Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Realms Of Time ❯ Under A Cherokee Moon, Part 2. ( Chapter 10 )
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**Under A Cherokee Moon**
"Under A Cherokee Moon" Part # 1.
"Looking Thru the Eyes of Time."
"Do thou comest unto me with a Pure & Noble Heart, Fair one?"
If thou feelist that thee is worthy...
Then I welcome thee into my small castle by the sea,
known to many Knight's and Artist's as: "Cherokee Moon."
If thee have cometh after thine own heart, then thee must pass the tests;
as is written upon the pages that lay before thee:
#1. "Lost but nought, Always Searching, Forever in Limbo."
"Caught betwinst this world and yonder life."
"Past, Present, and Future."
#2. "If the eyes are the windows to the soul,
Then what is the pathway to my heart?"
"If thee think'ist that thee is ready to verbally spout these words unto me;
then comest now, unto me; for I am ready to listen to that
which should make'th my heart sing...and my eyes fillith with tears of joy!"
One day, I will find the right soul partner that can answer
all that I have askith here, and nought.
There are several Knights in thine kingdom, that have comest in thy quests,
to seekith to touch my heart and my soul...but nay,
none have been able to solve the riddle, that layeth before them.
"To findest my truest love of all time...
it would be all that I would ever seekith...
For when this day becomest a reality,
I will no-longer grieve within my eternal soul...
For that day, will last forever till the end of time!"
"Love cometh many times and in many forms...
" For those that never found love, I shareth thy pain...
"And yet, a part of me....wonders; why?
"I say unto them that may never knowest truest love,
"Let thy heart be healed within themselves...
" And their souls be set free!"
"By Looking thru the Eyes of Time."
Jacqueline Bird
Copyright ©2007 Jacqueline Sue Bird
[ Originally written & copyright on Nov.18th,2001 at www.poetry.com ]
"Under A Cherokee Moon" Part # 1.
"Looking Thru the Eyes of Time."
"Do thou comest unto me with a Pure & Noble Heart, Fair one?"
If thou feelist that thee is worthy...
Then I welcome thee into my small castle by the sea,
known to many Knight's and Artist's as: "Cherokee Moon."
If thee have cometh after thine own heart, then thee must pass the tests;
as is written upon the pages that lay before thee:
#1. "Lost but nought, Always Searching, Forever in Limbo."
"Caught betwinst this world and yonder life."
"Past, Present, and Future."
#2. "If the eyes are the windows to the soul,
Then what is the pathway to my heart?"
"If thee think'ist that thee is ready to verbally spout these words unto me;
then comest now, unto me; for I am ready to listen to that
which should make'th my heart sing...and my eyes fillith with tears of joy!"
One day, I will find the right soul partner that can answer
all that I have askith here, and nought.
There are several Knights in thine kingdom, that have comest in thy quests,
to seekith to touch my heart and my soul...but nay,
none have been able to solve the riddle, that layeth before them.
"To findest my truest love of all time...
it would be all that I would ever seekith...
For when this day becomest a reality,
I will no-longer grieve within my eternal soul...
For that day, will last forever till the end of time!"
"Love cometh many times and in many forms...
" For those that never found love, I shareth thy pain...
"And yet, a part of me....wonders; why?
"I say unto them that may never knowest truest love,
"Let thy heart be healed within themselves...
" And their souls be set free!"
"By Looking thru the Eyes of Time."
Jacqueline Bird
Copyright ©2007 Jacqueline Sue Bird
[ Originally written & copyright on Nov.18th,2001 at www.poetry.com ]