how "too dammed dark" it was, she'd grabbed him and as he was about to protest that he could hardly "see a thing". She'd stuck her tongue in his mouth and was giving him a very deep kiss.

For all of his lighting fast abilities that he was able to use in a sword fight, it took Zoro a few moments to register all of what was going on in his head.

Nami was kissing him. A lot. With her tongue. It was squishy
Zoro finally regained his sense of awareness and managed to push Nami away from him; his cheeks now flushed red. He wiped his mouth and stared at her in a mix of shock from what she'd just done and rage from allowing her to catch him off guard.
"Y'…you… you crazy bitch! What the hell do you think you're doing?."

That same cat-like smile reappeared on Nami's face.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking my payment "

"With a kiss? Jesus,lady, if you wanted that you could have just said something earlier."

This time Nami laughed. She had a laugh that someone like Sanji would have described as "blue birds chirping on the first day of spring." Zoro thought it sounded more like the kind of laugh you gave when someone had just tripped face down in the mud.
"What's so funny?"

"Humph, for a tough ole swordsman, you're more naïve then you act."

Zoro frantically ran through all of the information he'd just received in his head.

Nami wanted payment, Nami had found way for him to prolong his payment, Nami had asked him to meet her in the cargo bay.. in the dark.. Nami had-

Oh shit.

"No way… no way… no fuckin' way!"

Zoro continued to protest frantically while Nami watched calmly, as if waiting for an enraged child to realize that no matter how hard he screamed, he wasn't getting that new toy he wanted.

"What do I look like to you, Nami? I'm not someone's whore! If you wanted an easy lay for the night, why didn't you just go fuck Sanji?"

Nami shrugged. "Sanji doesn't owe me the kind of money you do, Zoro. I mean, you -did- want a way to prolong your payment again, right? Not to mention this way, we both get something out of it."

Before Zoro had time to object, Nami was pulling off his shirt for him, along with the green bandana he always wore around his arm. Zoro's mind screamed frantically for him to do something. Object more, bargain, there had to be something else for him to do, anything els-

Nami gently ran her index finger along the un-scarred area of his chest.

Zoro felt himself become the personification of the phrase "'His' mind was saying `no', but `his' body was saying yes."

Nami started to caress the side of his neck.
Awkwardly, Zoro started to pull off Nami's tight pink t-shirt. How bad could this be? Nami was a cute girl, and it wasn't like she knew about… well, the point was that she didn't know. And he planned to keep it that way.

Just act like you know what you're doing. Your thing goes into her thing…

Nami's T-shirt fell to the ground, revealing her lacy red bra.

He was so fucked. No pun intended.

Zoro reached around Nami's back and attempted to unfasten the clasp that kept her bra on. A few moments later he was still attempting to unfasten it. How hard could it be? Seconds felt like hours, and Zoro decided that perhaps women's undergarments had been designed deliberately to confuse men. Maybe you weren't suppose to unclasp it. Maybe you were suppose to pull it over like a shirt or something. Well, he sure as hell wasn't gonna `ask' Nami. As far as she knew, he'd done this countless times.

He heard a somewhat frustrated sigh from Nami.

"Never mind… I'll do it."

With two simple movements of her hands, she unfastened the clasp, causing the bra straps to slide down her slender shoulders. She smiled impishly, and pulled the lacey garment off to reveal her breasts. Zoro's first instinct was to stare. It wasn't like he'd never seen a naked women before. Well… technically, anyway. He knew what they looked like, it wasn't like he was completely oblivious to that. But there was still that sense of shock at actually seeing a woman's breasts in person.

Somewhere in Zoro's mind the main question popped up "What do I do?"

What do you do.. He thought to himself. What do you think You do dumbass? you touch them.

He put his hand on Nami's pale breast and moved it around slowly. He was surprised at how soft they were. Putting his other hand on Nami's second breast, he gave it a squeeze.

"Ow! Zoro you freak! I'm not fruit!"

Zoro blinked and let go of Nami's breast. You were suppose to squeeze them right? Didn't girls like that? He stood there for a second trying to think of a smart-ass remark to give to the girl.

Nami sighed in frustration. "Honestly, first the bra, then you squeeze me like you're testing an orange. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was your first ti-"

She paused.

Then she started to laugh.

Zoro looked to the ground and muttered something while rubbing his hand behind his head.

