Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What have I become?
A creature with no heart,
That would turn on it's own mother.
It's own family.
Death seeks me.
I hide from it.
It smells my fear.
My angst.
My malice.
My shame.
And my self-loathing.
I am disgusted with myself.
What have I done?
Living off the pain of others.
Caring only for myself.
My own cowardliness amazes me.
And yet I can always find in myself that I have sunken to an all-time low.
People show me kindness, compassion, love…
They gently show me my faults
My weaknesses.
But I lash out in anger
Thinking my own self perfect.
Too arrogant to acknowledge my deceit of myself.
I have become so selfish and everyone around me,
People avoid me.
Quickly glance at me and away.
With disgusted looks.
Whispers all around.
I can't play the victim anymore.
Ill never be loved nor cared for.
Because I'm a monster.