Onmyou Taisenki Fan Fiction ❯ Onmyou Taisenki: Path to Tomorrow ❯ Onmyou Taisenki: Path to Tomorrow ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here I was watching him through his window late tonight just to be sure my suspicions were correct. Young Riku was fast asleep on his futon wearing his blue t-shirt, pale green sleeping pants and snoring quietly into his pillow. The brown haired Toujinshi was breathing through his nose like an old man would and a small trail of drool was sliding down his mouth onto his pillow, it was kinda cute if one thought about it. But, I have to shake my head in concentration, as I look not at the sleeping human but the item in his hands.
Riku, even asleep, is holding onto the mechanical device that houses the essence of the shikigami Byakko no Kogenta; the white tiger spirit that has been the source of my headaches and nights of much missed sleep and also the cause of this weeks troubles. Before I continue let me give everyone a little piece of information about myself; I am an American male that goes by the name Kailin Amery. The name is an alias as to say I can't let anyone know my true name. I am one of a group of people who are very interested in the shikigami, their awesome powers, the humans they contract and exactly what purpose these beings serve in this world. Shikigami have been the source of much mystery and awe around the world and many have sought to understand and dominate their power. The group that I…have aligned myself with…is particularly intrigued by the shikigami of this era and the humans they serve.
Kogenta of the Byakko and Riku Tachibana, Rangetsu of the Byakko and Yuuma Asuka, Fusanoshin of the Ikazuchi and Souma Asuka, Horin of the HÄ«ragi and Nazuna as well as the other Toujinshi and shikigami. Everyone in the world, well at least the world's governments and certain influential and powerful organizations were watching the shikigami and Toujinshi with keen eyes; everyone wanted them and the power they possessed and my group was no different. Power, mysticism and the unknown have always intrigued humans and now that such power was within the world's grasps it was no surprise that the humans would try to make a play for it.
My group currently has no name and is not affiliated with any government, they are just a large conglomerate of men and women who wish to have more power and wealth and using the shikigami and Toujinshi seem to be the easiest way to gain what they desired. A few others and myself had been sent out to infiltrate and watch over the shikigami and their humans just to make sure that if at any time they stepped out of line the situation would be…handled. The whole episode with that child…Utsuho and his bout for the world's destruction made my employers very nervous and many wanted to have the problem nullified as soon as possible but I had convinced the group to hold off on such drastic measures. Though it would have been easy to dispatch Utsuho with the power we possessed it wouldn't give the group what they truly wanted, insurance that the shikigami and Toujinshi were more powerful than anything within this world.
Power is more addictive to humans than anything, more than their drugs, more than religion and faith, more than love and lust. Power is what humans wanted, what they would do anything to acquire by any means necessary. I played the hand that was dealt to me and gained what I need, time. I knew that Riku would be able to overcome the power of the demon child and ease the pain and suffering within the young boy's heart. Utsuho was just a child in reality, for all of his power and hatred he knew nothing about the world and what it meant to love and care for someone. What it meant to want to live and die for someone. What it felt like to hurt for another and bleed to protect those you care for. But Riku knew. In less than one year this human child, born one thousand years ago, had learned theses harsh and brutal lessons. He would be able to show Utsuho what it meant to care and forgive because he had learned those lessons himself not so long ago.
As I figured, Riku had succeed and calmed the tortured heart of the demon child and even better sent him onto the next life where he would be reborn as a human child with no powers later on. Everything was working just as I had planned it but soon the boy's grandfather would be coming back and there would be no need for the shikigami and that was the perfect time to strike. Days after Utsuho had been sent to rest in peace and Masomi/Gasshin had returned with his friends and family, I kidnapped the Riku's grandfather and spirited him away to another country, taking away his memory of Riku and his life before meeting the young prince. I sent a wave of youkai to attack the middle of Tokyo and like moths to a flame the Toujinshi raced to save the lives of the people. A few others and myself appeared to them atop the city's buildings in hooded robes and announced ourselves to the humans and shikigami and made known to them our plans to take over Japan.
I surmised that this would get the attention of the Toujinshi and then keep them from canceling their contracts with their shikigami. It was almost too funny how they moved exactly like I had hope and with the loss of the Chi-ryuu's leader and Riku being a child every last one of the Toujinshi would come together and try to stop our plan to `take over Japan'. Of course we had no such plans, well I didn't, I'm learning not to speak for others so I cannot say what they had up their sleeves but this would get the group and myself exactly what we wanted.
I wanted to know everything about Riku and the powers he possessed inside of himself. I had seen and felt the power flare many times in the last year and had been testing him with leagues of youkai and monsters just to see what his limits were. The first time he showed such power was when Kogenta had exhausted himself with the attack `1000 Demon's Annihilation'. Just as Riku feared the attack had not defeated Rangetsu in the battle that took place near the destroyed area of Kyoto. Power the likes I had only seen long ago emerged from Riku's soul and caused a chain reaction like I had never seen in this era. Kogenta unleashed from his body the powers of the ancient Daokoujin shikigami and had literally torn Rangetsu apart; had it not been for that Mizuki woman and her shikigami getting involved Yuuma would have lost Rangetsu.
