Original Poetry Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Aaronson ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

You Don't Understand
You don't understand
What it's like to be in the corner
Facing down the biggest kid in school
Who's calling you names
And you just want to scream
But all that seems to come out of you mouth
Is a whole lot of nothing.
You don't understand
What it's like to have a bad day
And it's your hundredth bad day in the last week
And eventually you can't take it anymore
And you have nothing else to do
But take it out on the guy next to you
And you do stuff you never meant to do
And you say stuff you never meant to say
And you want to say sorry
But you don't think that they'll forgive you.
You don't understand
To watch the bully from the sidelines
Taking down the littler kid
And you want to make it stop
You want to tell them that it's not right
But all you can seem to do
Is stop and stare.
I'd be much better
If all these people
Realized that someone out there