Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Must I...? ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Must I...?

Must I be left behind?
I could've sworn you were just here.
If you left for a moment, I don't mind,
But please be near.

Must you go now?
Before you leave, say you love me.
For one second, remind me how....
How I once made you happy.

Must you forget me?
I thought I was more than your friend.
For once I thought someone would see,
That maybe once you would I'd fight with you to the end.

Must you feel that way?
I thought we were so happy...
But now...i'd be happy if, by your side, i'd stay.
Now...what do you want from me?

Must you forget that I love you?
I made a sacred vow.
How can you forget that I made the promise to be with you for life, too?
Tell me how.

Must you be blind to my pain?
I just want to be known as your love again.
It must be too much to ask, now that i'm slain,
It's too much for you to see me as more than a friend.

Must you leave me?
I see my polish has faded.
My value is gone and you want to be free,
I'd be in my corner shaded.

Must you not see?
Where am I with this pain?
I don't wish to away from you and free,
So i'll just stay here and cry in the rain.

Must I forget?
I'm in love with you forever.
Even with this pain, you're the best person i've ever met,
I couldn't leave you, never.