Meddlesome woman, but no matter, from that day forward I had watched the young boy closely and seen just how he had grown. His power, as well as Kogenta's, had evolved much in the passing year and very soon Riku had done something not done in centuries; he had gained the Master Form for Kogenta. I was unbelievably shocked at the site of Kogenta's form change into something more powerful than anything he had before. I don't even believe that Yakumo had gained such power for the white tiger shikigami, though the brown haired teenager had gained the Zero Drive Yakumo hadn't been with Kogenta long enough to obtain the `Master Drive'. Maybe the man would have or maybe he wouldn't have gotten that power but it didn't matter now, Riku had the power and I wanted to know how. Only a small handful had ever gotten their bond with their shikigami to such an extent and they had died with their contracts in place, the shikigami refusing to let the bond be severed for any reason other that death. Those Toujinshi had died old and wrinkly and the smiles on their faces when the last thing they had seen was their shikigami were…beautiful.
But, in this day and age these humans were about to sever such bonds and that could never be allowed. How could these fool creatures just toss away a pact made through blood, tears, sweat, and emotion was incomprehensible to me but I would be damned, again, before I let it happen. So I bought myself a small bit of time by making up that ridiculous proclamation to the Toujinshi and shikigami and then took my next step. It had been easier than a cakewalk, as humans put it, when I had steeped into Riku's class that day…
A young woman in her early thirties with bright orange hair, thin-framed glasses perched onto of her nose, wearing a violet two-piece suit was trying to get a class of students to be quiet. The teacher coughed a few times and when nothing happened she slamming her hands on top of her desk and watching as her students settled down and looked to the front of the room. When the orange haired teacher looked up to see that she finally had her student's attention she smiled to them and the spoke.
“Today class we will be having a new student; he is an American and his Japanese is not so fluent so I will need you to try and help him out as much as you can. You can come in now.” the teacher said cheerily and watched as a young man entered the doorway
The teenager was fourteen years old with black hair, silver eyes hidden behind a pair of thin framed glasses like the teachers, his complexion was light almost like someone who had never seen the sun, his was tall standing almost at five feet, ten inches and wearing a dark navy blue school uniform like the rest of the boys in the class. He seemed to be a shy type of person and refused to look at anybody in the class and choose to bore holes into the floor while muttering something incoherent.
“Now, now. It's alright, no one here will hurt you so please just tell us your name and a little bit about yourself.” the orange haired teacher said while gently coaxing the boy
“my…My name is Micheal Sanders. I live in New York, New York in America. I am fourteen and am happy…to be h…here.” It seemed to take all of the boy's willpower just to say those few words and he immediately curled in on himself as a few of the boy's in the class snickered. Despite his apparent shyness he spoke fluent Japanese without an American accent and made no grammatical errors as he spoke.
A quiet snarl and sharp-eyed glare from the teacher shut everyone up and the woman looked to the young man with a smile before looking around the classroom. Catching site of an empty desk the teacher spoke up…
“Alright Sanders-san, please take a seat in the back right next to Tachibana, Riku. Riku please raise your hand.” A boy with brown hair and violet eyes snapped to attention at his teachers call and raised his hand into the air.
Micheal walked over to where Riku was and then bowed slowly to the young teenager before sitting next to him and slumping his head down between his shoulders. For the rest of the day class went about as usual and when the bell rang for lunch the students all rushed out except for Micheal. It was Riku who noticed that his classmate hadn't moved from his seat and went over to the young man and looked him over. The boy almost looked to be asleep but when Riku rested his hand on the young man's shoulder the black haired boy snapped his head towards the violet-eyed schoolboy. It startled Riku who jumped back a bit and then put his hand behind his head and rubbed his mop of brown hair.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to know if you would like to go and have lunch with me and my friends?” Riku asked while seeming to try an not look at something that wanted his attention
“If you don't think it will be a bother…I would like that.” Micheal answered with a small smile on his bright red lips
Riku and Micheal stood up and then headed outside to the stairs of the building that lead to the higher floors of the school then climbed up all the way to the roof. Once they got outside two girls in school uniforms and a boy looking like a high school student greeted them; one girl had pink hair and dark colored eyes while the other had purple hair with large round glasses and a green cat sitting by her legs. The boy had yellow and black hair and was holding some kind vegetable in his hand and a sack filled with something that had a fairly good smell coming from inside of it.
“Hey! Micheal these are my friends. Momo is the girl with pink hair and Rina is the girl with purple hair. Ryuuji is the boy with gold and black hair and the cat sitting next to Rina is Toraji.” Riku pointed to his friends one by one and watched as they all waved to Micheal and the green colored kitty meowed to before running up and jumping into the black haired teen's arms.
“Wow! Toraji usually only does that for me. You must really be a cat person Micheal-san.” Rina said as she looked to her cat nuzzle into Micheal and then curl up while going to sleep
“Animals have always liked me Rina-chan.” Micheal looked to the cat he was holding and then back to the purple haired girl before Ryuuji came up to him
“Hey, do you eat your vegetables?” the blond and black haired boy asked before looking up and down at Micheal
“Yes I do. I'm a vegetarian by the way.” with those words it looked like Ryuuji had just found a new best friend. The older boy grabbed Micheal in a fierce hug and then squeezed him into his body without warning.
