Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ A teenagers book of depressing poems. ❯ Sleepless ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'll be up when the sun has left the sky
When the dark mingles with the light,
I'll be up when the sun shines dimly orange,
before it leaves and becomes twilight

When the morning heat has left the air,
and the night's chill comes sweeping forth
I will arise and wake,
to the soothing song of the moon.

Where the stars twinkles so brightly,
and the sad melody comes lilting forth,
I will awake as the nightmares come,
and banish them until the next time I wake.

But if there is no next time,
and I'm trapped forever in my slumber,
at least I'll have that song,
locked away in my heart and I'll always remember.