Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Book of Imaginings ❯ Christmas Colours ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Squealing children in the sky
Tear through wrapping paper dirt
To gobble up the Christmas cookies -
Crumbly cookies made of dirt
With icing made of blood and shirt.
Christmas colours on the shirt
From the presents in the chest
That found them waiting in the west
From Santa Clauses in the east.
Red blood leaching into green
Of shirt and coat, the uniform
That's over muscle 'round the bone.
Red blood twisting 'round the bone.
Candy-cane stripes made of bone,
And of blood, and of shirt,
Waiting patient in the dirt
That sprawls beneath the red-green chest
Resting quiet in the west
Along the ribbons of the front.
Why were they there on the front
Where they die in ribbon-lines
When they could have wined and dined?
Instead they stain green shirts with red
Because of presents made of lead
That find them out there in the west
And hide away inside the chest.
Red blood leaches into shirt,
Christmas colours on the dirt.
Tear through wrapping paper dirt
To gobble up the Christmas cookies -
Crumbly cookies made of dirt
With icing made of blood and shirt.
Christmas colours on the shirt
From the presents in the chest
That found them waiting in the west
From Santa Clauses in the east.
Red blood leaching into green
Of shirt and coat, the uniform
That's over muscle 'round the bone.
Red blood twisting 'round the bone.
Candy-cane stripes made of bone,
And of blood, and of shirt,
Waiting patient in the dirt
That sprawls beneath the red-green chest
Resting quiet in the west
Along the ribbons of the front.
Why were they there on the front
Where they die in ribbon-lines
When they could have wined and dined?
Instead they stain green shirts with red
Because of presents made of lead
That find them out there in the west
And hide away inside the chest.
Red blood leaches into shirt,
Christmas colours on the dirt.