When Ryuuji broke away from hugging Micheal he looked down to see Toraji and then immediately rushed back in fright. Micheal looked confused before staring down at Toraji who was gazing up at him with those big, cute eyes of his.
“Are you alright Ryuuji-san?” Micheal asked while blinking at the terrified teen who was on top of the fence surrounding the perimeter of the roof
Ryuuji nodded before coming down slowly and then setting up the lunch, which was miraculously not disturbed by his sudden outburst of panic. Once spread out the food was a sight to behold. Completely vegetarian in style and character, only a true lover of green food could appreciate it. The others settled down to a place that had been set and then began to dig in. They all started to munch on the food made by Ryuuji when Riku looked back to the black haired boy who was playing with Toraji.
“Hey, Micheal-san, come and eat with us!” Riku called out while offering some of his food towards the black haired boy
“Are you sure Riku-sama. I feel like I'm imposing.” Micheal told the brown haired boy while looking down to the vegetable stir-fry being offered his way
“It's no imposition and you don't need to say sama. San is just fine.” said Riku while laughing a little
From the moment Micheal sat down he had just gained five new friends and once lunch was over they all cleaned up and returned to class. As the day finished and Riku and Momo walked down the street talking about this and that when they caught sight of Micheal standing by himself. The young man was gazing into the burning sky with a faraway look on his face that seemed to say he was lost and looking for something. Riku ran up to his black haired classmate and then waved a hand in front of the other boy's face and when he didn't get a response from him the brown haired boy placed a hand on the teen's shoulder again.
Snapping out of his daze Micheal looked to see Riku staring at him worriedly.
“Hey Micheal-san, are you okay?” the brown haired student asked while looking the boy over carefully
“Yes, Riku-san. I was waiting for you. I wanted to ask if it was true that you owned an apartment complex.” Micheal's eyes seemed to take on a mysterious light when he spoke to Riku but it could have been the sunlight sky shimmering in his eyes
“Yes, I do. Why do you ask?” Riku questioned rather slowly
“I wanted to know how much it would be to rent out a apartment.”
“Forty thousand yen.”
Micheal reached into his pocket and pulled out a large roll of bills and handed it to Riku before looking at the brown haired teen. Riku gaped down to the money in his hands before staring up at Micheal with a surprise on his face. The black haired boy nodded to the violet-eyed middle school student, turned and then walked down the street. Momo, who had watched the whole scene, ran up to her childhood friend and then blinked down to the yen in the brown haired boy's hand.
“Riku, that looks like a lot more than 40,000 yen. How much did he give you?” the pink haired schoolgirl questioned
“I have no idea but…” Riku started to say before he was interrupted
“Hey, if he gave you too much just send him a refund later when you get back home.” a voice spoke out and soon the form of a white tiger clad in black and yellow body armor materialized beside Riku
The tiger had blue stripes over his entire body, blazing ruby eyes, cute triangular ears twitching on top of his furry head, a mane of spiky hair colored the same as his body, red pants covered his legs and thighs as the rest of him was faded to a machine strapped to Riku's shirt. The tiger was crossing his arms together in a sign of annoyance as he looked to Riku and the yen in his hands.
“Are you sure about that Kogenta? I feel bad taking his money like this.” Riku said while feeling slightly guilty
“He gave it to you so he must have known how much was in the bundle. Don't worry about it right now.” Kogenta said as he stared at the human teen with eyes that pierced the same as any bullet would
Riku looked to the floating tiger and then to the money in his hand before nodding to himself and running to where he had seen Micheal walk off. Being in a boat club had toned Riku and the brown haired boy was able to catch up to his black haired classmate within minutes.
“Oy, Micheal-san.” The black haired teen turned to see Riku run up to him and then bend over from the exhaustion while panting
“Riku-sama, what are you…?” Micheal was about to ask what Riku was doing when the brown haired boy held out the wad of bills
“This is far to much for you to have to pay. Here.” Riku took Micheal's hand and deposited the money into his palm. The black haired teen viewed the money that had been returned to him for a minute and then peer into Riku's face.
“Not many would have returned this amount of money to me Riku-sama. You have a very pure heart for someone so young and I admire that. There is 400,000 yen in this roll and I want you to take it. I will tell you why when I come to your place tonight.” The depth of Micheal's word froze Riku in a way that nothing short of a youkai attack could and the violet-eyed teen was taken aback
Micheal smiled to Riku before heading down the street and disappearing without another word being said. Riku blinked once or twice and then looked back to the money given back to him.
“See, I told you to just not worry about it.” Kogenta said while hovering on the side of Riku with an annoyed look on his face again
“That wouldn't have been right Kogenta. I couldn't have just took his money like that.” said Riku tried to make his shikigami partner understand
“But he gave you the money anyway so let's just leave it at that.” Kogenta told his human while smirking superiorly
“Hai Kogenta. I guess you're right.” Riku smiled up to the transparent shikigami and then walked onward home
Riku never noticed Momo who he had left behind struggle to run up to him and then stumble before falling down onto the ground. Riku had run for almost a half a mile without stopping and although they both were in the boat club Momo didn't have the brown haired boy's stamina.
