Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Poems ❯ Revolution, BAH ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The city's perfumes engulfs me,
Smothers and chokes me,
O how I do loath it.
Domination to the so called progress of the civilization
The noise never stops,
The horrid symphony of traffic
The hullabaloo of buildings elongating into the skies.
A need to escape overwhelms
To escape the noise that surrounds
Black words on a page mark the way to escape.
Of art and the mind,
Information overwhelms
The mind rests
But the clatter brakes throw
Always it brakes.
Domination to the so called progress of the civilization
To the west the mountains
To the east the fields
Both a symphony of beauty in their own unique colors
The breath of life overfills.
In the middle is the city
Bleak in the cold sterility
Stands proud the Calgary Tower
A laugh in itself
Domination to the so called progress of the civilization
The Curse we must embrace.
Write ten questions needed no know a person get someone to fill it out write a poem with a saying repeated 3X 3ed giving the punch line, incorporate the answers into the poem