Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ Seven poems ❯ Seven Poems ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In the Shadows
I hide in the Shadows
Alone and cold.
What I loved is gone,
What I cherished is dead.
I live in the shadows,
Dead, but alive.
I hide from the light,
Shrinking back as it nears me,
Screaming as it touches me.
A figure in the light,
A hand is offered.
I think:
“Am I really up to this?
Can I live again?”
Painstakingly slowly,
I accept the hand,
Allow myself to live again.
I'm out of the shadows,
I'm in the light,
I live my life,
Like you never left.
I have no heart,
I have no soul,
I'm dead inside,
Emotionless puppet.
Glazed over eyes,
I don't exist,
So please,
Don't cry.
What can I do?
In the shadows it lurks,
Calling out my name.
I try to run away,
I never get that far.
I scream and cry,
Just like you,
But no matter how hard I try,
I'm caught in the middle,
Torn in two,
Who do I save,
Me… or you?
I broke the rules,
I fell in love with you.
Because of this,
I've fallen from grace.
I'm a fallen angel,
Broken wings of white,
Broken soul of pure,
All that is whole,
Is my heart that beats for you.
How can I cry,
When I have no tears?
How can I fly,
If I have no wings?
How can I dream.
When I'm afraid to close my eyes?
How can I speak,
When all I can do is scream?
How can I hope,
When there's no freedom?
Tell me,
How can I live,
When I'm doomed to die?
I want nothing to do,
With someone like you.
You broke my heart,
You tore it apart,
You left me to pick up the pieces.
Now here I lay,
And here I cry,
Left broken and unwanted.
Hou Kitsune
Hair as red as fire,
Skin as pale as porcelain.
Eyes, sharp and wise beyond one's years,
Gold in color,
Liquid state,
Warm as a summer's day.
Sly as a fox,
Sweet as sugar,
Strength lies within,
Pushed to hide.
Past of blood,
Present of danger,
Future… Unknown.