Back at his house Riku prayed to the small shrine in front of his home and then walked into the silent building. It had been weeks since Souma and Nazuna had moved out and the little place was starting o feel lonely. Of course Kogenta was around to keep Riku company but it wasn't the same. Riku would never admit it but he longed to have someone close to him at night, the brown haired boy remembered the feel of Souma's weight on top of his chest when they slept at night and it brought a shadow of a smile onto Riku's face.
Shaking his head Riku pushed away the emptiness within his heart and decided to be happy. Souma and Yuuma's family had made up and were together again, Nazuna had returned to her temple Masomi was back with his family and friends and everyone was happy. Recent youkai attacks aside, the world was peaceful again, it was just that sometimes the brown haired teen wondered when his grandfather would return. Riku hadn't heard or received news of the old man in months and it was beginning to make Riku feel very sad inside. He had no family and no one to look after him, save Kogenta and the violet-eyed teen couldn't help but think he was abandoned…again.]
“Oy, Riku. Aren't you going to start cooking before you need to study.” the voice of Kogenta called out while looking down at the human lost in his own personal hell
Kogenta had been with Riku long enough to know when to snap the teen from his inner thoughts before he drowned in his sorrows. Though Riku might have been a strong Toujinshi and a hero to some he was truly just a child at heart. The white tiger shikigami never knew what it was like before to care and worry about the life of another but with Riku he had to be extra careful to monitor the brown haired Toujinshi's moods. Sometimes, if he were left to his own thoughts, Riku could become depressed and shut everything out in order to protect himself. Kogenta was learning to not let this happen in fear that he would lose the boy to his own demons. The Byakko had promised himself that he would never allow that to happen…Riku meant too much to him to let that happen now or ever.
Watching Riku busy himself in the kitchen Kogenta thought back to the strange human he had seen in Riku's class today. Something about that human sent his senses on haywire and the shikigami knew enough to keep Riku away from him. He cursed to himself when he thought about the money that the boy had offered to his Toujinshi and the fact that the glasses wearing human would be moving in soon. He had to look nonchalant though because if Riku got suspicious then he could get in way over his head and something could happen to him. Kogenta didn't know why but after that attack on the human city days ago he had a feeling that Riku would, that something would happen to his human partner soon.
A chilling dread settled over Kogenta's heart as he thought about the safety of Riku and if it were to be compromised. A while ago it would have been nothing to ignore whatever might happen and just deal with it later but…not now. Not after so much had happened; the lies, the betrayal, the pain, the suffering, the joy, the laughter and the bond that had been made stronger than ever before. No, Kogenta couldn't risk it now, not when he understood what it meant to worry for another and their safety. For Riku's safety…
Looking to the front door Kogenta felt the presence of someone coming and yelled out to Riku. The brown haired boy yelped as something spilt onto the floor and then went to answer the door.
“Micheal-san hello. Here let me get that for you.” Riku offered and then took the small bag the black haired boy was carrying
Riku carried the bag to one of the guest rooms and then deposited onto the floor before stepping out and looking at the teen. When he saw the young man looking to where Kogenta was floating he immediately got nervous.
“Is something wrong Micheal-san?” Riku managed to stammer out while grabbing onto his drive and walking around to the kitchen
“Your friend doesn't like me.” Micheal said evenly
“My friend?” Riku asked while hoping he could deny everything
“The white tiger that keeps glaring at me. He's floating beside you on your right.” the black teen said while pointing in Kogenta's direction
Riku didn't know what to say and just stood facing Micheal for a few moments before sighing and then putting his hand to the back of his head. Riku started to explain but a hand from the glasses wearing teen stopped him.
“It's fine, we can speak when you are ready so don't force yourself. The room you put my bag in will be mine, correct?” Micheal moved to the room and then opened it up to look inside. The small area would be perfect for him after some minor adjustments. Nodding the teen closed the door and looked to Riku who had returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess he had made.
When Riku had finished cooking he set down the food he had made and added an extra place for Micheal to eat. The black haired American nodded to Riku before sitting down and praying over his food. The two teens ate in silence with neither looking to the other and before long the food was finished and taken away. Once the trash was cleaned Riku returned to the table and set the wad of bills on the table between himself and Micheal and soon the air around them grew tense.
“Micheal-san, you said before that you would explain about this…so would you please do so?” Riku asked while gazing into the silver eyes of the teen sitting across from him
“Please call forth the white tiger then. He is apart of this situation as well as yourself Riku.” Micheal countered Riku with his request but the brown haired Toujinshi accepted his challenge and summoned Kogenta. Once the white Byakko was called forth he stared at the human before him and then planted himself next to his human partner and waited.
“So Riku, this is the spirit I had heard of. Kogenta of the Byakko. Destroyer of Kyoto, slayer of demons, executioner of shikigami and ally of the house of the Ten-ryuu.” Micheal's eyes seemed to take on an unholy light as he regarded the shikigami before him with honor and contempt.
“What the hell are you talking about!?” Kogenta rose from the ground and snarled at the human sitting before him before a gentle hand from Riku settled his anger and brought him back to the floor. With a humph Kogenta seated himself next to his Toujinshi and turned away from Micheal.
