Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Poetry ❯ My Rain ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Rain
-Stephanie Shane 2/27/06
Drip-Drop; it calls to me,
I don't answer.
Drip-Drop; come dance with me,
my meek okay.
Drip-Drop; lose yourself in me,
I'm already lost.
Drip-Drop; be with me,
Drip-Drop; I'll hold you tight,
it's just dance.
Drip-Drop; be mine this night,
Drip-Drop; dance tonight,
I'm tired.
Drip-Drop; just tonight,
of coarse.
Drip-Drop; I must leave,
no, please, stay.
Drip-Drop; don't cry
it's the rain.
Drip-Drop; dawn's here, I must go,
don't leave.
Drip-Drop; I'll be back wait for me,
no goodbyes.
Drip.........Drop; goodbye; a whisper, on the wind.