Nami continued to laugh. Zoro figured that he could have stood buck-naked in the center of Louge Town and not felt the level of embarrassment that he was experiencing right now.

"Holy shit. It `is' your first time."

Zoro still said nothing, refusing to give Nami the satisfaction.

"I can't believe it! You! The All-Mighty Roronoa Zoro! Still a virgin! I mean, I sorta expected it from Luffy or Usopp, Chopper of course, but you-"

"Okay, Okay! Fine! Why don't you just run upstairs and go tell the whole godamned ship about it?"

Nami stopped laughing, but kept her mischievous cat-like smile. "So what's your excuse? Late bloomer, or are you just not interested in girls?"

Zoro's face continued to redden. "It's nothing like that. It's just never been my main priority. I've been training ever sense I was a kid, ya' know? And I never saw any reason to stop. I dunno. I always sorta figured it wasn't that important."

Nami continued to smile.

"Anything else you wanna tell me before we continue this?"

Zoro, his face now bright red with having admitted something rather personal to someone like Nami, scowled at her. "What's that supposed to mean?".

"Oh nothing… Now then.."

She took Zoro's hand and placed it on her breast directly over her now rather hardened nipple. "Where were we?".

Zoro moved her fingers over her nipple and rubbed it gently. Nami gave a soft moan and put her hands on Zoro's shoulders. "There you go… "

Zoro blinked in surprise as Nami pushed him onto his knees, so that his face was now looking up at her soft, white breasts. Attempting not to be completely clueless as to what was going on, as Nami bend forward to lower her breasts towards him, he softly kissed her right bosom.

Another moan from Nami was a good indication that he was on the right track. Slowly, he circled Nami's nipple with his tounge, then put this teeth around it and pressed down lightly, jst enough to get a cry of pleasure for Nami
Roronoa Zoro might have zero experience with women,
He thought while using his free hand to grope at Nami's backside.
But he's still a fast learner…

He continued to gently suck at Nami's breast, all while squeezing her buttock with his free hand. He felt Nami place her soft hand over his and redirect it towards her crotch.

Zoro continued to grope at her. Even though she was still wearing her skit (skirt), he could feel her most personal areas directly under the thin layer of cloth. Nami continued to lead his hand into her panties.

Zoro blinked in surprise at her brash movement, but he continued to feel around the outside of her crotch. Slowly he eased one of his fingers up into her tight opening. He felt Nami's hand (tighten on his shoulder) on his shoulder tighten it's (its) grip somewhat, but she continued to sign (sigh) as Zoro work (worked) his finger upwards, (remove all well) all well still sucking on Nami's breasts.

Zoro smirked to himself. There was no way in hellhe'd let Nami take advantage of his lack of experience. After all, he'd hate to think that she'd ever be able to manipulate him the way that she could with Sanji, if she ever found it convenient to do so. He slowly pulled his out of her, and gave her breast a parting kiss.

Nami laughed "Not bad. You might actually be getting the hang of this.".

(remove one of the extra breaks here)

"Now then." She said, as she moved her hands towards Zoro's waist. "It's my turn".
In one swift movement she unbuttoned Zoro's pants and stuck her hand into them. Zoro's eyes widened as he felt Nami grab his already throbbing member.

He opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a weak "ahhh….". Nami put her free hand to his lips. "Just relax.."

Nami gracefully dropped to her knees, taking Zoro's pants and whatever else was under there with her. She then slowly started to lick the very tip of his cock. Zoro's knees went weak and he quickly stuck on his hand against the crates in order to prevent himself from falling on top of a rather preoccupied Nami.

He'd never felt anything like this. Yeh, he'd jerked off before of course, but he'd never felt the need to come the way that he did now. Yet, Nami seemed to be well aware of this, because she'd never go too far. Always licking the tip, just `barely' putting it in her mouth. Every now and then she'd take it and give it a firm squeeze.

Zoro was gonna die. He had no idea it was possible to die from pure anticipation before, but he'd be the first. How long was it supposed to take to get a blowjob? This was Nami, for crying out loud, it made no sense that she'd volunteer for something like this, but to take so long on it..