“Do you deny anything I have said? Are you not the one responsible for the destruction of Kyoto 1000 years ago? Are you not the same creature who has slain both demons and spirits in your long life? Have you not also taken the lives of shikigami such as yourself? Have you or have you not aligned yourself with the Ten-ryuu not only once but multiple times, even now?” Micheal accused and with every question the light in the room seemed to dim
“I don't remember Kyoto and how the hell would you know anything about that!?” Kogenta growled while curling his fist into a ball and digging his claws into the palm of his paw
“Whether you remember or not is not a fact. What is true it whether or not you have taken the lives of humans before and will you take lives again?” the black haired boy moved not an inch from where he sat but the shadows in the room appeared to dance around his figure
“I don't remember…” Kogenta said while looking down at the table and thinking back
“Kogenta may have done those things long ago but he would never do them now!” Riku, who had been silent until now, spoke up in a shout as he defended his shikigami with unshaken conviction
“Never say never Riku. Your faith in your friend is admirable but a weapon doesn't care who uses it just what it is designed to do. This shikigami has taken lives of humans at the behest of a human once before and it may happen again.” Micheal spoke with an ominous tone that could have sent shivers up the spines of anyone near him
“That may have been true but Kogenta would never do something like that willingly. I…” Riku started to say as he looked to the white tiger before turning away quickly
“Noble, I must say but you can not make such a claim. Your life will end one day and his will continue on until the day this world rots away. There will be any who use him for their own gains and make this shikigami kill others and what will he be able to do? Nothing can change what has taken place long ago and history can only repeat itself. Someday Kogenta will kill a human and there is nothing that can be done to change that.” the shadows surrounding Micheal squirmed and writher while caressing the black haired boy like a tamed animal but the light that burned in Riku's soul never let them touch either himself or Kogenta.
“Maybe what you say is true and maybe it will happen but I know that Kogenta would never let that happen willingly. There may be someone who would use him but Kogenta could never take a human's life willingly and that's what matters.” Riku looked at Micheal with a light burning from his eyes that pushed the shadows away. Kogenta, on the other hand, beheld his Toujinshi in a way that he never had before and felt the force of his human partner's steady emotions roll into himself like the tide
“So you say. People like you Riku are strong but too naïve, I see now why Kogenta and your spirits intertwined within the great sea of spirits. Your gentle ideals will only be crushed without the power to stand before the coming trials set before you. Very soon you will be challenged like you never had been before and you will need much strength to survive. Kogenta, if you care for Riku in any sense at all, you will have to become stronger than you already are. The weight of the world will fall onto both his and another's shoulders and he will have to be ready.” Micheal prophesized as he turned to look from human to shikigami
“What are you talking about? Who are you?” Kogenta felt the fur on his body rise up in fear as he looked at the boy sitting across from himself and Riku. This was no human sitting in Riku's home; this was something else.
“I am one who has watched the world from a shroud of darkness for along time. I watched the birth of many nations and the destruction of many more civilizations. I have seen all manner of creatures in this world and others and I am here now to warn you that something with great power and reverence is coming. The figures that appeared before you are just the first wave of what is to come. If you and your human are to survive you must become stronger. I have come to help and observe your progress and how you shall live and die.” Micheal said before a steady wind picked up and his black hair flew around him
“What is coming?” Riku asked while resisting the power flowing from the being before him. Riku felt the tail of Kogenta wrap around him in a comforting hold and settled himself for whatever was to come.
“I don't know but you and the others must be ready. Long ago the spirits of this world gave the power of nature to humans and humans misused it. The world suffered greatly from the abuse of their gift to humans and so the power was taken away. Millennia later the spirits formed together and became what is known today as shikigami and even then their power was misused by humans. Soon the power once given to humans will return and man will once again misuse the powers bestowed unto them. But this time, something is coming to rip apart everything, human, spirit, shikigami and even this world. In order to survive the world must change, this earth must grow and heal from the taint of humans and many will suffer. You and the Toujinshi as well as the shikigami and spirits must unite and lead this world to a change. I will help by giving you what power I can but it will be up to you to be ready.” Micheal warned before the wind settled down and stilled completely
Riku placed on of his hands on Kogenta's tail and squeezed it gently before looking up to Micheal and speaking with confidence.
“Whatever will happen, we will save this world. Both shikigami and humans together. Right, Kogenta!” Riku asked while gazing into the face of his best friend
“Yah, no matter what we will do what it takes to protect this world. I'll always be with you Riku, n matter what!” Kogenta exclaimed and nodded his head to his Toujinshi
“Touching. As I said before Riku, you are very special. Beware though, much suffering will grip this world and you may lose heart but if the bond between you both is as strong as it seems then you will perceiver. Take what I've given you as a gift and I will give you and the other Toujinshi and shikigami all the information I can on what is to come.” Micheal told the boy before rising up and heading to his room without another word being said
After that little show it was more than easy to get the Toujinshi and shikigami together and give them bits and pieces of information just to keep them from suspecting anything. No one batted an eyelash at `Micheal' and it was a very convenient role to play while I wormed my way into the hearts of each Toujinshi. I learned the weakness of each shikigami, the strength of the bond between them and their Toujinshi, the fears of each shikigami, and just how far they would go to save the life of their human partner. And just to be sure I tested every one of them, one by one, by one until I knew without a doubt which would serve my purpose and which were useless to me. That is how I have come to this current headache; it seems that Riku has been having `weird dreams' as he puts it.
