Original Poetry Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ V-Day Dance ❯ One-Shot
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V-Day Dance
I sit all alone at the annual V-Day
All dolled up in silk red and raven
black spirals
All of the of couples have someone
but not me
Plenty of men have asked me to dance
with them but I refused
I want him to dance with me
But I know that's not going to
He's with her
I hate that little slut
She's just trashy
But then,
I notice that someone is standing
over me
I slowly look up from
my umesake and see him!
“Will you dance with me?” he asked
I look around to see if this is a joke
I found that she has left him for another man
I smile smartly and say,
Then, I get up and dance with his as usual
Just as I knew I would win in the end