Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ My Never Ending Unhappiness ❯ My Never Ending Unhappiness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
My Never Ending Unhappiness

Gruesome nightmares plague my dreams,
Tired I am from the lack of sleep,
All caused by these alarming screams.
I’ve never beared witness to such pain that could reach so deep.

Nothing I do for distraction could ever erase these unwanted memories.
Terrifying events I wish would just leave me be.
Is release no option for the rest of the time I live, perhaps even centuries?
Will fates twisted eyes ever reveal to me the sight I desire to see?

Can I truly let myself forget,
My path of carnage and blood stained hands,
My words no mortal understands,
The life I’ve chosen I’’ll forever regret.

What does one do when all felicity has shattered?
Can you pick up the pieces on your own and make yourself whole?
Will you regain your senses and pursue the things that once really mattered?
Do the broken pieces of your world come back together, like my broken soul?

On my own, can I prevail against this horrendous shadowy darkness?
On my own, can I resist this frightening forlornness?
Though I try to hide behind a mask of anger and hate,
It will never be enough to redeem me of my fate.

Still I can always find a place to stay,
A place that keeps the rest of my monsters inside me at bay,
For only this immortal being keeps my tears away.
He my beloved, will stop me from being on destiny’s treacherous road astray.