The brown haired Ten-ryuu says that he can't remember what his dreams are and just that they make him feel `strange'. There is also the fact that Riku says that he wakes up with his backside burning and his legs almost autotrophy under him when he tries to get up. Now since I've been alive along time Riku's symptoms sound like…
Just to be absolutely sure, here I am floating outside of Riku's window looking at the brown haired boy drooling on his pillow and holding his drive in hand. The young Toujinshi was tossing and turning and his face scrunched up as if he was having some kind of nightmare but he remained asleep through it all. Like a cat who would chase something in their dreams Riku clawed the air and made soft sounds from his throat that may have been words but I was too far from him to clearly understand.
I was starting to wonder if maybe Riku had been exercising the whole night from his dreams and that was why he was so sore in the morning when I saw the master drive give off a gentle glow. Looking closer I was able to see the form of Kogenta emerge and then stand over the sleeping Toujinshi. His back was turned so I couldn't see exactly what it was that he was doing but I new better than to move any closer. I wasn't sure just how sensitive shikigami were to other spiritual energies and didn't want to interfere if what I thought was going to happen was going to go down.
I watched as Kogenta kneeled down to Riku's sleeping body and brush his white and blue-stripped knuckles across the human's face. The move told a lot about care and concern as well as deep seeded passion and need. Humans today don't understand that it's about the little touches and caresses that make one burn as brightly as a supernova. Kogenta traced gentle patterns over Riku's cherubic face and watched as the young teen nuzzled into his furry paw and make soft cries like a cat being scratched just the right way. Kogenta's paw trailed from Riku's face down to the boy's lips and neck and a single claw scrapped over the tan neck of the brown haired Toujinshi. Riku arched at the touch and I could see the ivory talon puncture Riku's throat and draw back letting a small bead of crimson free.
When white tiger shikigami bent low and swept his tongue over Riku's throat and Adam's apple a small cry left Riku and echoed over the walls of his bedroom and even escaped into my field of hearing. I tried to see more but I held still in anticipation for whatever would come next. Kogenta drew away from Riku and then started to take his claw and slice threw the boy's t-shirt. The material gave way to the ivory talon as it passed through the fabric and set free Riku's developing body. The young Toujinshi had miniature muscles along his chest and abs from all of the rowing and running he did in the boat club and fighting youkai. Even still the teen was maturing nicely and in a few more years he would defiantly be quite a sight to the ladies, but I have a feeling that only Kogenta will get the pleasure of seeing what Riku was really like underneath his clothing.
The white and blue-stripped Byakko delved his tongue over the freed flesh of Riku's chest and upper torso as his claw made way to the base of the young man's shirt. When his talon found no more resistance Kogenta brought his furry paw back up and began to run his hand over his Toujinshi's stomach. Riku was letting out more and more moans of pleasure from the white tiger's torturous care and I was amazed that he hadn't woken as of yet. Kogenta busied himself with the brown haired teen's shoulders as he tasted the skin of the young man and then bathed his cute little nipples with teeth and tongue. Riku was panting and groaning with each lap of the Byakko's red muscle over his sensitive nubs and with every nip the brown haired teen would gasp and sigh in utter rapture.
Kogenta seemed to like the way his human sounded and played with the teen's body at his leisure, his tail would wave back and forth with the golden bell on his tail end chiming, almost innocently. Once finished his game the tiger shikigami moved down Riku's body coating the stomach with his saliva and nipping the flesh until blossoms of red bloomed. Kogenta's paw, which had lowered itself down Riku's body to his sleeping pants, was kneading the young man's groin and seemed to tease and taunt the gift inside the protective barrier of the pants. The teen began to cry out as a bulge grew larger and larger under Kogenta's paw until the tiger's hand moved away and then reached inside of Riku's pants. This time Riku's eyes fluttered open a bit and partly open as Kogenta's hand wrapped around his pulsing organ and squeeze gently.
Riku made some kind of murmurs I couldn't exactly make out before he opened his eyes fully and took in the sight below him. To say the least the young man was very surprised an opened his mouth to say…something. It could have been a cry, a curse, a shout, a moan but all I could see was that he was flabbergasted about the whole scene. Now I would see what had been going on for so long, obviously Kogenta had been having a little roll in the sack with Riku but now the boy was awake. So how would the white tiger handle this…inconvenience?
Kogenta looked up at his Toujinshi and for the first time since I had seen Riku the boy looked very afraid. Damn it, I couldn't see the tiger's face from my vision point and risked what I knew might have been a colossal mistake but I just had to know. I phased into the room and moved until I was floating completely over Riku's head, thankfully I had cast a spell to keep me invisible to the naked eye, and what I saw made me afraid. Kogenta's eyes were completely red, not just bloodshot no they were fully crimson. There were no pupils or retinas just glowing ruby orbs that made me think of a few demons I had known. If Kogenta was in his Daokoujin form this would have been normal or even if he were using the `Heaven Style Drunken Punch' attack I would have said fine but this was just…wrong.