Zoro then realized that Nami was doing this all on purpose. She wanted him to cry out, to beg for more. She wanted him under her thumb. Well no thanks, you could only push the Three-Swords master so far. No pun intended on that swords remark. He was already sinking pretty low, getting into sexual relations with Nami of all people, but there was no way that he was gonna beg for it like some cheap little whore. If she really did want that, well then Sanji was just a deck above.

Meanwhile, Nami, had taken her other free hand and had started to grope at his backside. Zoro hadn't really noticed or minded at first. Slowly her fingers had started to play around Zoro's more personal area of his buttocks.
Zoro's muscles tensed a little. That was an area that wasn't supposed to be touched like that. Wasn't supposed to-

Nami, still licking his cock. had now slowly edged her finger up.. there.

To hell with dignity,"Oh God.. Nami.. Nami.. what are you doing? No… s-stop.. pl-… oh god.. oh god…"

He was gonna come. He had no clue what she was doing, but her finger was gently moving around inside of him and his cock felt so hard that he knew that if he didn't release right away, he'd go insane.

With one final moan Zoro felt himself erupt into what felt like Nami's hand. He wasn't too sure.

Zoro stood there, panting.

"T'.. that was….".

Nami said nothing, but smiled coyly knowing that she now had Zoro at her advantage.

Zoro barely had time to say anything before Nami roughly pushed him on the floor and on to his back. She quickly pulled down her remaining garments leaving only her fashionable sandals.

He was gonna say something, he really was, but it was the sight of a fully naked Nami that made him lose any ability to speak. Her slender curves, her large breasts, her small, almost heart-shaped…

He felt her hand go over his manhood again, moving it like she was trying to aim it. Then he gave a gasp of surprise as Nami lowered herself on top of it. He felt an incredible amount of warmth as it slid in easily, for Nami herself was pretty wet already. Slowly, Nami began to move herself back and forth on top of him. Zoro tried to grab her ass once again with his hand, but she leaned forward, gripping both of his hands and using her weight to pin them to the floor.

He was helpless. Him. Roronoa Zoro was completely helpless at the hands of this deviant thief. Oh sure, somewhere in the back of his head, he knew that it wouldn't be that hard to overpower her, but there was an implication somewhere there as well that suggested that he liked this. That he wanted this.

Nami's rhythmic movement was quickly becoming faster and faster. Her quick pants, were becoming soft moans of pleasure. Zoro once again felt him self himself on the verge of coming. Nami had found a steady pace and Zoro felt as her vagina had slowly) started to tighten around his own cock

Zoro found himself groaning, begging for her not to stop. He might have even called her name as he climaxed. He wasn't too sure, everything had become one big blur of sweat, bodily fluids and ecstasy.

"Oi, Zoro. You dead?"

Zoro groaned and slowly opened his eyes to see a few crates sitting in front of him.

"Up here,you big-headed oaf."

Zoro glanced up to see a rather annoyed Sanji looking down at him.
"What do you want, ya' stupid cook?" Zoro scoffed

"I came down here for some supplies I needed. I was making pancakes for Nami-san and realized that I was almost out of flour."

Wait a sec? Down here?

It slowly dawned on Zoro that he was still in the cargo bay. It then also dawned on Zoro that he was stark naked.

In front of Sanji.

With a quick gasp, Zoro grabbed a nearby tarp laying over some of the crates and attempted to cover himself, blushing like a virgin that he really wasn't anymore.

Sanji continued to stare in disapproval. "You're overdoing it on the drink, ya' know that?"

Zoro's face turned a furious bright red. "No one asked you!"

"Fine fine, now if you'll excuse me…" Sanji picked up a large bag of flour and hosted it over his shoulder. "…I'm gonna make breakfast for the looovely Nami-san."

The cook then continued to walk past the still mostly naked Zoro and up the stairs, leaving him in a befuddled daze. Funny, for some reason he always had the idea that his first morning after would be a little more romantic. And it probably wouldn't have involved Sanji, either.

--- Two weeks later-

"Well, you do still owe me money.."

"What the hell are you talking about? You said that you'd forget about it after I fucked you!"

"No. I said that I'd forget about it for a few weeks. It's been two weeks. I've remembered again."

Zoro gave a frustrated sigh.

"-And- I've increased your owe rate by another 17 percent."

"For what??"

"Sexual favors."

"Are you crazy???"

Sure, there were probably worse people that you could owe money. who you could owe money too.

Roronoa Zoro just couldn't think of any at the moment .