The white and blue-stripped tiger was…I don't know how to put it; enraged, angered, furious, and berserk but none of those words could describe the shikigami. He wasn't attacking the brown hired teen but there was the feeling as if Riku made a false move the Byakko would harm him in some way. Riku started to hyperventilate as he watched his supposedly best friend look to him in a way he saved only for enemies and not someone he would worry about. The white tiger made his move when he reached up to become eye level with his Toujinshi and then sent himself forward without warning. Two pairs of lips met and before I could blink Kogenta was forcing his tongue in Riku's mouth, claiming the boy from the inside. The violet eyed teen widen his eyes as his best friend took his mouth almost violently and then devoured him with a ferocity that made me realize just how much of an animal Kogenta really was.
Once Kogenta had stolen the breath from Riku he pulled away leaving a single strand of silver connecting them together and then it snapped. The white tiger's eyes took on a more demonic radiance as he returned to what he was doing before the young man awoke. Riku seemed to be in a daze of sorts as he swayed a little before falling back to the futon with a thump. His eyes seemed glassy as if he was drunk and his breathing was labored. The brown haired teen had to take slow breaths as he used all of his energy just to breath in and out and I watched as his once rapidly beating heart slow down until I could count its beats with one hand for every beat. I wondered it Kogenta had somehow done something supernatural to Riku because most human hearts didn't beat as slowly as Riku's was even when they were asleep but the drive laid undisturbed in the young man's hand. But then again…
Kogenta returned to mapping the plains of the brown haired teen's stomach and his hand continued to grip Riku's manhood in a vice like hold. When he had had enough of his Toujinshi's salty flesh Kogenta used his other hand to tear away the teen's pants and undergarments. The white tiger exposed Riku's lower body to the warm night's air and I could see even better just what was going on. The Byakko was not just holding and clasping Riku in his hand he was also stroking the flesh and massaging it in his silky paw. The violet-eyed Toujinshi had to gasp at the way his shikigami was handling him and soon the flesh between Kogenta's paw hardened even more than it already was.
It didn't take much but soon small beads of clear fluid leaked from Riku's manhood and the room began to fill with the musky scent that always came from intimacy. Looking up at his human and then back to the leaking organ Kogenta bowed himself low and took a gentle sniff of the teen. The scent of Riku must have appealed to white tiger because he growled and purred while taking his face and caressing the young man's thighs and legs with his own personal odor. I had seen this before with animals were they would rub all over each other and to cover their mate in their own scent as a sign that they were a mated pair. Was that was Kogenta was doing? Was he scent marking Riku as his mate and taking in the scent of Riku in return?
I watched longer and saw that when Kogenta was satisfied with his gesture he looked at Riku before taking a claw and putting it in his mouth. The shikigami kept his hold over Riku's member and used his claws to toy with the brown haired Toujinshi's slit atop his manhood and Riku couldn't help but jerk at the sensations. The sensitive head of any male's penis when stimulated could drive men to cry out with such force that nearby structures sometimes vibrated but since Riku was so young all his youthful voice could do was send tingles up both my and Kogenta's spines. I looked as the white tiger shivered and nearly bit his clawed finger in half as he snarled from Riku's beautiful tenor sending waves of liquid passion through him. Once his finger was moist enough for the shikigami he pulled it away, with a few drops of blood from his fangs piercing him, and then raised Riku's legs up.
I forget that Kogenta is stronger than an average human and that he could easily crush every bone in Riku's boy as soon as he could haul the boy into the air. When Riku's lower half was finally up and his cute pink pucker was bared for Kogenta to view the Byakko lightly traced his talon over the ring of Riku's anus. The brown haired teen shivered from the way the white tiger's claw tickled his most sensitive area and then when his muscles finally relaxed enough Kogenta pushed his claw into the young man. It had to hurt because Riku cried out and squirmed from the pain he must have been feeling. His body writhed on the futon and small tears welled in his eyes before rushing down his face onto the sleeping mat.
Kogenta looked to his human and then dug his finger deeper into the boy before he made soft little sounds that seemed to be like a cat calming its kit. Riku's ears twitched just a fraction at the quiet keens and this seemed to settle the teen down enough as his cries turned to sobs and then died all together. The young man's body shook gently while he tried to calm himself and ride out the pain of Kogenta's claw pricking his inner muscles. I knew the pain would be more than uncomfortable from my own experiences with the more bestial side of nature. Claws hurt when they enter into you and it was natural that the young man would feel discomfort and a little pain but I could tell that even though Kogenta may have been out of his mind currently, he was careful with his Toujinshi. No…his mate.
Done with the preparation Kogenta removed his claw from Riku's backside and then set the boy gently down onto the futon. The white tiger's sharpened claw was covered in small smears of blood some of which I knew to be Riku's but the shikigami just gazed up to his human mate and then relieved himself of his rope belt. The twisted belt fell to the floor like a normal piece of rope would and then the red pants the Byakko was wearing were eased down to reveal a very large and impressive shaft of flesh. It was amazing that Kogenta was so well endowed but then again, I never knew shikigami had sexual organs. The malehood that the white tiger was blessed with had to have been at least nine inches long, he didn't have a sheathe but a fleshy pole almost reminiscent of a human's with a large set of hanging orbs underneath.
The white tiger's length was colored the same as the rest of his body with a mushroom crown that was deep red. Kogenta didn't waste much time before he crawled over Riku and then set himself in position to penetrate the young human. His hands rested on either side of the teen's head and his ruby eyes glared above the brown haired boy's face. Once the Byakko was looking into the eye of his Toujinshi he pushed himself forward and entered into Riku. The young man let out a wail of silent pain as the white tiger's malehood forced its way into him with out mercy. The tears that had stopped flowing began again as Riku reached out and grabbed onto Kogenta's arms. The boy held onto his shikigami in a death grip as he waited for the pain in his rear to finally died down. The white tiger wasn't helping the fact as he pushed more and more of himself inside of the already hurting teen, but once his full length was housed inside of Riku's body the white tiger settled down almost completely.
Kogenta's ruby eyes held no emotion in them as the shikigami peered down upon his human but his body told a different story. The large white tiger purred deep in his chest and the vibrations made his entire form quiver and this in turn let Riku's body harmonize itself with Kogenta's. The purrs had a dual side effect, one they calmed the hurting teen and two the force of the gentle rhythms made Riku take his mind off of the pain he was in and look up to the shikigami above him. Maybe it was the fact that Riku thought this was all a dream or maybe Riku, somewhere deep down in his soul, wanted to feel Kogenta inside of him but no matter the brown haired teen released his iron grip on his best friend and then look the white tiger straight in the eyes. Violet met ruby and Riku rose up just a bit and locked his lips with Kogenta's.
The purrs from Kogenta increased in magnitude and soon he began to slowly rock his furry hips back and forth. The movement caused Riku to gasp into the kiss that he shared with the Byakko but the teen choose not to release what he was sharing with Kogenta. Leisurely, like a wondrous torture, Kogenta pulled himself almost completely from inside of his human mate only to slide back into the heat that was Riku just as quickly as he had left. The motions made them both moan and shiver and neither could tell when the act between them became consensual. At first Riku seemed afraid and startled by his best friend doing these things to him without any form of consent, but as the white tiger struck the pleasure spot within him over and over and a fire built up inside spreading outward, Riku unknowingly showed how much he liked what was happening. The young boy tried to force Kogenta's length back into his body as the Byakko withdrew and as Kogenta returned to the haven that was Riku's inner sanctum the brown haired boy would push himself further into his best friend.
Moans, cries, and yelps could be heard as these two mated with each other faster with ever growing passion. Kogenta roared into the night as he rammed into Riku over and over and with every stroke of his hips, every slam of his body to the brown haired Toujinshi the intimacy between them grew fiercer. The eyes of Kogenta burned red and then the white tiger closed them only to snap his orbs back open and then take Riku's neck in his fangs. The young man cried out but never once tried to escape the prison made for him by his shikigami. Riku drew his tanned hands up around Kogenta's frame and then pushed the white Byakko even deeper into himself. Kogenta bit his mate's neck and small drops of blood rained down around his mouth only to spill onto the futon and color the mattress red. No matter what pain he was feeling Riku rode the tide of pleasure that he and his shikigami were sharing and as Kogenta thrust even harder into the boy he feelings grew more and more.
With a shout Kogenta lodged himself into Riku one more time and then release the teen's neck and roar out into the night. The force of his call rattled the buildings but none of that mattered as the white tiger planted the seed of his life into the most precious person to him. Riku shouted as well and the musky scent of male sex perfumed the small bedroom before the young man passed out. Kogenta panted above his mate and looked at him and in a single moment I saw it…Kogenta's love for Riku. It burned in his eyes more than anything I had seen before and right now the Byakko could say no words within all the world's history that would express himself better than the look in his eyes did at this moment. When he had caught his breath Kogenta pulled back from Riku and then withdrew from the brown haired boy's body. Amazingly, Riku whimpered from the lose of Kogenta inside of himself but the tiger shikigami made no move to leave and instead raised the lower half of his human up again.
Staring to the small trail of liquid that was streaming down Riku's legs Kogenta gave a smirk and then began to lap up his spilt seed. His tongue cleaned the fluid that was coating the youth's legs up to where the source was and dove inside of Riku to ease and stop any more seed from leaking out. The gesture was kind and loving as Kogenta made sure to properly care for his human mate and ease any pain he might feel later.
I, to say the least, could not believe what had just happened. Phasing out from the bedroom I watched until I could barley make out the sight of Kogenta lapping at Riku's rear and then flew onto a passing cloud. The sun would be up in a few more hours and I didn't know what to do. This has never happened before as I can remember and it really throws my whole plan out of whack. If Kogenta loves Riku enough to basically have his way with the boy then what did this mean for the bond between them? What about the other Toujinshi and shikigami? Were their bonds just as strong? Maybe even stronger? How could I be sure? I would have to re-evaluate them all now…
I was too confused to handle this right now and would think of something later. Yes, tomorrow I would see just how Kogenta would react if at all and then make an assumption. I would fly back down to my human body and then deal with this…situation tomorrow.